The last big win in Russian lotto. Dangerous jackpot: how big lottery winners become hostage to millions

Recently it became known that a resident of Voronezh became the owner, having hit the jackpot in the 1204th draw of the Russian Lotto lottery. A Voronezh resident purchased a ticket in one of retail outlets of your city. To receive the winnings, he must provide all information to the company’s Moscow office. Required documents- minus taxes, the amount received in hand will be about 440 million.

However, psychologists advise not to rush into spending such a gigantic amount, since winning the lottery is a big test for a person. This was stated, in particular, by Vladimir Fainzilberg, associate professor at the Moscow Institute of Psychoanalysis. According to the expert, now “there will be a lot of people who want to share this triumph with him.”

Psychotherapist at a well-known clinic in St. Petersburg, Evgenia Bratysheva, in a conversation with URA.RU, noted that a person’s desire to participate in the lottery is “an expectation of a miracle.” According to the doctor, this indicates a person’s reluctance to take responsibility.

I want to achieve something quickly. In psychotherapy you often come across a similar desire - no one wants to take responsibility. Perhaps this is the reason. Then there was mass participation: someone alone received the money, which means I can do it too. I believe that people who get involved in such events are quite infantile,”

stated the doctor.

According to her, several generations of people have grown up in our country, faced with numerous prohibitions from the state, and in connection with this, a desire has arisen to shift responsibility.

However, Bratysheva also advised the lucky winner not to rush.

My advice: stop and think: “What do I want?”

Marketing and Sales Director of the Stoloto trading house Zoya Gafarova, that, according to the law, if a person wants, he can remain incognito.

To date, no one has contacted us. We just know that the winning ticket is in Voronezh,”

she said.

According to Gafarova, the payment will be made within 45 days after the winner contacts the company.

Let us remind you that the previous winning record was set in May 2017. Then a resident of Sochi won the "6 out of 45" lottery draw. 364 million 685 thousand 787 rubles. The identity of the lucky winner still remains a secret. Meanwhile, in Russia there were several cases when people won large sums in lotteries and the whole country learned about their fate.

So, in 2001, an unemployed family from Ufa became the lucky ones. Nadezhda and Rustem Mukhametzyanov hit the jackpot on the Bingo Show lottery in the amount of 29 million rubles. After receiving the money, the man and woman became recluses and began to drink heavily.

In the photo: Nadezhda Mukhametzyanova was one of the first in Russia to hit a multimillion-dollar jackpot in the lottery

The couple spent part of the winnings on two apartments in the city center. The rest of the money, according to neighbors, was managed haphazardly, thoughtlessly: they lent money, paid off loans for friends and acquaintances. Five years later the family found itself in poverty.

In an interview with the Komsomolskaya Pravda newspaper, Nadezhda Mukhametzyanova admitted that winning the lottery did not bring her happiness and it would be better if they did not win anything. In 2006, Nadezhda died in complete poverty.

35 million rubles in the spring of 2009, 51-year-old mechanic from Moscow Evgeniy Sidorov won. The newly made millionaire left with his family for small homeland- to the Lipetsk region. The man used his money wisely. In his native village he built new house, repaired the road and started a small carp farm.

In August 2013, a 42-year-old living in Voronezh won in Stoloto 47,368,520 rubles. The man distributed most of the amount to relatives and best friends, and used the rest for apartment renovations and household expenses. The man said that he has not lost hope of hitting the big jackpot again.

In 2009, 36-year-old resident of the Leningrad region Albert Begrakyan won the lottery 100 million rubles. Before buying a winning ticket, the man owned trading kiosks and lived with his family in rented apartment. After winning, Albert bought himself several apartments in the center of St. Petersburg and an expensive Lexus car. The man also purchased a plot of land in Krasnodar region for the construction of a hotel. Albert lent about 12 million rubles to acquaintances and friends. But two years later there was nothing left of the money, and Albert even had debts of 4.5 million rubles due to the fact that he did not pay the full tax on the amount he won - 13 million. The man said that if he won the money again, he would take his family and go to live in the USA.

