Questions for the New Year's quiz: how to come up with tasks for any age. Comic interview with substitution of questions Interview about the New Year make up questions

Many have noticed what tricks our memory plays over time: one thing is forgotten, another appears in a completely different light, something is completely turned upside down. The majority cannot even tell much about their childhood, because... Only fragments of memories remain. What about children? they generally grow at an incomprehensible speed, in our hectic life we practically skip the process of their growing up, as well as the evolution of their personality.

Of course, it’s difficult to change the rhythm of life, but making slices of reality, which can then be stitched together and return a little to the chronology of the past, is welcome. The tools for this are diaries, photographs, as well as video recording. True, in the digital age, only a few people write, there are so many photos on the computer that there is no time to view and sort them, and the video is recorded for months of viewing.

How can you help yourself and your children remember their childhood?

Here video is still the best tool, but it needs to be structured. A good option- This annual interview for about 10-15 minutes. For those who are not familiar with this format, I advise you to look at the project Born in the USSR, in which a cross-section was carried out starting from school and then approximately every five years.

In fact, an annual interview with a child is a series of questions that allow you to record his vision of the world at the time of recording by watching such short videos in chronological order you can understand how the child grew and matured.

For teenagers over 12 years old, in an interview you can discuss his views on complex topics, select questions that concern the child, the dialogue is similar to what we see on TV in programs where guests are invited. But with my kids, 6 and 4 years old, this trick doesn’t work, the interview only holds their attention for no more than 3 minutes, and such things are not done by force, good will is needed.

How can you get preschoolers to sit for 10-15 minutes and answer questions?

I have seen many so-called “interviews with a child” and they all had one thing in common: it was just a list of questions. This didn’t happen to me, the children lost interest very quickly, and it’s quite difficult to fantasize on the go, because... on the one hand, you need to revive the process, and on the other hand, you need to strictly monitor the time so as not to get out of these 10-15 minutes, otherwise the cutting will be too long over the years.

For myself, I decided that it was best to do interviews, INTERVIEW,INTERVIEW! Just like on TV, exactly a live interview, like in invited public people. And I began not to film the interview, but to play it.

How does the interview go?

  1. I prepare in advance: I check that the camera is charged, there is free space for recording, I choose a location, I clean up so that the background is acceptable, I type questions (which you will see below), I look for something like a microphone.
  2. I set up the camera (I have the simplest tripod for this, but you can just put it somewhere, the main thing is that the frame does not move.
  3. I invite you to game form child, you can even agree with him in advance. “Dear ______, we would like to invite you for an interview, because... our viewers really want to watch you and get to know you more.”
  4. We sit the child in the prepared place and check that everything is in the frame.
  5. We give the child a “microphone” and ask him to speak there, this is important so that the child is occupied with something and is more focused and calm.
  6. Next comes the interview itself, which I prepared so that you can use it too.

Presenter's text for an interview with a child.

Designed for ages from 3 to 12 years, then it needs to be adjusted, because These won't be children anymore.

Welcome to the channel “___SURNAME____ TV”, and today DD.MM.YY, you are with us on the “Back to the Future” program.

And we will discuss pressing issues, as well as questions sent by our viewers.

Good afternoon,

Let's get acquainted, I'm __HOST__, and our guest is __NAME____, _AGE_ years.

  • 1) The weather is great now, outside is ____TIME OF YEAR_____, and what is your favorite time of year? Why?
  • 2) What weather do you like to walk in? And what do you like to do outside when you're walking?

We have a few questions here from the fan club ___NAME___, club members are very interested,

  • 3) What do you like to play? With whom?
  • 4) What's your favorite toy or game? Why? How do you like to play with her? Will you show me the toy?

Fans are especially interested in the following question:

  • 5) What is your favorite holiday? Why?
  • 6) What gift do you want for your birthday?

Valentina from Krasnodar asks her routine questions, we are already accustomed to them, but we still ask them because... We are also interested in:

  • 7) What's your favorite color? Why? What feeling do you get when you look at him? And when do you put it on yourself?
  • 8) What song do you like? Why?
  • 9) What's your favorite cartoon? Why?
  • 10) What book do you like to read most? Why? What do you like about this book?

