Developmental activities with a three-year-old child. Physical education and exercises for four-year-old children Formation of the concept of speech designations of the right and left parts of the body, memory development

What should be the physical development of children 3-4 years old in accordance with age standards? It is useful for parents to know about this in order to notice deviations in time and correct them as far as possible. The social adaptation of the child and his success in learning largely depend on these indicators. Anatomical and physiological age-related characteristics characteristic of a given age dictate certain types of activities and exercises, on which children’s skills, abilities and knowledge in physical education depend.

Doctors call the following features of the physical development of children 3-4 years old that meet the standards:

  1. Typically, the physical development of a 3-year-old child is determined by the following parameters: height 96 (a deviation of 4 cm is allowed), weight 12 (plus or minus 1 kg), chest circumference 51 (more or less by 2 cm), head circumference 48 cm, baby teeth should be around 20.
  2. Over the course of two years, all these parameters naturally change. By the fifth anniversary, the physical development of a 4-year-old child should correspond to different numbers: height 104 (4 cm deviation is allowed), weight 17 (plus or minus 1 kg), chest circumference 55 (more or less by 2 cm), head circumference 50 cm , baby teeth should not yet be replaced by molars.
  3. The volume of the cranium at 3 years is almost 80% of the approximate volume of the skull diagnosed in an adult.
  4. The curves of the spine are unstable, joints and bones are easily deformed under the influence of negative external influences.
  5. The diameter of the muscles increases significantly several times, muscle fibers differentiate. At the initial stage, large muscles are more developed than small ones. But over time, the movements of the fingers and hands improve if physical development proceeds in accordance with the norm.
  6. The lumens of the respiratory tract (nasal passages, trachea, larynx, bronchi) are still as narrow as possible. The mucous membrane lining them is tender and quickly vulnerable. Therefore, one of the physical features of this age is frequent inflammatory diseases of the respiratory system. The child cannot regulate breathing on a conscious level and combine it with his own movements.
  7. The heart works without problems under heavy loads. Blood circulation is very fast. Blood pressure - 95 over 58.
  8. The structure and activity of the central nervous system is constantly being improved. The child is capable of analysis and synthesis. He knows how to perceive the world around him, has speech, which helps him generalize and clarify what he perceives (you can read about the age-related characteristics of a child’s development).
  9. The processes of excitation and inhibition are easily dissipated. Therefore, children at this age make many unnecessary, completely unnecessary movements, are fussy, talk a lot or suddenly fall silent. Increased excitability leads to rapid fatigue.

You need to understand that all these features of the physical development of children at 3-4 years old are quite conditional. Small organisms can develop along individual trajectories, taking into account some diseases, but deviations from these norms should not be significant. In accordance with these points, the child must have a certain set of knowledge, skills and abilities characteristic of a given age.

Skills, abilities, knowledge

The anatomical and physiological age characteristics of a 3-4 year old child listed above are most often noticeable to the naked eye, as they relate to appearance. Or they are detected during medical examinations and laboratory tests, if we are talking about the functioning of internal organs. In behavior, in classes in kindergarten, and especially in games, you can also see whether his physical development is normal. At this age he should:

  • use both hands in games;
  • walk on tiptoes;
  • take different types of steps: wide and small, side steps and jumping steps;
  • walk and run at a controlled pace (fast, moderate, slow);
  • walk and run in a given direction (straight, snake, in a circle, between objects);
  • walk and run holding hands tightly;
  • jump in place, moving either forward or backward, over low and short obstacles;
  • It is enough to accurately throw the ball at a specific target, catching it with only two hands;
  • take an active part in sports, dance, and gaming events;
  • consistently perform a variety of motor actions;
  • control the body - maintain balance when walking on an inclined surface;
  • confidently pedal a bicycle (still a three-wheeler);
  • It’s good to walk backwards;
  • go up and down stairs like an adult - alternating legs.

Does your baby cope with all this without problems at 3-4 years old? Then you can be sure: the characteristics of his physical development do not deviate from normal indicators. If everything doesn’t work out for him yet, there’s no need to despair. You just need to work with him a little extra for everything to fall into place.


Understanding the characteristics of the physical development of children 3-4 years old, you can competently organize classes with them. By strengthening your training in one place and easing tension in another, you can achieve very good results. With this approach to this matter, your child will become a physically strong and healthy preschooler. Here are some exercises that will be very useful at this age.

