Timur Batrutdinov: “It’s better to have a small one, but your own. Men love not only for the chest

38-year-old Timur Batrutdinov has not yet married. According to the showman, he has not yet found his soul mate. However, almost all of the comedian's friends have already started families and strongly recommend that he do the same. Yes, and a bachelor life does not make a TV star happier. Batrudinov lacks something for a full life. And he doesn't stop thinking about it. Perhaps the middle age crisis also did its job in creating a negative emotional background. According to psychologists, modern men are going through this difficult period of rethinking themselves at the age of 38-42.

“I have an internal reboot: I think about who I want to see myself in the future. Should I change or stay the way I am now? I delve into myself, analyze my actions, character ... What worries me most is that I am not married. To make matters worse, all the friends around me are married. And they constantly tell me that time is running out, we are not getting younger, and so on, ”says Batrutdinov.

After Batrutdinov took part in the Bachelor show, he seemed to have found his soul mate and even handed her a ring. However, the comedian's romance with the finalist of the TV project Daria Kananukha, a native of Kazan, did not turn out to be long. The couple was forced to leave. According to Daria, the reason for their breakup was the busy schedule of the TV star, as well as the huge distance between Moscow and Kazan. Timur and Daria practically did not see each other, in addition, as the girl said, Batrutdinov was not as interested in building relationships as she was.

Now, a year after the finale of The Bachelor, Timur Batrutdinov says that this project helped him understand what his ideal soulmate should be. Timur went through many trials on it, he was also forced to constantly face the wrath of viewers, who sometimes did not approve of his choice of this or that girl.

As for the portrait of a dream woman, the first place is resident comedy club puts not appearance. He must feel that his beloved is on the same wavelength as him, otherwise they will not have a long-term relationship. The heart cannot be commanded, states Batrutdinov. A meeting with the same one can happen at any moment, however, if this does not happen, the humorist will not be upset. So this is his fate.

"If it happens fateful meeting then I'll be happy. If not, then no luck. I don't want a child for the sake of having one. I want my child to grow up in love. In the meantime, I won’t say that I’m lonely, but I live alone ... You can’t order your heart. After participating in the “Bachelor”, I realized what my chosen one should be. She may fully meet the criteria that I present, but still will not be my person. The energy, the kinship of souls is important, ”Batrutdinov shared.

Timur also refutes the rumor that he is a womanizer. The TV standup star confessed his love for women, but, according to Batrutdinov, this is not due to his popularity. In addition, as Timur said in his interview "TV program" He is not alone, but he is used to being alone. And so he lacks peace of mind.

"In my heart I'm still the same boy"

Photo: Maxim Aryukov

Garik Martirosyan once said: “We conducted a survey, and it turned out that the female part of the audience considers TIMUR BATRUTDINOV to be the most beautiful resident of the Comedy Club!” Beauty is a subjective concept, but what cannot be taken away from Timur is talent and charisma.

About ten years ago, Timur Batrutdinov did not even think that he "would be shown on TV." He was preparing to become a personnel manager and was going to save money for an apartment. However, natural wit, diligence and, of course, luck did their job: today we know him as one of the most cheerful residents of the Comedy Club. The fame that suddenly fell on him did not spoil Timur's relations with those around him at all: he is still open and friendly. He is also full of energy and interesting ideas. Starting from September, on Fridays, the TNT channel will show new episodes of the HB sketchcom, which Timur is doing together with Garik Kharlamov and several other associates.

Timur, tell us how did you and Garik get the idea to create your own project?
We started preparing for HB a long time ago. We can say that this idea arose when Garik and I just started performing in a duet. We thought about the name for a very long time, and in the end we took the first letters of our surnames. I once approached producer Vyacheslav Dusmukhametov and said that it was time to do something: there is me, there is Garik, we already want to go beyond the usual limits, we are getting old! He said yes, let's go. And so, together with producers Slava Dusmukhametov, Semyon Slepakov, Javid Kurbanov and a group of authors, we made the HB project.

And when you went to the producer, did you already know what you would offer, or was there some kind of abstract idea?
When we perform on the Comedy Club stage, we mean something: here I am, for example, a woman, and Kharlamov is a dwarf, here it is on a flying ship, and now on a submarine ... Garik and I wanted to shoot our miniatures with a visual design and make an unusual sketch. One of the first we had was a miniature about Megachel and Dr. Fu. The idea seemed stupid because on paper it looks pretty crazy, but that's what we liked the most. In general, I always want to do something new, unusual.

