Half an hour for the wedding. Happy marriage of Lyubov Kazarnovskaya

The famous opera singer Lyubov Kazarnovskaya is well known and loved by all fans. opera art. She is not only a talented actress, but also an amazing woman, wife and mother. Kazarnovskaya Lyubov - biography, family, children, husband, history of victories, photos - our article will tell you everything.

Family and childhood

The future one was born opera star in an intelligent family that has nothing to do with music. Her father is a military man, general, diplomat, her mother is a teacher of Russian language and literature. Lyubov is the second child in the family, her older sister Natalya studied at the Faculty of Philology and today teaches students French at the Sorbonne University in Paris.

Opera "The Golden Calf", 1985

Since childhood, Lyubov showed a special interest in music: she not only attended vocal lessons, but also sang in a pop-jazz studio. After graduating from school, she decides to enter the institute. Gnesins.

How did Lyubov Kazarnovskaya come to opera?

Having received her diploma, the girl continues her studies at the Moscow Conservatory, where she completes her graduate studies. Nature rewarded Lyubov with a high, unique singing voice, so it was she who was able to perform one of the most difficult operatic roles as “Salome” by R. Strauss. It was this composition that became her calling card.

The singer's repertoire includes the performance of more than 60 opera parts, works chamber music. Only she was able to record all of Tchaikovsky's romances. And her colleagues on stage were such world famous people as L. Domingo, A. Pavarotti, J. Carreras and many others.

For many years she worked at the Mariinsky Theater. Each of her performances is an amazing, grandiose mini-performance. Lyubov Kazarnovskaya was able to prove herself as a film actress. She was invited to roles in such films as “The Gypsy Baron”, “Dark Instinct”, “Anna”. IN Lately the singer tries to devote more time to searching young talents. So, in 2011 she joined the jury of the program “The Phantom of the Opera”, in 2013 - in the show “One to One”, and in 2014 she was invited to evaluate the participants in the project “Exactly”.

Personal life - family and children

Kazarnovskaya Love: biography, family, children and, of course, husband are of interest to many of her fans. The only love Kazarnovskaya became producer Robert Roscicom. In 1989, Roscicom came to the capital to find performers with a unique soprano voice. Vienna Opera. Of course, among the gifted contestants was Lyubov Kazarnovskaya. The Viennese impresario immediately showed special girl special interest, with and not only business.

Lyubov Kazarnovskaya with her husband Robert Roscik

In 1989, Lyubov and Robert entered into a legal marriage, and in 1993 their son Andrei was born. For the sake of the birth of her child, Lyubov was ready to sacrifice a lot, even her career. The singer understood that childbirth could lead to a change in her voice. But she made up her mind and became a happy mother. Now their son Andrei Robertovich is studying violin at the Moscow Conservatory and in the future dreams of conducting a large symphony orchestra.

Lyubov Kazarnovskaya with her husband and son Andrey

Lyubov and Robert Roscicom have been together for more than twenty years. Their family is an example to follow. Recently, June 16, 2016, Opera singer celebrated her anniversary, she turned 60 years old. She became not only a world-famous star of the opera stage, but also a Doctor of Music, professor, vocal teacher, and also a member of the board of the Russian musical society.

Kazarnovskaya Lyubov: biography, family, children, personal life are inextricably linked with art, but at the same time her career did not prevent her from becoming happy wife and a caring mother.

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July 18, 1956 in Moscow. Her family, although intelligent, was not associated with opera music. Father - Yuri Kazarnovsky, reserve general, author of books on military history, mother - Lydia Kazarnovskaya, philologist, teacher of Russian language and literature. But the girl discovered her ability to sing very early; she always sang and studied music since childhood. Therefore, after graduating from school, I applied to the faculty of musical theater actors at the Gnesin Institute. But the teachers told the girl that she had a rare operatic voice with a unique timbre. When Kazarnovskaya began performing arias from operas by Verdi, Puccini, and Tchaikovsky, she realized that opera was her future.

In 1982, Lyubov Kazarnovskaya graduated from the Moscow State Conservatory, while still studying there she sang on the stage of the Stanislavsky and Nemirovich-Danchenko Musical Academic Theater. In 1985, she graduated from graduate school in the class of E.I. Shumilova.

