The most famous opera houses in the world: a list. The largest opera houses in the world

One of the most famous theaters USA was founded in 1880. At first it was located on Broadway, but in 1966 The Met, as the Americans call their opera, moved to Lincoln Center, where it is currently located. The old building, badly damaged by the fire, was demolished. In the Metropolitan they sang such famous performers like Kirsten Flagstad, Lauritz Melchior, Leonard Warren, Adam Didur, Fyodor Chaliapin, Maria Callas, Luciano Pavarotti and many others. Since 2006, the Metropolitan Opera has been broadcasting its productions in real time on its official website, as well as in cinemas in many countries of the world, including Russia. Don't miss your chance to touch the beauty!

Grand Theatre

This theater is rightfully considered one of the symbols of Moscow. It is customary to start the history of the theater from March 1776, although both the building and the concept have undergone many changes since then. The theater burned down and was rebuilt several times. In 2005, the Bolshoi was closed for a large-scale reconstruction, which caused a rather stormy and ambiguous reaction from both the theater staff and ordinary Muscovites. One way or another, the Bolshoi Theater remains one of the important places Russian capital, where, despite expensive tickets, fans of opera and ballet continue to go. During the existence of the theater, more than 800 works were staged here, and the symbolic image of the theater appeared on hundred-ruble banknotes, stamps and chocolate "Entrance".

Sydney Opera House

The Sydney Opera House is inferior in size to its Moscow and New York counterparts, but its architecture strikes the imagination of the most sophisticated tourist. This theater was included in the list of the most easily recognizable buildings in the world and was recognized as one of the outstanding buildings. modern architecture. By the way, quite recently the Sydney Opera House also celebrated its birthday: the theater was opened on October 20, 1973 by Queen Elizabeth II. The architect of the opera house is the Dane Jorn Utzon, who won the Pritzker Prize in 2003 for the project. The Sydney Opera House regularly appears in famous films and posters for them. In addition, the theater is a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

La Scala

Even if you have never been to Milan, you must have heard the name La Scala more than once. This opera house was built on the site of the church of Santa Maria della Scala, hence its name. La Scala is very popular among both Italians and tourists who come to Milan by the thousands every year. Starting from the 30s of the XIX century, the history of La Scala is associated with the work of the largest Italian composers - G. Donizetti, V. Bellini, G. Verdi, G. Puccini, whose works were staged here for the first time.

grand opera

Grand Opera, or Opera Granier is one of the symbols of Paris. The building impresses with its beauty and sophistication: it fascinates even from the outside, not to mention luxurious interior decoration. By the way, to get here, it is not necessary to buy tickets for the performance and wait for the evening. You can also visit during the day: the theater is open for visiting from 10 am to 5 pm every day, except for three public holidays: January 1, May 1, December 25, as well as morning performances.

Vienna Opera

The facade of the Vienna Opera may be inferior in decoration to the Parisian Granier, but inside this theater is no less luxurious. The Vienna Opera opened in 1869 and is still the largest theater in Austria. You can get inside, and at the performance, for a nominal fee: tourists and local students often buy standing places for a few euros to join the high art. In winter it is also great way keep warm, so take note!

Opera houses occupy a special place among all architectural structures. According to the established tradition, during the construction of opera houses, architects tried not only to create the necessary acoustics, but also to decorate the building in an appropriate way. Rich stucco on the facade, antique statues and the columns are as beautiful as the corridors of the theatre, the stage and the boxes. World's best opera houses are not only cultural sights, but also amazing examples of architecture. Here are 10 of the best.

The Bolshoi Theater began its history in 1776, and in 1780 it moved into its first building, which stood for 25 years. modern building with columns and a bronze quadriga by Peter Klodt was solemnly opened at the beginning of 1825. The first performance is "The Triumph of the Muses". Since then, the theater has undergone several major renovations. In 2005, the theater was closed for renovation and reopened only 6.5 years later. Today it is one of major theaters Russia and one of the most significant in the world!

The wonderful neo-Renaissance palace is one of the most beautiful opera houses in the world. It was created by the Hungarian architect Miklós Ybl, and the building is considered the crowning achievement of his work. There are statues of Franz Liszt and Franz Erkel in front of the theater, and the building itself is richly decorated inside and out with ornaments, paintings and sculptural elements.

