Creating your own Internet provider. Business plan for a provider company

An Internet provider today is understood as an organization that carries out intermediary activities between providers at a higher level and direct users of the Internet. In fact, such a company is a wholesale buyer of traffic, which is subsequently resold at retail to end users.

In Russia, the provision of Internet access today is classified as communication services, which entails difficulties associated with the mandatory obtaining of a license from the Ministry of Communications of the Russian Federation, coordination of projects and certification of the equipment used. The specifics of the activity also presuppose the implementation of such activities only in the status of a legal entity, that is, LLC, CJSC or JSC. Self-registration of a legal entity and obtaining the appropriate license may take a long time, so it is recommended to contact a consulting company, whose specialists will provide support services in the preparation of all necessary documentation.

In general, the range of services provided by Internet providers is quite wide and may include:

  1. Providing broadband, dial-up and wireless Internet access;
  2. Formation of private corporate networks;
  3. Provision of cellular communication services;
  4. Digital TV connection;
  5. Placing the client’s equipment on its own territory;
  6. Providing servers for rent.

Initially, Internet providers in Russia provided many related services, more typical of companies developing websites and online stores. Often, providers also provided hosting for developed sites, but today the main trend is the provision of cellular communication services, digital television and, of course, the provision of wireless network access.

It is worth noting that previously a good option for doing business was to create a local network within an apartment building. However, with the popularization of wireless access, this option has become less interesting for users and, naturally, for companies. A technical problem with home local networks was the speed limit when connecting a large number of users. Also, this business had little opportunity to scale and compete with large companies that offered more profitable Internet connection options.

The risks of this business include strong dependence on the following factors:

  • Power outage;
  • Channel failure;
  • Changes in legislation, in particular regarding the processing of personal data.

Internet provider(English, internet-provider, ISP) is a company that provides Internet access service and, possibly, other services, such as hosting, e-mail, etc. Most Internet providers provide Internet access via a modem to individuals - dialup. Providers that provide corporate Internet access often offer dedicated high-speed communication lines, including fiber optics, radio access, etc.

TO basic services Internet providers include: broadband Internet access; dial-up Internet access; wireless internet access; allocation of disk space for storing and ensuring the operation of sites (hosting); support for electronic mailboxes or virtual mail server; placement of the client’s equipment at the provider’s site (colocation); rental of dedicated and virtual servers (VPS, VDS); data backup.

In accordance with the services provided, they can be divided into categories: access providers; hosting providers; backbone providers; channel providers; last mile providers.

Among the access providers, we can distinguish primary (backbone) ones, which own backbone communication channels, and secondary ones. Primary providers usually sell traffic only in large volumes and provide services to other providers rather than individual users, although there are exceptions. Secondary (city, house) - rent communication channels from primary ones.

An Internet provider in the Russian market is a telecom operator licensed for one of the following types of services: communication services for the provision of communication channels; communication services in the data network, with the exception of voice information transmission; communication services for the transmission of voice information in data networks; telematic communication services.

The provider has a computer network that has a permanent connection to the Internet and includes access servers through which clients connect.

The possibilities for using network Internet resources listed below form a standard set of provider services, provided to the client. This set can be supplemented with other network services or, conversely, reduced, but, obviously, points 1, 2, 6 must be present in it without fail:

  • 1) at its own discretion, establish a connection to the Internet at any time of the day or hours specified in the contract;
  • 2) receive and send information over the network, including files (FTP);
  • 3) use e-mail services;
  • 4) create and host your own web pages on the provider’s server;
  • 5) have access to open teleconferences;
  • 6) have personal access to statistical data on the use of the provider’s services.

To ensure that the client can access the network, when concluding an agreement, the provider registers a new client on its server, which usually includes the selection of a login name (the name under which the user will log into the network); password (a password known only to the provider and the user, which serves to protect the client from unauthorized use of network services under his login name by third parties) and IP address (static or dynamic). All this data is usually indicated in a special annex to the contract and is also included in its subject matter.

For the use of provider services, the subscriber is obliged to pay the provider a fee specified in the contract (subscription fee). Currently, there are several payment schemes for provider services.

Let's look at the most common of them:

  • 1. Payment for actual connection time. With this scheme, the contract fixes the cost of 1 hour of connection to the network. As a rule, the cost of 1 hour of work at night and weekends is much lower than during the day. The time spent by the subscriber on the network is tracked by the provider's server, and based on this data, the subscriber makes his payments to the provider. This payment scheme for provider services is very common, as it allows the subscriber to use the network in full accordance with their financial capabilities.
  • 2. Access with a fixed fee. In this case, the subscriber pays the provider a certain amount of money for a certain period of using the service, and the hours spent by the subscriber on the network are not counted. This scheme is beneficial to those users who actively use the network, spending several hours a day in cyberspace.

It should also be borne in mind that in addition to the permanent subscription fee, the user pays the provider one-time registration services when connecting to the provider’s access server, which can add up:

  • from installing the necessary software on the subscriber’s computer;
  • assigning a permanent IP address to the subscriber;
  • registration on the provider's server login name and password of the subscriber.

The main responsibility of the provider is to provide the subscriber with Internet services in full and of proper quality. The provision of provider services in full means that the subscriber has the opportunity to use all network services.

In the environment of Internet service providers, a strong brand plays a much more significant role compared to any other market - in fact, apart from the brand, the company does not offer anything to the audience, so the most relevant would be to perform the following functions and tasks of the Internet provider's marketing service, given in table 8.2.

Table 8.2

Functions and tasks of the Internet provider marketing service

1. Formation of a market strategy

Analysis and forecasting of audience needs

Analysis and forecasting of market conditions

Analysis and forecasting of factors of competitive advantage Analysis of connections with the external environment Analysis and forecasting of the organizational and technical level of competitors Forecasting the volume of the target audience and its main characteristics Development and economic justification of competitiveness in the long term

Final selection of target market segments

Preparation of the document “Market strategy for_year”

2. Implementation of the marketing concept

Coordination of the structure and content of the management system Incoming marketing control Development, coordination and approval by management of the “Action Plan for the implementation of the marketing concept in

activities for period_year"

Establishing a feedback pattern with the target audience

The variety of provider services and their rapid development over the past five years make it possible to identify the main factors influencing the growth of this industry:

  • 1) public policy has direct and indirect effects. In the first case, we are talking about government programs and regulation. One of the most striking examples of such programs is the transition to digital broadcasting, financed from the federal budget. Regulation is an important function of the state, allowing it to establish rules for the operation of the industry. Currently, operator activities are licensed and regulated by a number of federal laws: dated July 7, 2003 No. 126-FZ “On Communications”, Law of the Russian Federation dated December 27, 1991 No. 2124-1 “On the Mass Media”, dated Smart 2006 No. 38-FZ “On Advertising”, dated July 27, 2006 No. 152-FZ “On Personal Data”. There are also government initiatives aimed at combating pirated content on the Internet, which should have a positive effect on the legal sale of content. Indirect impacts on the industry include the policies of state-owned companies and general government priorities;
  • 2) social change is a generalized name for the processes occurring with modern consumers, as their expectations are constantly growing under the pressure of various factors. Thus, the increase in the range of entertainment is proportional to the decrease in free time - the most important resource for a person at the moment. In a world of product abundance, the consumer is opting for new experiences, which include viewing content anywhere and on any screen, which is most important for marketing television services;
  • 3) business trends include three aspects: focusing on technological advances, increasing the value of the service and searching for new business models. The emergence of interactive services is a striking example of the action of this factor: implemented at the intersection of computer and telecommunication technologies, they add value to the main service, for the sale of which non-standard business models are used;
  • 4) internationalization suggests a strong foreign influence on the Internet and mobile communications. Basically, Russian companies in their development are guided by Western experience, which they get acquainted with at international conferences and forums. Players are gradually emerging that are capable of creating competitive goods and services in global markets. The processes of mergers and partnerships are also relevant for Russia.

All of the above factors have an impact on each participant in the provider services market. The obvious result of their action is increased competition among major market players, which occurs, on the one hand, due to the standardization of services and the easy transfer of technology from country to country, and on the other, due to the attractiveness of the market due to the interest of the state and the interest of consumers. The main task of the company in such conditions is to differentiate its services from those of competitors through the introduction of innovations and the development of a unique marketing offer.

I talked about the marketing mix that Internet providers are currently using. Now I want to focus on individual parts of the mix that can give a competitive advantage at the moment, and tomorrow will be the norm.

It is no secret that what was a competitive advantage yesterday is now taken for granted. In the same way, what gives a competitive advantage today will be business as usual tomorrow. The market is constantly evolving. User needs are growing. Technological progress is inexorable. Therefore, the sooner a campaign begins to prepare for the reality of tomorrow, the more successful it will be not only tomorrow, but also today.

In the article, each point is divided into two parts - today and tomorrow. Today, as is clear, this is how things are today. Tomorrow is today's competitive advantages, as well as tomorrow's reality.

At the end of the article there is a table with the capabilities and disadvantages of each item I covered.

1 Product

1.1 Carrying out the last mile.

1.1.1 Gaining access.

Today, in order to gain access to the attic or basement, providers ask the subscriber prepare the keys for the arrival of the installation team.

Tomorrow, this will no longer be acceptable. Why should the subscriber bother and help in doing the work for which he pays money? The section from the TKD (multiple access point) to the subscriber’s apartment door is the concern of the provider, and if the provider cannot resolve the issue of gaining access to the technical floors, this is entirely his problem.

Tomorrow, providers must provide access to technical floors entirely independently.

1.1.2 Route the cable through the apartment.

Today installation crews are simple nail the cable to the baseboard in the subscriber’s apartment and conduct it, trying to minimize the cable length.

