How to properly charge a new wallet with money. Signs on how to buy a new wallet and where to put the old one

Esotericists, magicians and psychics claim that in order for money to be transferred, it is necessary to read and perform rituals for a new wallet.

In their opinion, by buying a new wallet, a person changes material energy. And in order for it to act to increase wealth, it is necessary to read certain conspiracies and spells over the new wallet.

If you do everything correctly, the wallet itself will begin to attract money in large quantities.

Ritual for a new wallet

In order for there to be money in a wallet, a person must buy a wallet that he especially likes. You should not save on this accessory; it is better to buy exactly the one you like, regardless of the cost.

Besides this, there is also a number of criteria that should be followed when purchasing a wallet:

  • It must have compartments for large and small ones.
  • If the wallet has transparent inserts, then they It’s better not to bother with any other documents, as this will impede the flow of monetary energy.
  • It’s better if the wallet is a calm color, for example, dark brown can protect money from envious glances and help attract positive financial energy.
  • Immediately after purchasing a new wallet, you need to put a coin in it with a denomination of 1 ruble or 1 kopeck, and never waste it.

In order to set up a new wallet to attract money, you need to perform a special ritual with it. For this it is necessary put any coin in your wallet and go with it to any body of water.

On the shore it is necessary wet your hand in water and spray it three times onto the open wallet so that the droplets fall on the coin itself. In this case, you need to say the following words (preferably out loud):

The water in the river flows and does not end. So my wallet will never run out of money. The water flows, always silver and sparkling. So money will flow into my wallet forever, sparkle and silver for my joy and for the benefit of everyone.

This coin must be spent in the next three days after completion.

On the same day, it is advisable to get rid of your old wallet. It is not recommended to give or give this wallet to someone else.

The best way to get rid of it is to burn your wallet.. This can be done at home. While the wallet is burning, you must read the following spell:

Burn with a red flame, and take poverty with you into the fire. What was in you before will triple, what was not there before will appear. So be it. Amen.

Powerful spells to attract money

In order for the new wallet to contain money, special spells must be read over it. There are several options for particularly strong conspiracies that will definitely attract the energy of money.

On the new moon

To conduct this, you need to prepare three different coins: white, gold and copper (no matter what time they are from or what country). You need to put them in your wallet and go outside. Looking at the moon, you need to say the following words:

Money floats across the sky.

They will send me wealth.

Then you need to carry these coins with you in your wallet.

On the mouse

Before performing this ceremony, need to buy a small mouse figurine. After this, you need to put it in your wallet and read the spell:

Mouse sit down, get some money.

To a red wallet

If purchased the wallet is red, then there is a special conspiracy for this.

In order for money to start flowing into a red wallet, you need to put it in front of you on the waxing Moon and hold a lit candle over the wallet.

At the same time, say: “Charge yourself with the power of fire!” Then you need to sprinkle a pinch of earth and say: “By the power of the Earth - prosper!” Next, sprinkle water with the words: “Fill yourself with the Power of Water!” And finally, blow on it and say: “By the Power of Air - increase!”

After that, put the wallet in the eastern part of the house for a day, and then you can use it.

What prayer should you read?

Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God. Have mercy and do not be angry at my mortal request. Bless me with money in a new wallet. Just as everything has always been bought, so to this day it is famously sold. May God’s will not oppose you and my income will rise. As the wallet is filled with wealth, so will my request be fulfilled for the good. Thy will be done. Amen.

This must be done sincerely, and you need to ask not only for material benefits, but also for health, peace and harmony in the family.

Having the right amount of money in your life makes you happier, all your whims and desires begin to come true. It is important to pay due attention to the wallet where you store money; you need to treat it with care. It’s good if you always take care of him from the magical side. The wallet spell is a must read in many situations.

In order to always have money in your wallet, you need to carry out conspiracies

The most important component of your wealth is your wallet. One has only to look at what kind of wallet you have, and it will immediately become clear whether you have money or not. You can attract wealth into your money accessory very simply by charging it with the strong energy of attracting money.

