Homemade applesauce wine. How to make delicious apple wine at home

Apple wine is the cheapest in terms of its preparation. At home, in a barrel, you can make alcoholic drinks from wild, unripe, dried, green apples, fermented jam, juice or compote with any suitable flavor.

The main thing on how to make homemade apple wine is the correct selection of taste and smell. All components must get along well with each other. Whichever of the additional ingredients you choose, the result will be very similar: apple wine has a pleasant golden color, a very subtle smell of the fruits of paradise, which is at the same time not too strong, but refined.

In this case, the main recommendation is to implement a clear technology. If you follow the apple wine recipe, you can get any drink you need: table, dessert or homemade liqueur wine from apples.

Cooking features

Now we will tell you the main features:

  1. The correct amount of raw materials, proportions and equipment - the use of unripe chopped fruits is necessary if you want to get dry wine from carrion. Sweet apples are suitable for dessert wines. But keep in mind that homemade wine made from apples that are long overripe will not last for a relatively long time. Therefore, if you want to enjoy homemade wine from sliced ​​apples even after a year, you need to choose the right sweet and sour apples with the addition of cinnamon or sea buckthorn.
  2. Do you want to know the proven method that our grandmothers used to make apple wine and wait until it is ready, not very long - do not wash the fruits immediately before the fermentation stage. Apples only need to be gently wiped with a clean napkin. Water will remove from the surface all bacteria that are necessary for the fermentation process to proceed.
  3. Wormy apples, especially rotten carrion, are not suitable for wine; in addition, the core of the fruit must be removed before cooking.
  4. In order to get the largest amount of apple juice, you will have to use a meat grinder or juicer.
  5. The pulp of unripe fallen fruits must be separated from the juice; before this, the mixture is infused for 3 days, retaining its beneficial properties.
  6. Squeeze, mix, and then lighten the puree using a press or through cheesecloth with a wooden spoon. The procedure should be repeated several times. The collected waste is thrown away (foam, pulp).
  7. The fermentation process of the tincture should take place in a closed container with a lid. It is necessary to take into account that air cannot enter the barrel through any cracks, otherwise the wine will be lost and that’s it. But the gas must have some kind of gap in order to freely exit the barrel during fermentation. Otherwise, the wine will ferment or even spoil. This process is facilitated by a built-in water seal on the surface or the use of a glove (a rubber glove should be pierced on one of the fingers).
  8. When fermentation has already completed, the wine is corked and taken to the cellar without adding additional components at this stage of winemaking.

Classic apple wine recipe


  • 11 kilograms of apples;
  • 2.7 liters of water;
  • 1.8 kilograms of sugar.


The fruits need to be rubbed through a meat grinder, and the juice should be placed in a bucket, securing a clean cloth on top. For three days, it is necessary to stir the mixture while it is cooking, every 10 hours. After this, the pulp that will stand out must be removed. It is necessary to leave a thin layer of about 0.5 centimeters. Now you need to add water to the mixture, then add 800 grams of sugar. The container must have a water seal.

After 4 days, the water seal is opened, 200 ml of wort is poured, in which 400 grams of sugar are dissolved. This large mixture is poured back and fits. The same thing is repeated after 4 days. You will know that the fermentation process has already ended by the sound made by the water seal. Once the wine has stopped bubbling, the winemaking process is complete.

Are you wondering how long this process takes? Experts have found that making wine from apples at home takes about a month and 20 days. Two months later, you will have to pour the alcoholic drink into a clean container with a rag and let it sit. Now you need to remove the sediment every 2 weeks until the mixture becomes clear.

When you manage to prepare wine with such a result, bottle the semi-sweet wine and store it for a year. The strength of this recipe was measured by experts. It amounted to 12 revolutions. Your health will not suffer from its use. Let's find out how to make wine from apples, the benefits of which have been proven by many doctors.

It is worth noting that the production temperature of sparkling sparkling wine throughout the entire fermentation process should be 20–22 degrees, depending on the storage location. The maximum and minimum temperature values ​​are 18 (24) degrees.

Fruit fortified wine


  • 6.2 kg of unripe apple fruits;
  • 215 grams of raisins or black currants;
  • 2.3 kg granulated sugar;
  • vodka for making fortified wine from apples.


