Library services in rural areas: specifics, organization and current problems. Kugidel Rural Library Goals and objectives facing libraries in the reporting year

Kalyuzhnaya Julia

Object of this study is rural library No. 9, village. Moscow.

Subject of study- rural library as an information, cultural and educational center of the village.

Target of this work: study the role rural library in village life.


Find out how many rural libraries there are in the Russian Federation, and how many residents visit them;

Define the tasks and identify the main directions of activity of the rural library in the village. Moscow Izobilnensky municipal district;

Determine whether our library is an information, cultural and educational center of the village.



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Municipal treasury educational institution

"Secondary school No. 4" p. Moscow

Izobilnensky municipal district of the Stavropol Territory


“The role of the library in the life of the village”


student of class 2 "B"

Kalyuzhnaya Julia


Head of Library No. 9

Zilina Olga Petrovna


teacher primary classes

Kvasova Vera Vladimirovna

year 2014


When I went to school, I began to go to the library more often, not only for fiction, but also for scientific and educational literature. I am especially interested in history books.

And then one day I started thinking, how many such libraries are there in Russia? How many residents of our country visit them and why?

When I started asking questions on this topic to parents, teachers, and library workers, I came up with a research project “The Role of the Library in Village Life.”

Object of this study is rural library No. 9, village. Moscow.

Subject of study- rural library as an information, cultural and educational center of the village.

Target of this work: to study the role of the rural library in the life of the village.

Tasks :

Find out how many rural libraries there are in the Russian Federation, and how many residents visit them;

Define the tasks and identify the main directions of activity of the rural library in the village. Moskovsky Izobilnensky municipal district;

Determine whether our library is an information, cultural and educational center of the village.

To solve the problems, the following were used methods:

Study and analysis of literature and Internet sources on the research problem;

Observation and study of the work of rural library No. 9, village. Moskovsky Izobilnensky municipal district;

Interviewing library workers;

Reader survey;

Survey of village residents;

Systematization of the information received and formulation of conclusions.

Progress of the study

Firstly, I found out from Internet sources that there are more than 38 thousand rural libraries in Russia, and they serve more than 40 million residents.

During the study of the work of rural library No. 9, village. In the Moskovsky Izobilnensky municipal district, I talked with the head of the library, Olga Petrovna Zhilina, and learned that the library was founded in 1936. I did the math: our library is 78 years old!

Over the years, the library has collected 21 thousand books. 1,500 readers registered in the library can borrow and read books on different topics, and 530 of them are children.

Olga Petrovna kindly agreed to give me an interview.

(view interview)

I conducted a survey of readers at school. The guys at my school, among whom I conducted a survey, really wanted to help me and honestly answered the questions in my questionnaire. 32 students were surveyed.

I conducted a survey of village residents on the street. My mother helped me with this. When I approached the residents of the village of Moskovskoye with my questions, I was a little afraid whether they would want to answer my questions and how they would react to this, but it turned out that friendly people live in our village. Out of 20 people, only 2 turned me down.

During the questionnaire and survey, I asked only three questions:

How often do you visit the village library?

Do you attend events held by the library?

Did you or your friends take part in the preparation and conduct of these events?

We entered the processed data of 50 respondents into a table:


Often (YES)


I don't attend (NO)

How often do you visit the village library?

Do you attend events held by the library?

Did you or your friends take part in the preparation and conduct of these events?

Of course, children gave more positive answers than adults. Why? Each of us can answer this question: “Adults use computers more often than books.”


So, rural library No. 9, village. The Moskovsky Izobilnensky municipal district is used as a traditional information, cultural and educational center of the village.

In serving citizens, the library uses traditional (issuing books, reading books in the reading room) and non-traditional technologies. The library regularly conducts literary readings And theme nights. For veterans of the Great Patriotic War- these are evenings of meetings and memories of the war. For younger schoolchildren, a holiday “Dedication to Readers” is held. The older guys take part in fun games and quizzes. For example: “Game of travel - letters travel through time”, “Local History Hour”, “Courtesy Lessons”. At Christmas, the library presented readers with a theatrical performance “The Light of the Christmas Star”. New ones are also used information Technology, that is, a computer with Internet access.

