Abstract of a drawing lesson in the middle group of the kindergarten “Once upon a summer day.

The seasons put down the richest material that can be used for speech therapy classes and speech games with children. Summer is no exception! This season is whole line interesting changes in nature, and people spend a lot of time outdoors, working and relaxing. Visual material allows you to show children the most different features of this period, pictures and cards must certainly be actively used in the course of developmental activities.

What to tell kids about summer

The main "summer" topics that can be used for conversations with children are:

  • berries, ;
  • , birds, ;
  • occupations of people in the garden, in the forest;
  • types of outdoor recreation (journey to the sea, summer sports);
  • child safety in summer.

The first of these sections is suitable for toddlers, and the rest for older preschoolers. They allow you to choose pictures about the summer for both very young children and future first graders. You can use both subject images (berries, sandbox toys) and plot compositions:

  • “Here is the first day of summer and come!”;
  • “What do children play in nature in summer?”;
  • "What are the rules of behavior on the water and why are they needed?".

Properly selected illustrations help to increase the effectiveness of speech development exercises and make them more interesting. Various pictures about summer are excellent visual material that makes it possible to spend useful activities, as well as exciting games with preschoolers of different ages.

Work in the garden

Animal world

Russia Day

Children take care of nature


  • Choose one subject picture from thematic group images (mushrooms, berries, insects), describe it, listing as many characteristics as possible.
  • Compose a story Summer holidays" using the image of the children:

- In the woods;
- on the beach;
- in the country.

  • List the signs of summer in several plot paintings depicting nature or a city.
  • Describe one of the wildflowers using a few photos or drawings.
  • Select several subject pictures (from a whole set) on the topic: Summer in the forest, write a description of each of them.
  • Tell one of several fairy tales or stories in pictures, selected according to the topic.
  • Come up with riddles for each subject image from the series: "Children play in nature."
  • Continue the sentence "Hello summer, you came to us with ...". You can list the signs of the season, seasonal changes in the world. You need to complete the task based on subject or plot images on the topic.
  • Talk about the fact that animals also enjoy the summer, that their life at this time of the year changes a lot. The drawn animals in the pictures should be a kind of "tips".
  • draw verbal portrait one of the people in the picture, describe the features of the appearance of one of the tourists or vacationers on the beach.

Summer in the forest
forest in summer
Summer in the city
city ​​in summer
Children's fun in the summer
Summer Games
Summer in the countryside
Summer day in the village

It is important to select all tasks for the development of speech, based on age features child, then they will be interesting to him, as well as benefit. For example, for children 5-6 years old, you can use tasks increased complexity: offer to tell (based on the plot picture) what happened before the events depicted, and what will happen after. You can ask to talk on behalf of one of the characters depicted on thematic pictures for children from older or preparatory group. Subject cards are useful for inventing:

  • riddles;
  • funny stories with a sequel;
  • short verses.

Such exercises not only train the speech abilities of future students, but also develop creative thinking, attention, imagination.


Various pictures for children about summer can be used not only for educational activities, but also during exciting games. Here are some of them:

  • “Let's collect a raspberry in a basket”: list as many forest or garden berries as possible, selecting the appropriate images from a set of illustrations.
  • “I’ll tell you, guess!”: take any subject card on the topic “Summer” and describe what is shown on it. These can be: plants, animals in a "summer" coat, a symbolic image of the weather or natural phenomenon(rainbow, thunderstorm, dew).
  • "Summer is an artist": choose one of the flowers, "invite him to visit." Then you should name the drawings, as many as possible, that can be colored by him. These are such peculiar verbal coloring pages for children that allow you to enrich speech with descriptive adjectives.
  • "Hiking": each of the players (in turn) talks about what he saw during an imaginary (or real) excursion to nature. For this game you need to pick up a few plot pictures. "Summer in the forest" or "Summer holidays in nature" are perfect. You can take any published for kindergarten on this topic.
  • "In the forest clearing": this game combines speech and artistic tasks. Each participant must draw with a pencil, and then paint a portrait of some animal. It is necessary that these be animals that are easy to meet in the forest in summer. You can use ready-made mask images that are placed in the Summer in the forest coloring pages or other similar ones. Of course, ready-made masks used in kindergarten for matinees are also suitable. Then the children play the character whose image he got. You can ask everyone:
  • tell about his life in the forest;
  • come up with funny story about summer;
  • list your favorite berries, flowers, herbs, shrubs, trees.

At the end of the fun, the one who was the most interesting animal is chosen, he becomes the winner.

  • "In memory of summer"

It is impossible to imagine games on the theme of "summer" without any outdoor activities. Invite the child or the whole group to find the most beautiful leaves or flowers in the park. Have everyone choose one and then describe it. Then all plants must be carefully dried, and then placed in a folder on transparent background or colored. The finished herbarium can then be placed in a corner of the nature of the group, where some animals and plants are located. all year round.

