Read three in dragoon behavior. Good books for all times: Deniskin's stories

“It’s alive and glowing...”

One evening I sat in the yard, near the sand, and waited for my mother. She probably stayed late at the institute, or at the store, or maybe stood for a long time at the bus stop. Don't know. Only all the parents in our yard had already arrived, and all the kids went home with them and were probably already drinking tea with bagels and cheese, but my mother was still not there...

And now the lights began to light up in the windows, and the radio began to play music, and dark clouds moved in the sky - they looked like bearded old men...

And I wanted to eat, but my mother was still not there, and I thought that if I knew that my mother was hungry and was waiting for me somewhere at the end of the world, I would immediately run to her, and would not be late and not made her sit on the sand and get bored.

And at that time Mishka came out into the yard. He said:

- Great!

And I said:

- Great!

Mishka sat down with me and picked up the dump truck.

- Wow! - said Mishka. - Where did you get it? Does he pick up sand himself? Not yourself? And he leaves on his own? Yes? What about the pen? What is it for? Can it be rotated? Yes? A? Wow! Will you give it to me at home?

I said:

- No I will not give. Present. Dad gave it to me before he left.

The bear pouted and moved away from me. It became even darker outside.

I looked at the gate so as not to miss when my mother came. But she still didn’t go. Apparently, I met Aunt Rosa, and they stand and talk and don’t even think about me. I lay down on the sand.

Here Mishka says:

- Can you give me a dump truck?

- Get off it, Mishka.

Then Mishka says:

– I can give you one Guatemala and two Barbados for it!

I speak:

– Compared Barbados to a dump truck...

- Well, do you want me to give you a swimming ring?

I speak:

- It's broken.

- You will seal it!

I even got angry:

- Where to swim? In the bathroom? On Tuesdays?

And Mishka pouted again. And then he says:

- Well, it wasn’t! Know my kindness! On the!

And he handed me a box of matches. I took it in my hands.

“You open it,” said Mishka, “then you will see!”

I opened the box and at first I didn’t see anything, and then I saw a small light green light, as if somewhere far, far away from me a tiny star was burning, and at the same time I myself was holding it in my hands.

“What is this, Mishka,” I said in a whisper, “what is this?”

“This is a firefly,” said Mishka. - What, good? He's alive, don't think about it.

“Bear,” I said, “take my dump truck, would you like it?” Take it forever, forever! Give me this star, I’ll take it home...

And Mishka grabbed my dump truck and ran home. And I stayed with my firefly, looked at it, looked and couldn’t get enough of it: how green it was, as if in a fairy tale, and how close it was, in the palm of my hand, but shining as if from afar... And I couldn’t breathe evenly, and I heard my heart beating and there was a slight tingling in my nose, as if I wanted to cry.

And I sat like that for a long time, a very long time. And there was no one around. And I forgot about everyone in this world.

But then my mother came, and I was very happy, and we went home. And when they started drinking tea with bagels and feta cheese, my mother asked:

- Well, how is your dump truck?

And I said:

- I, mom, exchanged it.

Mom said:

- Interesting! And for what?

I answered:

- To the firefly! Here he is, living in a box. Turn out the light!

And mom turned off the light, and the room became dark, and the two of us began to look at the pale green star.

Then mom turned on the light.

“Yes,” she said, “it’s magic!” But still, how did you decide to give such a valuable thing as a dump truck for this worm?

“I’ve been waiting for you for so long,” I said, “and I was so bored, but this firefly, it turned out to be better than any dump truck in the world.”

Mom looked at me intently and asked:

- And in what way, in what way is it better?

I said:

- How come you don’t understand?! After all, he is alive! And it glows!..

Glory to Ivan Kozlovsky

I only have A's on my report card. Only in penmanship is a B. Because of the blots. I really don't know what to do! Blots always jump off my pen. I only dip the very tip of the pen into ink, but the blots still jump off. Just some miracles! Once I wrote a whole page that was pure, pure, and delightful to look at—a real A page. In the morning I showed it to Raisa Ivanovna, and there was a blot in the very middle! Where did she come from? She wasn't there yesterday! Maybe it was leaked from some other page? Don't know…

And so I have only A's. Only a C in singing. This is how it happened. We had a singing lesson. At first we all sang in chorus “There was a birch tree in the field.” It turned out very beautifully, but Boris Sergeevich kept wincing and shouting:

– Pull out your vowels, friends, pull out your vowels!..