For greater profits, choose the right money storage accessory:

  • pay attention to the appearance and cost. In everything you need moderation, do not take a flashy wallet or a plain one; very expensive or the cheapest. Choose the one that suits your financial situation;
  • the wallet should have many sections for different denominations of money;
  • it should not be empty, if you have paid so that there is no money left, throw some change into the smallest department;
  • try to avoid transparent compartments for unnecessary things.
  • After choosing a wallet, choose the right ritual. If your wallet needs a replacement, do not rush to throw away the old one, it can be used as a piggy bank.

Apply simple rituals to your old, new and gift wallet.

Rituals for replenishing your wallet

Once you have purchased a decent wallet, you need to charge it with banknotes. Be sure to follow the lunar calendar; a conspiracy for a new wallet is carried out during the waxing moon phase. The most powerful conspiracies are read on the full moon.

Ritual with a coin

At dusk, sit by the window to see the month and light a candle, preferably a church candle. Get ready to read the main prayer, cross yourself, and silently say the Lord’s Prayer.

Place a lucky bill or any gold jewelry in your wallet with the words:

“Moon-moon silver horns, give my new wallet silver-gold so that it grows, fills and is filled with money. Let it be so. Amen".

The charmed money must be kept so that no one can see

There is no need to constantly keep the enchanted item in your wallet; you can leave it in a box at home so that no one can see. This will be your secret amulet for attracting money.

Ritual with green candles

This ritual of charging a wallet is performed on a full moon. Moonlight has a strong ability to charge objects and money.

Light the green candle with the power of fire. You need to put it on the windowsill under the moonlight. Say a magic spell:

“The cash flow rushes and runs into my magical new wallet. Multiplies my income, expenses have become minimal. The energy of money caresses me, and poverty rather runs away from the holy fire. Let it be so. My word is strong. Amen".

While the candles are burning, imagine your financial situation, visualize the arrival of the amount you need. A spell for a new wallet on the full moon loves it when you know the exact number you would like to receive. Keep in mind that with the advent of large sums of money, the sure conspiracy brought you more work. Extinguished candles should be buried near the house.

Healer conspiracies

Natalya Stepanova writes a lot about money rituals and suggests reading a simple whisper on a banknote to attract wealth, which should be read on a new moon:

“Just as there are many stars in the sky, just as there is enough water in the sea, so should my wallet have a lot of money and always have enough. Amen."

By following Natalia's whisper, you can get rich quickly.

“I’m calling for a housewarming purse of a thousand in gold and a thousand in silver. Live and invite your friends with your money - there is enough room for everyone. There’s a lot of grain in the golden ears, but here (point finger at the wallet) there’s still more money. And it will be so as long as this wallet exists. Amen".

Or sprinkle holy water on it with the words:

“Most holy, reverend, angelic, archangelic ranks, overshadow this thing from above for the sake of righteous wealth. For you know that a person cannot live without money, just as a fish cannot live without water. Therefore, make sure that I, (name) always have as much as I need. I release the word that was spoken, I attract money through you!

Ritual with water

To perform the ritual, you need to go early in the morning to fetch spring water. Sprinkle with clean water while reading the plot for big money and for your wallet:

“The water in the river (spring) flows and does not end. So my wallet will never run out of money. The water flows, always silver and sparkling. So money will flow into my wallet forever, sparkle and silver for my joy and for the benefit of everyone.”

The ritual requires spring water.

Rite for protection

A very strong and necessary protection for a wallet from various disasters: to prevent thieves from stealing, from loss, from senseless waste of money.

“There are eyes in the forehead, images on the wall. Whoever offends me by stealing will hate himself. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen."

You need to spell a new wallet along with the place where you store it, for example, a bag.

