Ani Lorak delighted with her grandiose show “DIVA. Flight on a phoenix, dancing in the pouring rain and a dozen outfits: Ani Lorak presented a new concert show DIVA

Ani Lorak presented something new DIVA show at the Olimpiyskiy Sports Complex

Ani Lorak presented the grandiose show “DIVA” on the stage of the Olympic Stadium. A full house (not a single empty seat in the hall!), high-tech decorations, bold direction, powerful live sound, an international team of professionals and, at the same time, a whole fashion show. Among the celebrity guests who came to congratulate Ani Lorak on the premiere: Philip Kirkorov with his children (6 days ago he was already at the show in St. Petersburg, but could not miss the Moscow concert!), Nikolai Baskov, Dima Bilan, Emin, Stas Mikhailov, Valeria and Joseph Prigozhin, Larisa Dolina, Lyubov Uspenskaya, Dmitry Peskov, Tatyana Navka, Timur Rodriguez, Polina Gagarina and many others. Two premieres earlier with great success took place in Minsk and St. Petersburg.

Flashing frames of film on 3D panels: the Virgin Mary, Mata Hari, Coco Chanel, Joan of Arc, Mother Teresa, - in leading role Ani Lorak, who temporarily reincarnated as legendary women who became symbols of their time. And then an introduction explaining the message of the show - a tribute and declaration of love for a Woman.

"This is the story of a real woman from different times, about the mistress of fate and the servant of his conscience, in which lies hidden great secret, a mystery, the source of all joys and all worries. A story about a woman who knows how to restrain herself when it’s offensive, and to forgive when it’s unbearably painful...” - the lights go out, powerful spotlights come on on the stage and Ani Lorak appears in front of the audience.

The show opened with her global hit “Shady Lady,” with which she won silver at Eurovision in 2008. At the same time, Philip Kirkorov called her a Diva - ten years have passed and Ani Lorak presents the show of the same name. She appeared on stage spectacularly: hovering under the ceiling on a huge, sparkling, kinetic figure specially created for the show - the Phoenix bird.

The bar was initially set high: to create a world-class show that has no analogues. Director Oleg Bodnarchuk, director of the previous show “Carolina”, a concert show for Philip Kirkorov, “Christmas Meetings” by Alla Pugacheva and many other large-scale projects, took up the matter. And everything worked out: each of the 22 high-tech numbers has new scenery, costumes, arrangements, and special effects. The show goes on without an intermission: “Almost three hours in one breath!” - this is the verdict of the audience.

During the same time, Carolina (real name Ani Lorak) changed almost two dozen stage outfits: overalls, bodysuits, corsets, dresses, luxurious capes - Lorak looked beautiful not only professionally, but also physical fitness. Moreover, the singer changed costumes without leaving the stage - tight timing and not a single pause for rest.

Lorak was different that evening: mischievous, daring, sexy, majestic, touching. She played, lived emotions on stage, charged her with spirits and did not hide how happy she was to see her beloved spectator.

The scenery was amazing in its scope. That evening the huge transforming stage turned into a beach (yes, with palm trees, slender girls in swimsuits and guys dancing in... huge glasses), a rainy street with night lights, a cabaret area, a dressing room, a children's bedroom, a futuristic area. The song "Hold My Heart" featured a robotic platform that rotated 360 degrees. The singer required special plasticity in order to move organically at this moment, not lose her support and sing, of course. After the concert she admitted: “It was scary, it’s not safe, you can’t predict how the robot will behave!” But in the end I did it with a bang – one of the most difficult numbers.

Another incredibly effective number is “Oksana’s Song”. Ani Lorak performed it while reclining in the bath - only instead of water there were crystal stones. “Is it my fault that I was born beautiful?” - Lorak sings playfully, addressing the audience. However, there was water on the stage. The dancers involved in this number found themselves under a real cold shower.

When Ani Lorak sang “I Will Always Love You” by Whitney Houston, whose fan she was and remains, the scenery remained motionless - exceptionally strong vocals are important here.

Closer to the finale, the audience couldn’t believe their eyes: a “live” chandelier with Ani Lorak in the center was flying across the hall, thanks to the gymnasts framing it! The luxurious, huge structure has become part of new composition“I will become yours” is another idea of ​​the director, which required courage from the performer. However, Ani Lorak warned before the show that she would take to the air and fight her fears. Got up. And she overcame it.

Three hours later, the audience did not want to let Ani Lorak go: they shouted “Bravo, Diva!”, gave flowers, thanked her for the emotions given, danced in the aisles, and, of course, asked her to sing again and again!

