Draw an apartment building with a pencil. Designing a house yourself: creating a house project

By using step by step instructions learn to draw your dream house.

Every person has his dream home - that ideal place where he and his family would feel warm and comfortable. Many are trying long years to find one like this. They say that a wish will come true faster if you put it in some kind of material form. Draw the house of your dreams and, perhaps, very soon you will actually live in it.

How to draw a beautiful house of your dreams with a pencil step by step?

Your dream home can be completely different:

  • like a castle
  • small and cozy, in a rustic or Provencal style
  • high-tech, “stuffed” with modern smart technology
  • futuristic

But, definitely, he must be beautiful and well-groomed.

To begin with, let's try to draw a small and cozy one-story house. Just like the real one architectural structure, it must start with planning.

The construction plan is drawn up carefully, using a ruler, so before starting the sketch, you need to stock up on:

  • ruler
  • pencil
  • rubber band
  • compass (possibly)
  • any other drawing supplies
  1. Make an initial sketch - an ordinary rectangle, to which you can then add what you need - another floor, or several floors, a veranda, exterior details, etc.
  2. A house must have a foundation!
  3. Using straight lines, you can plan where there will be walls for rooms, attic spaces, doors, windows, fireplace or chimney.
  4. When it comes to drawing the roof, make the rectangle into some other shape, such as making the roof lines slightly trimmed. A beautifully designed roof will give almost 50% of the success to the beauty of your dream home.
    When you design the roof, draw it as if it were covered with tiles. Tile roofs look very, very beautiful. How many songs and romantic stories connected to the roofs of houses!!! The attic or attic of a house can be highlighted by drawing it as if it were made of boards.
  5. The next stage is the details of the house elements. You will need to draw windows, doors, door handles.
  6. Design the foundation as if it were laid with good masonry. Such houses look very attractive.
  7. Now move on to drawing the finer details of the house, shading, shading, etc.
  8. Place trees, flowers, shrubs around the house, let the cat rest in the sun, and let the dog live in the kennel; if anyone loves animals, he will not refuse such an idyll near his dream house.

Dream house in pencil: step 1

Dream house in pencil: step 2.

Dream house in pencil: step 3.

Dream house in pencil: step 4.

Dream house in pencil: step 5.

Striving for more? Draw a two-story house - a townhouse, in which your large family can live under one roof!

  1. The house is built, and built, and painted from the bottom up. Sketch the first floor. Think about what the roof will be like. IN in this case, it is gable.
  2. Next, sketch out the second floor. For beauty, it should not completely duplicate the first one.
  3. Draw architectural elements- cornices and columns, a canopy over the porch, as well as windows.
  4. Detail the drawing - draw window frames, shutters on the windows. Add volume to the roof with several smooth, symmetrical lines.
    Draw the front door. Don't forget the door handle.
  5. To the right of the porch, draw a veranda with columns.
  6. Complete the " personal plot"- draw a few neat bushes and trees near the house.

Two-story house in pencil: step 1.

Two-story house in pencil: step 2.

Two-story house in pencil: step 3.

Two-story house in pencil: step 4.

Two-story house in pencil: step 5.

Two-story house in pencil.

VIDEO: How to draw a house?

My dream house, the house of the future: drawing

If you decide to draw a futuristic house, you can forget about symmetry. The most daring ideas are welcome:

  • multi-level
  • windows of different shapes
  • unusual roofs

Dream house from the future pencil drawing.

Futuristic house.

Modern house dreams.

Pencil drawings of beautiful houses VIDEO: Drawing lessons. Learn to draw a House

“My home is my fortress,” says famous proverb. But such a reliable construction requires a long time, significant costs, and a lot of experience.

We suggest starting with “construction” (this will be drawing) small house. Let's look at how to quickly draw a house with a pencil step by step for children, so that the task can be completed easily and interestingly. And for adults, such drawing is a great opportunity to return a little to childhood.

What tools are needed to draw the house of our dreams, you ask? Just a pencil and a ruler initial stage. What else you will need, you will find out when you complete all the steps.

So, let's take these steps step by step.

From this article you will learn

Step 1

We are planning a future house.