Known to a wide circle lovers classical music became, receiving second prize at the All-Union Vocal Competition named after M. Glinka. Soon Kazarnovskaya was already singing solo roles in operas of the State Academic Bolshoi Theater“Iolanta” and “Eugene Onegin” by P. Tchaikovsky, “May Night” and “The Tale of the Invisible City of Kitezh” by N. Rimsky-Korsakov, “Pagliacci” by R. Leoncavallo, “La Boheme” by D. Puccini.

In 1984, the singer took first prize at the UNESCO Young Performers Competition in Bratislava and thus won global recognition. At the same time, she received third prize and an honorary honor at the Miriam Hellin Competition in Helsinki, and two years later she became a laureate of the Lenin Komsomol Prize.

In 1986, Lyubov Kazarnovska entered the Kirov State Academic Theater (now the Mariinsky) and was a soloist there for 3 years. Two years later, she successfully performed at London's Covent Garden, performing the role of Tatiana in Eugene Onegin. Then Kazarnovskaya did not leave the world's most famous opera stages: Covent Garden, Metropolitan Opera, Houston Grand Opera and many others.

In 1989, the singer met Viennese impresario Robert Roscik and married him. She continued to tour the world and perform the most difficult roles. For example, the role in R. Strauss’s opera “Salome” is still performed only by her. Even Strauss’s grandson, having heard her singing, said: “Probably, my grandfather had Kazarnovskaya in mind when he wrote this opera.” Kazarnovskaya’s repertoire includes more than 50 opera works and a variety of chamber music. She has produced many, collaborated and is collaborating with many outstanding masters of opera art - conductors R. Muti, J. Levine, K. Thielemann, D. Barenboim, B. Haitink, Yu. Temirkanov, E. Kolobov, V. Gergiev, directors F. Zeffirelli, A. Egoyan, M. Wikk, D. Taymor, D. Dew. She sang with L. Pavarotti, P. Domingo, J. Cura, J. Carreras and other outstanding performers, and participated in a wide variety of productions, including avant-garde productions.

In 1997, Kazarnovskaya created a foundation in her name to support the art of opera in Russia. As part of it, she organizes world concerts in our country. The singer also acted in films. The film “Anna” with her participation, directed by E. Ginzburg, received the “Grand Prix” at the “Literature and Cinema” film festival in Gatchina.

Love for Kazarnovskaya supervised by Children's Opera theatre of its name in the city of Dubna. She is studying social activities, is a Doctor of Music, Professor. She has been awarded many titles and awards.

Lyubov Yurievna Kazarnovskaya is an opera singer who made her debut in the opera “Eugene Onegin” as Tatiana. In the past - soloist of the Moscow Academic Musical theater, Mariinsky Theater (then the State Academic Theater named after Kirov). In 1989, a woman became the first Russian soprano singer invited to music Festival Salzburg by the great Herbert von Karajan. From that moment on, her dizzying career began on the international opera stage: the Metropolitan Opera, La Scala... last years Lyubov Kazarnovskaya is also involved in teaching.

Kazarnovskaya’s childhood and family

The hometown of Lyubov Kazarnovskaya is Moscow. Her mother, Lidia Ignatievna, was a philologist by training, taught Russian language and literature, and the baby’s father, Yuri Ignatievich, had the rank of reserve general, was engaged in military-political work, and was also a specialist in military history. When little Lyubov was born, her older sister Natalya was already growing up in the family. Subsequently eldest daughter Kazarnovskikh followed in the footsteps of her mother, a philologist, choosing the specialty “French grammar”.

Lyuba always liked to sing, the girl studied music seriously, but after graduation she decided to apply to the faculty foreign languages. Shortly before admission, she decided to try her luck and submitted documents to the vocal department of Gnesinka.

Very soon, the teachers paid attention to a student with a rare operatic voice that had a unique timbre. The Gnessin School was followed by the Moscow Conservatory, where the girl underwent graduate school, graduating in 1985. However, the turning point in his life, which influenced his future creative path, Lyubov always considered meeting with Fyodor Chaliapin’s accompanist and Stanislavsky’s former student, vocal teacher Nadezhda Malysheva-Vinogradova.

The beginning of the career of singer Lyubov Kazarnovskaya

In 1981, while studying at the capital's conservatory, Lyubov Yurievna made her debut as Tatiana in the opera Eugene Onegin. In 1984, she sang one of the main roles in the opera “The Tale of the Invisible City of Kitezh”, and also won the Grand Prix of the UNESCO Festival of Young Performers, held in Bratislava. In Pagliacci (production of 1985), the girl brilliantly performed the part of Nedda.