In the theatrical world, it is simply called The Met, despite the fact that it is considered almost the most prestigious and influential opera house in the world. On his stage in different time the world's best performers shone, including Placido Domingo, Luciano Pavarotti, Maria Callas and even Fedor Chaliapin. The theater began with a small troupe that met in 1880. The old building no longer exists, and the new one appeared in 1966. It is famous for its wonderful acoustics and a stunning huge curtain, hand-embroidered with sequins and real silk. Broadcasts from this theater are conducted in online mode through the Internet.

It was opened in 1908, and the first opera on the new stage was Verdi's Aida. There are almost 2.5 thousand seats and a thousand standing places. Before the advent of the Sydney Opera House, it was the most spacious, and Maestro Pavarotti himself appreciated the perfect acoustics of the hall. The theater has been rebuilt and renovated several times. The last major renovation was completed in 2010.

The oldest opera house in Europe was opened in 1737. Theater in different years managed by Gioacchino Rossini and Gaetano Donizetti. The building burned down, was bombed during the war, and went through several extensive renovations. It was on this stage that the young Caruso performed, ridiculed by the public and vowing to never again go on stage in Naples. Many famous Italian artists started their careers here. opera singers, also this scene has seen a lot of premieres.

This opera house was opened in 1869 with a production of Mozart's Don Giovanni. The neo-Renaissance opera house was designed by August Sicard von Sicardsburg and Eduard van der Nüll. During the bombing of Vienna in World War II, the theater was badly damaged and in decline. Only in 1955 the building was restored and at the same time the tradition of holding annual balls. Interestingly, the metal band Angizia is quite popular in Austria, all members of which are active artists of the Vienna State Opera.

It is difficult to imagine an opera house in the heart of the tropical jungle, especially if it is modeled on the best European theaters - with stucco, Italian marble, velvet-covered furniture. This is what the Amazonas theater looks like. It was opened in 1896 and struck contemporaries with an unprecedented scope. Only one dome of the building with outside covered with ceramic tiles in the color of the national flag, which took 36,000 tiles. Here Anna Pavlova danced and Enrico Caruso sang. During the period when Manaus lost its huge income from rubber production, the city was in decline and the theater was closed. Only 90 years later, in 1990, the doors of the theater opened again.

Tickets for world-famous theater performances must be booked long in advance. Let's try to find out how these attractions attract theater-goers from all over the world and how much a ticket to best theater peace.

Of course, this list is clearly missing the Big or Mariinsky theaters, but we decided to devote a separate article to the most famous theaters in Russia.

The most famous theaters in the world

Life is in full swing in the capitals of Europe. Paris, London, Milan - not only fashionistas and tourists with cameras flock here. Intellectuals - connoisseurs of architecture, theater, opera, ballet and music will also be delighted.

Covent Garden Theater


The capital of Great Britain is rich in theaters with history. It was on the stage of the London Globe that Shakespeare's plays were staged for the first time. But although the Globe, which survived two reconstructions, is still operating today, the Royal Opera House in Covent Garden, the home stage of the Royal Ballet and the Royal Opera, has the status of the most famous theater in London.

The modern building is already the third. In 1732, the theater opened its doors for the first time to spectators who came to see the production of "Secular Customs" based on the play by William Congreve. After 76 years, the Covent Garden building was destroyed by fire. It took 9 months to recover. The re-opened theater delighted the audience with Macbeth. In 1856, the theater burned down again, but two years later it was reborn from the ashes as we can see it now.

A large-scale reconstruction of the theater took place in 1990. Now its 4-tiered hall accommodates 2268 visitors. Ticket prices for the Covent Garden Theater range from £15 to £135.

grand opera


The most famous theater in Paris is the Grand Opera. In 1669, Louis XIV "gave the go-ahead" for the founding of an opera house to the poet Pierre Perrin and the composer Robert Kamber. Over the centuries, the theater changed its name and location several times, until in 1862 it ended up in the IX arrondissement of Paris, in a building designed by Charles Garnier, built in 1875 by the architect Charles Garnier.

The facade of the theater is luxurious - it is decorated with four sculptures (personifications of Drama, Music, Poetry and Dance), as well as seven arches. The building is crowned with a majestic shining dome.

The stage of the Grand Opera has seen German, Italian and French composers. It was here that the premiere of Stravinsky's opera "Mavra" took place. Its current name is the Palais Garnier, and it is perhaps the most visited theater in the world.