First, use a ruler and pencil to carefully and evenly draw a rectangle. A little later we will “attach” other elements to it. Then we divide it into two halves. For example, one half of the house is the living room, and the other is the kitchen. It all depends on your desire, because you plan your future home yourself.

At the bottom of our house we draw a low rectangle for the future foundation, which we will also change soon.

Step 2

Draw the roof and windows.

Draw the sides of the roof with a pencil and draw identical parallel lines on it. To make our building look beautiful, we need to draw windows.

To do this, draw two rectangles with jumpers in the half of the house you have chosen. You can choose small or large windows, square or oval at the top. You choose the shape and size according to your taste and discretion.

Agree, when we do everything step by step, it turns out beautifully and neatly. Although the shape already resembles a dwelling, let’s move on to the next step. What's the next step? Of course, the door!

Step 3

We add doors and a chimney step by step.

Now you need to draw the doors in the other, remaining half. Don't forget about the door handle. It’s easier to create it using a ruler to make a small square. A little more complicated - a small circle.

It will resemble the shape of a door handle. And for those who are ready to try harder, there is another option for a door handle that resembles a knocker. All you need here is patience and accuracy.

After this, we will draw a chimney on the roof of your house with a pencil. As you see fit, place it on the right or left.

And finally, the final stage - we decorate the resulting home. After all, comfort and coziness, even if only in the drawing, pleases our eyes.

Now let’s practice being a designer. Surely, you already guessed what we are talking about. We will decorate all the finished elements of our “construction”. This kind of drawing is a real space for your imagination!

Step 4

Draw the foundation of your house with a pencil, dividing the rectangle from the bottom into cells. The parallel lines on the roof can be divided into alternating squares: the result is something similar to tiles. Instead of square tiles, we draw round lines at the bottom. It will turn out beautiful that way too!

You can paint curtains and even flower pots on the windows of your house. And the curling smoke from the chimney will make you think of hospitable hosts. Of course, you will need to apply a little more effort and effort. But your home will turn out beautiful and unique!

Step 5

For those who really love to draw.

We color the house with colored pencils, paints, and felt-tip pens. Near it you can draw a green lawn with beautiful flowers, tall trees, blue sky with bright sun or whatever you like.

Your house, drawn in pencil step by step, is ready! We hope that this kind of drawing is a real pleasure for children!

In which we learned basic house painting skills. However, there was one big flow useful information, that I decided to make this a full-fledged lesson. This allowed me to include one additional subject to draw - a luxury cottage with a gable roof - as a practice task. You will learn how to draw more complex houses.

1. Draw a simple house from the previous 12th lesson.

2. Using the SW direction to create a reference line, draw a ground line for the left section of the house.

3. Keep your gaze SW of the guide line. Now draw a line in the SW direction to form the top of the wall.

4. Draw a vertical line for the near side of the house and the bottom left edge towards the NW.

5. That line you just drew is now the NW guide. Use it to paint the top of the wall.

6. Draw a vertical line for the far wall. Place an anchor point in the middle of the bottom edge of the wall.

7. Draw a vertical reference line from this point to define the peak of the roof.

8. Draw the top of the roof, making sure that the near edges are noticeably larger than the far ones. Complete the roof with a line in the NE direction. Erase all excess.

9. Using the already drawn lines in the NW and NE directions as a guide, lightly sketch out the reference lines of the shingles. Add a door, windows and a garage. Once again, make sure that each line of these parts corresponds to the directions NW, NE, SW and SE.

10. Complete your new house! How wonderful, but we have to add a little noise - the moving truck will arrive soon, and we haven't installed the new road surface yet. Apply shadows and shading. The darkest is under the roof. Sidewalks and roads are built strictly following the guide lines! I believe in you! This is a very difficult element, but you must cope on your own. You can also sketch a few trees and bushes and (why not?) let's redraw ours Mailbox from lesson 12.


Before you start drawing this yourself, which I think you can do successfully in a short time, I want you to redraw this building three times. "What?" - you exclaim in shock and horror. Yes, just redraw it. This is necessary in order to understand how many lines, angles, curves and shapes come together to create an image. This is great practice!

Look at the pictures and match them unique style with his. Each of you does the same lesson, but everyone gets different results. Everyone has their own unique style, vision of the world around them and understanding of the lesson.