Home plot

Practical magic is as simple as possible for the average person. Prepare for a ritual to attract money at home:

  • a sheet of green paper;
  • green or herbal tea and honey;
  • simple pencil.

Brew strong tea, add honey to it and place the drink on green paper. Stir the tea not with a spoon, but with a pencil. While you stir, think about the amount you need, a specific number. Take a sip of tea and write this number on a piece of paper, and below it the text:

“Tea, there will be money.”

Drink the tea to the end, enjoying its taste, and fold the piece of paper into a small envelope and place it in the largest compartment of your wallet. The ritual charges you with monetary energy for the whole year.

Ritual with apples

The ritual will be most powerful if you collect 20 apples by hand. If this is not possible, buy them at the supermarket. Be patient and carefully study the instructions for your daily actions.

20 apples need to be picked from the garden or bought

On the first day you give 14 apples to poor people on the street, the next day do the same, only give 3 apples. So that the house is full of prosperity, on the third day, take the apples to the temple and read the hex on the apples:

“Remember my poverty for peace, and let my wealth remain with me. Amen. Amen. Amen".

Ritual with an old wallet

Some magicians believe that you need to radically get rid of your old wallet and perform a ritual of burning it.

Do not use your old wallet for a month; just let it lie in a dark place. After the time has passed, light a small fire in the vacant lot. Throw it into a strong fire, saying the following spell:

“I let go of the old, I call on the new.”

Don’t regret this loss, but buy a new red wallet for the waning moon. He will need to be charmed for good luck and money, as well as against theft, in one of any of the presented ways.

Ritual for a red wallet

Red color will not only attract money into your home, but will also give you self-confidence. This Simoron ritual, which can also be found in Feng Shui magic, is very popular among those who care about their financial condition.

Read the spell for a red wallet on the waxing moon, on the street, looking at the sky:

“Clear month, lunar friend! You light up everything around! Give all the power to your wallet, I can’t do it without it! Let your income grow as you do, let wealth come to me!

Collect all the available money in your wallet and go to bed with it.

Christmas conspiracy

Christmas magic works flawlessly. Cover the table with a white tablecloth and place 4 icons of saints. Light the candles and lay out money of each denomination.

The plot is more effective at Christmas

Read the plot:

“Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, on Your Birthday, bless me and my purse of gold and goodness, full of silver, shelter and protect me from trouble and poverty.”

Then say prayers to all the saints you have listed.

Conspiracy for Easter

The bright holiday of Easter will bring monetary well-being to your home if you ask the saints for it.

You need to buy 3 purses and in the morning, go to church service with products that need to be blessed for the holiday. Write one magic text on three different pieces of paper:

“I give it to you, I add it to myself.”

Leave one text under your groceries, another in your clothes, and bring the last one home. When you leave the holy place, say a strong prayer and thank the higher powers and the priest:

“Heavenly Father, Mother Queen, Holy Spirit! I ask you for help and strength, I want to cleanse my mind of filth. I’m not asking you for money, but for wealth so that the children don’t need anything. To raise and educate, to be able to give to everyone. The hand will not become weak, the heart will not harden. For good, for happiness, without any deceit. Amen (3 times)."

Money talismans

The most effective way to attract wealth into your home is to charm amulets for cash flow. Then money will always be available and your family will never need it.

Since ancient times, the laurel leaf has helped in various life situations: increase income, find a good job or advance in career.

Bay leaf will help increase income

Rub one bay leaf in your palms, saying:

“Money to money, wealth to wealth.”

Scatter laurel dust over your wallet, completing this mysterious ritual; you turn an ordinary leaf into a talisman for attracting money.

Spoon mouse

Many stores offer a wide range of different mascot toys. Just buying one of them is not enough, you need to talk your wallet into wealth.

“Sit down, little mouse, get some money.”

For every change in your wallet, you need to read another spell on the mouse and on the wallet:

“Mouse, move into a new house, keep the money in a new wallet.”