  1. To improve the movements of fingers and hands, the child needs drawing, construction and didactic games. These are the basics.
  2. Raising the arms to the sides and up, turning the body and rocking it helps the child master his own body.
  3. Regularly performing exercises that require intense exhalation: various games with fluff or light paper products. This contributes to the normal development of the respiratory system.
  4. Jogging (no more than 500 m), running on toes. An auxiliary game - who can run faster.
  5. Walking like a snake between various objects, on tiptoes.
  6. Jumping simultaneously on two legs and alternately on one. Jumping over objects (their height is no more than 5 cm). Helper game - hopscotch.
  7. Squats: no more than 5 times in 1 session.
  8. Balance is very important for the physical development of a child. Therefore, he must be forced to walk in a straight line, placing the heels of one foot to the toes of the other. Assistive games - swings, carousel. When walking in a straight line, you can give him objects - a glass of water or a spoon with a tennis ball.
  9. Hanging and swinging on the crossbar, rings, trapeze, horizontal bar.
  10. Up to 5 somersaults per day.
  11. Abdominal exercises are very important for physical development at 3-4 years of age. Encourage your child to pull his legs towards his body while hanging on the horizontal bar.
  12. Work with your child on posture. Back exercises - cat and boat. You can try walking with a book on your head.
  13. Crawling between and under objects 50 cm high, in a tunnel.
  14. Drive the ball across the field, catch it with both hands, try to play football, try to score into the goal, throw it at the goal (it should only be horizontal for now - take into account this age-related feature of the physical development of children 3-4 years old).
  15. Riding a tricycle, scooter.

With the regularity of such activities, the physical development of a child at 3-4 years old will correspond to the norms. However, parents need to take into account such a point as the absence of contraindications for loads of this kind. If the baby is healthy, you can start physical education today. If there are pathologies and painful conditions, a doctor’s consultation is necessary. It is necessary to take into account all the features of this type of activity. A few useful tips will help you navigate.

In order not to harm your own child, organize physical activity for him competently, taking into account his age characteristics of 3-4 years. Otherwise, the development of a growing organism can be slowed down.

  1. The finger joints of a 3-4 year old child are easily deformed if, for example, he often sculpts from very hard plasticine. Make sure that the auxiliary material is soft and pliable.
  2. There should be no incorrect postures: shoulders pulled together, one shoulder lowered, head constantly lowered. They can become habitual for the child, which invariably leads to serious posture problems. In the future, this will negatively affect the development of blood circulation and breathing.
  3. For normal physical development of the respiratory system, teach your child to breathe through his nose.
  4. Ensure your 3-4 year old child sleeps 11-13 hours a day. Of these, 1-1.5 hours are spent on daytime sleep.
  5. Fill your baby's day with physical activity for his full development. Fulfill his need for constant movement with morning exercises, long walks in the fresh air, outdoor games, physical education, and even a home gym.
  6. Teach him new skills: riding a bike, swimming, playing ball. This will give him confidence and increase self-esteem.
  7. Be careful with the rules in games: do not use competitions. A child of 3-4 years old is capable of following the rules, but just not losing. Otherwise, physical development will take place against a background of nervous stress.
  8. Treat any illnesses immediately. Don't forget about prevention.

In order for the physical development of a child at 3-4 years old to meet the norms, parents must pay great attention to his health. Constant visits to doctors, prevention of common childhood diseases, healthy lifestyle habits, physical exercise, hardening - all this plays a certain role here. Only by taking into account all these aspects will the baby be formed correctly against the background of his peers. This will have a positive impact on his entire future life.

Let's talk about what you can offer a little fidgety 3-5 years old. And this:

  • Unconventional drawing.
  • Application.
  • Making delicious toys.
  • Fun workshop.

Let's take a closer look at each type of handicraft.
Unconventional ways of this type of creativity:

Method No. 1
"Magic wand"

a pencil or pen is wrapped with foam rubber at the blunt end, which is tied with thread. It turns out to be a large brush without hairs. The stick is held strictly perpendicular to the surface of the sheet, without tilting. The trail it leaves imitates animal fur, tree crowns, and snow. A stick with foam rubber is dipped in paint (the main thing is that there is not a large amount of water), and the baby begins to cover the sheet with traces of it. Let him first simply understand that with the help of a “magic wand” you can quickly and easily draw marks. Then draw tree branches or a bush with a black felt-tip pen, and let the child finish painting the foliage with green, yellow, red or orange paint. Draw a simple outline of a bunny or fox with a pencil, let the baby “trample” it with his “magic tool” - the bunny and fox will turn out fluffy, their fur will seem so disheveled that the baby will certainly want to touch it. It is extremely interesting to work with this technique with a stencil. Cut out an image in the middle of a thick sheet of cardboard, such as the head of a tiger cub or a bear. Attach the cardboard with the cut out stencil to the landscape sheet and invite the child to “trample” the part of the landscape sheet that is visible through the hole in the stencil. After the child has done this, let the work dry, then draw eyes, mouth, mustache, and stripes with a brush.