Tomorrow, subscribers will need the cable to run through cable channel. At the same time, not just through the cable channel - its color and laying path must correspond to the subscriber’s requests. Of course, installers must clean up all waste themselves.

1.1.3 Appearance and behavior of the team.

Today it is considered normal for the installation crew to look sloppy and talks to the subscriber through gritted teeth - they’re not being rude, that’s good. Not many people have a uniform.

Tomorrow such behavior will no longer be acceptable. Installation crews must have Not only uniform, but also replacement shoes. For the subscriber, the uniform signifies that the installation team belongs to the company and reflects how seriously the company takes the appearance of its employees. In order for installation teams to look decent, it is necessary to provide them with 2 types of uniforms - one for working on technical floors, the other for visiting a subscriber. Also, in order to ensure that there are no traces of shoes left in the apartment, the teams must be equipped with shoe covers. I would like to point out that you should not rely on workers taking off their shoes in the apartment. There were some very funny incidents - subscribers called and said that they were not happy with the quality of the connection. During the conversation, it turned out that the installer’s dirty socks left a greater impression than the quick and careful installation of the cable.

In addition to appearance, it is necessary to pay attention special attention to manners installation teams. Politeness, friendliness, interest and openness. Installers must not only be courteous, but must know the product in detail, answer all customer questions and be able to give specific recommendations.

Installation teams are one of the people who are at the forefront and by whom subscribers draw conclusions about the entire company as a whole. It is necessary to understand that for the subscriber the company is not something ephemeral - these are the people, the company employees, with whom he deals.

1.2 Connection time and terms.

Today, providers make connections based on the work schedules of installation teams. At the same time, they try to optimize the load in such a way as to maintain a balance between the connection time and the number of installation teams. This is certainly justified. Although, in my opinion, loading optimization is far from being done in the best way, rather by eye.

Tomorrow will be necessary connect subscriber exclusively in time convenient for him. This means that if a subscriber asks to connect in an hour, then this will need to be done. Achieving such a result is possible by dividing the city into districts, assigning installation teams to districts, and also through the interaction of marketing and operation services. For example, you can start by introducing an additional service on a paid basis - “Emergency connection”. Tomorrow, each district will have a separate manager assigned to it, who will be responsible not only for the connection process in that area, but also for work on the network, etc.

1.3 Speed.

Today maximum the speed is set by the provider, breaking down the options for Internet access speeds into tariff plans. Some tariff plans suggest an increase in the maximum speed of Internet access at night. A subscriber can reduce or increase the constant speed only by changing his tariff plan, which is often associated with unnecessary inconvenience. For example, switching to a different data plan may cost additional money.

Tomorrow providers will give subscribers the opportunity to independently regulate access speed in Internet. Subscribers will be able not only to set a speed limit, but also to change it at any time, as well as set different maximum speeds at different times of the day.

1.4 Speed ​​guarantee.

Today, providers cannot guarantee Internet access speed.

Tomorrow the lack of speed guarantees will no longer suit subscribers. Providers will have to guarantee minimum and maximum access speed. Thus, when presenting a tariff plan, providers will name not only the maximum possible speed, but also the minimum guaranteed speed. In this case, the subscriber will be able to regulate the guaranteed speed.

1.5 Additional services.

Today Additional services are the main means of increasing revenue per subscriber. At the same time, providers develop services according to their technical capabilities, and not from the principle of demand for services.

Tomorrow, the demand for additional services will only grow, while services that solve specific and sometimes narrow problems of subscribers will be in demand. Services that ensure computer security and fast operation will be in demand, as they are today. All services that help subscribers in everyday activities will be in demand. A company that can understand the needs of subscribers and implement their satisfaction in its additional services will have a competitive advantage. As a small example, I will give a service such as providing video surveillance inside an apartment using web cameras.

Tomorrow, companies that concentrate on the development and implementation of additional services will have a competitive advantage.

1.6 IP TV.

In the last article I already talked about the current disadvantages of IP TV. Now I would like to point out the following - Today providers provide fixed channel packages and set to box for one TV.

Tomorrow, subscribers will create their own channels and set the cost for them. Set to box will need to allow independent viewing on multiple TVs. In addition, in the very near future, all subscriber equipment will be provided by providers free of charge.

1.7 Contract packaging.

Today Making services tangible is of high importance in the sales process.

Tomorrow, the purchase of services will be associated not only with receiving benefits from the services themselves, but also with receiving certain emotions. One of the factors in obtaining emotions will be the packaging, or material embodiment, of the services provided. To demonstrate the importance of packaging, I recommend paying attention to Apple. The company attaches great importance to product packaging. There are thousands of videos on YouTube that demonstrate the process of opening the packaging of an iPhone, iPad or MacBook. For consumers, this process is associated with receiving emotions. Thus, translating services into tangible terms allows you to add value to the services for the client and create added value.

1.8 Contractual basis for the provision of services.

Today, only one form of payment for services is available to individuals - prepayment.

Tomorrow subscribers will have the opportunity to enter into a contract for the provision of services and pay them upon delivery. The contract basis can be used as part of a loyalty program - payment for services upon delivery for the most loyal subscribers with a long history of consumption.

2 Pricing

2.1 Additional services.

Today, a small part of additional services is provided to subscribers free of charge. At the same time, the logic of provision is not based on value for the client. This means that, as a rule, services that no longer bring the provider the desired income become free.

Tomorrow, all services related to subscriber information, computer security and stability of use of the main service will be provided free of charge. This is primarily due to the desire to improve the quality and reliability of the main service - in fact, the subscriber does not care how the quality of the main service will be ensured, if this requires connecting an additional free option - so be it. The best way would be to provide this set of services by default, and in such a way that the subscriber does not have to do anything to activate/install them. Likewise, setting up a computer should occur automatically so that the subscriber does not need to perform additional actions for this.

2.2 Total cost of services.

Tomorrow, the total amount that a subscriber must pay monthly will depend on the amount of all services consumed by him.

2.3 Offer of additional services.

Today providers combine additional services into packages to increase their attractiveness through a package discount.

Tomorrow, subscribers will decide for themselves which additional services will be included in their package.

3 Sales

3.1 Sellers.

Today, sales agents mostly go door to door and simply offer to connect to a provider. At the same time, they operate only with publicly available information - price, speed, additional services. Agent training is either absent or at an extremely low level. Thus, agents do not know how to work either with objections or with a potential client in general. Already today, subscribers are extremely reluctant to respond to agents’ offers.

Tomorrow, however, always effective salespeople will be one of the company’s competitive advantages. An effective salesperson does not sell a product; rather, he makes the potential client believe that this product will be the solution to his, the client's, problems. An effective salesperson is polite, personable, and has a thorough knowledge of their company, product, and customer needs. Undoubtedly, The key to the effectiveness of salespeople is a system of training and motivation.

3.2 Express service points

I talked about how things are with sales channels today in a previous article.

In my opinion, it will not be possible to completely switch to remote services in Russia. This is due to the mentality of people - in order to solve some problems it is necessary to communicate with a “living” person. This is especially true for the regions.

That is why tomorrow the main sales channel for items requiring physical service will be express service counters– small counters in large shopping centers and other public places. This format allows you to significantly reduce the costs of expensive offices, but at the same time maintain all the benefits of personal service.

3.3 Signing up is as easy as buying bread.

Today, for subscribers there are a number of factors that complicate the connection process, For example:

  • Concluding an agreement for each type of service (Internet, television, etc.)
  • The need to take keys to the attic or basement in order to let the installation team in
  • Etc.

Tomorrow, the competitive advantage will be the one who removes all these obstacles and makes the process of connecting to the Internet no more difficult than buying a loaf of bread.

4 Promotion

4.1 Promotion channels.

Tomorrow providers will enter a completely different stage of confrontation. At this stage, the battle no longer takes place at the level of products, but at the level of perception. This means that new, bold and non-standard promotion channels will be used. The main role of support and long-term formation of public opinion will be given to PR and guerrilla marketing. Internet marketing, in turn, is a platform for competition between high professionals, which is associated with simple consumer access to information.

4.2 Advertising.

A hint to providers' employees - you are not selling Internet access, but something else.

Today providers Have not yet mastered the tools that allow you to influence such a promotion channel as recommendations. At the same time, at least 50% of subscribers decide to connect based on recommendations from acquaintances and friends.

Tomorrow, work aimed at developing a recommendation tool will become one of the main competitive advantages. Of course, people give good recommendations based on their experience, i.e. The better the quality of the product and service, the better and more recommendations. But active recommendations, i.e. promotion of services by subscribers themselves are not involved. At the same time, this tool is the most effective and sustainable in the long term.

4.4 Narrow segmentation

Today, both product offerings and communications of Internet providers aimed at a wide audience and is more reminiscent of shooting sparrows from a cannon.

Tomorrow, the key to success will be narrow segmentation. It is necessary to develop products taking into account the specifics of the target audience. There is no need to be afraid to narrowly define your target audience. Communications need to be oriented specifically to the target audience, and not to the entire mass. For example, if a company is introducing a product aimed at students, then the essence of the product offering should not be limited to reducing prices and increasing speed. It is necessary to take into account the peculiarities of consumption - different speeds at different times of the day, access to certain Internet resources, the necessary set of additional services, etc. As for communications, there is no point in promoting the tariff for students through direct mail.

5 After-sales service

5.1 Loyalty program.

Today loyalty programs have as their goal not to develop subscriber loyalty and profitability, but attract new subscribers. Like - “Look how cool it is here! Come to us!". In this case, a loyalty program means providing a small discount on payment for a service and/or providing free additional services. Connecting to a loyalty program usually requires meeting certain conditions.