Sort through the apples and puree them using a good, powerful juicer. Prepare the raisins, cut them into small pieces. After this, you need to combine the resulting puree with granulated sugar - don’t take all of it, leave 300 grams for the last addition - and raisins, pouring the mixture into a container with a small neck. A water seal must be placed on its base.

After 20 days, the strong wort must be strained. After this, the rest of the sugar is periodically added to the mixture, and the bottle is tightly closed. After 10 days, you need to open the pan, pour in vodka, shaking the mixture well. Now bottle the fortified drink. The strength of this wine will be 13–14 degrees (depending on the variety). If the wine is not fixed, it may ferment into vinegar. Then you will need a number of tablets for an upset stomach, and you may need to call medical help.

Apple wine with spicy notes


  • 2 kg apples;
  • 2 liters of water;
  • a bag of cinnamon;
  • 0.5 kg sugar.


Prepared apples, which need to be cut into slices, put into a basin, fill them with water, and cover with cinnamon. The mixture must be boiled until the fruit becomes like jam. Now the mixture must be ground through a sieve and poured into a bottle to undergo the ripening process.

Before fermentation begins, place tubes in the jar to remove gas. After this, the liquid is filtered through these tubes again, and sugar is added. You should monitor the process for two weeks, stirring the contents of the bottle occasionally. After a period of approximately 15–16 days, the sediment is drained, and the finished refined alcohol is poured into ordinary small bottles.

Dessert apple wine


  • 10.3 kg apples;
  • 1.7 kg of pears;
  • 210 grams of raisins;
  • granulated sugar 1.2 kg.


Using a food processor or whatever you have at hand, thoroughly extract the puree. After this, cut the raisins and add them to the mixture. The mixed components should stand in a tight bottle for 24 hours. During this time, use a wooden spatula to mix the ingredients 3 times. After this, add 0.5 kilograms of sugar and be sure to install an air duct, after which the mixture will begin to bubble and become dark.

You will need to wait approximately 5 days and then add 300 grams of sugar, after the same period of time - the rest of the granulated sugar. Now it is necessary to strain the sediment several times so that the young wine brightens.

Dry apple wine


  • 11.3 kg apples;
  • 2.4 liters of water;
  • 485 grams of sugar.


Take the fruits, squeeze out the juice and sprinkle the ingredients with sugar. All this is poured into a closed container. The top of the starter should be closed with a water seal. Wait until the product has finished maturing and filter the sweet wine. You need to filter it until the color of the dry apple wine brightens. Dry homemade wine can be considered absolutely ready, although it still needs to brew in a dark, cold cellar.

Apple jam as a wine ingredient


  • sweet apple jam (if there is mold, it must be removed) – 1 liter;
  • liter of water;
  • 100 grams of raisins;
  • 50 grams of sugar.


Pour all ingredients into a large container and mix. Carefully cover the product with a thin cloth and move it to a dark place. The mixture is left for 5 days, but do not forget to stir the components once a day. Ripening should begin within 8 hours. The first stage is completed.

After finishing, you need to remove the pulp and carefully drain the sediment. If you want to increase the strength, you can add alcohol or moonshine. The second step is completed.

The passage of time will only make the wine better. A similar simple but incredibly tasty drink made from scrap materials can be stored at home in a cold room for longer. A light drink needs to be aged for six months.

Semi-sweet wine with apples


  • 13.1 kg apples;
  • 3.7 liters of water;
  • 2.45 kg sugar.


Throughout the winemaking process for such semi-sweet wine, follow the classic recipe. Now taking into account the fact that for every liter of wine it is advisable to add 50 g of pure alcohol. Homemade wine with an astringency of 13 degrees will really appeal to women.

Compote apple wine


  • 3 parts apple compote stock;
  • 1 part sugar;
  • 80 grams of raisins.


Strain the juice so that it does not contain excess impurities and pulp. Now make a grape starter. To do this, you must slightly heat one glass of compote at a temperature of 30 degrees and place raisins there, grated with sugar. This mixture with the lid closed must be removed from the stove, place a couple of jars with liquid in a warm place and cover the hole with a clean cloth.

