Waning moon magic for luck and money. Magic rituals for the waning moon

The influence of the phases of the night star was confirmed by our ancestors and modern scientists. Conspiracies for the waning moon are considered one of the most powerful magical actions to attract money, health and love.

Not all of those presented are white magic, and you need to prepare for them. The speed of the result depends on the person and the readiness to perform the rituals.

Rules for waning moon spells

Rituals for the waning phase were used back in the 15-16th century, when the only means of obtaining wealth and love was considered to be the attraction of otherworldly forces. In addition to prayers and conspiracies, legends and omens were popular. Before casting spells during the magical period of the outgoing moon, it is advised not to cut your hair or borrow money.

  1. In order for the outcome of the magical event to please you, you need to follow the basic requirements:
  2. On the eve of the ritual, do not eat fatty or heavy foods;
  3. Read “Our Father” 3 times, so a person will completely cleanse his energy;
  4. Be sure to familiarize yourself with the lunar calendar;
  5. Carry out alone;

The moonlight should be directed through the window, this increases efficiency.

You should also carefully read the conspiracy and the procedure for its execution. If performed incorrectly or not prepared, the ritual may not work, or at worst, have the opposite effect.

Waning moon spells for money

Increasing wealth is one of the desires of any person. Rituals for the waning phase of the moon have magical powers that affect: attracting clients, receiving sudden funds, searching for cash offers. Appeals are directed not to the bright side, but to neutral forces.

Before performing it, you need to cleanse yourself of bad thoughts, put on new clothes, take a shower or bath. You also need to clearly define your desire and formulate it verbally.

The result depends only on who will perform the magical action.

A simple money scam

“Coppers and change, go to the poor man. Take my poverty, give it to others, my misfortune will go away, and it will bring wealth with it. My word is strong."

The coins must be distributed to the poor in the morning. You can expect an increase in your wallet at any time. The procedure can be repeated several times to enhance the effect.

Ancient ritual

The conspiracy against poverty should be carried out in the warm season; you will need spring water and an open vessel. The taken liquid is placed in a container and left overnight near the window. You cannot drink it or eat it. It is advised to wash your face and while the moisture dries, you need to read the spell:

“Mother Voditsa, you are as precious as gold, pure as silver. Wash away from my face all adversity, protection from envious tongues, from evil people. Bring good and bright things into life, help you find the right path. Say Amen three times."

As a result, opportunities will appear: profitable work, transfer of funds, inheritance.

Fading moon spell for good luck

There is such a thing as a “lucky person”, and it is not always personal qualities. People often resort to magic to improve their living conditions. Using simple spells, you can... If we consider luck from a practical point of view, this is the best way to get the desired result.

The formulation includes all areas of life: money, love, health. You can perform the ritual at home or by contacting a professional. In everyday life, simpler actions are performed with a positive attitude. By giving preference to a magician, the client can receive the influence of dark or light forces. In any case, the outcome should be positive for the client.

Success and water

The spell for success is read on water, and has amazing properties: remembering information, changing the molecular composition due to energy influence. Spring or well water is used for the ceremony. You will also need three church candles, which are lit when performing the ritual on the waning moon. Take a clean pan and pour water.

They form a triangle around with candles and read the words:

“I will have both love and happiness. The water washes away bad weather, success attracts me. Amen"

After that, they go to the bathroom and douse themselves with the charmed water. The magical effect to attract good luck is performed once.

Mirror and luck

The ritual for luck is performed using a mirror. Please note that the influence of mirrors and addressing it can cause negative consequences. The mirror can be of any size and shape. You need to stand with your back to it and catch the reflection of the moon on yourself. Say the spell three times:

“Sister Moon, deliver me from adversity and poverty. Amen"

The ritual will get rid of negative attitudes, help you acquire a positive attitude and open up to new achievements. This could be a promotion up the career ladder, the opportunity to earn extra money.

Luck will not be easy, but this way the spell will work.

Spells for love in the waning phase of the moon

Love is a vivid feeling for the sake of which rash actions are taken. Before performing rituals, it is worth remembering: they can lead to changes in character, passivity, and have a strong energetic influence. If performed incorrectly, it can lead to serious illness and even death.