Then we began to draw out the vowels, but Boris Sergeevich clapped his hands and said:

– A real cat concert! Let's deal with each one individually.

This means with each individual separately.

And Boris Sergeevich called Mishka.

Mishka went up to the piano and whispered something to Boris Sergeevich.

Then Boris Sergeevich began to play, and Mishka quietly sang:

Like on thin ice
A little white snow fell...

Well, Mishka squeaked funny! This is how our kitten Murzik squeaks. Is that really how they sing? Almost nothing can be heard. I just couldn't stand it and started laughing.

Then Boris Sergeevich gave Mishka a high five and looked at me.

He said:

- Come on, laugher, come out!

I quickly ran to the piano.

- Well, what will you perform? – Boris Sergeevich asked politely.

I said:

- Song civil war“Lead us, Budyonny, boldly into battle.”

Boris Sergeevich shook his head and began to play, but I immediately stopped him:

- Please play louder! - I said.

Boris Sergeevich said:

- You won't be heard.

But I said:

- Will. And how!

Boris Sergeevich began to play, and I took in more air and started drinking:

High in the clear sky
The scarlet banner flutters...

I really like this song.

I can see the blue, blue sky, it’s hot, the horses are clattering their hooves, they have beautiful purple eyes, and a scarlet banner is flying in the sky.

At this point I even closed my eyes with delight and shouted as loud as I could:

We are racing there on horseback,
Where is the enemy visible?
And in a delightful battle...

I sang well, probably even heard on the other street:

A swift avalanche! We are rushing forward!.. Hurray!..

Reds always win! Retreat, enemies! Give it!!!

I pressed my fists on my stomach, it came out even louder, and I almost burst:

We crashed into Crimea!

Then I stopped because I was all sweaty and my knees were shaking.

And although Boris Sergeevich was playing, he was somehow leaning towards the piano, and his shoulders were also shaking...

I said:

- Well, how?

- Monstrous! – Boris Sergeevich praised.

Good song, Truth? – I asked.

“Good,” said Boris Sergeevich and covered his eyes with a handkerchief.

“It’s just a pity that you played very quietly, Boris Sergeevich,” I said, “you could have been even louder.”

“Okay, I’ll take it into account,” said Boris Sergeevich, “But you didn’t notice that I played one thing, and you sang a little differently!”

“No,” I said, “I didn’t notice it!” Yes, it doesn’t matter. I just needed to play louder.

“Well,” said Boris Sergeevich, “since you didn’t notice anything, let’s give you a three for now.” For diligence.

How about a three? I was even taken aback. How can this be? Three is very little! Mishka sang quietly and then got an A... I said:

- Boris Sergeevich, when I rest a little, I can be even louder, don’t think so. I didn't have a good breakfast today. Otherwise I can sing so hard that everyone’s ears will be covered. I know one more song. When I sing it at home, all the neighbors come running and ask what happened.

- What is this? – asked Boris Sergeevich.

“Compassionate,” I said and started:

I loved you…
Love still, perhaps...

But Boris Sergeevich hastily said:

“Okay, okay, we’ll discuss all this next time.”

And then the bell rang.

Mom met me in the locker room. When we were about to leave, Boris Sergeevich approached us.

“Well,” he said, smiling, “perhaps your boy will be Lobachevsky, maybe Mendeleev.” He may become Surikov or Koltsov, I would not be surprised if he becomes known to the country, as Comrade Nikolai Mamai or some boxer is known, but I can assure you absolutely firmly of one thing: he will not achieve the fame of Ivan Kozlovsky. Never!

Mom blushed terribly and said:

– Well, we’ll see about that later!

And when we walked home, I kept thinking: “Does Kozlovsky really sing louder than me?”

