Olga Veter final song person of the year. Award ceremony for the winner Person of the Year 2016 house2

The participants of the “Person of the Year 2016” competition had to go through so many trials to compete for this title. The tests were very, very serious, and many were worthy of this title, but the winner was Olga Veter (Zhemchugova). She receives the main reward - a brand new apartment in Moscow.

The winner was determined by fan voting and Olga was ahead of her closest opponent Fedor Strelkov by only 2%. Immediately after the voting ended and the results were announced, Olga Veter thanked her fans - those who supported her and cast their votes. It was thanks to these votes that she managed to win the “Person of the Year 2016” competition and receive her prize. She also noted that she was overwhelmed with emotions and felt very, very happy.

Third place, after Strelkov, was taken by Marina Afrikantova, fourth place went to Andrei Cherkasov.

In addition to “Person of the Year”, other nominations were also announced:

  • "Troll of the Year" - Alexandra Gozias. Prize - a check for 200,000 rubles;
  • “Burd of the Year” - Olga Rapunzel;
  • “Man of the Year” according to the editors of Dom 2 - Fedor Strelkov. The prize is a set of household appliances.


Or rather, Olya Veter, as she is “called names” these days. Her victory was predictable from the very beginning, because as a child, because on the Zhemchugov project the most needy, and in general Olya is a great sufferer and martyr, having suffered much from her monster husband. But, as is usual in a fairy tale, by the end the husband had regained his sight, and peace and harmony reigned in the family. Hooray! But... For some reason there is no desire to shout this very “hurray”.

At the end, Kpadonu laughed: “I AM WAITING FOR THE NOMINEES FOR 2017.” In 2014 there were the Gobozovs: child, scandals, betrayals - “Person of the Year” Alian. This year - the Zhemchugovs: child, scandals, betrayals - “Person of the Year” Olya Veter. In the next one, following tradition, there should be Tregubenko and Ellochka. Well, they are quite contenders. Apparently, they are not going to leave the project. They periodically wink mysteriously about the baby. Sukhanov will give birth just in time for the 2017 competition - and here you have another young family in need of housing.

The main thing is that next year no one sings! Let the orgs take pity on the poor ears of the spectators, please! What the Afrikantov doll creaked in the finale was terrible! And wonderful music did not save the situation. And her fiance Chuev, grimacing next to her, only worsened the overall picture. Honestly, I spat and laughed at the sight of this clownery. But according to the idea, the number was supposed to be lyrical and touch the soul.

A hippie with a wooden face and tow on his head with a wreath, Fedya Strelkov looked better. Probably thanks to the unexpectedly tender Lyaskovets. But why suddenly he should have become “Person of the Year” is unclear. For what kind of merits, if only not for merits in the gym?

Cherkasov, the only participant who looked decent compared to the rest, sang well, it was pleasant to watch him. He didn’t make faces, he spoke simply but sincerely. Alas, we don’t like singles - Andryukha flew by. It's a pity! He’s already “earned out” the title, at least by spending years on the project and repeatedly raising ratings thanks to his Love Story.

Well, the dancing hippopotamus and part-time reformed husband Strawberry with his “schoolgirl” wife in a miniskirt jumping on him... It’s not even funny. It is sad. Not very pretty, not very smart (a smart one definitely wouldn’t admit to the whole country that she “knocked up” because she was drunk), constantly swearing (and also in front of the child), a girl in whom ambitions awoke in reality. True, the ambitions are so primitive: to make “new” breasts, pump up lips, grow hair...

I can’t and won’t argue with one thing: Olya Veter is perhaps the only successful project of the loser Gleb Klubnichka... Well, then – the familiar blowing of bubbles during Glebushka Zhemchugov’s bouts of joy.

What do you think of the final and the winner?

Sincerely yours, Natusya Zebberg

Annual direct line with Russian President Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin scheduled for Thursday June 20, 2019.

