Traffic rules training group. Traffic rules club program “Young Inspector”

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution

"ABVGDEYKA" of the city of Buinsk

Buinsky municipal district of the Republic of Tatarstan»

"Reviewed" "Approved"

At the meeting, the Head of the MBDOU

Council of Teachers "Kindergarten "ABVGDEYKA"

from 09/03/2013 _________ R.M. Abidulina

Work program of the traffic rules club

for children of senior preschool age

« Young pedestrian»

Compiled by:


1st qualification teacher

2013-2014 academic year year

Traffic rules program« Young pedestrian » for children of senior preschool age.

Author compiler: Khaliullina L.I. – teacher of a municipal budgetary preschool educational institution« General developmental kindergarten"ABVGDEYKA"

Project Chairman: "IMC"

Editor: Abidulina R. M. – head of the highest qualification category of a municipal budgetary preschool educational institution« General developmental kindergarten"ABVGDEYKA" the city of Buinsk, Buinsky municipal district of the Republic of Tatarstan».

Reviewers: Glinkina M.V. – methodologist at MBU"IMC" in the Buinsky municipal district of the Republic of Tatarstan.

Abidulina R. M. - head of the MBDOU "ABVGDEYK".

Summary: A traffic rules class is held once a week, duration 30 minutes, 4 lessons per month, for a total of 30 lessons. The program describes a course to familiarize preschool children 6-7 years old with the rules of the road. It will help educators teach preschoolers basic street behavior skills and conscious actions in a given situation.

Explanatory note

Ensuring children's health is the main goal. The main task of a civilized society. The traffic rules are the same for children and adults. Unfortunately, they are written"adults" language without any regard for children. Therefore, the main task of adults is to clearly explain the rules to the child, and when choosing a form of education, to convey to children the meaning and the danger of non-compliance with the rules, without distorting their content.

This Program is compiled on the basis of traffic rules, as well as on the basis of the Program of N. E. Veraksa, T. S. Komarova, M. A. Vasilyeva “FROM BIRTH TO SCHOOL”.

The goal of this program is to equip preschoolers with knowledge of traffic rules, instill the skill of using this knowledge in practice on a daily basis, and thereby prevent child injuries on the roads of our city.

Only through our joint efforts, using the knowledge of educators and parents, their patience and tact, can we teach children the skills of safe communication with the complex world of crossing streets and roads. For us, this problem is especially relevant, since any practical work aimed at developing children’s safe behavior skills on the roads by improving the system of measures should bring tangible results.

It is necessary to familiarize children with the rules of the road and develop the skills of correct behavior on the road from an early age, since the knowledge acquired in childhood is the most durable; the rules learned by the child subsequently become the norm of behavior, and their observance becomes a human need.

When introducing children to the rules of the road and the culture of behavior on the street, it should be remembered that this work is closely related to the development of orientation in space and involves the formation of such personality qualities as attention, responsibility for one’s behavior, and confidence in one’s actions.

The main goals of studying traffic rules and behavior on the street are:

- reducing road traffic injuries among children by increasing their knowledge of traffic rules:

- development of the child’s psychophysiological qualities;

- formation of a culture of public behavior in the process of communication with the road.

This program describes a course to familiarize preschool children with the rules of the road.

Forms of work:

Classes in a circle on traffic rules.


Targeted walks.

Reading literature.

Game trainings.

Playing out the situation regarding the safety of children on the roads.

Game quizzes.

Working with parents.

Didactic games on traffic rules.

Expected results:


Formation of a culture of behavior in the process of communication with the road;

Instilling sustainable skills for safe behavior in any traffic situation.


Mastering the basic rules of behavior on the road;

Analysis of readiness to solve road transport situations;

Formation in children of independence and responsibility in actions on the road;

Development of creative abilities;

Formation of sustainable cognitive interest.


Formation of a conscious attitude towards one’s own and others’ actions;

Development of a negative attitude towards traffic violations.

Goals and objectives:

Goal: to create conditions for preschoolers to develop sustainable skills for safe behavior on the streets and roads.


    Introduce children to road signs (warning, prohibiting, informational)

    Continue to consolidate and expand your understanding of some traffic rules.

    Foster a culture of behavior on the street and in transport.

Integration of educational areas: Cognition, Socialization, Communication, Reading fiction, Artistic creativity.


Consistency and consistency are one of the leading ones. This means continuity and regularity of classes (once a week). Otherwise, there is a decrease in the already achieved level of skill. Systematic classes discipline the child and teach him to work regularly.

Accessibility and individualization - involves taking into account the age characteristics and capabilities of the child and, in connection with this, identifying tasks feasible for him

A gradual increase in demands consists of setting and completing increasingly difficult new tasks for the child, and gradually increasing the volume and intensity of the load. Mandatory for successful training is the alternation of loads with rest.

Consciousness and activity - to successfully achieve a goal, a child needs to imagine what needs to be done and how and why exactly this way and not otherwise.

Repeatability of the material - only with repeated repetition a motor stereotype is formed. The effectiveness of classes is higher if the repetition is varied, i.e. During the classes, any changes are made and a variety of methods and techniques are offered. that arouses interest, attracts children’s attention, and creates positive emotions.

Visibility – impeccable visual demonstration material, use of various means of TSO / TV, interactive whiteboard, computer, etc./

Teacher Liliya Ildarovna Khaliullina tested this program in kindergarten at senior preschool age from 2011 to 2013. Based on the diagnostic results, all expected results were achieved. The level of assimilation of program material is high.Stable skills for safe behavior of children in any traffic situation are instilled.

The circle is held once a week, for 30 minutes, for a total of 30 lessons. The teacher developed notes for all 30 lessons. Literature for educators and parents is presented.

Long-term plan of work in the preparatory group for school


Topic of classes

Forms of work


September 1 week

Who's who on the road

Expand children's knowledge that every person can be a participant in traffic as a pedestrian, driver, passenger and at the same time is obliged to follow certain rules.

2 week

How did the traffic rules come about?


3 week

How dangerous situations arise on the road

Teach children to anticipate dangers that arise on the street or road, and try to avoid them.

4 week

How does a traffic light work?

Targeted walks


1 Week

Know and follow traffic rules


2 week

Safe intersection

Playing out the situation regarding the safety of children on the roads

Supplement children’s ideas about the movement of cars at an intersection; consolidate children's knowledge about the peculiarities of traffic and pedestrian traffic at a controlled intersection; introduce the sign “Controlled intersection”; improve children's knowledge about the meaning of traffic controller signals; continue to introduce the rules for the movement of pedestrians and cars using a four-way traffic light.

3 week

Transport of our city 1 lesson


Expand knowledge about what types of transport exist

(passenger transport, cars, trucks, special-purpose vehicles (ambulance fire truck, patrol car, excavator, crane, bulldozer, concrete mixer and others); consolidate knowledge about types of public transport. Continue to familiarize children with the features of movement of all types of public transport and rules of behavior in it; consolidate ideas about such road signs as

4 week

Transport of our city lesson 2

Game trainings

Continue to familiarize children with the peculiarities of movement of all types of public transport and the rules of behavior in it; consolidate ideas about such road signs as

"Railway crossing without a barrier."


1 Week

My road map 1 lesson

Educational games on the interactive whiteboard

Expand children's knowledge about the rules of pedestrians on the road (roadway) and on the sidewalk; consolidate preschool knowledge about the concepts of “pedestrian”, “road signs”, “safety island”, “crossing”; attach with children informational and prohibitory road signs: “Pedestrian crossing”, “Underpass”, “Bus stop”, “Parking site”, “Pedestrian traffic is prohibited”, “Bicycle traffic is prohibited”.

2 week

My road map lesson 2

Game trainings

Expand children’s knowledge about the purpose of warning road signs intended for drivers: “Pedestrian crossing”, “Children”, “Two-way traffic”, “Railway crossing with a barrier”, “Regulated intersection”.

3 week

My road map lesson 3


Continue to teach children to distinguish between informational, prohibitory and warning signs; will consolidate the purpose of service marks.

4 week

What do road signs say?

Targeted walks

Continue work to familiarize preschoolers with road signs and rules for driving safely on the road; expand children’s understanding of the purpose of road signs; introduce road signs: “Roundabout”, “Entry prohibited”, “Dangerous turn”.


1 Week

The street is full of surprises


Learn to use knowledge of traffic rules when moving without an adult; develop in children orientation in the environment and the ability to observe the movement of cars along the roadway of the city and in the yard.

2 week

Dangerous intersection 1 lesson

Targeted walks

Expand children's understanding of traffic at an intersection; give an idea of ​​the “controlled intersection” and the traffic controller’s robot; continue to introduce the rules for the movement of pedestrians and cars using a four-color traffic light.

3 week

Dangerous intersection lesson 2

Game trainings

To consolidate children's knowledge about the peculiarities of traffic at an intersection; give an idea of ​​how to cross the street at an intersection where there are no signs; teach children to navigate on a tabletop model of a microdistrict.

4 week



Activate cognitive interest in traffic rules. Continue to introduce children to all types of road signs. Cultivate a desire to learn new things. Conversation-dialogue with children.


1 Week

Quiz game “Road Signs”

Game quizzes.

Determine how children have learned traffic safety rules; consolidate knowledge about traffic lights; clarify children’s knowledge about the work of traffic police officers; consolidate the meaning of his gestures; instill attentiveness in children.

2 week

Didactic games on traffic rules.

Didactic games.

Develop resourcefulness, imagination, fantasy, motor activity. .Cultivate goodwill and a desire to comply with traffic rules.

3 week

The work of a traffic police officer.

Classes in a traffic rules club.

Continue to explain to children the meaning of the traffic police officer’s gestures. Cultivate attention, concentration, and the ability to focus on traffic controller signals,

4 week

We are passengers.


Expand children's knowledge about passenger transport; that buses and trolleybuses stop at special stops near the sidewalks, introduce the rules of behavior when waiting for transport.


1 Week

Right-hand, one-way, two-way traffic.

Educational games on an interactive board.

Introduce children to different types of traffic on the road.

2 week

How dangerous situations arise on the road.

Working with parents.

Encourage parents to be responsible for ensuring the safety of their children.

3 week

Traveling by bus.


Clarify children's knowledge about the rules of behavior in public transport. Cultivate a respectful attitude towards others.

4 week

Reading the book by A. Ivanov “How inseparable friends crossed the road”

Reading literature.

Using the example of fairy-tale characters, reinforce the rules of behavior on the street: the ability to anticipate and avoid dangerous situations.


1 Week

Child on the city streets


Strengthen children's ability to navigate the road, using traffic rules for pedestrians and drivers in various practical situations, using traffic models and a transport platform, cultivate a culture of behavior on the street, exercise attention and memory.

2 week

Conversation “If you are lost in the city”


Teach children to correctly assess the situation, explain who to turn to for help in this situation.

3 week

Guess the transport

Didactic game

Strengthen children's ideas about transport, the ability to recognize objects by description (riddle), develop ingenuity, quick thinking and speech activity.

4 week

Dangerous pranks

Playing out the situation regarding the safety of children on the roads

To consolidate children's knowledge about safe behavior in transport, on the street, on the road.


1 Week

Construction of the roadway

Classes in a traffic rules club

Give children an idea of ​​the main elements of the street (sidewalk, roadway, zebra crossing, center line, traffic island). Consolidating children's knowledge about trucks, cars, passenger transport and special-purpose vehicles. Expanding knowledge about the rules of behavior in passenger transport, crossing the street, and road signs (the ability to find them using a riddle). Instilling in children a desire to know and follow traffic rules.

2 week

Final lesson. Entertainment “In order for everyone to be in a good mood, you need to follow the traffic rules.”

Playing out the situation regarding the safety of children on the roads

Generalization of acquired knowledge on road safety.

List of used literature.

For teachers:

1. Elzhova N.E. Traffic rules in kindergarten. – Rostov n/a. Phoenix 2011.

2. Elzhova N.E. Forms of work in a preschool educational institution. – Rostov n/a. Phoenix 2010.

3. Illarionova Yu.G. Teach children to solve riddles - M.: Education, 1985.

4.Volkov S.Yu. Traffic rules Omega 1996.

For children:

5. Kobzeva T.G. “Road Rules”/Preschool education system. Series: “Methodological work in preschool educational institutions”

6. Romanova E.A., Malyushkina A.B. "Lessons on traffic rules."

7. Saulina T.V. "Three traffic lights."

8. Avdeeva N.N.. Knyazeva O.L. Sterkina R.B. "Safety".

9. A. Linev “At the fork in three roads.”

10. Ed. Kiryanova V.N. "Road Safety".

11. G.N. Elkin “Rules for safe behavior on the road.”

For parents:

12. Elzhova N. “Working with children and parents in preschool educational institutions.” ed. "Phoenix" 2008.

13. Bezrukikh M. M. A book for teachers and parents. Steps to the school. ed. "Bustard".2006.

14. Miklyaeva N.V. Innovations in kindergarten. A manual for educators. Publishing house "Iris - press" 2008.

15. Dzyuba P.P. Didactic piggy bank for a kindergarten teacher. ed. "Phoenix". 2008.

16. Solomennikova O. Education and training in the senior group of kindergarten. Program and methodological recommendations. Ed. “Mosaic – Synthesis”. 2006.

Interactive games:

17. Educational games on the interactive board: “On the road with Smeshariki” - animation studio St. Petersburg, “Songs about the rules of the road 2 - UID N. Chelny RT, methodological material for lessons on traffic rules - UID N. Chelny.

Diagnostics of the level of assimilation of program material on traffic rules. / Table No. 1/

What is a street?

What is a road?

What is a roadway?

What is a sidewalk?

What is a pedestrian crossing?

What is a crossroads?

What is a stop?

What is a railway crossing?

What is a traffic light?

What types of pedestrian crossings are there?

Dangerous games on roads and near roadways /Table No. 2/

Where can a child play when he leaves the house for a walk?

Should a child be attentive when playing in the yard?

Why can't you play on the roadway?

Why can't you play near the roadway?

Why can't you play with a ball near the roadway?

Why can't you ride a bicycle on the road?

Why can't you sled near the roadway?

Why can’t you ride downhill near the roadway, even if there are no cars?

Why can't you roller skate on the road?

Where do you play when you leave the house for a walk? Why is it safe?

Where should the passenger be located while waiting for the vehicle?

How should a passenger behave at a bus stop?

What can happen to a passenger if he is inattentive and careless at a bus stop?

How should a passenger behave in transport?

What rules of behavior in transport do you know?

Processing diagnostic results

1-low level;

2-medium level;


Results of diagnosing knowledge on traffic rules of preschoolers for the first half of the 2011-2012 school year, for the second half of the 2012-2013 school year. of the year. /Table No. 1/

1st half of the year

2nd half

Low level



Average level



High level



Dangerous games on roads and near roadways. /Table No. 2/

1st half of the year

2nd half

Low level



Average level



High level



Rules of behavior in transport. /Table No. 3/

1st half of the year

2nd half

Low level



Average level



High level







1. “Know and follow the rules of the road”

Target: Expand children’s understanding of how to behave safely on city streets; consolidate children's knowledge of traffic rules and the purpose of road signs.

Material: road signs “Pedestrian crossing”; "Caution, children";

Traffic signal signs – red, yellow, green;

Models of steering wheels for the outdoor game “Pedestrians and Cars”; toys - cars.