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Ani Lorak presented a grandiose world-class show - DIVA

The new show DIVA Ani Lorak is fantastic musical history about the Diva living in different times and knows how to surprise every time. A diva is a self-made woman who has clearly proven that dreams can come true. A diva is someone who knows how to inspire, love, forgive and share with others what nature has generously endowed her with - femininity, beauty, unique talent and grace.

DIVA Ani Lorak – high-tech concert show world-class and at the same time a dedication to all outstanding women.

10 years ago, the singer went to the famous Eurovision vocal competition - after a brilliant performance and 2nd place among the winners, everyone started talking about her. Her career in show business has lasted more than 20 years, with 15 studio albums, dozens of prestigious music awards and performances on stage by the most famous concert halls peace. Her luxurious powerful voice in 4.5 octaves with constant success attracts millions of fans in different countries.

Most recently, the singer, without hiding her tears, said goodbye to the successful show “Carolina”, which was part of the life of Ani Lorak and her team for 5 years. During this time, Lorak gave 398 concerts for more than 1 million spectators in 180 cities around the world. At the premiere concerts, 196 people performed on stage, and the touring team on tours included 35 people.

But without a break for rest, the artist continued preparing for an even larger and grander DIVA show. Hundreds of scenery and special effects, a stage that disappears from under one’s feet, costumes specially created for the show, a team of 200 professionals - all in order to show fans new facets of Lorak’s talent and skill.

The director was Oleg Bodnarchuk, who directed the program of Ani Lorak's previous show "Carolina", as well as the show "The Other" by Philip Kirkorov, "Christmas Meetings" by Alla Pugacheva, a number of MUZ-TV awards and a triumphant performance in the show "America's Got" Talent".

The DIVA show features Ani Lorak's favorite songs and new compositions. The sound producers surprised the singer's fans: Lorak's recognized hits were presented in a new sound. From the initial notes, few can guess what kind of song the singer is performing! Lyrical compositions, thanks to bold arrangements, easily turned into fiery dance tracks, and vice versa.

Ani Lorak was inspired by the images of great women and during the show program appears in the images of famous divas of the past and present. World-famous designers have worked on the creation of more than 30 stage costumes. In front of the audience, Lorak flutters in the air, bravely rises to the ceiling, shares her most intimate secrets with her devoted audience and clearly proves that for 20 years on stage she has rightfully earned her status as a Diva.

Yesterday Ani Lorak performed an incredible show at the Olympic Stadium.

Ani Lorak's concert was held in the capital yesterday with resounding success. The second most expensive performance in the history of our show business was sold out. Tickets for it were sold out several months before the scheduled date. On the stage of the Olympic Stadium, the singer and her team presented the show “DIVA”, which may well compete with concert programs Philip Kirkorov or Nikolai Baskov, who love to delight audiences with intricate productions.

Ani Lorak in the show "Diva"

Lorak decided to show her fans everything she was capable of: in addition to two hours of “live” singing, the artist performed tricks under the ceiling, performed in high-tech sets, and changed outfits (one was more spectacular than the other). The singer flew on a “living chandelier,” sang in a transparent bathtub and appeared in a giant martini glass. Carolina (the artist's real name) was able to fit into a two-hour program the latest and most innovative technical innovations that made her show unique.

Dima Bilan, Stas Mikhailov and his wife, Valeria and Joseph Prigozhin, Emin, Lyubov Uspenskaya, Timur Rodriguez came to see the singer’s new show. Particular attention was paid to Philip Kirkorov, who was sitting in the front row. Before the show starts on big screens There was even a comic text: “ Is Philip there? Then you can start!" Caroline has a long-standing friendly and working relationship with Kirkorov. It was with the song “Shady Lady” written by Philip for Eurovision that the concert began.

It was unexpected and pleasant to see the press secretary of the Russian President, Dmitry Peskov, in the front row - a little later he was joined by his wife, Tatyana Navka. This couple goes out only on the most worthy occasions. Ex-producer Lorak, Grigory Leps, was represented at the concert by his wife Anna.

Philip Kirkorov, Tatyana Navka and Dmitry Peskov on the show "Diva"

For some reason, Alla Pugacheva, who is extremely favorable towards Carolina, was not on the show. And also another prima, Sofia Rotaru, whom Lorak considers her mentor, and after whom she named her daughter.

Carolina presented the audience with new arrangements of already known hits, which certainly surprised them. Few stars bother with such experiments. The singer changed her own hits so much that the audience at the beginning of their performance did not immediately understand what kind of composition it was. And when they found out, they were delighted with the boldness and surprise of the new arrangement.