When the fermentation process is completed, it is enough to pour the starter into a jar with strained compote. The sour apples that you have strained must be ground with sugar and left to ferment. When the fermentation processes are completed in both jars, it is necessary to combine their contents and strain. The drink is bottled and placed in a cellar to infuse for 3 months.

Green apples are the best ingredient for wine


  • 5 kg apples;
  • 3 kg granulated sugar;
  • a bag of cinnamon;
  • 2 liters of water.


In order to prepare such wine, you need to cut 5 kg of fruit, cover it with sugar and cinnamon and boil it, first filling it with 3 liters of liquid. Leave the mixture to ferment for a week while preparation takes place, then strain and shake every 8 days for a month. Now strain the liquid again and bottle it.

Wild Apple Alcohol Recipe


  • 10 kg apples;
  • yeast;
  • 3 kg sugar;
  • 3 liters of water.


Wine made from wild apples will be sour. The fermentation process is absolutely similar to the classic version, but after straining it is necessary to add not only sugar, but also yeast to the wort. In addition, the fermentation process will be 45 days.

Apple juice for making wine


  • 7 kg apples;
  • 3.5 kg sugar;
  • 3 liters of water.


You will get a drink that is no different from store-bought. Cook apples according to the classic version. The fermentation process will last 80 days. After this, the wine from apple juice must be infused for 6 months, then you should drain the sediment and put it in the refrigerator for 30 days. The wine is ready. Its strength is 7 degrees.

Instant apple wine recipe


  • 2 kg sugar;
  • 2 liters of water;
  • 3 kg apples.


Apple juice is mixed with granulated sugar in a ratio of 1 to 2 and poured into bottles. The fermentation process lasts 10 days, the mixture is stirred and after adding the rest of the sugar, it is left for another month. The wine is ready.

Dry apples for wine


  • 1 kilogram of dried apples;
  • 3 kg sugar;
  • 8 liters of water;
  • yeast.


The recipe is similar to the classic version, but initially, to obtain liquid, you should grind the apples in a blender, grind them with sugar and add boiled water. Yeast is added after 10 days of infusion along with the rest of the sugar.

Yeast-free wine recipe with apples


  • 3 liters of apple juice;
  • 50 grams of sugar;
  • 30 grams of raisins.


Cut the raisins into small pieces and prepare the wine in the same way as the compote wine recipe. The only difference will be the absence of pulp. Therefore, in order to achieve greater strength, it is necessary to fix it with alcohol at the rate of 50 g of alcohol per liter. Now you know how to make wine from apple juice.

Apple wine with rowan


  • 5 kg of frozen (fresh are also suitable) rowan berries;
  • 5 kg apples;
  • 4 liters of water;
  • 2 kg sugar.


The name speaks for itself. The rowan along with the apples must be poured and slowly boiled using a juicer, and then left for 5 hours in a dark, cool place to cool completely. The ingredients are placed together with half the sugar and raisins, of which we will need a lot, in a tight container. This container is transferred to a dark place for 14 days. After this, the wine is filtered twice until clarification is achieved and placed in the cellar for 3–4 months. This is a must! Otherwise, it will cause irreparable harm to the body if you want to try drinking it.

Currant-apple wine


  • 5 kg of frozen or fresh currants (instead, you can take raspberries or chokeberries);
  • 5 kg apples;
  • 15 liters of water;
  • 5 kg sugar;
  • 3 tbsp. spoons of honey.


To make wine with honey with your own hands according to this recipe, after pressing, the currants must be boiled together with apples and half the sugar until completely soft. Now mix the mixture with water and place it in a bucket. The container must be secured with gauze and removed for 4 days, stirring every 8 hours. Now add the rest of the sugar there and leave it for 50 days. Strain the wine and fix it with alcohol in proportions of 15% of the volume of the drink, otherwise it begins to turn into acetone. Leave the mixture to steep for 6 months. Really, it wasn’t difficult, but quite simple? But what a result!

Delicious wine with cinnamon and ranetki


  • 13.1 kg apples;
  • 3.7 liters of water;
  • 2.45 kg sugar.


During the winemaking procedure for these types of wine, you will have to ensure that the same technology and content are followed as in the classic version. Now along with the rule that for every liter of wine it is advisable to add a 50-gram glass shot of pure alcohol for fermentation.

