Proverbs in Azerbaijani with translation. Azerbaijani proverbs about work

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IN Azerbaijani language, the word "proverb" ("atalar sözü"), literally means "words of the fathers". For many generations, proverbs are a rich heritage of collective thought and experience. These short statements, a concentrate of the wisdom of past generations, available to current and future generations. There are thousands of Azerbaijani proverbs. Who knows how many years some of them have existed - centuries, perhaps even millennia. Azerbaijanis are extremely fond of using them in conversation to add expressiveness to their statements and convince others of the “correctness” of their opinion.

Like proverbs from other parts of the world, Azerbaijani proverbs cover a wide range of topics: family, friendship, stinginess, deception, betrayal, deceit, generosity, jealousy, etc. There are so many of them that sometimes you can find a statement that proves any point of view, and even those that contradict each other.

Although some proverbs are very specific, usually those that gain the most popularity and recognition eventually begin to reflect the value system of the people as a whole.

If you want to master the Azerbaijani language, do not neglect these expressions, since it is not always possible to find out their meaning by translating them word for word. For example, if they want to know what a guest came with - good or bad news, then they ask:

Did you come with a boy or a girl?
Oğlan gəlmisən, ya qız?

The answer “with the boy” (oğlan) means “with good news.”

Here is a selection of some popular proverbs that reveal the Azerbaijani character.

Azerbaijani proverbs about beauty

The most important aspect of beauty is the choice of clothing. You don't need to be naturally beautiful to be attractive. But you must know how to dress well.

Beauty is ten, of which nine are the dress.
Gozəllik ondur, doqquzu dondur

About business

Don't try to do many things at once. To emphasize this idea, the image of sewing is used: before you do anything, calculate everything well.

Measure a hundred times, cut once
Yüz ölç, bir biç

About relationships

Counts in good form if a person knows how to get along with different people, even if their character is completely different from him.

The hand washes the hand, and the hands wash the face
Əl əli yuyar, əl də üzü

Don't buy a house, buy a neighbor
Ev álma, qonşu al

Good relationships and support are highly valued. Proverbs say this:

If the neighbor is good, (even) a blind girl will get married
Qonşu qonşu olsa, kor qız ərə gedər

If the neighbors are good, then why the fence?
Qonşu qonşu olsa, bağ çəpəri nəylər?

Better a good neighbor than a bad relative
Yaxşı qonşu pis qohumdan yaxşıdır

About courage

Another proverb clearly shows that courage sometimes also means knowing when to give in.

Courage - ten, nine of which are to flee
İgidlik ondur, doqquzu qaçıb qurtarmaqdır

About secrets

Even the earth has ears
Yerin də qulağı var

This proverb reminds us that there is no such thing as a secret. Don't forget that you are responsible for everything you say. otherwise, it may harm you.

About criticism

Don't take criticism too personally, just keep moving forward.

The forest cannot exist without jackals
Meşə çaqqalsız olmaz

About friendship

A true friend will not become a stranger, even if he has not seen you for a hundred years
Vəfalı dost yad olmaz, görməsə yüz il səni

About generosity

Some Azerbaijani proverbs encourage a spirit of generosity towards others. In the hope that, in the end, God will reward. 0 students studied this topic

As the Soviet Turkologist and philologist Afrasiyab Vekilov noted, most proverbs and sayings arose in the Middle Ages, in the feudal era, so in some of them one can hear echoes of forced labor and lack of rights of the peasant, his protest against cruelty.

The first publisher of Azerbaijani proverbs and sayings was a teacher Turkic language Erivan Muslim School Mamed Veli Gamarli (Azerb.) Russian. Back in 1899, Gamarlinsky wrote that it is necessary to “constantly study the richest treasury folk art» .

In the first issue of the “Collection of materials for describing the localities and tribes of the Caucasus”, published in 1881 in the section “ Tatar proverbs, sayings, riddles and names of women”, 150 Azerbaijani proverbs and sayings (in Azerbaijani and with Russian translation) were printed in Erivan by the teacher of the Erivan pro-gymnasium St. P. Zelinsky. In the 18th issue of the collection, published in 1894, in the chapter “Tatar texts” some Azerbaijani proverbs were published, recorded by Alexander Kalashev from the words of a resident of the village of Khatynbulag (English) Russian Jebrail district Irza Miriev (22 proverbs) and a resident of the city of Elizavetpol Hasan Kerimov (47 proverbs). 481 Azerbaijani proverbs and sayings, recorded by the teacher of the Kelvin Zemstvo School, Mahmudbekov, were published in the 19th issue of the collection.

IN Soviet time the collection and publication of Azerbaijani proverbs was carried out by Hanafi Zeynalli (), who grouped them by topic, and Abulkasim Huseynzade (Azerb.) Russian(). In 1977, the collection “Arab and Azerbaijani proverbs and sayings” was published in Baku.