Tomorrow, loyalty programs will only work if they provide real value to subscribers. And for this it is necessary to first of all develop loyalty and present valuable offers to current subscribers. For example, it has long been proven that in the consumer goods sector, a 5% discount is not valuable. Discounts starting from 15% are valuable. In addition, the loyalty program should form emotional relationships with consumers and move away from commodity-money relations. Tomorrow, loyalty programs will cover the entire subscriber base by default. There will be no need to perform any actions to connect to the loyalty program.

Tomorrow, loyalty programs will form emotional relationships with subscribers and focus on subscriber development.

5.2 Technical and information support.

Today providers cannot provide guarantees for troubleshooting when it comes to individuals. In practice, resolving an incident can take anywhere from 15 minutes to 3 weeks. Of course these are extreme cases. The average time to resolve an incident varies greatly.

Already today this state of affairs does not suit subscribers. Least 50% of churn is due to subscriber dissatisfaction with the quality of technical support. I focus on this – not the quality of the network, but the quality of technical support.

Tomorrow, the quality of technical and information support will be one of the main criteria for making decisions about choosing a provider. This means there will be a competitive advantage guarantee that the incident will be resolved within a strictly established time.

5.3 Subscriber retention.

Today, only a small number of providers purposefully work to retain subscribers. While this work allows not only to reduce the level of churn, but also to increase customer loyalty.

Tomorrow, Due to the increasing level of competition, work on retaining subscribers will become as necessary as promotion today. This work should be based on an analysis of a complex of factors such as:

  • Availability of traffic
  • Number of support calls in the last month and quarter.
  • Number of requests due to reasons for not providing the service.
  • Frequency of support calls.
  • The total time the service was not provided.
  • Time when the service is not provided during peak hours.
  • Activity in using additional services.
  • Lifetime of the subscriber.

5.4 Subscriber development.

Today there is practically no work on subscriber development. However, this is one of the main ways to increase ARPU - average return per subscriber.

Tomorrow the question of increasing profitability will arise in a completely different light and will It is necessary to have subscriber development programs. At the same time, subscriber development should be based on an analysis of needs and potential demand. The basis for increasing service costs is increasing value for subscribers. At the same time, you should not try to sell this or that service to the subscriber at a retail price. It is necessary to formulate the complexity of services in the consumer’s understanding.

5.5 Account management.

Today, some providers establish one single bill for subscribers, while others split bills by service.

Tomorrow the subscriber will manage his account himself. If necessary, split it, so that, for example, a shortage of funds in the Internet account does not lead to a shutdown of television. Or, on the contrary, it will combine all accounts into one in order to simply deposit money into the account, and from this account distribute funds among services.

6 Strategy

6.1 Internal orientation

Today, providers focus on competitors when making strategic and tactical decisions. This means that the “do as everyone else” principle works in matters of:

  • Pricing
  • Launch of new services
  • Promotions
  • Sales

Tomorrow such a strategy will lead to a stable degradation of income. To have a competitive advantage it is necessary to focus primarily on the company’s customers. It means that:

  • Prices must be set based on the value of the product to the consumer. And for this, in turn, it is necessary to understand what constitutes the consumer value system.
  • Products must be developed based on consumer requirements, but at the same time, new and unique products must be developed, the demand for which has not yet been formed due to lack of supply.
  • Promotion should not occur on the basis of reducing costs, but on the basis of the effectiveness of achievement and impact on the target audience.
  • Sales and service should be as convenient as possible for subscribers - walking distance + resolving the issue in one call.

6.2 Focus on service

Tomorrow providers will focus on the quality of customer service and service. At the same time, it will be necessary to receive constant feedback from subscribers in order to eliminate shortcomings. Quality of service, not a product, will become the field where competition will unfold.

Strengths and weaknesses of the components of the marketing mix.

Strengths Weak sides
Independent provision of access to technical floors Subscribers worry less about connection issues It is necessary to have your own keys to all technical floors, which requires establishing relationships with management companies at a new level.
Laying the cable along the cable channel It's more aesthetically pleasing Additional costs for cable channel
Cleaning up debris after installation work The less a subscriber has to do to connect, the better No
2 uniforms for each installer When visiting a subscriber, installers look neat and clean Additional costs for uniforms
Using shoe covers There is no need to take off your shoes in the apartment, indicative care for subscribers Additional costs for shoe covers
Polite and professional behavior of the installation crews A good impression of the company, easier interaction with subscribers, the opportunity to sell additional services
Connection at any time set by the subscriber Point of differentiation Additional costs associated with increasing the resources of installation teams
Implementation of district (city) managers More flexible management of work in the area, quick response to events Additional costs for district managers and maintenance of distribution centers
Subscribers control their own access speed Point of differentiation, ability to increase ARPU Requires appropriate equipment and a certain reserve for main channels
Internet access speed guarantee Point of differentiation, image of a reliable service provider It is necessary to have a constant reserve along the main channels
Investments in the development of additional services Increasing ARPU, improving image, increasing attractiveness for subscribers Tying up capital in the form of investments
Subscribers themselves choose a set of TV channels in the package With the correct distribution of channel costs, there are no weaknesses
Set to box For multiple TVs Higher equipment costs
Free provision of subscriber equipment Increasing the attractiveness of the offer Payback period increases
Physical packaging services Increasing the attractiveness of the offer, making the offer easier to accept and more difficult to refuse Additional packaging costs
Contractual basis for the provision of services Increased ARPU Increase in accounts receivable
Services for information, security and stability of the use of the main service - free of charge Improving the image of a reliable company Costs of maintaining these services
Automatic computer settings The subscriber does not need to contact support in the event of a computer breakdown, etc. No
Automatic settings for additional services The easier it is to connect certain services, the more willingly they are connected Costs for developing a setup scheme
The subscription fee depends on the amount of services consumed Increased control over the range of services and their cost by the subscriber increases the attractiveness of the company Product portfolio management costs
Professional Sellers Increase in sales volume and efficiency Requires training and careful selection of personnel
Express service counters Reduces the cost of personal service, improves the quality of service, increases the availability of the company Costs for manufacturing racks and renting space
Connecting is as easy as buying bread The simpler the connection, the more connected All the minuses are worth all the pluses
Use of PR, guerrilla marketing Increases the efficiency of communications, reduces promotion costs Professionals in these areas are not cheap
Emphasis on Internet communications The cost and quality of contact is lower than off-line advertising Investing in Intelligence
Advertising in everyday life contexts Improving advertising effectiveness Sometimes higher implementation costs, investment in finding new ways to advertise
Communication aimed at emotions An emotionally interested subscriber is more loyal, which means he is ready to spend more money Time-delayed effect
Professional visualization Increasing advertising effectiveness, point of differentiation Advertising production costs
Development of recommendations The ability to manage the strongest acquisition channel High implementation and development costs
Narrow segmentation Increases the efficiency of communications and sales No
Extensive loyalty programs Reduces churn, increases the attractiveness of the company Program implementation costs
Guarantee that the failure will be resolved within the allotted time Increasing the image of a reliable company, reducing churn, increasing the attractiveness of the company and offers Additional costs for human resources, the need for constant auditing and network maintenance
Subscriber retention work Reducing churn and increasing loyalty Subscriber Retention Program Costs
Subscriber development work Increased ARPU and loyalty Development program costs
Subscribers manage their accounts themselves Increased subscriber control increases the company's attractiveness Investments in equipment and billing may be required
Customer Focus
Focus on service level Sustainable competitive advantage Over a certain period, the rate of return on investment decreases

To summarize, I would like to note the following: at the current time, the basis for obtaining a sustainable competitive advantage is a full focus on the client. This means that Internet providers need to find answers to the following questions:

  • What products will be most attractive to subscribers today?
  • What products can we surprise them with tomorrow?
  • What is important for subscribers?
  • What is the best way to convey information to subscribers?
  • How to make connection and maintenance simple and convenient for subscribers?
  • · How to transform value into price?

I have proposed the most obvious set of marketing mix. You can start there. But if companies do not begin to change in the very near future, the market will react in its own way and simply begin to squeeze out non-viable companies.

Currently, there is a process of market consolidation - large companies are uniting small ones under one brand. But nothing changes except the name. In this case, displacement will occur in the opposite direction - the development of a large number of small companies with a high level of service will begin again.

The options I have proposed for changing the marketing mix, for the most part, do not require high investments, but changes in service delivery policies. And understanding simple marketing basics - a happy client brings more income. Spending on improving service and product is an investment in customer happiness.

4.3 Main stages of developing a business plan for creating an Internet provider

When creating a provider company, it is necessary to keep in mind that in order to satisfy the end user's needs for Internet services, the company must first purchase Internet access.

Large companies in Russia that sell such access, for example, OJSC Rostelecom, the largest communications company in Russia, have communications networks covering many cities and several international links to foreign networks. Such companies, called uplink providers or telecom operators, are not engaged in providing services to end users.

In turn, uplink providers can be part of telecommunications holdings, for example, OJSC Svyazinvest, one of the largest telecommunications holdings in the world, the authorized capital of which is formed by shares of joint-stock telecommunication companies created in the process of privatization of state-owned telecommunication enterprises.

Telecommunications holdings, companies and large providers own physical communication lines (telephone networks, fiber optic cables, communications via satellites, etc.).

Local providers can create large networks within one city, but laying communication lines over long distances on their own is unprofitable; it is cheaper and easier to buy access to such lines.

To provide access services to end users, you need equipment - modem racks, access servers. You have to buy phone lines and numbers from phone companies, etc.