You and I live in a big, beautiful city with wide streets. Passenger cars, minibuses, buses, trucks and motorcycles move along the roadway of the street and highway. Nobody bothers anyone, because there are strict and clear rules for car drivers and pedestrians.

Question: What are these rules called?

Children: Traffic rules!

Music is playing.

The children sing a song:

"We're walking through the city."

"Around the city along the street."


The houses stand in two rows

Ten, twenty, hundred in a row

Square eyes

They look at each other


Children guess the riddle.

Word game: “Answer correctly.”

(if the child answers correctly, the guests clap their hands, if the child is wrong, the guests are silent)

Question: What is the purpose of the street?

Children: Cars are moving along the street, people are walking.

Question: Which part of the street do people move along?

Children: Along the sidewalk.

Question: What do you call people walking down the street?

Children: Pedestrians.

Question: On what part of the street do cars drive?

Children: Along the roadway.

Question: Where can pedestrians cross the roadway?

Children: Along the pedestrian crossing.

Question: How can I find out where the pedestrian crossing is?

Children: Pedestrian crossing sign; markings on the road.

Guys! There are many different road signs on the street.

Road signs are the best friends of drivers and pedestrians. Road signs tell you what the road is, how to drive, what is allowed and what is not allowed.

Mark the signs “Pedestrian crossing”, “Caution, children”.

Game “Which road sign is missing”

(3 players, 3 signs with road signs)

The song is the sketch “Antoshka”.


Lives with three eyes

flashes in turn.

As soon as it blinks, it will restore order!

Children: Traffic light!

Question: Why do you think this is a traffic light?

The children answer.

Children read the poem "Traffic Light".

To help you

The path is dangerous

Burns day and night -

Green, yellow, red.

Our house is a traffic light

We are three siblings.

We've been shining for a long time

On the road to all the guys.

The strictest is red light,

If it burns -

The path is closed to everyone.

So that you can cross calmly,

Listen to our advice:

Wait! You'll see yellow soon

There is light in the middle.

And behind it is a green light

will flash ahead

he will say: “There are no obstacles

go boldly on your way.”

Now that we know the rules, we can play the game.

Outdoor game "Pedestrians and cars."

A child reads a poem:

All traffic rules without exception

Animals should know

Badgers and pigs,

Hares and tiger cubs,

Pony and kittens.

You guys too

You need to know them all

Guys, let's review the traffic rules.


You cannot play on the roadway!

You can cross the street when the traffic light is green!

You can cross the street at a pedestrian crossing!

Now let’s find out if our guests can solve riddles:

1. This horse doesn't eat oats

Instead of legs there are two wheels

Sit on horseback and ride it

Just steer smartly.


2. Food for this horse

Gasoline and oil and water.

He does not graze in the meadow,

He rushes along the road.


3. The house goes down the street,

Everyone is lucky to get to work.

Not on thin chicken legs

And in rubber boots


4. A strong man on four legs,

In rubber boots,

Straight from the store

Brought us a piano.


5. Early in the morning at the window

Knocking and ringing and chaos.

Along straight steel tracks

There are bright houses walking around.


Music is playing.

Children sing a song about traffic rules.

2. How a traffic light works.

Target: Introduce children to the history of the appearance of traffic lights, explain why certain colors were chosen, tell what types of traffic lights there are

Equipment: TRAFFIC LIGHT toy, signal cards (Yellow, red, green, rod, steering wheels, road signs, floor game "Crossroads", certificates for the right to drive a car

Progress of the lesson:

Educator: Looks formidable and serious,

Very important traffic light

From the crossroads, from the crossroads

Looks straight at me

Whatever he wants to say, I can do it, I can see it with my eyes.

You must clearly distinguish -

Color green, yellow, red.

(knock on the door, a traffic light comes in)

Traffic light: Hello guys! I was passing by and heard you talking about me. Guys, who will help you on the road or at an intersection? At what traffic light can you cross the street?

1st child: To help you

The path is dangerous

We burn day and night -

Green, yellow, red

Our house is a traffic light,

We are three siblings

We've been shining for a long time

On the road to all the guys.

2nd child: The strictest - red light

If it's burning,

So that you can cross calmly,

Listen to our advice:

Wait! You'll see yellow soon

There's light in the middle!

3rd child: And behind it is a green light

Will flash ahead

He will say:

"There are no obstacles,

Feel free to hit the road! »

Traffic light: Well done guys! Do you know a game called “Traffic Light”? Before we start the game, let's remember the rules of behavior for pedestrians.


1. Be attentive.

2. Don't play around on the road.

3. Watch traffic lights carefully


All children are pedestrians. The teacher shows a yellow light on the “traffic light” (traffic light toy and signal cards), all children line up in one line and prepare to move; when the green light turns on, they can walk, run, and jump throughout the group. The traffic light turns red and all the children freeze in place. The wrong player is eliminated from the game.

Educator: Thank you TRAFFIC LIGHT for an interesting game. Dear TRAFFIC LIGHT, who will help the guys cross the street if the traffic light suddenly goes out?

Children: Traffic Controller

Traffic light: Correct. What a great fellow you are! Guys, do you know what this gesture means (arms extended to the sides)

Children: No

Traffic light: Let's get acquainted with the most important and important gestures of the traffic controller. The traffic controller has a rod, with the help of which he shows the direction of movement. Well, listen and remember.

1. The traffic controller faces drivers and pedestrians with his chest or back, his arms are extended to the sides or lowered - movement of all vehicles and pedestrians is prohibited. This position of the traffic controller corresponds to a red traffic light.

If the traffic controller blocks the path with his outstretched arm, you also need to stop and wait.

2. Raised the rod up - attention! We can assume that the yellow signal has come on.

3. The traffic controller faces drivers and pedestrians sideways, arms are extended to the sides or lowered - vehicles are allowed to move straight and turn right, pedestrians are allowed to cross the roadway on the left (green traffic light)

Educator: Dear TRAFFIC LIGHT! Our guys have prepared a surprise for you, a game called “Pedestrians and Drivers”

GAME: “Pedestrians and Drivers”

Some of the guys pretend to be pedestrians, and some of them are drivers. Drivers must pass a driver's license test and receive a vehicle.

Child drivers go to the table where the commission is located and take the exam. Pedestrians go to the store to do some shopping, then all pedestrians return to the intersection.

The commission (educator) asks questions:

At what light can cars move?

In what light should you not move?

What is a roadway?

What is a sidewalk?

What do you think these signs are called? (cards with road signs)

Everyone who answered correctly will be given a license to drive a car.

Drivers head to their cars (take the steering wheels) and head to the parking lot.

Pedestrians and drivers wait for the signal to move.

At the crossroads:

- Attention! Traffic on the streets will now begin, watch the traffic lights. The traffic light turns on and traffic begins. Change of signals.

The game continues until all children have mastered the rules of movement.

Traffic light: I see that you have learned the rules of the road very well. But it's time for me to return to my crossroads.


The children thank the TRAFFIC LIGHT and say goodbye to it.

3. How did the traffic rules come about?

Target: Introduce children to the history of traffic rules and explain why they must be followed.

Progress of the lesson:

Educator: Guys, listen to the poem and tell me what it’s about?

In the center of a big city

There are a lot of roads

And, of course, it is important that

Everyone could cross them.

And that's why someone came up with

Rules friends.

These traffic rules

Both walking and driving

There is no way to forget!

Children: Poem about traffic rules.

Educator: Do you guys know how the traffic rules came about? Who invented them?

Children: It was invented by drivers, people, police officers.

Educator: To let you know about this, Aunt Owl invited us to her place for a magical lesson. Shall we go to her? How will we go to her? I suggest you play the game "Cobweb". Each of you names one of the types of transport and passes the ball to his neighbor without releasing the thread.

Children: By car, by plane...

Educator: What is the most convenient transport we will choose so that we all have enough space?

Children: Bus.

Educator: And before getting on the bus, what should we do?

Children: Buy a ticket.

The teacher gives the children bus tickets.

Educator: Which door will we enter the bus through?

Children: First.

Educator: Who should get on the bus first, boys or girls?

Children: Girls, boys should let you in and help you get on the bus.

Educator: Well, since you know everything, then you can get on the bus.

Children board a makeshift bus.

Educator: So we got on the bus, what have we become?

Children: Passengers.

Educator: That's right, a passenger is someone who travels in transport. Who drives the bus?

Children: Driver.

Educator: What should every driver be like?

Children: Attentive, know where right and left are, know all the rules of the road.

Educator: What should every driver have?

Children: Driver's license.

Educator: Where can I get this driver’s license?

Children: You have to pass exams at the police, and then they issue you a certificate.

The teacher chooses the driver.

Educator: Let's go on a trip, and while we're driving, let's remember the rules of behavior for passengers in transport. Let’s start with the word “No”:

You can't make noise

You can't eat ice cream on public transport

Boys are not allowed to enter before girls.

You can't go out later than the girls

It is impossible not to give way to children and elders

You can't travel without tickets

You can't look out of a vehicle window

You can't push, etc.

Educator: Now I am calm for you and I know that you will follow all the passenger rules.

Educator: Guys, we arrived at the “Auntie Owl’s School” stop, and which door will we get out of?

Children: Through the second and third doors.

Educator: Who comes out first and why?

Children: Boys, they help the girls get off their bus.

The children come out.

Educator: Guys, what to do with the tickets?

Children: Throw it in the trash.

Educator: Guys, we got off the bus and now we’ll walk down the street, who have we become?

Children: Pedestrians.

Educator: Let's remember the main rules of a pedestrian.


Be careful

never rush when crossing the street

don't play on the road

don't cross the street on a red light

cross the street only when the light is green

Educator: Where should pedestrians walk on the sidewalk or on the roadway?

Children: Along the sidewalk.

Educator: Look, the road. How do we cross the road?

Children: Along the zebra crossing, look left, right, at the green traffic light.

Educator: Guys, look, there is no traffic light at this crossing, what should I do? Is it possible to cross the road here?

Children: You can, but you just need to be even more careful, look to the left, and then to the right.

Educator: And here is Aunt Owl’s school. Come in, take your seats. The lesson will begin now. Watch and remember.

Video “The ABCs of Road Safety” (creative association “Masks”).

A lesson from the history of traffic rules.

Educator: What interesting things did you learn? What did you remember today?

Children's answers.

Educator: What great fellows you all are! Now I’m calm for you, you know how to behave in transport, and you know the rules of behavior on the street.

4. Who's who on the road.

Goal: To expand children's knowledge that every person can be a participant in traffic as a pedestrian, driver, passenger and at the same time is obliged to follow certain rules.


Introduce the two-section traffic light and its signals, continuing to familiarize yourself with the rules of the road, road signs and their purpose. To consolidate knowledge about the rules of safe behavior on the roads, the ability to distinguish between prohibitory, informational and warning service signs.

To promote the development of cognitive processes, the ability to navigate the environment, personal communication skills, the ability to listen to others, and perform joint actions in a friendly and harmonious manner.

To develop the skills of conscious behavior on the street and the use of traffic rules in everyday life.

Progress of the game.

1.Introduction to the game situation.

- Guys, let's hold hands and give each other smiles and a good mood. (all children and the teacher stand in a circle)

- We will hold hands together and smile at each other.

The postman knocks on the door and hands over a letter.

Educator: It’s interesting what’s in the letter. Smeshariki write to us and they ask us for help. At night, Confusion went crazy in their city and ruined all the road signs. (Pours out cut signs from an envelope) Yes, this is a disaster. Confusion believes that no one needs road signs, because no one knows what they mean anyway.

2. Difficulty in a game situation.

Guys, what do you think could happen if there are no road signs on the city streets?

Sample answers from children:

Drivers will not know how fast they can drive.

Pedestrians will not be able to cross the road.

Drivers will not know where to refuel and wash their car.

How can we help Smeshariki restore order in the city?

3.Discovery of a new mode of action.

Sample answers from children:

We need to tell Confusion what the signs mean.

4. Reproduction of a new method of action.

Confusion enters the group.

- Hello! So why did you call me?

Educator. Hello, Confusion! The guys want to tell you why road signs are needed and what they mean.

Confusion. As if they know why these circles, squares, triangles on sticks are needed!

Educator. Listen to the guys and you will find out everything yourself.

A didactic game “Collect a sign and tell about it” is being played. (Children are divided into 4 groups and collect signs)

1 group. Sign – “Pedestrian path”.

Sample answers from children

It means that only pedestrians are allowed to move in this place.

2nd group. Sign - "Children".

Sample answers from children.

It warns drivers that there may be children nearby and they need to be attentive and careful. This sign is located near schools and kindergartens.

3rd group. This is a sign: “Pedestrian traffic is prohibited.”

Sample answers from children.

This sign informs pedestrians that pedestrians are not allowed in this area.

4th group. "Men at work".

Sample answers from children.

This sign warns that road work is underway on this section of the road, you need to be attentive and careful.

Educator. You see, Confusion, how much children know about road signs and they told you.

Confusion. Yeees. Very interesting. Guys, how can you separate all the road signs?

(Prohibiting, warning, permitting, informational)

The game “Identify the sign” is played.

(each child has cards with a picture of the basis of a road sign. And based on the basis it is necessary to determine which sign: warning, prohibitory, permitting or informational)

Educator. Guys, let's take a little rest.

Physical education lesson “Road”.

(Children read the poem and perform the corresponding movements)

The road is not a path, the road is not a ditch...

Look left first. Then look to the right.

Turn left, smile at the friend next to you,

Stomp your right foot: one - two - three,

Shake your head: one - two - three.

Raise your hands up and clap: one - two - three.

Confusion. And now I’ll tell you riddles, and you won’t be able to solve them. (thematic riddles - “Transport.” With each riddle solved, a picture with transport is hung on the board.)

What a miracle bright house?

There are a lot of passengers in it

Wears rubber shoes

And it runs on gasoline. (Bus)

You can see them everywhere, you can see them from the windows,

Moving down the street in a fast stream

They transport various cargoes -

Brick and iron, grain and watermelons.


I rule a horned horse.

If this horse

I won't put you up against the fence,

He will fall without me.

This horse doesn't eat oats.

Instead of legs there are two wheels.

Sit on horseback and ride it,

Just drive better.


rushes like a fiery arrow,

A car rushes into the distance.

And any fire will flood

Brave squad.

(Fire engine)

The miracle janitor is in front of us

With raking hands

In one minute I raked

A huge snowdrift.


Confusion. Wow! Great! All the riddles have been solved!

5.Repetition and developmental tasks.

Educator. And now, Confusion, sit down with the guys and let’s play the game “Funny Traffic Light.”

- Tell me, why do you need a traffic light? (Traffic light regulates traffic)

Listen carefully: if the light turns red, sit quietly - the path is dangerous; yellow if it lights up, you need to clap, don’t be lazy; The green light says: “You can stomp - the path is open!” So, is the task clear? Then let's begin!

Well done! You were attentive and everything worked out for you.

Confusion. Guys, draw more traffic signs for our town, otherwise I ruined all the signs in the city. (cries)

Educator. Let's help the city of Smeshariki? Shall we draw traffic signs?

Children's answers.

Children draw traffic signs as desired.

