Watch house 2 Elina Sasha's care. Elina Kamiren: “Zadoynov is only hiding behind charity

Romantic story the former participants of the scandalous reality show Dom-2 Elina Kamiren and Alexander Zadoynov ends up in court. The stars of the TV project cannot peacefully agree on the issue of supporting their joint child. Sasha refused to pay child support to his daughter, who was born in a civil marriage with Kamiren.

The young man claims that he is engaged in charity, but he does not have money for his own child. Zadoynov does not officially work anywhere.

Child support debts exceeded 70 thousand, the site reports. rubles

According to him, Elina does not allow her father to see her daughter. The mother herself hopes to seek payment of the debt through the courts.
In December 2015, Kamiren left the project together with Alexander Zadoynov in the status of a happy mother and bride. Behind recent months a lot has changed. Fans of Kamiren and Zadoynov were sure that very soon they would hear about the long-awaited wedding of the lovers, but this did not happen. A lot has changed in recent months: Kamiren is free again, and devotes all her time to business and her little daughter.

A few months ago former member“At Home 2” Elina Kamiren visited Yaroslavl, where she sued Alexander Zadoynov for non-payment of alimony. Alexander owed alimony of 70 thousand rubles to the conqueror of rich men, as well as the owner of oil rigs and castles. In Yaroslavl, the court considered the claim of Elina Kamiren against Zadoynov. Sasha told reporters that he pays alimony in the amount of 10 thousand rubles monthly, since he has two children.

Zadornov has an unofficial job, and for this reason he transfers money on his own, but Kamiren believes that this is not enough. After all, she needs to rent a country villa and go to the USA on vacation, but these amounts are not enough for this.

The oligarchs, however, were either greedy, or none of them succumbed to the tricks of an experienced conqueror. Elina cannot live without Alexander’s 70 thousand rubles. After all, you have to pay 300 thousand to rent an apartment in the center.

Meanwhile, the judges threaten to take it away from Alexander old car and sent to clean the streets as punishment. It is in vain to hope that former member"House 2" will give you a lot of money. Most likely, Kamiren was angry that Sasha did not take money for the film about the great hockey player “Captain Nemo,” which is already available on the Internet.

“I decided for myself: as a man and a woman we no longer exist - only as friends and parents common child. It's a shame that Sasha used to have passion, he wanted to conquer, he did it and lost interest. It’s the opposite for me: I didn’t want to hear about him, but when I found out that I was expecting a child, I just went crazy with happiness, cried, and realized that I was madly in love. Back in December we wanted to get married, but even then it was only for the sake of our daughter.

Alexander Zadoynov is a participant in the television project “House 2”, who came and left the perimeter several times.

Alexander was born into a family of ordinary employees. Alexander's childhood years were spent in the ancient city of Yaroslavl. The wealth in the Zadoinovs' house was modest, so Sasha was still in adolescence had to start labor activity.

True, the young man preferred short-term part-time jobs, which brought, albeit small, but quick money. Alexander lasted the longest as a bartender in a Yaroslavl nightclub. Because of his work, the young man never received higher education. Biography young man did not attract the attention of others until Alexander Zadoynov decided to connect his life with television. In 2007, the young man successfully passed the casting of the TV show “Dom-2” and got into a rating project.

"House 2"

On the first day, the 22-year-old guy expressed sympathy, but upon learning that the girl was already in a relationship with, he switched to Ekaterina Krutilina. True, even when paired with Katya, Zadoynov was also interested in other girls. The young man’s first passion was Ekaterina Balakina, who fell madly in love with a handsome man from Yaroslavl. Young people repeatedly retreated for dates. For relations with Krutilina, these meetings became fatal.

Later, Zadoynov had short affairs with project participants - Anastasia Smirnova, Nastya Luzhkova and Aisha Navasardyan. But Alexander’s novels had one goal - to arouse jealousy and attract attention. The girl, in turn, did not hide her plans - she was counting on a relationship with a wealthy man, and not with an unemployed handsome man. In a fit of passion, Zadoynov even started a fight with Ruslan Proskurov over the girl. Unsuccessful attempts to win the heart of his beloved prompted Zadoynov to announce his departure from the project in May 2010. After the young man’s speech in the clearing, the ice began to break. Zhenya began to show interest in Alexander.

The broadcast of the wedding test drive from Alexander Zadoyny took place on November 26, 2017 on the YouTube channel of the Dom-2 project. on your personal page in " Instagram", which misled fans. Messages immediately appeared in the comments that Zadoynov had married Olga Koval, and congratulations from followers poured in, but Alexander denied the followers’ speculations, calling the event an advertising campaign. Despite the fact that the young man calls the wedding a test drive, many are sure that the celebration of the real wedding will soon follow. Moreover, according to Olga Koval, everything is serious between her and Alexander.

The showman has an online account “

Yesterday's post by Alexander Zadoynov about how he misses youngest daughter, . Yesterday she laid out part of the truth about Alexandra’s father, and today she put the finishing touches by talking about how Zadoynov was forced to become the father of her daughter!

He is indeed Sasha’s biological dad, but he was never Elina’s husband. Understanding that Kamiren deliberately delayed the wedding. But the management of House 2 needed at least some development in this couple, and they forced Alexander to adopt Elina’s daughter, in the hope of thereby pushing them to the registry office. IN otherwise, Sasha had to leave the project.

It turns out that everything that we saw with you on the air - boundless love for the little baby, a caring dad who cooked porridge, babysat Sasha, changed diapers and walked with a stroller - to stay a good man in the eyes of the public? In fact, Zadoynov tries to seem like that to this day...