We see that rural library workers care about the development of the younger generation and people in need of sociocultural support.

VIIdistrict scientific-practical conference schoolchildren

Yashkinsky municipal district

"Discoveries of young researchers"

Section: primary classes

“The role of the library in the life of the village”

2nd grade student

MBOU "Krasnoselskaya secondary school",

Born 05/08/2007

st. Mira, 2-2; tel. 89235083655

Scientific adviser:

Barinova Polina Vladimirovna,

primary school teacher

MBOU "Krasnoselskaya secondary school"

Address: 652040, Krasnoselka village,

st. Urozhaynaya, 5, tel. 89617339437

Yashkino 2016



Main part

Chapter 1. Historical reference ………………………………………….5

Chapter 2. Studying the work of the Krasnoselsk rural library ...... 6

Chapter 3. The role of the library in the life of the village of Krasnoselka………………...7





In the age of the Internet and progress

My friend, please don't forget,
What is the library instead of stress?

Visit her more often!

And who is far from the city?

He lives in the village and will continue to live.

You know that knowledge is in the library

You can get different ones!

Hello, my name is Amina. I live in the small village of Krasnoselka, Yashkinsky district. In 2015, our village turned 355 years old. The approximate population of the village is 850 people. Our village has a library that all village residents can visit. I love to read, so I have been going to the library since I was 5 years old.My favorite works are “The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish” (A.S. Pushkin), “The Adventures of Buratino” (A.N. Tolstoy).I also really like to read encyclopedias and books about flowers, for example: “The Life of Plants.”

Now I'm in school, in 2nd grade. I began to go to the library more and more often, because our teacher Polina Vladimirovna gives us search and creative tasks. ANDI enjoy visiting our library, because I know that there I will find useful and necessary information.

And then, one day, the thought came to me, how many rural libraries exist in the Yashkinsky district. Do many residents visit them and why? And what role does the rural library play in the life of the village?

When I started asking questions on this topic to my parents, teacher, and library workers, we came up with a research paper: “The role of the library in the life of my village.”

Object of this study is the Krasnoselskaya Rural Library.

Subject of study - rural library as an information, cultural and educational center of the village.

Target of this work: to study the role of the rural library in the life of the village.

Research objectives :

    Find out how many rural libraries operate in the Yashkinsky district, and how many residents visit them;

    ABOUT define the tasks and identify the main areas of activity of the Krasnoselskaya Rural Library of the Yashkinsky District;

    Understand whether libraries play an important role in the life of the village;

4) Determine whether our library is an information, cultural and educational center of the village.

To solve the problems, the following were usedmethods:

Study, analysis of literature and Internet sources on the research problem;

Observation and study of the work of the Krasnoselskaya rural library of the Yashkinsky municipal district;

Cooperation with the heads of libraries of the Yashkinsky district,interviewing library workers;

Reader survey;

Survey of village residents;

Systematization of the information received and formulation of conclusions.

Chapter 1. Historical background

The greatest treasure is a good library.

V. Belinsky

First there was the word. But it gained its true power only with the advent of the book.

The book has played and continues to play a fundamental role in the development of our civilization. A gigantic library accumulated over centuries is a reliable memory of humanity, where its achievements and dreams, insights and delusions are recorded. The library was created on stone and metal, clay tablets and wooden tablets andpaper - the material and manufacturing method changed, but its purpose remained unchanged:serve the preservation and transmission of knowledge, experience, and artistic values.

Library (from the Greek biblion - book and theke - storage, container, box. A library is an institution that organizes collection, storage, public use. They began to develop in the 15th century, after the invention of printing.

Exist different opinions and statements by famous people about libraries. To get to know them, we turned to the Internet. It turns out that such statements great amount. They are all very interesting and educational. (Appendix 1) We especially liked the statementGottfried Wilhelm Leibniz:

« Libraries – these are the treasuries of all the riches of the human spirit.”Indeed,The book has always been considered a source of knowledge and wisdom.It can be concluded that famous people consider the library a sacred place.

On the Internet welearned that there are more than 100 thousand rural libraries in Russia, among themapproximately 67 thousand school.But libraries serve more than 40 million residents.