They are carried out completely alone, using magical paraphernalia.

Accurate execution of reading conspiracies guarantees attraction of love and attention.

Before starting the ritual, cleansing should be carried out. You can go to church or read the Our Father at home.

Spells are divided by gender, that is, male and female texts. Separation is necessary due to the different energies that come from the sexes. Therefore, trying rituals intended for women on a man is not recommended.

Attracting men's love

A simple one is performed using two photographs (of your beloved and yours), a church candle and any writing object. It is carried out on the waning moon in the evening or midnight. The woman must sit in complete darkness and light a candle. Place a photograph of your loved one in front of you and recite the spell three times:

“Just as clear stars love the moon, so you (his name) cannot live without me.”

Write 3 wishes that you would like to make with this person. Thoughts need to be formed in a positive way, with good intentions. After that, drip hot wax onto the photo and glue the second photo. Hide in a secluded place and do not separate, even in the event of a quarrel or offense.

To remove the effect, you will need a reverse procedure called “lapeling.” The object of love will cease to feel affection and will not experience problems in the future.

Ritual for a woman's love

The most powerful spell for a woman’s love is a ceremony in a cemetery. During the waning phase of the night luminary, you need to go to the cemetery at night and find the recent burial of the namesake of your beloved woman. Then return home and wash your hands and face thoroughly. On the second night, go with a photograph of your beloved, carefully bury it on the grave, read the plot:

“You, the deceased (name of the deceased), no longer walk on earth. My beloved walks, but not next to me. I pray to you, the deceased (name), for help and blessings. Let her be next to me and forget about others. If you don’t fulfill my request, you won’t go to heaven.”

Then leave the cemetery without looking back at the other graves. On the way, don’t pay attention to unnecessary sounds and people passing by; when you return home, take a swim and immediately go to bed. For thirty days, attend church and light candles for the repose of the dead. The result will show itself as soon as the photo begins to turn into dust.

Separation spell

A quarrel is a magical action aimed at returning a spouse to the family or taking him away from it. In the case of mistresses, the rollback can be strong, so it is recommended to place a protective block. With wives, everything is simpler - their actions are initially aimed at a good cause. The ritual will not work if the family connection is too strong or if both of the couple are happy. The energy barrier in such relationships is strong, which helps to “repel” negative energy.

When using salt, exactly at midnight, you need to scatter it on the table with a neat handful and say the words:

“Let the Servant of God (his name) turn away from his rival, they will only have fights and quarrels. Salt will help me cool his heart for (her name). He doesn’t look at her, he comes to me.”

They are taken to the bedroom and left under the bed until the morning. At dawn, go to the house where your mistress lives with her husband, or wife, and pour salt right under the threshold.

Conspiracies for the waning month for success in trading

Rituals for good trading can be classified as rituals for good luck or getting money. Some of them work on . They consist of daily conspiracies that help sell goods faster. As a means of distracting envious eyes, a red thread is used, which is charmed before the start of the working day.

Selling to the first client, even at a small discount, is considered a good sign in trading. The proceeds are kept until the end of the day and given to the last buyer. This applies to small retail trade, where the performer of spells is constantly at the workplace. The situation is completely different for those who want to sell real estate or large assets.

Witchcraft for selling real estate

During the waning moon phase it is considered the strongest in its class. Strict confidentiality must be maintained during execution. No one should find out about the ritual, otherwise the deal will not take place. The conspiracy is taken from the arsenal of White Magic and has only a positive effect.

Before you start, purchase seven candles in the church. At midnight, you need to light all the candles and place them on the floor around you in the form of a circle. Say the magic text:

“I light church candles - they help me in difficult matters. I want to sell my house, attract clients with my skill, and as soon as they cross the threshold, the money will come to me. The candles are burning out, but my luck helps me in transactions.”

After this, collect the remains, including wax, and wrap in white paper. Take it to the nearest tree and place the package under it.

Magic for selling things, goods

The text for successful trading is used only for inanimate objects. If you need to quickly sell an animal, then. In relation to things, after sunset they pronounce the spell for the goods only once:

“Just as a living thing cannot live without water, so a buyer cannot live without (name of thing). Amen".