Synopsis of an integrated lesson in middle group: "Flower summer".


Continue teaching children to recognize and name seasonal changes and make connections

Systematize children's knowledge about the meadow

Clarify ideas about the flowers growing in the meadow

Introduce children to the rules of behavior in nature

To arouse in children an interest in nature, the ability to see its beauty.

Continue to introduce the technique of drawing with a poke

Materials: illustrations, tinted paper, gouache, brushes, cups of water, palettes.

Lesson progress:

The sun is shining, the waters are shining,

There is a smile on everything, life is on everything,

The trees tremble with joy

Swimming in the blue sky

Children, what season is this poem about? (about summer). Today we will talk about the beauty of the summer meadow. What, look, was the meadow in summer? (green, blooming, fragrant, fragrant, colorful, fragrant, sunny, etc.)

Pay attention to what grows in the meadow? (flowers, grass) What flowers? (daisies, cornflowers, bluebells, buttercups, etc.) Guess the riddles about the flowers that grow in the meadow.

I am a fluffy ball

I whiten in a clean field,

And the wind blew

The stalk remains. (dandelion)

There is a curl in the garden -

White shirt

golden heart

What it is? (chamomile)

Hey, bells, blue color,

With a tongue, but no ringing. (bells)

The game "Forest, meadow, garden."

Children stand in a circle, hands down. The driver runs like a snake and after the words: “Forest, meadow, garden, tell me what grows there?” stops in front of the child.

The driver calls any plant, and the child must answer where it grows.

Educator: Oh, look, there is some kind of road here, and ants are crawling along it. See what they are carrying? (needles, dry blades of grass) Let's go near this path and look at their house. Do you know what kind of home ants have? How many of them live in it? What other insects live in the meadow? Solve riddles.

Above the flower flutters, dances,

Waving a patterned fan. (butterfly)


Flew over the lawn

Pat over the flower

He will share the honey. (bee)

You can't see yourself

And the song is heard. (mosquito)

Fashionista winged

striped dress,

Growth, though crumbs,

Bite - it will be bad. (wasp)

Who is on us upside down. (fly)

Educator: Insects are of great benefit, but sometimes you can suffer from them. Therefore, you need to know how to protect yourself from insects.

It is necessary to lubricate exposed parts of the body with insect repellents.

We must be careful and attentive in nature

If you see a hornet's nest, in no case do not touch it, otherwise the wasps will fly out and sting

If a bee flies near you, try to be calm, do not wave your arms, move to another place

If you meet an ant on the way, do not offend him. Don't bother him, he won't bite you.

Now, children, I want to conjure: “One, two - now I’m a fairy. And I will turn you into insects with a magic wand.

Insect children fly, jump, flutter, make characteristic sounds inherent in a mosquito, bee, fly, bumblebee.

Didactic game "Good - bad"

We rested in the clearing and it was time to return to kindergarten. But before disenchanting the children, the teacher wants to find out from them whether it is good or bad to be an insect.

Children come to the conclusion that if insects disappear, plants will also disappear, animals and birds will die: one cannot exist without the other. Insects are part of nature, and nature must be protected, loved and protected.

"One, two, three, four, five - here we are children again."

Creative work.

And now I suggest you draw our green, flowering meadow. See how we will draw. Before you are tinted sheets of paper, put the poke into the paint, remove the excess on the edge of the palette, keep the poke straight, and make a small circle. Then we will wash off the paint and pick up a different color on the poke, make several multi-colored circles in the same way. Then take a thin brush and draw the stems of flowers, leaves and blades of grass. Let's get to work.

We have a wonderful flowering meadow, let's place our works on the table and choose the most beautiful one.

"Walk along the seashore". Master class with step by step photo

Drawing master class with appliqué elements

Author of the work: Pivneva Olga Alekseevna, educator, BDOU "Kindergarten of a general developmental type No. 10", Gryazovets, Vologda region.

The master class is designed for children of average preschool age, teachers and parents.
Purpose: The work can be used for interior decoration, as a gift.
Target: To instill in children perseverance, patience; develop artistic creativity.
Tasks: Cultivate the desire to create beautiful compositions.

- four white A3 sheets;
- scotch;
- gouache;
- brushes;
- a glass "non-spill";
- palette;
- foam pads;
- PVA glue;
- blue cardboard;
- braid.

I will come to the sea soon
I'll wave my hand to him.
I will shout to the sea: - Hello, sea,
Here we meet you!
I will run to him from the hillock,
And it's towards me
Bending, jumping deftly,
Swirling the sand in a wave.
In the glare of the sun will sparkle ...