Homemade wine with an astringency of 13 degrees will really appeal to women who have refined wine preferences and treat themselves to good alcohol from time to time.

Attention, TODAY only!

Making wine from apples- this is a very wise decision, especially if the harvest exceeded all your expectations. The main thing is not to bring the situation to the point of absurdity. In particular, on the Internet you may come across dubious advice on how to make wine from dried apples.

In fact, you will be told how to make yeast brew from apple crumbles diluted with water. In our opinion, you will win much more if you do not succumb to such provocations, but use the available dried fruits to prepare fragrant and tasty uzvar.

But, for the sake of completeness, Shake Up still suggests that you familiarize yourself with this recipe.

How to make wine from apples: a question of raw materials

The most difficult and crucial moment in our case is the issue of selecting wine materials and determining the amount of sugar. In principle, all known categories of apple varieties are suitable for our purposes: sour, sweet and sour, sweet and bitter (aka tart). However, there are subtleties and preferences here. Thus, to obtain a light table drink, it is advisable to use sweet and sour autumn-ripened fruits. If we are talking about strong table, dessert and liqueur wines, we should focus on sour and sweet and sour winter varieties; for example, make wine from Antonovka apples.

However, the highest aerobatics in apple winemaking is mixing different varieties. In this case, to make the task easier, you can use classical proportions, proven over centuries:

  1. 37.5% sweet, 37.5% bitter, 25% sour;
  2. 40% sweet, 40% bitter, 20% sour;
  3. 25% sweet, 25% bitter, 50% sour;
  4. 25% sweet, 75% bitter;
  5. 66% sweet, 34% bitter;
  6. 66% moderately bitter, 34% sweet.

When preparing raw materials, the degree of fruit ripening should also be taken into account. So, if we are talking about summer varieties, then they can be put into use immediately after harvesting. Autumn varieties need to be kept in a dark place for 4-7 days to fully ripen. To achieve final ripeness, winter apples need to rest in a dry cellar for 3-4 weeks.

An equally important issue is the proportional calculation of sugar and apple juice. It depends both on the level of acidity of the fruit and on the type of drink planned for the output. Experienced experts in garden winemaking recommend adhering to the following ratios:

  1. Light table wines – 150-200 g of sugar per 1 liter of juice;
  2. Strong table wines – 200-250 g of sugar per 1 liter of juice;
  3. Dessert wines – 300-350 g of sugar per 1 liter of juice;
  4. Liqueur wines - 400 g of sugar per 1 liter of juice.

If your harvest consists mainly of sweet fruits, then in order to avoid too much sugar content (and, as is known, it should not exceed 20%), it is necessary to increase the acidity of the future wine by adding 10-20% of sloe or rowan juice.

Basic apple wine recipe

Before sealing the container with the drink sent for maturation, make sure that it is full to capacity. This precaution is necessary to ensure that the wine does not sour from contact with air. Otherwise, you will have to reluctantly process it into apple cider vinegar. The aging period of the drink ranges from 2 to 4 months, but it will be better if you wait up to six months. Wine ripening occurs in a cool, dark room at a temperature of 8-15°C. After which, if necessary, the drink is once again removed from the sediment, bottled and consumed.

Frozen apple wine

In principle, if necessary, you can make a quite passable drink from frozen apples. However, it should be borne in mind that as a result of freezing, the fruits will be less juicy, and in addition, they will lose wild yeast, which is so valuable in this case. Due to this, some changes will have to be made.

Firstly: apple juice, or rather applesauce obtained from defrosted apples, will need to be diluted with water in a 1:1 ratio.

Secondly: At the pre-fermentation stage, add a handful of unwashed raisins to the wort (200 g per 1 liter of liquid).

And thirdly: reduce the amount of added sugar to 100-150 g per 1 liter of wort.

Apple wine made from jam

If the apple jam prepared for the winter has become candied or fermented (but not sour) and the toad is trying to throw it away, try turning it into wine.

Cooking method

Well, and, of course, don’t expect stunning results. Let's face it, the drink you'll get is not for everyone.