Afterwards, go to bed and wait for buyers at dawn. The result can show itself within one month. Next you need to repeat the procedure 2 times.

Fading moon spells for thinness and beauty

Words for losing weight quickly will be effective when the performer takes any action - diet, sports. You won't be able to wait while lying on the couch. Appearance is one of the components of a happy life, attracting a partner into your life and finding harmony with yourself. Also, excess weight can affect your health and lead to obesity.

In addition to physical activity and nutritional correction, you can turn to otherworldly forces. Spells for the waning moon will take away adversity and sorrow, clearly fulfilling your dream. Should be performed in accordance with the instructions provided.

Ritual with water

A magical text pronounced over a glass of water or a jar is one of the simplest rituals. They take blessed water in a jar, open it on the full moon and say the spell seven times:

“As the water flows away, so does my fullness leave. The moon is waning in the sky, it helps me. Let everything that exists dissolve, dissolve in me.”

Infuse for exactly seven days and take a sip during the new moon. You can repeat it as many times as the goal requires. In addition to its energy properties, the liquid has a positive effect on health.

The end result will appear after the performer begins to do exercises and monitor nutrition - the weight will melt.

Hex on salt

The food flap has a magical effect that must be broken over time. Long-term use is harmful to health and can cause psychological problems. It is performed on salt and has a quick effect. From a new pack of salt, pour a small amount into a wooden bowl, and repeat the words three times:

“Fullness, leave me - leave the hips and belly. Amen".

Salt is used to prepare food for the person who performed the ritual. If the result is not satisfactory, you can repeat the procedure again. The maximum number is three.

Spell for the waning of the moon against alcoholism and bad habits

Alcoholism has destructive power, and the alcoholic’s loved ones, his social life, and his career suffer. Any misfortune can affect the regular desire to drink alcohol: from dismissal to critical situations (illness, death of relatives). Not everyone can withstand the blows of fate, so alcohol and drugs are used.

Sometimes the reason may be envy or damage that was sent by ill-wishers. At home, on the waning moon, you can perform several rituals that will relieve addiction. In critical situations, you should contact a specialist or a drug treatment clinic.

Continuing treatment on your own, in the absence of obvious changes, is not recommended.

Ritual for alcoholism

The ritual to prevent the husband from drinking is carried out using a clean towel at midnight. You need to open the window, place a towel under the light of the waning moon, and read the plot 3 times:

“Help, O shining light of the night, to the Servant of God (his name), to get rid of drunkenness. Let his illnesses go away and turn into a towel. Strength and health will come to him. My will is strong, and my word is strong.”

Duration of implementation and use is seven days. Exactly during this period, the alcoholic should lose interest in drinking.

At the end of the week, take the towel to the forest and bury it; if this is not possible, simply burn it.

Prayer and help from saints

Holy water is used, which was recently brought from the church. The spell is read 33 times for it to take effect. This method is used during magical practices and at receptions with professional magicians. Water is added drop by drop to any alcohol. Read the prayer:

“I pray for the Servant of God (name) to all the Saints. I ask for help in getting rid of drunkenness and bad habits. Let his body not be able to accept alcohol, and within seven days it will completely forget. Amen (three times)."

If everything is done correctly, within the specified period the craving for alcoholic beverages will disappear.

Wellness spells for the waning moon

The waning moon can even heal. You can wish health to yourself or your loved ones. Particularly strong rituals are performed that help restore vitality and drive away illness.

Hex to cleanse

This practice is used in many religions and denominations. Lie on the ground, covered with a soft cloth in advance. Lie down for a few minutes, trying to imagine how all the troubles leave the body. Turning to the sky, say a conspiracy:

“The earth gives me purity and strength. Like her, I am a Servant of God (name), I will be healed of my illnesses. Gives me strength, as it does to all living things: crawling and flying. I pray for health and prosperity. Amen"

The ceremony is carried out in the warm season, when the earth has warmed up sufficiently.

The ideal time is early summer or late spring.