Every person has a wonderful place where he was born and raised. This place is home. A house is not only an architectural structure intended for living, but also that corner where you constantly want to return, where they love you and wait for you, they will always listen and help if necessary. It is not for nothing that the house is a symbol of life and communication. And it doesn’t matter whether the house is old or just recently built, the main thing is that without a home a person’s life will not be complete. A home for a child, like his parents, is an integral part of life. That's why children love to draw so much different types Houses. But how to draw a house step by step? In the process of preparing to draw a house, remember with your child what types of houses there are: one-story, multi-story, built of blocks or bricks. If the child grew up in the city, tell me what houses in the village look like and how they differ from city houses. Look at the picture for different types of houses. It is very important to determine what parts a particular type of house consists of; separately practice drawing geometric shapes - the elements of the house. Find out if the child plans to depict anything else around the house. And then help pick out everything you need for drawing - and let your child build a house on paper!

What you will need:

  • paper white(you can use a sketchbook or sketchbook);
  • a simple pencil;
  • colour pencils;
  • eraser.
  1. To draw a house with a pencil, take a sheet of paper and a simple pencil. Draw the figure shown in Figure “1”.
  2. Draw a rectangle to the right of the resulting figure.

  3. Now you see that we have started building a house and we need to finish drawing the roof. Follow the example in figure "3".
  4. Draw a chimney on top of the roof. Ours is square and strong.

  5. Draw a line at the bottom of the house. This will be a decoration for our building. Place dashes in the places where you want to draw windows. This is done to ensure that the windows are placed evenly.
  6. Now let’s finish drawing the windows. They can be square or as rounded as mine.

  7. It will not be difficult for a child to draw such a house; you need to remind that the house must have a door and it can also be decorated. We are also finishing the details of the windows, follow the example in Figure “7”.
  8. It's time to decorate our house. On the roof you can see several pieces of slate, and below, under the line, there are pebbles as decoration for our building. There are curtains in the windows. You can decorate not only the house, but also the area around it. Here you can use your imagination as much as possible. Personally, I drew the fence as an integral part of the territory, the tree and the lawn.

  9. Drawing a house step by step will be especially interesting for children while coloring.

    It is also worth considering an example of drawing not a country house, but a multi-story one. As an example, I decided to give a typical view of a residential building. For drawing we will need a sheet of paper, a simple pencil and a ruler.

Every year the construction industry improves, offering people more and more comfortable and beautiful houses and apartments for living. If you just think about how houses have changed in one century, you can close your eyes and visually imagine how much things can change after some more time. One can discuss this topic ad infinitum. However, not everyone can express their thoughts on paper. Therefore, in today’s article we decided to push our readers to creativity, demonstrating how a pencil drawing of a house of the future can be original and unique. The photo below offers ideas that can be used in creating your dream home, or as a sample for sketching.

How to draw a house of the future in pencil?

To draw a house of the future with a pencil, you need to prepare in advance all the tools for depicting the drawing. Besides a simple pencil with a hard lead, you need to have on hand several white A4 sheets, an eraser, colored pencils, paints or felt-tip pens for coloring finished work. The artists also recommend thinking through your own understanding of the house of the future in advance. For example, will it look like a royal castle, spaceship, geometric figure or flower.

Don't forget about the facade of the house. He may have panoramic view, unusual windows in the shape of geometric polygonal shapes, and even the absence of doors.

House of the future - pencil drawing on photo

Below are more than 20 options for houses that differ in appearance and internal filling in the cut. Each model is unique and inimitable, has its own characteristics and unusual details.

If you compare each home with each other, you cannot help but notice the discrepancy in shape, material, parameters and even details necessary for a comfortable life. It's about about windows, front door, the foundation of the house and even the external facade. After all, the decision about the landscape of the adjacent territory is up to the owner alone.

Think through all the details of the house of the future, visually representing each detail. This will help depict the home behind a short time without resorting to help.

Make sure that all drawing supplies are at hand.

Use your idea of ​​a dream home without copying from a finished layout.

Any paints, pencils and felt-tip pens will do.

Without artistic skills It’s better not to take on complex work. It is better to opt for one-story, simple living spaces, painted in one color.

Houses of the future drawn by children, pencil drawings in the photo: