What can you learn from Tom Sawyer? Tom Sawyer is my favorite literary character

A retelling of a story can be used for a reader's diary and in order to remember some details in preparation for a retelling or essay.

Mark Twain "The Adventures of Tom Sawyer" - history of creation

The book “The Adventures of Tom Sawyer” (“Tom Soer”) is one of a series of works about the restless prankster Tom and his friends. It was started by the author in 1872 and progressed with difficulty. Twain managed to finish his autobiographical work in 1875, and the next year the book was published.

Mark Twain English Mark Twain (1835-1910)

The name of the main character belongs to a real person, an acquaintance of Twain, and the character is borrowed from the writer’s childhood friends.

The book received a lively response not only from adult readers, but also from children. To this day, the novel remains a popular read among people of different ages.

Some people ask, is Tom Soer a short story or a novella? The book contains about 240 pages of printed text, which helps classify the work as a novel.

With the help of analysis, a remarkable fact can be revealed that the work is a symbiosis of several artistic movements, such as adventure, comedy, tragedy and autobiography.

Main characters

There are few main characters in the novel; these are children, whose exciting adventures are told

  • Tom Sawyer is an orphan, a cheerful, mischievous and enterprising boy, whose aunt is raising him;
  • Huck Fin is Tom's best friend, the son of a wild local drunkard who doesn't care about the child at all.

Minor characters

The novel is replete with adult and child characters with various dissimilar personalities:

  • Becky Thatcher is Thomas' lover. Her father is a famous judge of the town. Her character is the opposite of the characters of the main boys. She is completely unprepared for extreme situations and does not know how to behave if she finds herself in a difficult situation. The author does not give her such a complete description as the main characters, describing her as a typical girl, in an elegant dress, beautiful pantaloons and with a typical sweet face;
  • Aunt Polly is the sister of Tom's late mother. She is distinguished by her kind and gentle character, trustfulness and sincere affection for her nephew;
  • Injun Joe is the main villain of the novel, showing miracles of resourcefulness and unprecedented cruelty towards others;
  • Sid is the son of Aunt Polly, Tom's younger brother, a sneak, trying to make a good impression on adults with his exemplary behavior and excellent grades.

A very brief summary describes the main events unfolding on the pages of the story.

The setting of the novel is a town with the sonorous name of St. Petersburg, located on the Mississippi River.

From the first pages, the reader is immersed in the world of Tom Sawyer, full of sparkling adventures and absurd situations.

Aunt Polly finds her nephew enjoying jam in the closet and tries to grab him and punish him. But the nimble boy disappears instantly, and the woman is forced to change her anger to mercy.

The naughty guy gets his punishment on his day off in the form of painting the fence. The resourceful guy praises his work to the boys and literally sells them the opportunity to paint at least a small part of the fence. The work is quickly completed, and the satisfied aunt rewards her nephew with an apple.

Tom goes for a walk and meets a charming girl who captivates his heart.

Tom Sawyer attends Sunday school, where he is required to wear a decent suit, a straw hat, and generally have a decent appearance. But even here the boy does not betray himself, exchanging tickets for reading psalms by heart for all sorts of trinkets from diligent students. As a result, he ends up with the largest number of tickets, for which he is entitled to an incentive in the form of a Bible.

On the way to school in the morning, Tom meets Huckleberry Finn and is late for school. Lateness is punishable by caning.

In class, the boy again sees a wonderful girl with blond hair, whose name is Becky. He tries to make friends with her and confesses his love to her in a note.

One day, Tom and Huck agree to go to the cemetery at night. In the darkness, a terrible picture appears before them: some people are carrying a body on a stretcher into the cemetery and lowering it into someone else’s grave.

The boys flee in fear, agreeing to keep what happened a secret.

Shocked by what he saw in the cemetery, Tom cannot come to his senses and talks about what happened in his sleep at night. Fearing excessive talkativeness, he binds his jaw at night, explaining that he has bad teeth. Sid, trying to understand what’s going on, slowly loosens the knot of the bandage and listens.

The children decide to build a raft and sail away from the adults. They stock up on provisions and set sail. They stop for the night on the island, and wake up in the morning to find that the raft has been carried away. Boys enjoy their freedom and spend time in games and entertainment. Tom sneaks home and hears that the town residents consider the missing guys dead. Aunt Polly speaks with tears about her nephew.

Tom comes up with the idea of ​​returning to his hometown on the day of his funeral. The rest of the boys approve of his plan and appear proud in front of their happy relatives.

At school, Tom tries to improve his relationship with Becky, but she ignores him. By chance, the girl tore her school textbook, and the boy in love took the blame upon himself. The teacher punishes Tom with rods, and Becky looks at her savior with gratitude.