Red ball in the blue sky

Suddenly our door swung open, and Alyonka shouted from the corridor:

– There’s a spring market in the big store! She screamed terribly loudly, and her eyes were round, like buttons, and desperate. At first I thought someone had been stabbed. And she took a breath again and come on:

- Let's run, Deniska! Quicker! There's fizzy kvass there! Music plays, and different dolls! Let's run!

Screams as if there was a fire. And this also made me somehow nervous, and I felt a tickle in the pit of my stomach, and I hurried and ran out of the room.

Alyonka and I held hands and ran like crazy to the big store. There was a whole crowd of people there and in the very middle stood a man and a woman made of something shiny, huge, reaching up to the ceiling, and although they were not real, they batted their eyes and moved their lower lips, as if they were talking. The man shouted:

- Spring market! Spring market!

And the woman:

- Welcome! Welcome!

We looked at them for a long time, and then Alyonka said:

- How do they scream? After all, they are not real!

“It’s just not clear,” I said.

Then Alyonka said:

- I know. They're not the ones screaming! It’s in the middle of them that live artists sit and shout to themselves all day long. And they themselves pull the string, and this causes the dolls’ lips to move.

I burst out laughing:

- It’s clear that you are still small. The artists will sit in your dolls' bellies all day long. Can you imagine? If you hunker down all day, you'll probably get tired! Do you need to eat or drink? And other things, you never know... Oh, darkness! This radio is screaming at them.

Alyonka said:

Come here quickly
Here are the tickets for the clothing lottery!
It doesn't take long for everyone to win
A Volga passenger car!
And some rashly
Moskvich wins!

And we also laughed next to him, how he shouted out smartly, and Alyonka said:

– Still, when something alive screams, it’s more interesting than the radio.

And we ran for a long time in the crowd between the adults and had a lot of fun, and some military guy grabbed Alyonka under the arms, and his comrade pressed a button in the wall, and cologne suddenly splashed out from there, and when they put Alyonka on the floor, she smelled like candy all over, and uncle said:

- What a beauty, I have no strength! But Alyonka ran away from them, and I followed her, and we finally found ourselves near the kvass. I had money for breakfast, and so Alyonka and I drank two large mugs, and Alyonka’s stomach immediately became like soccer ball, and all the time I had a tingling sensation in my nose and needles pricking my nose. Great, straight first grade, and when we ran again, I heard the kvass gurgling inside me. And we wanted to go home and ran out into the street. It was even more fun there, and there was a woman standing right at the entrance selling balloons.

Alyonka, as soon as she saw this woman, stopped dead in her tracks. She said:

- Oh! I want a ball!

And I said:

- That would be good, but there is no money.

And Alyonka:

- I have one piece of money.

- Show me.

She took it out of her pocket.

I said:

- Wow! Ten kopecks. Auntie, give her the ball!

The saleswoman smiled:

– Which one do you want? Red, blue, light blue?

Alyonka took the red one. And off we went.

And suddenly Alyonka says:

- Do you want to wear it?

And she handed me a thread. I took. And as soon as I took it, I heard that the ball was very, very thinly pulled by a thread! He probably wanted to fly away. Then I let go of the string a little and again heard him persistently stretching from his hands, as if he was really asking to fly away. And I suddenly felt somehow sorry for him, that he could fly, and I was holding him on a leash, and I took him and released him. And at first the ball didn’t even fly away from me, as if it didn’t believe me, but then I felt that it was real, and immediately rushed and soared above the lantern.

Alyonka grabbed her head:

- Oh, why, hold it!..

And she began to jump up and down, as if she could jump to the ball, but she saw that she couldn’t, and began to cry:

- Why did you miss him?..

But I didn’t answer her. I looked up at the ball. He flew upward smoothly and calmly, as if this is what he had wanted all his life.

And I stood with my head raised and looked, and so did Alyonka, and many adults stopped and also turned their heads back to watch the ball fly, but it kept flying and getting smaller.

So he flew over the top floor of a huge house, and someone leaned out of the window and waved after him, and he was even higher and a little to the side, above the antennas and pigeons, and became very small... Something was ringing in my ears when he flew , and he has almost disappeared. He flew behind a cloud, it was fluffy and small, like a rabbit, then he emerged again, disappeared and completely disappeared from sight, and now he was probably near the Moon, and we kept looking up, and some tailed creatures flashed in my eyes. dots and patterns. And the ball was no longer anywhere. And then Alyonka sighed barely audibly, and everyone went about their business.

