Red hill. History and traditions

The holiday "Red Hill" is celebrated by the Eastern Slavs. Its history begins in Kievan Rus. Red Hill Day was dedicated to the Sunday following Easter. In some places it is celebrated on St. George's Day (Sunday itself), in others - on Monday, in others - the day before. Read below about why the Red Hill holiday has such a name, what it means and what signs are associated with it.


To understand the significance of this day, it is worth delving into the Bible. Why is the holiday “Red Hill” (Anti-Easter, Whorish Sunday) so important and celebrated so widely? It is celebrated, as we have already mentioned, after Easter. More precisely, on the eighth day. All week the church remembers Thomas, the apostle who did not believe that the Savior had risen. Christ, according to the plot of the Gospel, appeared before him in order to prove that the miracle had really happened. This is where, by the way, the well-known expression “unbeliever Thomas” came from. The renewal of the resurrection of Christ began to be associated with the name of this apostle. Many believers believe that Thomas cannot be accused of unbelief. He had no doubt that Christ was truly the savior. The Apostle only longed for a meeting with his resurrected Teacher, he wanted to feel triumph and joy, not from the words of witnesses, but personally. This is understandable - it’s not always possible to take someone’s word for it (even to those close to you), but if you see it in person, there will be no doubt.

Former fisherman Thomas, one of them traveled to many countries preaching. According to legend, it was he who founded Christian churches in India, Palestine, Ethiopia, Parthia, and Mesopotamia. And the holy apostle died for the faith after cruel torture. His relics are now kept on Mount Athos, in Hungary and India.


Agree, it’s a strange name... On the one hand, this holiday is great and bright - “Red Hill”, what does such a contradiction mean then? It turns out that there are elements of paganism in it. Our ancestors, even before the Church of Fomin designated Sunday, celebrated spring at this time. Time has passed, but traditions remain. In folk festivities, many elements from pagan rituals remain (they will be discussed later), so the church treats this holiday rather coolly and even somewhat disapprovingly.

There is no particle of negation in the word “anti-Easter”, as many people think. In contrast, “anti-” means nothing more than “instead of.” Therefore, the popular name of the holiday is interpreted as “instead of Easter.”

Christianity or paganism?

To this day, this question cannot be answered unequivocally - the historical implications are so strongly intertwined here. We have already talked about “Red Hill” as a church event. But why is this holiday also pagan at the same time? Firstly, it arose long before Christianity. Secondly, this is the holiday of the Sun (more precisely, its renewal). The people gathered on the hill (slide) called out: “Glory to Yaril! Hello, red Sun! Spells were cast for the weather and for a bountiful harvest. Springfly songs glorified the arrival of warmth, the birth of new life (future fruits of nature). The people gathered while it was still dark, and at dawn the spells were cast.

Folk festivities

You can guess for a long time about the origin of the name itself - there are really many options. Most likely, the word “red” means “light, beautiful,” but by “hill” we mean a hill.

Spring begins with warm sunshine and melting snow. And the first to “open” are the hills, that is, the hills. What does it add up? That's right - a “red” (beautiful, already starting to turn green) slide. It is these hills, warmed up and dried out after the snow melted and the receding floods, that are most suitable for mass celebrations.

Youth Festival

The festivities began after dark and continued for almost a day, until sunset. Everyone celebrated. But most of all, young people were looking forward to this day. People walked around for a long time and had fun - there were songs, round dances, and rides on large swings. The guys at Krasnaya Gorka met with girls. The participation of young people of marriageable age (both sexes) was considered mandatory. Those who refused to attend the festivities were given unpleasant and offensive nicknames. They were ridiculed and called "unlucky." Moreover, refusal to take part in a public festivities was considered a very bad omen. People believed that a girl, being of marriageable age and not coming to the festival, would not marry, and if a guy did marry, it would only be to the most useless “ugly girl.” Misfortunes were predicted for such “untravelling” people.

Wedding time

It is believed that a marriage that falls on the Red Hill holiday is the most successful. According to popular beliefs, newlyweds who get engaged on this day will never separate. In addition, at this time the fasts end and you can indulge in a real holiday for your stomach. Who would refuse a feast for the whole world? On the Red Hill holiday, the wedding was always accompanied by wedding songs performed by couples who got married that year. Such people were specially invited to the celebration. The songs they sang were supposed to attract wealth, mutual understanding and good luck to young couples. That is why, by the way, “Red Hill” is popularly called “Clique Sunday”.