The drunkard Meff Potter is blamed for what happened at the cemetery, but he doesn’t remember anything and takes the blame upon himself. But Tom Sawyer tells how everything really happened and incriminates Injun Joe. The court acquits Meff.

Tom becomes famous, but he is tormented by the fact that the Indian is free and thirsty for revenge. The boy decides to search for the killer on his own. Huck is called in to help. Together they search for the villain and the treasure he has hidden.

One day, luck smiles on them, and they pick up the trail of an Indian hiding in a hut.

Adventure beckons Tom, one day he runs away with Becky and ends up in a cave. The children realize that they are lost. The girl falls into despair, but the brave boy continues to look for a way out and finds a way to salvation.

After some time, Tom remembers that he saw Injun Joe in the cave, and Judge Thatcher reports that after rescuing the children, the door to the cave was tightly closed.

Almost all the residents of the town go to the cave in search of the villain. He is found at the very door of the dead man. Despite his relief, Tom feels sorry for the criminal. Together with Huck, he goes in search of the Indian's gold. The treasure is found using secret marks. Now the boys are getting rich. They deposit the money in the bank at interest and receive a dollar every day.

This ends the story about the adventures of brave tomboys, conveyed in abbreviation.

What does the book “The Adventures of Tom Sawyer” teach?

The plot of the book is based on stories from a carefree and exciting childhood. The work teaches true friendship and mutual assistance, the ability to look at even the most hopeless situations with optimism and irony, to appreciate life and small joys.


Mark Twain tried to convey to the adult reader the main idea of ​​the work, that it is important to always remain a child at heart, try not to forget your childhood and strive for lightness and kindness in everyday life. And the author inspires young readers to perform deeds in the name of friendship, kindness and philanthropy.

Everyone remembers the beginning of this amazing book from childhood: “Tom! No answer. - Volume! No answer. “It’s amazing where this boy could have gone!” Having already read the first lines, I want to know who this tomboy is, what he has done and how he will be able to get out of this situation.

However, the 21st century has given eight-year-old children a lot of interesting things, and enticing them to read a book is not an easy task.

"The Adventures of Tom Sawyer", reviews

Everything that will be said about this work can be combined with words such as “funny”, “humor”, “adventure”. The book can rightfully be called one of Mark Twain's best creations.

The plot of the novel describes the provincial life of the southern American town of St. Petersburg in the 19th century, before the Civil War.

The main character of this book is the charming boy Tom Sawyer, an inventor and daredevil. He often goes on adventures with his friend, the orphan boy Huckleberry Finn. Tom is in love with the lovely girl Becky and hates his half-brother Sid, whom Aunt Polly constantly sets as an example to him.

This work has received more than one rave review. The books “The Adventures of Tom Sawyer” were on the shelves in almost every family during Soviet times.

By the way, Tom Sawyer was not a very positive example for future pioneers, because he did not like school, and used his talent for writing in a very unique way: he told his aunt and comrades so captivatingly about what happened to him that he always convinced the simple-minded the elderly lady in the truthfulness of his words and became the idol of his friends.

How did Tom Sawyer appear?

How did the charismatic boy created by Mark Twain come about? “The Adventures of Tom Sawyer,” reviews from many readers indicate this, is a work where the character of the main character was based on the traits of three guys with whom the author had to communicate. For this reason, it is easy to explain the contradictions in the character’s character: for all his restlessness, for example, he loved to read.

There is also an assumption that the prototype of Tom Sawyer was the author himself and his childhood friends.

Mark Twain allegedly borrowed the name of his character from a real person - Thomas Sawyer, whom he met in California.

Why is the book popular among many generations?

The book "The Adventures of Tom Sawyer" is a classic of children's literature, that is, its example. Why is a novel written more than a hundred years ago still popular today?

The work “The Adventures of Tom Sawyer”, reviews of which are filled with delight from many people, will not lose its relevance for the following reasons.

Firstly, the book is distinguished by humor, which makes even adults laugh at the boy’s antics.

Secondly, the book is distinguished by its genuine sincerity, and, as you know, you cannot deceive a child unless he wants to. The author achieves this effect thanks to the veracity of the events that became the basis of the plot.

Thirdly, “The Adventures of Tom Sawyer”, reader reviews indicate this, is distinguished by an unusually vivid plot. The book is written in an unusually lively and engaging manner. The novel, in addition to the main climax, is amazing because it is permeated with certain small climaxes, which makes us read it, even when the clock hands show long after midnight.

Fourth, although Mark Twain was not a diligent churchgoer, his work can certainly be called moral. The author's hostility to religion is explained by his negative attitude towards bigotry in American society of that time. Tom Sawyer also did not like Sunday school classes, but at the same time he was a conscientious boy, as indicated, for example, by his condition before the trial of Muff Potter, whom he ultimately saves from the gallows.

"Adventures of Tom Sawyer". Musical. Reviews

This book is so well remembered by children that even when they become adults, they cannot forget about the little tomboy and help the current younger generation get to know their favorite hero. Composer Viktor Semenov probably brought back unforgettable impressions of this novel from his childhood, because only bright emotions could become the foundation for creating such lively and memorable melodies for the musical.

Adult viewers who were lucky enough to hear the musical performance of this book note that it helped them remember the adventures of the restless boy, relive them and, of course, look at Mark Twain’s work in a new way.

Children are certainly delighted with the musical version of the novel. Right on the stage in front of them, the main character of the book, who lived in America in the thirties of the nineteenth century, Tom Sawyer, comes to life. Little viewers immediately understand that he is inventive, curious, lazy, but at the same time he has a responsive heart, a rich imagination and an honest soul.

No child will remain indifferent to the amazing adventures of the main character and his best friend Huckleberry Finn, who went together to Jackson Island. Tom and Huck will wander through Douglas' Cave and tell you how to remove warts with dead cats.

All the young beauties, of course, will fall under the charm of the main character and will be slightly jealous of Becky Thatcher, with whom Tom fell in love.

This musical will be of interest to all young spectators from 6 years old, as well as adults, because they will again be able to immerse themselves in the atmosphere of a distant and cheerful childhood.

"The Adventures of Tom Sawyer" in the theater

The story of the American boy has not bypassed the childhood of those who are now staging plays at (RAMT). “The Adventures of Tom Sawyer”, reviews can be proof of this, delights both children and adults.

This American boy is an absolutely unique character who is interesting to watch for viewers. The performer of the role of Tom unusually accurately conveys the traits inherent in a teenager of 12-14 years old: energy, ingenuity, love of adventure. Artists of the RAMT Theater help young viewers immerse themselves in an unforgettable journey through a time when children’s lives did not have the Internet, social networks, or computer games, and they could find happiness in the most ordinary things, as well as see adventure where there was none at first glance. , it wouldn’t even occur to me to look for it.

The role of Tom Sawyer at the RAMT Theater is brilliantly performed, and in the second cast is Prokhor Chekhovsky, who conveys the character of this amazing character no less accurately and talentedly.

It should be noted that the play “The Adventures of Tom Sawyer” always receives the best reviews, and this production is a huge success among young viewers.

"The Adventures of Tom Sawyer" in Russian cinema

The film, which was released in 1981, was watched by all Soviet children. When it was shown on television, not a single child between the ages of seven and thirteen could be seen on the street.

This is a true classic of Russian children's cinema, which, oddly enough, is based on the plot of a novel by an American writer.

"The Adventures of Tom Sawyer" in foreign cinema

The 2011 film adaptation of the novel “The Adventures of Tom Sawyer” by German director Hermini Huntgeburch, reviews note this, is also very successful. The film is very good for family viewing. Many who have seen the film adaptation want to watch it again.

What a book can teach adults

The modern age, with its fast pace, dictates to us the need to be optimistic and find a way out of any life situation. If we imagine that Tom Sawyer grew up, then he could very well turn out to be a successful entrepreneur: just look at the cost of painting a fence, which he managed to turn into a profitable enterprise for himself.

But the most important thing is that, after re-reading this book, you can get the opportunity to again plunge into a sunny, mischievous, cheerful childhood, where everyone dreams of returning at least for a moment.

"The Adventures of Tom Sawyer" is a wonderful book, magical, mysterious. It is beautiful primarily for its depth. Every person at any age can find something of their own in it: a child - a fascinating story, an adult - Mark Twain’s sparkling humor and memories of childhood. The main character of the novel appears in a new light during each reading of the work, i.e. The characterization of Tom Sawyer is always different, always fresh.

Tom Sawyer is an ordinary child

It is unlikely that Thomas Sawyer can be called a hooligan; rather, he is a mischief-maker. And, more importantly, he has the time and opportunity to do everything. He lives with his aunt, who, although she tries to keep him strict, is not very good at it. Yes, Tom is punished, but despite this, he lives quite well.

He is smart, resourceful, like almost every child of his age (about 11-12 years old), you just have to remember the story with the fence, when Tom convinced all the children in the area that work is a sacred right and privilege, and not a heavy burden.

This characterization of Tom Sawyer reveals that he is not a very bad person. Further, the personality of the most famous inventor and mischief-maker will be revealed with more and more new facets.