6. Summary.

Guys, did you like our game today?

What did you like most?

How do you rate your participation in the game? Did you play actively? (Ask each child)

5. How dangerous situations arise on the road.

Target.Teach children to anticipate dangers that arise on the street, road, and try to avoid them

Progress of the lesson

Organizing time. Slide 1.

Educator: Guys, today we will visit the school of road science. We will repeat the rules of the road that all children need to know so that trouble does not happen to you on the road.

There are a lot of rules for guys -
You need to know them on the road!
So as not to get into trouble.
Let's teach them together!

    ABC of road science ” traffic rules for pedestrians.


Rule 1.Slide 2
“The road is for cars only”

Notice how many cars are on the roadway.

Here we go out into the street,
And we approach the road,
Tires rustle on the asphalt,
Different cars are driving.

-It is not allowed to walk, run or play along the road. You can only cross the road at the indicated place.


Rule 2. Slide 3

Just walk on the sidewalk"
Sidewalk for pedestrians,
There are no cars here!
A little higher than the road
pedestrian paths,
So that everything is on the sidewalk
We could go without worries!

- Guys, where are you going with your mother from kindergarten? (children's answers)

- What rules of conduct should you follow when walking along the sidewalk?

Educator: Rule 3. Slide 4.

Don't run across the road"

-Tell me, isn’t it possible to run across the road? What can happen?

-Now we will once again repeat the rules for crossing the roadway.

Teacher: Rule 4. Slide 5.

Crossing the roadway"

Tell us how you cross the road?

1.Always look to the left.

2. Then look to the right.

3. To cross calmly, look to the left and listen.

4. Now go ahead.

Educator: Rule 5. Slide 6.

Be careful!"

Is it possible, friends!
Where are your eyes and ears!
From such behavior
There can be a lot of troubles:
After all, the road is not for reading
And no place for conversation!

-Why do you need to be careful on the road?

Teacher: Rule 6. Slide 7.

Take care of your life"

Don't hang on to the back of the bus, guys.
Don't ride after him - you don't need to risk it!
Suddenly you lose your temper and something bad might happen:
It's easy to get under the next car

- What else should you not do on the road?

- Tell us where children are allowed to play.

  1. Traffic signals .

- Who will help you cross the road? Listen to the riddle and you will immediately guess who is regulating traffic on the road.

I blink my eyes
Relentlessly day and night.
I help cars
And I want to help you.
After all, they burn for us
Traffic lights.

Educator: Look at the traffic light, which is on the opposite side of the street where you are going to cross. If the light in front of you turns green, you can walk across the road. Slide 8.

- Let's tell you what the traffic lights mean.

Remember friend at a red light

There is no way across the road!

And be careful on your way:

Always look at the traffic light . Slide 9.

Yellow light - warning:

Wait for the signal to move. Slide 10.

And behind it is a green light

Will flash ahead

He will say:

There are no obstacles, boldly go on your way.” Slide 11.

  1. Physical education minute. Slide 12.

Which one of you is going forward?
Only where there is a pedestrian

Who flies forward so quickly
What does the traffic light not see?
Who knows that red light -
Does this mean there is no move?

This is me, this is me, these are all my friends!

Which one of you, going home,
Is it on the pavement?

5.Road signs. Slide13.

Educator: Now we will talk about road signs.

Tell me, what are road signs for?

-Which signs are needed only for pedestrians?

- What do they suggest?

Various road signs -
They tell us something important!
Be careful!
What is not allowed and what is possible!
On road
How to behave,
To be sure
Protect myself!

Educator: “Pedestrian crossing” sign. Slide 14.

Here is the land crossing
People walk around all day.
You, driver, don't be sad,
Let the pedestrian pass.
- Where did you meet this sign?

Educator: Stop sign. Slide 15.

There is a pedestrian in this place
The transport is waiting patiently.
He's tired of walking
Wants to become a passenger.

- What kind of transport can you expect at the stop?

-What rules of behavior in public transport do you know?

Educator: Sign “Pedestrian traffic is prohibited.” Slide 16.

In rain or shine
There are no pedestrians here.
The sign tells them one thing:
“You are not allowed to go.”

- Where can I put this sign?

Educator: “Overpass” sign. Slide 17.

There is an overpass here
People go up and down.
Cars are racing underneath you,
You shouldn't be afraid of them.

-How safe is the overpass?

Educator: “Underground pedestrian crossing.” Slide 18.

Every pedestrian knows
About this underground passage.
He doesn't decorate the city,
But it doesn't interfere with cars.

- Which of the listed crossings is considered the safest?

6. D/i “Who breaks traffic rules”. Slide 19.

Educator: Guys, let's imagine that we are traffic inspectors. I offer you a game in which you must find violators, that is, people who do not follow traffic rules.

7.Lesson summary. Slide 20.

- Today in class we repeated the basic rules, traffic lights, road signs. You have already become big kids, summer time is coming, then you will go to school. You must be able to quickly find correct and life-safe solutions in problematic situations on the roads, and leave pranks at the doorstep. Try to be extremely careful so as not to cause trouble for yourself or the people close to you.

So as not to worry

Every day parents
So that we can race calmly
Drivers on the street
You should know well
And strictly observe
Traffic Laws!


Program by Khaliullina L.I. developed in order to increase the level of knowledge of preschool children about traffic rules and compliance with road safety standards.

The work program includes an explanatory note, the content of work on circle activities, calendar and thematic planning, lesson notes. The content in the work program is divided into topics, which define goals and objectives, and indicate the appropriate equipment for classes. The program includes diagnostic material that allows you to determine the knowledge, skills and abilities that preschoolers should master.

Khaliullina L.I. Interesting, entertaining material on studying traffic rules has been collected, a variety of means and forms of conducting classes have been selected.

The program takes into account the relevance of the problem of safe behavior on the roads of preschool children and reflects its practical orientation.

This work program meets the requirements for its preparation and is recommended for use in preschool institutions.



for the work program of a traffic rules club for children of senior preschool age

teacher of the first qualification category

Khaliullina Liliya Ildarovna.

This program is intended for preschool age.

The program is proprietary and includes new knowledge for students that is not contained in the basic courses. It was developed specifically for the traffic rules club, an electronic teaching aid and contains knowledge that arouses cognitive interest among preschoolers.

In terms of completeness of content, the program has all the components necessary to achieve the goals planned in it. The material included in the program is used for the kindergarten group preparatory to school, which is achieved by the generalization of the knowledge presented in it; their selection in accordance with the tasks common to all children. The program allows preschoolers to develop practical activities to study traffic rules (excursions, entertainment, games, etc.).

The content of the material in the program is structured in such a way that the study of all subsequent topics is supported by the previous ones, and logical connections are traced between specific and general knowledge.

The method of unfolding the content of the author's material corresponds to the goal and objectives of the training in the program: enriching the consciousness of preschoolers with knowledge about the rules of the road and the purpose of signs. Education on this basis implies the formation of knowledge about traffic rules.

The program material is distributed over time, taking into account its sufficiency for high-quality study and obtaining the planned results and the use of the most effective (active) teaching methods.

The program determines the sequence of studying the material, which is the “shortest way” to achieve your goals. This is a sequence in which it will not be necessary to spend a lot of time restoring forgotten or already lost knowledge. Learning new knowledge will be based on recently completed and easily recalled educational material. The above determines the relevance of studying this course by preschoolers.

This program is recommended for use both in extracurricular and in children’s circle activities.

The program is designed for children 7-8 years old and is designed for 1 year of implementation. Classes are held once a week for 35 minutes. This program is focused on studying the basics of safety aimed at ensuring personal safety on the road from all sources of threats, knowledge and skills in using the rules road traffic in life, which are one of the fragments of the culture of personal safety.



Municipal educational budgetary institution

Secondary school No. 8 Beloretsk

Republic of Bashkortostan

"I affirm"

Director of MOBU Secondary School No. 8

Khaliullina A.I.

"___" ____________ 2010

Club program

"The ABCs of Road Safety"

for 1st grade

(for 1 year of implementation)

Tereshina L.G. - teacher

Primary classes

Beloretsk - 2010

Explanatory note

The development of the road network and the sharp increase in the number of vehicles have given rise to a number of problems. Road injuries are a problem that worries people all over the world. The fee is very expensive and not justified in any way.

The Government of the Russian Federation appeals to all road users to “concentrate their attention on strict adherence to traffic rules, on respect for each other, while remembering that our own life, as well as the life and health of any person, depends on our behavior on the roads and streets.” Being in society, each person, in one way or another, influences the level of safety of the people around him, and the safety of everyone largely depends on the level of formation of the culture of personal safety of a particular person. We face the urgent task of fostering a culture of personal safety, which is a component of universal human culture.

This program is focused on studying the basics of safety aimed at ensuring personal safety on the road from all sources of threats, knowledge and skills in using traffic rules in life, which are one of the fragments of a culture of personal safety.

The “ABC of Road Safety” program does not aim at rote memorization of traffic rules, but at the formation and development of cognitive activity focused on understanding danger and safety.

Classes are conducted in an accessible and interest-stimulating manner. Every lesson has an element of play.

The gaming technologies used in the program provide the child with the opportunity to engage in practical activities in situations aimed at recreating and mastering the experience of safe behavior on roads and streets, in which self-management of behavior is developed and improved.

The program is structured around three main activities:

  • Children are taught theoretical knowledge on the basis of modern pedagogical technologies: traffic rules and safe behavior on the street;
  • creative work of students (studying thematic illustrations, posters, slides and performing creative tasks that develop their cognitive abilities necessary for them to correctly and safely navigate the road environment);
  • practical training of coordination of movements, motor skills and skills of safe behavior on the streets, roads and in transport using a set of games (story-based, role-playing, games according to the rules, etc.) and special exercises (introductory, group, individual).

Relevance : when transitioning to second-generation federal state standards, modern educational requirements provide for the need to concentrate on compliance with traffic rules and a culture of personal safety.

Novelty: 1) the number of hours has been increased by 3 times, which allows you to study the Traffic Rules more thoroughly.

2) The education of an individual who is well acquainted with modern problems of life safety, aware of their exceptional importance, striving to solve these problems and at the same time wisely combine personal interests with the interests of society occurs through ICT, role-playing games, and creative tasks.

Basic goals: Protecting the life and health of young citizens, protecting their rights and legitimate interests by preventing road accidents


1. Develop motivation for safe behavior.

2.Teach the basic rules of the road.

3.Form a stable observation skill in various traffic situations.

4. To form personal and socially significant experience of safe behavior on the roads and streets

5. Develop skills of self-esteem, self-analysis of one’s behavior on the street

and in transport.

Methodology : thematic classes, conversations, game lessons, practical exercises, contests, competitions, quizzes for better knowledge of traffic rules, board games, role-playing, didactic games.

Contingent of trainees:children of primary school age 7-8 years old.

Implementation deadlines:the program lasts 1 year

Forms and mode of classes:The work of the “ABC of Road Safety” circle is designed for 33 hours, once a week, lasting 35 minutes. Classes are held in the classroom using a multimedia installation, board games, visual handouts and demonstration materials, watching films on traffic rules, and the invitation of a traffic police inspector.

Results: be able to apply knowledge of traffic rules in practice, highlight the necessary information; read information on road signs; assess the traffic situation.

have skills discipline, caution, anticipation of danger on the road without turning into a feeling of fear and fear.

know: history of traffic rules; safe route from home to school, road signs; traffic lights;

types of transport; causes of road accidents; rules of behavior in transport.

Summing up form:testing, celebration on the theme: “We know the rules of the road.”

Educational and thematic plan









The street is full of surprises.

Our city and its transport

Where and how to cross the road

Road to school

Our street, our area.

How dangerous situations arise on the roads


Our faithful friends on the streets and roads.

Traffic signals

Game "Traffic Controller"

Road signs.

Prohibition signs

Warning signs

Special instructions and service marks


Dangerous situations on the roads

Know the rules of the road like a multiplication table

Where you can and cannot play. The pavement is not for play.

Features of driving on wet and slippery roads.


We are passengers

KVN “Transport and rules of behavior in it”

Be attentive and careful

Club of attentive pedestrians.

About markings on the road.


Little secrets of transport.


Travel etiquette.

A traffic police inspector visiting the guys.

Traffic rules test

Celebration “We know the rules of the road”


1. The street is full of surprises.Conversation, presentation, riddles, poems.

2. Our city and its transport. Puzzles, historical material, presentation “Special cars”, division of cars by purpose (work in pairs).

3.Where and how to cross the road.Poem by Y. Pishumov “The city in which...”, historical material, presentation (road markings, one-way and two-way streets), role-playing game.

4.Where and how to cross the road.A dramatized fairy tale based on traffic rules,game "find the mistake"group work.

5. The road to school. Working with a site plan,poem by S. Mikhalkov “The city is full of movement”, conversation (pedestrian rules), practical work (near school),analysis and analysis of specific situations.

6.Our street, our area. Conversation, working with a neighborhood plan (find your street, house), individual work (mark your path on the map and dangerous places on it), analysis and analysis of work.

7. How dangerous situations arise on the roads.Conversation, historical material,traffic situations, practical work.

8. Quiz "Lucky case". Division into 3 teams (in rows), warm-up, troubles from a barrel, musical break (physical education), you to me - I to you, video questions from elders).

9. Our faithful friends on the streets and roads.Poem by G. Titov “I am above a noisy intersection”, historical material, conversation , poem by Y. Pishumov “Two brothers are on duty...”, independent work (draw 2 traffic lights: for cars and for pedestrians)

10.Traffic control signals. Crossword, blitz survey, conversation, presentation “Traffic Controller Signals”, game “Say the Word”, game "At the Crossroads".

11. Game "Traffic Controller".Riddles, role-playing game, presentation.

12.Road signs.Historical material, conversation, presentation, independent work (drawing a “Beware of children” sign)

13. Prohibition signs. Blitz survey, conversation, presentation, work in pairs (draw a sign, tell what you remember about it).

14.Warning signs. Blitz survey, conversation, poems by V. Golovko “Road Signs”, presentation ,

15.Special regulations and service marks. Blitz survey, conversation, poems by V. Golovko “Road Signs”, presentation , work in pairs (draw a sign of your choice, tell what you remember about it)

16.Dangerous situations on the roads. Conversation, analysis of situations (presentation “Dangerous situations”), game "Find out the road sign", role-playing game.

17.Dangerous situations on the roads. Conversation, role-playing game, work in groups (make up traffic rules based on what has been passed).

18. Game “Know the rules of the road like the multiplication table.”Warm-up, “Green Sign” quiz, “Three traffic lights” game,game “Allowed - prohibited”, competition – captains “Drivers Relay”,game “Crossroads of Mysteries”, game “Collect signs”, game “Funny traffic light”, game “Cyclist”, summing up, rewarding.

19.Where you can and cannot play. The pavement is not for play.Poems by G. Titov “A stupid duckling plays football”, conversation, presentation, role-playing game.

20. Features of driving on wet and slippery roads.Conversation, poetry, case study, presentation, dramatization.

21. We are passengers. Conversation, presentation, poetry, situation analysis, group work.

22.We are passengers. Conversation, blitz survey, excursion.

23.KVN “Transport and rules of behavior in it.”Warm-up, dramatization of situations, presentation, puzzles, game “who knows the most traffic rules?”