Method No. 2

A very interesting way to draw with a pencil, felt-tip pen, or ballpoint pen using pre-made stencils. Stencils can be of two types - some are cut inside the sheet, others are made from the sheet and separated from it. It is easier for young children to trace the figures embossed inside the sheet. Many squares and rulers have such patterns. Having attached them to the album sheet, you ask the child to trace the shapes. Then you remove the stencil and, together with it, figure out how you can complete this or that shape. Children 4.5-5 years old will be able to trace single stencils cut out of cardboard. This is more difficult, because the hand does not hold well on the outside of the pattern and the baby draws extra lines. But you can interest children in the content of stencils: for boys - these are silhouettes of cars and airplanes, for girls - animals, nesting dolls, bows and houses. Having traced the patterns, children can paint over their images with felt-tip pens and paints, and hatch them with various lines: straight, wavy, zigzag, with loops, wavy with sharp peaks. Stencils can help you create your own drawings; they will complement what the child himself has created.
You can start a game: the child circles various objects, and you guess what they are. Firstly, not all objects can be circled. By finding them, the baby will understand the difference between three-dimensional and flat objects or things that have at least one flat side and those that do not. Secondly, it is not easy to circle this or that object on your own, without the help of an adult. And thirdly, in this game the roles change: the baby puzzles the parents, and the adults try to find the answer. All this pleases the child, providing him with a surge of creative energy.

Method No. 3
"Mirror Copy"

Another method is based on the fact that a silhouette drawn with paints can be easily imprinted when a sheet of paper is placed on it. The sequence of work is as follows: the sheet is folded in half, unfolded, and the surface is slightly moistened with water. On one half of the sheet, the silhouette of an object or part of a symmetrical image is drawn with paints, for example, half a Christmas tree, half a flower, half a house. The sheet is folded and pressed firmly with your hand. By unfolding the sheet, you will see a whole image or two objects (if you drew a whole object on one half). Many kids like this method; for children, it seems like a miracle that the same image appears on the second half of the sheet. When the work dries, the details can be completed with felt-tip pens, pencils or paints.
method number 4 - “Whose trace”
Another way of drawing, or rather, printing, is based on the ability of many objects to leave colorful imprints on paper. You take a potato, cut it in half and from one half cut out a square, triangle, diamond, flower or something interesting. Moreover, one side of the print must be flat for application to the paper, and you will hold the other with your hand. Then you or your child dip such a signet in paint (preferably gouache) and apply it to the paper. As you might guess, an imprint remains. With the help of these signets you can make beads, ornaments, patterns, and mosaics.

Method No. 5
"Salty Drawings and Tooth Paint"

What if you paint with glue and sprinkle salt on top of these areas? Then you will get amazing snow pictures. They will look more impressive if they are done on blue, blue, pink colored paper. Try it, it's very exciting!
Or let's create winter landscapes in another way - painting with toothpaste. First, the child must be explained that this is a creative search, and this use of toothpaste does not give him the right to squeeze it out on the floor, shelves and tables. Together with your child, outline with a pencil the light contours of trees, houses, and snowdrifts. Slowly squeezing out the toothpaste, go over all the outlined contours. Such work must be dried and it is better not to put it in a folder along with other drawings. For creativity, it is best to use a domestic product - it dries faster.

Method number 6
"Egg Mosaic"

Another very exciting way to create creative works is to make a mosaic from multi-colored eggshells. Once you have eggshells left on your kitchen counter, don't throw them away. Separate from the films, wash, dry and grind. Dilute the paint in several cups and put the crushed shells there. After 15 minutes, the shells are caught with a fork and laid out to dry. Now the material for the mosaic is ready. Now you need to think over the drawing, mark it with a pencil outline and, having previously smeared the surface with glue, cover it with a certain color of the shell.

Method No. 7
"Like an artist to an artist"

But this is a completely unusual path! You need to get a large sheet of paper. Huge sheets of Whatman paper are sold in bookstores and cost 6 rubles. You ask the baby to lie down on such a sheet and circle it. Of course, it’s better for the whole thing to fit in (this can be achieved by gluing two or three sheets of whatman paper together) or, as a last resort, for the torso and head to fit. You have traced the baby, and now it’s his time - let him try to decorate the silhouette: draw eyes, mouth, hair, jewelry, clothes. If the child is small, then do this work together - the baby suggests, and you, admiring his imagination, draw with him.

Method No. 8
"Rainy Fantasies"

Another option for unconventional drawing is the following: during rain or snowfall, you boldly open the window and expose a sheet of paper for less than a minute, holding it horizontally. You probably guessed that drops of rain or snow will remain on the sheet. And this is what we sought. Now traces of bad weather can be outlined and turned into fairy-tale creatures. They can also be connected to each other by guessing what kind of image they get.

Very often, while drawing, kids ask for scissors. The desire to hold such a dangerous adult object in your hands increases your own importance in the eyes of a child. Children can quite easily cut up their drawing or cut out part of it. And this happens not because they don’t feel sorry for the drawing. Just the interest in the “magical” separation of its parts from the sheet fascinates them much more than the desire to preserve what has already been created.
Where can you start making applique?
The simplest subjects are a house with an opening door, primitive cars, mountains. It's better to do this work. Draw your child's attention to the fact that one side of the paper is colored and the other is white. The cut line is drawn only on the white side. Draw a large square on the white side of the paper. Its two sides will coincide with the edges of the sheet; you will have to draw the other two lines yourself. Give the child scissors, hold the sheet yourself and guide it. After cutting out the square, you can make a triangular roof. Now the house is ready, all that remains is to spread it with glue and press it firmly to the paper. Oddly enough, but kids need to be taught this too. It is better to spread it on a special backing made of linoleum or plastic. Pressing the part against the main background, remove the remaining glue with a cloth. After finishing the work, invite your child to complete the details, for example, mark the windows, door, dormer window, fence. Children love opening parts in houses or caves in rocks. These pieces are very easy to make. At the bottom of the house you cut out a door. One side should hold it as if on hinges. Of course, the door is not glued, but kept open. Now the child can close and open it himself. You can also make shutters on windows, opening doors in cars, mysterious grottoes in the rocks.
Very young children can prepare various patterns in advance. All the baby has to do is take them out of the envelope or bag, examine them, spread them with glue and place them on the sheet as desired. With certain skill, the child can perform this activity independently. Patterns can be the following silhouettes: geometric shapes, flowers, berries, stars.
You can use more than just paper for appliques. Pieces of fabric are also a wonderful material. They make wonderful costumes, various natural objects, for example, tree crowns, water surfaces, animal fur. The fabric is selected depending on its texture and suitability to the image. Invite your child to look at the ironed scraps, figure out what they can be used for, and you will be surprised at his interest and enthusiasm.
An excellent material for appliqués is old magazines. Children who have already mastered the cutting process will enjoy finding drawings and photographs on given topics. For example, today we are creating an application on the theme “Racing”, and the kids are looking for images of various types of transport. Come up with topics and give the little ones magazines!
It is interesting to teach kids to use not only old publications for appliqués, but also waste paper - labels, wrappers, paper for wrapping gifts. You have to be a real dreamer to see in a photograph of a forest a background for appliquéing the seabed, and to cut out a flower dance from a wrapper in the shape of soap bubbles. Transforming what you see into other, unusual images is real creativity! In this regard, playing with letters is very interesting. You cut out various letters from magazines and ask your child to come up with something new from them. So, a bow, a cheerful face and a shoe are added to the letter “I” - and now the little man is ready. What if the “P” is supplemented with a roof and a chimney? "K" - tail, claws and head? Try it, it's fun for adults too.
You can also create an applique from cereals and pasta. But you have to be extremely careful with food products. After all, food is intended to support our life, and not for play. And yet you can try, with the stipulation that we will take just a little bit of rice, rolled oats, beans and pasta to create something interesting and exciting. A path made of rice, tree trunks made of pasta, a sea of ​​rolled oats will look original and unusual.

So, there are ideas, all that is missing is free time and energy. Let's find an hour, be patient and... start creating together with the baby. Strength will appear out of nowhere, the desire to invent and fantasize will come, and the baby will beg you to glue, sculpt, draw, and craft with him a little more. Agree, because from this “a little bit” a thread will stretch to “forever”. And every mother dreams of forever becoming a friend, creative colleague and adviser to her child.
In preparing the article, materials from the books were used:
Feldcher Sh., Lieberman S. “400 ways to keep a child from 2 to 8 years occupied.” St. Petersburg: “Peter”, 1996.
Doronova T. N. “Nature, art and visual activities of children.” M,: "Enlightenment", 2000.

Several ideas for applique
We create an aquarium: fish, algae, pearls.
We label the city: houses, cars, trees, stylized (simplified) images of people.
We have a kitchen! We paste photographs or silhouettes of various dishes, vegetables and fruits onto paper plates.
Let's come up with a little man from paper cups, cubic kefir boxes, gluing the background, facial features and hair.
A collage of pieces of serpentine, ropes, ribbons, twine. By arranging these materials in a certain sequence, twisting them in a spiral, weaving them together, you can create interesting decorative works.
Applique using the tearing method, when the paper is not cut, but torn, this looks especially good when creating sea waves, thick trees, monsters. If it is difficult for your child to tear off a large image, let him tear it in pieces, gluing them to each other on the main background.

Delicious toys
Let us repeat once again that when making delicious toys, the baby must understand that food is of great value. Treating food with respect should be a must when making food crafts.
Invite your child to decorate the salad. Let him have slices of tomato, olives, strips of pepper, carrots, and curls of parsley on hand. Perhaps the baby will create a little man's face or make an ornamental decoration?
It is very interesting to squeeze cream out of a syringe or bag according to a pre-conceived pattern. Not everyone can do this art, so let the little one try it on cookies first. Very often children see in the piece of bread they eat either a bear cub or a squirrel. Let's try to ask the baby to create different animals by carefully tearing off pieces of bread. They will become fun toasts for breakfast, and we will dry the remaining crumbs and put them in a separate jar. They will be useful for breading. Be sure to tell your child about this, let him know that not a crumb of bread was wasted!
Along with these original hobbies, we advise you to involve fidgets in kitchen chores more often. Bake cookies with mom, cook pasta, cut potatoes
ku - what could be more interesting and important for a growing baby!

Jack of all trades
After finishing reading the article, you must be tired, right? It is impossible to remember so many ideas at once, to understand so many sentences. That’s why in the last section we placed only barely indicated thoughts about creating something new and interesting with our own hands. If you are curious about something, organize these scattered thoughts to taste!
We make jewelry: using a large needle, we string buttons, beads, and rowan berries onto a thread. A whole necklace can be made by connecting paper clips together.
We tell rope stories: we made a circle out of rope, we begin a story about... a bun, a sun, a plate, a wheel. Our circle has grown a nose. What is this? Pinocchio, turnip? And so on - show and tell.
We make dolls from pillows tied with rope, paper bags stuffed with newspaper and twisted in the middle. You can decorate paper dolls and glue on them hair, mustaches, and beards.
Think about what else you can come up with from pillows? You find it difficult, but the kids will be happy to tell you that it can be a house, a car, or an airplane. Invite your little one to build such a building - he will be simply happy.
Let's consolidate our creative plans! Place paper clips on a sheet of clean paper. It turns out that you can create various silhouettes from them and outline them. Try it yourself, and then offer it to a little creator.
Have your child make lots of holes in the cardboard using a hole punch. When the work is finished, hand the lace to your baby. Having secured it in one of the holes with a knot, ask them to create patterns. This is similar to educational games called “lacing”, but the canvas is completely made by the child himself! Therefore, the game will be perceived completely differently. You can create patterns in different ways, why not try to “draw” familiar and unfamiliar images with a lace.

Three years. The baby has already grown up significantly. And he considers himself an adult. After all, his speech is well developed. He is completely open to exploring the world, mastering knowledge and new skills. The baby feels confident in his abilities. He enjoys any activities for children 3-4 years old. At the same time, in his activities the child shows intelligence and some persistence.

This age is also associated with the development of aesthetic abilities. The baby is fascinated by beautiful flowers, music, pictures, things.

The main tasks facing educators

Most children at this age go to kindergarten for the first time. This is a difficult period for any child. After all, the familiar world is changing rapidly. The teacher has an important task - to help the baby adapt faster.

In addition, much attention is paid to the development of 3-4 years in kindergarten, based on the alternation of physical, mental and creative activities. The great advantage of such training is its strict compliance with the psychophysiological characteristics of age.

Along with the above activities, kindergarten teachers teach an equally important sociological skill. We are talking about the ability to communicate correctly, willingness to make concessions, and displays of tolerance towards others.

Lesson objectives

All children at this age are characterized by a desire to understand the world around them, the phenomena occurring in it, and various objects. It is very important that classes for children 3-4 years old are structured in a playful way. At the same time, we should not forget that a child should be taught only what he can master.

Training that is somewhat advanced in development is considered correct. Thus, the baby learns things that he has not yet guessed about, but is quite capable of understanding. Well-designed activities for children provide a huge impetus for the development of their future personality.

Main areas of study:

  • development of attention, speech, thinking, memory;
  • reading instruction;
  • instilling reasoning skills and the ability to draw independent conclusions;
  • teaching mathematical fundamentals, mastering numbers, counting;
  • formation of ideas about the world around the child, development of horizons;
  • teaching graphic skills, preparing the child for writing;
  • developing relationship skills with friends.

It should be noted that not all children go to kindergarten. At the same time, every parent wants the child to develop harmoniously. Therefore, a rather pressing question arises - how to organize activities for children 3-4 years old at home?

Major difficulties in this development will not arise if parents follow certain rules in their aspirations:

  • Arouse your child's interest in the task. Only what is done with pleasure becomes useful. Don't scold the baby. By shouting you will only discourage the latter from learning.
  • You should not leave your child alone with the task assigned to him. It can not only spoil (tear) a book or other ancillary material. It is quite natural that questions may arise in a small head that should be discussed immediately. And besides, the baby constantly needs support and approval. But the next rule is about this.
  • By all means, let your child know how pleased you are that he completed the task correctly. Seeing your sincere joy, the child will try with renewed energy.
  • Consider a specific place for studying. The baby should sit comfortably at a small (strictly child-sized) table. The correct chair is the one from which the little student reaches his feet to the floor.
  • If one of the tasks turns out to be beyond your child’s ability, leave it. You should not put pressure on your child, trying to explain a complex topic again. You should skip such classes. For children, this is much better than agreeing without understanding the topic with a parent who is ready to break down at any moment. You can return to a difficult task after a couple of days. It is quite possible that by this time the child will “ripe” for him.
  • Dose out your help. Do not replace your child in completing the task. There is no need to describe in detail what should be done and how. Give your child the opportunity to be creative. If he comes to a decision on his own, such a skill will be deposited in his little head for the rest of his life.
  • It is very important to choose the right moment for learning. Classes for children aged 3-4 years should be conducted in a warm atmosphere, with great pleasure. Therefore, if a child is sick, hungry, tired or excited after other games, you should not press on with studying. Choose another, more appropriate moment when the activities will bring you both pleasure.
  • When explaining a task, make sure that the child understands it correctly. Otherwise, repeat. If your baby thinks slowly, don't rush him. On the contrary, give time to carefully look at the picture and get your bearings in completing the task.
  • Have you noticed that the baby does not want to bother himself with any effort? And only for this reason refuses to complete the task? You should gently insist on your own. In this case, you can work in turns. For example, you do the first task, and the child does the second.
  • Be sure to approach your studies creatively. Fill your assignments with content that is interesting to your child. Ask your child questions about the drawings or come up with a short story.

Physical development of the child

At the age of 3-4 years, the baby grows rapidly. Motor skills develop. Greater confidence in movements is noted. Children run beautifully, jumping alternately on one leg. They are fascinated by various gymnastic stairs. They play with the ball with pleasure. Most of the kids enthusiastically ride a bicycle (three-wheeler).

Adults, when planning activities for children 3-4 years old, must pay attention to physical development. After all, the main goal is to grow a harmonious personality.

For classes you can use options such as:

  • exercises (with musical accompaniment, with rhymes);
  • (the child learns to roll, catch, throw);
  • (you can use a log, a slide);
  • running (game of catch-up, with small obstacles);
  • jumping (hopscotch, jump rope, hurdles, elastic band);
  • gymnastic stairs (crossbars, rings, ladders, rope are used);
  • swimming, water games (best of all - in the pool, at home - in the bath or on the beach);
  • dancing;
  • outdoor games (here you can come up with a variety of techniques, for example, looking for a hidden “treasure”);
  • riding a scooter, bicycle, roller skates.

Creative activities

All kids are happy to participate in the above tasks. How they rejoice when looking at a masterpiece created with their own hands.

Activities for children 3-4 years old in kindergarten include:

  • appliqués (fabric, paper, natural materials are used);
  • modeling (from salt dough, plasticine);
  • drawing (with pencils, paints, markers, pens);
  • crafts (made from fabrics, natural materials, paper).

Development of fine motor skills

It is very important not to miss this moment. Many parents who conduct activities and games for children 3-4 years old at home completely forget about motor skills. But in vain, because this skill is the strongest stimulus for the development of a child’s memory, thinking, speech and attention.

Great activities include:

  • fastening, sorting (you can also use ordinary fasteners, buttons, buttons, eyelets);
  • laying out drawings or patterns (from pebbles, cereals, shells);
  • sandbox games;
  • constructors, cubes;
  • various lacings;
  • (various gestures are performed to the accompaniment of certain children's poems - clapping, clenching, unclenching fists and others).

Role-playing games

Psychologists recommend teaching children about sociology from childhood. These skills should be developed precisely in the process of role-playing games. For example, consider the importance of a lesson for children 3-4 years old on the topic “Dishes”. Kids, especially girls, “try on” the role of an adult. This allows you to gain certain skills that will be useful in the future. The impressions left on children allow them to form the right values ​​- welcoming guests, the ability to set the table. And some develop future interests and hobbies.

It is quite easy to come up with a variety of role-playing games. Some of them:

  • game (with dolls, cars, airplanes);
  • puppet theater (you can also stage your favorite fairy tales yourself).

Development of logic

As noted above, the baby is already quite smart. Various problems arouse his great interest. Prepare special material for these classes in advance.

  • the concept of “one - many”;
  • comparison “small object - large”;
  • familiarization with the concepts of “top” and “bottom”;
  • long short;
  • classification of objects (for example, groups - birds, trees, vegetables);
  • high Low;
  • color spectrum.

For such activities, it is advisable to use prepared cards. As a rule, kids are happy to choose the “extra” one from a group of objects and love to look for changes in pictures. They like to find the right pairs.

Development of speech, counting, reading

At this age, according to psychologists, it is already possible to introduce “educational” topics for classes. Children should be interested in playful forms. By properly planning a “lesson”, you can easily teach a child.

List of classes:

  • learning letters;
  • reading;
  • studying numbers;
  • counting objects;
  • adding missing words to the poem;
  • retelling stories, fairy tales;
  • description of a picture, object;
  • guessing riddles;
  • learning songs, poems;
  • listening to fairy tales.

The world

When putting concepts about natural phenomena and various objects into a child’s head, you should not forget about instilling morality. Develop special activities for 3-4 year old children about kindness. Explain in fairy tale language that your child can understand why they need to care and help. Explain how to be friends. Using the example of fairy tales, confirm that only good relationships can overcome evil.

To introduce your child to the world around him, cover the following topics:

  • animals;
  • family;
  • seasons, days of the week, months;
  • plants;
  • space;
  • geography (countries, rivers, mountains);
  • purpose of objects (edible or not);
  • measurement (weight, length, volume, height);
  • man (available anatomical concepts);
  • everyday skills;
  • politeness, etiquette.