And we went too, and were silent, and all the way I thought how beautiful it is when spring is outside, and everyone is dressed up and cheerful, and cars are driving here and there, and a policeman in white gloves is flying away into the clear, blue, blue sky from us is a red ball. And I also thought what a pity it was that I couldn’t tell Alyonka all this. I can’t do it in words, and even if I could, it would still be incomprehensible to Alyonka, she’s small. Here she is walking next to me, and all so quiet, and the tears have not yet completely dried on her cheeks. She probably feels sorry for her ball.

And Alyonka and I walked like this all the way to the house and were silent, and near our gate, when we began to say goodbye, Alyonka said:

- If I had money, I would buy another ball... so that you would release it.

childhood friend

When I was six or six and a half years old, I had absolutely no idea who I would ultimately be in this world. I really liked all the people around me and all the work too. At that time there was a terrible confusion in my head, I was kind of confused and could not really decide what to do.

I wanted to be an astronomer so I could stay awake at night and watch distant stars through a telescope, and then I dreamed of becoming a captain long voyage to stand with your legs apart on the captain's bridge, and visit distant Singapore, and buy a funny monkey there. Otherwise, I was dying to turn into a subway driver or a station master and walk around in a red cap and shout in a thick voice:

- Go-o-tov!

Or my appetite was whetted to learn to become an artist who paints white stripes on the street asphalt for speeding cars. Otherwise it seemed to me that it would be nice to become a brave traveler like Alain Bombard and sail across all the oceans on a fragile shuttle, eating only raw fish. True, this Bomber lost twenty-five kilograms after his trip, and I only weighed twenty-six, so it turned out that if I also swam like him, then I would have absolutely no way to lose weight, I would weigh only one thing at the end of the trip kilo. What if I don’t catch a fish or two somewhere and lose a little more weight? Then I’ll probably just melt into the air like smoke, that’s all.

When I calculated all this, I decided to abandon this idea, and the next day I was already impatient to become a boxer, because I saw the European Boxing Championship on TV. The way they threshed each other was simply terrifying! And then they showed them their training, and here they were hitting a heavy leather “bag” - such an oblong heavy ball, you need to hit it with all your might, hit it as hard as you can in order to develop the power of hitting. And I looked at all this so much that I also decided to become the most strong man in the yard to beat everyone, if anything happens.

I told dad:

- Dad, buy me a pear!

- It’s January now, there are no pears. Eat your carrots for now.

I laughed:

- No, dad, not like that! Not an edible pear! Please buy me an ordinary leather one punching bag!

- And why do you need it? - said dad.

“Practice,” I said. - Because I will be a boxer and I will beat everyone. Buy it, huh?

- How much does such a pear cost? – Dad asked.

“It’s just nothing,” I said. - Ten or fifty rubles.

“You’re crazy, brother,” said dad. - Get by somehow without a pear. Nothing will happen to you.

And he got dressed and went to work.

And I was offended by him because he refused me so laughingly. And my mother immediately noticed that I was offended, and immediately said:

- Wait a minute, I think I came up with something. Come on, come on, wait a minute.

And she bent down and pulled out a large wicker basket from under the sofa; It contained old toys that I no longer played with. Because I had already grown up and in the fall I was supposed to buy a school uniform and a cap with a shiny visor.

Mom started digging in this basket, and while she was digging, I saw my old tram without wheels and on a string, a plastic pipe, a dented top, one arrow with a rubber splash, a piece of sail from a boat, and several rattles, and many other toy items. scrap. And suddenly mom took out a healthy teddy bear from the bottom of the basket.

She threw it on my sofa and said:

- Here. This is the same one that Aunt Mila gave you. You were two years old then. Good Mishka, excellent. Look how tight it is! What a fat belly! Look how it rolled out! Why not a pear? Better! And you don't need to buy! Let's train as much as you like! Get started!

And then they called her to the phone, and she went out into the corridor.

And I was very happy that my mother came up with such a great idea. And I made Mishka more comfortable on the sofa, so that it would be easier for me to train against him and develop the power of the blow.