A simple apple wine recipe


  1. Apples – 1 kg
  2. Sugar – 700 g
  3. Water – 2 l
  4. Cinnamon – 1 tbsp. l.

Cooking method

  1. Wash the apples, cut into small slices and pour into a container, add water and cinnamon and cook until the mass softens.
  2. Then rub the mass through a sieve and leave to ferment.
  3. After fermentation, strain and add sugar, let the wine settle and strain again.
  4. Pour the finished homemade wine into bottles and store in a cool place.

Apple and pear wine


  1. Apple juice – 10 l
  2. Pear juice – 1.5-2 cups
  3. Sugar – 2 kg

Cooking method

Apple wine with rowan juice for better clarification

Proportion: 9 parts apple, 1 part rowan juice.


  1. Apple juice – 6.3 l
  2. Rowan juice – 0.7 l
  3. Sugar – 2.5 kg sugar
  4. Water – 1.5 l

Cooking method

  1. To obtain the wort, you need to take apple (preferably from late varieties of apples) and rowan juices, add sugar and water.
  2. After thoroughly mixing the juices with water and dissolving the sugar, pour the wort into bottles and ferment.
  3. Fermentation lasts 7-10 days. The result is a wine with a strength of 5-11 degrees.

If you want to make the wine stronger (16 degrees), the wine needs to be alcoholized. For 10 liters of wine, take 0.5 liters of alcohol or 1 liter of vodka, distribute evenly among bottles, mix thoroughly until the wine has a uniform strength. Aging the wine for 5 days. After this, filter and bottle.

Alternative Apple Wine Recipe


  1. Apples – 1 kg
  2. Sugar – 1.5 kg
  3. Water – 4.5 l
  4. Cinnamon – 1 tbsp. l.
  5. Yeast – 20 g
  6. Lemon – 2 pcs.

Cooking method

  1. Wash the apples and cut them into small slices, pour boiling water over them and put the mixture under a press.
  2. Keep under pressure for 4 days, then strain and add lemon juice, cinnamon and yeast.
  3. Place the container in a dark place for fermentation. When the fermentation process is over, mix the mass and leave for 2-3 days.
  4. Then strain again and pour into a barrel. Homemade wine is aged in it for six months, and then bottled and stored in a cool place.

Dried apple wine


  1. Dried apples of sour and sweet varieties – 1 kg
  2. Sugar – 100 g
  3. Water – 1.73 l
  4. Yeast (preferably wine yeast) – 1 tsp.
  5. – 500 ml

Cooking method

  1. Take dried apples of sweet and sour varieties, put them in a wooden or enamel bowl, add hot water at 80–90 °C and leave for 24 hours (take 800 ml of water for 1 kg of apples).
  2. Then press the apples, pour the resulting liquid into a bottle, add 10% sugar syrup (for 1 liter of syrup, take 930 ml of water and 100 g of sugar) and yeast, close the bottle with a fermentation stopper and leave for fermentation.
  3. After 5–6 days, the wort can be alcoholized by adding 500 ml of 70° alcohol per 1 liter.
  4. Pour the mixture into a clean bottle, close it and let it brew for 3-5 days.
  5. Then carefully remove the wine from the sediment and leave it to mature in a tightly closed vessel for 6–8 months. At the same time, make one or two transfusions using a tube (depending on the amount of sediment).
  6. Remove the finished wine from the sediment, pour into bottles, seal and store in a cool place.

As soon as the new harvest has ripened, housewives begin winter canning, and business men begin making strong and not very alcoholic drinks. Wine made from apples is especially popular, but this tasty product is not as simple as it seems at first glance, since, like all winemaking technologies, it has a lot of culinary steps. In order not to spoil the result of your hard and long work, you need to prepare the drink correctly, following the sequence described step by step in the recipe.

Before you start making homemade wine from a fresh apple harvest, it’s worth finding out which fruits are best suited for this. We are talking not only about the quality of the fruits, but also about their combination. Homemade apple wine has a lot of features in the selection of apples and their processing, but it is their 100th adherence that will ensure you receive a delicious natural drink of the highest quality.

Which apples to choose for homemade wine

The most successful option for apple wine is a combination of apples of different varieties. What to combine with what will help determine the type of wine you are going to make: strong, light table, dessert or liqueur.