IN live The head of state will answer questions from citizens of the country received using various communication channels (by telephone, in the form of text SMS and MMS messages, by e-mail, using the social networks “Vkontakte” and “Odnoklassniki”), as well as those specified during online inclusions from various Russian cities.

Direct line start time - 12:00 Moscow time.

What time does the direct line to V.V. start? Putin June 20, 2019:
* At 12:00 Moscow time.

This will be Vladimir Putin’s seventeenth interview taking place in this format.

Where can you watch the Direct Line 2019 broadcast (channels, online resources):

A live broadcast of the speech of the President of the Russian Federation will be available for viewing on five federal television channels starting at 12:00 Moscow time.

Live broadcast channels with Vladimir Putin on June 20, 2019:
"First", "Russia 1", "Russia 24", "NTV", "OTR".

The online broadcast will be available on the Internet:
In official direct line communities "VKontakte" and "Odnoklassniki" .

The direct line with Vladimir Putin on June 20, 2019 can not only be watched, but also listened to on the following radio stations:
"Mayak", "Radio Russia", "Vesti FM" .

In both Orthodoxy and Catholicism, Easter always falls on Sunday.

Leading up to Easter 2020 Lent, which begins 48 days before the Holy Day. And after 50 days they celebrate Trinity.

Popular pre-Christian customs that have survived to this day include dyeing eggs, making Easter cakes and curd Easter cakes.

Easter treats are blessed in the church on Saturday, the eve of Easter 2020, or after the service on the day of the Holiday itself.

We should greet each other on Easter with the words “Christ is Risen,” and respond with “Truly He is Risen.”

This will be the fourth game for the Russian team in this qualifying tournament. Let us remind you that in the previous three meetings, Russia “at the start” lost to Belgium with a score of 1:3, and then won two dry victories - over Kazakhstan (4:0) and over San Marino (9:0). The last victory was the largest in the entire existence of the Russian football team.

As for the upcoming meeting, according to bookmakers, the Russian team is the favorite in it. The Cypriots are objectively weaker than the Russians, and the islanders cannot expect anything good from the upcoming match. However, we must take into account that the teams have never met before, and therefore unpleasant surprises may await us.

The Russia-Cyprus meeting will take place on June 11, 2019 In Nizhniy Novgorod at the stadium of the same name, built for the 2018 FIFA World Cup. Start of the match - 21:45 Moscow time.

Where and what time do the national teams of Russia and Cyprus play:
* Venue of the match - Russia, Nizhny Novgorod.
* Game start time is 21:45 Moscow time.

Where to watch the live broadcast Russia - Cyprus on June 11, 2019:

Channels will show the meeting between the national teams of Russia and Cyprus live "First" and "Match Premier" . Start time of direct switching from Nizhny Novgorod- 21:35 Moscow time.

When will the Day of the Russian River and Marine Fleet Worker be in 2019 (River Day 2019):

Every year in Russia they celebrate the professional holiday of workers of the sea and river fleets, in short - Riverman's Day.

in 2019 falls on July 7, 2019.

Water transport is one of the most important sectors of the economy of our country.

All workers of water transport: passenger, cargo, icebreaking, special transport should be congratulated on this professional holiday. Let us remind you that special water transport includes ferries, floating workshops, tugs, dredging vessels, floating stores, etc.

A professional holiday has been established for river and river workers navy was back in 1980, when Soviet power. Although Soviet Union has long since disintegrated, in Russia Riverman's Day continues to be celebrated annually on the first Sunday of July.

Venue event instead of the traditional "Olympic", closed for reconstruction, will become Capital Sports Palace "Megasport" with a capacity of 14 thousand spectators.

What time and on what channel can I watch the live broadcast of the MUZ-TV Awards 2019:

The live pre-show of the musical event called “Star Track” and the Award Ceremony itself will be shown by TV channels that are part of the UTV holding - "Yu" and "Muz-TV".

Live broadcast will begin at 17:00 Moscow time with the pre-show of the MUZ-TV Awards 2019, during which we will see how the stars arrive at the event and parade along the Carpet with dignity.