Of course, we all cannot ignore the series of questions sent from the Cook 77 club, they are regular viewers of our program, and so:

  • 11) What dish do you like to eat most? And who cooks it deliciously?
  • 12) What dishes would you like to learn how to cook?
  • 13) Do you help mom and dad cook? How do you help?
  • 14) What fruits or vegetables do you like to eat?

There are a few questions here from your friend __NAME OF FAVORITE TOY___, he/she is interested in:

  • 15) You have friends? Who? What do you like to play with them?
  • 16) Who would you like to be like? Why?
  • 17) What are you most afraid of? Why?
  • 18) What is happiness? When last time were you happy?
  • 19) What is love? Who do you love?
  • 20) What is most valuable to you in life? Why?
  • 21) What three wishes would you grant if you were a wizard?

Let's add a couple of questions:

  • 22) What don't you like about your life? What would you like to change about her?
  • 23) What are you most afraid of?
  • Pert Petrovich Petrov from the head of the Primorsky club “new time”
  • 24) Tell your fans what you like to do at home? Why?
  • 25) What can you already do? What do you want to learn?
  • 26) What do you want to be when you grow up? Why?

Zelenkin Mikhailo Mikhailovich from the Green Corner club asks:

  • 27) What trees or plants do you like?
  • 28) Which animal do you like best? Why? What do you like about it? Would you like to become one yourself? What would you do if you became one?

Thank you for your wonderful answers, we will be glad to see you again in a year, see you again.

I love you very much New Year, Christmas and holidays in January! This may seem funny, but besides the holidays themselves, I like the preparation for them. Making lists, preparing gifts, decorating the house, all this joyful anticipation for me is mandatory part New Year's ritual. It turns out that for me the holiday lasts a very long time - from mid-December until the end of the holidays.

This year I will celebrate New Year at home with family. And during the holidays I’m planning a short trip to visit relatives in another city. Also in the plans are New Year trees, meetings with friends, cinema, museums and of course, I’m really looking forward to Christmas. I love this day very much since childhood!

About plans for New Year,Christmas and the holidays, I decided to ask my colleagues.

What are your plans?

Blogger, journalist, fashion editor of Office Magazine

As a child, I didn’t like New Year. IN last years I was absolutely indifferent to this holiday, preferring a quiet holiday, preferably somewhere on the beach, to noisy fun. But my experience shows that New Year's holidays It’s better not to relax, but to work intensively with your desires and plans for the year. I did this a couple of times when I went on a yoga tour at the beginning of the year, where we (a group of like-minded people and a teacher) practiced yoga for 10 days, chanted mantras and set ourselves up for a successful and positive year. All the desires that I worked through during meditation soon came true, or rather, I had the tools to implement them. Unlike those wishes that we used to make under the Christmas tree and wash it down with champagne. That’s when I stopped believing in Santa Claus :)

I don’t know what this is connected with, but this year I had a desire to celebrate the New Year cheerfully and noisily. And be sure to go somewhere at the same time, because, although it is generally accepted that New Year’s Eve is a family holiday, at home these days there are more worries than holidays. I want to be free from such fuss, not to cook, not to set the table, not to wash the dishes, but just enjoy! And this will also be the first time!

I will be meeting you in a bright and shiny outfit, which is unusual for me, I rarely allow myself to do this! And if anyone wants to know where and how I will celebrate the New Year 2016 and what music I will dance to, follow my instagram @annamelkumian. With coming!

PR manager, journalist, blogger

If the hero of the main New Year's film in Russia had a tradition of going to the bathhouse on December 31, then I have a tradition of watching fireworks in London every New Year. Therefore, despite the sanctions, the exchange rate of the ruble, I will again spend this New Year on the streets of London, watching the fireworks, and then I will go to one of the parties... After all, traditions are beautiful because they are repeated)))

Anna Michelin


How often do we hear the phrase: “Somehow I’m not in the New Year’s mood.” Yes, I often think so myself. But the New Year is a time of magic, and we ourselves are the creators of fairy tales in our lives. I decided to discover a magical place in Russia. It turns out that we have so much! Which I didn't even suspect. And I’ll start with the Dzelinda Source!!! The famous Baikal spring is located at the mouth of the Dzelinda River, Irkutsk region. Here you can relax and take wellness treatments – all year round! People come here from different parts of the world for the sake of magical healing water... maybe fairy tales where living rejuvenating water is mentioned are not quite a fairy tale, but a true story? Well, I'll soon find out!