Those who sang wedding songs were traditionally given a glass and traditional eggs.

We prepared for the “Red Hill” seriously and thoroughly: guests were invited in advance, festive tables were set - fried eggs, loaves in the shape of a circle were baked. And it was at this holiday that it was customary to introduce guys to girls. The youth wore the best, most elegant clothes. Numerous guests had the opportunity to evaluate the brides and grooms.

Since the lives of farmers depended on the schedule of land work, weddings took place either in the fall or early spring.

How was “Red Hill”?

Now, unfortunately, many customs are simply forgotten. There are probably only feasts left. This holiday used to be real fun. The festivities usually began with bride viewings, when girls dressed in festive outfits walked around the villages, singing songs, giving potential grooms (and, of course, their parents) the opportunity to take a better look at themselves. Only after walking around the entire village (and often nearby villages), the future daughters-in-law went to the place where the festivities were planned. The guys were working on his equipment. They leveled areas for dancing and round dances, installed benches, swings, and “attractions.”

The dancing part of the holiday began (opened) with girls' round dances. There were many options, but the basis was always based on the themes of the revival of the earth, the sun, and sowing work. Girls were supposed to look unapproachable and chaste. However, this did not last long. Gradually, elements of flirting appear in round dances and games. All this time only girls dance. Guys take a closer look and allow themselves to give compliments, thus showing that they are interested in someone. Rough jokes and asking for kisses come much later, but for now only small liberties can be taken. For example, taking girls on swings. Carousels, runners, giant steps and so-called tosses were installed in advance, for Easter. In cities and large villages large and bright structures were erected, in small ones - simpler ones. For swings, ordinary boards were often used. They were attached with thick ropes to poles or trees. The linings were made from the same boards, but longer. The latter were placed on high blocks of wood (they are still often used in circus tricks).

Only those girls who were invited by the boys could ride on the swings. To prevent dresses from fluttering in the wind, the hems were tied at the knees with special belts. Only after this could the girls get up on the swing (with the help of the guys). At first, young people fulfilled all the requests of their potential chosen ones: rock harder, stop, roll more quietly. However, later wishes were fulfilled only for a kiss. This was especially true when stopping the swing. On the pitches with giant steps, only the guys demonstrated their swagger. Such a “demonstration performance” required considerable strength, dexterity and the ability to concentrate. Of course, the risk of injury was high, but young people did it in order to attract the attention of girls. Perhaps the most significant holiday among young people has always been the “Red Hill” holiday.


Some consider them superstitions, others are convinced that the basis of most beliefs is the centuries-old experience of our ancestors. For example, families who got married on this day were supposed to be the strongest and happiest. By the way, even nowadays young couples try to find out in advance what date “Red Hill” is - many want not only to sign at the registry office, but also to get married on this very day.

Another belief is associated with the fulfillment of one’s most cherished desire. It is believed that if you throw one coin into the well on the “Red Hill”, then your wish will certainly come true.

They say that if a guy (girl) does not come to the Red Hill celebration, then fate will definitely turn away from him (her).

On the eve of Red Hill, it was customary to wash icons. This was always done over a basin. The water was not poured out, leaving it until the holiday. People believed that those who washed themselves with water from the icon would definitely become rich and live in abundance all year long. The ritual, if it was carried out, was not talked about so as not to frighten off good luck.

Folk traditions are coming back

Unfortunately, the customs have begun to fade in the memory of modern people. Not everyone remembers the history of the holiday, its meaning and goals. But it seems that folk traditions are returning. The Red Hill holiday in Kolomna is a striking example.
On April 26 in Kolomna, in the “Saucer” park, which is located on the territory of the Kolomna Kremlin, the regional folklore festival “Red Hill in Kolomna” was held, organized by the Ministry of Agriculture and Food of the Moscow Region, the administration of the city of Kolomna, the Danilov Patriarchal Monastery and the Revival Center traditions. After the Divine Liturgy held in the Assumption Cathedral and the religious procession at the Cathedral, performances by folk ensembles, folk fun and games began. Entertainment includes the old game of throwing eggs. The main participants, of course, were children and youth. For everyone's amusement, 10,196 eggs were broken, which should be included in the Guinness Book of Records.

The folk Christian holiday Red Hill is celebrated on the first Sunday after. In 2018, Red Hill falls on April 15th. On this day, the Orthodox Church remembers the resurrection of Jesus Christ and the meeting of the Apostle Thomas with the risen Savior.