Friendship, love and nobility are not alien to Tom Sawyer

Another virtue of Sawyer - the ability to love and sacrifice - appears before the reader in all its glory when the boy discovers that he loves. For her sake, he even makes a sacrifice: he exposes his body to the blows of the teacher's rods for her misconduct. This is a wonderful characteristic of Tom Sawyer, which highlights his sublime attitude towards the lady of his heart.

Tom Sawyer has a conscience. He and Huck witnessed a murder, and even despite the not at all illusory danger to their lives, the boys decided to help the police and rescue poor Muff Potter from prison. The act on their part is not only noble, but also courageous.

Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn as a confrontation between the world of childhood and the world of adulthood

Why is Tom like this? Because he's doing relatively well. Tom, although difficult, is a beloved child, and he knows it. Therefore, almost all the time he lives in the world of childhood, in the world of dreams and fantasies, only occasionally looking into reality. The characteristics of Tom Sawyer in this sense are no different from those of any other prosperous teenager. Such a conclusion can be made only if we correlate the two images - For Sawyer, fantasy is like the air he breathes. Tom is full of hope. There is almost no disappointment in him, so he believes in made-up worlds and made-up people.

Huck is completely different. He has a lot of problems, no parents. Or rather, there is an alcoholic father, but it would be better not to have him. For Huck, his father is a source of constant worry. His parent, of course, disappeared several years ago, but it is known for certain that he did not die, which means that he can appear in the city at any moment and begin to abuse his miserable son again.

For Huck, fantasies are opium, thanks to which life is still somehow bearable, but an adult cannot live in a world of illusions all the time (and Finn is exactly like that).

Sawyer is even a little sorry because he doesn’t know how things really are. His world manages without tragedy, while Huck's existence is a constant struggle. Just like an ordinary adult: he leaves the world of childhood and realizes that he has been deceived. Thus, another characterization of Tom Sawyer is ready.

What kind of adult would Tom be?

A tempting question for all those who have read The Adventures of Tom Sawyer. But it seems that it is not for nothing that the story about the boys does not say anything about their adult lives. There may be at least two reasons for this: either there will be nothing remarkable in these lives, or for some, life will not present any pleasant surprises. And all this can happen.

What will Tom Sawyer be like? The characterization could be like this: in the future he is an ordinary, ordinary person without any special achievements in life. His childhood is full of various adventures, but by and large they always happened in some comfort zone, and this allowed Tom to constantly fabricate fantasies.

With Huck it's a different story. At the end of the adventures, Finn leaves the bourgeois world, where satiety and morality reign, into the world of the streets, where freedom reigns, in his opinion. The tramp boy does not tolerate boundaries. But it is impossible to live forever outside the framework and breathe only the air of freedom, because any life needs one form or another. If a separate vessel (person) is not limited, it will break out, destroying the vessel itself. Simply put, if Huck does not choose a certain value system for himself, he may well become an alcoholic and die under the fence, like his dad, or perish in a drunken brawl. Adult life is not as bright as the life of a child, which is a pity.

On this not very happy note, Tom Sawyer says goodbye to us. The characterization of the hero ends here.

Subject. Tom Sawyer in the modern world.

Purpose: to summarize the material studied by students on the topic; develop oral monologue speech, figurative and associative thinking, and acting abilities of the student; develop the ability to work in small groups;

learn to be able to argue your point of view and confirm it

quotes from the text; create a positive worldview.

Equipment: printed workbooks; illustrations and drawings for the work; “Memo” on the rules of discussion.

Lesson type: generalization and systematization of knowledge.

During the classes

I . Announcing the topic and purpose of the lesson

1. Introductory speech by the teacher. Our interesting and, I hope, useful journey through the pages of Mark Twain’s book “The Adventures of Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn” comes to an end. Today in class we will try to summarize what we have learned and once again go through the pages of the work.

The topic of our lesson is fantasy “Tom Sawyer in the modern world.”

It is today that we have the opportunity to host a famous visionary in our time - a dreamer. To do this, I suggest you unite in two groups according to the following signs: the one who, upon entering the classroom, chose a piece of chalk or a glass of a blue bottle from the treasures of Tom Sawyer, takes a place on the left, and whoever chose an empty spool or a gold coin is located at the tables on the left (children sit in groups).

Today is an unusual day, an unusual lesson, and the notebooks in which you will work are also unusual. And even the assessment is not ordinary. You need to constantly make entries in the “Score Sheet”, giving yourself points for each type of work.

Guys, please show me what your mood is now (children show cards that reflect their emotional state). What welcoming, sunny faces you can greet a guest.

II. Updating of reference knowledge

Exercise 1.