Youth in the waning moon and the spell

Beauty is what feats are performed for. It is impossible to be young and beautiful forever, but maintaining a good appearance is quite possible. To do this, you can resort to the influence of External Forces. There are several ways to implement your idea. The simplest one is to use the right images, visualize what you want and direct the energy towards Light Magic.

It was used in ancient times by our ancestors. Take milk, a spoon of liquid honey and a towel. At midnight, on the waning moon, sit in front of the window and pour milk into a clean bowl. Think about the flaws in your appearance, imagine how they all disappear. Eat a spoonful of honey and say the spell:

“As milk is white, so is my face pure. Honey gives strength: your braids turn golden, your eyes sparkle with happiness. To be beautiful and stately for me, attractive to guys. Let it be so"

Drink half, and wash the third. Let the milk dry and then wipe it off with a damp towel. Give the remaining milk to a stray cat in the morning.

Are spells dangerous during the waning moon?

The waning moon is a time of change, the search for a new and interesting event. It affects mental and physical health. During the waning phase

Various magical rituals and conspiracies for the waning moon have enormous power. It is believed that this is the time of black magicians and witches. The last two days of the lunar cycle are especially dangerous; at this time the most terrible curses and damage are imposed. White magicians also learned to use the advantages of the flawed moon for their own purposes. Numerous rituals performed at this time will help get rid of illnesses, failures, lack of money and return love.

Waning moon

Scientists cannot deny the fact that the moon affects not only the earth, but also man himself. The mechanism of this influence itself is still practically unknown. All the assumptions of pundits boil down to the fact that the night star is capable of influencing the human body in the same way as the oceans, creating ebbs and flows. Perhaps this is due to the fact that the human body is 70% water.

In all ancient cultures, the queen of the night is surrounded by an area of ​​mysticism. In those distant times, the night luminary was even more revered than the sun. Plutarch wrote that the most revered star after the Moon is the Sun.

According to Slavic beliefs, after death, people's souls were sent away for a month. There they awaited the next birth in a new body. They returned to earth in the form of rain or snow. And then they moved into the body of a newborn child.

Not a single magical ritual can be performed without taking into account the lunar phase. The night luminary influences the activity of spirits, opens channels of communication with the subtle worlds, and enhances the effect of witchcraft. Its power can destroy or exalt. Having the necessary knowledge and obeying certain magical rules, a person is able to direct the lunar power for his own benefit.

Magic rules

Many sorcerers associate the lunar phases with breathing. Lunar growth is an inhalation. The earth breathes air and strength into itself. She herself is filled with energy and gives it to all living things. The results of the witchcraft rituals performed during this period will gradually increase.

The waning of the moon is an exhalation. The planet is getting rid of everything unnecessary, like a person’s lungs getting rid of carbon dioxide. The energy shell of the earth is weakening, thanks to this demonic entities begin to show more activity. This is the best time for black magicians and witches.

Magic on the waning moon is also practiced by white sorcerers. In order to get what you want and not harm yourself, certain rules must be followed:

It is necessary to clearly understand which spells are cast on the waning moon, and which ones should absolutely not be used. Ignoring these nuances can cause irreparable harm to a novice magician.

Such types of witchcraft show strong positive results.:

  • removing damage or the evil eye;
  • recovery from diseases, various addictions;
  • ritual for weight loss;
  • lapel from love;
  • getting rid of debts;
  • eliminating chronic bad luck;
  • getting rid of infertility;
  • pacification of enemies and envious people;
  • magic for beauty (getting rid of everything that prevents you from being beautiful: acne, scars, wrinkles).

Before the ritual, you need to take time to prepare. You can meditate, pray, or just take a hot bath. Do exactly what will fill you with energy and allow you to tune in to the desired wave. The best time for witchcraft is midnight.

Powerful rituals

The power of a ritual does not always depend on its complexity. An experienced magician with the help of a simple whispering spell can achieve impressive results. While a beginner who takes on a complex, multi-step ritual may make many mistakes and achieve nothing.

When choosing rituals, conspiracies and prayers for the waning moon, you need to focus on your intuition. She will tell you which of the many options is suitable, and having made a choice, begin to implement your plan with full confidence in your abilities.