If we consider our Yashkinsky district, then it includes 11 rural settlements, which include 53 settlements, of which only 25 settlements have libraries. In total, 15,224 people visit libraries in the Yashkinsky district; if this is translated into percentages, then the percentage of the population visiting libraries is 52%. In total, 29 thousand people live in our area. We can conclude that half of the population is not interested in going to the library.

Chapter 2. Study of the work of the Krasnoselsk rural library

While studying the work, we talked with the head of the library, Valentina Ivanovna Khokhryakova. Valentina Ivanovna has been working in the library for 22 years. We learned from her that the village was founded in 1660, but the library itself was founded on November 1, 1922, that is, it turns out that the library has been functioning for 94 years.

Over the years, the library has collected 7,500 thousand books, 511 readers registered in the library can take and read books on various topics, and 119 of them are children.Valentina Ivanovna introduced us to the tasks and main areas of activity of the Krasnoselskaya Rural Library of the Yashkinsky District:

    Promoting books and reading among the population and increasing the level of reading activity.

    Propaganda of literature.

    Dissemination of local history knowledge and nurturing among readers an interest in the history of their small homeland.

    Upbringing careful attitude to the surrounding world.

    Instilling interest in a healthy lifestyle.

    Meeting key performance milestones and attracting new readers to the library.

We decided to analyze reader interest over the last 6 years of the library’s operation, has it increased or decreased? To do this, we found out data on library visits from 2010 to 2015. We entered this data into a table. (Appendix 2) A diagram was built based on this table. (Appendix 3) The table and diagram show that the lowest reader interest was in 2015, as 507 readers visited the library. But from 2010 to 2014, the level of attendance has not changed. If we consider the ratio of children and adults, we can conclude that most often adults come to the library.

The books in our library are arranged by thematic sections. For example: “Fairy tales”, “Russian literature”, “ Foreign literature", "Technology", "Mathematics", etc. The sections of the book are arranged alphabetically: from A to Z.A huge number of periodicals (newspapers and magazines for adults and children) are published in the world. In our library, children can read such magazines as:“Geolenok”, “Toshka”, “Fidget”. And adults, for example: “Everything for women”, “Behind the wheel”, “Magician”. In addition to magazines, there are newspaper publications: “Yashkinsky Vestnik” and “Yashkino”.

We find it interesting to go to the library because there is a special “bookish” atmosphere there. You can read in the library interesting books. Find many educational books on any topic.

Chapter 3. “The role of the library in the life of the village of Krasnoselka”

To answer the task: “What role does the library play in the life of our village?”, we decided to ask questions to Alexander Nikolaevich Khrapov, a library reader and simply a resident of the village. Alexander Nikolaevich kindly agreed to give us an interview (Video). We invite you to watch this interview. Attention to the screen. After listening to the interview we can conclude:

In the course of work to obtain more detailed information We conducted a survey among readers at the Krasnoselskaya Basic School and village residents.

During the questionnaire and survey, we asked only four questions:

    Do you visit our library?

    How often do you read books?

    Did you or your friends take part in the preparation and conduct of these events?

    Do you attend events held by the library?

The children from our school, among whom we conducted a survey, really wanted to help us and honestly answered the questions in our questionnaire. 79 students were surveyed.

We conducted a survey of village residents on the street, together with class teacher Polina Vladimirovna Barinova. When we approached the village residents with our questions, we were a little uneasy about whether they would want to answer our questions and how they would react to this, but it turned out that friendly people live in our village. A total of 90 people were interviewed. Everyone answered our questions with interest.

We entered the processed data of 169 respondents into a table. (Appendix 4) The table shows thatRegardless of age, a rural library is cultural center various events, of course, reading books is interesting to only 41% of the surveyed population, while the rest prefer the Internet and television.

How can you interest village residents to visit the library more often? To do this, we decided to make booklets with information about the importance and necessity of books in a person’s life.These booklets also contain a plan of events that will take place in the library. All village residents can attend these events.


From this work we can draw the following conclusions:

    Yashkinsky district includes 53 settlements, of which only 25 have libraries. In total, 52% visit libraries in the Yashkinsky district. residents.

    The library in the village of Krasnoselka is visited by 60% of all residents.