Teacher. To make it easier for Tom to navigate our fast-paced and noisy times, you need to create an Itinerary for him (work in groups).

Group No. 1.


Route of stay

1. This is what we are - modern children.

2. Family.

3. School life.

4. Leisure.

Student comment. First, we will invite Tom to take a closer look at us - children of the 21st century. Let's try to establish friendly relations with him. Then we will invite him to our families. Next, Tom will plunge into our noisy school life. And only then we will relax together. We believe that Tom has something to tell us, and we have something to learn from him.

Group No. 2.


Memo for Tom Sawyer

Student. We suggest that Tom adhere to the following rules:

1. Remember! You are not the best, but you are not the worst either. You are unique.

2. Think first - then act.

3. Don't fight without a reason.

4. Play honestly, don’t let your comrades down.

5. Be attentive and polite to people.

6. Be demanding of yourself.

7. If you can’t overcome obstacles on your own, call your friends or family.

8. Don't spend a lot of time watching TV shows or playing computer games.

Task 2. Guess the “Key word” crossword puzzle.

Teacher. In order for Tom Sawyer to get to our time, you need to open a time portal. But this can only be done by correctly answering the questions of a crossword puzzle that has the word key.

Team #1 - Tom Sawyer (8 questions)

1. What did Tom want to become? (feastTohm).

2. Who was Tom while playing with Joe? (RObin Hood).

3. Tom's sister's name (Meri).

4. Tom's character trait (inventiveWitht).

5. What did Tom whitewash the fence with? (paintOy).

6. Which hero was called the Black Avenger of the Spanish Seas? (Toma Sothera).

7. Who promised to protect Huckleberry Finn? (get outec).

8. Password of Tom, Huck and Joe (toRov).

Team No. 2 - Mark Tven (8 questions)

1. The novel “The Adventures of Tom Sawyer” was written by a former...(lotman)

2. The pilot, checking the depth, shouted “mark twain”, which meant... (“merkAtwo").

3. In what state is the city of Hannibal located? (MissuRAnd).

4. Mark Twain's real name? (Samuel LanghorneTOlemens).

5. Which American writer jokingly called himself “America’s second celebrity”? (MarkTveins).

6. Which Ukrainian city did Mark T visit during his travels?Ven? (Sevastopol).

7. What was Mark Twain's father's job? (judgeey).

8. Mark Twain was born under the sign of Sagittarius. What trait is inherent in those born under this sign? (Nrestlessness).

III. Application of knowledge, skills and abilities.

Teacher. The time portal is open. You see how many children there are. Using a dictionary, describe to each other the guys you recognize. But do it in a whisper so as not to disturb the heroes.

Task 3. Verbal drawing “Portrait of a hero” (children work in pairs, whisper to each other a portrait description of the hero; demonstrate their drawings).

Teacher. Dear children, you whispered so much that you attracted the attention of the children. Look and describe who is watching you (Huckleberry Finn, Becky Thatcher, Sid, Joe Harper, Mary, Ben Rogers and other children appear on the screen).

The guys, Vladislav and Dasha, were experts; they looked for the main character based on five criteria. Let's listen to them.

Task 4. Game “Guess the Hero” (work in groups)

Characteristics of the hero


1. Because of his fault, another was punished.

2. He suffered because he was able to distinguish black from white.

3. One day he heard a dying groan.

4. I didn’t like to play pranks.

5. Almost lost my brother.


1. He was flogged for allegedly drinking the cream.

2. Had the nickname Thunderstorm of the Seas.

3. Hearing the “beautiful thing,” he responded to the Indian clarion call.

4. He was part of the cohort of resurrected sufferers.

5. He told about his friend’s trick.

Joe Harper

1. He is Sid's cousin.

2. I didn’t get the knife from Mary.

3. Didn’t give the note from the island to Aunt Polly, although he wanted to do it.

4. Serve as a witness in court.

5. Got lost in a cave with Becky Thatcher.

Tom Sawyer

Teacher. And here is the main character - Tom Sawyer, or maybe you didn’t recognize him? Let's try to guess the hero.

Teacher. Good afternoon, Tom! We invite you to travel along our route. Tom, I won’t embellish the reality, but it seems that children today are very similar in character to your friends. There are different ones among them: some are exemplary (courteous and obedient guys); others, let's call them ordinary ones, are smart, cheerful, dreamers - dreamers who can sometimes create something unusual and unexpected. Unfortunately, among our modern children there are those who have bad habits, are cruel and soulless.

I, a literature teacher in grade 5-A, am proud that I have wonderful students: cheerful, resourceful and cheerful, very active, sensible, and sometimes too serious. Listen to what they tell you about themselves.