All activities for children 3-4 years old will not only help to raise a harmoniously developed personality, but will also bring incredible pleasure from the joy of communicating with the baby. After all, there is nothing more beautiful than rejoicing with the baby at his first works and discoveries. Especially if the baby “creates masterpieces” in life, showing love, kindness and tenderness to others.

As a rule, at a fairly young age, the child begins to express his desire to express the impressions that he receives in the process of growing up. He does this in different ways: voice, movements, actions. At a certain point, it is necessary to provide the child with the opportunity to express himself in a more varied way: give him pencils and paper, plasticine or construction sets, and teach him how to use them. The result of a child’s creative activity is an excellent means of monitoring and enriching his inner world. It is necessary to encourage children's creativity in every possible way in the form in which it is most acceptable for the child.

Fun game "Barbershop"

Purpose of the game: it doesn’t matter whether your child is learning to cut or is already a master of scissors, in any case, offer him a similar game: for beginners, learning by playing is more fun, and for the “advanced”, this is a new fun experiment!

You will need:

  • - sheets of A4 paper
  • - colored paper
  • - glue stick

How to make:

Fold the A4 sheet in half (if done in one layer, the paper will bend strongly due to the weight of the hair). Draw a man's face and cut it out. Cut out hair, mustaches, and beards from colored paper and glue them to the templates. Glue both halves of the paper together (the ends of the hair will remain inside) and you can get down to business.

This activity can be made more complicated, for example, you can make templates together with the child, or the child can make the templates themselves with the support and prompting of an adult.

The game "Barbershop" develops fine motor skills, attention, perseverance, and imagination.

Be sure to try this funny cutout too!

Modeling from plasticine

All parents try to spend their leisure time with their children usefully. No one will argue how useful modeling is for children. The very first material that children work with is, of course, plasticine. Small animals and insects from plasticine are the first things children learn to sculpt.

Modeling classes with children develop fine motor skills, develop imagination, help to master shapes, remember colors, develop imaginative thinking, cultivate neatness, accuracy and independence.

When talking about modeling for little ones, you need to think through all the details and look at the process through the eyes of your children. And let's start, perhaps, with the simplest.

Drawing lessons

Pencil drawing lessons step by step are activities that will help you master drawing techniques, regardless of ability or age. Drawing is really easy!

Just think how happy your baby will be when you tell her that from today we are learning to draw with a pencil! Why pencil? You need to start with something simple. And the easiest way to start is with light pencil drawings. Gradually you will master more and more complex skills. And, as a result, you can move on to working with paints. Drawing for children will become a favorite pastime and will gradually introduce kids to the wonderful world of bright images and favorite characters.

It would seem that there is no reason to engage already active children in physical education. However, most sports schools begin enrolling children at the age of 4-5 years.

At this time, the child already has full control of his body, his proportions practically correspond to the parameters of an adult. It is from 3 to 5 years that children experience a new phase of active growth, when they grow at the same rate as children under 12 months.

Physical education for children 3-4 years old has many functions, it helps the development of all the internal organs of a small person, develops muscle structure, instills a culture of sports and movement from an early age, and lays the habit of an active lifestyle for the future. Physical education classes with your child help:

  1. Strengthen the heart muscle and blood vessels.
  2. Improve digestion, appetite and regulate bowel movements. Speed ​​up metabolism.
  3. Form your posture.
  4. Improve blood oxygen saturation. Moderate exercise will help in the prevention and treatment of iron deficiency anemia.
  5. Form neural connections in the brain. This will have a qualitative impact on intelligence in the future.

By the age of 4, children already have a high need for movement, they are active on their own, and cannot sit still. This is a natural phenomenon, intended by nature for the development of the body, especially the musculoskeletal system.

Important! It is harmful and even dangerous to limit the physical activity of children at this age.

A child's sedentary lifestyle can cause:

  1. Dysfunction and diseases of the endocrine glands. This will trigger hormonal problems in adolescence and adulthood. The habit of daily routine and mobility “balances” the production of growth hormones and sex gland hormones.
  2. Violation of the formation of skeletal bones. Leads to flat feet, changes in posture, and scoliosis.
  3. Slowing down of physical development.

Rules for organizing children's physical education

Due to rapid growth and high energy expenditure, a baby aged 3-5 years quickly loses his baby fat and acquires “adult” proportions. Before introducing physical exercise, it is necessary to establish a clear daily routine. The baby should eat often and in small portions. Go to bed in a well-ventilated area, go to sleep and get up at about the same time. At the age of 3-5 years, a little person still needs a nap of about 2 hours during the day.

During the walk, children should walk for 15-20 minutes at a time, after which they need to take rest breaks.

Attention! The child will get used to physical education faster if he sees the example of loved ones - grandmothers, parents, especially since children strive to imitate in everything.