Foreign countries from the very beginning classified Internet services as value-added services, allowing providers to develop at their own discretion, and in Russia the Internet was classified as communication services, with all the ensuing consequences: - mandatory obtaining of licenses, coordination of projects and certification of equipment used.

Since the development of the legislative framework does not keep pace with economic and legal relations in the field of high technologies, the conditions for the provision of provider services are not regulated by law. Each provider, when providing connection services, for example, over a leased line, provides its own version of a standard contract, which is already amended in accordance with the specific wishes of clients.

When connecting a local provider to a regional one, a provider agreement is signed, which describes the rights and obligations of providers in relation to each other.

Providers are more dependent on external factors, such as the introduction of time-based payment for telephones, power outages, channel failures, interference of government and law enforcement agencies in their activities, and changes in legislation.

A business plan is a working tool used in all areas of entrepreneurship; it describes the process of functioning of the company, shows how to achieve its goals, in particular, increasing the profitability of its work.

The business plan is a permanent document, is systematically updated (changes are made to it related to both changes occurring within the company and in the market where the company operates), determines the company’s development strategy, is based on the general concept of the company’s development, and provides technical and economic justification for specific activities.

A business plan allows you to solve a number of economic and organizational problems, the main ones are:

  • justification of the economic feasibility of choosing directions for the company’s development;

  • calculation of expected financial results of activities, primarily sales volumes, profits, income on capital;

  • determination of the intended source of financing for the implementation of the chosen strategy;

  • selection of workers who are able to implement this plan.
The business plan consists of a number of sections that provide product characteristics, assessment of sales markets, analysis of competition in the market, risk assessment, consideration of the production plan, organizational plan, financial plan, etc.

Business plan starts with "Summary", which practically completes the work of writing it. Thus, a resume is created after all issues related to the creation of a provider company have been worked out. The volume of the resume should be small (up to 4 typewritten pages). The summary should reflect the financial results of the project.

Future lenders and investors should receive complete information on issues of interest to them from the resume. To do this, you can highlight the following sub-items in your resume:

  • the main idea of ​​the project;

  • business plan goals;

  • ways and means of achieving goals;

  • timing and stages of project implementation.
The content of the highlighted subparagraphs should be presented in the summary of the provider company's business plan for the end user.
Business Formulation

The business idea is to create an Internet provider company, i.e. a company engaged in providing access services to the global Internet. It is assumed that this company will serve end users of St. Petersburg and, in the future, the Leningrad region. As for St. Petersburg, on average about half a million people access Internet pages per week.

At the first stage, the newly created company must provide dial-up unlimited access to the Internet for individuals and legal entities. In the future, the service sector can be expanded.

Business plan goals

  1. Creation of an economically stable provider company, whose services will be in great demand due to their high quality and low cost;

  2. Creating opportunities for the development of the range of proposed services, such as:

  • web design – the allocation of a specialized department in a company engaged in the development, support and maintenance of websites and banners for legal entities and individuals;

  • web hosting – hosting websites and supporting virtual servers on the company’s server;

  • creation of a virtual e-commerce store within the company;

  • increasing the number of modem pools of the company and attracting new clients;

  • connecting legal entities to the Internet via dedicated lines, etc.

  1. Becoming one of the largest companies in St. Petersburg providing Internet services via dial-up lines;

  2. Ensuring the required profitability of the company;

  3. Repayment of loans taken within the agreed time frame.

“Characteristics of the provider company’s products.”

This section begins the main part of the business plan. It describes the services that the provider is going to offer to potential buyers (end users), and also provides basic information on the provider company, which helps prove to a potential investor that it is capable of producing the declared services.

Satisfying human needs for operational information and communication is the goal of providing network services. The interests of users of Russian-language Internet resources can be characterized by the following composition:

    1. socio-political news;

    2. business news;

    3. weather;

    4. the science;

    5. travel, vacation;

    6. art;

    7. job search;

    8. sport;

    9. e-commerce, e-business;

    10. medicine;

    11. distance learning and education;

    12. interpersonal communications;

    13. industry;

    14. IP telephony, etc.
To meet the needs of end users in accordance with their interests, the providing company must have appropriate production assets and have appropriate intangible assets (licenses, software, etc.). data on the composition, structure, quantity, value of fixed assets can be summarized for convenience in a table (Table 4.2).

Table 4.2.

Information about fixed production assets

Within the marketing plan and market research section, the following main subsections can be distinguished:

  • sales markets;

  • segmentation;

  • sales volume forecasts;

  • pricing;

  • competitor analysis;

  • advertising;

  • promotion;

  • sales promotion;

  • resource market.
The Internet provider's business is characterized by a lack of seasonality, which makes it especially attractive. Although there may be slight fluctuations in the number of end users.

Difficulties in entering the information market for the newly created provider company are caused by the fact that:

  • large and established companies have much cheaper portals for connecting to the Internet, and accordingly, lower costs;

  • users are committed to companies that suit them and with which they already work;

  • the sales market for Internet access services (accounts) is possible provided that you have a city telephone number and a stable connection with an acceptable connection speed;

  • Internet access, which is still a luxury in the eyes of the majority of people, is quite expensive.
For advertising purposes, the provision of Internet services to students and teachers of universities can be carried out at very low prices. Since statistics show that the user remains faithful to his first provider or to a provider whose services have an acceptable price-quality ratio, some students and teachers will use the services of the newly created company for a long time. In St. Petersburg, for example, there are about 600 thousand students. According to rough estimates, 20-25% of them have the opportunity to regularly use the Internet - all of them could potentially turn out to be our clients. Therefore, the “home Internet” project for students is very relevant, although it does not have a commercial component.

The target consumer of services will be individuals in need of such services. About 30% of St. Petersburg residents who regularly use the Internet have their own “home Internet,” i.e. Internet access via dial-up lines. All of them are clients of various providing companies, but they all have one thing in common - the desire to receive a high-quality service at low costs.

St. Petersburg residents who do not have a “home Internet” but work exclusively in corporate and educational networks with Internet access can also become potential clients.

Thus, recruiting a portfolio of end users in the amount of 5,000-10,000 individuals will not be particularly difficult.

Currently, the market for providing services in St. Petersburg is represented by a fairly large number of companies. At the same time, the demand for services is constantly growing, the existing demand is covered by existing companies by reducing the level of service.

Most existing providers provide a range of different Internet access options.

To analyze prices in the information market and the level of competition, it is convenient to summarize the information obtained as a result of market research into tables (the forms of such tables are given below).

Table 4.3.

Prices for services of provider companies

Table 4.4.

Comparative analysis of the competitiveness of the newly created company

Names of evaluation indicators of providing companies

Indicator weight


(evaluation of the indicator on a 10-point scale)

Company No. 1

Company No. 1

Company No. 1

Company No. 1

Company N

Created company

1. Quality of services








2. Cost of unlimited access for a month








3. Registration fee








4. availability of flexible tariff plans








5. Modem pool size








6. Fame
















From Table 4.4 it follows that the newly created company will have undoubted competitive advantages, and therefore has a greater chance of winning the competition in the St. Petersburg market.

Considering the nature of the services provided and the company’s lack of focus on a narrow market segment, it seems advisable to adhere to a mass approach to the provision of services.

In pricing, it is assumed to adhere to the policy of market penetration, which is very important in a competitive environment. Low prices (combined with quality) will attract customers, and the company will increase its market share.

  • advertising in magazines;

  • advertising in newspapers, as well as in those distributed free of charge;

  • advertising in public transport

  • advertising on the Internet;

  • advertising posters in various stores and points where Internet cards will be sold.
The advertising campaign will be carried out intensively at the initial stage of enterprise development.

In the future, the company can sell services through its own sales network and/or authorized dealers.
Sample contents of a business plan section
"Production plan".

The main objective of this section of the business plan is to prove to potential partners that the company is able to produce the required amount of information services on time and with the required quality.

To achieve this goal, the entrepreneur, when drawing up a business plan, shows how problems related to premises, equipment, personnel, etc. will be solved. At its core, the section under consideration is a feasibility study of the business plan being developed.

In this case, the following important subsections should be highlighted:

  • production method, technology;

  • production area;

  • equipment;

  • suppliers;

  • need for working capital;

  • total costs;

  • wage;

  • cost estimate.
The provider needs to buy a wide Internet channel at wholesale prices and sell it to end users in the form of narrow channels at retail prices, which allow connection via a telephone line through a modem installed in the user’s computer. The channel width allocated to the user determines how quickly data flows are exchanged between the user and the network. The provider company must evaluate the width of the network access channel. The channel width can be calculated using the formula:

To organize a business, it is assumed to rent or purchase premises of the required area. Usually the company's office is located in this room. Information about the landlord and the rent should be provided. You should also determine the composition of the equipment purchased or leased by the provider company. The information can be summarized in a table (see Table 4.5).

The data given in Table 4.5 can serve as the basis for calculating the cost of purchased equipment or its rental, the cost of fixed production assets necessary to fulfill the planned volume of services, the amount of the wage fund, etc.
Sample contents of a business plan section
"Organizational plan."

After answering the question of how the problems associated with the production of services will be solved, it is important to solve the problem of recruiting employees and scheduling their work. Therefore, this section of the business plan justifies the organization of management of the production activities of the provider company, describes the qualification requirements for specialists and their composition.

Table 4.5.

Information on purchased and leased equipment

Name of equipment


Unit price

Cost of equipment

Name of rental equipment supplier

Rent for a unit of equipment during the contractual period of commissioning (month, year), cu/period

Rent for equipment of this type

Modem pool, pcs.

Rent of premises, m 2





Noga company



This section contains the following main subsections:

  • organizational structure of the company;

  • organizational and legal form;

  • managers;

  • staff;

  • legislative framework (regulating this type of activity);

  • stimulating staff work.
The organizational structure of the created company is determined by the composition and volume of information services.