24.Be attentive and careful.Say the word, quiz, riddles, presentation, Domino game.

25. Club of attentive pedestrians.Conversation, game “insert the right word”, poetry, puzzles, game “Dominoes” (road signs), dramatization, presentation.

26.About the markings on the road.Blitz - survey, presentation, conversation, dramatization, role-playing game.

27.Crossroads. Conversation, presentation, film “Toropyzhka”, role-playing game.

28.Little secrets of transport.Role play, situation analysis, presentation, group work (come up with a rule)

29. Travel etiquette.Conversation, presentation, situation analysis, dramatization, role-playing game.

30. Travel etiquette.Role-playing game, work in groups (draw up rules of behavior), presentation.

31. A traffic police inspector visiting the guys.Conversation, quiz.

32. Traffic rules test. Test, presentation, riddles.

33. Celebration “We know the rules of the road.”Poems, dramatization, quiz, riddles, charades.


1. Three traffic lights. Didactic games, quizzes. M: Enlightenment, 1998

2. Filenko M.N. Schoolchildren about traffic rules. M: Enlightenment, 1985.

3. Knyazeva R.A. 100 tasks on traffic rules. M: Pedagogy, 1997

4. G.N. Shevchenko. Fundamentals of life safety. Volglgrad, 2003

5.S.N.Podgornaya. Thematic weeks in elementary school. Moscow-Rostov-on-Don. IC "MarT" 2004

6. Materials from the newspaper “Good Road of Childhood”.

7.Encyclopedia “Everything about everything.”

8.Encyclopedia “What? Where? When?".

9. Encyclopedia “Pochemuchka”. - M.: Pedagogy, 1987.

The methodological development presents a “Plan for extracurricular activities on the Rules of the Road for students in grades 5-7.”

Classes are planned to be held in the amount of 34 teaching hours per year (1 lesson per week). The circle’s work plan contains the names of the topics of the training sessions and approximate dates.

The main goal of developing extracurricular classes on traffic rules is to increase road literacy among students and increase the level of safety when driving on the road as a pedestrian and on bicycles. As well as instilling general discipline on the roads, and the foundations of mutual respect among road users.



Municipal state educational institution Skurishenskaya secondary school named after. Burmistrova V.P.

at a meeting of the Moscow Region of science teachers

T.D. Sedova


Deputy Director of HR


Work plan for the circle PD D

In grades 5 - 7

Head teacher

L.V. Dikareva


Compiled by: Egorova Nina Vasilievna teacher of the first category of fine art and life safety of the MKOU Skurishenskaya secondary school

2010-2011 academic year


Work plan of the traffic rules circle for 2010-2011 academic year



Introductory lesson “Traffic rules - the law of streets and roads”


Road traffic accident. Causes of road accidents.


Forms of traffic regulation. Traffic lights, traffic controllers, road markings.


Road signs.

29.09, 6.09

Traffic organization. Road traps.


Behavior of students in road accidents. Providing first aid to victims.


Practical training on providing first aid to victims of road accidents.


Requirements for the movement of cyclists. Rules for cycling.


State automobile inspection. Responsibility for violations of traffic rules.


"Write a letter to the driver."



Wall newspaper design« Attention - the road!

1.12, 8.11


Preparation of an extracurricular event for junior classes “Visiting the Traffic Light”


Carrying out an event in junior classes.


Responsibilities of passengers.


Dangerous situations on roads with pedestrians.


Driver's work.


License plates, identification marks and inscriptions on vehicles.


Traffic rules quiz.


Preparation for the “Safe Wheel” competition. "Erudite".


Preparation for the “Safe Wheel” competition. Insurance.



Preparation for the "Safe Wheel" competition.


Preparation for the “Safe Wheel” competition. Providing first aid in case of an accident.


Practical exercises with a bicycle. Figured bicycle driving.

6.04, 13.04, 20.04


Work program of the traffic rules club

« Young pedestrian»

Group leader:

Maryina - Starkova S.G.

2017-2018 academic year year

Summary: A traffic rules class is held once a week, duration 20 minutes, 4 lessons per month, for a total of 30 lessons. The program describes a course to familiarize children of senior and preschool age groups from 5-7 years old with the rules of the road. It will help teach preschoolers basic street behavior skills and conscious actions in a given situation.

Explanatory note

Every year the number of cars, buses, and trolleybuses on city streets increases. Motorcycles and other vehicles. Man is accustomed to fast movement. We strive to get to the place we need in the shortest possible time, we complain if a car or bus is moving slowly, we demand speed, speed, speed...

When we become passengers or drivers of our own car, we sometimes forget about the pedestrian, although most of the time we ourselves are pedestrians on the streets of cities and towns. The psychology of a pedestrian is the opposite of the psychology of those who rush along the roads. Cars rushing at high speeds deafen people with noise, making them wince from the exhaust fumes.

In a modern city, we must strive to ensure that an increase in the vehicle fleet does not interfere with a person’s normal life, work and rest. Scientists, builders, technicians, and employees of the State Automobile Inspectorate are now working on this problem. Special research centers have been created to combat air pollution in cities, new highways with underground passages for pedestrians are being built, old highways are being improved to avoid “traffic jams” - a large accumulation of cars, to create maximum transport convenience and safety for pedestrians. Employees of the State Automobile Inspectorate constantly monitor traffic and compliance with traffic rules.

But much of the organization of order and traffic safety on the streets also depends on pedestrians.

It is no secret that the increase in the vehicle fleet has increased the possibility of road accidents. Often, even minor violations of traffic rules by a pedestrian, or the inattention of people on the streets, lead to serious consequences, costing the lives of themselves, the driver and passers-by who happen to be nearby.

Hundreds of thousands of people die under the wheels of cars around the world! And among the victims of road accidents, a significant percentage are children.

The focus of the program is social and pedagogical: conditions are created for the child’s social practice in his real life, the accumulation of moral and practical experience.


According to statistics, tens of thousands of traffic accidents involving children and adolescents occur annually on the roads of our country. That is why road traffic injuries remain a priority problem of society, requiring a solution with the general participation of teachers, parents and children.

Every adult should know the rules of the road for pedestrians and raise disciplined pedestrians in their children. After all, the rules of the road are the same for children and adults.

Therefore, the main task of parents and teachers is to clearly explain the rules to the child, and when choosing forms of education, to convey to children the meaning and the danger of non-compliance with the rules, without distorting their content.

It is important that when transitioning from kindergarten to school, the child can easily navigate the immediate spatial environment, be able to observe and correctly assess road situations, and have the skills to behave safely in these situations.

The “Young Pedestrian” circle activity program is designed to ensure that children successfully learn the rules of the road, learn why they need to follow the rules of the road, be able to navigate traffic situations, and apply their knowledge in practice. The Young Pedestrian program is work for the future. The sooner we teach children a culture of behavior on the roads and streets, the fewer unpleasant incidents there will be on the roadways.

This Program is compiled on the basis of traffic rules, as well as on the basis of the Program of N. E. Veraksa, T. S. Komarova, M. A. Vasilyeva “FROM BIRTH TO SCHOOL”.

This program describes a course to familiarize preschool children with the rules of the road.

Purpose of the program: systematize children's knowledge of traffic rules, instill skills of correct behavior on city streets, in the yard and public transport, observe and consciously comply with traffic rules.


· cultivate a conscious attitude towards compliance with traffic rules;

· to develop a culture of behavior and road ethics in traffic conditions.

· develop motivation for safe behavior;

· develop preschoolers’ ability to navigate traffic situations;

· to form personal and socially significant experience of safe behavior on the roads and streets;

· develop skills of self-esteem, self-analysis of one’s behavior on the street and in transport.

· develop personal qualities - independence, responsibility, activity, accuracy;

· teach basic traffic rules;

· provide each child with the required level of knowledge on safe behavior on the streets and roads;

· teach correct behavior on the streets, using acquired knowledge on this issue;

· to develop in preschoolers stable skills in observing and following traffic rules (traffic rules);

Expected results:


Mastering the basic rules of behavior on the road;

Analysis of readiness to solve road transport situations;

Formation in children of independence and responsibility in actions on the road;

Development of creative abilities;

Formation of sustainable cognitive interest.


Formation of a culture of behavior in the process of communication with the road;

Instilling sustainable skills for safe behavior in any traffic situation.


Formation of a conscious attitude towards one’s own and others’ actions;

Development of a negative attitude towards traffic violations.

Monitoring of the level of mastery of the necessary skills and abilities in road safety is carried out 2 times a year: intermediate - in October, final in April, May in individual and subgroup form.

The implementation of this program is designed for 2 years of study with children of the senior and preparatory school groups and will allow them to obtain a systematic understanding of the dangers on the road and predicting dangerous situations, assess the impact of their consequences on human life and health, and develop an algorithm for safe behavior taking into account their capabilities. The program includes both group and individual lessons, as well as public events.

The “Young Pedestrian” work program is implemented in two directions:

Educational activities with students

Interaction with parents is the activity of children – teachers – parents.

The implementation of educational activities involves the implementation of the following algorithm:

Directly organized educational activities are implemented integrated into the educational areas “Cognition”, “Communication”, “Artistic Creativity” - once a month.

Organization of the educational process:

Subgroup (up to 12 people) with a differentiated approach when choosing teaching methods depending on the capabilities of the children. The activity takes place in an entertaining, playful way.

Club activities are held once a week. The duration does not exceed the time provided for by the physiological characteristics of the children’s age and the “Sanitary and Epidemiological Rules and Norms”:

20 – 25 minutes - senior group (5 -6 years old),

25-30 minutes – preparatory group (6 – 7 years).

Circle activity mode

The total number of hours per year is 33 hours in the senior group, 35 hours in the preparatory group.

Number of hours per week – 1 hour.

The frequency of classes is once a week for 20 minutes in the senior group, once a week for 30 minutes in the preparatory group.

Integration of educational areas: Cognition, Socialization, Communication, Reading fiction, Artistic creativity.

Principles of program implementation :

1. The principle of an individual and differentiated approach, i.e. taking into account the personal, age characteristics of children and the level of their mental and physical development.

2. The principle of interaction “children - road environment”.

The younger the child is, the easier it is to develop social feelings and stable habits of safe behavior. The plasticity of a child’s nervous system allows him to successfully solve many educational problems.

3. The principle of the relationship between the causes of dangerous behavior and its consequences: traffic accidents.

Preschoolers should know what consequences may await them in the road environment. However, one cannot overly focus their attention on this alone, because... instilling fear of the street and the road can cause a reverse reaction (the temptation to take risks by crossing the road or uncertainty, helplessness and the usual situation on the road will seem dangerous to the child).

4. The principle of age safety.

From early childhood, children should be constantly explained the essence of phenomena in the road environment and the danger of moving objects. It is necessary to form, develop and improve perceptions of a dangerous road environment, to show specific safe actions to get out of a dangerous situation.

5. The principle of social security.

Preschoolers must understand that they live in a society where certain norms and rules of behavior must be observed. Compliance with these rules on the roads is controlled by the traffic police.

6. The principle of self-organization, self-regulation and self-education.

This principle is implemented when children understand the rules of safe behavior. To reinforce self-education, a positive example from adults is needed, therefore, it is necessary to educate the parents of children.

The work of teaching children safe behavior skills on the streets should under no circumstances be a one-time event. It must be carried out planned, systematically, constantly.

Club activities consist of various types of activities:

· teaching theoretical knowledge (verbal information presented by the teacher);

· independent work (studying illustrations and completing assignments);

· practical training of coordination of movements, motor skills and safe behavior skills on the streets, roads and in transport using a set of games (role-playing, with rules, didactic, etc.) and special exercises (introductory, group, individual).

The circle is conducted in an accessible and fun way that stimulates the development of interest. The gaming technologies used in the program provide the child with the opportunity to engage in practical activities in situations aimed at recreating and mastering the experience of safe behavior on roads and streets, in which self-management of behavior is developed and improved.

Main activities:

· Creation of conditions; work with children; working with parents.

· Resource support for group work:

1. Traffic corner in a group room (tabletop)

2. Center “Traffic Light” in the building of the preschool educational institution.

3. Visual material:

Transport for various functional purposes;

Board and printed games;

Didactic games on traffic rules;

Posters, illustrations, story pictures reflecting traffic situations;

Attributes for the role-playing game “Transport”;

Road signs.

4. Methodological tools.

5. Library of the School of Traffic Light Sciences.

Stages of implementation of the work system:

Stage I – senior group (children 5-6 years old);

Stage II – preparatory group (children 6-7 years old).

Work with children

When constructing a group activity to study traffic rules, one should keep in mind three aspects of interaction with the city’s transport system:

· child is a pedestrian;

· child – passenger of public transport;

· child – driver of children's vehicles (bicycle, sled, rollerblades, etc.)

Methods and methods of teacher activity aimed at deep, conscious and lasting assimilation of knowledge by children:

· practical (various exercises with models, with game material of vehicles, making models, activities in the traffic rules corner, model of the road to kindergarten);

· visual (studying the rules on models, monitoring the movement of vehicles and pedestrians, demonstrating road signs, technical means);

· verbal (as a presenter - instructions, conversations, explanations); video method – ICT (viewing, training).

· methods of forming the consciousness of the individual, aimed at the formation of stable beliefs (story, ethical conversation, example);

· methods of organizing activities and forming experience of social behavior (educational situation, training, exercises, road traps);

· methods of stimulating behavior and activity (competition, encouragement).

Forms of control: testing, competitions, quizzes, games.

LG Municipal preschool educational institution

"General developmental kindergarten No. 4" Golden Cockerel "


according to traffic rules “Young pedestrian”

for children of senior and pre-school preschool age groups (5-7 years old)

Developed by the teacher:

Maryina - Starkova S. G.

2017-2018 academic year year

2018-2019 academic year year

Annex 1

Long-term planning in the senior group


Cognition – Development of constructive activity Subject: "Transport"- teach how to create familiar types of transport from construction or waste materials, and reinforce traffic safety rules.

Targeted walks, observations

A targeted walk along the street adjacent to the kindergarten: to consolidate knowledge about transport and road signs.

“How drivers work”: consolidate knowledge about driver work; explain why the driver must monitor his health and undergo a medical examination.

"The Road to the Emerald City": consolidate knowledge of the shape, color, content of road signs.

Role-playing games

"Hospital": Drivers undergo a medical examination before driving.

Game situations

« Strange driver": show what can happen if the driver has difficulty hearing or cannot distinguish traffic lights, clarify where he can get help.

Other forms of working with children

Making a street model, playing it out.

Working with parents

Teach children to talk about the place of their walk: where and with whom they will play;

Constantly remind your children that they should not approach unfamiliar cars, open them, take something, or get into them - this is dangerous!


Direct educational activities

Cognition - Social world. Subject: "Our village"- clarify ideas about your native village: streets, modes of transport, road signs; encourage you to remember the rules of cultural behavior in public places.

Targeted walks, observations

Observation of children's games: discussion of the correct choice of place for games.

Conversations, looking at illustrations

"Safety on the street"- consolidate knowledge about the culture of behavior in the yard, when walking on the sidewalk, when crossing the roadway, at a bus stop, in transport, when riding a bicycle.

Didactic games, exercises

« Who knows his village better"- clarify knowledge about your native village and means of transportation around it.