During the photo shoot, I said that you were too serious in the frame, to which you answered me: “Well, I’m thirty-five, how long can I fool around?” How does the feeling of maturity relate to what you do?
Many times I specially took pictures on the phone to look at myself from the outside. I absolutely can not get a serious face! So my words were connected, most likely, with the fact that I was late for the rehearsal. ( Laughs.) I don’t think that 35 years is the threshold, after crossing which one must become a boring uncle. Of course, with age comes more responsibility, but in my heart I'm still the same boy. This, by the way, helps me in communicating with children. When I get into their company, they immediately surround me, they are interested in playing with me.

Are you thinking about doing some non-comedy project?
TO Russian cinema I'm a little incredulous. Better make your own movie. But these are separate costs - both mental and physical. Why am I happy with HB? Because this is precisely our brainchild with Garik. Audiences may have different opinions on him, but we did what we intended. In the future, I would like to make some kind of children's film. Now we have this direction is very lame, "Yeralash" is only left and Walt Disney ...

Are you already moving in this direction? Or is it the same as with a book that you often talk about in an interview: it seems to be written, but it seems not to…
I “brew” the thought of cinema in myself. I want to take it off, but in the end I constantly encounter some kind of pitfalls or put it off indefinitely. And I wrote a book. "The Year in Boots" is called. But I'm not sure that it should be the first, so let it lie still. I started writing it while still in the army, not suspecting that my life would turn in this way and I would be shown on TV. ( Smiling.) I thought that I would serve in the army, go to work as an economist, earn money, become a serious uncle. And I would realize my creative libido through books. I even came up with a pseudonym for myself. If I started writing science fiction, I would be Tim Butler. If prose - then Timofey Batrukho. ( Smiling.)

Interesting options. And why "Year in boots"? It seems that they served in the army for two years.
After university, I had a choice: to serve two years as an officer or just a year, but as a soldier. I chose the second. As an officer, I would not have known the real service - barracks, parade ground, trenches ... I remember that time with pleasure. I even played in KVN there. There was some kind of championship of the Moscow Military District, and a team was delegated from our unit, and I became its captain. When I was compiling the program for the performance, I partially took the jokes invented by the FINEC team ( Petersburg state university economics and finance. - Approx. OK!), which I played when I was a student. There were intellectual jokes, while other parts were humorous, revolving around footcloths, cleaning boots and lack of female attention. We won, and we were sent to Podolsk for a concert of the team " Burnt by the sun". Then for the first time in my life I saw Misha Galustyan and Sasha Revva. ( smiling.)

Did your sense of humor help you build relationships with co-workers, or vice versa?
Contrary to the prevailing stereotype about military personnel, the people there were understanding. Although I had to somehow plant birch trees in December ... They hollowed out the ground with crowbars and stuck trees. Unfortunately, I recently discovered that the unit in which I served was abandoned. Even the asphalt was stolen, and paintball competitions are held in the ruins.

Yes, but I did not serve the unit, but the Motherland. Which is also falling apart ... But this is no longer for OK!. (Smiles sadly.) My address is not a house or a street, my address is Soviet Union. I was born in the village of Voronovo, Podolsky district, Moscow region. We lived in Baltiysk, Kaliningrad region. I periodically cruised to my grandmothers - either in Voronovo, or in Shchuchinsk, in Kazakhstan. All these places I consider my homeland.

Such a spread! Is your dad in the military?
No, dad is a shipbuilding engineer, he worked at a shipyard. He studied in St. Petersburg, like his mother. They met there and fell in love. I have a special relationship with Peter, I lived there for about nine years.

What was your first job?
Electrical apprentice. I was fourteen years old, and I was paid a salary, as I remember now, 28 rubles.

What did you spend it on?
On false vampire teeth, posters with Stallone and Schwarzenegger ...

What about movie flowers for girls?
At the time, it didn't really interest me. Then the first video salons appeared, and my interest was directed to cinema: action films, science fiction, horror films - all those genres that I did not even suspect existed. So I became a movie buff.

As a student, you probably also had to earn extra money.

I worked as a waiter, a loader, a bartender, a sales representative, a sales manager, a toastmaster ... I still don’t put chewing gum in ashtrays in a cafe, because I know how hard it is to tear it off - I remember the experience of working as a waiter. ( Smiling.)