Is Zadoynov not who he says he is?

But by and large, he completely gave himself up on the project, when in one of the broadcasts he told how he was going to earn millions with the help charitable foundation, who was supposed to help sick children. For the sake of Zhenya Feofilaktova, he abandoned his first daughter. Was caught stealing from house 2. Didn't pay child support either eldest daughter, nor the younger one. So maybe Kamiren is not exaggerating and behind his honest, kind, sky-blue eyes is hiding a completely different Zadoynov, whom some fans of House 2 still idolize?

And now the only thing Elina needs from him is a renunciation of the rights to the child. She is even ready to forgive him his alimony debts. Do you think Zadoynov will agree to this?

Sasha no longer remembers what dad looks like. Alexander Zadoynov appears so rarely next to the heiress that during the last meeting with her parent, the girl simply does not understand who is in front of her. Elina Kamiren calls on the negligent father to voluntarily renounce his rights to the child.

Sasha and Alexander Zadoinov
Photo: Instagram

The war between Elina Kamiren and Alexander Zadoynov continues. Despite the fact that the lovers have not lived together for a long time, they are still at enmity with each other. So, the stumbling block, as usual, was the daughter Sashenka. According to Kamiren, the father of a four-year-old girl sees her very rarely: once a year is good. But about paying alimony it’s not at all there is talk- Zadoynov does not help the child at all.

“I’m tired of dirt, gossip... I was silent: I just don’t like to burden you with my problems! It’s been three years since we put an end to Alexandra’s father, and the saga continues. Finally, everything will be known!

Sasha, the prosecutor's office is looking for you! Stop hiding in other cities and hiding from the authorities! You hid the car, you hide yourself, just to avoid paying child support. For whom are you playing the role of “good”? Want to know how things are going? The person does not participate in the child’s life in any way: no calls, no SMS, no help, no interest. Meeting once a year exclusively for photos and videos for social networks- this is the only thing that arouses his interest!” - Elina spoke out.

Elina reported that the prosecutor's office is looking for Sasha
Photo: Instagram

According to the young mother, in last time Sasha saw the girl in mid-August. And before that - a year and a half ago. Kamiren is sure that these meetings would not have happened if Zadoynov had not been chasing the approval of his own subscribers.

“Alexander can talk a lot and still do sad eyes. Tell him that he helps, and I don’t let you see him! On September 2, 2017 there was a meeting for two hours (he was passing through). Calls: December 18, 2017 and August 13, 2018 - normal interval? He never contacted us again. Moreover, on December 18, 2017, the desire to see Sasha was not disinterested: birthday? It wasn’t like that! Thank you for calling me from the “DOM-2” set and warning me that Alexander promised to bring his child to the New Year’s filming (this issue was not discussed with me, and it was a surprise),” Elina continues on Instagram.

Zadoynov shows no interest in his daughter at all
Photo: Instagram

On Sashenka’s last birthday, her mother invited Zadoynov to come to the event, but he, citing being busy, never showed up. When Sasha decided to see the girl again, she was scared and didn’t even understand who was standing in front of her.

“Sashulya didn’t recognize him and said that she had “mama and grandma”! It’s simple: you need to judge not by words, but by actions, participation... But this is not the case! At the last meeting, my daughter didn’t understand who this uncle was... She doesn’t know him. Sasha, you are putting a spoke in my wheels. Give up your rights. I will forgive all alimony debts,” Kamiren concluded.

Alexander Zadoynov and Elina Kamiren were rightfully considered one of the brightest couples of the Dom-2 project. The lovers dated for several months, and soon decided to become parents. However, their relationship did not stand the test of time, so a few weeks after the birth of little Sasha, the ex-participants of the show decided to break up.

Now they are connected only by mutual claims against each other. So, Elina repeatedly said that Alexander refuses to pay alimony. Moreover, the man has not seen his daughter for more than three months.

Recently Zadoynov commented on the problem. He noted that he had never been good father for little Sasha. Kamiren confirms that the former chosen one is not used to taking care of anyone other than himself. She told StarHit how the situation really is.

“He didn’t call us until my daughter’s birthday, somewhere between September and December. Then he got in touch, and when I asked where he had been, Sasha replied that he didn’t have time. Of course, he can go live with fans almost every day, but he can’t communicate with his child. I am now resolving this issue with lawyers. We want to get him to renounce his parental rights,” Elina emphasized.

Now the young woman intends to resolve the issue of alimony through the court. Elina emphasized that the former chosen one is not even interested in where his daughter lives. She never interfered with Alexander’s communication with the baby, but the man himself did not show any initiative for this.

The young woman also has doubts about the rationality of Alexander’s actions within the framework of the charitable foundation with which he cooperates. According to Elina, this organization is not used by her ex-elect for the most respectable purposes.

“He is speculating on children who are in orphanage. I myself went with him to orphanages, I thought that we were really helping, and then I realized that the fund was being used to organize his own well-being. All this is needed to bypass some taxes and receive some benefits. How can a person who does not pay child support engage in charity? I don’t understand this,” Kamiren shared her thoughts.

Let us clarify that Alexander is now happy in a new relationship, but Elina prefers not to advertise her personal life. On her Instagram, a young woman regularly brags expensive gifts, so fans are sure that she is not alone.

According to Kamiren, her ex-lover You should either start paying child support and taking care of the child, or give up parental rights. The young woman admits that her daughter hasn’t asked about her dad for a long time. However, the baby is surrounded by the care of relatives and basks in their love.