Conspiracies related to health

With the help of magic you can get rid of such troubles as warts forever. To perform the ritual, you need to pick a bunch of old grass with your left hand. Women can do this on Friday or Saturday, and men on Monday and Thursday.

At midnight, light any candle and sit opposite it. Using a bunch of grass, you need to touch the warts one by one and read the following words:

“Dry grass will not produce young grass. A fish will not turn into a horned bull. You cannot get fresh milk from a peacock. And you, infection, should not multiply on my body. In the flawed month you will dissolve. Amen".

Wrap the herb that was used to touch the warts in clean paper and burn it. Dispel the ashes. If it is inconvenient to make a fire, you can bury the bundle near the house.

To combat your husband's alcoholism, you can also use conspiracies and rituals for the waning moon. Proven and simple options are a ritual with a wedding ring or a white towel. For magic with a ring you should prepare:

  • holy water;
  • faceted glass;
  • spouse's wedding ring. You will have to take it and return it unnoticed;
  • two church candles.

At midnight, light the candles and place a glass between them. Pour some holy water into it. Carefully place the ring in a glass and read the following words over the water three times:

“Holy and pure water, heal God’s servant (name), take the love of vodka with you. Cleanse him from evil and hatred. Help drive the disease out of him. Remove the painful look. As long as the servant of God (name) wears a ring on his finger, there will be no drinking bouts in his life. Amen!"

Remove the ring from the water and let it dry. Do not wipe. Discreetly give it to your husband. Pour holy water under a tree growing near the house.

To carry out another conspiracy against alcoholism, you will need to buy a new towel. It should be white, without any patterns. When buying a towel, do not take change from the seller.

At midnight, turn off all the lights, open the window and stand so that the moonlight falls on the towel. You need to stand for a few minutes for the towel to absorb the energy. Then whisper the conspiracy three times:

“The servant of God (name) will dry himself with a towel, and his illness will be able to be absorbed into the fabric. May seven days pass and God’s servant (name) be healthy. Let the towel absorb all the illness and dirt, and the servant of God (name) will never know any more troubles. Amen!"

Give the enchanted towel to an alcohol dependent person. He must wipe himself with it for seven days. Then the towel must be taken away and completely burned.

Fighting alcoholism and warts is not all that can be done during the waning moon. Weight loss conspiracies will help a woman get her dream figure. To perform the ritual you will need:

  • a liter jar of any oil, on which you should write “my body fat”;
  • small basin with soil.

On the first day the moon begins to wan, at midnight, place a container of soil on the windowsill. Take a bottle of oil and say:

“Take the oil, the fat, and dissolve it in yourself. Fix it in yourself forever!” Leave the oil next to the ground overnight on the windowsill.

Starting the next day, every evening, pour a little oil into the ground. Whisper during the process:

“The fat flows out of my body like oil. Doesn't remind me of myself anymore. The month stops my suffering and overeating forever.”

Before the new moon, pour out the remaining oil completely. You can throw away the bottle. Find the dead tree closest to your house and throw away the oil-soaked soil near it.

The best ways to attract good luck

You can attract money and pay off creditors using a ritual with a black candle. The best time to perform it is from midnight to three o'clock in the morning. For witchcraft you should prepare:

  • fireproof dishes;
  • black candle;
  • paper;
  • pencil;
  • scissors.

Place the candle on the table and light it. Cut the paper into several pieces. On each, write the amount of debt and the name of the creditor. Crumple all the sheets and place them in the prepared bowl. Show the dishes with sheets to the moon so that its light falls on the contents. Then say:

“The silver moon is melting, taking my debts with it. When the month completely melts, the creditors will leave me behind. Amen!"

Then take the candle in your hand and drop a few drops of wax onto the paper with the words:

“The month is melting, gold is coming to me. Let it be so!"

Light the paper from a candle flame and let it burn out completely. Scatter the ashes out the window. Keep the candle in a place where no one will find it. When all debts are paid, burn the candle entirely.

To attract real wealth, you can use a ritual with fire. Fire has enormous energy, this will allow your dream to come true sooner. Prepare for witchcraft:

  • seven thick glass stacks;
  • seven church candles;
  • 350 ml alcohol (vodka);
  • matches;
  • any seven coins.