It should be noted that the titles of some works of classics of Azerbaijani literature are also proverbs. For example, “From the rain and the downpour” by Najaf-bek Vezirov, “Eat goose meat, you will know its taste” by Abdurragim-bek Akhverdiyev.

Form of proverbs

Most of Azerbaijani proverbs and sayings are composed in poetic form. The sizes of verses have a different range - from two syllables to ten or more. Many of the proverbs are composed in the form of couplets, but there are proverbs and sayings of five or six lines. Along with rhymes, alliteration is sometimes used; The rhythm of the verse is very clearly expressed. These poetic techniques greatly contribute to the quick memorization of proverbs and sayings and, consequently, their wide dissemination.

Theme of proverbs

The themes of Azerbaijani proverbs are different. In many proverbs, people glorify hard work and skill:

Parasitism and laziness are condemned in proverbs, and quitters and talkers are ridiculed:

Many proverbs and sayings reveal inner world man, his concept of good and evil, contain the aesthetic norms of society. These themes are reflected in many folk aphorisms:

Many proverbs and sayings are devoted to issues of folk didactics. They contain unwritten laws and rules of relationships between people, centuries-old experience of the people:

The people have also created many proverbs that express love and respect for women.

Proverbs and sayings. Azerbaijani proverbs.

A person has one beginning and one end.

If beauty is ten, then nine out of ten are clothes.

A ram is hanged by a ram's leg, a goat by a goat's leg.

You can paint a white wall any color.

Without asking, I got lost in the valley.

Anyone who chases a goitered gazelle will end up in a flowering meadow, while someone who chases a pig will end up in the mud.

While the iron is in use, rust will not take it.

It is better to be the servant of a wise man than the master of a fool.

What goes around comes around.

Outside is a palace, inside is a chicken coop.

It is better to die standing than to live on your knees.

The donkey loves his roar.

The pack is carried by a camel, and the dog is losing weight.

Better than a rose in a foreign land, a thorn in the fatherland.

Entrust the job to a lazy person - he will teach you.

No matter how big a camel is, it is always on the donkey’s lead.

The gambler never stops in time.

Some strive for heights, some strive for depth, but the majority go somewhere at random.

From heart to heart is the shortest path.

The truthful man considers everyone to be truthful, the liar thinks that everyone is a liar.

The needle walks naked - the whole world dresses it.

Without a husband, a woman is like a horse without a bridle.

There is no such day that evening does not come after it.

The horse was found, but there was no place to ride.

Piety does not belong to a beard, otherwise a goat would become a priest.

The dog barks - the caravan moves on.

The eagle doesn't catch flies.

Where a fat man loses weight, a skinny man loses his breath.

An elephant cannot replace a donkey.

The rice was watered and the weeds drank.

Getting married is not drinking water.

A fool thinks everyone is a fool.

Why should a wet person be afraid of rain?

Speak not about what you read, but about what you understood.

The groom must have a bag of gold and a bag of lies.

Either be equal in friendship, or not be friends at all.

He reprimands his daughter and gives a hint to his daughter-in-law.

All a person's troubles come from his tongue.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

AZERBAIJANI PROVERBS AND SAYINGS Proverbs and sayings are rightly called the pearls of folk poetry. The worldview, wisdom of the people, and their poetic talent were reflected in brief figurative sayings. The thoughts expressed in them are not speculative judgments, but the result of insightful observations, a clot of everyday experience of hundreds of generations of people.

The Azerbaijanis call the proverb “atalar sözyu”, which means “the words of the fathers” or “the words of the ancestors”. The authority of the proverb is indisputable. “You can’t argue with the proverb,” the people said. A reference to a proverb reinforces the speaker’s thought; it enhances the figurative expressiveness and emotional impact of speech on the listener. This is the purpose of the proverb.

The subject matter of Azerbaijani proverbs is limitless, like life itself. Realizing the importance of labor as the basis of life, people glorify hard work and skill in proverbs: “A tree is famous for its fruits, and a man is famous for its fruits,” “Whoever wants bread and honey takes a shovel with a spade,” “Through patience they receive: halva from grapes, satin - from silkworm." And, on the contrary, the people condemn laziness and parasitism, ridicule the lazy person and talker: “A lazy person will come and take you away from work,” “A lazy person is always thinking,” “If there were no donkeys among people, donkeys would be more valuable,” “I’m always ready to eat, work – unwell.”