As an example in Fig. Figure 4.5 shows the organizational structure of an average provider company.

Other possible options for the organizational structures of such firms are given in paragraph 4.2.

Simultaneously with the development of the organizational structure, the issue of choosing the organizational and legal form of the provider company should be resolved.

When determining the composition and structure of specialists, management and support personnel involved in the work, it is necessary to be guided by the volume and types of information services offered by the provider company. It must be remembered that the quality of the services provided significantly depends on the qualifications of the company’s employees.

All information on the company’s personnel can be summarized in a table, the form of which is presented below (see Table 4.6).
Sample contents of a business plan section
"Risk Assessment".

Every entrepreneur needs to anticipate possible difficulties and develop strategies to overcome them in advance. It is important to justify the degree of existing risk.

Table 4.6.

Summary data on company personnel

Position held



Experience in specialty, years

Estimated salary, c.u.



Degree in economics



General manager


Degree in economics





Degree in economics



Security guard


Specialized secondary



The threat may come from competitors, own miscalculations in the implementation of production activities, marketing policies and in the selection of management personnel. Risks also include the likelihood of fires and earthquakes, strikes, and ethnic conflicts.

For a more complete risk assessment, it is proposed to highlight quantitative and qualitative criteria. Quality

  • name of the risk;

  • cause of risk;

  • impact on expected profit;

  • risk prevention methods, etc.
Quantitative Risk assessments are characterized by:

  • risk ranking;

  • weight of risks;

  • scoring of risks by type, etc.
Risk can be understood as the danger that the goals set in the project may not be achieved in whole or in part.

If the project under consideration covers several stages, then it is advisable to carry out a risk assessment on them, for example, on preparatory and stages functioning.

Based on the nature of the impact, risks can be divided into simple and compound. Composite risks are a composition of simple ones, each of which is considered as a simple risk. Simple risks are defined as invariant(independent) in relation to other risks.

Expert opinions are used to assess the likelihood of exposure to risks. The project developers compile a list of primary risks for all stages of the project. Each expert is provided with this list to assess the likelihood of risks occurring, guided by a certain rating system:

  • 0 – the risk is considered insignificant;

  • 25 – the risk most likely will not materialize;

  • 50 – nothing definite can be said about the occurrence of the event;

  • 75 – the risk is likely to manifest itself;

  • 100 – a very high probability of risk realization.
Priority ratings should reflect the importance of each individual event to the overall project. After determining the probabilities for simple risks, an integral risk assessment is carried out in two successive stages, but before that, simple risks for each stage are considered.

A weighting procedure is used to obtain an estimate of the combined risks.

All simple risks can be ranked by importance (by priority). Risks of the first priority have greater weight than risks of the second, etc.; all risks with the same priority have equal weights, and the sum of the weights of all simple risks must be equal to one. The total score of each simple risk is easily calculated if the priority value, average expert rating and weight for each simple risk are determined.

For example, the value of the risk associated with the occurrence of unforeseen costs, calculated in Table 4.7, is 5.25 and is obtained by multiplying the average expert assessment and the weight of this risk.

The weights of each simple risk are calculated based on the priorities assigned to them and the total number of risk items. The composite risk assessment is the sum of the assessments of simple risks included in the composite.

Using risk scores, a list of the most significant risks is identified and measures are taken to reduce their consequences for the implementation of a business project. It should be noted that the list of risks can be supplemented or, conversely, some risks should be excluded from it as atypical for a provider company.

The following measures can be recommended as conditions for risk prevention:

  • property and liability insurance for employees of the provider company. Detailed study of the preparatory stage of the project in order to reduce significant risks;

  • concluding long-term contracts with suppliers with clear conditions and penalties;

  • use of risk insurance mechanisms, etc.

Sample contents of a business plan section
"Financial plan".

The most important section of the document being developed is the financial plan. It is formed with the aim of meeting the company’s needs for financial resources and achieving (maintaining) a stable financial condition.

Table 4.7.

Assessment of simple and compound risks

Name of risks


Average expert rating

Risk priority

Weight of risk

Risk score

Expert 1

Expert 2

Expert 3

Risks at the preparatory stage

Unforeseen Costs








Late preparation of equipment and workers








Contractor dishonesty








Risks at the operational stage

Financial and economic risks

Demand volatility








The emergence of an alternative product








Tax increases








Social risks

Difficulties in recruiting qualified labor








Attitude of local authorities








Insufficient wages








Technical risks

Equipment instability








Lack of power reserve








Environmental and other risks

Harmfulness of production









Some number

It is necessary to highlight the following main subsections:

  • sources of own funds;

  • sources of borrowed funds;

  • forecast of product sales volumes;

  • total costs;

  • wage;

  • taxes and contributions to the budget;

  • cash flow statement (simple and discounted);

  • break-even chart;

  • Profits and Losses Report.
It should be especially noted that the structuring of sections of a business plan makes it possible to implement such fundamental requirements as sufficiency and accessibility (with a clear structure, it is easier for a potential partner, including an investor, to make the right decision on cooperation).

When forming a financial plan, it is necessary to determine the amount of own funds invested in the business, as well as sources of borrowed funds, indicating the size of the necessary loans.

The forecast of sales volumes of information products should be made for 1 year, broken down into months, and then for the next 2-4 years. This forecast should not be made for a longer period of time.

It is necessary to determine the volume of sales of the providing company's products in value terms based on the amount of costs and, finally, the planned profit. The results of calculations of costs, income and profit of a company can be summarized in a table (see Table 4.8). This table essentially combines a sales forecast and a profit plan.

Table 4.8.

Forecast of product sales for the 1st year of the company's activity.

Name of product (service)

Product (service) price, c.u.

Planned period (1 year)

1 month

2 month

Volume of production, units.

You are a pen, u.e.

Total costs, c.u.

Balance sheet profit, c.u.

Net profit, c.u.

Volume of production, units.

You are a pen, u.e.










Providing traffic









Website development for end users









Using the same form, you can provide data for several planned periods (2-4 years).

Using information from the company’s balance sheet and data from the forecast of product sales volumes and costs, it is possible to determine the level of overall profitability of the provider company (see Table 4.9).

In this section you should also present the salary budget, the profit and loss statement of the provider company, the consolidated balance sheet of assets and liabilities and the break-even schedule.

This section can be supplemented with questions related to the financing strategy for a business project.

For example, the plan for obtaining funds, their form, the period for repayment of capital, and the amount of profits are specified.

The question is often asked what needs to be done, what documents need to be collected in order to become an Internet service provider?

To become a provider you must at least:

  1. obtain (purchase, rent) high-speed international communication channels;

  2. connect to providers of other levels;

  3. conclude agreements with major provider companies on traffic exchange.
Table 4.9.

Determining the level of overall profitability

The name of indicators

1st year

2nd year

3rd year

Balance sheet profit, c.u.




Average annual cost of general fund and standardized working capital, c.u.




Company profitability, %





Department of “Production Technologies”

and entrepreneurship”


Provider – provision of connection services

to the global computer network INTERNET.

Completed by: student ______ course,

Groups, faculty __________

(date) (signature) (full name)

Scientific adviser:


(degree, title, position)

_________ _______________ _______________________________

(date) (signature) (full name)

Bobruisk 2000

1. Summary (explanatory note)……………………………………………………… 3

2. Characteristics of the proposed product……………………. 7

3. Market assessment……………………………………………………………… 16

4. Competitiveness……………………………………. 18

5. Marketing strategy…………………………………………. 20

6. Production plan…………………………………………………………….. 22

7. Organizational plan…………………………………….. 24

8. Legal plan……………………………………………. 26

9. Financial plan……………………………………………………………… 29

10. Financing strategy…………………………………… 35

1. Summary (explanatory note).

The main goal of our company is to provide everyone with access to the global Internet, and, of course, to obtain the greatest profit at the lowest cost. The main strategy of the project is to create conditions for providing access to the Internet with obviously better technical characteristics compared to competitors (higher connection speed , lower cost of service).

An analysis of the market situation showed that the main clients at the moment are individuals working from home. Also, a large proportion of clients are enterprises and organizations that are forced to use the Internet in their daily work to increase operational efficiency (advertising, searching for new suppliers, markets, new technologies, etc.). The number of potential clients is growing every day.

In the proposed project, attracting customers can be achieved through a significantly higher connection speed (56K v.90), the provision of online email and hosting services (disk space), various tariff plans, among which the potential customer will be able to choose what they want it is the most profitable. And the most important thing is the cost of the service, which will be significantly lower than the current one, with a higher access speed. This very moment will be the main argument in the “fight” for the client. The cost of our services will reflect the competitiveness of our services, and it is thanks to fairly low prices that we hope to control a significant part of the Belarusian market.

At the initial stage, a very high sales volume is planned, and as the technical potential develops, it is planned to increase it. In the first and second years, a minimum sales volume of 250 – 320 modem/hours is planned, and in subsequent years this figure is expected to increase significantly.

In the first year, the expected revenue from the project will be approximately

120 000 000 rubles, but based on the fact that you will have to pay off with a creditor or investor, the net profit will be minimal and amount to about 12 000 000 rubles per year.

However, we can say with confidence that the entire project will be able to pay off in one year, with full payment of the loan and interest on the loan, which is extremely important for investors. We can guarantee our investors a full loan refund for the first year.