Just as these precious stones sparkle, so will your money. Choose the entire fiery palette: red, golden, red, bronze, brown and other shades. There is no need to enchant such stones or crystals; the main thing is to always carry them with you, like a money amulet.

Gems should always be carried with you

Ritual with denominations

Collect bills and coins of all denominations in one pile and place them next to your wallet. Under the moonlight, open it and lay out the money, starting with the smallest ones, with the words:

“The full moon shone in the heavens and brought money into my life every day. I saw all the money in my wallet and showed it to the full moon. The moon will now grow quickly and bring money into my wallet every day. For the moon to grow and grow, and for me to always live and live in wealth. Amen!"

People often do not notice that their financial condition depends on their attitude towards storing money. Belief in omens helps us pay partial attention to this. But only magical rituals for money and rituals for a new wallet, as well as your strong desire and faith in the fulfillment of your dreams, will save your finances.

Very often, ordinary, simple magic that anyone can use helps solve financial problems. A wallet spell is an effective method for attracting money. If you do not believe in your strength and that you can get rich, then not a single ritual or conspiracy will help you. If you are confident in your strengths and capabilities, then success awaits you, since almost nothing except faith has such a powerful force.

Wallet spell

The spell does not necessarily need to be cast on a new wallet. You can read it on your old one too. Main. So that it is not torn or full of holes.

It is necessary to read the conspiracy on the wallet during the waxing moon. You will need to take a nickel and put it in your wallet and say: “As the Moon walks in a circle, so money curls around me. My wallet will not see any poverty or problems as long as the Moon rises every night. Let it be so."

Conspiracy for a new wallet

If you bought a new wallet and want to cast a spell on it, then you first need to charge it with the energy of your money, otherwise all actions will be in vain. To do this, carry the money in this wallet for three days. And on the fourth day you can read a spell for money: “Money has flowed into my wallet, is coming and will continue to flow.”

Spell on an old wallet to get rid of lack of money

There is also a ritual for an old wallet. It is usually carried out with the aim of getting rid of lack of money, debts and financial problems. It should be read on the waning moon. Take your old wallet, take out all the money and put in a nickel. Preferably new and shiny. Say the wallet spell out loud: “I’m buying myself out of trouble and lack of money. Fierce misfortune, don’t follow me.” After that, throw the wallet away from the house along with this coin inside.

When using rituals and conspiracies to attract money, you must remember that money will not appear on its own. A positive result of these money conspiracies can be the emergence of new opportunities, a new job or a new source of income. We wish you good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

15.08.2014 09:00

It's no secret that work is often not appreciated. But there is a true one...

Do you dream of being rich? This is right. Everyone needs money. However, many choose the difficult path to wealth...

To increase profits, many people use various methods: some are constantly in the process of looking for a new high-paying job, others are developing their business, some are investing money in gambling - there are a huge number of options.

However, one of the selected options can be strengthened quite well if you use the help of higher powers. For people, a wallet has always been a symbol of wealth, so it is hardly possible to come up with a more relevant talisman for attracting wealth.

It’s not for nothing that people call this accessory a money house.

It has the ability to attract money and promotes the magic of wealth based on monetary energy. When purchasing a new wallet, do not rush to throw away the old one; it is recommended to use the appropriate wallet spell, for example, from Natalya Stepanova. It will allow you to get rich. The ideal time for the ritual is the full moon or new moon. A person can achieve a significant increase in profits at work if he follows the “rules of the game.”

Be sure to follow the rules

In order for a conspiracy or whisper to be effective, you need to follow some rules, the most important thing is to follow the instructions exactly and not make any changes to them. This can only be done by professional magicians in exceptional cases. Unless otherwise specified in the instructions, it is recommended to carry out the money plot or whisper of Natalia Stepanova on a new moon or full moon.