Many proverbs and sayings reveal the inner world of a person, his concept of good and evil, and contain ethical standards of community life. These themes are reflected in many popular aphoristic sayings: “The brave man blames himself, the coward blames his comrade”, “A falcon in flight is held in high esteem”, “Why should a wet person be afraid of rain?”, “You cannot call anyone who barks a dog, but a man.” everyone who speaks”, etc. The proverb castigates deceit, stupidity, meanness, greed and others human vices: “Stains from a cauldron will come off, but not from a conscience”, “There is no need for anything: for the dark-skinned - soap, for the bad - advice”, “A tree without fruit is firewood, clouds without rain are smoke, and a man without a mind is an animal”, “Who cheats, lies - he will die in agony,” etc.

Most of the proverbs and sayings arose in the Middle Ages, in the feudal era, so they echo the forced labor and lack of rights of the peasant, his protest against the cruelty and tyranny of the beks and khans, the people’s hatred of their oppressors: “The land of the bek, the land of the khan - die from work.” , “One planted, another reaped”, “The weak is always to blame”, etc.

Many proverbs and sayings are devoted to the issues of folk didactics, which contain unwritten laws and rules of relationships between people, the centuries-old experience of the people”: “Respect a fool: he will think - they are afraid of him”, “Do not bow like scales in both directions”, “Every matter obeys the deadline, and the term does not count for anything”, “Where debts begin, friendship ends”, “He who respects his own mother will not curse someone else’s”, “Either to be an equal in friendship, or not to be friends at all”, “It is better to be a servant wise man than the master of a fool, etc.

Many Azerbaijani proverbs are dedicated to a person’s love for the Fatherland, native land- veneration of selfless courage and courage: “Whoever has not been to a foreign land has not learned the value of the Motherland,” “ Best friend- mother, best country- Motherland”, “It is better to die standing than to live on your knees”, “From a good horse glory will remain, from a brave man - a glorious name”, “We will die - but we will not turn aside!” etc.

The repertoire of proverbs and sayings is changing all the time: old proverbs, which reflect outdated customs, alien modern people ideology, religious prejudices are dying out. New public relations, the growth of people's consciousness gives rise to new proverbs and sayings. For example: the Muslim religion has placed women in many ways in a powerless position in society and the family. This attitude gave rise to proverbs: “Don’t trust your wife with a secret”, “A woman’s hair is long - her mind is short”, etc. At the same time, the people created many proverbs that express respect for a woman - a friend and mother, a working woman: “Best friend - mother, the best country is the Motherland”, “In the lion and lioness there is only one strength”, “The husband of a good wife is like a prince, of a thin wife he is trampled into the mud”, “I broke up with my beloved and said goodbye to life”, etc.

The renewal process, naturally, does not affect the entire fund of proverbs and sayings. There are also those that are tens of centuries old. They do not become outdated and always sound modern, because they express timeless truths. In the records of Mahmud of Kashgar, made in the 11th century, we find proverbs, the meaning and basic verbal structure of which partially and sometimes completely coincide with modern Azerbaijani proverbs. For example, proverbs from the records of Mahmud of Kashgar: “A dry spoon is not good for the mouth” - with minor changes used by Azerbaijanis: “A dry spoon won’t fit in your mouth.” The modern proverb “Drop by drop fills the lake” completely repeats a similar aphorism from Mahmud of Kashgar. The widely known Azerbaijani proverb “Mountain does not meet mountain, but man does meet man” - coincides with a proverb recorded in the 11th century.

Identity life principles, the mentality of many peoples gave rise to the phenomenon of similarity of proverbs among a variety of nations. For example, Azerbaijani proverbs “Don’t shout “Gop!” until he jumped over”, “A hand washes a hand”, “Not seeing a log in one’s backside, one sees a hair in someone else’s eye” are found among many Slavic peoples; "The closest neighbor is better distant relative”, “No matter how much you say “halva”, your mouth will not become sweet”, “The forest is not without jackals”, “You cannot hide a camel under a carpet” - among many peoples of the Caucasus. Azerbaijani proverb“The eagle doesn’t catch flies” (“Gartal Milchek Tutmaz”) is absolutely identical Latin proverb“Aqvila non captat muskas”, and the proverb “The dog barks - the caravan moves on” (“It khurer, karvan kecher”) was borrowed from Azerbaijanis by many ethnic groups and is used as an aphorism.

The laconicism of the language of proverbs is combined with an extraordinary capacity in it. A proverb is always an expression of a specific practical goal. For example: “Until the wind blows, the leaves don’t rustle” - this observation in itself is unremarkable, but, having acquired a generalized form of figurative expression, it sounds like a judgment and indicates that any phenomenon of nature or society is a consequence of any causes. This polysemy of interpretation reveals the potential semantic possibilities of the proverb, the secret of its incorruptibility.

Most of Azerbaijani proverbs and sayings are composed in poetic form. The sizes of poems have a different range - from two syllables to ten or more. Many of the proverbs are composed in the form of couplets, but there are proverbs and sayings of five or six lines. Along with rhymes, alliteration is sometimes used - the repetition of homogeneous consonants, which gives the verse special expressiveness; The rhythm of the verse is very clearly expressed. These poetic techniques greatly contribute to the quick memorization of proverbs and sayings and, consequently, their wide dissemination.