· WEB programming;

· Internet technologies;

2. Characteristics of the proposed product.

The Internet is a global computer network covering the whole world. According to various sources, from 15 to 30 million people in more than 150 countries have access to the Internet. The network size increases monthly by 7–10 percent. The Internet forms a kind of core that connects various information networks belonging to various institutions around the world with one another. If previously the network was used exclusively as a medium for transferring files and e-mail messages, today more complex problems of distributing access to resources are being solved. The Internet, once exclusively used by research and teaching groups whose interests extended to access to supercomputers, is becoming increasingly popular in the business world. Companies are tempted by speed, low cost, ease of collaboration, accessible programs, and a unique Internet database. At low cost, users can access commercial and non-commercial information services in the United States, Canada, Australia and many European countries. In the archives of free access to the Internet you can find information on any area of ​​human activity, from new scientific discoveries to forecasts for tomorrow.

Regional computer networks and the Internet

Currently, any computer network that provides interaction with other computer networks in the world using the TCP/IP protocol is itself part of the Internet. The Internet is not controlled by governments or any organizations. Several regional computer networks exist and operate successfully in our country. You can name such networks as Belpack, BelInfoNet, BelSonet, as well as Russian networks: Relcom, Sprint, Glasnet, Rosnet and others. The choice of one or another network may depend on many reasons: the proximity of the communication center, the timing of the appearance of services in a particular locality, or simply acquaintance with the specialists of this organization. The services provided by these networks also differ. But in most networks the exchange of information with other computer networks is organized using the TCP/IP protocol; this network itself becomes part of the Internet.

Domain network organization

Each computer connected to the Internet must be uniquely described on the global network. This structure is similar to the directory structure on a computer: there are top-level domains, and there are domains nested within them, which, in turn, can contain other domains. Top-level domain names are strictly allocated. There are two types of such names: by type of organization and by country. Names based on the type of organization (com - commercial organization, edu - educational, gov - government, etc.) were historically the first, now they are practically not assigned and are mainly characteristic of organizations in the USA. Typically, the address assigned to a computer will include, as the name of the “topmost” domain, characters that identify the country of residence. Belarusian computers have addresses ending in by. Further, within a given country, provider organizations register their groups of names - domains. When written, each domain name is separated from another name by a dot, with the top-level domain name written to the right. If services are provided through several organizations, then the computer name may consist of more groups of characters, although in practice you rarely see names that include more than five groups. A domain name is unique on a computer. But it still doesn't say anything about the location of the computer. You can register a new domain for yourself and in the future, when moving from city to city, retain these names. Only the organizations that provide your access to the Internet will change, registering these names on the global network.

IP address

The second parameter that will uniquely identify your computer in the world is the IP address. An IP address is four numbers, each of which can take a value from 0 to 255. For example, the IP address of a Microsoft ftp server (that is, a server from which you can receive files over the network) is There are special rules that determine the address assigned to a computer. Without going into unnecessary details, we only note that this digital address is unique, that is, there is no second computer in the world with the same address.

What is the reason for there being two types of addresses? Firstly, it is easier for a person to work with a symbolic address than to remember combinations of numbers. Usually domain names are given by the name of organizations, so that - even without knowing the digital address of the company - one can guess about the domain address. In addition, keeping “for yourself” allows you not to worry that in case of possible moves you will have to organize new advertising of the domain address. Secondly, IP addresses are usually taken over by companies providing Internet access services.

They assign these addresses (one or more) to a specific user, who can have “his own” domain name. After a certain registration procedure, the user can start working on the Internet. The procedure is fully automated, but it takes some time (about a day) for servers around the world to make the necessary records about the user. Software on computers that provide Internet services ensures that the computer name is located by IP address and vice versa.

Let us only note that not all computers with an IP address have their own domain name registered on the global network.

Network mask

For the IP protocol to function correctly, it is necessary to determine what range of IP addresses is assigned to your local network. For these purposes, the so-called network mask is used: four triples of numbers ranging from 0 to 255. The end user usually has a mask of 255.255.255.???, where instead of question marks there are numbers that determine the size of the network. These parameters must be reported by providers.


For proper operation, the settings must specify the IP address of the device that provides communication with the external network. This can also be done explicitly or automatically - depending on the installed software.

DNS server

In order for you to be able to specify not only digital IP addresses, but also computer names, you need to determine the IP address of the computer where the program that provides such conversion (domain name service) is installed.


Practice shows that some information is particularly popular: it is requested by many users, sometimes even more than once a day. To reduce the load on networks, so-called proxy servers began to be installed. All information passing through it is automatically stored on this server for a certain period of time. If a request is detected for information that is already in a copy on the server, then this copy will be sent to the user. If necessary, the information on the proxy server can be updated at the request of the user's viewing program.

Working through a proxy server is not an obligation, but a right. The proxy server can be specified in the settings of programs that browse the Internet (for example, MS Internet Explorer). In practice, working through a proxy server is usually much faster than working directly.

"Mirror" server (mirror)

Information from the most interesting servers is duplicated on servers in other countries of the world. This allows you to reduce the amount of information transferred between countries and speed up the user's experience with pages that interest him.

URL (Uniform Resource Locator)

This is usually the name given to the address of a document (or server) on the Internet. Example URLs:




The URL consists of two parts: on the left (before the colon) the method of accessing the resource is indicated (file and ftp - access via the FTP protocol, http - the document must be viewed with programs such as MS Internet Explorer or Netscape Navigator, news - indicates membership in newsgroups, and telnet – to use the telnet program).

On the right is written the address of the computer on which the resource is located, and the directories (separated by slashes) in which the document is located. If the document name is not specified, then you will have access to the “default” document, which is assigned by the settings of the corresponding information server.

Internet character encodings

The problem of the existence of different character encodings of the Russian language makes itself felt most of all when working with global computer networks. The most common encodings are KOI-8 and 1251. Sometimes you can also find Russian texts typed in Latin letters.

The spread of Windows-based programs for working with the Internet stimulates a gradual transition to CP1251 encoding; new servers often have only such texts.

Many servers allow you to switch the output of information to one or another encoding (usually this option is offered on the first page of the server). At the same time, the latest versions of programs for working with the Internet provide the ability to read documents of any encoding, while allowing you to copy texts to a computer in the desired encoding and use such documents in other programs. Unfortunately, encoding switching is not always carried out automatically, so the user has to make this switch manually.

Internet access

To work on the Internet, you must first establish a connection via the IP protocol with an organization that provides services for working in a global computer network (such an organization is called an Internet provider). There are two possibilities. This is the allocation of a permanent channel and operation in telephone call mode (dial-up). Working on a dedicated channel is more stable; you pay for the channel in full and download it at your discretion. The option is expensive, regardless of the specific prices of Internet providers in the regions. However, despite the high prices, this option is the most preferable, and that is why our company is going to carry out its work via a dedicated channel.

Working over a regular telephone channel is cheaper, but highly depends on the quality of a particular telephone line. Sometimes you have to call a phone number more than once and try to log into the network. Of course, the speed of operation over such a channel is usually actually lower due to the poorer quality of the dial-up telephone line.

As mentioned above, the IP protocol must be installed on the computer.

Internet service types

When starting to work on the Internet, every user wants to get some information for themselves: copy program updates, find out news in the world, just communicate with colleagues with similar interests. There are several basic ways to work with a computer network. This:

¨ email exchange;

¨ work with teleconferences;

¨ copying files via FTP;

¨ work on WWW.


Exchange of electronic correspondence is one of the simplest services, but also very intensively used.

To send a letter you must:

¨ it was issued in accordance with existing rules,

¨ it got onto a computer that has a constant connection to the Internet and is capable of organizing further transmission of the letter using special protocols.

For these purposes, Windows NT 4.0 already includes Internet Mail. For Windows "95 it should be installed from the Microsoft Internet Explorer package, which is distributed free of charge. This program allows you to prepare a letter and then send it to the mail server.

In order to start using this mail program, you need to have your personal mailbox on one of the provider’s computers. The names of the mail server, personal mailbox and the password to access it must be specified in the program settings.

E-mails can be prepared in advance, and then, after establishing a connection to the Internet, exchange mail by executing the appropriate command. In this case, in one session both prepared letters will be sent and all incoming correspondence will be received.

Requirements for the text of the letter

The text of a regular email can only contain ASCII characters. This means that the letter cannot include text formatting symbols (bold, italics, point size, justification, etc.). Therefore, if the text was prepared in another editor, then it can be inserted into the letter only as saved without formatting (text only).

It should also be taken into account that there are restrictions on the size of letters imposed by programs that sort and forward letters. Thus, foreign mail servers do not forward letters larger than 1 MB. Some old mail systems in our country have a letter size limit of about 60 KB. Such volume is rarely achieved through text alone. This usually involves sending files within a letter.

It should be taken into account that due to the encoding of the file, its size increases by approximately 20%; therefore, the maximum original file size that can be sent in an email should be reduced accordingly.

The most popular thing lately is to receive information from so-called WWW servers via the http protocol.

The name WWW - World Wide Web - was introduced by Tim Berners-Lee (CERN laboratory). Currently, this term, sometimes translated as the World Wide Web, usually refers to the collection of documents around the world that have hypertext links (links to other documents, including on other servers) and can be viewed using the http protocol.

WWW servers (or Web servers) provide text and graphic information on the Internet. Typically this information is formatted similarly to the pages of a "paper document", so it is common to say that a "page of information" is being provided to the web. Each document can contain many internal links. But still one page will be the main, initial one. It's called the "home page". If there are several document topics on one server that are not linked to each other by links, then the server is said to have several home pages. This is usually typical for servers of companies that provide home page maintenance services to third parties.