But not only these facts indicate that the accomplished and successful Ani Lorak is not afraid of bold experiments. The main theme of the show is women and they are different social roles which she accepts, the circumstances she encounters in life. And having agreed to such a concept, the artist deliberately set herself the difficult task of single-handedly revealing all the complex and contradictory female images.

She was also an Egyptian goddess, flying on a five-meter luminous eagle (this number personified the strength of a woman). And a seductress, appearing in a martini glass in a bikini. AND caring mother, and a rejected lover, and, of course, a burlesque queen, a diva. Each of the 22 songs selected for the concert has its own number. It’s scary to imagine how much work and money all this cost. Philip said that his anniversary show cost him 6.5 million euros. We confidently place this concert in honorable second place.

Everyone was greatly impressed by Caroline’s flight on a “living” chandelier under new song“I will become yours” - it looked fantastic. Another amazing number - a lot of cribs somehow imperceptibly appeared on the stage, where the little ones lay with books and dreamed, and then the luminous heroes of their fantasies came down to them on invisible scaffolding and, taking their hands, began to lift them into the air. LED screens constantly broadcast videos to the theme songs. And the transforming stage with decorations turned into a beach with palm trees and perky surfers, then a café, then into 12 retractable platforms along which the singer and her ballet moved, deftly balancing.

Suddenly a transparent bathtub appeared, where the singer in a flesh-colored bodysuit, with an unusual languor for this piece, sang Oksana’s song from the New Year’s musical “Evenings on the Farm.” In the end, a giant cube “grew up” on the stage, in which Carolina moved recliningly, showing miracles of balancing act, and really risking her health. During rehearsal, this thing began to spin very quickly, and if the singer had fallen out of the rotating structure, she could have been seriously injured. But since the mechanism was eventually adjusted, everything went like clockwork.

Ani Lorak in the show "Diva"

Everything was constantly flying and exploding (in addition to the eagle and the chandelier, there was also a man with an umbrella who flew onto the stage and other flights), it was raining, in which half-naked dancers were splashing, and luminous “hands” were reaching out to them in streams, sparkles were flying - the audience was sitting with an open mouth.

On the one hand, one could say that the downside of the performance was that Caroline decided to practically not interact with the audience. On the other hand, it is obvious that first of all it was a theater, a show that must be watched and captured while enjoying Lorak’s impeccable vocals. But on the song “Take Paradise,” the artist went out to the people and collected all the flowers from happy fans.

The composition of Ani Lorak's team is truly international - the Ukrainians are responsible for the arrangements and dance production - the famous sound producer Mikhail Koshevoy and the show ballet "Freedom", a team of Belarusians is responsible for the technical side, and the Russians, led by the artist's director, are responsible for the management of the concert. Neither the audience nor our artists will forget this show.

Ani Lorak in the show "Diva"

At the after-party, which took place at Spy Bar, Philip Kirkorov spoke about technical problems that arose during the work:
« I was proud to be with you and share this success of yours. “Sound, something somewhere” - it’s easier, colleagues, turn on the plywood, and then it will be like everyone else. “Olympic” is very difficult to “sound out.” Where our “VIPs” were sitting was the hardest place in terms of sound. We knew this, we sat down before the concert, and we thought - will we please the “toads” or will we give people a normal sound? Well, that’s me loving, I’m the same “toad”, only older. And when there was a choice: to voice this “piglet”, or to give thousands a normal sound, she chooses people. And colleagues will understand that it was such a difficult place for them and it was very difficult with sound there».

The artist also admitted that Carolina - only person from our show business, which never betrayed him. Lorak listened nearby to compliments from the King of Pop: it was felt that she was pleased, but she was shy. I couldn’t believe that this modest, fragile girl had just assembled the Olympic. She can be cited as an example for those who believe that only rich people can achieve something in this life - Karlina was born in poor family, V small town Chernivtsi, where nothing suggested that she had a great future. And only thanks to her efforts she was able to achieve what she has now.

Even 10 years ago, during a performance at Eurovision in Serbia, Philip Kirkorov gave his ward, and now close friend Ani Lorak's nickname is Diva. Years later, this is exactly what she decided to call her solo show, which in terms of scale and level of direction can compete with the best programs her colleagues, foreign divas, be it Beyoncé or Lady Gaga.

Ani Lorak, supporting the global trend, decided to dedicate the show to women - representatives of the fairer sex, who in fact proved and are proving their strength every day. The singer's performance began with a 3D projection, where she appeared in the images of legendary figures who became a symbol of their time: the Virgin Mary, Mata Hari, Coco Chanel, Joan of Arc, Mother Teresa. The virtual show turned into a real one, when on stage, floating on Lorak herself appeared in a huge sparkling kinetic figure - a phoenix bird.