Piety does not belong to a beard, otherwise a goat would become a priest

(“Saggalda phase allsides, kechi shylig ederdi”)

A close neighbor is better than a distant relative

(“Uzag gohumdan, yakhyn gonshu yakhshydyr”)

Fear autumn - winter will follow; don't be afraid of winter - spring is behind it

Be a servant of conscience and master of the will

I slurped kefir with a pitchfork, but I never heard such lies.

(“Yaba ile dovga ichmishem, bele yalan germemishem”)

After releasing an arrow, the bow is not hidden

You can't hide a camel under the carpet

The lion and lioness have the same strength

The wolf sheds - it changes its skin, but not its nature.

(“Gurd tukunu deyisher, hasiyetini yoh”)

Where debts begin, friendships end

(“Borj bashlanan yerde dostlug pozular”)

Where there is fear, there is collapse

(“Gorhu basha beladir”)

Where there is honor, there is bread

(“Dogrulug harada,

cherek de orada")

The eye is to see, the mind is to recognize

The deaf man does not hear, he understands,

the blind man does not see, he imagines

(“Kar yeshitmez, yarashdirar,

kor görmez, gurashdirar")

A hungry chicken dreams of millet

(“Adj toyug yuhuda gifts gerer”)

If you swallow something bitter, you will know the taste of something sweet.

(“Shirini bilmek uchun ajyny dadmag kyerek”)

A tree without fruit is firewood, clouds without rain are smoke, and a man without a mind is an animal.

The tree is famous for its fruits, and man for his labors

For a skinny horse the tail is a burden

If everything went to the one who finds it first, the shepherd would become the richest

If beauty is ten, then nine out of ten are clothes

(“Gözellik ondur dogguzu dondur”)

If the truth looks like a lie, don't tell it

To feel sorry for the wolf is to sacrifice the sheep

(“Gurda rekhm etmek,

guzuya zulm etmek demekdir")

Wish your neighbor two cows - you'll be healthy with one

(“Gonshunu iki inekli iste,

ozun bir inekli olasan")

The earth is the lord, the king is the land

die from work

(“Yer beyin, yurd khanyn,

ishle ha chykhsyn dzhanyn")

The needle walks naked - the whole world dresses

(“Iine ozu lut gezer, alemi bezer”)

Digs a grave with a needle (about a slow person)

(“Iine ile gyor gazyyr”)

Every task is subject to a deadline, but deadlines don’t count for anything.

Such are the gardens, such are the fruits

(“Ele bagyn – bele de bars olar”)

No matter what finger you cut, it still hurts

(“Barmagyn khansyny kessen, agysy birdir”)

Go visit the wolf and take the dog with you

(“Gurdun gonaglagyna get, kopeyi de ozunle apar”)

If there is no money, they value a penny

(“Pul olmayan yerde,

gapik de puldur")

If it’s fate, they’ll bring it to you on a tray, if it’s not fate, they’ll take it away from under your nose.

(“Gismet olsa geler yemenden,

gismet olmasa chyhyr dehenden")

Who wants bread and honey, takes a shovel with a spade

(“Istayirsen bal-cherek,

al eline bel-kyurek")

Whoever has not been to a foreign land has not learned the value of the Motherland

Those who have not tried a human fist consider theirs to be iron

He who falls himself does not cry

He who respects his own mother will not curse someone else's

Whoever wants to respect the owner will crumble bread for his dog

A lazy person is always thinking

The forest is not without jackals

(“Meshe Chaggalsyz Olmaz”)

Either be equal in friendship, or not be friends at all

(“Dost dost ile ten gyerek,

ten olmasa gyen gyerek")

A lie is not the truth, vinegar is not honey

The best friend is the mother, the best country is the Motherland

(“Anna kimi yar olmaz,

olkham kimi diyar")

It's better to be the servant of a wise man than the master of a fool

Better your own inedible than someone else's delicious

(“Ozunun yavana ozgenin yaglisyndan yakhshydyr”)

It's better to die standing than to live on your knees

(“Dis uste yashamagdansa

ayag uste olmek yakhshydyr")

The cat loves the house, and the dog loves whoever is in the house

(“Pishik yere oiresher, it – adama”)

What kind of love is there between a sheep and a wolf?

(“Gurd ile goyunun ne ashnalygy?!”)