    In order to increase interest in reading, we have developed booklets that tell about 10 reasons for the benefits of reading, and also present a plan of events in the library for the near future. We think that with these actions we will be able to interest the village residents.

    The results of the questionnaire and survey showed that the Krasnoselskaya rural library of the Yashkinsky municipal district is an information, cultural and educational center of the village. A library is needed for children and adults to read. The library is not only a repository of books, but also a place of recreation and meeting for fellow villagers.

In our libraryare usedinformation technology, such as a computer with Internet access and a projector.

The library hosts very interesting and educational events, which are attended not only by children, but also by adults.

We see that rural library workerscare about the development of the younger generation and people in need of sociocultural support. Our research work answered the main question of interest to us: “WhichWhat role does the library play in the life of the village?The answer is simple: the library plays important role in village life, it is necessary for the development of personality, both for a child and an adult.


    Library things[site]URL: of access: November 25, 2015)

    Vinogradova L.A. History of book publishing in Russia (988-1917): Textbook. //Ed. A.A. Govorova. M.: MPI, 2005. 100 p.

    Live for centuries, dear village! // Yashkinsky Bulletin No. 32 dated 08/19/2015. p.5-6.

    Fulldictionaryforeignwords, enteredVuseVRussianlanguage.- PopovM., 1907 . [website]URL: (access date: 01/23/2016)

    R The role and place of libraries in the life of society[website] UR:

Conference “Problems of local culture in the context of state cultural policy”
(Kotlas, Arkhangelsk region, November 11-15, 2002)

Rural library - the center of life of the local community [Text] / I.P. Tikunova // Ecology of culture: inf. newsletter. − 2003. − No. 3 (31). − P. 112-116.

In the conditions of the formation of information civilization, one of the main components of the successful socio-economic development of any society becomes Free access to the information of all its citizens. Awareness of citizens is important for ensuring any aspect of their life: for maintaining health and for developing creative abilities, for the right choice life path and for education, for industrial activities and for housekeeping, for participation in government and local community governance. In this regard, there is a need to reconsider the attitude towards education, information, culture, the importance of legal education and enlightenment of citizens, teaching them the basics of organization local government, instilling legal and information culture.

Of all the existing social institutions, the municipal library is the most ready to ensure the implementation of these needs of society. A huge network of municipal public libraries was specially created in Soviet time to communicate the party's policy to every resident of the country. And today these libraries serve the bulk of the country’s entire population in cities and villages. "Being for local residents one of the most important prerequisites for lifelong education, independent decision-making and cultural development personality and social groups"(UNESCO Manifesto on the Public Library, 1994) libraries are capable of playing the role of a social guarantor in society for the realization of the democratic rights of citizens. This is especially important in a small town or village.

A rural library, as a rule, turns out to be the only window into the world of knowledge, information, culture and a spiritual “outlet” for people. She is as close to people as possible and is included in the life of the local community. This provides it with excellent knowledge of the interests and needs of its users. Due to the collapse of the social and cultural infrastructure in rural areas, the library often takes on the functions of other social institutions that turned out to be incapable, and merges with other cultural institutions.

Currently, rural libraries are undergoing major changes associated with increasing their role in the life of local communities, expanding the functions and range of services provided. Their functions have become significantly more complicated. Along with traditional educational and information activities, the rural library finds itself involved in solving tasks that, at first glance, are unusual for it directly.

One of the new functions is the preservation and transmission of cultural traditions in time and space, ensuring continuity, personifying the memory of generations. Even the smallest rural library collects and preserves local history, accumulates local intellectual and information potential over the years, creating an important resource for the local community. If the village is considered to be the creator of the culture of the people, their spiritual national roots and traditions, then the library becomes a collector, custodian and conductor of cultural traditions

Another function is participation in the cultural rehabilitation of socially vulnerable people. While remaining a guarantor of the right of Russian citizens to free access to information and free basic library services, the rural library continues the traditions of enlightenment and promotes the socio-cultural adaptation of groups such as children, youth, the unemployed, and pensioners.

Promoting the development of local self-government and the formation of the local community. As part of this function, the rural librarian is not only a real assistant to the village leader, but sometimes the initiator and organizer of the participation of the local population in decisions social problems territories.