Austria is the birthplace of many classics: Haydn, Mozart, Beethoven, whose music formed the basis of the Vienna Classical music school. Perhaps that is why the Vienna Opera can be confidently called the most famous opera house in the world.

The opera house was built in 1869. The opening was marked by Mozart's opera Don Giovanni.

Since the theater building was built in the style of an extremely common neo-Renaissance, it was repeatedly subjected to merciless criticism - the facade of the building seemed boring to the inhabitants of Vienna, unremarkable.

Second world war the theater was partially destroyed, but in 1955 it was solemnly re-opened with the opera Fidelio by Beethoven. In terms of the number of performances, none of the other opera houses is able to compare with the Vienna Opera. For 285 days a year, about 60 operas are staged in this building on the Ringstrasse. Every year, a week before the first day of Lent, the Viennese Ball is held here - an event listed in the list of intangible cultural wealth protected by UNESCO.

La Scala


It was in Renaissance Italy that modern opera art. In 1776, the Milanese architect Giuseppe Piermarini liked a piece of land on the site of the destroyed church of Santa Lucia della Scala. It was decided to build an opera house on it, which eventually received the name from its "ancestor".

During the construction of the foundation underground, they found a marble slab with the image of the ancient Roman actor Pylades, which the builders took as a sign from above.

La Scala's first opera was Recognized Europe by composer Antonio Salieri. It was in these walls that the orchestras of Gavazzeni Gianandrea, Arturo Toscanini and Riccardo Muti first sounded.

Today, La Scala is rightfully read by one of the most famous theaters in the world. This is the first after the Milan Cathedral that the tourists who arrived in Milan inspect.

Last time The theater was reconstructed in the early 2000s. The opening took place in 2004, and Salieri's opera Renewed Europe was again shown on the renovated stage.

Palace of Catalan Music


Quite young (compared to the previous ones) theatre, Palace Catalan music in Barcelona opened its doors to musical aesthetes in 1908. Barcelona loves Gaudi's Spanish Art Nouveau, and therefore it was decided to build the main concert hall countries in the same style - waves and spirals here prevail over straight lines.

The facade of the Palace reminds us that in Spain European and Arab cultures are closely intertwined like nowhere else.

But main feature concert hall - its lighting. The light is completely natural. The dome of the Palace of Catalan Music is made of colored glass mosaics. The rays of the sun, refracted, create an indescribable effect!

Sydney Opera House


The Sydney Opera House may not be the most visited in the world, but it is definitely the most recognizable and unusual theater. Its white sail-like walls became one of modern wonders Sveta.

Solemn ceremony the opening took place in October 1973 with the participation of Queen Elizabeth II.

Everyone knows what it looks like sydney theater outside, and now look how it looks inside - what a delightful combination of futurism and gothic!

The total area of ​​the building exceeds two hectares. Inside you will find almost a thousand rooms, because the building is the "headquarters" for the Australian Opera, Sydney symphony orchestra, National Ballet and the Sydney Theater Company.

The lighting of the theater consumes energy, quite comparable to the electricity consumption of a small Australian town.



We know a lot about European theaters, but what about the theater in the East? What are the features, in particular, of the Japanese theater culture?

Classical Japanese theater combines drama, music, dance, and poetry on stage. The scenery at the performances is uncomplicated, which cannot be said about the masks and kimonos of the actors. The meaning of the presentation toughie, which can not be seen by an unprepared viewer, unfamiliar with Japanese culture and unable to understand the many subtle references to mythology, literature, and history.

7 chose

Do you love theater? This sacred place, which takes viewers in an instant to a completely different world. What is it - magic, fantasy, time travel? Theater is always a living art, both for spectators and for actors, musicians, and dancers. They live a thousand lives, convey a thousand feelings and emotions to the audience, taking them to a completely different reality. Almost every average city in Russia has its own theater. Residents of large cities were lucky enough to acquire a whole set, at least a drama, puppet or theater for a young spectator, perhaps an operetta or opera and ballet theater, a philharmonic or youth theater. Why, then, travel to other cities and countries, if dozens of theaters are waiting for your attention very close by? The fact is that there are such scenes, productions and performers, not to see which at least once is to miss an important part of this life, which is completely unforgivable for any person, and for a real theatergoer it is a mortal sin! The theater is not only a stage and actors, the theater is a part of the history and culture of any country, of all mankind. The whole world speaks different languages, and only one language is understood by everyone - the language of art, the language of the theater. Let's try to make a travel map of the most famous theaters in the world.