Teacher. Children, tell me, would you like to have friends like the heroes of the novel? Who exactly? For what character traits?

What can modern children learn from these heroes?

Teacher. Guys, let's remember the character traits that are inherent in Tom Sawyer.

Task 4. Creating a crown. Create clusters of character traits from Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn (work in groups).


Kind Cheerful

Tom Sawyer





Teacher. Tom Sawyer, but among the children there are those who do not consider you Robin Hood.

Task 5. Discussion “Choose a position.”

Tom, some guys think you are noble and honest, but there are those who condemn your behavior. Guys, take a place in the class on the right, if you support the point of view that Tom Sawyer is a reliable friend, an honest, noble, decent, brave boy, or on the left, if you are sure that Tom Sawyer is an immodest, cunning bully, ignorant.

Discussion is a broad discussion of some controversial issue to clarify different views. Same as dispute.

Discussion Participant's Memo

Respect the opinion of each participant.

Know how to listen to your interlocutors.

Control your emotions, take care of your speech culture.

Point of view 1: Tom Sawyer is a reliable friend, honest, noble, decent, brave.

Children remember situations:

murder in the cemetery (the guys take an oath to remain silent, but when an innocent person (Matthew Potter) may get hurt, Tom decides to act as a witness in court because he is tormented by remorse);

Tom's action at school (he takes Becky's blame upon himself when she tore a page in the teacher's book, and withstands punishment with honor, like a real knight);

Tom and Becky got lost in a cave (the boy showed perseverance, prudence, caution, restraint; he realized that in this situation a lot depended on him, because Becky is weaker, she is a girl).

Point of view 2: Tom Sawyer is an immodest, cunning bully, ignorant.

The children recall the situation:

Tom and his friends on a desert island (behaves irresponsibly in a dangerous place; shows cruelty to his family; encourages other children to act recklessly;)

Teacher. Has anyone changed the selected position? Give reasons for your choice.

Teacher. Tom Sawyer is a quirky, grimy tomboy, a restless traveler and dreamer, capable of thoughtless antics, he often indulges, but at the same time, he is honest, decent, brave, noble. It seems to me that this wonderful boy would easily find a common language with our modern children and would become a reliable friend for them, because although a lot of time has passed since the events described in the book, there is a lot in common between the children of the late 19th century and the beginning of the 21st century .

Teacher. Children, Tom has already met you, and now I propose to introduce him to your families. Most of the children in our class have two-parent families, but some are raised only by their mothers or fathers.

Please tell us about your relationship with your parents.

How are you raised?

Do your parents spend a lot of time with you?

What attitudes do you receive from your parents?

Do you have family traditions for spending free time?

Teacher. Here's Tom's family. Tell us about her.

Now you will witness a kind educational conversation between a boy and his aunt(in the original language, students read the passage in person).

What words does Aunt Polly use to “reward her nephew”?

For what crime should Tom be punished?

Teacher. Let's listen to what Aunt Polly secretly tells about Tom Sawyer. But be careful, because your aunt may make mistakes and inaccuracies.

Aunt Polly: “Woe, and only me and that Tom! The boy has completely disappeared! One day she ordered him to whitewash the fence, and he came back covered in lime. I myself was no longer glad that I punished him... Oh, I’m not fulfilling my duties towards the boy, God knows! It’s like there’s a demon inside him, and God have mercy on me, he’s an unfortunate child, the son of my late brother, and I just don’t have the strength to beat him. Although it is necessary. So he broke the sugar bowl, admitted it himself, and then blamed everything on Sid. And recently he disappeared altogether, got lost with Huck in a cave. I already thought that I would never see my poor Tom! How many tears I shed, only God knows! So what did you think? He showed up at the church for his memorial service! Woe, and that’s all! So now, where did this poor fellow go? Tom, where are you? Have you seen him?

Errors and inaccuracies.

1. Tom didn’t get smeared with lime when he painted the fence.

2. Tom is the son of Aunt Polly's late sister, not his brother.

3. Tom didn’t break the sugar bowls and didn’t admit it.

4. Tom got lost in the cave with Becky Thatcher, not Huck.

5. Tom came to his memorial service not after the adventure in the cave, but after escaping to the island.

Teacher. It happens that Aunt Polya gets angry with her restless nephew, but she loves him very much and wants him to grow up to be a good, decent person. And in this way she is similar to your parents.

Teacher (reading an excerpt from the work) “On Monday morning Tom woke up very unhappy. This happened every Monday, because it began a new week of endless torture at school. And Tom sighed every time: it would be better if there were no Saturdays and Sundays at all - then prison and shackles wouldn’t seem so unbearable.”