He sat in front of me, so chocolate-colored, but very shabby, and he had different eyes: one of his own - yellow glass, and the other large white - from a button from a pillowcase; I didn't even remember when he appeared. But it didn’t matter, because Mishka looked at me quite cheerfully with his different eyes, and he spread his legs and stuck his stomach out towards me, and raised both hands up, as if he was joking that he was already giving up in advance...

And I looked at him like that and suddenly remembered how a long time ago I never parted with this Mishka for a minute, dragged him everywhere with me, and nursed him, and sat him at the table next to me for dinner, and fed him with a spoon semolina porridge, and he got such a funny little face when I smeared him with something, even the same porridge or jam, then he got such a funny, cute little face, just like he was alive, and I put him to bed with me, and rocked him to sleep like a little brother, and whispered to him different fairy tales right into his velvety hard ears, and I loved him then, loved him with all my soul, I would have given my life for him then. And here he is now sitting on the sofa, my ex best friend, a true childhood friend. Here he sits, laughing with different eyes, and I want to train the force of impact against him...

“What are you talking about,” said mom, she had already returned from the corridor. - What happened to you?

But I didn’t know what was wrong with me, I was silent for a long time and turned away from my mother so that she wouldn’t guess by her voice or lips what was wrong with me, and I lifted my head to the ceiling so that the tears would roll back, and then, when I had strengthened myself a little , I said:

-What are you talking about, mom? Nothing wrong with me... I just changed my mind. I'll just never be a boxer.

Enchanted letter

Recently we were walking in the yard: Alyonka, Mishka and me. Suddenly a truck drove into the yard. And on it lies a Christmas tree. We ran after the car. So she drove up to the building management office, stopped, and the driver and our janitor began to unload the tree. They shouted at each other:

- Easier! Let's bring it in! Right! Leveya! Get her on her butt! Make it easier, otherwise you’ll break off the whole spitz.

And when they unloaded, the driver said:

“Now we need to register this tree,” and he left.

And we stayed near the Christmas tree.

She lay there big, furry, and smelled so deliciously of frost that we stood there like fools and smiled. Then Alyonka took hold of one twig and said:

- Look, there are detectives hanging on the tree.

"Detective"! She said it wrong!

Mishka and I just rolled around. We both laughed equally, but then Mishka began to laugh louder to make me laugh.

Well, I pushed it a little so he wouldn't think I was giving up. Mishka held his stomach with his hands, as if he was in great pain, and shouted:

- Oh, I'll die of laughter! Detective!

And, of course, I turned up the heat:

- The girl is five years old, but she says “detective”... Ha-ha-ha!

Then Mishka fainted and groaned:

- Oh, I feel bad! Detective...

And he began to hiccup:

- Hick!.. Detective. Ick! Ick! I'll die of laughter! Ick!

Then I grabbed a handful of snow and began to apply it to my forehead, as if I had already developed a brain infection and had gone crazy. I yelled:

– The girl is five years old, she’s getting married soon! And she is a detective.

At Alyonka's underlip She grimaced so hard that she reached behind her ear.

- Did I say correctly! It’s my tooth that has fallen out and is whistling. I want to say “detective”, but I whistle “detective”...

Mishka said:

- What a miracle! Her tooth fell out! Three of them have fallen out and two are wobbly, but I still speak correctly! Listen here: giggles! What? It’s really great – hihh-kee! This is how it comes out easily for me: giggles! I can even sing:

Oh, green hyhechka,
I'm afraid I'll inject myself.

But Alyonka will scream. One is louder than the two of us:

- Wrong! Hooray! You talk hykhki, but we need detective!

- Precisely, that there is no need for detective work, but rather giggles.

And let's both roar. All you can hear is: “Detective!” - “Giggles!” - “Detective!”

Looking at them, I laughed so much that I even got hungry. I walked home and kept thinking: why were they arguing so much, since they were both wrong? It's a very simple word. I stopped and said clearly:

- No detective work. No naked, but briefly and clear: Fyfki!