Bolshoi Theatre, Russia, Moscow.

The Bolshoi Theater has long been a symbol not only of the Russian capital, but of our entire country. The history of the theater began under Catherine the Great, and this is not surprising - the Empress was, as they would say now, an avid theatergoer and even wrote plays herself. First, the building of the theater on Petrovka was rebuilt, which completely burned down in 1805, and the theater was moved to Arbat Square. Alas, he suffered the same fate - the theater died in a fire Patriotic War 1812. In January 1825, a new theater building was rebuilt in its current place, but ... in 1853, a fire destroyed the building again, leaving only the outer walls and colonnades. After a long restoration, the Bolshoi Theater was opened only at the end of the 19th century. The theater includes ballet and opera troupe, Orchestra Bolshoi Theater and a brass band. Since its inception, the theater troupe has grown from several dozen actors and musicians to a thousandth creative team.

Recently, the last reconstruction and restoration of the Bolshoi Theater building was completed, which caused a lot of controversy. Thanks to the reconstruction, not only was the entire area of ​​the theater doubled, a new underground stage appeared, but orchestra pit can now accommodate up to 130 musicians. The historical appearance of the theater, its auditorium and enfilades, as well as the legendary acoustics of the Bolshoi, have been largely restored. Restored premises Main lobby, White foyer, Choir, Exposition, Round and Beethoven halls, the symbol of the Bolshoi Theater of the Apollo Quadriga, created by the sculptor Pyotr Klodt, has been updated. The original beauty has returned to the auditorium, and now every spectator of the Bolshoi Theater can travel back to the time of the performance as if by a time machine in the 19th century, finding himself in the fabulous Palace of Art.

Mikhail Schepkin and Pavel Mochalov, Irina Arkhipova, Yuri Grigorovich, Elena Obraztsova, Ivan Kozlovsky, Evgeny Nesterenko, Maya Plisetskaya, Evgeny Svetlanov, Marina Semyonova, Galina Ulanova are names forever associated with the history of the Bolshoi Theater.

Paris Grand Opera, France, Paris.

The famous Grand Opera owes its birth to Napoleon III, who ordered the Parisian authorities to build a theater worthy of the capital of France. However, the construction of the Palace of Art dragged on for 15 years and managed to survive both the war and the revolution. Today, the Paris Grand Opera (or Opera Garnier) is considered the most visited theater in the world, each performance in which takes place with the same full house. The Grand Opera opened for the first time on January 15, 1875. Multi-coloured marble lobby of the main staircase leading to the theater foyers and floors theater hall, not the first century meets the chosen public. The splendor of the Grand Foyer delights and fascinates with its splendor, the play of mirrors and light. The action of the performance begins long before it begins on the stage - plots are everywhere musical history. The huge theater stage, 174 meters long and 125 meters wide, is illuminated by an 8-ton Crystal Chandelier. Auditorium arched red and gold horseshoe and can accommodate 1900 seats. Another minute and the magnificent curtain, decorated with gold galloon and tassels, quietly rustling, will open and ...

Each theater has its own secret, legend, history or secret. In the cellars of the Palais Garnier, a message to the future was kept, priceless treasures of world culture, sealed in hermetic urns back in 1907 and supplemented in 1912: 24 discs with records the greatest singers early 20th century Enrico Caruso, Emma Calve, Nelly Melba, Adeline Patti and Francesco Tamagno. After 100 years, the urns were opened, and a collection of surviving recordings was released already on CDs.

Vienna Opera, Vienna, Austria.

It is impossible even to imagine Vienna, this musical capital, the queen of the waltz, without an opera house. The building of the Vienna Opera was founded in 1863, and already in 1869, on May 25, the first premiere took place - Mozart's opera Don Giovanni. Destroyed during the bombing in March 1945, the Vienna State Opera could have completely ceased to exist, because most of the building, the scenery, and costumes for more than 100 opera productions perished in the fire. Despite numerous disputes about whether it is necessary to restore it in its original form, 10 years later the theater was completely restored in its historical appearance, and wonderful music sounded again within its walls. Not only manuscripts don't burn, music doesn't burn either!