Indirect participation in increasing cultural needs and in the assimilation of life values. The implementation of this function presupposes the development of the library as an important social resource in the implementation of government and regional programs aimed at improving the information, legal, and environmental culture of the population.

The socially important function of libraries is to create a special cultural and intellectual environment in society. Continuing to remain a place for intellectual communication, the rural library contributes to the growth of the cultural level of the local population, promotes the development and realization of the intellectual potential of its readers, organizes activities to promote reading and books in society, and attracts local creative intelligentsia to this movement.

Such a library mission involuntarily makes one think about the capabilities of a rural library to adequately fulfill this role. Library in rural areas V to a greater extent feels the weight of economic and social problems that impede the modernization of rural libraries. Of the 111 rural libraries in the Arkhangelsk region, only 38 have telephones, 7 libraries have computers, and 4 libraries have Internet connections. Outdated library collections, lagging behind in the field of computerization and modernization reduce the quality of cultural and information services to the population. There are no opportunities to update the professional knowledge of rural librarians. Professional communication between rural library staff is kept to a minimum, and there is no effective system for advanced training of library specialists. Rural librarians practically do not participate in professional events at the regional and interregional level.

Existing problems cannot be solved without the involvement of the public, authorities, residents themselves and librarians. It is gratifying that they were paid attention to at the highest levels of government: within the framework of the target Federal program“Culture of Russia. (2001-2005)” projects are being implemented aimed at creating information centers on the development of local self-government on the basis of rural libraries. The problems of rural libraries are actively discussed in the professional environment: articles on the pages of the professional press, entire conferences and individual meetings of the section of rural libraries of the Russian Library Association are devoted to them.

During the discussions, as well as from modern library practice, several promising solutions emerged to ensure the creation of conditions for the implementation of the modern mission of rural libraries. Among them:

Strengthening the legal framework for the activities of libraries at the regional and municipal levels, developing regional social programs, suggesting the inclusion of rural libraries in their implementation;

Updating the professional knowledge of rural library specialists, organizing a system for their professional adaptation by combining local educational resources, implementing individual educational projects;

Modernization and informatization of rural libraries at the expense of founders, sponsors, grantors or funding from other sources;

Strengthening network interaction in the creation and use of regional and network resources (for example, the electronic corporate local history catalog "Russian North"), connecting to existing models of information services for the population (for example, interlibrary loan, system for informing specialists in the cultural sphere "AONB - central regional library - user "), participation in the implementation of corporate projects initiated by the Arkhangelsk Regional Scientific Library named after N.A. Dobrolyubov, acting as a regional library and information resource center;

Development of social partnership by including libraries in the implementation of regional social programs and projects, establishing partnerships with various information, cultural and educational institutions and organizations;

The use of modern management technologies in library practice ( project management, marketing, PR activities), helping to structure their activities in such a way as to be understandable, open to the local community, attract more resources and therefore effectively satisfy their information, educational and cultural needs.

The implementation of these tasks will make it possible to turn the rural library into a necessary one for society social institution, which forms the basis of a unified national information space in Russia and ensures the realization of the rights of citizens to free access to information for education, cultural and spiritual development.