For example, if your plans are to make liqueur, strong or dessert wine at home, then you need to use a combination of sweet and sour apples with regular sour apples, autumn or winter varieties. In this case, the Antonovka variety is ideal. If you want to make cider or light table wine, then you will need sweet and sour apples of autumn commercial varieties. But as mentioned above: it is best to combine the fruits.

The most common apple combinations look like this:

  • 2 parts (hours) sweet and 1 part (hours) tart;
  • 1 hour each sweet and tart + 2 hours sour;
  • 2 hours sour + 3 hours each tart and sweet;
  • 1 hour sweet and 2 hours bitter;
  • 1 hour sour and 2 hours tart and sweet;
  • 3 hours tart and 1 hour sweet.

If you use apples of summer varieties, they can be sent for juice extraction immediately after harvesting. Picked autumn fruits should be left to ripen for 3-4 days, winter ones - for 3-4 weeks in a cool place (basement, cellar, pantry).

A simple recipe for homemade apple wine

To make wine from whole apples, you need to properly prepare them for processing. It is very important not to wash the fruits before cooking. There are natural yeasts on the skin that promote the natural fermentation process. To clean apples from dust and dirt, just wipe their surface with a brush or rag, but washing the fruits in water is not recommended.

If the apples have rotten, damaged areas or wormholes, feel free to remove them. You also need to cut out the core with the seeds from the apples so that the finished drink does not taste bitter. If you like a certain tartness, you don’t have to cut out the apple “heart”.

How to make apple wine at home

  1. We pass the peeled apples through a juicer.
  2. Pour the resulting juice into a glass container, occupying no more than ¾ of the total volume. After all, when the wort ferments, it will definitely begin to pour out of the container.

Do not forget that apple juice cannot be left in the air for a long time - it can oxidize.

  1. Add apple pomace to the squeezed juice to increase the concentration of natural yeast before fermentation.
  2. Next, add sugar (proportions – 150-200 g per 1 liter of juice). You can introduce the required portion gradually - in 3 approaches: 1 time every 2 days. This will help avoid violent fermentation. However, remember that if you add sugar again to the wort, you may get a “champagne effect”. Therefore, you need to add sugar little by little. If you don’t add it at all, the wine strength will be less than 15° vol.
  3. We close the container with the wort with a rubber glove (be sure to make a puncture in one of the fingers) or with a water seal. If this is not done, then under the influence of air the apple juice will oxidize and begin to form acetic acid.
  4. While the wort is fermenting, you need to stir it once a day so that the yeast disperses evenly throughout the fermenting drink. Stirring will speed up the fermentation process of homemade wine.
  5. We put the container with the drink in a dark place with a temperature not exceeding 22-28°C. We constantly monitor the condition of the yeast.
  6. As soon as the rubber glove falls off, or the release of carbon dioxide stops (if you used a water seal for fermentation), you can assume that the fermentation is over and the wine from fresh apples is ready.

Separate the wine from the sediment, pour into clean bottles and store in a cool place.

Secrets of delicious apple wine

  1. The remaining sediment can be used again - as a starter for making apple wine at home.
  2. If the wine does not reach the required strength - 15° vol. and there is sugar left in it, then the fermentation process will slowly continue. The end result is apple cider. For those who know, this is the same as apple wine, only cider is always a low-alcohol drink, unlike wine, the strength of which varies.
  3. If you don’t need cider, then we sterilize the bottles with the finished wine, bringing the temperature of the contents to above 50°C. Under such conditions, the yeast will “die” and fermentation will stop completely.
  4. If you want to make good wine from ripe apples for the winter, but only sweet fruits are on hand, then you need to add freshly squeezed juice from fruits and berries, which have tannins and natural acids, to the apple juice. Plum, chokeberry, blackthorn, and pear are ideal for this. To prepare wine, we use the following proportions: 5-10 parts apples to 1 part sour juice.

How to make wine from apples with raisins: recipe without yeast


  • Apples – 10 kg + -
  • Unwashed raisins - 100 g + -
  • — 2.2 kg + -

Step-by-step recipe for apple wine at home

Apple wine with raisin starter is made using a simple, but slightly different technology from the recipe described above. If in the previous recipe the technology for making wine from fresh apples included processing the fruits using a juicer, then this preparation method requires a regular meat grinder. We will make wine with a glove, the fermentation process itself will take no more than 20 days, so in a month you will have a homemade drink you can try.