Role-playing games

"Street"- road traffic with an intersection and traffic lights.

Game situations

"We're walking down the street"

Motor activity

P/i “Who can assemble a traffic light faster” - an exercise in running in different directions, acting on a signal, consolidating the knowledge of colors and the sequence of traffic lights.

Other forms of working with children

Watching a video.

Working with parents

When crossing the roadway, draw children's attention to stopped vehicles and hidden dangers;

Hold your child's hand.


Direct educational activities

Reading fiction. B. Zhitkov's story “What I saw”- consolidate knowledge about traffic rules.

Subject: "Street"- learn to make paper crafts by folding, combine them into a common composition, play with them, and consolidate knowledge about traffic rules.

Targeted walks, observations

The purpose of a walk to an intersection is to teach children to determine the speed of transport and consolidate knowledge about traffic rules.

Subject: Rules and road safety"

« Arrange the signs according to shape"; “Find the odd one by color, shape, content”: consolidation of knowledge of road signs.

Role-playing games

"Street"- there are many cars for different purposes in the garage; Drivers take documents from the dispatcher, receive an assignment, refuel the car at a gas station, and carry passengers.

Other forms of working with children

Making gas station attributes for the game “Street” (pump, hose, dial)

Working with parents

When walking on the sidewalk, teach your child to walk calmly, next to an adult, on the side opposite the roadway.


Direct educational activities

Communication. Subject: “Compiling stories from pictures in the manual “Road Rules and Safety” movement" - to develop the skills of writing a story based on a picture, to consolidate knowledge about behavior on the road.

Artistic creativity- Drawing. Subject: "Pedestrians walk down the street"- encourage people to convey impressions of their surroundings (at home, transport); consolidate the ability to draw a human figure in motion, observing the proportions of the figure and body parts.

Targeted walks and observations

Observing how adults cross the road with strollers and children: pay attention that at this time you cannot be distracted or play pranks.

« We cross the roadway"- consolidate the rules of behavior when crossing the road at a zebra crossing or sign.

Role-playing games

"Street"- traffic and pedestrian traffic is regulated by a traffic light; mothers with strollers and older children cross the street.

Game situations

"Be careful"

M. Ilyin, E. Sigal “Cars on our street”

Other forms of working with children

Watching the film strip “Traffic Light Mysteries”

Working with parents

Teach children to give up their seats to the elderly, women, and girls on public transport;

Teach to behave calmly in transport, not to walk around the cabin unless necessary, and to maintain cleanliness.


Direct educational activities

Artistic creativity - Drawing. Subject: "Traffic signs"- exercise children in drawing with various visual materials, conveying the form and content of signs; consolidate knowledge of traffic signs.

Communication. Subject: Compiling stories based on painting "City Street"- learn to write a descriptive story using precise words to refer to objects; consolidate knowledge about the rules of movement and behavior of pedestrians on the street.

Cognition – Development of elementary mathematical concepts. Subject: "Where will you go and what you will find"- learn to navigate in space in accordance with road signs “Move straight”, “Move to the right”, “Move to the left”, “Circular traffic”.

Targeted walks, observations

The purpose of the walk to the “Podsinsky Ring” is to give the idea that this is a large intersection, to introduce the “Roundabout” sign

"Where cars are repaired"- clarify knowledge about vehicle repair shops, introduce the sign “Car Maintenance” and the game actions “inspecting the car”, “tightening the nuts”, “washing”.

Didactic games and exercises

"Guess what's changed"- encourage to see changes in the spatial arrangement of transport and signs on the street.

"Go and collect"- consolidate knowledge of road signs.

Role-playing games

"Street"- movement along the street in accordance with traffic lights, the role of which is played by the child.

Game situations

"How to proceed"- consolidate knowledge of the actions of pedestrians and vehicles at certain traffic lights.

G. Tsyferov “Fairy tales on wheels”

Other forms of working with children

Making attributes for the board game “Build a City” (houses, vehicles, trees)

Working with parents


Direct educational activities

Cognition – Development of constructive activity. Subject: "Street"(using construction kits, paper, waste material) - clarify the location of houses, green spaces, roadways and sidewalks.

Communication. Subject: Compiling the story “My Street”- learn to compose a consistent story according to a diagram, use existing knowledge about traffic rules.

Targeted walks, observations

Targeted walk along the street: encourage you to see how the vehicle slows down and continues to move by inertia (ice)

"Rules of conduct in transport"- consolidate knowledge about the culture of behavior in public places: give up your seat, do not walk around the salon, maintain cleanliness, leave independently after adults

Didactic games and exercises

"Build a City"- consolidate knowledge about parts of the street, traffic movement along city streets, making turns and driving in circles in accordance with road signs.

Role-playing games

"Street"- propose to combine with the games “Family”, “Kindergarten”, “Shop”

Game situations

"Grandma on the other side of the street"- practice correct behavior: do not break away from your mother’s arms, do not run towards your grandmother

Other forms of working with children

Entertainment "Traffic light"

Working with parents

Together with your children, determine a safe place in the yard for skiing or sledding;

Check if your child knows his address and his parents' last name, first name, and patronymic in case he gets lost


Direct educational activities

Communication. Topic: Compiling a story based on the painting by V. Gerbova “An Incident on the Bus”- practice composing a story based on a picture, using personal experience

Artistic creativity – Drawing. Subject: "My favorite street"- consolidate the ability to depict objects and phenomena, selecting content in accordance with the topic; consolidate knowledge about traffic rules for vehicles and pedestrians

“We will help in any way we can”- teach to notice the difficulties of others on the street and in transport and strive to help them, show where the “Pedestrian Crossing” sign is located, give up a seat in transport, etc.

Didactic games and exercises

« Collect the sign" - consolidate knowledge about road signs, their color and shape, learn to collect them using Dienesh's manual

Role-playing games

"Street"- drivers take exams on knowledge of traffic rules in the game “Traffic Light School”

Game situations

“Granny got on the bus”, “The kid demands a seat window"

S. Marshak. Bad story

Other forms of working with children

Making attributes for the game "Street"

Working with parents

Teach children to cross the roadway following the “Pedestrian Crossing” road sign or at the “zebra crossing”;

Teach children to cross the road calmly, in a straight line, and not to run.


Direct educational activities

Artistic creativity – Application. Subject: " Pedestrians walk down the street"- learn to cut out symmetrical shapes from paper folded in half; encourage the creation of a collective composition, supplement it with details, reflecting impressions of the surrounding world

Communication. Subject: Compiling stories from personal experience “How I went to kindergarten with my mother”- learn to write a story on a given topic

Targeted walks, observations

Targeted walk to the roadway: show how cars slow down in rainy weather and how dangerous it is for pedestrians

"How to Cross the Street"- establish traffic rules according to the sign

Didactic games and exercises

Lotto “Find a match for a sign”- consolidate knowledge of road signs (color, shape, content)

Role-playing games

"Street"- association with the games “Atelier”, “Shop”

Game situations

"Dangers on the Road"

D. Denisova. How to cross the road

Other forms of working with children

Entertainment "Parsley on the street"

Working with parents

Think over and find the safest route from home to garden;

Convince your child that he needs to call “02” if he gets lost, but you can’t play with the phone;

Conversation with parents about traffic rules

Direct educational activities

Artistic creativity – Application. Subject: "Street"- encourage the creation of a collective composition, conveying a certain road situation

Artistic creativityDrawing. Subject: "City Street"- encourage to reflect impressions of the environment; depict parts of the street, transport, signs, pedestrians

Targeted walks, observations

Monitoring pedestrians crossing the roadway

« What drivers should know and be able to do"- clarify knowledge about transport and traffic rules, the driver’s health status

Didactic games and exercises

"Finish the car"- practice solving problem situations during traffic

Role-playing games

"Street"- trucks and cars drive along the street, pedestrians walk along the sidewalk; drivers take care of their vehicles

Motor activity

Riding a scooter - teach children to push off with their right and left feet

N. Nosov. Car, D. Denisova. How to cross the road

Working with parents

Parent meeting: “Measures to prevent child injuries”

Appendix 2

Long-term planning in the preparatory group


Direct educational activities

Artistic creativityDrawing. Subject: "Street"- consolidate the ability to reflect impressions of the surrounding world in a drawing, depict a sidewalk, a pedestrian, a pedestrian crossing, trees, flowers, traffic lights, signs

Targeted walks, observations

Target walk to crossroads

"Two traffic lights"- clarify ideas about the purpose of different traffic lights at a pedestrian crossing

"Railway transport and its dangers"- consolidate ideas about railway transport, introduce the signs “Railway crossing with and without a barrier”, clarify the rules of conduct near the railway

Didactic games and exercises

"Sort it into groups"- consolidate the ability to differentiate prohibitory, warning, directional signs and service signs

Role-playing games

"Street"- trucks and cars drive along the street, pedestrians walk along the sidewalk. Cars obey the traffic light signals, pedestrians pay attention to the pedestrian traffic light

Game situations

"Put up the signs"- practice the correct placement of signs on the street

Motor activity

Playing football - reinforce the knowledge that you can only play in a specially designated place

S. Mikhalkov. Uncle Styopa is a policeman. My street

Other forms of working with children

Making a pedestrian traffic light from waste material

Working with parents

Go with your child to an intersection where there are two traffic lights;

Establish rules for crossing the roadway;

When sending your child for a walk outside, check with him about the place of play.


Direct educational activities

Cognition – Development of constructive activity. Topic: “Transport” - improve the ability to create buildings using different geometric shapes; consolidate knowledge of modes of transport

Cognition - Social world. Subject: Meeting with a traffic police officer– introduce road patrol workers to the work, instill respect for their work

Targeted walks and observations

Targeted walk along the street: consolidate knowledge of the culture of behavior when walking on the sidewalk

"Who regulates traffic"- consolidate knowledge about traffic lights, clarify ideas about the work of a traffic police officer

Didactic games and exercises

"Highway"- consolidate knowledge about traffic rules and road signs

Role-playing games

"Street"- traffic police officers monitor order on the roads, check drivers’ documents

Game situations

“To whom do the signals tell what?”- consolidate knowledge of traffic controller signals

Ya. Pishumov. Talking machine, N. Nosov. Policeman

Other forms of working with children

Filmstrip “Wonderful Gift”

Working with parents

Teach children to cross the road only where both sides of the road are clearly visible.

Teach your child the rules for providing first aid. Help yourself and others by following the rules of hygiene and sanitation


Direct educational activities

Communication. Subject: Writing a story based on reference words(road, pedestrian, sign, car) – learn to write a creative story from personal experience

Targeted walks, observations

Targeted walk to a stop: watch people cross the roadway

"Dangerous objects on the road"- give an idea that stones and glass should not be thrown onto the roadway, this is dangerous for drivers and pedestrians

Didactic games and exercises

"Red Green": teach to classify the actions of exemplary pedestrians (green circle) and traffic violators (red circle) using illustrations

Role-playing games

"Street"- traffic police officers monitor the movement of vehicles and pedestrians.

Game situations

« I got off the bus and saw a friend on the other side of the street": establish rules for crossing the roadway

Ya. Pishumov. Look, guard.

S. Mikhalkov. Bad story

A. Severny. Traffic light

Working with parents

When traveling in public transport, show children how best to take a stable standing position;

Introduce children to the emergency exit sign


Direct educational activities

Communication. Subject: Compiling stories in a series pictures "Bus"- learn to see the logic of plot development from a series of pictures, to compose a coherent, sequential story based on them

Targeted walks, observations

Target walk to the stop: watch passengers boarding and alighting

"If you are polite"- consolidate knowledge about the need to help the elderly, give up your seat in transport

Didactic games and exercises

“How the lion cub ended up in the hospital”- improve the ability to arrange pictures in a logical sequence of events and compose a coherent story based on them

Role-playing games

"Street"- road traffic involving cars, pedestrians, and a traffic controller who regulates traffic

Game situations

“The bunny is going to visit you, tell him the way"- learn to compose a story, including road features and road signs as movement guidelines

Other forms of working with children

Video "Lessons while driving"

Working with parents

Do not allow children to sled down a slide whose descent faces the roadway of a yard or street.


Direct educational activities

Artistic creativityDrawing. Subject: "We're going on a tour of the street"- encourage you to reflect impressions in the drawing

Communication. Subject: Making up the end of the story "How do we cross the street"- consolidate the skills of writing a creative story, encourage you to come up with different ways to cross the roadway

Targeted walks, observations

Targeted sledding trip outside the site - clarify the safe place for sledding

"Useful signs"- give an idea that road signs should not be damaged, this can lead to accidents

Didactic games and exercises

“Make a story about the sign”- learn to write short stories about road signs, describing their color, shape, purpose

Role-playing games

"Street"- drivers and pedestrians follow traffic rules, a traffic police officer checks drivers’ licenses

Game situations

“Where do you play hockey, answer quickly, children?» - clarify knowledge of the place for games and the danger of running out onto the roadway

V. Semerin. Prohibited - allowed

Other forms of working with children

Production of pedestrian certificates

Working with parents

Do not allow children to ski on a hill whose slope opens onto the roadway.


Direct educational activities

Communication. Subject: Inventing a fairy tale about following traffic rules - “In the city” traffic light sciences"- learn to come up with a fairy tale on a given topic, describe events and their consequences, consolidate knowledge about traffic rules

Artistic activity – Drawing. Subject: "Traffic"- consolidate the ability to depict different types of transport, convey the features of the road situation

Artistic creativity - Application. Subject: "Our town"- cut out houses and vehicles of different configurations, using various technical techniques, create a plot composition

Targeted walks, observations

Targeted walk to the bus stop – clarify the rule: you cannot pass traffic in front or behind

"How to walk down the street"

Didactic games and exercises

"Road certificate"- consolidate knowledge of road signs, the ability to compose an image of 8-10 parts

Role-playing games

"Street"- combine with the games “School”, “Library”

I. Leshkevich. ABC of safety

I'm Akim. Street

Other forms of working with children

Audio recording “Adventure in the City of Singing Traffic Lights”

Working with parents

Questioning parents


Direct educational activities

Cognition – Development of constructive activity. Subject: " Traffic light"- learn how to make a toy from waste material, supplement the work by drawing details

Cognition - Social world. Subject: "Exemplary pedestrian"- consolidate knowledge about the rules of pedestrian behavior on the street

Targeted walks and observations

A targeted walk to school is to consolidate knowledge about the school, introduce the “Children” sign

"Signs in a triangle"- provide knowledge about the purpose of warning signs

Didactic games and exercises

"Three Letters"- identify the ability to navigate in the surrounding space

Role-playing games

"Street"- drivers drive along the streets, paying attention to road signs

Game situations

"Polite Children"- walking on the sidewalk

Other forms of working with children

Filmstrip “Along the Street, Along the Pavement”

Working with parents

Parent meeting with children “Road Rules and Safety”


Direct educational activities

Communication. Subject: Composing stories “My the path from the house to the garden"- learn to write a descriptive story along a safe path to the garden, using a route diagram

Artistic creativity – Drawing. Subject: "Dangers All Around Us"- encourage you to reflect on the impressions received in class

Targeted walks and observations

Monitoring the space reserved for pedestrian movement

"Exemplary Passenger"- establish rules of behavior in transport

Didactic games and exercises

"People on Road Signs"- consolidate knowledge about road signs with images of people

Role-playing games

“Street” - to help unite various games into a single plot

Ya. Pishumov. The best transition

Other forms of working with children

KVN on traffic safety rules

Working with parents

Reinforce with children the rules of behavior in recreation areas

Direct educational activities

Cognition – Development of constructive activity. Subject: "Street"- consolidate skills in working with paper, promote the creation of a collective composition

Communication. Topic: Compiling stories based on a set of toys: a car, a doll with a bandaged hand, a ball - learn to compose a coherent, sequential story according to plan

Targeted walks and observations

Observations of crossing the road outside of signs and road markings

“Who do we call an exemplary pedestrian” - to consolidate the rules for the movement of pedestrians on the streets

Didactic games and exercises

"Find the Difference"- learn to compare “Pedestrian crossing” signs

Role-playing games

« Street"- reinforce compliance with traffic rules when riding a bicycle

N. Konchalovskaya. Scooter

Other forms of working with children

A trip outside the village - to practice the practical application of traffic rules knowledge

Working with parents

Parents' meeting - "Children's safety on the roads"

Literature and Internet resources used:

1. -street traffic rules

11. Evdokimova E.S. Pedagogical support for families in raising a preschooler. – M.: 2005.

12. Lessons on traffic rules. //Ed. Romanova E.A., Malyushkina A.B. – M.: TC Sfera, 2009.

13. Zvereva O.L., Krotova T.V. Communication between teachers and parents in preschool educational institutions: Methodological aspect. – M.: 2005.