The refined and graceful rear of the Vienna Opera seems to be a magical palace, when in the evenings, rays of light fall on the sculptures of muses on its facade, like rays of a magic ramp, illuminating fragments of the opera The Magic Flute.

It was in the Vienna Opera that many operas by Gluck, Mozart, Beethoven were first performed, the names of outstanding musicians and performers - Mahler, G. von Karajan, G. Mahler, R. Strauss are forever associated with it ...

Once a year State Opera Vienna turns into a ballroom. To the enchanting sounds of a waltz, couples slide in a waltz on a shiny parquet, circling in the whirlwind of the Vienna Opera Ball.

La Scala, Italy, Milan.

On the site of the Church of Santa Maria della Scala in 1776, by decree of the Empress of Austria Maria Theresa, the construction of the theater building began. Just two years later, on August 3, 1778, the first premiere took place within the walls of the future world celebrity - the opera Recognized Europe by Antonio Salieri. Thus began the brilliant path of the La Scala theater, on the stage of which there were spring, summer, autumn and carnival opera seasons, interrupted by dramatic performances. In the repertoire of the theater palette the best works Italian composers, world classics and contemporary authors- Wagner, Debussy, Mussorgsky, Tchaikovsky, Shostakovich, Prokofiev...

Within the walls of La Scala, only best voices of the world, to whom the theater has shown great honor and who have written great pages in the history of the theater with their high art- Enrique Caruso, Mario Del Monaco, Titta Ruffo, Maria Callas, Tebaldi, Chaliapin, Sobinov.

During the Second World War, the La Scala theater was completely destroyed, but already in 1946 it was waiting for its audience in its original form. The stage of the theater is one of the largest in Italy (its depth is 30 meters), and the auditorium can accommodate about 2,000 seats. The building of the La Scala theater was recently completely restored again.

Metropolitan Opera, USA, New York.

A little over 130 years old is not yet old for the theater, but the Metropolitan Opera, despite its historical youth, can compete with such famous theaters as La Scala and Vienna Opera. This can be judged by the architecture of the theater building, and by the repertoire performed on its stage and a worthy list of performers. At first, only thematic seasons took place on the stage of the theater, but since the beginning of the 20th century, the stage of the theater has shone with its own productions, in terms of scope and entertainment, ahead of famous theaters Italy, France, Austria. Since 1966, the Metropolitan Opera has been located in downtown Lincoln on the Upper West Side. The voices of Placido Domingo and Anna Netrebko, Dmitry Hvorostovsky and Rene Fleming are heard on its stage today. New Opera, new voices, new story.

Covent Garden, UK, London.

All over the world for several centuries the name of the great theater has been thundering, born after the largest discord in the famous royal theater of Drury Lane in 1714, and received its present name in 1732.

covent gardenmain theater Great Britain, whose fame not only does not fade over the years, but is only adorned with new star productions, new names famous actors, musicians, performers. The stage of the theater heard the greatest voices of the world - Boris Chaliapin in the production of "Boris Godunov", Maria Callas in "Norma", Galina Vishnevskaya, who performed the part of Aida. The opera "Oberon" was written by Weber specifically for staging in Covent Garden. Magnificent performances by the Sadler's Wells Ballet have lit another star in the magnificent crown of Britain's premier theater.

Sydney Opera House, Australia, Sydney.

Sydney Opera House can be called one of the wonders theater world, because it can take place 5 performances at the same time! Wonder of architecture and business card Australia, one of the ten best creations of modern architecture, included in the UNESCO heritage list. The author of the project was the Danish architect Jorn Utzon. It took more than 14 years (instead of the planned 4) and more than 100 million Australian dollars (with an initial budget of 7 million) to build a miracle of architecture. The Sydney Theater Complex was opened in October 1973 by Queen Elizabeth II of England. The Sydney Opera House is: an opera hall for 1.5 thousand spectators and a concert hall for more than 2.5 thousand, a drama theater hall for 500 people, drama and comedy theaters, a theater studio and several more halls, one of which is under open sky. A real theater-Palace and a miracle of the entire theatrical world.

Palace of Catalan Music, Spain, Barcelona.