The live broadcast will continue at 19:40 Moscow time , when the hosts move from meeting the guests to the Award Ceremony itself.

Show hosts:

In 2019, for the first time, the MUZ-TV Awards will be hosted by five leading.

This: Maxim Galkin, Alexander Revva, Mikhail Galustyan, Ksenia Sobchak and Lera Kudryavtseva .

Olga Zhemchugova, maiden name whom Olga Veter is a participant in the scandalous Russian television project “Dom-2” from the summer of 2015 to October next year. For 2016, the young woman was named "Person of the Year" of this show.

Olga was born in the Irkutsk region, in the town of Bratsk. In Siberia, Olga graduated from secondary school and found a calling - a childhood hobby modern dances turned into a profession. Olga Veter began performing on the stage of Irkutsk nightclubs, and eventually moved to China. There the girl continued to create a show on the dance floor, captivating visitors with rather explicit numbers in the go-go and strip-plastic styles.

For Olga Zhemchugova great importance has a family. Therefore, when in August 2015 with her native younger sister A tragedy struck love, the girl left her studies and rushed to Irkutsk. Unfortunately, it turned out that 19-year-old Lyuba, who fell from the second floor balcony, received life-threatening injuries as a result of the incident and died in the hospital. For Olga and her parents, this incident came as a shock.

Personal life

Even before the tragedy in the family, Olga Veter managed to build a personal life. In China, where the girl danced under contract in an entertainment establishment, Olga met a young man named Gleb Zhemchugov, a showman, rapper and concert host. At one of the rehearsals, Gleb noticed a bright brunette, and soon realized that he was in love.

Thanks to her acquaintance and subsequent marriage with Olga Veter, the whole country learned about her biography. The wedding ceremony took place on October 10, 2014 in Olga’s homeland, after which the newlyweds continued working in China. In the spring of 2015, the couple became father and mother: Olga Veter gave birth to a boy, who was named Mikhail.

"House 2"

Even before meeting his wife, Gleb Zhemchugov, whom TV viewers also know under the nickname Strawberry, appeared on the well-known television project “Dom-2”. The young man was kicked out of the perimeter several times, but then invited back. IN last time Gleb returned with his wife and son.

As the Zhemchugovs explained this act, they did not want to part with each other and considered it possible to live and raise a child in front of tirelessly watching television cameras. Olga Veter and Gleb Zhemchugov settled in a VIP house, which was previously occupied by another television family - and.

At first, Olga Veter felt great on the project, but then small scandals and misunderstandings began to occur. The girl found it offensive that her husband spoke in front of the cameras about the details of the family intimate life. Olga had to turn from a sweet, flexible and thrifty wife into a strong-willed wife who constantly has her finger on the pulse.

This line of behavior yielded results: Veter-Zhemchugova confidently reached the finals in the “Person of the Year” competition, and on August 18, 2016, at the final voting ceremony, it was announced that the audience had chosen her. Apparently, Olga’s position, concepts and manners are the ideal that delights fans of reality shows.

During her participation in the Dom-2 project, Olga Veter managed to significantly change her appearance. First of all, the girl inserted implants into her breasts, as she was not happy with the postpartum shape of her bust. The girl covered the details of the plastic surgery on the page in “ Instagram" The procedure took place in three stages - a general breast lift, installation of drop-shaped implants and a lift of the asymmetric gland. Unlike other owners of silicone busts, Olga did not get carried away with breast augmentation, but left the second size, which was before the operation.

After some time, the girl went to a cosmetology clinic to correct the shape of her lips. The girl also posted a photo after the manipulation in social networks. Makeup artists also worked with Olga Veter, who changed the shape of the girl’s eyebrows and dyed her hair red. According to some reports, Olga also performed liposuction.