Evgenia Masslenikova

Illustrator, blogger

There are two wonderful holidays - Victory Day and New Year. They remind us of what is most important. The New Year, in turn, creates an atmosphere of home warmth and comfort. On this magical day, we often see the happy smiles of our parents, relatives and friends.
As children, we all believed in Father Frost and the Snow Maiden. I remember how my dad’s friend dressed up as Santa Claus and came to congratulate us. Imagine my surprise when he took my note out of his pocket, in which I wrote what I wanted to find under the tree! Honestly, it was the biggest surprise of my life.
There were always a lot of children in our yard, so I never got bored. Garlands were lit on the windows of the houses, enterprising adults cast lights on the slide and swing, and we had fun all night. We especially loved the New Year for the sparklers and fireworks!
But, carefree childhood in the past, the kids left the yard, and they no longer hang lights in the yard.
Therefore, for several years now, my family and I have been celebrating the New Year in a cozy cafe, not far from home. Friends, grandparents, aunts and brothers and sisters come to visit us. You won't get bored with such a company! The main thing is that your loved ones are nearby, and the rest is not important at all! 🙂

*Spelling and punctuation of interview participants has been preserved.

"New Year" doesn't really exist. Every adult understands that this is a convention that was invented by Julius Caesar back in 46 BC. e. Since then, many changes have occurred regarding the date and style of celebration, but the habit of making wishes and waiting for changes has taken root. We all hope for something in one impulse, burning pieces of paper from cherished text and throwing ashes into champagne. But this is not always enough.

In order for the New Year to be different from the past one better side, ask yourself these 5 questions. You will find the recipe for happiness in your own answers.

What moment of the past year was the happiest for me?

In answer to the question, you will give precise definition what brings you joy and positive emotions. Sometimes we forget that the best moments do not always repeat themselves, they need to be repeated. And as it turns out, this is not so difficult to do. So that in the New Year you live on positive side, increase the proportion of actions that bring you sincere pleasure. Perhaps this is meeting with friends, traveling, meeting new people, or mastering an unfamiliar sport. Whatever it is - repeat!

What people can I call close?

When answering this question, try to move away from generally accepted stereotypes. We often write down as close people all our relatives or those friends with whom we have not spoken on the phone for years. In order to understand which people are really close, you need to calculate with which of them you have mutual interest in each other and joint plans for the future. If you don’t find any, look for them in the new year. There are many options for searching: close people can be found among like-minded people and friends. A significant other will become a close person if you look at the world with the same eyes and are sincerely interested in each other’s hobbies.

What activity was unusual for me in the past year?

Think about it, have you ever done something truly new? Taking a step into the unknown will help you discover new facets of your personality. If such actions have not been observed, be sure to include at least one similar behavior in your plans for the future. next year. New things include not only mastering a previously unknown computer program or changing jobs. Any unusual action will help you cheer up: from finding new routes to your destination (work, university) to making new acquaintances.

What was the hardest thing for me?

Find the answer to this question, and most importantly, trace what the execution of this difficult task led to (having a difficult conversation/experiencing difficult emotions). Catharsis comes not during the struggle, but after it, when you look back and realize that you have become stronger.

My biggest stupidity?

Did you answer the question? Now think again. The insidiousness of the question lies in the fact that our “I” very successfully masks contradictions. How often in “stupidity” we write down something that is not at all what causes real damage.
Do you think you don't earn enough? Contradiction! It doesn't happen that way. Either you do not have the competence to receive a large bonus, or you are not decisive enough to talk to management or find new job. Your significant other is unbearable and you are golden? Contradiction! If you are gold, then why are you still with her? Maybe you just turned a blind eye to your own mistakes or forgot about the merits of the person you once fell in love with? Using this scheme, you can analyze all the “discontents”. After it, you will find out what exactly needs to be changed to get a different result. Pleasant and long-awaited.