If a contact is made with a remote WWW server, an image of the document page will appear in the program window. Typically, page designers put a lot of effort into making the page “look good.” They use different colors, numerous color illustrations and animations for design. Modern programs even allow you to include audio and video clips on a page. Of course, the volume of information sent over the network increases sharply and developers have to choose a compromise between the speed at which the user receives the page and the possibilities of its design.

To view such pages, you can use various programs, including many programs that are provided for free. Among them is the Microsoft Internet Explorer program. This program exists in versions for Windows 3.11, Windows "95, Windows NT. The second most popular program should be called Netscape Navigator. In many ways, these programs are similar, but some page design options are reproduced differently by each of them. Moreover, it is often a matter of taste, which give preference to the option.

Searching for information on the Internet

You can find almost everything on the Internet: recipes and official government documents, software and information on new cars, electronic newspapers and interest clubs...

It is almost impossible to name a topic for which there is no information on the Internet.

The number of computers connected to the Internet, according to various estimates, reaches 15-30 million. Tens of thousands of computers operate on-line (that is, available at any time). Therefore, finding the necessary information, or rather determining the range of computers on which it is presented, becomes a very difficult task. It is also necessary to take into account that the bulk of the information is presented in English. So you need to know not only what to look for, but also how to formulate it correctly in English.

3. Assessment of markets for services.

It is known that providing access to the Internet is the most interesting and fast-growing segment in the telecommunications services market. The Internet connects a huge number of computers around the world. The introduction of new telecommunication technologies based on the Internet computer network makes it possible to open up limitless possibilities for human life, covering all spheres of life of people all over the world. E-commerce, ticket orders, access to the latest news, entertainment, reference and specialized information is not a complete list of what the Internet can provide.

An analysis of the market situation in Bobruisk and Bobruisk region showed the following:

The main clients at the moment are individuals working from home. Also, a large proportion of clients are enterprises and organizations that are forced to use the Internet in their daily work to increase operational efficiency (advertising, searching for new suppliers, markets, new technologies, etc.). The number of potential clients is growing every day.

It should be noted that the demand for the service we provide depends on two classical criteria, i.e. quality and price. If we rank the markets in which our company will operate, it turns out that in our Belarusian markets we win both in terms of quality and price.

People's needs for the service we provide is increasing every day, which gives us the opportunity to consider this type of activity quite profitable and promising.

We are going to respond quite clearly to all changes in the composition of our consumers by introducing additional resources and attracting additional investments to meet the needs of an increased number of consumers. One of our main goals will be to constantly improve the quality of services provided by introducing new capacities.

Based on the assessment of sales markets, potential profits can be assessed, after which we can confidently say that we will be able to expand our market share and be able to introduce new capacities.

All this gives reason to believe that the emergence of a second provider in the region will significantly improve the situation with access to the Internet, attract a large number of new users and fully satisfy the need for this type of service. Moreover, our company is going to expand its scope of activity and the volume of those market segments in which we operate, both in the near future and in the longer term.

Based on the above, we can estimate the potential market capacity in which our company can operate competitively; it will be approximately 90% on the Bobruisk market and 70% on the market of the Mogilev region.

The potential sales volume could be about 300 thousand modem/hours per year, but the actual sales volume will be slightly less, about 220 thousand modem/hours per year.

4. Competition in sales markets.

It should be noted that the area of ​​activity of our company is, if not new, then at least very rapidly changing, since the development of computer technology is proceeding very quickly. In order to remain in the market, you need to monitor these changes and keep up with scientific and technological progress.

In our republic there are a number of companies providing services for connecting users to the Internet. However, their number is limited, and they are all located in Minsk, which significantly limits a person’s ability to connect to the Internet on more suitable conditions. All these companies, providing their services, will not be a serious competitor for us, since our conditions will be the most acceptable. We can provide the same services at a lower price, and on more favorable terms for the consumer.

In the city of Bobruisk, there are currently two possibilities for obtaining Internet access services through the network of the state enterprise Belpak - the first is dial-up password access, the second is dial-up access using a long-distance number (passwordless access).

Let's take a closer look at both options.

- password access: disadvantages – very low speed, SLIP protocol, small number of ports.

advantages - relatively cheap traffic.

- passwordless access: disadvantages – low speed, very high congestion, high traffic costs.

advantages – PPP protocol.

The main, but controversial, positive aspect of both options can be considered a credit form of payment for the use of access (payment is made after receiving access - monthly according to telephone bills), and the main disadvantage is the rigid tariff fees approved by the ministries and not able to flexibly adapt to the market situations.

Our competitor, as you can see, is a state-owned enterprise, so it is obvious that our competitor may be less flexible in responding to market changes. The same applies to the introduction of new technologies. Since a state-owned enterprise is completely dependent on government subsidies, it cannot quickly change its fixed assets and introduce additional reserve resources.

We strive not only to provide the same services as our competitor, but also to expand their range, which will allow us to attract new users and lure a significant part of our competitor’s users.

Our competitor does not seek to increase its market share, because... today it is the only provider. Increasing sales volume is also not his main policy. But we can’t even talk about increasing profitability, because... as has been repeatedly noted, our competitor is a state-owned enterprise.

Our competitor, Belpak, unlike us, cannot provide such a volume of services, at the same price, and with the same quality, because... We use only the latest technologies, which ensures high quality and low prices. Moreover, we are able to rank our prices, changing them in accordance with the circumstances, which our competitor cannot do, due to the fact that he receives all prices directly from the Ministry of Communications of the Republic of Belarus. Based on this alone, we can say that reducing prices is not included in the plans of the Belpak enterprise, but everyone knows that adapting to the current market situation in a timely manner is the main principle of a market economy.

Having assessed our competitor, we can confidently say that we will be able to oust him, if not from the Belarusian market, then at least from the market of the Mogilev region. Because from our competitor we should only expect an increase in prices, without, unfortunately, increasing the quality of this service and without expanding the range. But in this industry, the high-tech industry, it is impossible to do without introducing the latest technologies and expanding the range of services in order to achieve the greatest competitiveness.

5. Marketing plan.

In the proposed project, attracting customers can be achieved through a significantly higher connection speed (56K v.90), the use of the PPP data transfer protocol, a larger number of access ports, the provision of online email and hosting services (disk space), various tariff plans , among which the potential customer will be able to choose what is most profitable for him. And the most important thing is the cost of the service, which will be significantly lower than the current one, with a higher access speed. This very moment will be the main argument in the “fight” for the client. The cost of our services will reflect the competitiveness of our services, and it is thanks to fairly low prices that we hope to control a significant part of the Belarusian market.

Everyone knows that UChNPP “Vector” is famous for its fairly high prices for computer equipment and component materials. By providing provider services at the lowest prices in Belarus, we will: firstly, make it much easier for computer users to obtain information from the global computer network; secondly, we will significantly increase the profit of our enterprise, which will allow us to expand the range of services provided and thirdly, we will be able to significantly increase the prestige of our company in the eyes of our consumers.

The probability of price reductions for this type of service, as well as for all computer equipment in general, is very high, because with the advent of newer technologies, the old ones, i.e. previous versions drop significantly in price. Based on this, it is not difficult to predict how consumers will behave as a result of the ever-increasing interest in the Internet and the constant, although not significant, decrease in prices.

Our company’s pricing policy, to some extent, is helped by the fact that our competitor is not able to lower prices, and therefore our pricing policy will in no way depend on changes in the competitor’s prices.

As for sales promotion, our company provides a certain number of hours so that the consumer can evaluate the usefulness of our service, and most importantly, compare the quality of our services with those of a competitor.

The main direction of the company's marketing policy is to attract a wide range of clients, both individuals and legal entities. The work will take into account various factors of market conditions, such as the solvency of clients, the number of clients, the competitiveness of the services provided, a flexible approach to setting prices and tariffs and many other factors.

It is planned to launch a wide advertising campaign, both targeted and general, in all media available in the region. It is planned to place advertisements in newspapers of both local and republican significance, and all advertising will have its own original corporate style. It is also planned to place commercials on television. Marketing and advertising costs will amount to approximately 4% of the gross profit received from the sale of the service. With the help of advertising, it is planned to significantly increase the number of potential consumers.

6. Production plan.

The main strategy of the project is to create conditions for providing access to the Internet with obviously better technical characteristics compared to competitors (higher connection speed, lower cost of service).

The technological potential of this project is very high because From the first stage, it is planned to use only the most modern and high-tech equipment from leading manufacturers of telephony, network and switching equipment. Such as Intel Corporation, Lucent Technologies, AMP, PairGain, Ericsson. Initially, the project includes equipment capacity that is significantly higher than what is needed at the first stage, in order to minimize further costs for expanding equipment capacity and attracting more customers.

The above project is planned to be implemented in three stages, which will allow the project to be implemented in the shortest possible time and with the best quality.

On first stage, the purchase and launch of the main computer equipment necessary for monitoring and managing the operation of the entire system will be carried out:

Remote access management server – 1

Control station – 2

System administrator workstation – 1

On second stage of fulfilling technical conditions for the allocation and receipt of specialized communication channels:

Direct dedicated digital channel 64 Kbps

Digital stream 2 Mb/s with R2 signaling (PRI, E1/T1)

On third stage of acquisition, adjustment and launch of main switching equipment;

IntelExpress 8100 Network Router

IntelExpress 460T Network Switch

Lucent MAX6000 Remote Access Server

HDSL PairGain Digital Modem

The following companies could potentially be the main suppliers of the necessary equipment:

IP "Xorex-Service" Minsk, Masherova Ave., 23;

Firm "DataStream" Minsk, st. King, 2;

The company "S.B.I. Computer" Minsk, st. Kommunisticheskaya, 3

Firm "NetExpert" Minsk, st. Volokha 1

7. Organizational plan.

The general management of the enterprise is carried out by the director, who is also the founder, Alexander Kozmich Minenko: age 38 years, higher education, 10 years of experience in the industry.