Early 2017 family relationships Zhemchugova and Veter could not stand the test, the couple divorced, but the girl left the television set earlier, in the fall of 2016. Soon a new chosen one appeared in Olga’s life. guy former member of the Dom-2 project was Evgeny Guzenko, a driving instructor whom Olga met while still married. Olga’s fans suspect that the divorce occurred due to the girl’s new hobby, but Veter herself claims that Zhenya began to court her only after divorce proceedings.

At the beginning of the summer of 2017, Olga and her son Misha visited Evgeniy’s homeland in Krasnodar region, where I met my family young man. During the trip, the young people visited the sea coast.

Olga Veter does not interrupt her communication with Gleb Zhemchugov because of her son. The ex-husband helps the girl financially. The money that Gleb earns by performing rap songs and hosting entertainment shows, The wind is spent on his son Misha. It costs about 50 thousand rubles a month to provide a child with everything necessary. Much attention Olga pays creative development son. The wind does not skimp on educational games for Mikhail, as well as good clothes and food.

Olga Veter now

In addition to her official page on Instagram, Olga Veter communicates with fans on the Periscope network, where she posts recorded videos and also conducts chats.

Thanks to close communication with the ex-participant of “Dom-2”, her fans learned about new tattoos that appeared in Lately on Olga's body. So at the end of February 2018, the girl got a tattoo on her back in the form of a lynx’s face. The girl became interested in painting images on her own body while still a participant in the television show. Now original drawings Olga Veter's hands and feet are decorated.

12/08/2016 01:51

On August 10, 2016, the names of the four finalists in the Person of the Year 2016 competition became known. Fortunately, there were no unpleasant surprises, and Fedor Strelkov and .

The votes of TV viewers were distributed as follows: Fedor Strelkov, as expected, was in first place, Andrey Cherkasov, to the surprise of TV viewers, took second place, and the two main rivals Olya and Marina unexpectedly shared third and fourth place.
Kristina Lyaskovets, Anastasia Volynets and Ivan Barzikov received the least number of votes and, accordingly, are eliminated from the competition.

Fedor Strelkov - 23.15%
Andrey Cherkasov - 22.10%
Olga Veter - 20.62%
Marina Afrikantova - 20.62%
Kristina Lyaskovets - 5.83%
Anastasia Volynets - 4.16%
Ivan Barzikov - 3.52%

Filming of the final of the Man of the Year 2016 competition has already taken place, but we will be able to watch the much-anticipated broadcast only in a few days, on the night of August 16-17. Judging by the results of the semi-final voting, the participants are neck and neck, which means we are in for a fierce battle in the finals; the participant who can best mobilize their fans in advance of the voting will probably win. The voting results will become known only on August 24.

Video: Finalists Person of the Year 2016

Well, now it is necessary to discuss the most discussed on the network about the final of the Person of the Year 2016 competition, and by and large there are only two of them.
1. in last days did not sit idly by, the noble strategist again came up with and carefully planned a plan, thanks to which his girlfriend Marina Afrikantova would definitely win in the final. If you believe the rumors, Andrei has already invested a tidy sum of money in Afrikantova’s victory, which he again took from her; Marina had been saving this money for a car for a long time. In addition, Chuev has already proposed to Marina twice, he thought through everything in advance, the first proposal of marriage can be seen on air the day before the vote, the other on the day of the vote.
2. There is an opinion that the winner has already been determined, no, this time it is not the favorite or the favorite of the leading house 2 who will win, this time the winner will be chosen Building company, which will give the apartment to the winner of the competition. Many people are probably wondering now, why exactly the construction organization will choose the winner? The answer here is simple, they don’t need a random winner at all, but let’s think about who the developer would choose as an advertising person: the happy and exemplary Zhemchugov family, gallant officer Andrei Cherkasov, the photogenic, literally and figuratively blonde Marina Afrikantova, or the smartest and handsome guy project by Fedor Strelkov. Fans are also confident that during the voting process, technical work will arise in the application more than once, as has happened more than once.
And subscribers have no doubt that the winner will have to advertise the donated apartment more than once, by the way, in the residential complex still under construction in “Novy Zelenograd”.