Interview results

Be sure to write down your answers. If you were frank, you will see a detailed “map” of your life, where there is a territory of your strength (happy moments), a territory of your inspiration (close people), an area of ​​development (if you take on new things, this indicates that you are open to success, if you don’t take it, start taking it), the area of ​​​​belief (in yourself and in the fact that you are able to take a blow or successfully avoid it). Your self-criticism will be a dotted line on the map. Can you see the contradictions between what you want and what you do? If so, you can refuse to make wishes during the chimes. You already know what you are missing, and you can get it in the next 365 days.

What do we all want for the New Year? Get things done as quickly as possible, prepare gifts for everyone and make a wish. Everyone, regardless of age and social status, believes or tries to believe in a fairy tale. Especially for readers of the magazine “Business and Power” - a pre-New Year interview with the main wizard of the country - Father Frost from Veliky Ustyug.

- Russians will remember 2010 as an abnormally hot year. Did Santa Claus rest in the summer?

No, in the summer I worked as always. And the abnormal heat has nothing to do with it! After all, a person’s happiness does not lie in natural conditions: not in heat or cold. Happiness is something more.

This summer I had a lot of guests in Veliky Ustyug. Families came, entire work teams came. We had to meet and talk with everyone. And I myself did not sit still - I often traveled around Russia and various countries. There were at least a dozen trips to Sochi alone. And also Moscow, St. Petersburg, Vologda, Sheksna, Vancouver, Nice.

I don't go out of idle curiosity. Impossible to do happy people in a single country. Happiness is a global concept. It is impossible to understand Russia without meeting its representatives. I am precisely such a representative, a goodwill ambassador. I meet people from different countries and my fabulous colleagues. I tell them about the culture and traditions of Russians. And this work brings tangible results - there is more understanding in the world.

From an economic point of view, the outgoing year can be called a post-crisis year; from a cultural point of view, it can be called a year of beautiful festivals, of which there were several in the Vologda region in 2010. What was this year like from the point of view of a fairy tale wizard?

First of all, it was a sports year. Winter Olympics in Vancouver... Russia's victory in the dispute for the title of capital of the European Football Championship in 2018... Meetings with famous Russian athletes... Opening of several major sporting events, for example, “Sheksna’s Silver Horse”... The race for the right to be called the symbol of the Winter olympic games in Sochi in 2014... By the way, this race is not over yet. Russia is preparing for major international competitions, and I am preparing together with Russia. It is necessary to prepare for the upcoming events in order to organize as much as possible for the guests of our country. comfortable conditions. Show them the best character traits of Russians.

Now the image of Santa Claus is actively associated with sports. What successes have you achieved this year? How do you plan to involve residents of the region and Russia in healthy image life next year?

I have already partially answered this question a little earlier. And as for “introducing to a healthy lifestyle” - only by personal example. There is no other way! All admonitions, reproaches, and prohibitions only cause internal protest. A person HIMSELF must choose his own path, comparing his life and his successes with the successes and failures of others. And if my young friends tell me: “we want, like you, to do good deeds,” then I advise them to “start with themselves” and not do evil for themselves and within themselves. I advise you to think about what results in sports they will never achieve if they are not attentive to their health. But the choice is always theirs!

Next year I would like to draw more attention of Russians, people with financial resources and those burdened with power, to the problems with free children's sports. How can you invite children to sports sections and clubs if their families cannot afford to pay for the work of a coach? And sports equipment for an ever-growing person is not a cheap pleasure. So potential champions are left without sports training... How unfair it turns out! Of course, coaches and employees of sports institutions should receive a decent salary. But is it really only at the expense of children and their parents? And is it fair that parents are forced to work 12 hours a day, not see their child for weeks, just to pay sports section? There is no benefit from such “care” - only harm!

Having visited the Winter Olympics in Vancouver, I clearly saw why Canada wins gold medals in hockey, while Russia remains without any awards at all. It's all about developing children's sports. If in Canada there is a hockey “box” in every yard, if every parent dreams of his son or daughter becoming a hockey player, if a hockey player in Canada is national hero... If hockey is depicted even on the national currency in Canada, how can you not win?! And here... Well, here you yourself know. The comparison is clearly not in our favor.