  1. We sort the apples, clean them with a brush to remove any dirt, and remove the core from the fruit.
  2. Grind ripe (not green) apples in a meat grinder.
  3. Add granulated sugar and unwashed raisins to the resulting puree, stir everything.
  4. We transfer the mass into a glass bottle and put a pierced rubber glove on its throat. The puncture should be small: such that the resulting carbon dioxide can escape from the bottle and no excess air can enter.
  5. After 20 days, we filter the fermented wort (separate it from the sediment), add granulated sugar (200 g), and then seal the finished wine into clean containers. We remove the product for a while in a cool, dark place for further ripening.
  6. When the apple wine is ripe, you can, if desired, add vodka (150 g) to the drink, stir everything, and then bottle it.
  7. Store finished apple wine in a room with low temperatures (cellar or refrigerator).

You can watch how to make delicious wine from apples with your own hands in a step-by-step video recipe. It will complement the theoretical recipe and help find answers to those questions that unexpectedly arise during the preparation process for every winemaker.

As mentioned above, there are several types of apple wine, and for each of them it is necessary to select its own quantitative ratio of the main ingredients. Below is a table that describes in detail which products and in what proportions need to be combined to get one or another type of homemade wine.

Each number corresponds to a different type of wine:

  • 1 – table lung,
  • 2 – table strong,
  • 3 – strong,
  • 4 – dessert,
  • 5 – liqueur.

By adhering to the correct proportions and following the sequence of steps in preparation, creating wine from apples will not be difficult. Those who have made it more than once know for sure whether it is possible to make delicious wine from apples. At home, apple wine (or as it is also beautifully called cider) turns out to be very tasty, healthy, and most importantly – natural.

If you are going to make wine from apples for the first time, then it is better to give preference to making dessert, liqueur or strong wine. These species tolerate various diseases and inept handling more easily, and they do not require complex equipment. With experience, you can begin to prepare more complex varieties of apple drink.

Happy cooking!

At the liquor counter, apple wine is the cheapest, but this has nothing to do with the quality of the product. The fact is that the cooking technology is quite easy, and the raw materials are cheap and very common. Thanks to these factors, almost anyone can make wine from apples at home, even if they have no experience in moonshine brewing or winemaking.

What do you need to make apple wine?

The list of ingredients for wine is very short, because a novice winemaker will only need:

  • apples;
  • sugar.

You can use one variety, but a much more pleasant aroma of wine is obtained by mixing different varieties of apples. Even unripe and sour fruits are suitable for wine. Ideally, use harvest from your own plot. When purchasing, you should pay attention only to local varieties, especially if they look unpresentable: small, unevenly colored, and so on. The reason is that winemaking will require wild yeast from the peel, and imported and beautiful apples are often treated with wax, so are useless for making alcoholic beverages.

Instead of apples, you can use ready-made juice. But packaged juice from stores will not work; you will need a completely natural product without additives.

The amount of sugar for wine is calculated based on the amount of juice obtained and the desired result. For example, for regular dry juice, only about 200 g of sugar per 1 liter of juice is required, but for sweet juice, the dose of sugar will need to be doubled.

Sometimes a recipe for apple wine at home involves diluting the juice with water. This move is acceptable when using a large number of unripe or sour fruits. If the juice tastes too sour or tastes bitter, it is permissible to add 100 ml of water for each liter of aromatic liquid.

Spices will help make the wine more piquant. Cinnamon, star anise or cardamom are often added to apple wine at the last stage of preparation.

Winemaking stages

After harvesting the apples, you need to squeeze the juice out of them. Before this procedure, fruits cannot be washed, but if they are in sand or soil, you can wipe them with a dry cloth. The central part of the apple with seeds is not needed for juice, as it gives extra bitterness. If you don’t have a juicer, you can grate the raw material until it becomes a puree, and then squeeze the pulp through cheesecloth.

Pour into a container with a wide neck, which must be tied with gauze to prevent dust and debris from getting into the liquid. The juice should fill the container no more than 2/3. Next, the container is placed in a dark and warm place for 2-3 days. The room temperature should be from 18 to 25 degrees. The warmer it is, the faster the product will ferment. In many apple wine recipes, it is recommended to stir the wort several times a day at the first stage. By the end of this stage, the juice acquires a characteristic sour-alcohol odor.