In total, the audience was presented with 22 high-tech performances, each with unique scenery, costumes and special effects. And what’s most interesting is that all this time, without breaks, Ani was on stage, demonstrating the wonders of balancing act, first performing stunts in the most complex scenery, and then disappearing for a fraction of a minute to transform into a new image.

"Almost three hours in one go!" - this was the verdict of the audience, among whom there were many famous people. This and best friend singers Philip Kirkorov, and Dmitry Peskov with Tatyana Navka, and Lorak's colleagues - Emin, Stas Mikhailov, Valeria, Zara, Larisa Dolina, Lyubov Uspenskaya, Nikolai Baskov and others.

Ani Lorak performed her first song - Shady Lady, with which she took 2nd place at Eurovision, standing on a giant phoenix bird

Philip Kirkorov, Tatyana Navka and Dmitry Peskov
The director of the show was Oleg Bodnarchuk, who authored the singer's previous show - "Carolina", a concert show for Philip Kirkorov, "Christmas Meetings" by Alla Pugacheva and many other large-scale projects. The director's ideas that evening knew no end. During one song the hall turned into a beach with real palm trees, during another - Ani appeared on stage, lying in a huge bathtub filled with shining stones, the third hit was accompanied by confetti flakes falling onto the stage like raindrops.

One of the most highlights show - "Oksana's Song" Ani Lorak performed while lying in a bathtub with stones

The song "Hold My Heart" featured a robotic platform that rotated 360 degrees. The singer required special plasticity in order to move organically at this moment, not lose her support and sing. After the concert, the singer admitted: “It was scary, it’s all unsafe, you can’t predict how the robot will behave!” But in the end I did it with flying colors - it was one of the most difficult numbers.

Briefly speaking about the numbers, these are about 500 kinetic suspensions for creating tricks in the air, 19 elevators programmed to change space and create the illusion of a moving floor, a transforming stage measuring 28 by 45 meters, 240 stage costumes and much, much more.

After the end of the show, the hall, in which there were no empty seats, and this is 15 thousand people, applauded while standing. "Bravo, Diva!" - the audience chanted, calling on Lorak to sing something as an encore. And she, of course, could not refuse them this.

Ani Lorak with her daughter on stage
Victoria Lopyreva, Nikolai Baskov, Larisa Dolina, Lyubov Uspenskaya
Philip Kirkorov

Ani Lorak presented the grandiose show “DIVA” on the stage of the Olympic Stadium. A full house (not a single empty seat in the hall!), high-tech decorations, bold direction, powerful live sound, an international team of professionals and, at the same time, a whole fashion show. Among the celebrity guests who came to congratulate Ani Lorak on the premiere: Philip Kirkorov with his children (6 days ago he was already at the show in St. Petersburg, but could not miss the Moscow concert!), Nikolai Baskov, Dima Bilan, Emin, Stas Mikhailov, Valeria and Joseph Prigozhin, Larisa Dolina, Lyubov Uspenskaya, Dmitry Peskov, Tatyana Navka, Timur Rodriguez, Polina Gagarina and many others. Two premieres previously took place with great success in Minsk and St. Petersburg.

Flashing film frames on 3D panels: the Virgin Mary, Mata Hari, Coco Chanel, Joan of Arc, Mother Teresa, starring Ani Lorak, who temporarily reincarnated as legendary women who became symbols of their time. And then an introduction explaining the message the show is a tribute to and declaration of love for a Woman.

“This is a story about a real woman from different times, about the mistress of fate and the servant of her conscience, in which lies a great secret, a riddle, the source of all joys and all worries. A story about a woman who knows how to restrain herself when it’s offensive, and to forgive when it’s unbearably painful...” - the lights go out, powerful spotlights come on on the stage and Ani Lorak appears in front of the audience.

The show opened with her global hit “Shady Lady,” with which she won silver at Eurovision in 2008. At the same time, Philip Kirkorov called her a Diva - ten years have passed and Ani Lorak presents the show of the same name. She appeared on stage spectacularly: hovering under the ceiling on a huge, sparkling, kinetic figure specially created for the show - the Phoenix bird.