14. Kozlov A.V., Desheulina R.P. Work of a preschool educational institution with the family. Diagnostics, planning, lecture notes, consultations, monitoring. – M.: 2000.

15. Nekrasov Zaryana and Nina. Safe from birth to school. – M.: Sofia LLC, 2008.

16. Poddubnaya L. B. Traffic rules. Senior and preparatory groups. – Volgograd: ITD “Corypheus”, 2007.

17. Startseva O. Yu. School of road sciences: prevention of children's road traffic injuries. – M.: TC Sfera, 2008.

18. Shorygina T.A. Conversations about the basics of safety with children 5-8 years old. – M.: TC Sfera, 2008.

1. E.P. Arnautova. – M.: “AVIKO PRESS”, 2000;

2. “Soon to school. Traffic rules for children of preschool and primary school age”, Compiled by D. Maidelman. – Rostov n/a: Donpechat, Lyceum, 1994.

3. Amos D. “Katya got lost,” Petrushka, 1997.

4. Bedarev O. “If ...”;

5. Berestov V. “About cars”;

6. Borovoy E.V stories from the series “Do you know?”;

7. Galpershtein L. “Tram and its family”;

8. Dorokhov. A, "Passenger";

9. Emelyanova O. “Road rules for children” (children’s poems about road safety rules);

10. Leshkevich I. “Ice”;

11. Mikhalkov S. “Loafer traffic light.” M., 1987.

12. Mikhalkov S. “My Street”, “Bad History”;

13. Nosov N. “Car”.

14. Fireflower E. “Who Starts the Day”;

15. Pishumov Y. “My car”, “ABC of the city”, “Song about the rules”, “On our street”, “All the boys, all the girls...”, “This is my street”;

16. Prokofieva S., Sapgir G. “My friend is a traffic light.” M., “Let the child grow up healthy.” 1980.

17. Semernin V. “Prohibited - Permitted”;

18. Tumarinson G. “New road adventures of Pinocchio.” – L, 1989.

19. Usachev A. “House at the crossing”;

20. Shalaeva G.P. , “New rules of behavior for well-mannered children.” – M.: Eksmo, 2004.

21. Shorygina T.A. "Cautious Tales". – M.: Prometheus, 2003.

22. Elkin G.N. “rules for safe behavior on the road.” Useful tips for pedestrians. Basic road signs. Behavior in public transport. - S.-Fri.: Litera. 2008;

23. Yurmin G. “Curious Mouse”;

Program to familiarize children of senior preschool age with the Rules of the Road

I. Abstract.
The density of traffic flows and the speed of cars on city streets is rapidly increasing and will progress in the future. Therefore, ensuring traffic safety is becoming an increasingly important task. Of particular importance in solving this problem is the early and proper preparation of our youngest pedestrians - children, who face serious difficulties and dangers outside the gates of their homes.
Children themselves are most often the culprits in road accidents. This is caused by ignorance of the basic principles of the Road Traffic Rules and the indifferent attitude of adults to the behavior of children on the roadway. Left to their own devices, children, especially younger ones, pay little attention to the real dangers on the road. This can only be avoided through appropriate upbringing and education of the child from a very early age.
P. Leach and P. Statman in their research note that the advantage of preschoolers in learning personal safety is that they love the rules and fully adhere to them. If the rules are forgotten or deviated by someone, then the baby instantly reacts to this. A child of this age’s desire for logic will help adults teach him safety rules.
K.D. Ushinsky wrote that “education reduces the number of dangers that threaten our lives, reduces the number of causes of fear and, by making it possible to measure the danger and determine its consequences, reduces the intensity of fear due to these dangers.”
For several years now, the team of teachers at our preschool educational institution has been systematically and organizedly working towards familiarizing children with the Rules of the Road. This is especially relevant, because it is in preschool age that the foundation of life’s orientations in the environment is laid, and everything that the child learns at this time will firmly remain with him forever. Therefore, it is very important in kindergarten from a young age to begin preparing the child for the lifelong “profession” of a road user - a pedestrian.
By the age of 4-5, children accumulate certain motor experience, enrich their vocabulary, and develop spatial orientation skills. At an older age (6-7 years), individual information about traffic rules is built into a consistent and harmonious system of ideas. Children not only become familiar with road signs, learn the rules and norms of behavior on the street and in transport, but also acquire the ability to apply the acquired knowledge in practice. Children are given tasks that require them to demonstrate independence, active thinking, and the ability to apply knowledge in practice.
Much attention is paid to working with parents, because... A positive example in the behavior of adults on the street and in transport is very important for a child. Thematic exhibitions of creative works of children and parents and poster competitions are organized. There is close cooperation with traffic police inspectors. It is in the context of targeted work with families to prepare preschoolers for the role of independent pedestrians that the level of children’s acquisition of traffic rules knowledge and skills increases.
Target. Formation of conscious behavior in preschoolers in road transport situations.
1. Introducing children to the Rules of the Road
2. Training in the rules of behavior on the street and in transport.
3. Development in children of the ability to consciously perform the duties of a private road user.
For the successful implementation of the program to teach children safe behavior on the streets and roads, traffic corners have been organized in preschool educational institutions, which present: visually illustrated material; printed board games; magnetic board depicting an intersection; attributes for role-playing games with a road theme; children's fiction on traffic topics; designers; manuals and games for teaching children traffic rules; safe “Home – Kindergarten” routes designed for each child; ongoing exhibitions of drawings and crafts on road transport topics; albums with photographs: “My Street”, “My Yard” (with children’s stories, with marks of dangerous places where they need to be attentive and careful - this will help the children learn to analyze their actions); audio and video equipment. To simulate situations according to traffic rules, a playground “Auto Playground” has been installed in the courtyard of the preschool educational institution, where the roadway, sidewalk and pedestrian crossing are marked with markings. Attributes for its equipment were purchased: a mobile working traffic light, road signs on tripods, bicycles, scooters. The educational environment for the development of preschool children has been created in accordance with temporary requirements for the content and methods of education and training implemented in a preschool educational institution and in accordance with modern sanitary and epidemiological standards.
II. Program curriculum.
Category of students: kindergarten students aged 5-7 years.
Duration of training: 1 year.
No. name of topics total hours including control form
theoretical practical
1 "We're getting to know the street." 1 hour 40 minutes 35 minutes 1 hour 5 minutes Conversation, observation, reflection
2 "ABC of the road." 2 hours 5 minutes 35 minutes 1 hour 30 minutes Conversation, observation, reflection
3 “Who is the most important person on the street?” 1 hour 40 minutes 20 minutes 1 hour 20 minutes Conversation, observation, reflection
4 "Skillful pedestrian." 1 hour 40 minutes 30 minutes 1 hour 10 minutes Conversation, observation, reflection, analysis
5 “This should be clear to everyone!” 2 hours 5 minutes 25 minutes 1 hour 40 minutes Conversation, observation, reflection
6 "Red, yellow, green!" 1 hour 40 minutes 35 minutes 1 hour 5 minutes Conversation, observation, reflection
7 “How to avoid trouble?” 1 hour 40 minutes 25 minutes 1 hour 15 minutes Conversation, observation, reflection
8 “The rules are our helpers.” 2 hours 5 minutes 35 minutes 1 hour 30 minutes Conversation, observation, reflection
9 “School of Road Sciences”. 2 hours 5 minutes 20 minutes 1 hour 45 minutes Conversation, observation, reflection, analysis
III. Educational and thematic plan.
Program goal: To increase the activity of parents and children in ensuring road safety; to form in children a stable skill of switching to self-control (the ability to use knowledge and monitor their behavior) in the surrounding road transport environment.
Category of students: kindergarten students aged 5-7 years.
Duration of training: 1 year.
Class hours: Thursday 15.00-15.25
No. name of topics
total hours including control form
theoretical practical
1 "We're getting to know the street." 1 hour 40 minutes 35 min. 1 hour 5 minutes
1.1 Lesson “Our village and its transport.” 25 min. 15 minutes. 10 min. Conversation, observation
1.2 Lesson “How the donkey went to school.” 25 min. 15 minutes. 10 min. Conversation, observation
1.3 Didactic game “Street”. 25 min. 5 minutes. 20 minutes. Conversation, observation
1.4 Target walk. "Crosswalk". 25 min. 25 min. Conversation, reflection
2 "ABC of the road." 2 hours 5 minutes 35 min. 1 hour 30 minutes
2.1 Lesson “Influential wand”. 25 min. 15 minutes. 10 min. Conversation, observation
2.2 Lesson “Why are road signs needed?” 25 min. 10 min. 15 minutes. Conversation, observation
2.3 Sports leisure “Visiting a traffic light.” 25 min. 25 min. Observation, reflection
2.4 Didactic game “Guess by description.” 25 min. 5 minutes. 20 minutes. Conversation, observation
2.5 Project activities. Creation of the “Our Street” layout. 25 min. 5 minutes. 20 minutes. Observation, reflection
3 “Who is the most important person on the street?” 1 hour 40 minutes 20 minutes. 1 hour 20 minutes
3.1 Lesson “Road to school”. 25 min. 10 min. 15 minutes. Conversation, observation
3.2 Didactic game “Car”. 25 min. 5 minutes. 20 minutes. Conversation, observation
3.3 Role-playing game “Drivers and pedestrians.” 25 min. 5 minutes. 20 minutes. Observation, reflection
3.4 Organization of the traffic rules corner. 25 min. 25 min. Conversation, observation
4 "Skillful pedestrian." 1 hour 40 minutes 30 min. 1 hour 10 minutes
4.1 Lesson “Road safety”. 25 min. 15 minutes. 10 min. Conversation, observation
4.2 Didactic game “Quiz”. 25 min. 10 min. 15 minutes. Conversation, observation
4.3 Outdoor game “Visiting Aibolit.” 25 min. 5 minutes. 20 minutes. Observation, reflection
4.4 Excursion to the crossroads. 25 min. 25 min. Conversation, observation
5 “This should be clear to everyone!” 2 hours 5 minutes 25 min. 1 hour 40 minutes
5.1 Lesson “Little driver”. 25 min. 10 min. 15 minutes. Conversation, observation
5.2 Didactic game “Road ABC”. 25 min. 5 minutes. 20 minutes. Conversation, observation
5.3 Outdoor game “Red, yellow, green”. 25 min. 5 minutes. 20 minutes. Observation, reflection
5.4 Entertainment “Journey to the land of road signs.” 25 min. 25 min. Observation, reflection
5.5 Project activities. "Safety wheel". 25 min. 5 minutes. 20 minutes. Observation, reflection, analysis
6 "Red, yellow, green!" 1 hour 40 minutes 35 min. 1 hour 5 minutes
6.1 Lesson “In city transport”. 25 min. 10 min. 15 minutes. Conversation, observation
6.2 Conversation “We travel in the subway.” 25 min. 20 minutes. 5 minutes. Conversation, observation
6.3 Role-playing game “Crossroads”. 25 min. 5 minutes. 20 minutes. Conversation, observation
6.4 Drawing competition on the topic of traffic rules. 25 min. 25 min. Observation, reflection
7 “How to avoid trouble?” 1 hour 40 minutes 25 min. 1 hour 15 minutes
7.1 Lesson “Traffic traffic and driver’s work.” 25 min. 15 minutes. 10 min. Conversation, observation
7.2 Didactic game “Road signs”. 25 min. 5 minutes. 20 minutes. Conversation, observation
7.3 KVN “Green Light”. 25 min. 25 min. Observation, reflection
7.4 Target walk “Road signs”. 25 min. 5 minutes. 20 minutes. Conversation, observation
8 “The rules are our helpers.” 2 hours 5 minutes 35 min. 1 hour 30 minutes
8.1 Conversation “Where you can and cannot play.” 25 min. 20 minutes. 5 minutes. Conversation, observation
8.2 Didactic game “Logical paths”. 25 min. 5 minutes. 20 minutes. Conversation, observation
8.3 Outdoor game “Colored Cars”. 25 min. 5 minutes. 20 minutes. Conversation, observation
8.4 Theatrical production “The Road to the Teremka”. 25 min. 25 min. Observation, reflection
8.5 Project activities. Creation of albums “This is dad, this is me, this is my street.” 25 min. 5 minutes. 20 minutes.
9 “School of Road Sciences”. 2 hours 5 minutes 20 minutes. 1 hour 45 minutes
9.1 Lesson “Rules of riding a bicycle (scooter, roller skates).” 25 min. 10 min. 15 minutes. Conversation, observation
9.2 Didactic game “Modeled signs”. 25 min. 5 minutes. 20 minutes. Conversation, observation
9.3 Promotion “Driver! Save my life! 25 min. 5 minutes. 20 minutes. Observation, reflection
9.4 Musical and playful leisure time “Remember the rules of the road.” 25 min. 25 min. Observation, reflection
9.5 Competition of drawings on asphalt on the topic of traffic rules. 25 min. 25 min. Observation, reflection
Total 16 hours 40 minutes 4 hours 20 minutes 12 hours 20 minutes

A program to familiarize children of senior preschool age with the Green Light traffic rules.
Going out into the street
Prepare in advance
Politeness and restraint
And most importantly, attention!