Why did school seem like a prison to Tom?

What impression did the educational process at school make on you?

Tom Sawyer has the opportunity to learn more about the school of the future. Tell him about your school.

Task 6. Game “Journalist Studio”.


1. What kind of teachers teach you?

2. Are you interested in the lessons?

3. What punishment do you receive for bad grades and behavior?

Teacher. From your speeches, I understood that a modern school would be interesting for Tom and, perhaps, he would be an exemplary student.

Teacher. And now I want you to remember how Tom Sawyer spends his free time? (Tom's whole life is a game. This is the air he breathes. His games are always strongly connected with adventure)

Task 7. “What adventure are we talking about?” Determine from the reference words what adventure is being talked about, read this passage in person (work in groups):

Flower, straw, engagement, slate, kiss.

Moan, ulcer, gangrene, tooth, hole.

Teacher. Guys, how do you spend your free time? (commentary on the route) Preferences of modern children: sports, dancing, computer games, reading books. It’s sad, but adults call us computer geeks. We often hear that fewer and fewer children are reading books, because the works of writers have been replaced by films, computer games, etc.

Teacher. Tell me, is it possible to replace the book with some technical means? Did Tom like to read?

IV. Lesson summary.

Teacher. The time has come to say goodbye to the main character of Mark Twain’s story “The Adventures of Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn.” When seeing off your guest, I suggest you say words of wishes and gratitude to him.

Task 8. Game "Microphone"

I wish Tom...

I thank Tom for...

Teacher. Do you consider yourself ready for testing on the topic “The World of Childhood and Moral Values ​​in Literature”?

Did you enjoy today's lesson - fantasy?

Did your mood change by the end of the lesson? Demonstrate this with cue cards.

V. Giving and motivating grades.

Working with the “Evaluation Sheet” (self-assessment - teacher’s comment - final assessment).

VI. Homework message.

Prepare for thematic assessment:

Write a letter to Tom Sawyer (creative assignment).

Tom Sawyer is the owner of a rebellious character, a fidget, a prankster and a great adventurer, who settled in four books by the writer. The former journalist went through a path of creative torment before he found the right form for the work and, in fact, the hero who was destined to become a favorite of young readers. Funny adventures created the author's reputation as a great humorist and master of intrigue. Unbridled imagination, enthusiasm and mischievous actions - the life of a boy from the town of St. Petersburg will be the envy of any child.

History of creation

Mark Twain gave children four novels in which exciting events unfold: “The Adventures of Tom Sawyer”, “The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn”, “Tom Sawyer Abroad” and the detective story “Tom Sawyer - Detective”. The author never finished another work called “The Tom Sawyer Conspiracy.”

The first book was born with difficulty: Twain began it in 1872, and finished it only by the summer of 1875. An interesting fact is that the author wrote this work for the first time in his creative biography on a typewriter. The autobiographical novel is based on the writer’s childhood, when the worries of adulthood had not yet burst into a serene world filled with dreams of exploits and accomplishments. Mark Twain admitted that, like the heroes of his novels, as a boy he wanted to find a treasure, build a raft, and settle on a desert island.

The author borrowed the name of the character from an acquaintance, Thomas Sawyer, with whom fate brought him together in California. However, the prototypes were three boy friends from distant childhood, as Twain talks about in the preface. That's why the main character turned out to be such a contradictory character.

The prose writer wrote not so much for children as for their parents, trying to convey to moms and dads that children do not have enough roof over their heads and clothes. You need to try to understand the magical world of a child, and not evaluate his actions only negatively - behind every action there is a “great” idea. Indeed, simple language, a huge number of curiosities and sparkling humor made the novels excellent reading for adults.

The dates of writing of subsequent books are 1884, 1894 and 1896. At least a dozen writers tried to translate novels into Russian, but the translation was recognized as the best work. The writer presented the work to Soviet children in 1929.

Biography and plot

Tom Sawyer lives in the small town of St. Petersburg, Missouri, on the banks of the Mississippi River in the family of his aunt - after the death of his mother, she took the boy in to raise him. Days fly by studying at school, fighting and playing on the street, and Tom also makes friends with a street child and falls in love with a beautiful peer, Becky. In general, everything is like an ordinary teenager.

An incredible optimist, Tom can turn every problem into a profitable event. Thus, whitewashing the fence, which the boy was assigned by his aunt as punishment, becomes a profitable business. Tom works with a brush with such gusto and pleasure that his young acquaintances also want to try it. In this case, Sawyer made a whole “fortune”, adding glass marbles, a one-eyed kitten and a dead rat to the piggy bank of his boyish treasures.