Father Frost from Veliky Ustyug has traveled, perhaps, all over the world. Which countries are the most fabulous? Which peoples are the kindest?

There is nothing like leather! So I haven’t found a better, more fabulous and sweeter country than Russia. But comparing peoples based on kindness, I believe, is a hopeless matter. When I come to every country or travel through Russia, I try to look into the eyes of children. It is there that the fire of justice, peace and understanding lurks. A real fire of goodness! It makes you feel warm and calm. The only trouble is that with age a person begins to actively hide this spiritual fire from others. According to some slander unknown to me, it is believed that kindness is a manifestation of weakness. So people hide their best feelings behind a mask of callousness and indifference. How can I explain to you, my dears, that KINDNESS IS A PROPERTY OF A STRONG PERSON. Don't be afraid to be kind! Kindness, no matter how you look at it, will come back to you. And you can’t live without it! If there were no kindness, all of you would not exist.

Is Santa Claus's mail a project for children or not only? Are there letters in which people ask for help in business? Do you help, if so, how?

My mail is not a “project”, it is my mail! We receive a lot of letters and not only from children! My assistants and I once calculated that every tenth letter comes from adults. Moreover, these are very kind and honest letters. There are also requests for help in business among them... But still more letters about mental pain, anxiety, and doubts of the soul.

By the way, this is also a kind of established stereotype. When my young friends make wishes for the New Year, adults try to tell them: “Order a car, a toy, a computer, a new dress.” That is, they offer to think about something material. And children want to be loved and understood, so that there is peace and comfort in the family, so that dad and mom smile and never quarrel. And in the letters they write secretly from their parents, they ask me exactly this. It would be worth assuming that adults themselves will wish for something material in their letters. But no! Not so - they ask for love, health and understanding. Again, they are afraid to appear kind in the eyes of others.

About business assistance. The question is far from so simple. I help - I help, but not with everyone and not with everything. What do you understand by the word “business” - activities aimed at making a profit, or activities aimed at improving living conditions? Business itself is a kind of game that you play according to the rules you come up with. I can’t interfere with the rules that you yourself came up with! Here's a hint on how to do it the world a little more soulful and warmer, and at the same time give people work and decent pay - that's welcome.

Psychologists advise achieving a goal by clearly formulating it and sincerely wanting to achieve it. What will Santa Claus advise as the main wish-fulfiller?

It’s hard to disagree with psychologists. I can only advise you to DREAM! Planning, analysis, mathematical calculation, forecast - good tools for organization own life. But in this series of precise concepts there must be a place for a dream. Without her, life is boring and monotonous. The world is much more amazing and multifaceted than its mathematical models. There is always room for a miracle in any situation, but it only happens to those who have a dream. So dream, my dears. And may your good dreams come true! I will certainly help you with this.

- And what wish does Santa Claus himself make? New Year's Eve?

It’s strange that I get asked this question in almost every interview and I always answer it. And they ask me again and again! Apparently I couldn’t explain my dream, my main desire. I dream that you will learn to understand each other! It's a shame to see when people living on the same planet, in the same country, in the same city or town, in the same family, speaking the same language... do not understand each other! Elders do not understand the problems of children, and children do not understand the pain and experiences of adults. Colleagues do not understand each other at work. Athletes do not understand each other team game. And because of this, all the troubles on earth: laziness, envy, resentment, illness. Learn to understand each other! Smile at the world around you. Let it become warmer and brighter from your kindness. After all, on New Year’s Eve, all of you, regardless of age, religion, nationality, social or property status, wish happiness, smile at those around you, and congratulate strangers. And at this moment you are happy! So why don't you want to be happy all year?

What should you prepare for the New Year's Eve, besides gifts, food and clothes? Of course, entertainment. Outdoor games are not always appropriate in ordinary city apartments, so many people prefer table games, for example, quizzes for the New Year. How to conduct them?

Home holiday

At home celebrations, as a rule, people gather different ages, so the game should be interesting to everyone. The holiday itself and everything connected with it are chosen as the theme:

New Year's Eve different countries;

  • and his foreign “colleagues”;
  • Eastern horoscope;
  • history of the holiday;
  • New Year's symbols, etc.