In February 2014, 48-year-old builder from Omsk Valery won 184,513,512 rubles in Gosloto. The man did not contact the organizers for several days: he was so shocked by the news of the win that he locked himself at home and did not communicate with anyone for three days. Valery asked not to tell anyone his last name. The lucky winner planned to spend the winnings on moving and buying a new home.

Winner of the 202,441,116 rubles became a 45-year-old man from Nizhny Novgorod Mikhail, this happened in the fall of 2014. The man applied for his winnings a couple of months later, and after that he began to hide from the organizers. According to him, Mikhail did not tell even his relatives about his winnings.

The lottery is a chance to get rich for all residents of Russia who dream of better life. State lotteries offer multimillion-dollar jackpots every day. To get money, you need to guess several numbers or purchase a ticket with a combination drawn up in advance. Some Russians are luckier than others and become multimillionaires thanks to their own luck.

Below you will find information about the 7 most big wins in history Russian lotteries, the names of the winners, the secrets of how they managed to achieve success and what they spent large sums on.

Natalya (Voronezh region)

Natalya Vlasova is the owner of a record jackpot in Russia. November 5, 2017, a pensioner from Voronezh region won 506 million rubles. The super prize was drawn during the 1204th draw of the Russian Lotto.

Natalya shared with the lottery organizers the story of how she managed to become the owner of half a billion rubles. The woman is a regular participant in drawings - her close people have given her tickets on holidays for several years, but previously she was able to win only small amounts.

For a whole week after the record draw, Natalya did not check the ticket and even thought about throwing it away. The pensioner gave it to her daughter, and both women were shocked when they found out the result - they had to double-check the information several times and call the organizers to make sure there was no mistake. Also in the interview, Natalya admitted that she will spend the money received on buying housing, traveling and helping her family.

Nikolay (Novosibirsk)

Nikolay is a doctor from Novosibirsk. On February 27, 2016, he won a then-record amount for Russia in 358,358,566 rubles in Gosloto 6 out of 45. The ticket cost the winner 1,800 rubles, since he bet on several combinations at once.

Nikolai learned about the big win from the news, but at first he did not think that he was the hero of the stories. The man checked the ticket only a few days later. It took Nikolai another three weeks to come from Novosibirsk to Moscow to collect the prize.

The man spent two years buying lottery tickets to get a super prize. According to Nikolai, he used secret formula- Each crossed out number has a specific meaning. The Novosibirsk doctor did not disclose the essence of the formula.

Nikolai planned to spend his big winnings on buying a house in Moscow and developing own business associated with in a healthy way life. Main question, to which the winner himself would like to find an answer: is the large sum that he received a reward or a test?

Advice: if you don't want to spend money on a ticket, take part in.

Yuri (Nizhny Novgorod)

52-year-old Nizhny Novgorod resident Yuri won 267,506,103 rubles in “Gosloto 6 out of 45” in February 2018. The man regularly took part in sweepstakes until he won a major super prize.

Yuri is sure that the main thing in the lottery is to find effective method. It took him 6 months to do this. All this time, a resident of Nizhny Novgorod was buying tickets and analyzing the combinations. As a result, Yuri settled on the following method:

  1. Write down on separate pieces of paper all the numbers that can appear in the lottery.
  2. Place them in a bag.
  3. Take out sheets of numbers at random before filling out the ticket.

Yuri relied on luck, choosing combinations blindly, and his strategy brought him the most big win in life. Moreover, 2 months before receiving the jackpot, the man won another 25 thousand rubles in Gosloto. Yuri decided to share the super prize with his children and grandchildren, as well as to ensure a comfortable old age for himself.

Alexander (Barnaul)

Alexander worked as a truck driver, and in April 2018 he became a multimillionaire. A resident of Barnaul was lucky - 232,473,870 rubles. The circulation was carried out by the Gosloto 4 out of 20 lottery.

In an interview with the organizers, Alexander said that he had been buying tickets on an ongoing basis for a year and a half. The one that brought the man a super prize cost 2,500 rubles. Alexander did not expect to become a rich man using the lottery and for a long time could not believe his luck. The man was going to spend his big winnings on a purchase new apartment in his native Barnaul, back treatment and a trip to Venice. Alexander also promised to give part of the money to charity.