Other holiday names: Sunday after Easter, Clique Sunday, Antipascha, Fomino Sunday, Joyful Sunday.

In church tradition, the holiday is called Antipascha or St. Thomas Sunday and is dedicated to the memory of the appearance of Christ to the Apostle Thomas on the eighth day after the resurrection. The Eastern Slavs celebrated the beginning of spring - with bonfires, round dances, bride fairs, and the invocation of spring. It was considered primarily a girl's holiday.

Red Hill date in the coming years:


Red Hill is a pagan holiday of the ancient Slavs. It occurred in the spring, when the thaw set in. On this day, people glorified Yarila, the pagan deity of the spring sun and fertility, and Lada, the goddess of fun and love. Young people gathered on sun-warmed hills and meadows, organized celebrations, dances and games. On this holiday, couples in love arranged weddings, and lonely young people looked for their other half. In the name of the holiday, the word “red” meant “beautiful,” which was associated with the beauty of awakened nature.

After the adoption of Christianity in Rus' in 988, clergy adapted the pagan folk calendar according to Orthodox traditions. The celebration of Red Hill was replaced by Antipascha, or Fomino Sunday. The name "Antipascha" means "instead of Easter." The holiday is dedicated to the events described in the Gospel. After the resurrection, Christ appeared to the apostles, among whom there was no Thomas. The apostle doubted that Jesus was the Son of God. He wanted to see for himself and meet the Savior. On the eighth day after the resurrection, Christ appeared before Thomas.

Traditions and rituals

The main traditions on Krasnaya Gorka are: worship services; visiting the graves of relatives; weddings and weddings; festivities; fortune telling for the betrothed.

— In the Orthodox tradition, on Antipascha, churches hold services dedicated to the Apostle Thomas, and the memory of the resurrection of Jesus Christ is renewed. After services in churches, parishioners go to cemeteries. They visit the graves of deceased relatives, bringing flowers and treats. On this day people arrange weddings and weddings. After a nine-week break, the sacrament of marriage is being resumed in Orthodox churches.

— Ancient Slavic traditions are being revived among the people. In honor of the Red Hill holiday, people organize fairs where mass festivities take place. Young people sing songs and dance in circles. On this day, unmarried girls tell fortunes about their betrothed.

Weddings on Krasnaya Gorka

In pre-revolutionary Russia, many weddings were traditionally celebrated on Krasnaya Gorka. It was believed that a wedding played on this very day would be the key to a long, happy family life. If there was a wedding on Krasnaya Gorka in the village, then the festive games and the wedding merged into one “event”. In Moravia, weddings also began from this day.

Funeral service on Krasnaya Gorka

In some places, Russians go to cemeteries on this day to remember their ancestors on this day (“to celebrate Christ with the dead”), just like on Parents’ Saturdays. Food and drinks left over from Bright Week are placed on the graves, and colored eggs are laid out. This was not accepted in the church tradition, but the folk calendar for commemorating the dead is somewhat different from the Christian one. Commemoration of the dead is dedicated to all deceased ancestors and usually includes church commemoration, visiting cemeteries and a memorial meal at graves and at home; on this day they “fed souls”: they prepared special funeral food (kolivo, kutia, pancakes, bread, etc.), brewed beer and observed numerous prohibitions.

At the end of the 19th century in Spassk-Ryazansky, girls and women in mourning (“sorry”) dresses went to the cemetery to bow to their parents. First, they wailed at the graves with words about the lives of the dead, then they laid out food and drinks over the graves. Relatives and friends went to visit the graves: the old people treated them, and the young people rolled colored eggs over the graves. The remains of the wine were poured onto the graves. People came from the cemeteries in festive dresses to act out the Red Hill in round dances.


Young people gathered in groups: they danced, danced in circles, sang songs (“Not White Dawn”, “Across the Yard-Yard”, “In the Garden there was a Forest Apple Tree”, “The Lilacs Blossomed”), played games (“Geese”, “Chizhik” , “Shuttle”, “Hide and Seek”, “Shackles, unchain us”, “And we sowed millet”, “Bunny, what’s the matter with you”, “Separation”, “Widows”, “Lapta”).

Celebrations took place on a village street, in a square or outside the village. Every girl and every guy who reached marriageable age necessarily took part in all village holidays and youth entertainment. Avoidance of participation in them was condemned by public opinion, caused ridicule by peers, and was even considered as a great sin, for which one could pay with celibacy, childlessness, or early widowhood.