The structure of the management team of the enterprise looks like

in the following way:

Deputy directors are heads of structural divisions covering all areas of the enterprise.

The company has developed and approved a staffing table in accordance with which the company operates.

Currently the company employs 12 people. Management team 3 people. Accounting for the enterprise is carried out by the chief accountant. The work of providing access to the Internet is carried out by 3 specialists. Technical specialists in various fields – 5 people.

Today the company has no need for personnel. All specialists have higher or secondary technical education.

In the future, with the expansion of the range and scale of services provided in the Internet field, a certain number of specialists will be required, whose hiring will be carried out on a competitive basis, taking into account professional skills.

The payment system at the enterprise is time-based and time-bonus. An extensive, flexible system of bonus payments has been developed, which allows maintaining discipline and effectively using employee labor.

8. Legal plan.

All types of activities of the enterprise are permitted by the legislation of the Republic of Belarus, some of them are subject to mandatory certification (licensing). In this regard, the company has the following permits and licenses:

License for wholesale trade No. 52946 dated July 18, 2000;

Certificate of conformity for serial production of the computer “VEKTOR” No. BY/11203.1.1.AA7097 dated 09/10/1999;

License of the Ministry of Communications for the construction of networks and communication systems No. 1685 dated July 20, 2000;

License of the State Information Security Center under the Security Council of the Republic of Belarus to carry out work to identify information retrieval devices and control its security No. 158 dated 07/07/2000;

License of the State Center for Information Security under the Security Council of the Republic of Belarus for the implementation, installation, adjustment, maintenance of technical and software means of protecting information and monitoring its security, software and hardware means of protection against unauthorized access No. 131 dated 02.11.1999;

Allied Telesyn International Certificate;

Intel Corporation Certificate;

Unitary private research and production enterprise "Vector", legal address: Bobruisk, st. Chongarskaya-98.

The enterprise was created on January 16, 1991 on the basis of the private property of citizen Minenko Alexander Kozmich. The authorized capital of the enterprise is 1,717,498 rubles.

The main activity of the enterprise is activities in the scientific-production field and the field of trade.

Since the establishment of the enterprise, all its activities have been aimed at introducing new, rapidly developing information technologies into various spheres of life in the region. Employees of the enterprise carried out work to meet the need for the use of new computer technologies and computing systems in the daily activities of enterprises and organizations, the use of modern office equipment, the use of which significantly increases labor productivity and reduces production and labor costs of enterprises.

The main clients of the company, at the dawn of its creation, were industrial enterprises, law enforcement agencies and other public organizations.

However, the further development and widespread introduction of information technology into our lives has further expanded the range of the company’s clients, attracting more and more industrial and commercial enterprises, and especially private clients using computer equipment in the home, as well as for access to information available on a rapidly developing computer network Internet.

Today, NPP Vector is the largest enterprise in the region providing services in the field of computer and information technology. The issue of organizing a representative office of the enterprise in the cities of Minsk and Mogilev is being considered.

Currently, the company operates in the following areas:

· Production, maintenance and sale of computer equipment;

· Software production;

· Design and installation of computer networks and communication networks, mini PBX;

· WEB programming;

· Internet technologies;

· Protection of information and control of its security;

· Carrying out work to identify devices for collecting information and monitoring its security;

To carry out all of the above types of activities, permission (license) has been obtained from the relevant authorities.

At the moment, the priority direction is the development of services directly related to the global computer network Internet. Interest in this type of service is growing day by day and has unlimited demand.

The company plans to implement a project in the near future to provide Internet access services in the city of Bobruisk and the Bobruisk region. In the long term, it is planned to develop this service and organize access to the Internet in Minsk and Mogilev.

10. Financial plan.

At the moment, the financial condition of the enterprise is quite stable. The current activity of the enterprise allows you to make a profit and recoup the costs necessary for the effective operation of the enterprise.

The ongoing project is aimed at obtaining significant profits from its implementation. The resulting profit will allow you to recoup the project within 1 year, as well as fully cover current costs. In the future, the profit received will be used to expand the range and scale of services provided and to attract more clients.

It is planned to finance the project and purchase the necessary equipment mainly through borrowed funds (credit, leasing). We are going to involve several investors in this project. It is planned to establish a contractual interest rate for the loan at 20%, which is more profitable than taking out a loan from a bank.

Based on the work carried out, it is expected, at the initial stage, to attract users from among individuals - 200 users, from among legal entities - 55 users.

Using this data and the developed tariff plans, you can calculate the payback of the project.

Price list for dial-up INTERNET access services

Package name Package cost Email Hosting
Number of hours Cost per hour (RUB)


Package (rub.)

Email 5 1 800 9 000 POP3 (3MB)
Beginner 10 840 8 400
Standard 15 1 200 18 000
Extended 20 1 200 24 000 POP3 (3MB)
Silver 25 1 080 27 000 WEB
Gold 50 960 48 000 WEB
Platinum 100 840 84 000 POP3 (5Mb) FTP (10 Mb)
Unlimited 720 180 129 600 3 x POP3 (10Mb) FTP/Frontpage (50Mb)
Legal entities pay an additional 20% value added tax.

Initial one-time investment:

Lucent MAX-6060 Access Server – 21 780 000 rub.

Computer equipment - 8 000 400 rub.

HDSL PairGain Digital Modems – 2 592 000 rub.

Software NavisRadius v.3.0 – 4 788 000 rub.

Connecting E1 communication channels – 9 180 000 rub.

Connecting a provider channel 64Kb/s – 3 840 000 rub.

Implementation of technical specifications for telephone installation – 840 000 rub.

IntelExpress 8100 Network Router – 600 000 rub.

IntelExpress 460T Network Switch – 1 452 000 rub.

Other unforeseen expenses – 1 080 000 rub.

The total initial investment will be - 54 152 400 rubles

Planned fixed expenses per month:

Rent of a dedicated channel – RUB 58,925.

Renting a provider channel 64Kb/s – RUB 1,998,132.

Rent of communication channels E1- 254,136 rub.

Rent of premises – 60,000 rubles.

Staff salary – 300,000 rubles.

Other unforeseen expenses - 120,000 rubles.

Monthly expenses – 3 130 393 ruble

The price includes VAT at a rate of 20%

In the first year, there will also be additional costs associated with repaying the loan; all calculations and figures are provided in table No. 1.

The subsequent development of the company is shown in table No. 2. Revenue growth was calculated based on an expected increase in the number of consumers by 20% per year.

Planned receipts per month:

1. Users of the E-mail package:

Legal – 10 * 10,800 rub. = 108,000 rubles.

Physical – 10 * 9,000 rub. = 90,000 rubles

2. Beginer package users:

Legal – 3 * 10,080 rub. = 30,240 rubles.

Physical – 10 * 8,400 rub. = 84,000 rubles.

3. Standard package users:

Legal – 2 * 21,600 rub. = 43,200 rubles.

Physical – 25 * 18,000 rub. = 450,000 rubles.

4. Users of the Extended package:

Legal – 5 * 28,800 rub. = 144,000 rubles.

Physical – 45 * 24,000 rub. = 1,080,000 rubles.

5. Silver package users:

Legal – 15 * 32,400 rub. = 486,000 rubles.

Physical – 65 * 27,000 rub. = 1,755,000 rubles.

6. Gold package users:

Legal – 5 * 57,600 rub. = 288,000 rubles.

Physical – 30 * 48,000 rub. = 1,440,000 rubles.

7. Platinum package users:

Legal – 5 * 100,800 rub. = 504,000 rubles.

Physical – 10 * 84,000 rub. = 840,000 rubles.

8. Unlimited package users:

Legal – 10 * 155,200 rub. = 1,555,200 rubles.

Physical – 5 * 129,600 rub. = 648,000 rubles.

Total planned revenues, according to forecast indicators, will be - 9 545 640 rubles

From the calculation it is clear that it is expected to receive monthly

6 415 247 rubles of taxable profit, excluding possible bank interest on loans issued.

Thus, the implementation of this project will make it possible to receive significant profits, paying back all current costs in full. In the future, after covering the main costs, the released profit will be used to expand the range and scale of services provided in order to increase the profit received.

To find out the break-even point, it is necessary to construct a graph of income and expenses, which shows the impact on profit of production volumes, selling price and cost.

11. Financing strategy.

As noted earlier, in financial terms, the implementation of this project requires very large capital investments, which can be obtained in various ways, of course, within the framework of legislation.

So he will receive the required amount of money, namely 54 152 400 rubles, you can take out a loan from a bank. However, due to the very high interest rates for the loan, this option is not the most preferable.

You can also take this money from partners, with each of whom you will have to enter into a separate agreement, on terms that are not always favorable to the prosperity of the company. Moreover, partners usually demand a lot, both at the management level and in terms of profit distribution. And most importantly, the exit of any partner from the business is associated with a huge risk for the enterprise as a whole.

The most ideal option, in my opinion, would be to take out a loan from one private investor, because It’s much easier to come to an agreement with one person. And the interest on the loan can be reduced to a level where the investor also benefits, because if he puts this money in the bank, he will not receive the same profit as if he put it into circulation through our company. Our company also benefits, because The interest we will pay is less than the bank interest on the loan.

Payment of interest on the loan and return of the loan itself will be made for the first reporting year at the expense of profits. Thus, in the first year it is planned not only to fully repay the loan along with interest, but also to receive a net profit of 12 000 000 rubles, yes, perhaps this is a small profit, but the entire project pays off in one year. And then our company incurs only fixed expenses, which significantly increases the amount of net profit.