Since 1986, Lyubov Kazarnovskaya has been the leading soloist of the Mariinsky Theater. Her repertoire included many complex roles - “Don Juan”, “Faust”, “Force of Destiny”. Leonora from the last production forever became one of her favorite roles.

The triumph of Lyubov Kazarnovskaya in opera

The singer's first triumph abroad was her performance on the stage of Covent Garden - the same role of Tatiana from the opera Eugene Onegin. In 1989, the singer received an invitation from Herbert von Karajan to attend the summer festival. There the singer made her debut in Giuseppe Verdi's "Requiem" conducted by Riccardo Muti. Lyubov's performance was highly praised by the entire music world.

Lyubov Kazarnovskaya and Victoria Oganesyan - “Come Tomorrow”

This was the beginning successful career, which ultimately brought the singer with in a bright voice to the largest opera scenes world: Milan, San Francisco, London, New York, Chicago, Vienna. Her partners on stage in different time were the greatest opera singers modern times: Luciano Pavarotti, Placido Domingo and José Carreras.

Lyubov Kazarnovskaya in the program “Alone with Everyone”

For three years, starting in 1994, the opera singer collaborated with Mariinsky Theater and, in particular, with Valery Gergiev. In 1996, she made her debut at La Scala in the opera The Player.

Kazarnovskaya’s repertoire includes more than fifty parties; this truly brilliant singer was recognized best performer operas by Verdi, and also dubbed her “the best Salome of our time.”

Lyubov Kazarnovskaya – “Habanera”, opera “Carmen”

“The Lyubov Kazarnovskaya Foundation” is the name founded in 1997 opera diva a foundation whose main goal is the development and maintenance of opera in the country. Thanks to Kazarnovskaya, Russia has been visited more than once famous masters vocal art with valuable lessons and master classes. On behalf of the Lyubov Kazarnovskaya Foundation, concerts of world celebrities are often organized in Russia. To support and help young Russian talents, Kazarnovskaya, through her foundation, established special awards.

The opera singer also tried herself as an actress. In 1988, she starred in the role of Kira Danilova in the film “The Gypsy Baron.” In 2005, Kazarnovskaya appeared in two films at once: in the film “Anna,” viewers saw her in the role of singer Anna Romanova, the second film with her participation is called “Dark Instinct.” It is known that the film “Anna” was awarded the Grand Prix at the Gatchina Film Festival. The singer also voiced the evil sorceress Maleficent in the Russian dubbing of the Disney animated film “Sleeping Beauty.”

Kazarnovskaya currently

The singer devotes a lot of time to classes with the drag queen Ursula. This is about young performer from Ukraine – Artyom Semenov. The young man received a rare gift - he is one of the few people who have both male tenor and a completely unique female soprano.

In 2013, Lyubov Yuryevna, together with Gennady Khazanov, Alexander Revva and Lyudmila Artemyeva, joined the main jury of the One to One transformation show. In 2014, a similar show “Exactly the Same” appeared on Channel One, where Kazarnovskaya again became one of the jury members.

“Exactly”: Lyubov Kazarnovskaya – “Zazdravnaya”

Personal life of Lyubov Kazarnovskaya

In her memoirs, the singer always mentioned that at school she was always ugly duckling until a change happened to her in the seventh grade - yesterday's ugly girl turned into a beauty, driving all her classmates crazy. In “Gnesinka” the girl was known as the first beauty; her classmates vying with each other offered her their hand and heart, but Lyubov, according to her, was too frivolous to take their youthful ardor seriously.

In 1989, the one and only one appeared in the life of Lyubov Kazarnovskaya - the Austrian Robert Roscik, an opera impresario. The man came to Moscow to select 12 opera voice holders for the Vienna Opera. Among the dozen talented lucky ones was Lyubov.

Unexpectedly for the singer, Robert began calling her personally. They talked a lot, noted the striking similarity in views and interests. Lyubov believed that such an attitude towards employees was a common thing for a smiling foreigner, but when she finally arrived in Vienna, she realized that his interest in her went beyond the professional. After a long series of international flights, hours of telephone conversations and days spent together, the lovers decided to get married. Ceremony took place on April 21, 1989.