Explanatory note
A culture of personal safety implies knowledge and strict adherence to safety rules, the ability to apply them in practice and in extreme situations, and a set of moral and moral qualities.
Ensuring traffic safety is becoming an important national task, and training young pedestrians, passengers and cyclists is of particular importance. The study of traffic rules should be considered as an integral part of the general educational work of kindergartens. Only with a systematic study of the rules, the use of new forms of propaganda of the Rules of the Road, the interaction of educational authorities, health care and the State Road Safety Inspectorate can the problem of child injuries be solved.
The author’s program “Green Light” is aimed at preventing road traffic injuries and teaching preschoolers the rules of the road alphabet, which are considered as an integral part of educating the child’s general culture. Work is carried out systematically both with a group of children and with subgroups, taking into account the individual characteristics of children in a particular group.
This work is carried out in accordance with the plan drawn up for the academic year. It is important to note that not only teachers and students are involved in this process, but also parents.
A significant place is devoted to practical forms of learning: observation, excursions, targeted walks, during which children learn in practice the rules for pedestrians, observe road traffic, and consolidate previously acquired knowledge.
The movement of vehicles and pedestrians on the street and roads is too complex a phenomenon for children to navigate on their own. Therefore, special attention is paid to organizing observations and excursions.
Work on familiarization with traffic rules is based on an integrated approach. Thematic classes are held with children in groups, consolidating the acquired knowledge in different types of activities.
The work uses the author's practical guide “Road ABC in Riddles”, which introduces children to the rules of behavior on the road, traffic lights, vehicles and some road signs. I have been using this manual in working with children for several years now. Briefly about how this manual was created: for each letter of the alphabet I selected a suitable word related to the road theme, then I found a riddle about this subject, if I didn’t find it, then I came up with it myself and selected an illustration depicting the riddle. The practical guide “Road ABC in Riddles” is a collection of thematic pictures, in alphabetical order, with poems and riddles, selected on the topic “Teaching preschoolers the rules of the road.” “Road ABC” can be used both in classes and in individual work with children of preschool and primary school age. This manual is aimed at developing safe behavior skills on the road in preschoolers.

Relevance(justification for the development of the Green Light program).
A child has disproportionately less experience of moving on the street than an adult; the sense of danger, fear, and orientation in space is not fully formed; children are mobile and impatient.
It is impossible to raise a disciplined pedestrian if such important qualities as attention, composure, responsibility and caution are not instilled from childhood. Indeed, often the absence of these qualities becomes the cause of road accidents.
It is quite obvious: the sooner children receive information about how a person should behave on the street and in the yard, the fewer accidents there will be. Both parents and teachers of preschool educational institutions are called upon to solve this problem.
Today, no one needs to be convinced that the sooner we introduce a child to the rules of the road and teach him the skills to behave on the streets and roads, the fewer accidents there will be on the roadway. That is why it is necessary to teach children safe behavior on the streets, roads, in transport and traffic rules. Both parents and preschool institutions should take part in this, and in the future, of course, schools and other educational institutions.
The program is aimed at two age levels:
1. older age – from 5-6 years;
2. school preparatory group from 6-7 years old.
The program is built on the basis of the main methodological principles: taking into account the age characteristics of children, accessibility of the material, gradual complication of it.
Legislative and regulatory support for the program
- Law of the Russian Federation “On Education”.
- On the concept of modernization of Russian education for the period until 2012.
- Charter of the educational institution.
Program objects
- Children.
- Families of children attending preschool educational institutions.
- Teaching staff of the preschool educational institution.
Purpose of the program
Increase the activity of parents and children in ensuring road safety; to form in children a stable skill of switching to self-control (the ability to use knowledge and monitor their behavior) in the surrounding road transport environment.
Program objectives
1. Teach children safe behavior on the road.
2. Introduce children to the meaning of road signs, teach them to understand their schematic representation for correct orientation on the streets and roads.
3. Form and develop in children a holistic perception of the surrounding road environment.
4. To develop in children the skills and abilities to monitor the road situation and anticipate dangerous situations, the ability to avoid them, and if they find themselves in such situations, get out of them with less harm to themselves and others.
5. Expand children's vocabulary in road vocabulary.
6. Foster discipline and conscious compliance with traffic rules and a culture of behavior.
7. Intensify efforts to promote traffic rules and a safe lifestyle among parents.
Much attention is paid to interaction with parents. Assemblies and conversations highlight the moral responsibility of adults through visual propaganda. By unconditionally submitting to the requirements of road discipline, parents should set an example for their children, since preschoolers learn to break the rules of behavior, first of all, from adults. Only in the close collaboration of kindergarten and family can children develop solid skills of cultural behavior on the street, that discipline that encourages them to obey order. Then the habit of walking correctly on the street will become the norm for children.
The program presents a variety of forms and methods of educational work, including entertainment, holidays, practical classes, business and role-playing games, workshops, trainings, meetings with traffic inspectors, promotions, excursions, competitions, projects, exhibitions, etc.
The main stages of work reflected by the program:
- clarifying children’s ideas about traffic rules, that is, their personal experience, which the teacher can rely on.
- expansion of children’s initial ideas, accumulation of new knowledge about safety rules through classes, conversations, memorization of rhyming rules.
- consolidation of acquired knowledge and the formation of a conscious attitude towards compliance with safety rules through reading and discussing works of fiction, dramatization games, observations during excursions and from personal experience.
- developing in children a sense of responsibility and the prerequisites for readiness to be responsible for their actions. Children of preschool age accept and assimilate the demands placed on them, and the readiness to be fully responsible for their actions will come later.
- development in children of a sense of control and self-control, because When teaching the rules of safe behavior, these qualities largely help the child to navigate the current environment in a timely manner and correctly.
The program includes planning work for the year for older age groups, working with children, teachers and parents.
Expected Result
Upon completion of the program, the child must:
- know the algorithm for crossing the road “stop - look - cross”;
- have an idea of ​​the types of transport (air, water, land);
- distinguish between vehicles on the road (passenger, cargo, special, operational);
- be able to choose a way to cross the roadway, distinguish between pedestrian crossings (ground, overground, underground, regulated, unregulated) and traffic control devices (traffic lights, traffic controllers), as well as road signs;
- know the rules for crossing the roadway (three fixations of turning the head - towards moving transport, in the opposite direction and again towards transport) at regulated and unregulated pedestrian crossings.

A step-by-step long-term plan for familiarizing children of senior preschool age with the rules of the road.

Working with children Working with teachers Working with parents
"We're getting to know the street." 1.Lesson “Our village and its transport.” 2. Lesson “How the donkey went to school.” 3. Didactic game “Street”. 4. Target walk. "Crosswalk".
Workshop “Life Safety for Preschoolers”. Parent meeting with the invitation of the traffic police inspector “The impact of parental behavior on the safety of children.”

"ABC of the road." 1. Lesson “Influential wand”. 2. Lesson “Why are road signs needed?” 3. Sports activities “Visiting a traffic light.” 4. Didactic game “Guess by the description.”
Participation of teachers in sports leisure “Visiting the traffic light”. Publishing a booklet for parents “How to teach a child to behave safely on the street?”
Project activities. Creation of the “Our Street” layout.

“Who is the most important person on the street?” 1. Lesson “The road to school.” 2. Didactic game “Car”. 3. Role-playing game “Drivers and pedestrians.” 4.Organization of the traffic rules corner. Presentation of traffic rules corners in groups. Participation in organizing the traffic rules corner.

"Skillful pedestrian." 1. Lesson “Road Safety”. 2. Didactic game “Quiz”. 3. Outdoor game “Visiting Aibolit.” 4. Excursion to the crossroads. Consultation for teachers “Development and use of the route “Home - kindergarten”. Participation in the development and use of the “Home - Kindergarten” route.

“This should be clear to everyone.” 1. Lesson “Little driver”. 2. Didactic game “Road ABC”. 3. Outdoor game “Red, yellow, green”. 4. Entertainment “Journey to the land of road signs.” Participation of teachers in the entertainment “Journey to the Land of Road Signs.” Questionnaire on the topic “Me and my child on the street.”
Project activities. "Safety Wheel"

"Red, yellow, green." 1. Lesson “In city transport”. 2. Conversation “We travel in the subway.” 3. Role-playing game “Crossroads”. 4. Drawing competition on the topic of traffic rules. Development of a synopsis for the role-playing game “Crossroads”. Making a stand “Beware of the street!”

“How to avoid trouble?” 1.Lesson “Traffic traffic and driver’s work.” 2. Didactic game “Road signs”. 3.KVN “Green Light”. 4. Target walk “Road signs”. Viewing an open event – ​​KVN “Green Light”. 1. Participation in KVN. 2. Targeted excursion “Observation of the driver’s work.”

“The rules are our helpers.” 1. Conversation “Where you can and cannot play.” 2. Didactic game “Logical paths”. 3. Outdoor game “Colored Cars”. 4. Theatrical production “The Road to the Teremka”. Testing teachers to determine the level of their knowledge on road topics. Consultation “Parent is a role model.”
Project activities. Creation of albums “This is dad, this is me, this is my street!”

"School of Road Sciences". 1. Lesson “Rules of riding a bicycle (scooter, roller skates).” 2. Didactic game “Simulated signs”. 3. Promotion “Driver! Save my life! 4. Musical and gaming leisure “Remember the rules of the road.” 5. Competition of drawings on asphalt on the topic of traffic rules. 1. Participation of teachers in the “Driver! Save my life!
2. Participation in musical and gaming leisure “Remember the Rules of the Road.” 1.Participation in the promotion.

2. Entering information on teaching children traffic rules in the parent’s corner.

Thus, the implementation of activities within the framework of this program makes it possible to carry out work to prevent child road traffic injuries most effectively. The program is aimed at being able to convey information not only to children, but also to their parents in such a way that they develop the vital habit of following traffic rules and teach their children to do the same.
Thanks to the program, children will receive and assimilate knowledge about the rules of behavior on the road, learn to apply the acquired knowledge about the rules of the road in games, dramatizations, and in everyday life.
Together with parents, visual materials have been developed that have a developmental impact and cognitive stimulation on older children, developing in children knowledge about the culture of behavior on the road, learning the ability to use a model to simulate a situation in a play space, and instilling responsibility for the safety of their lives and the lives of other people.


Summaries of events for the Green Light program.
Lesson “Our village and its transport.”
Goals and objectives. To form a love for one’s native village, to give an idea of ​​how important it is to walk and drive around the village correctly.
Preparation. Conversation about the village. Excursion to the local history museum.

Progress of the lesson.
- The teacher's story about the history of the village. Looking at illustrations depicting the sights of our village.
- Riddles about transport with pictures shown.
- Children compose stories from pictures.

Lesson “How did the donkey go to school?”
Goals and objectives. Clarify your understanding of traffic lights. Develop a general culture of behavior on the street.
Preparation. Excursion to the traffic light. Memorizing the poem "Traffic Light". Reading the poems of S. Mikhalkov “This should be clear to everyone.” "My street".
Progress of the lesson.
- Organizing time.
- Introductory conversation.
- Group outdoor game “Traffic Light”.

Didactic game "Street".
Goals and objectives. Clarify and consolidate children's knowledge about the rules of behavior on the street, traffic rules, and various types of transport.
Equipment. Street layout. Trees (layout). Cars (toys). Pedestrian dolls. Traffic lights. Road signs.

Target walk “Pedestrian crossing”.
Goals and objectives. Learn to find a pedestrian crossing. Introduce the rules for crossing the roadway at a pedestrian crossing. Cultivate a careful attitude towards crossing the street.

Seminar-workshop “Life Safety for Preschoolers”.
Goals and objectives. To systematize the knowledge of teachers about the Rules of the Road, to develop practical skills in implementing these rules, to create conditions for interaction with society on the prevention of child road traffic injuries among pupils of preschool educational institutions.

Parent meeting with the invitation of the traffic police inspector “The impact of parental behavior on the safety of children.”
Goals and objectives. To promote increased parental competence in the prevention of child road traffic injuries.

Lesson “Influential Wand”.
Goals and objectives. Give an initial idea of ​​the work of a police officer. Reinforce the correct use of spatial terminology (left - right, top - bottom, front - back, etc.). Cultivate respect for others.
Equipment. Rod. Image of streets, intersections. Images of a traffic controller in different positions. Traffic light layout. Visual aid “Road alphabet in riddles.”
Progress of the lesson.
- The riddle is a joke. Conversation.
- Looking at pictures of traffic controllers in different positions.
- Physical education lesson “Gestures of a traffic controller.”
- The story of a traffic police officer.
- Children reading poems by S. Mikhalkov.

Lesson “Why are road signs needed?”
Goals and objectives. Strengthen children's knowledge about the rules of behavior on the street. Remember the famous road signs - transition. Introduce new signs: zebra, attention, caution, children.
Equipment. Road signs (“Pedestrian crossing”, warning signs, prohibition signs, directional signs), workbook.
Progress of the lesson.
- Organizing time. Showing signs and reading a poem by Y. Pishumov.
- Children drawing signs in a workbook.

Sports leisure “Visiting a traffic light”.
Goals and objectives. Strengthen the ability to apply acquired knowledge in games and everyday life. Involve parents in joint activities with children. Improve motor skills. Help create a positive emotional mood.
Leisure progress.
- Presentation of commands.
- 1 competition “Walk through the passage”.
- 2nd competition “Assemble a car”.
- 3rd competition “Road Signs”.
- Guess a riddle.
- 4th competition “Twisting Road”.
- 5th competition “Fun Races”.
- Inspector's speech. Presentation of prizes.

Didactic game “Guess by description”.
Goals and objectives. Learn to recognize road signs. Strengthen children's knowledge of traffic rules. Develop visual attention.
Equipment. Road signs, tripods for them.

Project activities. Creation of the “Our Street” layout.
Goals and objectives. Nurturing creativity. Consolidating ideas about the street, its main parts (sidewalk, roadway, intersection, etc.).

Publishing a booklet for parents“How to teach a child to behave safely on the street?”
Goals and objectives. Contribute to increasing parental competence in matters of teaching children traffic rules in a family setting.

Lesson “Road to school”.
Goals and objectives. Introduce children to the rules of safe behavior in public transport. To consolidate knowledge about the rules of behavior on the street, as well as the concepts of “pedestrian” and “passenger”.
Equipment. Paintings depicting streets, schools, passenger transport, Pinocchio, Malvina. Route diagram from home to school on flannelgraph. Road signs, markers and sheets of paper for drawing.
Progress of the lesson.
- Demonstration of a painting depicting a school. Conversation.
- Help Malvina and Pinocchio get to school. Work on flannelgraph depicting a route diagram.
- Physical education lesson “Bus”. (Children are passengers).
- Drawing a diagram of your route from home to kindergarten.

Didactic game "Car".
Target. Strengthen children's ideas about the appearance of a car.
Equipment. Disassembled car model (puzzles).
Progress of the game.
- Children, at the teacher’s command, begin to assemble the model. The child or team that assembles the car first wins.

Role-playing game "Drivers and pedestrians."
Goals and objectives. Expand knowledge about the rules of behavior for children on the street. To cultivate in children attention, sensitivity, responsiveness, and the ability to help others.
Equipment. Traffic light layout, road signs, zebra crossing designation, bicycles, scooters.

Organizing a traffic rules corner.
Goals and objectives. Formation of effective teaching of children safe behavior on the streets and roads. To contribute to increasing parental competence in introducing children to traffic rules in the context of family education.

Presentation of corners on traffic rules in groups.
Goals and objectives. Analyze the compliance of safety corners according to the following criteria:
- age appropriate;
- variety of didactic and gaming material;
- design aesthetics.