Moreover, it is twofold: a library can be useful for both students and teachers.
To a certain extent, this role has already been comprehended.* Of course, the work of a rural library has its own specifics: on the one hand, it experiences great difficulties in terms of acquisition, on the other, there are great opportunities to communicate with each reader, to penetrate into the world of his interests and abilities.
How can a library really help (both students and teachers)?
Firstly, collect and provide both the teacher and the student with information of a psychological, legal, economic, medical and other nature on the main aspects of choosing a profession, as well as specifically career guidance information. Organize a permanent “Career Guidance Corner”, where all the necessary reference and methodological literature would be displayed.
Secondly, constantly collect information characterizing the state of the local labor market, as well as materials that give an idea of ​​nearby educational institutions and the conditions for admission to them.
Thirdly, together with the school and teacher, create permanent lecture halls on the problem of choosing a profession; constantly hold events dedicated to problems choice of profession.
Fourthly, introduce teachers and students to established representatives of various professions, as well as to the products of individual enterprises.
Fifthly, create the possibility of testing to determine professional suitability for a specific profession.
The library can also create a constantly growing database on all the main aspects of the problem of choosing a profession.
It seems especially important that the library, including, of course, the rural one, having a fund of the necessary literature and mastering the methodology for its use, can maintain close ties not only with the school, but also with all institutions and organizations, including the media, interested in career guidance for young people and in need of information support.
The content of such a stage of socialization as starting a family is also changing noticeably today.
The content of this problem can be revealed in the following aspects: installation on love and family as the greatest life value; understanding of responsibility for the consequences of love relationships. Economic, psychological, demographic, pedagogical, physiological and other aspects family life. Features of families of various types and types. "Rules" of creation happy family. Family and health. Family communication. Family education. Family holiday and etc.
Here the difference in life positions characteristic of our society is especially acute. Some see the meaning of a person’s life in the family, others completely deny it. Various aspects A wide range of publications are devoted to this problem - demographic, economic, psychological, physiological, pedagogical, etc., showing, in particular, that the very concept of “family” is very ambiguous.
The problems of rural families are now becoming the object of close attention of researchers of rural society. Scientists note with alarm that the rural family, previously considered a stronghold of morality, following the urban one, is losing many good traditions: respect for elders, responsible attitude towards children and each other, etc.
It is obvious that for young people, both urban and rural, the problem of creating a family is actualized, first of all, through such aspects as love, love relationship, their consequences, etc.
The opportunity to obtain information on this level of socialization in the library seems to be especially important, and the information itself has a pronounced personality-protecting connotation.
How can the library help?
First of all, to use a wide range of information of a philosophical, legal, medical, socio-political, pedagogical nature to solve the problem. Can play a special role here fiction: it is necessary to point out to young people, who, as a rule, do not have their own direct experience, as an inexhaustible storehouse of indirect experience, the experience of other generations.
The library can organize a series of library events on this issue of an informational and advisory nature, addressed to both unmarried boys and girls and young families. A number of events can be addressed to both parents of young people and teachers.
In addition, it is effective to create stable forms in the library for disclosing the problem and obtaining guaranteed information (clubs, lecture halls, databases on the problem). And, what is very important, the library can promote communication between young people within its walls, the formation of a culture of communication among young people, the creation of a special climate of confidential communication on problems of loneliness, love and family relationships.
The library can also establish public relations to promote healthy lifestyles for young people, protection against drugs, alcohol, AIDS, etc. young family, etc.
It should be noted that, while meaningfully revealing each of the stages of socialization of an individual, the library should, in our opinion, be free from political and any other conjuncture and fashion. She must stand on the position of morality, decency, morality, and not be seduced by supposedly “advanced” views on life values. This “conservative” position of the library is due, in our opinion, first of all, to the generic characteristics of the book, as a form of printing that predominates in its collections, as an accumulator of established social experience.
By preserving traditional values ​​and rallying users around itself, a rural library, it seems to us, will be able to help stabilize the moral climate in local society. What has been said, of course, does not mean that the library should avoid pressing problems and ignore topics of interest to young people - we're talking about about the position of the library.
Today, library services in general, and in rural society, are also characterized by a combination of traditional and innovative techniques, approaches, and forms.
The interaction of traditional and innovative processes is clearly reflected, first of all, in the range of library services offered. It is also manifested in the identification of priority reader groups (differentiated approach), in the forms and methods of interaction with readers and their attraction, etc.
The services provided by the library, including rural ones in the course of serving young students, are very diverse.
Services for organizing communication are most clearly represented in the activities of libraries. In many libraries, especially school ones, including rural schools, there are clubs, for example, “Young Historian Club”, “Fiction Fans Club”, etc. Video clubs have appeared in some rural libraries, which significantly change the library atmosphere and library environment.