If you do not have the item that is necessary to perform the ritual, then it is better for you to choose another plot. A conspiracy for a new wallet is no joke, so simply carrying it out at any time is highly discouraged, otherwise you risk making powerful enemies. Every word in the plot has a meaning, so don’t rearrange them, don’t change them. You need to put your energy, feelings and emotions into every word of the conspiracy.

Concentrate as much as possible on your desire to earn more money, and not on the financial problem itself.

Usually, wallets are given to people with money, for example, a penny. It's better not to waste it, because it will bring you good luck. It is also worth remembering that magic only works effectively in conjunction with your actions. If a person constantly lies on the couch, it is unlikely that he will be able to see any money. You don’t need to throw away your old wallet until you read the money plot over the new one.

What to do with a new wallet

Find the period of the new moon or full moon on the lunar calendar; at this time the conspiracy and whispers are especially strong. Early in the morning, one coin of different denominations, as well as banknotes, are placed in a new wallet. The more money you invest in it, the better. Foreign currencies can also be used for this procedure. The most important thing is not to put “dead bills” in it that have gone out of use, for example Soviet ones. Then you need to say the magic words over the wallet.

Conspiracy “On the wallet”

“The cash flow rushes and runs into my magical new wallet. Multiplies my income, expenses have become minimal. The energy of money caresses me, and poverty rather runs away from the holy fire. Let it be so. My word is strong. Amen."

Carry the charmed wallet with you until the evening, only after that you can take out and spend money from the new wallet.

Another ritual with your new wallet is the spell for a wallet with seven candles. Buy 7 of the most expensive green candles from the church. Perform the ritual on a new moon or full moon at midnight, preferably on Thursday night. A new, unused wallet is placed in a place where moonlight can easily reach.

You must place 7 candles around, they are set on fire, then the words of the conspiracy are pronounced.

Spell “On the wallet” for candles

“I, servant of God (name), will stand, be blessed, and walk, crossing myself, I will follow my mother on the damp earth, I will be covered with the sky, I will be girded with the dawn, I will be wrapped in stars, I will be clothed in a white robe, I will be baptized in Christ. I will create the Life-giving Cross and pray to God. Holy Soul, Nameless Light. Sveta unsearchable and hidden, come and dwell in us, and cleanse us from all darkness of ignorance, giving us to drink the streams of Your knowledge; raise us up, cast down by sin, free us, enslaved by passions, heal us from every ulcer that lurks in us, through the communion of Divine and incorruptible Food, the Body and Blood of Christ, we pray to You, hear us and have mercy. God! You have a lot of things, give me, Your servant, a small fraction of your riches. Daily bread, prosperity in the house, shelter on the road, haste in business, increase in money. Before this happens, grant me, Lord, repentance for my sins and justification at the Last Judgment.”

After reading, the candles should burn out completely; you need to get rid of the cinders. Always carry a new wallet with you, keep it clean, do not carry useless garbage or receipts in it.

People read the simplest conspiracy or whisper over an open wallet on a full or new moon; you need to put one single coin in it.

Conspiracy “On the wallet”

“As coins gather to money, so happiness and prosperity gather to me, money to coins flows into a new wallet. And in the new wallet there is always rustling and ringing, for new clothes, for a shiny ring, and there is enough for everything. My word is strong. To those words of mine, heaven and earth are the key and lock. Amen."

It should preferably be silver in color, this is done so that you do not confuse it with the others. It can be painted red. The coin from the new wallet cannot be given to other people; if this does happen, then it is better to give the wallet to the new owner.

What will be the result

It will not be difficult for you to guess that if you follow the ritual correctly, you can achieve a significant increase in income. The new wallet will be your reliable ally, a talisman that increases your ability to earn money. Treat it with care and you will see how effective magic can be. If you follow all the rules and read Natalia Stepanova’s conspiracy or whispers on a new or full moon, the effect will be stunning. Thus, an ordinary wallet can become a faithful ally and a tool for increasing earnings for many people.

Video: Wallet spell

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