One day, the main character of the novel met Finn on the street, and a controversy broke out between the boys about the effectiveness of treating warts. Huckleberry revealed a new method that requires a dead cat and a trip to the cemetery at night. From that moment on, the exciting adventures of friends began.

The boys witness a murder in a cemetery, decide to become pirates, and together with their school friend Joe, build a fleet and set off on a journey to a nearby island. The friends even managed to find a chest of gold and become the richest boys in the city.

The adventures of the friends continue in the next book, where Huckleberry Finn comes to the fore. Tom helps his friend save Jim's slave by pulling off a whole scam. And in the third novel, the friends find themselves in a hot air balloon - a series of trials awaits them on a journey across America, over the Sahara and the Atlantic Ocean.

Later, Tom Sawyer was to visit Arkansas, where, again with Finn, the boy became involved in a murder investigation and the theft of diamonds.

Film adaptations

Mark Twain's works were used several times by famous directors. William Taylor first brought the adventures of the young prankster to film in 1917. However, the film was not a success. But the next film, directed by John Cromwell in 1930, became a box office leader. 40 years later, the Americans repeated the success - the musical film directed by Don Taylor was nominated three times for an Oscar and twice for a Golden Globe. The main role went to Johnny Whitaker.

The French decided to approach the adventures of an American boy on a grand scale, releasing the series “The Adventures of Tom Sawyer” (1968), albeit in a mini-format. Roland Demongeau transformed into the restless Tom.

In the country of the Soviets, the producers also did not ignore Mark Twain's novel. Based on The Adventures of Tom Sawyer, the black-and-white film was created by Lazar Frenkel and Gleb Zatvornitsky in 1936. However, the film “The Adventures of Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn”, which appeared on Soviet movie screens in 1981, gained great fame. He tried on the image of Tom, and his friend Huckleberry was a future celebrity, for whom the role became his debut.

Govorukhin gathered famous actors on the set. The characters from the American book were played by (Aunt Polly Sawyer), (Muff Potter). The role of Tom's beloved Becky was played by his daughter. The film crew traveled around the world: the geography of the film included Ukraine, the Caucasus, Abkhazia, and the Dnieper convincingly appeared in the image of the Mississippi River.

The director's new interpretation of Twain's books was presented to the audience by Hermine Huntgeburt. In Tom Sawyer (2011), the roles are given to Louis Hoffman (Tom) and Leon Sidel (Huckleberry).

Producer Boris Shenfelder said in an interview:

“The idea to make a film about Sawyer came to me after watching “Hands Off the Mississippi” and “Brilliant Con artists.” Thinking about these two films, I decided to make a film for children and young adults that would not blindly pander to children's tastes and would be out of our time."

The plan turned out to be realized quite successfully.

The last film adaptation of Mark Twain's literary creation happened in 2014. The film "Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn" was co-produced in Germany and the USA and directed by Joe Kastner. The restless boy-inventor was played by Joel Courtney.

  • Hidden under the name St. Petersburg is the hometown of Hannibal, where Mark Twain was born and raised. Tom Sawyer's entourage has real-life prototypes. For example, Aunt Polly is “based” on the writer’s mother, and Becky is based on the neighbor girl Laura Hawkins.
  • In 2005, the Children's Musical Theater for Young Spectators staged the sparkling musical Tom Sawyer. The music and lyrics for the performance were written by composer Viktor Semenov; the audience especially likes the composition “Star River.”
  • The two-story house of the Hawkins family still adorns the street of the writer’s hometown. Hannibal officials are planning to renovate the building and open a Becky Thatcher Museum. Nearby, according to fans of Twain’s work, stands “the same” fence that Twain had to whitewash, and a block from the street rises Cardiff Hill, where the children’s games described in the novel took place. The caves in which Tom once got lost with Becky are also located in the vicinity of the village.
  • Various artists undertook to illustrate Mark Twain's books, but the best work is considered to be the pictures of Robert Ingpen.


“It often happens that the fewer justifications there are for some ingrained custom, the more difficult it is to get rid of it.”
“There is no worse fool than an old fool. No wonder they say: “You can’t teach an old dog new tricks.”
“What will you do with your share, Tom?
- I’ll buy a drum, a real saber, a red tie, a bulldog puppy and get married.
- Are you getting married?
- Well, yes.
- Tom, you... you're out of your mind!
“The only thing that’s nice is that it’s hard to get.”
“The main thing is to believe. If you believe, then everything will definitely be fine - even better than you can arrange for yourself.”
“Fame, of course, is an important and valuable thing, but for real pleasure, a secret is still better.
“In the Middle Ages, the difference between humans and locusts was that locusts were not stupid.”
“You can tell everything about girls by their faces - they have no self-control.”