In the center of Barcelona at the beginning of the last century, designed by architect Luis Domenech, one of the most famous concert halls in the world was created - Palau de la Musica Catalana, which has become one of the symbols of beautiful Catalonia and the most prominent representative of modernism in architecture. Maybe this is not a theater in the pure sense, but it is simply impossible not to say at least a couple of words about it. Main feature Palace of Music is amazingly beautiful stained-glass windows and sculptural composition"Catalan folk song", created by Miguel Blay. The stained-glass dome crowning the concert hall creates a charming illumination of the stage and the entire hall, giving an incomparable uniqueness to its beauty. The hall is especially beautiful at twilight hours, when light and shadow breathe life into statues and bas-reliefs ....

Among music lovers there are fans of an old, but very interesting manifestation of it - opera. But even if you are indifferent to opera music, You will most likely admire the beauty of her abode - the opera house. This top 10 most beautiful opera houses in the world will tell you about the amazing buildings and "take" you through the luxurious halls.

10 Theater Royal, Covent Garden

Royal Theater in Covent Garden located in London, UK. Opera and ballet performances take place in this theater. It is the home stage of the Royal Opera and the Royal Ballet. The modern theater building is the third building that was built on that site. It was erected in 1858, after which it was reconstructed at the end of the 20th century. The hall can accommodate 2268 spectators.

9 Sydney Opera House

Sydney Opera House located in Sydney, Australia. This theater was built in architectural style expressionism. The roof of the building is made up of shells that look like sails. Thanks to them, this opera house looks special. It is one of the most famous attractions in Sydney, and indeed in Australia, perhaps. Construction of the Sydney Opera House began in 1959 and was completed in 1973.

8 Opera Royal de Versailles

Royal Opera of Versailles is opera and drama theater located in the palace and park ensemble of the Palace of Versailles, in the city of Versailles, France. Of particular interest is the fact that the theater was built entirely of wood, and then covered with paintings resembling marble. Construction was completed in 1770. The hall can accommodate from 712 to 1200 spectators. This theater deserves admiration for its size: it is the largest palace theater in the world.

7 Gran Teatro del Liceo

Grand Opera House "Liceu" located in Barcelona, ​​Spain. It was opened in 1847. The auditorium has an area of ​​360 square meters and is able to provide seats for 2292 spectators. Thanks to this, this theater is one of the largest opera houses in Europe.

6 Teatro di San Carlo

Opera House "San Carlo" located in Naples, Italy. This opera house is the oldest in Europe. Its opening took place on November 4, 1737. The theater can accommodate 3,300 people. The majestic interior of the theater, combined with acoustic perfection, allows the viewer to experience visual and auditory delight during the opera.

5 Estates Theater

This opera house is located in Prague, Czech Republic. It was built in the classical style in 1783. Count Franz Anton (Frantisek Antonin) Nostitz-Rinek ordered the construction of the theater. Now a characteristic part of the theater's repertoire is the works of Mozart.

4 Markgrafliches Opernhaus

Margravial theater located in Bayreuth, Germany. The theater was built in mid-eighteenth century as a court opera house. The building has a Baroque style and is considered an excellent representative of the style called Bayreuth Rococo.

3 Opera House in Harbin

This theater is located in Harbin, China. This building has a very unusual, even bizarre shape. Inside, an unusual interior is hidden, which gives the impression that this theater is from a dream or from a fantasy world. Big hall designed for 1600 spectators, and small - for 400 spectators.

2 State Academic Bolshoi Theater of Russia

This opera and ballet theater is also called simply the Bolshoi Theatre. He is located in Moscow, Russia. The building of the Bolshoi Theater was opened for theater lovers in 1856. This theater has three auditoriums: Main Stage ( historical scene), the New Stage (Small Stage) and the Beethoven Hall. The auditorium of the Main Stage can accommodate 1740 people. Auditorium new scene can accommodate 928 people. The Beethoven Hall is designed for 320 people.

1 Opera Garnier

This theater is also called: Grand Opera or Opera de Paris. Opera Garnier (Paris Opera, Grand Opera), as you might guess, is located in Paris, France. This is the thirteenth opera in Paris, which appeared after the official recognition of this type of musical and dramatic art by Louis XIV in 1669. From the outside, the building attracts the attention of passers-by with its rich beauty. In the huge auditorium, which combines red and gold colors, hangs a chandelier weighing 8 tons. This opera house is shrouded in an atmosphere of mystery, because the legend of the Phantom of the Opera "lives" in it (this theater inspired Gaston Leroux to create the famous novel).

If you visit any of these opera houses, these beautiful and majestic buildings, imbued with music, will leave a vivid impression in your memory for a long time.