And how did you get to Moscow?
I went to work as an economist. Sit on the Internet, sent out resumes. Until now, invitations come, by the way. My main specialization was this: "manager of personnel management." Loomed the position of a specialist in wages I thought: well, it will career, I’ll start earning money for an apartment slowly ... The day before the interview, Dmitry “Lyusek” Sorokin called me, with whom we worked as hosts at weddings in St. Petersburg. He was taken to the KVN team "Ungold Youth", and he invited me to become an author, write jokes for this team.

Tell me, why did you decide to become an economist? I don't believe it was your dream.
Yes, I dreamed of playing major league KVN. ( Smiling.) I followed in the footsteps of my mother, who at one time also graduated from FINEC. In general, I wanted to leave my mark on history, but I did not know which one. I envied the guy who played Kolya Gerasimov in the movie "Guest from the Future". Oh, how I would utter his phrase: “Alice, they tortured me, but I didn’t tell them anything!” I also wanted to play a soldier wounded in the head. So that I have a bloody bandage and I pull out a comrade from under the bullets. Basically, I wanted to do something. I still dream of saving a person. World. Russia. I was named after Timur, who had his own team. According to family legend, my parents could not choose a name for me for a long time. I didn't stop crying. And then one day my mother turned on the TV in the room and left me there, while she herself went to the kitchen. And suddenly silence... I stopped crying. Mom came in and saw that “Timur and his team” was on TV. Bingo!

In this case, this name must match.
I had a team at school, we helped veterans - brought them mail and all that. There were only girls on my team. (Smiling.) The boys didn't come to us. Most of them were hooligans, and I was not imprisoned for that. I am kind.

Timur, when did you discover artistic inclinations in yourself?
My dad is a humorist, he constantly soaked jokes. I remember he called the barbershop "barbershop" ... I have loved puns ever since. I went to school at the age of six and automatically became an object of ridicule from older classmates. And at some point I thought: why are they laughing at me? And he started laughing at himself. ( Smiling.) They realized that it was useless to tease me, and fell behind. And then I switched over to them. Then everyone realized that it was better to be friends with me. In the second grade, I played the role of the Primer in school play. There were many different roles: Point, Comma, Desk, Penal, Sterka, Pencil ... I got the main one. The plot was as follows: the whole performance, with songs, jokes and dances, is looking for the Primer. And at the end, I come out from behind the scenes! It was then, when I stood in this “sandwich” suit and was thrown into the heat, then into the cold, that I developed a dislike for waiting. In general, I was a shy child, I was even afraid to ask for time on the street. And when I realized that I had to somehow fight this, I went to the lambada.

Here's one for you! Why did you choose such an unusual occupation?
There was a girl that I liked.

Were you able to win her attention?
No, another girl was paired with me, and I could only look at the one I liked. But on the other hand, I stopped being shy about rhythmically twirling my backside surrounded by other people. ( Laughs.)

You often say that you are shy. This feature of yours does not interfere with your relationship with girls?
No. I have great respect for the girls I met, I remember that they were in my life, but I would like a comrade-in-arms to cross out all my acquaintances and meetings. The question of when I will finally get married is in the top along with the question of why I am Timur "Kashtan" Batrutdinov. Both of them are already on edge. And they also ask what my girlfriend should be.

Let me describe it myself. I have collected your requirements from your other interviews, and you will say whether it is so or not. Your bride must have creativity, to be an excellent hostess, to please your relatives ...
(Interrupts.) Most importantly, mother and sister. ( smiling.) Out of desperation and hopelessness, I began to add to my answers everything that comes to mind. It's just a flight of fancy. If I had a clear idea of ​​\u200b\u200bwhat my girlfriend should be, I would have been married a long time ago. On the other hand, you will not constantly check the list. ( It pretends to look at a list.) So... relatives: brought, introduced. Like? OK. There is a check mark, let's move on ... Some kind of spark should run through. After thirty, it seems to me, it is even more difficult to decide.

But you avoided the mistakes of youth and divorce.
(Smiling.) Yes, perhaps, this is the main plus in the fact that I am still not married.

What part do you take in the life of your godchildren?

Yes, I am a godfather three times! I have two goddaughters: the daughter of Tatyana's sister named Sofia and Anastasia Kharlamova. And also I am godfather Timofey - the son of Alexei Likhnitsky from the duet "Sisters Zaitseva". I am often asked in interviews when I plan to have children. And I already have them. Three whole pieces! Thank God, the blood parents of the kids are healthy and hard-working people, so my participation in their lives is limited to conversations and gifts. I try to indulge, of course.

- All yours recent posts on Twitter associated with the World Cup. Are you an active fan?