Lesson "Road Safety".
Goals and objectives. To consolidate knowledge about the dangers that await children on the street. To consolidate knowledge of traffic light signals and their meaning. Review the rules of behavior on the street. Cultivate attention, concentration, sensitivity.
Equipment. Flannelograph. Pinocchio doll. Visual aid “Road alphabet in riddles.” Hats with windows in traffic light colors. Unfinished street map.
Preparation. Excursions. Learning poems.
Progress of the lesson.
- Creation of a game situation, the appearance of the fairy-tale character Pinocchio.
- Physical education lesson “Red, yellow, green.”
- Reading thematic poems.
- Game - dramatization (children in hats pretend to be a traffic light).
- Didactic game “What sign is this?”

Didactic game "Quiz".
Progress of the game.
- The teacher asks thematic questions. Children answer “Yes” or “No”.

Outdoor game “Visiting Aibolit.”
Purpose of the game. Formation of street behavior skills.
Equipment. A variety of animal hats, bicycles, traffic controller's batons, markings for pedestrian crossings.
Progress of the game.
- Children start moving in twos on bicycles or on foot.
- Regulators note who violated the rules.
- Violators go to Aibolit for treatment.
- Whoever has walked the whole path correctly receives a gift from Aibolit.

Excursion to the crossroads.
Goals and objectives. Refine your knowledge of the intersection. Introduce the rules for crossing the roadway where there is an intersection. Strengthen your knowledge of the rules of behavior on the roadway.

Consultation for teachers“Development and use of the route “Home - kindergarten”.
Goals and objectives. Increase the safety of a child’s movement to and from kindergarten. Teach your child to navigate traffic situations on the way to kindergarten and back. Teach parents who take part in planning the route how to navigate the road and avoid possible dangers.

Lesson "Little driver".
Goals and objectives. Introduce children to the rules of cycling. Teach children the rules of behavior in various dangerous situations that may arise when children ride a bicycle. Reinforce your knowledge of the main parts of a bicycle. Cultivate respect for the people around you.
Equipment. Pictures depicting Gena and Cheburashka. Handout cards for each child with a picture of a ship, train, bicycle. Road signs “Bicycle path”, “Cycling prohibited”. Children bicycle. Subject pictures depicting various situations.
Progress of the lesson.
- The teacher reads V. Kozhevnikov’s poem “My Car.”
- Conversation on the plot on flannelgraph.
- Looking at a real children's bike.
- The teacher introduces children to the rules of cycling.
- Listening to the story “Bunny Cyclist”.

Didactic game "Road ABC".
Purpose of the game. Strengthen children's knowledge about traffic rules.
Equipment. Visual aid “Road alphabet in riddles” (black and white version - coloring), colored pencils, felt-tip pens.
Progress of the game.
- Guessing riddles for children.
- Coloring pictures with answers.

Outdoor game “Red, yellow, green”.
Purpose of the game. Strengthen children's knowledge of traffic lights.
Equipment. Current traffic light model.
Progress of the game.
- The teacher turns on the traffic light.
- Children: stand still when the traffic light is red, clap when it turns yellow, and walk when it turns green.

Entertainment "Journey to the land of road signs."
Goals and objectives. To consolidate children's knowledge about the rules of safe behavior on the road and traffic rules.
Characters. Absent-minded. Traffic police officer. Road signs. Interference is incompetence. Dunno. Traffic lights - Yellow, Green, Red.
Progress of entertainment.
- The Absent-Minded Man appears. Talks with children and a traffic police officer.
- Road signs come in crying.
- The traffic police officer offers to help the children cope with the hindrance - the incompetent one.
- Interference - the clumsy one asks riddles for the children.
- The traffic lights are coming out.
- Game “Red, Yellow, Green”.
- Dunno is moving in. Children introduce him to the rules of behavior on the road.
- Word game for attention “This is me, this is me, these are all my friends.”

Project activities. "Safety Wheel"
Goals and objectives. Nurturing creativity. Together with children, develop rules for riding a bicycle, scooter, or roller skates. Arrange these rules in the form of a folder with children's drawings and illustrations.

Questioning. “Me and my child are on the street.”
Goals and objectives. To identify the level of parents' knowledge about traffic rules. Continue to organize work on interaction between kindergarten and family to teach children the basics of safe behavior on the street. Increase parents' responsibility for instilling life safety skills in their children.

Lesson “In city transport”.
Goals and objectives. Familiarize children with the rules of ethical and safe behavior in transport.
Equipment. Visual aids: plot pictures in the album depicting various situations in a subway car, on a bus, trolleybus, tram. Glue, brushes, scissors.
Progress of the lesson.
- Organizing time. Introductory conversation.
- A teacher’s story about why you need to give up your seat to an elderly passenger; why you can’t push and start a game, etc.
- Analysis of situations.
- Work in the album. Invite the children to correct the situation.

Conversation “We travel in the subway.”
Goals and objectives. To consolidate knowledge about urban transport - the metro. Continue to familiarize children with the rules of behavior and the culture of communication in the subway. Give children basic knowledge about safety when traveling on the subway.
Equipment. Illustrations or photographs of metro stations (3-4).
Progress of the conversation.
- Invite children to list types of passenger transport.
- Riddles about the subway and escalator. The teacher's story about the principle of operation of the escalator, about the rules of conduct in a train carriage.

Role-playing game "Crossroads".
Goals and objectives. Strengthen children's knowledge about the rules of pedestrian behavior. Develop skills in role-playing behavior, teach how to take a role and lead it until the end of the game action. Develop hand-eye coordination through games.
Equipment. Traffic lights, capes for children, boundary strips, “Pedestrian crossing” sign.
Progress of the game.
- Children act out various traffic situations.

Drawing competition on the topic of traffic rules.
Goals and objectives. Strengthen the ability to depict objects and phenomena, selecting content in accordance with the topic. Strengthen knowledge about the rules of movement of vehicles and pedestrians.
Equipment. Whatman paper, A3 format, paints, brushes, colored pencils.
Progress of the competition.
- Opening speech by the traffic police inspector.
- Organization of the exhibition.

Lesson "Traffic traffic and driver's work."
Goals and objectives. Introduce children to the rules of traffic on the road. Strengthen knowledge about the driver's profession. Form coordinated actions.
Equipment. Illustrations depicting roads, streets. Set: visual aid “Street”, cars and signs on magnets.
Progress of the lesson.
- Examination of illustrations. Conversation.
- Road construction. Acting out situations with explanation from the teacher.
- A teacher’s story about the driver’s profession.

Didactic game "Road signs".
Goals and objectives. Strengthen children's understanding of the meaning of road signs. Develop visual attention.
Equipment. Subject picture puzzles.

KVN "Green Light".
Goals and objectives. To consolidate children's knowledge about road elements, traffic control devices, groups of road signs, and rules for crossing the roadway. To consolidate practical skills of behavior on the street as a pedestrian and driver in a playful way. Foster a desire to help your team, attentiveness, and collectivism.
Equipment. Team emblems. Envelopes with questions. Tape recording of parents' questions. Elements of the road on flannelgraph. Road signs. Street photographs. Truck applique elements. Gong. Red, yellow, green tokens.
KVN progress.
- Introductory speech by the teacher.
- Thematic questions.
- Reading poems about traffic rules to children.
- Puzzles.
- Game “Singing traffic light”.
- A task for experts to make an applique of a truck in a minute.
- Summarizing. Presentation of prizes.
Target walk “Road signs”.
Goals and objectives. Fix the names and purpose of road signs. Determine which road signs are for drivers and which are for pedestrians. Convince of the need to comply with traffic rules.

Conversation “Where you can and cannot play.”
Goals and objectives. Teach children the rules of behavior on the street, where they can and cannot play.
Equipment. Scene pictures that depict the topic being discussed. Albums, colored pencils, markers. Bibabo Pinocchio toy.
Progress of the conversation.
- The appearance of Pinocchio and his story about how he played near the roadway.
- Ask the children to comment on Pinocchio’s story.
- Analyze the situations in the pictures with the children. Discussion.
- Reading by the teacher of V. Semernin’s poem “Forbidden - Permitted.”

Didactic game "Logical paths".
Goals and objectives. Development of visual-figurative thinking based on tasks on the use of conditionally schematic images for orientation in space. Consolidation of knowledge of traffic rules. Development of cognitive thinking.
Equipment. A playing field depicting a “map” with branching paths and houses at the ends. On separate cards there are letters that conventionally indicate the path to one of the houses (the number of cards corresponds to the number of players).
Progress of the game.
- The child walks along the path, following the instructions in the letter.
- The teacher, if necessary, explains and corrects mistakes.

Outdoor game "Colored Cars".
Goals and objectives. Develop spatial orientation in three-dimensional space. Apply knowledge of traffic rules in a game environment that is close to the real one.
Equipment. Colored flags according to the number of players. There are road markings on the floor.
Progress of the game.
- Children with flags are placed along the wall. They are cars.
- The teacher stands in the center with three colored flags. Raises a flag of some color.
- Children with a flag of this color run along the designated path.
- The teacher lowers the flag. The children stop.

Theatrical production “The Road to the Teremka”.
Goals and objectives. Strengthen the ability to apply acquired knowledge in dramatization. Improve your knowledge of road signs. Develop creative abilities.
Equipment. In the hall there are road markings, a tower, road signs: “Food station”, “Danger”, “Pedestrian crossing”, “Parking area”.
Progress of the production.
- Introduction. Traffic light.
- A mouse, a frog, a hare, a hedgehog, a fox, and a bear run in one by one. Dialogues with the Traffic Light.
- Song of animals.

Project activities. Creation of albums “This is dad, this is me, this is my street.”
Goals and objectives. Nurturing creativity. Forming in children the ability and desire to display the world around them most vividly and truthfully. Cultivate love for your family. Reinforce knowledge of traffic rules.

Lesson “Rules of riding a bicycle (scooter, roller skates).”
Goals and objectives. Consider various dangerous situations that may arise when children ride a bicycle, scooter, or roller skates. Teach children the correct behavior in such situations.
Equipment. Scene pictures depicting various situations, an album with tasks, pencils, markers, paints. Visual aid “Road alphabet in riddles.”
Progress of the lesson.
- Introductory speech by the teacher. Conversation.
- Discussion of possible dangerous situations.
- Invite children to complete tasks in the album.
- Formulation of rules.
- Learning the poem “Ball” by S. Marshak.

Didactic game “Simulated signs”.
Goals and objectives. Strengthen children's knowledge of traffic signs. Develop visual memory and attention.
Equipment. Sign elements: circles (red, blue), triangles (red), rectangles (blue), silhouette of a person, silhouette of children, bicycle, etc.
Progress of the game.
- The teacher invites the child to assemble a sign from a set of signs.

Promotion “Driver! Save my life!
Goals and objectives. Organize work on interaction and development of mutual understanding between all road users.
Preparation for the action. Invite children to draw pictures that depict life- and health-threatening road traffic situations involving children.
Progress of the action.
- Excursion to the crossroads. Presentation of drawings to drivers.

Musical and gaming leisure “Remember the Rules of the Road”.
Goals and objectives. To consolidate knowledge about safe behavior on the streets and roads. Improve your understanding of traffic rules and road signs. Foster conscious compliance with traffic rules. Help create a positive emotional mood.
Characters. Adults: presenter, cat Basilio, fox Alice. Children (with badges): Traffic lights, road signs.
Leisure progress.
- Introductory speech by the presenter.
- Alice and Basilio enter.
- Traffic Light Song.
- Game "Traffic Light".
- Song of road signs.
- Dance “Funny Ball”.
- Drawing competition “Road ABC”.
Asphalt drawing competition on the topic of traffic rules.
Goals and objectives. Strengthen the ability to convey the features of the road situation in a drawing. Evoke an emotional response to the drawings in children.
Test for teachers.
1.Form of a road sign allowing pedestrians to enter the roadway:
a) square;
b) circle;
c) triangle.

2.You got off the bus, you need to cross the roadway. You will go:
a) from the front:
b) behind;
c) your option.

3.Is a standing car dangerous for a pedestrian:
a) not dangerous;
b) dangerous;
c) is it dangerous if the engine is running?

4.You are crossing a road where there is no pedestrian crossing. Your actions:
a) I’ll look to the left and go;
b) I’ll look to the right and go;
c) your option.

5. There is no sidewalk along the road, and the pedestrian walks along the left side of the road towards traffic. Does he violate the traffic rules:
a) yes;
b) no?

6.Draw a “Pedestrian crossing” sign.

7.What forms of teaching traffic rules to preschoolers do you know?
Answers: 1 – a; 2 – in; 3 – in; 4 – in; 5 – a.

Questionnaire for parents “Me and my child on the street.”

1.Your child knows:
- name of the city in which he lives; your home address; street name, house and apartment number, telephone number;
- street name, house, apartment, telephone number;
- your home address is not complete.

2.You and your child get home from kindergarten:
- on foot;
- on transport.

3.If you have to walk, then you and your child:
- always cross the road only on the pedestrian path, focusing on the green traffic light;
- cross the road on a pedestrian path if there are no cars. And don't look at the traffic lights;
- cross the road where it seems convenient to you.

4.Who taught the child to follow the Rules?
- kindergarten;
- the parents themselves;
- grandmother grandfather.

5.How often do you tell your child about the need to follow traffic rules?
- daily;
- Sometimes;
- very rarely;
- we don’t talk about this topic;
- other answers.

6.Does your child know traffic signs and can he tell you what they mean?
- Yes;
- No;
- I find it difficult to answer.

7.How does your child behave in city transport?
- my child stands calmly at the bus stop; boards the bus with an adult; does not make noise; if possible, sit in an empty seat; does not lean out of the window; does not litter in the cabin;
- my child runs and jumps at the bus stop; sits at any door without being guided by an adult; makes his way quickly to an empty seat, pushing aside other passengers; talking loudly in the vehicle.

8. Do you yourself follow the traffic rules?
- I always comply;
- not always;
- I don’t comply.

9.Are you breaking the Rules? When do you go with your child?
- No;
- sometimes it happens when we are in a hurry;
- We don’t pay attention to the traffic lights and cars.

10. Do you think that the efforts of preschool teachers to familiarize children with the rules of safe behavior on the street:
- will be effective only with your support;
- will be effective without any support from you;
- are ineffective, since only parents can teach safe behavior on the street.

1. Avdeeva N.N., Knyazeva O.V. A textbook on life safety for children of senior preschool age “Safety”, M., 1998.
2. Baryaeva L. B., Zhevnerova V. L. “The ABC of Road Traffic”, Bustard, M., 2008.
3. Belaya K.Yu., Zimonina N.V. Methodological manual “How to ensure the safety of preschool children”, Education, 2000.
4. Vdovichenko L. A. “Child on the street”, Detstvo-Press, 2008.
5. Volkov S. Yu. “About traffic rules”, M., 2006.
6. Gavrilushkina O. P., “Development of communicative behavior of preschool children in a kindergarten,” Child in kindergarten. 2003 No. 2.P.12.
7. The good road of childhood: Scientific method. magazine, 2005; No. 1 – 12. 2006; Nos. 1 – 12.
8. Kartushina M.Yu. Scenarios of recreational activities for children 5-6 years old. M., 2005.
9. Kartushina M.Yu. Scenarios of recreational activities for children 6-7 years old. M., 2007.
10. Klimenko V. R. “Teach preschoolers the rules of movement”, M., “Education”, 1978. Final entertainment for the senior group on traffic rules