Igor (Tver region)

Igor from the Tver region won 209 million rubles while playing Russian Lotto. The super prize was drawn on May 13, 2018. The owner of one of the largest lottery winnings was sure that it was a joke when the host of “Russian Lotto” called him.

The 44-year-old engineer had been buying tickets for 6 months. Each draw, Igor changed the combinations so that the numbers were not repeated. He often won before, but the amounts did not exceed 200 rubles. Being an engineer, Igor tried to analyze the pattern of fallout different numbers and at first relied on the theory of probability. However, over time, the man realized that knowledge would not help him, and decided to rely on luck and faith. The first purchase from the money won was a fur coat for my wife. A resident of the Tver region planned to spend the jackpot on buying an apartment and a dacha.

Valery (Omsk)

Valery worked in construction company and dreamed of getting rich. On February 10, 2014, he became the owner of one of the most big lotteries winnings in Russia. A resident of Omsk won the Gosloto 6 out of 45 jackpot in the amount 184,513,512 rubles.

Valery was in such shock that he did not leave the house for three days and could not come to the Moscow lottery office for money for another 3 weeks. The man admitted that he is a regular participant in drawings - he spends 500-800 rubles on one draw. According to Valery, big win he needs it to move from Siberia to a city with a warm climate.

“It would be better not to win!”, “The devil’s jackpot!” - oddly enough, the fate of many lottery winners was not very good in a successful manner. Some drank, others could not cope with the pressure and became recluses, but this is the dream of millions! How often do we imagine what will happen if a huge amount of money falls on us and we fly away happy to a corner of paradise. What would you spend millions of rubles on?!
As a rule, the winners are people who regularly buy lottery tickets and spend no more than 1,500 rubles on one bet.

1. In Tula, a family won 3 million rubles

Natalya, the mother of the family, regularly bought tickets for the “6 out of 36” lottery, and one day one of them turned out to be lucky. She accepted the win emotionally: “I’m laughing, tears are running down my cheeks, I can’t really explain anything. Somehow I say that we are now millionaires.”
The family lives in Tula region, so they will use the winnings to celebrate their children’s weddings and buy them separate apartments.

2. Stoloto regularly publishes information about who won and how much, as well as stories from the winners

3. Albert Begrakyan won 100 million rubles in 2009

And as usually happens with people who are not used to living luxuriously, he began to waste money. He bought an apartment in St. Petersburg, which he had long dreamed of, a Lexus of the latest model at that time, the desire to stop doing small business led to the fact that he decided to build a hotel in the Krasnodar Territory and bought a plot there, lent almost 10 million to acquaintances and friends, and also went on vacation with my family.
A few years later from large sum there was nothing left; moreover, Albert owed the state almost 5 million rubles, because he never fully paid taxes on the winnings.

Today he is prohibited from traveling abroad. Albert believes that if fate gave him a second chance, he would use the money wisely.

He is still invited to various shows and take an interview, it’s probably a shame to repeatedly admit that you made a mistake with your choice

4. Omsk resident Valery won another record amount in 2014 - almost 190 million rubles in Gosloto

This struck the 48-year-old resident of Omsk so much that he did not leave his apartment for several days; the organizers could not contact him, whom he categorically forbade to disclose his data or publish photos. He spent 800 rubles on a lucky ticket.
Almost nothing is known about the winner, only that he lived all his life in Siberia and has three children. After the victory, he moved his family from the cold city closer to the south, to the sea.

5. Mikhail from Nizhny Novgorod won a record amount of 202,441,116 rubles

The man came to claim his winnings only a few months later and disappeared from the media radar. The organizers were unable to find out anything about the winner.

6. Do you refuse conductors who offer to take part in the lottery while they are handing out underwear? But Margarita won as much as 10 million

At that time, her husband left the woman and abandoned her with her two children. Financial problems began to haunt me one after another. The husband sued Margarita for an apartment, in order to unwind and not go crazy, the woman went to her friend by train. There, along with my underwear, I bought a ticket.
She later checked the company's website and discovered that she had accidentally won a large amount money.
“Now we will have housing, a car,” said Margarita, receiving the winnings, “ Ex-husband We can keep everything to ourselves, we can handle it ourselves.”