Like a mischievous puppy
It will be fun to frolic
And caress near neg.
Creeps up unnoticed
And my feet secretly
The blue wave touches
Like a rough-sh-shavy tongue.
Y. Poluyanov

Step-by-step process for making crafts:
1. We connect (in length) with scotch tape 2 white sheets. Using foam rubber, paint the sky with blue paint. We paint on the palette.

2. Gouache paint ( turquoise color) draw a “sea” with foam rubber.

3. Paint yellow color, using foam rubber, draw "sand" - "beach".

4. Take green paint and foam. Draw "grass".

5. brown paint, using a brush, draw the trunk of a palm tree.

6. We draw palms on two sheets of A3. We use colors: green, gray, pink, blue, purple, orange. We cut out the palms.

7. Glue the "palms" Green colour These are palm leaves.

8. Glue the palms gray color- these will be "elephants". In the form of a fan, we glue multi-colored palms, we glue one of them in the center - this is a “peacock” bird.

9. We draw the eyes, ears, and nose of the elephants. A peacock has eyes, a nose, a mouth, and paws. We draw grass near the trees.

10. We glue the boats - these are vacationers sailing on boats. Glue the sun in the sky.

11. We make a frame from blue cardboard. Cut into strips 4 cm wide.

12. Glue strips with reverse side drawing.

13. Finishing touch- glue the tape around the edge (blue cardboard).

Elephant chews leaves
Or nibbling grass
He drinks a hundred liters of water a day,
It's hot - drink more.
For example, the savannah elephant -
living in Africa,
He is the largest in the world
Big mighty.

The peacock fluffed its tail,
Turns up the nose.
- Everyone admire, everyone look!
Closer, come closer.
I'll show you the miracle tail
I'll tell you everything about him.
Oh what plumage
The tail is openwork weaving!
And don't argue with me
I vouch for my head -
Though you go around the whole earth,
You won't find better in the world.
N. Batsanova

1. Means artistic word show children how beautiful nature is in summer time of the year.

2. To develop in children an emotional perception of the world around them, to form realistic ideas about nature.

3. Learn to reflect impressions and observations in artistic and creative activities.

4. Teach children the ability to pick up and reflect color scheme characteristic of the summer season.

5. Encourage the initiative and independence of children in building the composition of the work and making additions to the drawing on the topic of the work.



Occupation in senior group"Drawing Summer"


1. By means of an artistic word, show children how beautiful nature is in the summer.

2. To develop in children an emotional perception of the world around them, to form realistic ideas about nature.

3. Learn to reflect impressions and observations in artistic and creative activities.

4. To teach children the ability to select and reflect the colors characteristic of the summer season.

5. Encourage the initiative and independence of children in building the composition of the work and making additions to the drawing on the topic of the work.


album sheet

Wax crayons

simple pencil

Preliminary work:

learning poems about summer, looking at illustrations about summer, collective viewing of the cartoon "Santa Claus and Summer" directed by V. Karavaev, an excursion to the forest (to a clearing, meadow).

Course progress.

1. Organizational part.

The teacher begins the lesson by reading a poem by L. Korchagina "Summer":

If a warm wind blows, though from the north,

If the meadow is in daisies and lumps of clover,

Butterflies and bees circle over the flowers,

And a puddle turns blue with a fragment of the sky,

And the skin of a child is like a chocolate bar ...

If a bed turned red from strawberries -

True omen: it has come ....

Children. Summer.

Teacher. You're right, summer is a beautiful, bountiful time of the year. Most recently, we met with one character who did not know what summer is. I will remind you of this story. Santa Claus lived in the far cold North. When winter came, he set off on a journey to help nature cover itself with fluffy snow, freeze rivers, decorate the windows of houses with a pattern. Santa Claus spent time with benefit in the cold season. And he especially loved the New Year holidays - that's where there was a lot of fun, noise and joy. Together with the kids he led round dances, sang, danced, played, and then presented gifts that he prepared with love for each child. Once upon a time new year holiday one of the children asked Santa Claus: “Will you come to us in the summer?” Santa Claus was curious, what is summer? The children were surprised that old grandfather never heard, much less seen summer, and they sang him a song about summer.

(An audio recording of the song “Song of Summer” by Y. Entin sounds to the music of E. Krylatov)

Teacher. Since then, Santa Claus has lost his peace, he really wanted to see the summer with his own eyes. And he decided to come to visit the kids not in winter, but in summer. And set off. What happened to him?

Children. He became very ill in the heat, and he began to melt.

Teacher. Right. Santa Claus feels bad when it is very warm, he needs cold. Then the children figured out how to help their beloved Frost. They put him in an ice cream box. And in it they began to carry him to different places: to the forest, to the meadow, to the river, so that Santa Claus would finally know what summer is. And then Santa Claus returned to his place in the North, only to come to the children in winter. Guys, how do you imagine the image of summer, his portrait?