Signs and sayings

  • A calm day is a sign of a good grain harvest.
  • If you marry Krasnaya Gorka, your family life will be happy.
  • Sitting at home on this day is a bad sign: this way you can remain without love for a long time.
  • You shouldn’t swear at Krasnaya Gorka, otherwise you won’t be able to make peace before Trinity.
  • On this day you cannot be sad and cry, otherwise the whole year will be full of troubles.
  • “In Krasnaya Gorka, parents breathe warmth from the grave.”
  • Red Hill - woo sporco.
  • “Let's meet in the spring on logs - on the Red Merry Hill; Let’s be counted, let’s be counted, we’ll be crowned with a golden crown.”
  • On Maslenitsa there is matchmaking, on Krasnaya Gorka there is a wedding.
  • “Saint George begins the Red Spring on Krasnaya Gorka, the Prophet Ilya ends the summer and reaps the harvest.”

This is an interesting story for children and schoolchildren about the Red Hill holiday. Let's discuss the stories, traditions and rituals of the Red Hill holiday.

Red Hill is the first Sunday after Easter, as well as the last day of Easter week. In the church dictionary this holiday is called Antipascha. It's a Greek word, and the prefix "anti" means "instead of." Thus, Antipascha is a holiday “instead of Easter,” as if compensating and replenishing it. Antipascha is followed by St. Thomas week, which is called Red Hill.

Antipascha is always celebrated on the eighth day after the Holy Resurrection of Christ. On this day the memory of the Resurrection of Christ is renewed, the renewal of the Resurrection of Jesus Christ is associated with the Apostle Thomas, therefore on this day the Church remembers the meeting of the Apostle Thomas and the risen Christ.

Antipascha is the first day of a long break: Maslenitsa, Lent , Holy Week and Bright Week, when the Church again begins to celebrate marriages and bless the young for marriage.

From the history of the Red Hill holiday

Saint Thomas the Apostle was born in the Galilean city of Pansada and was a fisherman. When he heard the gospel of Jesus Christ, he left everything, followed Him and became one of the 12 apostles.

Thomas was not among the apostles who saw Christ immediately after the Resurrection. “Unless I see the wounds of the nails in His hands and put my hand into His side, I will not believe,” Thomas said about Christ. Thus, he expressed doubt that Christ was the Savior, the Son of God. People even use the term “Doubting Thomas.” This is what they say about a person who doubts everything. But most likely, the apostle himself longed to experience the meeting with the risen Jesus Christ personally, and not from hearsay.

On the eighth day after the Resurrection, the Lord appeared to the Apostle Thomas and showed his wounds. “My Lord and my God!” - exclaimed the holy apostle.

“Thomas, who was once weaker than the other apostles in the faith,” says St. John Chrysostom, “by the grace of God became more courageous, zealous and tireless than all of them, so that he went around with his preaching almost the entire earth, not being afraid to proclaim the Word of God to the savage peoples.”

Krasnaya Gorka is a popular ancient Russian spring holiday. Not all the ground is immediately freed from snow; first the snow melts on the hills. It was there that folk festivities, children's games, songs and round dances took place.

Why “red”, you ask? Previously, in Slavic dialects the word “red” was used to mean “beautiful, elegant, gratifying, cheerful.” By the way, in the phrases “Red Square” and “red maiden” this word has the same meaning. And from time immemorial, spring and summer themselves have been called red. And nature appears in all its glory with warm sunny days. Therefore, in many places, the hills or hills where people gathered for festivities in the spring were called red. And then the holiday received the name “Red Hill”.

Traditions and customs of Krasnaya Gorka

Red hill- This is in many ways a girl's holiday. On this day, weddings took place, guys wooed girls. And every single young person came to the games and festivities. It was even considered a bad omen if any guy or girl sat at home on Krasnaya Gorka. They won’t find a partner until the next holiday, or the guy will get the most unenviable bride, and the girl will get a worthless groom. And misfortune can happen to the “naughty” ones.

On Krasnaya Gorka it was customary to dress up in the most beautiful outfits and clothes. Girls and women tried to attract the attention of boys in different ways: they wove colorful ribbons into their hair, and threw painted scarves over their shoulders. And the guys tried to impress their chosen ones with their dashing prowess, participating in various games and competitions.

Red Hill takes place on the first Sunday after Easter. This is a national holiday, accompanied by mass celebrations, and also associated with many traditions and customs.