The bear is offended by the forest, but the forest does not know about it

(“Ayy masheden kusub, meshenin heberi yoh”)

The husband of a good wife is like a prince, the husband of a bad wife is trampled into the mud

(“Yakhshi arvad kishini by eyler,

yaman arvad kishini zay eyler")

If there were no donkeys among people, donkeys would be more valuable

Not seeing a log in his own behind, he sees a hair in someone else's eye

Don’t fill up the well: you’ll have to drink water

(“Doldurma guyunu,

waht olar, suyunu

ichesi olarsan")

Don't shout "Hop!" until I jumped over

(“Guyundan hpamamishdan gabag, hop deme”)

You can't call everyone who barks a dog, but everyone who speaks is a person.

It's not a shame not to know, it's a shame not to learn

(“Bilmek eib deyil,

oirenmek eyibdir")

Not the kind of beauty that's beautiful - but the kind that you'll love to death

No grief - pray, no debt - get married

No need: for the dark-skinned - soap, for the bad - advice

(“Garaya sabun, deliye nesihet neilesin?”)

Having been burned by milk, he blows on the curdled milk

Some live to eat, others eat to live

You can't clap with one hand

(“Bir elden ses chikhmaz”)

The eagle doesn't catch flies

(“Gartal Milchek Tutmaz”)

From a good horse there will be glory, from a brave man - a glorious name

To eat - always ready, to work - unhealthy

(“Yemeyin ustati, ishlemiyin khestasi”)

While the smart man was thinking, the fool had a son

(“Agilli fiqirlashinge, delinin bir oglu da oldu”)

If you miss the trouble, he won’t say: “I’m coming!”

(“Bela gyelende

"Gyeliram" demez")

Why should a wet person be afraid of rain?

(“Islanmyshyn yagyshdan ne paki?”)

Having asked, he descended from the mountain slopes,

without asking, I got lost in the valley

(“Sorushan daglar ashar,

sorushmayan duzde chashar")

He feasts with the wolf and grieves with the shepherd

(“Gurd ile yeir - yiesi ile shivene oturur”)

A man's strength is in his fists, but a woman's is in her tears.

No matter how much you say “halva”, your mouth won’t taste sweet

(“Halva, halva demeknen agiz shirin olmur”)

The weak is always to blame

A blind man doesn't care that candles have gone up in price

The dog barks - the caravan moves on

(“It hurer,

karvan kecher")

When you get off a horse, you don't get on a donkey.

Falcon in flight - crow held in high esteem

(“I’ll learn Shagin,

garga gondu")

The little donkey began to walk into the garden - he would be without ears and a tail.

(“Bastana dadanan godug,

ne gulags, guyrugu")

It's not the bad people who are ashamed, it's their relatives who are ashamed

(“Deli utanmaz, yiesi utanar”)

Don't part with the lamb - end up without the barbecue

(“Guzusuna gyimayan

kebab yee bilmez")

Sit crookedly and tell me straight

(“Eyri otur, duz danish”)

Those days are nasty when your dog grabs you by the heels

(“Wai o günden ki,

adamyn oz iti

oz ayagyndan tut)

Through patience one gets: halva from grapes, satin from silkworms

(“Sebr ile halva olar, her mountain, senten,

sahlasan atlaz olar, here, yarpagyndan")

Respect a fool: he will think - they were afraid of him

Whoever has a wife is in trouble, his beard turns gray early

(“Arvady bad olanyn, saggali tez agarar”)

Home decoration - child, table decoration - guest

Intelligence is not in years, but in the head

(“Agyl yashda dayil, bashdadir”)

We will die - but we will not collapse!

(“Olmek var, dyonmek yohdur”)

Honey lips mean troubles

(“Dili bal, ishi bela”)

Don’t be ashamed to go when you’re invited, and don’t crowd around when you’re not invited.

(“Chagyrylan ere ar eleme, chagrylmayan yeri – gift”)

The brave man blames himself, the coward blames his comrade

Kill the turtle or turn it over - it’s all the same

What was left seemed tastier

(“Akhira galan dadli göruner”)

Someone else's wife seems like a girl to everyone

(“Özke arvadi adama gyz göruner”)

What you crumble into a bowl, you catch with a spoon

(“Ne dograrsan ashyna,

o chykhar hashygyna")

Sew a fur coat in summer, sharpen a sickle in winter

The tongue is a piece of meat: wherever it wants, it drags it there

(“Dil ki var, etdendir,

hara donderersen, ora doner")


Sources: 1. “A short Russian-Azerbaijani dictionary of proverbs”: B. Tairbekov, A.-K. Huseynzade. - Baku, 1983

2. " Folk poetry Azerbaijan": A. Vekilov, T. Streshneva. — Leningrad, 1978

3. “Casket of Pearls”: V. Kafarov. - Moscow, 1968.