The bar was initially set high: to create a world-class show that has no analogues. Director Oleg Bodnarchuk, director of the previous show “Carolina”, a concert show for Philip Kirkorov, “Christmas Meetings” by Alla Pugacheva and many other large-scale projects, took up the matter. And everything worked out: each of the 22 high-tech numbers has new scenery, costumes, arrangements, and special effects. The show goes on without an intermission: “Almost three hours in one breath!” - this is the verdict of the audience.

During the same time, Carolina (real name Ani Lorak) changed almost two dozen stage outfits: overalls, bodysuits, corsets, dresses, luxurious capes - Lorak is in excellent not only professional, but also physical shape. Moreover, the singer changed costumes without leaving the stage - tight timing and not a single pause for rest.

Lorak was different that evening: mischievous, daring, sexy, majestic, touching. She played, lived emotions on stage, charged her with spirits and did not hide how happy she was to see her beloved spectator.

The scenery was amazing in its scope. That evening the huge transforming stage turned into a beach (yes, with palm trees, slender girls in swimsuits and guys dancing in... huge glasses), a rainy street with night lights, a cabaret area, a dressing room, a children's bedroom, a futuristic area. The song "Hold My Heart" featured a robotic platform that rotated 360 degrees. The singer required special plasticity in order to move organically at this moment, not lose her support and sing, of course. After the concert she admitted: “It was scary, it’s not safe, you can’t predict how the robot will behave!” But in the end I did it with a bang – one of the most difficult numbers.

Another incredibly effective number is “Oksana’s Song”. Ani Lorak performed it while reclining in the bath - only instead of water there were crystal stones. “Is it my fault that I was born beautiful?” - Lorak sings playfully, addressing the audience. However, there was water on the stage. The dancers involved in this number found themselves under a real cold shower.

When Ani Lorak sang “I Will Always Love You” by Whitney Houston, whose fan she was and remains, the scenery remained motionless - exceptionally strong vocals are important here.

Closer to the finale, the audience couldn’t believe their eyes: a “live” chandelier with Ani Lorak in the center was flying across the hall, thanks to the gymnasts framing it! The luxurious, huge structure became part of the new composition “I Will Be Yours” - another idea of ​​the director, which required courage from the performer. However, Ani Lorak warned before the show that she would take to the air and fight her fears. Got up. And she overcame it.

Three hours later, the audience did not want to let Ani Lorak go: they shouted “Bravo, Diva!”, gave flowers, thanked her for the emotions given, danced in the aisles, and, of course, asked her to sing again and again!

IN in social networks a lot of reviews about the concert instantly appeared, but who can say better than Philip Kirkorov - the wise mentor of Ani Lorak, her great friend And godfather daughters?

What a joy it is to see and become a witness to What still seemed like a pipe dream some 10 years ago, when this little fragile teenage girl with an unrealistically beautiful voice turned into a Diva @anilorak named “Shady Lady” with light hand Eurovision @eurovision in 2008 I couldn’t even dream of such an evening and such a grandiose Supershow in one of the largest halls in Russia in the center of our capital, Moscow, in the OLYMPIYSKY Sports Complex on March 3, 2018 with a full 15,000-strong sold-out crowd!!!

This victory is worth a lot!! This is huge!! I'm proud of you, dear Caroline! I am proud that today all of Cultural Secular Moscow, including leading politicians and cultural figures, visited your “DIVA” Show!!! Thanks a lot, To you, dear colleagues, for being with us today, on such an important and significant evening for our dear Ani Lorak! And of course, thanks again to the unique production team under the leadership of the excellent director Oleg Bodnarchuk.”

U main character show there was only one wish- to make every woman feel like a Diva this evening and with this awareness, in beauty, spring mood, went home. Happened! Moreover, earlier than usual - March 8 is only a few days away.

Interesting facts about the show “DIVA”:

DIVA was born in 2008: while the singer was preparing to perform at the Eurovision Song Contest, where Ani Lorak won triumphant silver with the song “Shady Lady”. It was then that the artist’s close friend Philip Kirkorov called her a Diva. And now, ten years later, the Diva presented the main show of her career. We've never seen Ani Lorak like this before!

To create the show, the singer assembled an international team of specialists from the UK, Canada, Belgium, Japan, the Netherlands, the Czech Republic, Poland, Latvia, Ukraine, Belarus, Russia and other countries. In total, more than 250 people are involved in working on the program, including dancers, aerial acrobats, circus performers and musicians.

Other figures are no less impressive: more than 210 tons of equipment, a transforming stage measuring 28 by 45 meters, made specifically for the show, about 500 kinetic suspensions for creating tricks in the air, 19 elevators programmed to change space and create the illusion of a moving floor, 240 stage costumes , newest lighting equipment And best system sound of Eastern Europe.