Next, the fermented dense pulp is removed from the surface of the future apple wine so that only liquid remains in the container. Sugar is poured into it. Sugar can be added all at once or in parts. Half before the water seal is installed, and the second half after 5-10 days.

After adding sugar, the container with apple wine is tightly closed with a lid, in the center of which you need to cut a small hole with a diameter the width of the tube. One end of the tube is lowered into a container with juice so as not to touch the liquid, the other end is lowered into a glass of water. This design is a water seal. It will help get rid of excess gas that is formed during fermentation. You can replace the water seal with a medical glove with a puncture in one of the fingers.

The wine ferments for 30-60 days. The end of the process can be seen when the water stops bubbling or the glove deflates. After this, the wine is filtered through cheesecloth into bottles, spices are added, and the home wine product matures for another 2-4 months. Homemade apple wine can be stored for 3 years in a cool, dark place.

Video recipe for making apple wine at home

In a good year, the abundance of apples pleases gardeners with a wealth of supplies, and avid winemakers are already looking forward to fresh, aromatic apple wine! This juicy and tasty fruit is good in any form.

Apple jams, preserves, and confitures are waiting in the wings on the shelves. A variety of compotes, juices and fruit drinks from apples have been prepared for several years in advance. Apple pies are included in the daily menu.

But perhaps the best way to process valuable vitamin raw materials is to make homemade wine from apples. The simplest recipe for wine from apple juice will use the entire ripe harvest and will not allow these tasty, fragrant and healthy fruits to go to waste.

When prepared for future use, apple wine can be stored for a long time, while the bouquet of the drink reveals new fruity notes and acquires an extraordinary richness of taste.

Healthy homemade apple wine: how to make?

First of all, you need to decide on the taste of the future alcoholic drink. If you like sweeter apple wine, then in this case you need to take ripened fruits of late varieties, which contain the most sugar. Otherwise, fruits with a pronounced sour taste should predominate. But the most optimal thing is to mix sour and sweet fruits in the required proportion. Making an alcoholic fruit drink cannot be rushed; it requires a thoughtful and serious approach.

So, let's start preparing the future king of parties.

— we take unwashed apples in any quantity. The fruits should not be washed because they contain natural yeast on their surface. If you use fruits collected from the ground for the drink, then wiping them with a damp cloth is enough. The apple core and seeds must be removed.
- grind fruits in any available way - using a food processor, blender, grater, through a meat grinder.
— leave the resulting applesauce at room temperature for one day in an open container.
- stir every hour.
— remove the thick thick crust from the top of the apple mass and leave it again for a day.
- we repeat the operation.
— squeeze out the remaining softer fraction of the puree, pour the resulting juice into a separate bowl.
- add granulated sugar in the proportion of 250 grams per liter of apple juice and water at the rate of 150 grams per liter.
- Stir the liquid vigorously until the granulated sugar is completely dissolved in it.
- pour into a glass, enamel or plastic container with
— Place the bottle of wine in a dark place at room temperature.
— the fermentation process takes about one and a half months, its completion is signaled by the absence of carbon dioxide bubbles.
- homemade apple wine is ready, let it sit for about another week.
- after the specified period, the young apple wine is removed from the sediment.
— place the bottle with the drink on the table, and place another dry and clean container under it.
- using a hose, carefully, without stirring the sediment, pour the homemade product into a new container.

Your very own apple wine is ready! But it would still be better to let the drink brew and ripen, having previously clarified it. To do this, it is placed in a cool and dark place for a couple of months. Then we repeat the procedure for removing the sediment again.

If there are a lot of ripe fruits and the volume of production of homemade alcoholic beverage is also significant, care should be taken to ensure that the apple wine does not spoil. To do this, place a container of alcohol in a tank, jug or large pan of water and heat it to a temperature of 70 degrees. After this, it is slowly cooled and placed for further ripening.

Aromatic and light wine, produced at home, has a fascinating amber color and is distinguished by a wide variety of flavors, which depends on the type of fruit used. Delicate apple wine - a drink for any occasion and celebration!