I cannot include myself in football fans. For me, this game comes alive when there is a World or European Championship. This year I was rooting for the Netherlands. I don’t support our national team, I worry about it, like most residents Russian Federation. Looking at the game, I constantly remind myself that we have become world champions in hockey. In general, it's good that we got to this Championship, where many countries are fighting for the leading positions. Yes, they only lost once. When ours took to the field with Algeria, I was in Paris, where there are a lot of Algerians. And at a time when all of Russia was upset, I was in a cloud of all-consuming happiness. The whole city rejoiced so that I was not myself.

- Do you do any sports yourself?

Photo: @asmuskristina(Instagram Christina Asmus)

Certainly. I grew up on the Baltic Sea, then, wherever I lived, there was always some kind of water nearby. That's why I've been swimming since I was little, surfing. I am fond of all “liquid” sports. On vacation, I always find time to stand on the board.

- That is, this summer, will you fly somewhere to conquer the waves?

No, I won’t be able to go on vacation this summer, I will work. But I will try very hard to combine business with pleasure in Jurmala, during the Comedy Club festival. Last time I had a rest in January, I flew to the Hawaiian Islands. Awesome place. By the way, this year was marked by the fact that I flew around the entire globe.

- What other hobbies do you have besides surfing?

In an interview with Wday, Batrutdinov said that he spends a lot of time on television, so when he was offered to become a member of the project, he took it as a sign of fate, as if the stars had finally converged successfully. “After all, I am a bachelor, I work for TNT, and the project sounds like this -“ A bachelor at TNT, ”recalls the comedian. - The first thought that flashed through my head at that moment was: “Maybe, really, it was the Universe that sent me a chance in the form of a TV project.” The most main reason do away with the status of a bachelor - these are children. I am the successor of the Batrutdinov family, and I have a very big task - to preserve the family of ancestors. I am, to put it mildly, well over 30, so I took the project very seriously. I really want to find one the only person who would walk with me through life - hand in hand. I haven’t had a relationship for a long time, I’m an inveterate bachelor and I want to get out of this mess as soon as possible.

On the set of The Bachelor, Timur was very sorry for the girls who had to fight their pride and fears. There was a moment when he could not stand it and asked to ease the conditions for the participants. “My existing subconscious image of a girl is a brown-eyed brunette. And this means that in the end we get ... a Tatar! You need to ask the Universe how it turned out that three girls from Tatarstan were on the project. But then neither the participants knew who would be a bachelor, and I did not know who and where the girls would be from. "The Bachelor" is first and foremost a show. Despite this, it is based on real people, real emotions and real experiences, and therefore I was as honest and sincere as possible. I didn’t play, but I was really worried: I told myself to be natural. Because the way I behave is the way the girls will behave with me.

Each rose ceremony was exciting for the girls

Initially, Batrutdinov went to the project with the idea that even if he did not find his man among the participants, he would tell himself by his act that he was ready for the family, that he did not want to be a bachelor anymore. “I want people to understand that Timur Batrutdinov is not only a comedian, but also a deeply thinking and extremely romantic person, which my main profession and the roles in which I appear in the frame cannot reveal. Yes, I'm best at portraying fools. But I'm the same as everyone else, and love at first sight in my life was. True, it later turned out that it is inherent only in puberty, when you perceive any sympathy for high feelings. Over the years, your love becomes more and more unapproachable, and after 30 it is difficult for a man to start any kind of relationship.

With the winner of the "Bachelor" Daria Kananukha, Timur did not work out

If Batrutdinov has a free week at work, he spends it on travel. It happens that he really wants to babysit the children, and if this coincides with a few free days, he goes to his nieces, 7-year-old Sofia and 3-year-old Olga. “Now I dream of a son, and he will definitely have Tatar name. I even wanted to name him Robert, but Pasha Volya and Laysan Utyasheva overtook me and named their baby Robert. Garik Martirosyan advised naming his son Ruslan. Because Ruslan Timurovich Batrutdinov sounds good. Sounds!"

Now the second wave has begun for Timur - the shooting is over and now he is looking at everything that happened from the side. “I didn’t hear what the girls were saying and I didn’t see how they act in front of the cameras. Therefore, sometimes "The Bachelor" causes me a stupor. Participation in a reality show for me is a colossal experience. I do not regret my participation, but if I could rewind time to the moment when I was offered to participate, I would think again. Because it turned out to be emotionally difficult for me. At one point, I caught myself thinking that I live all this and am very worried. I also realized that reality shows are very difficult for me and this genre is closed to me, ”summed up Comedy resident club.