The Red Hill celebration is one of the favorite events of young people. It was always accompanied by round dances, singing and fun. The holiday got its name from the word “red”, which means “beautiful”. With the advent of Christianity, Krasnaya Gorka was dedicated to St. Thomas Sunday and had another name - Antipascha: the prefix “anti” in this case does not mean “against”, but “instead”. The holiday seems to continue Easter week.

Traditions and customs of the holiday

On this day, young people gathered for festivities, danced in circles and glorified the coming spring.

Young people gathered on the hills and slopes and at dawn began to sing and in every possible way invited the warmth of spring.

A game associated with the wedding ceremony was widespread in Rus'. The young people stood up in pairs and chose a leading guy. He had to catch up with one of the couples, break it up and take the girl away. The young man, left alone, became the new presenter and began the hunt for a new couple.

Young people started fist fights. In this way they showed potential brides their prowess and valiant strength.

An interesting custom was dousing the girl with water. With such a peculiar gesture, the young man designated his bride, and then sent matchmakers to her house.

On Krasnaya Gorka, young people put on new outfits, because it was on this day that solemn wedding ceremonies took place, and unmarried people had the opportunity to fall in love with each other. For the same reason, not a single girl stayed at home - so as not to miss her betrothed and to appear in all her glory.

On holiday, they threw coins into the deepest well to attract happiness to themselves and their family for the whole year. At the same time, they often made wishes, believing that on this special day it would definitely come true.

One of the unusual rituals was washing with water from the icon. First they washed them, and then they rinsed their faces with this water. This tradition goes back centuries and, according to beliefs, provides a person with strength, health and well-being.

Reading prayers on Krasnaya Gorka was mandatory. They prayed for the health of their loved ones, asked for help from the Higher Powers in any matter, the girls prayed for a good groom.

On the holiday, they always invited guests from everywhere, baked loaves, prepared a festive dinner, and asked the Higher Powers for the good Sun, good luck and happiness for the whole year. According to tradition, a piece of pie and a colored egg were left on a hill outside the outskirts.

Many traditions and signs have sunk into oblivion. But those that have come down to us are sacredly observed by many people. On Krasnaya Gorka, most young people attract love into their lives, because this particular day contains mysterious forces that help in finding a soul mate. We wish you happiness and joy, and do not forget to press the buttons and

Red Hill was celebrated in Rus' back in the days of paganism. Then the holiday was dedicated to the Slavic goddess Lela, the daughter of the goddess of love Lada. Lelya was revered as the goddess of regenerating nature, the first spring shoots, youth and love.

The girls who gathered for the holiday chose Lelya and dressed her in an embroidered white sundress. A wreath of the first spring flowers was placed on the girl's head. Then Lelya sat on the bench, on which gifts and offerings lay, and gave gifts to her friends.

Traditionally, the holiday was held in elevated places, which is why it was called Red or Maiden Hill. It was on Red Hill that the Snow Maiden from the Russian folk tale jumped over the fire and melted, turning into a white cloud. In pagan times, on this day, sacred bonfires were lit on the hills, dedicated to one of the Slavic solar gods - Dazhdbog.

Rituals and customs on Krasnaya Gorka

The celebration of Krasnaya Gorka preceded the start of agricultural work. At this time, every peasant family wanted to take a worker into the house, so Krasnaya Gorka was a period of active matchmaking. No wonder all the girls came to the holiday, dressed in their best outfits. It was considered a bad omen if a guy or girl spent the entire Red Hill at home. As a result, the guy might not find a bride at all or might marry a pockmarked ugly woman, and the girl would be threatened with loneliness or a wedding with the very worst scumbag.

In some areas there was a custom that allowed guys to pour water on the girls they liked. The one who doused the girl with water was supposed to woo her.

Just like on Easter, on Krasnaya Gorka we painted eggs and went for a walk around the village. Until late in the evening, songs were sung, round dances were held, and funny performances were played out in numerous booths.

Krasnaya Gorka was the most popular day for wedding celebrations. Marriages concluded on Krasnaya Gorka were considered the strongest and happiest.
In addition, on this day the newlyweds were “hailed”: a festive crowd approached the house of the newlyweds, singing songs, and they, as a reward for the singers, brought out an egg and a glass of wine to each of them.

The ancient custom of conjuring spring also took place on Krasnaya Gorka. The youth, led by the chosen “round dancer,” climbed to a hill and, at the first rays of the sun, cast a spell. Then songs were sung.

The celebration of Krasnaya Gorka lasted several days and was one of the most interesting events in the lives of girls and boys.