7. Evgeny Sidorov won 35 million rubles

He lived with his family in Moscow, but after the victory he left for his native Lipetsk region, where he began to develop farming, build roads, and erect cowsheds. He also created a koi pond for paid fishing.

8. A man from Novosibirsk won a record amount of 358 million rubles

On that day, the media wrote and talked about the big win all day, but the man did not immediately understand that we're talking about about him, I was even a little jealous of that lucky guy from the news. He left his ticket somewhere, completely forgetting about it, and when he found it, a nervous smile crossed his face.
Of course, this is hard to believe. The Novosibirsk resident went to collect the winnings with best friend, wife and two children, but he did not tell them the purpose of the trip in order to stun them at the moment of receiving the prize.
I planned to spend the money on good deeds, and then move to Moscow, buy a house, and start a business.

9. A famous story that proves that fate offers a chance to make things right, but only a few can take advantage of it.

In 2001, the Mukhametzyanovs won a million dollars in the Bingo Show. Unemployed residents of the Ufa region were local drunkards, and in order to manage the winnings that fell on them, the organizers decided to assign a person to the couple who would monitor their financial affairs. The Mukhametzyanovs bought apartments in the center of Ufa, one of which burned down, and several expensive cars, which they managed to crash in a drunken stupor.

The couple had two children, they dropped out of school and began to lead a wild lifestyle. Vodka flowed like a river, and the parents had various strange acquaintances and non-existent relatives. As the neighbors of the spouses say, Nadezhda sometimes said in her hearts that it would be better if she had not won this million, life would have been easier...
Nadezhda Mukhametzyanova died in 2006 in complete poverty, having survived only 5 years of luxurious life...

Envy, threats, betrayal of a loved one, often death - all this can be won in the lottery along with the main prize. “360” recalled cases when sudden luck turned into a real nightmare.

The lottery gives its participants a rare chance to become an instant millionaire. You can, of course, receive a huge inheritance, but this option, unlike a lottery ticket, is not available to everyone.

But not a single lottery is complete without losers - millions of people buy tickets, but only a few win millions in prize money. But winners can also turn out to be losers - nothing changes life more dramatically than sudden wealth.

Lost happiness

More than a million dollars is a resident of Thailand, Jiravut Pongphan. Falling asleep an ordinary person, he woke up already a millionaire - the ticket he bought the day before turned out to be lucky. Last November, a 42-year-old man won a prize of 42 million baht (about 76 million rubles).

Pongfan was so happy that he decided to “wash” his unexpected luck. The Thai gathered his family and friends for a festive party, and the next morning he woke up again as an ordinary person - the ticket mysteriously disappeared, and the fabulous winnings disappeared with it.

The man was so shocked that he became depressed and stopped going to work. On January 31, he took his own life, leaving suicide note with the only request - not to insult his family, because he really won the lottery.

The ticket has not yet been found. According to the Daily Mail, it is unknown whether it was stolen or simply disappeared. Who will ultimately receive the prize is also a mystery. One can only hope that if the prize document is discovered, it will not be “cursed.” Easy millions often ruin, break and change the lives of people who have the chance to hit the jackpot.

RIA Novosti / Maxim Bogodvid

Lost love

A resident of the Canadian city of Chatham was even less fortunate than the Thai - her lucky ticket disappeared along with her loved one. The Toronto Star newspaper provides details of the case.

They bought lottery tickets together, hoping that if they won, they would spend the winnings together. Denise Robertson dreamed of her own family nest- big modern house. And a miracle happened. Last September, her partner Maurice Thibault bought the ticket, which brought the couple six million dollars.

Denise: 12 million...2 winners - Chatham and Quebec

Maurice: How nice it would be to [win] . I don't need everything, just a small part

Denise: Oh yes! I'm starting to plan what the new house will look like.

Lovers share the millions they won, quote fromVice.

Denise couldn't remember how happy she was, but not only was she divided in two. Grand Prize, but also her family. Returning home the next day, the woman discovered that there was no trace of Maurice. He collected his personal belongings, took his passport and departed in an unknown direction. The shocked woman was even more shocked when she found out that her ex-lover quit my job via SMS.