4. “Winged Wisdom”: G. Huseynov. - Baku, 1965


Put potatoes in okroshka, and put love into action. It’s not the gods who burn the pots. The earth is black, but White bread will give birth. Sow oats in the dirt - the oats will be a prince, and the rye will be at least in ashes, but in time. Even a horse is not lucky through strength. More deeds - less words. Every work of the master is praised. The eyes are scary, but the hands will do. You can’t get bread by self-indulgence .A hurried person does the same thing twice. On uncultivated land only weeds grow. Without labor there is no fruit. If you want to live, know how to turn around! The ant is not big, but it digs mountains.

Whoever sings, his work will soon end. Not all those cooks who have long knives. You can drive a nail into a stone with passion. Whatever your soul is for, your hands will put your hands to it. A small task is better than a big idleness. When you finish your work, go for a walk boldly .Soon the fairy tale is told, but not soon the work is done. Boast about the harvest when you fall asleep in the barn. I will not bow to the rich man if I thresh my own rye. He who does not walk does not fall. He who gets up earlier will collect mushrooms, but the sleepy and lazy go after for the nettles. He who does not work is not mistaken. What you reap is what you put together, what you put together is what you put in the barn. Don’t expect a good breed from bad seed.

A person's supply does not spoil a person. Think in the evening what to do in the morning. Don't put off until tomorrow what you can do today. A great misfortune is the beginning. It's no wonder to start a thing - it's a wonder to finish. Tackle every task skillfully. Don't sleep on this bread: you will reap - there will be no time to doze. For work he is behind the last ones, and for food - ahead of the first ones. The bee is small, and even she works. It’s always a holiday for the lazy. He who is quick in word is rarely argumentative in action. They count chickens in the fall. The end is the whole business crown. He was dapper from a young age, but in his old age he dies of hunger. He eats for an ox, but works for a mosquito. See the trees in their fruits, and see the people in their deeds. Lives on a hill, but there is not a crust of bread. Done hastily - and done as a mockery. Maybe somehow they won’t bring anything good. Oak is the peasant’s iron .Measure seven times - cut once. If you were willing, the work would go well. No matter how much you talk, you won’t be full from the conversation. If you put your heart into it, you can do anything. Like the master, so is the work. It’s not the bread that follows the belly, but the belly that follows bread. Don’t shake the apple while it’s green: when it ripens, it will fall on its own. If you cut down a tree, plant two. Skill and labor will grind everything down. You can’t outwork the master’s work. White hands love other people’s work. Yelling is not playing the pipe. Labor feeds a person, but laziness spoils him. He has done nothing, who has not started anything. Seven things cannot be handled by one person. In someone else's work, even the sun does not move. No one is a warrior in the field. Lie down with the chickens, get up with the rooster. Even the water does not flow under a lying stone. Sleeping a lot is not a matter of knowing. A good start has siphoned off half the battle. Without labor you cannot catch a fish from a pond. As long as the flail is in your hands, there is sweat and bread in your teeth. A bad business will have a bad end. Strike while the iron is hot. Stick to the plow tighter, it will be more profitable. Without work, strength weakens. Time for work, time for fun. Sleighs run down the mountain, but up the mountain and the cart doesn’t move. A bird is recognized in flight, and a person is at work. It’s better to go quietly and forward than quickly and then back. If you go more quietly, you will continue. Start by starting, but look, you’ll finish. you will plow. Whatever the arable land, such is the farming. Don’t say what you did, but say what you did. Don’t say “gop” until you jump over. The lazy spinner doesn’t even have a shirt for himself. When you don’t start, think, but when you start, do. Life is given for good deeds. The master’s work is afraid .If you hurry, you will make people laugh. A bad craftsman has a bad saw. The sun paints the earth, but man’s work. One bee produces little honey. People are not born with skill, but they are proud of the craft they have acquired. A bee is small, and even that one works. What kind of work, such and fruits. The field loves work. It’s not enough to want, you have to be able to do it. A scientist without work is like a cloud without rain. If you have patience, you will also have the ability.

Baba baked pies with yeast and took them out with reins. Russian proverb
To live without anything is only to smoke the sky. Russian proverb
Without the pain of labor there will be no joy. Kazakh proverb
You can’t even pull a fish out of a pond without difficulty. Russian proverb
A slacker is worse than a scarecrow: a scarecrow even scares animals. Abaza proverb