Lyubov Kazarnovskaya is a name well known to all lovers of opera music. Talented singer, laureate international competitions, Doctor of Music, Professor. Her biography is a whole series of rapid victories and impressive achievements.

Lyubov Kazarnovskaya was born on July 18, 1956 in Moscow. Her family, although intelligent, was not associated with opera music. Father - Yuri Kazarnovsky, reserve general, author of books on military history, mother - Lydia Kazarnovskaya, philologist, teacher of Russian language and literature. But the girl discovered her ability to sing very early; she always sang and studied music since childhood. Therefore, after graduating from school, I applied to the faculty of musical theater actors at the Gnesin Institute. But the teachers told the girl that she had a rare operatic voice with a unique timbre. When Kazarnovskaya began performing arias from operas by Verdi, Puccini, and Tchaikovsky, she realized that opera was her future.

In 1982, Lyubov Kazarnovskaya graduated from the Moscow State Conservatory, while still studying there she sang on the stage of the Stanislavsky and Nemirovich-Danchenko Musical Academic Theater. In 1985, she graduated from graduate school in the class of E.I. Shumilova.

The singer became known to a wide circle of classical music lovers after receiving second prize at the M. Glinka All-Union Vocal Competition. Soon Kazarnovskaya was already singing solo parts in the operas of the State Academic Bolshoi Theater “Iolanta” and “Eugene Onegin” by P. Tchaikovsky, “May Night” and “The Tale of the Invisible City of Kitezh” by N. Rimsky-Korsakov, “Pagliacci” by R. Leoncavallo, “ Bohemia" by D. Puccini.

In 1984, the singer took first prize at the UNESCO Young Performers Competition in Bratislava and thus won worldwide recognition. At the same time, she received third prize and an honorary diploma at the Miriam Hellin Competition in Helsinki, and two years later she became a laureate of the Lenin Komsomol Prize.

In 1986, Lyubov Kazarnovska entered the Kirov State Academic Theater (now the Mariinsky) and was a soloist there for 3 years. Two years later, she successfully performed at London's Covent Garden, performing the role of Tatiana in Eugene Onegin. Then Kazarnovskaya did not leave the world's most famous opera stages: Covent Garden, Metropolitan Opera, Houston Grand Opera and many others.

In 1989, the singer met Viennese impresario Robert Roscik and married him. She continued to tour the world and perform the most difficult roles. For example, the role in R. Strauss’s opera “Salome” is still performed only by her. Even Strauss’s grandson, having heard her singing, said: “Probably, my grandfather had Kazarnovskaya in mind when he wrote this opera.” Kazarnovskaya's repertoire includes more than 50 opera works and a lot of chamber music. She has released many discs, collaborated and is collaborating with many outstanding masters of opera art - conductors R. Muti, J. Levine, K. Thielemann, D. Barenboim, B. Haitink, Yu. Temirkanov, E. Kolobov, V. Gergiev, directors F. Zeffirelli, A. Egoyan, M. Wikk, D. Taymor, D. Dew. She sang with L. Pavarotti, P. Domingo, J. Cura, J. Carreras and other outstanding performers, and participated in a wide variety of productions, including avant-garde productions.

In 1997, Kazarnovskaya created a foundation in her name to support the art of opera in Russia. As part of it, she organizes concerts and master classes of world celebrities in our country. The singer also acted in films. The film “Anna” with her participation, directed by E. Ginzburg, received the “Grand Prix” at the “Literature and Cinema” film festival in Gatchina.

Love for Kazarnovskaya curates the Children's Opera House named after him in the city of Dubna. She is involved in social activities, is a Doctor of Music, a professor. She has been awarded many titles and awards.

Opera singer, Doctor of Music, professor. Lyubov Kazarnovskaya was born on July 18, 1956 in Moscow. Father - Kazarnovsky Yuri Ignatievich. Mother - Kazarnovskaya Lidiya Aleksandrovna. Spouse: Roscik Robert. Son - Andrey (born 1993).

Lyubov Kazarnovskaya grew up in an intelligent Moscow family, at first glance, far from the musical sphere: her mother was a philologist, taught Russian language and literature; father is a reserve general, worked in military-diplomatic work, and is the author of a number of books on military history. My maternal grandfather was the director of a physics institute, my grandmother was the chief physician, and my paternal grandmother worked as a fashion designer. Elder sister Lyuba followed in her mother’s footsteps; now she is a unique specialist in French grammar and regularly lectures at the Sorbonne.