A resourceful Canadian sent his boss a photo happy ticket and went to Toronto to receive the winnings. They only paid him half - broken heart It’s expensive, the woman decided and filed a lawsuit. In addition to the rest of the prize, she is demanding $500,000 for moral damages. Now the court has to understand whether the couple really intended to spend the money together. Similar cases have already been - previous joint expenses serve as evidence in the case. Hearings may take 12 to 18 months.

Half a billion for anonymous

The fate of the Thai man and the Canadian woman are just two recent examples of the “jackpot curse” - the press is full of stories about slum millionaires who were confused by winning a huge sum and ended up losing everything. Sometimes they are helped by “well-wishers” - the names of the winners are heard on the air, published on the main pages of news sites, and now petitioners, scammers and outright bandits appear on their doorstep.

Less than three years have passed since the 2009 lottery winner, who won a $30 million jackpot, was found in a shallow grave in the US state of Florida. His killer gained the trust of the unfortunate man and tried to take possession of the prize, only to end up being sentenced to life imprisonment. There was a similar case in Illinois, where a man won 20 million and was later killed by his daughter-in-law and her lover. In Georgia, a 42-year-old woman won only five million in 2007, but a year later she was found stabbed to death - her ex-boyfriend was accused of murder.

This is only a small fraction of all cases - lottery winners are often killed, cheated and robbed. This is one of the reasons why the owner of the $560 million ticket is seeking a gag order, the New York Times writes.

The seventh-largest jackpot in US history was won by a New Hampshire woman who immediately filed a lawsuit to keep her identity secret. She doesn’t want to traditionally pose with a huge prize ticket or delete all pages in in social networks, as it happened to the Russian woman Natalya Vlasova - who won half a billion in the “Russian Lotto” and hit the largest lottery jackpot in the history of Russia, the pensioner became afraid to leave the house after a wave of threats and requests for help fell upon her.

As a lottery winner, Miss Doe is part of a small demographic group that has historically suffered from unscrupulous behavior with life-threatening consequences

- Quote from "Jane Doe" lawsuit.

The American woman, known only as "Jane Doe", is confident that after receiving the money, she will no longer be able to walk quietly or go to the store without being recognized and harassed. unknown people, not to mention the possibility of robbery or murder. If she manages to achieve anonymity, it will be a truly historic decision, because most of the problems of the previous “lucky ones” were related to excessive attention press.

It’s interesting that psychiatrist Vladimir Fainzilberg gave the same recipe in a conversation with “360”. According to him, it is better for the jackpot owner to “lay low” for a while. At least so that friends and relatives do not torture phone calls and requests. It’s difficult to say how effective this advice is, but pensioner Vlasova seems to have followed it. Together with her daughter, she left her native village, she said, “ TVNZ" on Tuesday.

On November 5, a resident of the Voronezh region won 506 million rubles in the lottery, this is the largest win in the entire history of Russia, the Stoloto lottery operator company reported on Sunday.

November 2 resident American state North Carolina Kimberly Morris in one day, the amount of winnings exceeded a million dollars. The woman was offered to receive the entire amount in the form of payments of 50 thousand dollars over 20 years, or take 600 thousand immediately. Morris chose a lump sum payment and after deducting all taxes, she took home almost 420 thousand.

24 August winning ticket American lottery Powerball with a jackpot of 758.7 million dollars in Massachusetts, exact location not called.

On April 11, a family from the French city of Dijon entered the EuroMillions lottery, receiving 83.4 million euros with a lottery ticket price of 2.5 euros. The lucky ones' chances of winning such a prize were 1 in 116 million.

On October 15, a resident of Baden-Württemberg Eurojackpot maximum prize of 90 million euros. The Eurojackpot lottery is popular among residents of 17 European countries. To win the jackpot, players need to match five numbers out of 50 and two additional numbers out of ten.

On August 12, a resident of Estonia won 1.155 million euros during the Eurojackpot international lottery draw. According to the state company Eesti Loto, this win is the largest in the history of lotteries in Estonia.

On July 29, a resident of Hesse, Germany won 84.8 million euros in the Eurojackpot lottery. The lucky winner managed to guess all the winning numbers

On May 8, the winning ticket in the Powerball lottery with a jackpot of $429.6 million in the US state of New Jersey. Odds of winning: 1 in 292.2 million.