Chapter 1. Theoretical basis functioning of libraries........................5
1.1. The significance of the library: a modern perspective……………………..5
1.2. Functions and tasks of a modern rural library……………...13
Chapter 2. Practical aspects of a rural library using the example of a library in the village of ХХХХХХХХ ……………………………………………...…………………....19
2.1. Characteristics of the features of a rural library…………………19
2.2. Implementation of functions and tasks by a rural library………………….23


One of the most important sections of general library science is the study of the library. This is explained by the fact that the library is the main thing central office, the totality of which forms more than complex system called librarianship. Its study allows us to gain an understanding not only of the library itself as a key production unit of the system of library services to the population, but also of library science - a developed systemic complex formed by libraries of different types and types.
Regular library services to the rural population of Russia began in the mid-19th century, although the need for books and access to them through the bookselling network, subscriptions to magazines and newspapers, secular school And Sunday schools, which were organized, for example, by the “Society for Promoting the Spread of Public Education”, noted by researchers much earlier.
The emergence of rural libraries was, first of all, a consequence of the development of school education in rural areas, since, as a rule, the first libraries were created either at schools, or by educated people (often teachers), or with funds educated people. Played a huge role in creating a network of rural libraries Russian Ministry public education of that time.
In addition, the creation of libraries in rural areas was a logical continuation of the development processes of librarianship that were unfolding in cities at that time.
Relevance. The ongoing social transformations affect libraries so decisively that they change not only the entire system of library work and library resources, but also for the first time raise the question of the “boundaries” of library space and the very foundations of the existence of traditional libraries and their functions.
The change in the role and purpose of libraries is reflected in the relationship of the library with society and individual social institutions, leading to transformation professional values library ethics, professional consciousness of the library community.
Thus, the topic of the rural library implementing its functions and tasks is undoubtedly relevant.
Object of study: the functioning of libraries in modern conditions.
Subject of research: rural library.
The purpose of the course work: analysis of the activities of a rural library in modern conditions using the example of a library in the village. XXXXXXXXX.
To achieve this goal, it is necessary to solve a number of problems:
1. Study of literature, scientific publications and methodological materials on the research topic;
2. Determining the importance of libraries in the modern space;
3. Consideration of the functions and tasks of the library;
4. Analysis of the practical aspects of a modern rural library;
5. Identification of the functions and tasks of the library in the village of XXXXXXX;
6. Conclusions on the research topic.
Research methods: theoretical, general scientific, sociological.
The degree of knowledge of the topic. The evolution of the main areas of activity, the state, trends and prospects for the development of rural libraries are studied by Yu.P. Melentyeva, N.P. Lysikova, I. Gladkova, N. Ivanova. Methodological material and practical aspects are presented in professional publications “Library”, “Biblio-field”, “ School library» etc.
Work structure: course work consists of an introduction, two chapters, a conclusion and a list of references.
1.1. The significance of the library: a modern perspective
Librarianship is an area of ​​professional work, the purpose of which is to satisfy the information needs of society with the help of information resources concentrated in the library, as well as a set of libraries operating in a particular territory.
In the legal sense, librarianship is understood as a branch of information, cultural, educational and educational activities citizens and their associations, the tasks of which are the creation and development of a network of libraries, the formation and processing of their funds, the organization of library, information and reference bibliographic services to library users, personnel training, scientific and methodological support library development. The main social goals of librarianship are the preservation and transmission of the abilities or achievements of mankind, reflected in the documentary information flow.
According to the Federal Law on Librarianship (dated December 29, 1994 No. 78-FZ):
1. Any legal or individual has the right to create a library on the territory of the Russian Federation in accordance with current legislation.
2. Citizens have the right to take part in the activities of trustees, reading councils or other associations of readers created in agreement with the heads of libraries or their founders.
3. Library workers have the right to create public associations in order to promote the development of library services, professional consolidation, and protection of their social and professional rights.
Librarianship is one of the typical forms of human activity, therefore three fundamental constituent elements can be distinguished in it:
1. Subject of work - publication;
2. The subject of labor is the reader and consumer;
3. Labor mediator - librarian.
Library activity is determined by the movement and development of library resources, i.e., a set of parameters characterizing the ability of librarianship to solve modern and future problems of meeting public and individual needs for documentary information. The following main characteristics of library resources can be distinguished:
1. provision of libraries different types and type, level of functioning of them as an integral library system;
2. provision of library collections (volume, sectoral, thematic, standard, type, language, etc. composition of literature, its compliance with the information needs of society);
3. availability of personnel (total number, educational and qualification composition, length of service, etc.);
4. material and technical equipment (buildings, equipment, mechanization, automation of library processes).
Library resources define the relationships libraries have with each other in creating services and products that satisfy information needs. Only within the framework of certain intra- and interlibrary relationships and connections is the functioning of librarianship possible. Thus, librarianship is nothing more than the interaction of library resources and library relationships.