After school Lyubov Kazarnovskaya submitted documents to the Gnessin Institute, to the faculty of musical theater actors, although she was preparing to become a student at the faculty of foreign languages. Student years gave her a lot as an actress, but the decisive thing was the meeting with Nadezhda Matveevna Malysheva-Vinogradova, a wonderful teacher, vocalist, accompanist of Chaliapin, student of Stanislavsky. The meeting with Nadezhda Matveevna finally determined the fate of the young singer.

The creative life of Lyubov Kazarnovskaya

In 1981, at the age of 25, while a student at the Moscow Conservatory, Lyubov Kazarnovskaya made her debut in the role of Tatiana in the opera " Eugene Onegin" on the stage Musical Theater named after Stanislavsky and Nemirovich-Danchenko. In 1982 she graduated Moscow Conservatory, and in 1985 – graduate school. In 1981-86, Kazarnovskaya was a soloist at the Stanislavsky and Nemirovich-Danchenko Theater, her repertoire included roles in operas “Eugene Onegin”, “Iolanta”, “May Night”, “Pagliacci”, “La Boheme”. In 1984, she sang the part of Fevronia in "Tales of the Invisible City of Kitezh", in 1985 – the role of Tatiana in Eugene Onegin and Nedda in Pagliacci in State Academic Theater of Russia.

In 1984, Kazarnovskaya won the Grand Prix of the competition for young performers UNESCO, held in Bratislava. In 1986 - laureate Lenin Komsomol Prizes.

In 1986-1989 she was the leading soloist of G national Academic Theater named after Kirov, where she performed Leonora in “ To the power of fate"Verdi, Margherita in " Faust"Gounod, Donna Anna and Donna Elvira in " Don Juan» Mozart and other parts.

The singer's first foreign triumph was her performance of the role of Tatiana in Tchaikovsky's opera " Eugene Onegin» in Covent Garden. In 1989 Herbert von Karajan invited the young singer to the summer festival in Salzburg, where she made her triumphant debut in “ Requiem» Verdi. Then all music world noted and appreciated the performance of the owner of a beautiful soprano from Russia. This performance marked the beginning of a dizzying career, which later led Kazarnovskaya to Covent Garden, Metropolitan Opera, San Francisco Opera and other major opera venues in the world.

Among her partners are Pavarotti, Domingo, Carreras. In 1994-1997, Lyubov Yuryevna worked closely with the Mariinsky Theater and Valery Gergiev. In 1996 she made her successful debut on the stage of La Scala in Prokofiev's opera The Gambler.

« La Kazarnovskaya" - that's what the Italian press calls it. The singer has more than fifty parts in her repertoire. She is called the best Salome of our days, the best performer of Verdi's operas and the role of Tatiana in Eugene Onegin.

In 1997, Lyubov Yurievna created “ Lyubov Kazarnovskaya Foundation"to support the opera art of Russia. She invites leading masters of vocal art to Russia for concerts and master classes, establishes scholarships to help young Russian singers. In 2000, she headed the creative coordination council Cultural Center"Union of Cities", carrying out extensive cultural and educational work in cities and regions of Russia. In 2002, Lyubov Kazarnovskaya was elected chairman of the commission on cultural and humanitarian cooperation municipalities Russia. She is also the chairman of the board of the Russian Musical Educational Society.

Lyubov Kazarnovskaya was awarded a diploma from the prestigious center in Cambridge as one of the 2000 most outstanding musicians of the twentieth century.

In 2011, Lyubov Kazarnovskaya was invited to the jury of the Phantom of the Opera project. Since 2013, the singer has sat on the jury of the projects “One to One! ", "Exactly the same ". In 2017, Kazarnovskaya herself became a participant music show reincarnations.

Since 2012, he has been a co-founder and leader of the Cultural and Educational Movement “Promotion of Creative Education” foundation.

Personal life of Lyubov Kazarnovskaya

In 1989 she married Austrian producer Robert Roscik. He came to Moscow to take away opera singers for the Vienna Opera. Among the many voices, Robert noticed Love, with whom they began to communicate closely. In 1993, their son Andrei was born. He studied at college at the conservatory and plays the violin.

Filmography of Lyubov Kazarnovskaya

The Gypsy Baron (1988) vocals by Saffy (the role of Kira Danilova)
Anna (2005) Anna Romanova, singer
Dark Instinct (2005)