Children's answers: In a colorful sundress, with a wreath of flowers on his head, ruddy, cheerful, with freckles, barefoot.

Teacher. Where do you think summer lives, where does it go when winter comes?

children's assumptions.

The teacher invites the children to listen to the story of B. Sergunenkov “Where is the summer hiding?”

Once upon a time there was no winter on earth, but only one summer. What a wonderful time it was: the earth was soft as fluff, the water in the river was warm, the trees grew all year round, the leaves did not shed and were forever green!

This went on until one day the winter took offense.

What is it, - he says, - all summer and summer, it's time to know your conscience.

Winter began to crowd summer, but where should the summer go? Summer rushed to the ground, and frost bound the earth. It rushed into the river - the river was covered with ice.

I'm dying, - he says, - I have nowhere to go. Winter will kill me.

Here the buds on the trees say to the fly:

Come to us, we will hide you.

Summer hid in the buds of trees, sheltered from the cold winter.

The winter is gone. The sun shone, the streams murmured. The buds on the trees swelled and opened. And as soon as they opened, summer broke out, rolled out into the wild. Summer has come to earth...

Teacher. People rejoice and say: "Summer has come."

Today we will draw summer. What color do you think you will use? What color is our summer?

Children. Summer is colorful.

Physical education "What color is summer?"

Summer... Summer... Summer...

What color is it?

Come on, tell me, come on, describe it!

Clap your hands.

Pale green, like a grasshopper in the grass.

Yellow, yellow, like the sand by the rivers.

Blue, blue, the most beautiful.

What a summer!

Jumping in place.

Summer... Summer... Summer...

What other color?

Come on, tell me, come on, describe it!

Clap your hands.

Bright, hot, like a dashing dance!

Starry, starry, like a night fairy tale!

Light, light-colored, sweet-strawberry.

What a summer!


Summer... Summer... Summer...

What other color?

Come on, tell me, come on, describe it!

Clap your hands.

2. Practical part.

The teacher offers to draw drawings and then give them to Santa Claus.

3. Summary of the lesson.

When viewed finished works teacher draws attention to color scheme, a combination of shades, creating a composition, maintaining proportions.

1 Week.

1. Observation of the soil. Teach children to observe the soil and describe its condition in different time days.

2. Observation of a birch. To teach children to distinguish trees by leaves, twigs, take care of them, monitor their changes depending on the time of year.

3. Watching a bumblebee. Teach children to find the hallmarks of insects; correctly hold them in their hands and are not afraid; talk about the benefits they bring.

4. Observation of the magpie. To teach children to watch how birds fly, where nests are built, to recognize the voice of birds and enjoy their singing.

5. Target walk to the garden. Inspect the garden, note the changes.

2 weeks

1. Observation of the sky. To teach children to distinguish the clarity of the sky and follow the movements of the clouds; Describe what you see using as many words and expressions as possible.

2. Observation of dandelions and violets. Show the mass flowering of dandelions, how they stand out in the middle of a green meadow; explain that dandelion is a medicinal plant; determine which flowers will soon begin to bloom (violets have gained buds)

3. Watching a butterfly. Teach children to find the hallmarks of insects; correctly hold them in their hands and are not afraid; talk about the benefits they bring.

4. Watching the cuckoo. To teach children to watch how birds fly, where nests are built, to recognize the voice of birds and enjoy their singing.

5. Surveillance

3 week

1. Observation of the increase in the day. Teach children to observe the movement of the sun.

2. Observation for observation of nasturtium. Remember what we planted in the flower beds? What appeared from the earth? What are these flowers?

3. Watching a dragonfly. Teach children to find the hallmarks of insects; correctly hold them in their hands and are not afraid; talk about the benefits they bring.

4. Watching the lark. To teach children to watch how birds fly, where nests are built, to recognize the voice of birds and enjoy their singing.

5. Observation of a sunflower. Introduce children to a garden plant - a sunflower; cultivate aesthetic feelings.

4 week

1. Watching the rain. Teach children to distinguish heavy rain or weak, observe its effects.

2. Observation of daisies. Consider daisies in the flower garden; learn to carefully cut flowers; read poems and guess riddles.

3. Surveillance ladybug. Teach children to find the hallmarks of insects; correctly hold them in their hands and are not afraid; talk about the benefits they bring.

4. Observation of the wagtail. To teach children to watch how birds fly, where nests are built, to recognize the voice of birds and enjoy their singing.

5. Observation of earthworms. Introduce children to earthworms, their appearance; find out what benefits they bring; learn to draw conclusions and make comparisons; cultivate respect for wildlife.