The library is one of the oldest cultural institutions. Over a long period human history its social functions have undergone significant changes. The purpose of the first libraries was to store documents. From the time of its inception to the present day, the library has gone through the first stage of the evolution of its public mission: from serving the needs of the ruling elite to meeting public needs. The library has become a social institution, including informational and cultural components and ensuring the sustainability of connections and relationships within society.
Information today is considered by many to be of special value. There is even a point of view that it is turning into a real productive force. A new term has appeared to denote the current level of development of society - information civilization or information society. An active proponent of this approach to understanding modern society is, in particular, Ya.L. Schreiber. He believes that information technologies are beginning to dominate society and its economy, becoming basic, and the level of their development determines the level of development of the country as a whole.
The role of libraries in this process is that of an intermediary, transmitting information from producers to consumers. It is difficult to say to what extent most libraries in our country have already mastered this role. But it is important to note that most libraries, both municipal and departmental (not to mention federal or national) claim precisely this role in modern world.
However, there is another opinion. So, G.P. Fonotov believes that the demand for libraries today is determined not by the fact that they have turned or are turning into information centers, but by the fact that they are humanitarian institutions, “the social function of which is active participation in the education and upbringing of a person, his intellectual and practical activities, the development of science and arts, their mutual enrichment, ensuring the rights of the individual to use spiritual values, strengthening his physical and spiritual health" The program of library activities proposed by Fonotov is quite extensive, but actually information activities he does not reject, but does not consider libraries as the main function. In his opinion, a library collects and stores sources of knowledge, not information, therefore information is not a goal, but a means of transmitting knowledge.
A.I. Ostapov and A.L. Goncharov identifies three paradigms of librarianship, presented by different authors:
structural-functional: the library represents a “documentary resource”, not an information one;
cognitive: the subject of librarians’ work is “knowledge”;
Thus, the range of opinions about what the role of libraries is in the modern world is quite wide. There is very great interest in this problem, as evidenced by the huge number of articles and other printed works about this theme. Most authors speak specifically about the information function of libraries as the most modern and in demand. But this cannot be said to be undeniable.
Today, a paradoxical situation has arisen in the relationship between the library, its employees and readers: libraries, primarily due to their financial insolvency, have been unable to keep up with the release of new books and adapt to the changing interests and needs of readers.
This was revealed not only in the acquisition of collections, not only in the quality of services provided by libraries, but also in the stereotypes of thinking and behavior of library workers. Private (personal) libraries, most likely, have grown, if at all, only slightly, but now they have begun to be selected by the owners more purposefully, of better quality; people no longer buy everything, which is a shortage, but prefer to buy only what really interests them. Moreover, books have become quite expensive. Thus, specialized personal and departmental (for example, institute) libraries have become a real competitor to public libraries.
Due to these and some other reasons (which should be revealed in the course of a special sociological study), the “librarian-reader” opposition has acquired the character of a hidden conflict.
This conflict is expressed in the following points:
“the reader is always wrong” in relations with the library: the rules for using library services are set by the library, without taking into account the interests of the reader;
readers “in revenge” try not to notice the librarian as a person - they see in them only a function of a blind force called the “library system”;
the library itself is viewed explicitly or implicitly by readers as a strictly functional system, and not a place for normal work, i.e. the main, if not the only, responsibility of the library is to provide books (or, if you like, information) for solving certain problems, nothing more; everything else is seen as an appendage, not very necessary, to this main function;
on the part of library workers, the content of their attitude towards readers is distrust; in turn, the reader's attitude towards librarians is characterized by contempt or disdain; both of these result in irritation in everyday life;
a fundamental misunderstanding between librarians and readers of each other: each of them is engaged in their own business, but they are forced to do this for reasons unknown to the parties in the same territory. But these two cases differ in content........


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