Work with your mind, not your back. Russian proverb
There is no greater value than skill. Kalmyk proverb
To lie is not to swing an ax, he lied and rested. Russian proverb
Fast work- with flaws. Estonian proverb
A job done quickly is never good. Indian proverb
A fast horse does not need to be urged on; a skillful person does not need to be helped. Bashkir proverb
In some hands, even a handful of dust turns into gold. Bengali proverb
IN work time- tongue locked. Russian proverb
They observe their faith by fasting and work with an axe. Bengali proverb
Apparently a master at work. Russian proverb
In all matters, you need to think three times. Chinese proverb
Think wisely, start early, perform diligently! Russian proverb
Everything is difficult only at first. Vietnamese proverb
Every work of the master is praised. Russian proverb
No skill is easy. Indian proverb
Make the rocker fit your shoulder. Vietnamese proverb
It’s not a crow: it won’t caw, but it will have an impact. Russian proverb
The master's work is afraid. Russian proverb
The matter is heart-strong. Russian proverb
Business teaches, and torments, and feeds. Russian proverb
Time for business - time for fun. Russian proverb
Long experience enriches the mind. Arabic proverb
He who thinks about the future is a sage; he who repairs old things is a craftsman. Kalmyk proverb
Sleep is sweet for a fool, but hard work is dear to a wise man. Estonian proverb
If you have patience, you will have skill. Russian proverb
Life is measured not by years, but by works. Russian proverb
The reaping sickle always shines. Mordovian proverb
A crane walks through the swamp and gets hired to work. Russian proverb
You can't cut down a tree in one go. Russian proverb
Tomorrow, tomorrow, not today - that's what sloths say. German proverb
An earned loaf is better than a stolen loaf. Russian proverb
Land into which no labor has been invested has no name. Turkmen proverb
Know the crafts, but know how to forget them. Turkmen proverb
And anyone who is considered a skillful being, let him do what he can. Persian proverb
And do a small thing like a big one. Bashkir proverb
And do someone else’s work as if it were your own. Korean proverb
The needle gets the better of the tailor. Arabic proverb
A skilled craftswoman can spin even on a donkey's leg. Arabic proverb
How to eat - so everyone, how to work - so no one. Latvian proverb
No matter how great the work, don’t give up: once you start doing it, you’ll do it. Mongolian proverb
As is the builder, so is the monastery! Russian proverb
When a person is hardworking, then the earth is not lazy. Chinese proverb
The end of labor is delight. Turkmen proverb
Whoever finds the source of labor will find wealth itself. Kazakh proverb
Whoever does not urge labor, he urges him. Estonian proverb
He who cleans a pond of algae gets fish. Bengali proverb
Whoever made the lock will make the key. Ossetian proverb
He who works will not remain hungry. Armenian proverb
He who knows what gets his bread. Russian proverb
Everything that you put effort into becomes easy. Tajik proverb
It's easier to work with your hands than with your head. Russian proverb
It’s better to think for a day than to work in vain for a whole week. Tajik proverb
They don’t carry mastery behind their shoulders. Russian proverb
They told the master: “The disciples are not afraid of you.” He replied: “I’m not afraid of them either.” Chinese proverb
Metal is on fire, man is learned through work. Tajik proverb
He who works hard lives long. Ossetian proverb
In fact, reason will appear. Tajik proverb
Sitting on the stove, you won’t see any bread. Russian proverb
You cannot make stone chambers with righteous labors. Russian proverb
The beginning of the work is tart, the end is sweet. Dargin proverb
Without taking up an ax, you cannot cut down a hut. Russian proverb
Don't look at the work, look at the finish! Russian proverb
Without messing things up, you won't be a master. Russian proverb
Don't be lazy behind the plow - you'll end up with a pie. Russian proverb
If you don't go through with it, you won't become smarter. Chinese proverb

If you don't crack a nut, you can't eat the kernel. Russian proverb
It’s not just expensive like red gold, but expensive like good craftsmanship. Russian proverb
There is no work without rest; know how to do it - know how to have fun. Persian proverb
Slow work indicates a skilled craftsman. Chinese proverb
The wolf did not catch a single sheep while lying down. German proverb
A new employee can even kill a lion. Indian proverb
One gained experience is more important than seven wise teachings. Tajik proverb
One man digs a well, a thousand people drink the water. Chinese proverb
The abandoned work will be covered with snow. Turkmen proverb
Nothing escapes good hands. Russian proverb
From work you will not be rich, but you will be hunchbacked. Russian proverb
Your hands will not be taken away from work. Udmurt proverb
Work will only make your back hunchbacked. Russian proverb
You are not rich from work, but you will be hunchbacked. Latvian proverb
From the labors of the righteous one cannot make stone chambers. Russian proverb
The plow and the ax will not leave you hungry. Udmurt proverb
The plow shines from work. Russian proverb
It was sown like a basket, and a little grew there. Russian proverb
God sent me work, but the devil took away the hunt. Russian proverb
Work hard, and then demand it. Kazakh proverb
Idleness trots where labor trudges on foot. Danish floorboard
If there is a lot of haste, there will be errors in the work. Bengali proverb
A bird is recognized in flight, a person is recognized in his work. Armenian proverb
The dust of labor is better than the saffron of inaction. Arabic proverb
Work loves fools. Russian proverb
Work is not a wolf - it won’t run away into the forest. Russian proverb
Work according to the sun's liking is brighter. Udmurt proverb
A running mill has no time to freeze. Japanese proverb
Work is done with skill, difficulty is overcome with agreement. Mongolian proverb
With craft, even the crippled will get bread. Russian proverb
The product has no flaws. Turkmen proverb
Business before pleasure. Russian proverb
Something done under duress is not a thing. Ossetian proverb
To a strong man It's a shame to be afraid of work. Tajik proverb
The day until the evening is boring if there is nothing to do. Russian proverb
Laughs and giggles - but business is business. Russian proverb
It's easy to look at flowers, but difficult to embroider them. Chinese proverb
A hundred tips are no substitute for a pair of experienced hands. Vietnamese proverb
Working early in the morning brings joy to the soul. Mongolian proverb