At midnight, place a table by the window so that moonlight falls on it. Place candles in a row on the table, and stacks in front of them. Place a coin in each stack and add 50 ml of alcohol. Light the candles and carefully ignite the alcohol in the shot glasses. When all the candles and stacks are burning, read the following words: “I consecrate the Milky Way with fire, I promise myself to become richer. I will attract success and luck to myself, I can make all my dreams come true. Amen"!

Wait until the alcohol burns down and take the coins. Place them under your pillow and keep them there until the next lunar cycle begins. After which they need to be spent.

Rituals for love

A ritual with needles will help return your husband’s love and separate him from his mistress forever. This is a very powerful love magic; the only drawback of the ritual is that it must be performed on the street at night. It will require:

  • nine new needles;
  • three church candles;
  • small spatula;
  • matches.

At midnight, not far from the house where your rival lives, find a large tree. The more deserted the place, the better. Using a spatula, dig a small hole and stick all nine needles into the ground. Arrange them in such a way that they do not touch each other. Stick candles into the ground near the hole and light them.

After this, slowly bury the hole and whisper the words:

“Just as needles will not become one whole, so the servant of God (name) and the servant of God (name) cannot be together. Lovers will come together only if the needles grow together. Let it be so".

Completely bury the hole and compact it so that no one can dig it up. Do not extinguish the candles, leave them to burn out. Go home without looking back and without talking to anyone along the way.

A ceremony with candles will strengthen and bring back love. This method is especially effective if a woman suspects her husband of cheating. Prepare for the ritual:

  • two red candles;
  • five church candles;
  • red wool thread;
  • saucer;
  • kitchen grater

At midnight, place church candles in a semicircle on the table and light them. Place a saucer inside it. Take red candles and tie them tightly with woolen thread. Light them too and put them on a saucer. Say the words seven times: “As these candles are tied, so will God’s servant (name) be tied to me forever. Amen!"

Red candles should burn out on their own. Give the cinder time to cool, then grate the wax on a fine grater. Throw away the remaining wick. Pour the wax crumbs into the pockets of your spouse’s clothes. Sprinkle a little so that it is not noticeable.

Magic is capable of many things. But we must not forget that the Christian Church considers practicing witchcraft a terrible sin. You should not practice magic if you have doubts about the correctness of your actions. Rituals will not bring the expected result and will only cause feelings of guilt. Witchcraft only works when a person is completely confident that he will get what he wants and does the right thing.

The energy of the waning moon can help get rid of troubles and attract financial well-being. During this period, conspiracies and rituals have special power that can be used for your own benefit.

Scientists confirm the strong influence of the night luminary on a person’s life, his health and emotions. For example, on the Full Moon, people are able to feel the world more subtly and perceive streams of magical vibrations more acutely. The period of the waning moon is suitable for cleansing and renewal.

Ritual to get rid of life's problems

This ritual will help everyone find the right path and get rid of obstacles that prevent them from developing active activities to achieve well-being.

Buy a dark-colored candle and prepare paper and a pen. In the dark, write down everything that worries you on a piece of paper. These could be negative emotions towards the people around you, resentment, bad habits, despair... Describe everything that prevents you from feeling like a happy person.

After you have described all your negative emotions, tear up the sheets of paper and then burn them over a candle flame, saying:

“I’m getting rid of troubles and sorrows, starting a new life with a clean slate. I commend all my experiences and sufferings to the purifying fire, the waning moon.”

After the last piece of paper has been burned, collect the ashes and throw them out the window with the words:

“Everything written was burned and given to the moon. As it is renewed, so will my life be reborn.”

Ritual to get rid of financial difficulties

On the night when the waning moon appears in the sky, place a mirror on the windowsill and place an empty wallet next to it. The reflected moonlight from the mirror should fall on the wallet. Say the words of the conspiracy:

“I show the empty Moon my wallet and tell about my lack of money. I call on the Moon to help me overcome financial difficulties. Deliver me from poverty and difficulties, return to heaven Full and with money.”

Leave this wallet empty until the Moon begins to rise again. This ritual will help you get rid of financial losses and attract cash flows into your life.