When composing questions for a New Year's quiz for adults and children, you should pay attention to the fact that the answers to them must be unambiguous, and the riddle itself must contain some information that will help solve it, as well as Interesting Facts. Examples of questions:

  1. This country is a neighbor of Russia, where people give each other a New Year's bouquet consisting of pine, bamboo, plum, fern and tangerine. (Japan)
  2. This country, which many associate with a table, a wall and a safety match, was the first to produce Christmas decorations from glass. (Sweden)
  3. Mexican children find their gifts in this item. (Boot)
  4. When did they start celebrating New Year on January 1? (from 1700)
  5. In Russia, Father Frost comes to children, and in this country - Yulebukk. (Norway)

All tasks can be reduced only to the topic “Countries” or to some other, but it will be more interesting if they relate to the holiday as a whole. If the tasks seem too difficult, the players are offered 3-5 answer options.

Fun for kids

It is best to create a New Year's quiz for children based on their age and interests. For example, kids should be asked questions related to New Year's cartoons, poems, songs, etc. And for schoolchildren you can come up with something more complex. This is what they ask little kids:

  1. First month of the year. (January)
  2. Who were the Hare and the Wolf, respectively, in the New Year's episode “Well, wait a minute!”? (Father Frost and Snow Maiden)
  3. Who sang the Christmas tree song? (Blizzard)
  4. Who is sculpted outside in winter? (Snowman or Snow Woman)
  5. What kind of carrots hang from roofs in winter? (Icicles)
  6. What can you find under the Christmas tree? (Present)
  7. Who is pulling Santa's sleigh? (Deer)
  8. What thunders, explodes and showers everyone with confetti? (Clapperboard)
  9. What kind of lights are on the Christmas tree? (Garland)
  10. What is the name of the main clock of the country on the Spasskaya Tower of the Kremlin in Moscow? (Chimes)

Kids should also like it if the tasks for them are written in the form of riddles. It’s worth coming up with them yourself, although it’s not easy:

  1. “In winter, my friend, you make a small round... (snowball).”
  2. “What whistles, circles and creeps? This is a white... (blizzard).”
  3. “They paint masterly roses on glass... (frost).”

Those who are older can be asked to answer literary questions. For example, “Who wrote the poem “It was in January, there was a Christmas tree in the yard...”?” (A. Barto); “These brother and sister bit off the sweets hanging on the Christmas tree, and for this they lost their toys” (Lelya and Minka from the story by M. Zoshchenko); “This fairy-tale girl jumped over the fire and melted (Snow Maiden).”

Corporate party

For a corporate party, you should find humorous questions or those that will be tied to a particular team, and make a quiz for the New Year with jokes. For example, “who takes a vacation every year at the end of December”, “who wore it last year on corporate party Afro wig”, “which employee was lucky enough to be born on January 1”, etc. There are other questions. The answers to them are quite simple, but here they are asked in an original way:

  1. What hits you in winter? (Freezing)
  2. Which fish is “warmed” for the holiday? (Herring)
  3. If you shout at a party for a long time, she will definitely appear. (Police)
  4. He'll hit you in the head first New Year's table. (Champagne drink)
  5. Winter sculpture from natural material. (Snowman)
  6. The shortest day of the year. (January 1, because everyone just woke up, and it’s already evening)

It is not necessary to write only oral questions. You can offer other tasks to employees, for example, showing pictures so that they guess what or who is depicted in them. It is known that in different countries Santa Claus looks and is called differently. Let the participants guess from the picture who exactly is depicted and from what country. Reversal questions are also very popular, where players are asked to guess a phrase or some name related to the New Year in one way or another using antonyms and analogies:

  • “Pink Lantern” = “Blue Light”;
  • “Boy Summer - hair made of bricks” = “Santa Claus - beard made of cotton wool”;
  • “The big palm tree is warm in the summer...” = “The small tree is cold in the winter”;
  • “The morning after March 8th” = “The night before Christmas”;
  • "Rainy Commoner" = "Snow Queen".

It would be good if the New Year’s quiz for a corporate party was somehow related to the activities of the company whose employees gathered for the holiday. Although many believe that this is not necessary, because on New Year’s Day you want to relax and forget about business for a while, including work.