As soon as one built a bridge, the other got down to business. Vietnamese proverb
Happiness doesn’t float in the air—it comes with hard work. Persian proverb
We work so hard that we don’t have time to wipe our noses. Russian proverb
Happiness is no wonder there, where people do not work lazily. Russian proverb
Patience and a little effort. Russian proverb
Only experience creates a true master. Indian proverb
Only the stubborn can withstand the wind. Vietnamese proverb
Hasty work goes awry. Mari proverb
Labor feeds a person, but laziness spoils him. Russian proverb
Labor money is always strong. Russian proverb
Labor money lives forever. Russian proverb
Labor money lies tightly, someone else’s money sticks out like an edge. Russian proverb
A hardworking person will take on anything and everything will shine. Azerbaijani proverb
By working, you learn a lot. Altai proverb
The blacksmith has golden hands, and the singer has words. Russian proverb
A blow from a master is worth a thousand other blows. Kurdish proverb
A smart person does not rush into a difficult task. Ossetian proverb
The owner of a camel that has fallen into the mud works harder than others. Kalmyk proverb
A good weaver weaves a carpet on the fence. Lithuanian proverb
To a good master any material is good. Japanese proverb
A good blacksmith will not hit your finger, a skilled seamstress will not tangle the thread. Tuvan proverb
If you want to eat rolls, don’t sit on the stove. Russian proverb
If you want to get the job done, sharpen your tools first. Chinese proverb
A man without craft is like a tree without fruit. Tajik proverb
Man was created for work. Ossetian proverb
A person does what he loves well. Japanese proverb
A person is recognized not by his speeches, but by his deeds. Chuvash proverb
Instead of doing poetry, cultivate rice fields. Japanese proverb
The harder you work, the easier you will die. Latvian proverb
To live well, you must love work. Ukrainian proverb

A person has one beginning and one end.

If beauty is ten, then nine out of ten are clothes.

A ram is hanged by a ram's leg, a goat by a goat's leg.

You can paint a white wall any color.

Without asking, I got lost in the valley.

Anyone who chases a goitered gazelle will end up in a flowering meadow, while someone who chases a pig will end up in the mud.

While the iron is in use, rust will not take it.

It is better to be the servant of a wise man than the master of a fool.

What goes around comes around.

Outside is a palace, inside is a chicken coop.

It is better to die standing than to live on your knees.

The donkey loves his roar.

The pack is carried by a camel, and the dog is losing weight.

Better than a rose in a foreign land, a thorn in the fatherland.

Entrust the job to a lazy person - he will teach you.

No matter how big a camel is, it is always on the donkey’s lead.

The gambler never stops in time.

Some strive for heights, some strive for depth, but the majority go somewhere at random.

From heart to heart is the shortest path.

The truthful man considers everyone to be truthful, the liar thinks that everyone is a liar.

The needle walks naked - the whole world dresses it.

Like the cauldron, so is the pilaf.

A wolf will not make a shepherd.

No matter how high the mountain is, the road goes through it.

When there are many midwives, the baby comes out feet first.

What is bought by deception will not yield profit.

God won't throw anything down the chimney - earn it yourself.

The number of languages ​​you know, the number of people you have.

A cat is a lion to mice.

Two people sit on a quiet donkey.

A mare will give birth to a foal, a donkey will give birth to a foal.

There is a lot in the heart - there is a lot on the tongue.

The fox doesn't care how much the rooster costs.

Fear autumn - winter will follow; Don't be afraid of winter - spring is behind it.

A fool admires a fool, and a mullah admires funeral halva.

It is not the bad people who are ashamed, it is their relatives who are ashamed.

You can't kill two birds with one arrow.

From a daredevil will be born a daredevil.

After getting off a horse, one does not mount a donkey.

The dark news spreads faster.

What has flown away will not come back.

You can't argue with the proverb.

Parents in children continue.

Chew the word before you take it out of your mouth.

Whoever spits against the wind hits himself in the face.

Where the fox goes, so goes the tail.

What was left of the fire was carried away by the flood.

Remember: from mouth to ear there are only four fingers.