During this period, children still cannot hold attention for a long time. You can concentrate on the exercises for no more than 10-15 minutes. After such a short lesson there must be a pause for active games that require a lot of movement. The load needs to be increased no more than once every 2-3 months.

If possible, you should add swimming to your activities.

During illness, all physical education activities are stopped. You can return to them only: 7-14 days after an acute respiratory viral infection, 3 weeks after an adenovirus infection or a severe infectious disease; and in general, you should rely on the opinion of your pediatrician about when to return to gymnastics. Restore the load gradually.

Types of exercise sets

Physical education for children 4 years old should be fun and interesting in order to maintain attention and not turn them away from sports exercises.

A simple set of exercises for family activities:

  1. Simple walking in a circle is a walk.
  2. Hands on the belt. Turning the head from side to side: yes-yes and no-no.
  3. Hands on the belt. Tilts of the head to the sides.
  4. Hands up. Tilts of the body to the sides - “trees in the forest sway.”
  5. Hands on the belt. Stretch out your arms and clap - “catch butterflies” in your palms.
  6. Alternate squats and bends - “picking” mushrooms, berries, flowers.
  7. “Stretch” - stand on tiptoes, raise your arms high above your head, spread your fingers.
  8. Walking in a circle: the walk is over, “let’s go home.”

While running, your baby may need a break; it is acceptable to rest for 2-5 minutes.

Important! Complete all exercises to the end, even if you take a break; teach you to finish all classes.

Complex for activities on the street or playground:

  1. Run for 200-300 meters, slowly and taking short breaks if necessary.
  2. Walking alternately on your toes and heels.
  3. Arms extended to the sides, feet shoulder-width apart. Swing both arms clockwise and counterclockwise.
  4. Jumping on one leg. 10 jumps on each leg.
  5. Depending on the playground: hanging on a ladder, climbing.

A simple home exercise routine:

  1. Walk in a circle to warm up, you can alternate between walking a regular circle and then doing a jumping circle.
  2. "The clock is ticking." Perform the exercise standing, arms hanging freely, relaxed. Swing your arms back and forth from this position 4-5 times.
  3. Sitting on a chair, turn your head left and right. The neck is slightly stretched forward, the hands are on the knees.
  4. Jumping in a circle, alternately with walking, 3-4 minutes.
  1. Legs stand slightly wider than shoulders. Place your hands in front of you. Raise your hands to eye level, palms up, and lower them after a second. Repeat the exercise 5-7 times.
  2. Bend the torso forward. Hands on your belt, keep your legs straight at all times.
  3. Exercise "bicycle". Performed while lying on your back. Raise and bend your legs, “riding a bicycle.” Repeat 3-4 times.
  4. Step around the room with your knees raised high, you can alternate between jumping and squatting.

A more complex complex, suitable for children 4-5 years old:

  1. Starting position: standing, arms extended along the body. Then the arms are spread to the sides, as if for a hug. Return to starting position. Repeat 4-5 times.
  2. From the same starting position, turn your torso to the sides and spread your arms wide. Repeat 4-5 times on each side.
  3. When standing, your feet are parallel to each other. Do half squats, arms raised and elbows bent.

Classes will be more effective in the morning; it is advisable not to change the exercise program often so that the baby does the exercises that he already knows. Morning warm-up invigorates and improves blood flow to the tissues.

It is advisable to diversify the activities in the afternoon with objects and toys: pick up blocks, use a gymnastic ball. At this time, you can learn new exercises or go out into the fresh air. As a rule, when children outgrow infancy, parents are reluctant, much less likely to walk with them outside, while children need fresh air at any age.

Adults should encourage children to participate in exercise, asking them what exercises they like and what they want to do.

Any exercises can be combined and performed to cheerful music. The purpose of such exercises is not to build muscles. You should do it as hard as you can, trying to get more positive emotions and energy. These simple complexes will help strengthen physical health and mental development.

Conducting joint training for parents and children

It is difficult to teach children anything without leading by example. Only by watching adults and repeating after them do children learn the culture of sports, nutrition, and communication.

Active recreation is one of the most interesting ways to spend family leisure time. During family gymnastics classes, children receive positive emotions and accumulate pleasant memories of time spent with loved ones.

Specialists who engage in physical education with children are also, of course, important. Their participation is necessary when problems have already appeared that require physical therapy or kinesiotherapy. With the help of physical exercises, a specialist can eliminate postural disorders, osteochondrosis, flat feet, and some pathologies of the central and peripheral nervous system.

Classes with children's trainers are not held daily, but with exercise therapy specialists - only according to indications and course. Physical education of children and parents is a daily habit that will serve to prevent most diseases.

In addition, children trust their loved ones more and in such activities they will be more relaxed, focused on movements and have a positive attitude.

At the age of 4-5 years, a visit to kindergarten is indicated. There the baby learns to play alone and in groups, and receives the basics of physical and social development.