March 5, brothers James and Bob Stoklas from the American state of Pennsylvania. However, the winnings were not distributed quite evenly: the lottery ticket brought James 291.4 million, and Bob won $7.

On February 27, a resident of Novosibirsk, a participant in “Gosloto “6 out of 45”, “Gosloto” worth 358 million 358 thousand 466 rubles. He took part in three draws. His lucky bet, which the winner made at one of the lottery kiosks in the city, cost 1800 rubles. The record came in the 1885th edition.

On February 15, UK lottery operator Camelot confirmed that the UK had filed almost £25 million in Europe's largest lottery Euromillions.

On February 12, a group of friends from Dublin won the European EuroMillions lottery in the amount of 132 million euros with a resident of France. The winners received 66 million euros.

On September 19, a winning ticket for the major American lottery Powerball worth $399.4 million was played at a gas station in the US state of South Carolina.

On August 25, media reported that a resident of Switzerland contributed 93.6 million euros to the popular European lottery EuroMillions. This is the biggest win for Switzerland.

On August 8, the organizers of the American Powerball lottery announced that three tickets with lucky numbers were sold in New Jersey and Minnesota for $448 million.

On June 5, the organizers of the Powerball lottery in May. She became 84-year-old Gloria McKenzie from Florida. She bought a lottery ticket at a supermarket in Zephyrhills, Florida, where only 13 thousand people live. She had the option of choosing annual payments or a lump sum payment. By choosing the latter, Mackenzie received only $370.8 million instead of the $590.5 million that was her nominal winnings. Mackenzie became the owner of the largest win in US history by one person.

On June 1, in the 585th draw of Gosloto “6 out of 45”, the accumulated super prize, equal to 121 million 835 thousand 582 rubles, was shared by two participants - a resident of Perm Valery (60 million 917 thousand 821 rubles) and a resident of Volgograd Olga (61 million 518 thousand 163 ruble).

On May 28, a UK resident won more than 81 million pounds (almost 95 million euros) in the pan-European EuroMillions lottery. The anonymous winner immediately became 908th on the list of the richest Britons.

On April 26, media reported that a resident of the American state of New Jersey, 44-year-old Pedro Quezada, received a Powerball lottery ticket. After paying all the necessary taxes, Quezada was left with about $152 million.

On April 6, two residents of Belgium shared 26.5 million euros in the European lottery EuroMillions.

On November 29, the organizers of the American Powerball lottery reported that two US residents who bought winning tickets amounted to $580 million.

On November 14, a French resident won one of 169.8 million euros in the pan-European Euro Millions lottery.

On November 6, Australia's biggest jackpot was shared by four winners. The OZ lotto winnings totaled AUD 112 million.

On September 18, in the 477th draw of Gosloto “6 out of 45”, the accumulated super prize for detailed bets, equal to 152 million 723 thousand 884 rubles, was divided among four participants.

On August 11, a UK resident won the pan-European lottery Euromillions, which amounted to £148 million (€190 million).

On March 31, one of the largest Mega Millions jackpots was $656 million, shared by three people from Illinois, Kansas and Missouri.

On March 7, 81-year-old resident of the American state of Rhode Island, Louise White, played the popular US $210 million Powerball lottery. The night before the drawing, she put the winning ticket in a Bible and slept with it.

On February 29, a resident of the Croatian city of Dubrovnik lost 13.4 million kuna (about $2.3 million) after buying lottery tickets every week for 30 years and marking the same numbers on them.

On February 15, local media reported that a resident of the Chinese province of Sichuan won almost $42 million in the lottery. In Chinese lottery center Fuli Caipiao reported that a resident of Chengdu, the capital of Sichuan Province, won 200 million yuan ($41.3 million) in the Two-Color Ball lottery. The lucky winner of the prize had to pay a tax of 50 million yuan ($7.9 million), and he voluntarily donated another 10 million yuan ($1.6 million) to charity.

January 27 was played lottery winnings at 4.872 million euros. The lucky one guessed a combination of seven numbers and an additional number. Payment for the ticket was made in the city of Maribor.

The material was prepared based on open sources