Ritual to get rid of troubles

This ritual is simple and effective. Our ancestors resorted to it, and now you can use the energy of the waning moon to attract good luck and prosperity into your life.

At midnight, go outside, stretch out your hands to the Moon and tell her about your fears, doubts, problems that you cannot solve on your own. Then say the words of an effective conspiracy:

“The Silver Moon is waning, taking my misfortunes with it. After she is reborn, luck will return to me.”

These rituals can be performed by anyone who has experienced a streak of bad luck in their life. In order for the rituals to work, it is important to believe in your own strengths, not to dwell on adversity and be sure to hope for the best!

The lunar phases differ so greatly from each other in their influence on a person and his life that it would be a sin not to take advantage of it.

It’s not even clear when people learned about such things. And this is not very important for an ordinary person.

Waning moon spell for alcoholism

A completely new towel is required for the ceremony. It is hung under the moon all night. Be sure to ensure that the moonlight falls on the piece of fabric.

Hang and read three times:

“The servant of God (name) wipes himself with a towel, the craving for vodka is collected from him, absorbed in a rag, but does not go away. Everything sits here, accumulates. It takes seven days to wipe it off, but each time it is freed from hardship. The week will pass and you will be as healthy as holy water. Amen!"

Give this towel to the alcoholic early in the morning. Just let him wipe himself with it.

And after seven days it needs to be burned. The effectiveness of the conspiracy is very great. Try to perform the ritual on the first day of waning, so that the entire week falls during this phase.

Letters from our readers

Subject: I have more money and opportunities thanks to the advice from your site!

From whom: Svetlana(sv****** [email protected])

To whom: Responsible for the site

Hello! My name is Svetlana and I want to tell the readers of the site my story of how I was lucky enough to get rid of constant lack of money!

I lived like many of us: home, work, children, worries... and a constant lack of money. You can’t buy your children extra toys or new clothes, nor can you please yourself with a beautiful dress. My husband also has a job that does not pay money.

In general, every month you just think and plan how to stretch the budget so that there is enough money for current needs.

Of course, in our family we have learned to live with our finances. But in my soul there was always a constant feeling of resentment and self-pity. Why is this so, I asked myself. Look, others have money, they bought a new car, built a dacha, it’s clear that they have wealth.

I had already begun to lose hope for a good life. But one day I came across it on the Internet.

You will simply be amazed at how many positive changes have happened to me! I had no idea that this article would change my life so much!

I got money! And not just change, pocket coins, but truly normal income!

Over the past year, we have done excellent renovations in our apartment, bought a new car, and sent the children to the sea!

But all this would not have happened if I had not come to this site.

Don't scroll past. Take a couple of minutes to this information.

This ritual is performed so that the person living next to you stops swearing and grumbling all the time. It is clear that the ritual affects not only women. That's just what it's called.

  1. Prepare a jar of spring water (you can also get it from the tap, but it won’t be as strong).
  2. Place it so that the moon is immersed in the liquid.
  3. Say:

“A drop by drop of water enters the body of Slave (name), kills all his anger, and fills him with joy. Whoever drinks this water will lead the whole world with him with his affection and kindness! A drop of water - a lot of kindness, there are no more quarrels and insults! Amen!"

Leave the jar under the moon until the morning.

And then add a couple of drops to the grumpy family member’s tea (any drink).

They need to drink all the water. Do not stop taking the “medicine” for a day until it runs out.

There are rituals that, so to speak, “do not have retroactive effect.” That is, once you do it, it will be impossible to redo it.

Most often these are rituals of black magic aimed at destruction. For example, when the moon is waning, you can break off someone else’s relationship.

Keep in mind, if you take on something like this, that this is a great sin. You will ruin people’s lives, and you will introduce serious dissonance into yours.

Most often, such conspiracies are read by old women, those whom people call among themselves.

Quarrel on the waning moon

You need to take it, pour it into your (not new) handkerchief, put it in the moonlight and read the following words once:

“I will quarrel (names) with witch’s salt! I will dissolve friendship (we choose what we need according to the meaning), I will sow enmity. As soon as I throw salt between (name), the friendship will perish!”

Tie the scarf right away, but leave it under the moon.

On the second day, you really need to spread the salt between these people. Not necessarily all of it, a few grains are enough for a “black cat” to form between them.

The waning moon phase is an energetically strong period. Therefore, at this time many magical rituals of different directions are performed. The question of what conspiracies are read on the waning moon interests many. The most effective rituals are those that allow you to cleanse yourself of everything alien and unnecessary.

Methods of effective rituals for the waning moon

There is a huge variety of rituals that are aimed at cleansing. Such influences will help get rid of failures and bad luck. Conspiracies for the waning moon are the best way to overcome a bad streak in life. Rituals are widely used to help get rid of bad habits and normalize life.

Cleansing and activating vitality

During the waning moon phase, you can use magic to remove accumulated negative energy from your own aura. The ritual will allow you to improve your energy potential, so everything unnecessary and foreign will go away, thanks to it, vital forces will be activated. It is advisable to carry out the ritual away from the hustle and bustle, so it is recommended to go out of town or find a deserted place in the park. You need to take a piece of new natural fabric with you.

In nature, you should lay a cloth on the ground and lie down on it. First, you just need to lie on your back and look at the sky and the crowns of green trees bending over you. After this, you should roll over from side to side, and then onto your stomach. In this position, you need to press your whole body tightly to the ground and lie down for a few seconds.

Then you need to roll over onto your back and say the following words:

“Just as the land given to people for life is forever strong and young, so may I, the Servant of God (my own name), always be healthy, filled with eternal youth. Just as the earth gives strength to plants and animals, so let me gain strength from it and get rid of everything that is unnecessary and interferes with my life. The words I have spoken are strong, and my desire is righteous, may holy mother earth help me. Amen".

While reciting a conspiracy, you need to imagine how new fresh forces enter your body, and everything unnecessary leaves it. The ideal time for such a cleansing ritual is the end of spring or the first month of summer. At this time, the earth is already well warmed by the sun's rays and filled with positive energy.

If you feel that your health has deteriorated significantly for unexplained reasons, then during the waning moon you can perform a ritual for healing.

For the ritual you will need the following attributes:

  • A fresh egg laid by a village hen;
  • Paper or plastic bag;
  • Blue marker.

The ceremony is carried out in a separate room, it is advisable to first remove all unnecessary things from it. In the room prepared for the ceremony, you need to leave the egg for a couple of hours. After the time has passed, you should go into the room, undress and lie on the bed in a comfortable position.

The egg should be rolled all over the body, this should be done especially carefully in places where discomfort often occurs. In the process, you need to visualize the scene of how the egg absorbs all the negative energy and your body is healed.

After rolling out, write the following words on the egg with a blue marker:

“I, the Servant of God (proper name), found healing, all illnesses and ailments went away. Health is with me again."

After saying the words, the egg must be placed in a bag and taken out to trash cans that are located far from your home. It is important to discard the egg in such a way that it breaks.

Getting rid of a streak of bad luck

When there is a long streak of bad luck in life, you can use a very powerful magical ritual. To carry out the ceremony, you must stock up on spring water in advance; tap water cannot be used as an attribute.

Having retired to a separate room, you should pour the water into a wide container and place it on the windowsill, while the window must first be opened. It is necessary to wash your face, neck and shoulders with it.

“Mother, natural water, you are cold and valuable, like gold and silver. You are strong, you cover wide spaces, you wash high mountains. So from me, Slave(s) of God(s) (proper name), you will wash away all the bad luck and remove all the failures. All evil slander will be washed away by natural water and they will no longer bring me harm. She will protect me in the future of human malice, bad speeches and unkind eyes. It will only be as it is said. Amen".

After this, you need to go to bed and leave the water on the window until the morning. You can then wash your face with it for a while. This will strengthen your protective energy.

It is important to understand that most rituals aimed at cleansing and healing are very powerful. Therefore, in order not to harm yourself, it is recommended to carry them out no more than once a year. In addition, for such rituals to be effective, you need to be positive and, before performing them, mentally ask for forgiveness from your loved ones for accidentally causing offense.