03:44 10000
07:38 400
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06:02 800
02:46 4200

Deniskin's stories by Dragunsky with a slight movement of the author's thoughts lift the veil Everyday life children, their joys and worries. Communication with peers, relationships with parents, various incidents in life - this is what Victor Dragunsky describes in his works. Funny stories with a sensitive vision of important details characteristic of the author, they occupy a special place in world literature. The writer is known for his ability to see the good in everything and wonderfully explain to children what is really good and what is bad. In Dragunsky’s stories, every child will find traits similar to themselves, receive answers to their troubling questions, and laugh heartily at funny incidents from the children’s lives.

Victor Dragunsky. Interesting biography details

Readers are usually surprised to learn that Victor was born in New York. It so happened that his parents moved there in search of better life, but they failed to settle down in the new place. Just a year later, the boy and his parents returned to their homeland - the city of Gomel (Belarus).

Victor Dragunsky spent his childhood on the road. His stepfather took him on tour, where the child learned to do a good job of imitating people and generally playing to an audience. At that moment, his creative future was already predetermined, however, like most children's writers, he did not immediately come to this occupation.

The Great Patriotic War left its mark on his fate. Thoughts, aspirations, pictures of what he saw during the war changed Victor forever. After the war, Dragunsky set out to create his own theater, where every talented young actor could prove himself. He succeeded. Blue Bird - this was the name of Victor’s parody theater, which gained recognition and fame in a matter of moments. This happened with everything that Dragunsky took on. When you start reading Deniska’s stories, you will definitely notice notes of the author’s subtle humor, which he used to attract children to the theater and circus. The kids were crazy about him!

It was this theater that became Starting point his path, which led to creative writing, which later left us Deniska’s stories as a gift. Victor Dragunsky began to notice that during his performances children had a particularly good reaction. Dragunsky was even lucky enough to work as a clown, winning the love of young spectators.

At the end of the 50s, according to the recollections of friends, Victor thought it was time to change something in his life. The feeling of approaching something new never left him. creative path. And then one day, while in his sad thoughts, Dragunsky wrote the first children's story, which became a real outlet for him. Deniskin's first stories by Dragunsky instantly became popular.

Deniska’s stories are so interesting to read because the author had a real talent for easily and vividly describing everyday situations, having fun laughing at them, and sometimes thinking about them. Viktor Dragunsky could not predict that his works would become classics of children's literature, but his knowledge of children and love for them did their job...

“Tomorrow is the first of September,” said my mother. - And now autumn has come, and you will go to second grade. Oh, how time flies!..

“And on this occasion,” dad picked up, “we will now “slaughter” a watermelon!”

And he took a knife and cut the watermelon. When he cut, such a full, pleasant, green crack was heard that my back went cold with anticipation of how I would eat this watermelon. And I was already opening my mouth to grab a pink slice of watermelon, but then the door swung open and Pavel entered the room. We were all terribly happy, because he had not been with us for a long time and we missed him.

I came home from the yard after football, tired and dirty like I don’t know who. I had fun because we beat house number five 44-37. Thank God there was no one in the bathroom. I quickly rinsed my hands, ran into the room and sat down at the table. I said:

Mom, I can eat a bull now.

A poster appeared near our house, so beautiful and bright that it was impossible to pass by it indifferently. It had various birds drawn on it and said, “Songbird Show.” And I immediately decided that I would definitely go and see what kind of news this was.

And on Sunday, at about two in the afternoon, I got ready, got dressed and called Mishka to take him with me. But Mishka grumbled that he got a D in arithmetic - that's one thing, and a new book about spies - that's two things.

Then I decided to go myself. Mom let me go willingly because I was bothering her with cleaning, and I went. Songbirds were shown at the Exhibition of Achievements, and I easily got there by subway. There was almost no one at the ticket office, and I handed twenty kopecks through the window, but the cashier gave me a ticket and returned ten kopecks back because I was a schoolboy. I really liked this.

One day I was sitting and sitting and out of the blue I suddenly thought of something that surprised even myself. I thought that it would be so good if everything around the world were arranged in reverse. Well, for example, for children to be in charge in all matters and adults would have to obey them in everything, in everything. In general, so that adults are like children, and children are like adults. That would be wonderful, it would be very interesting.

Firstly, I imagine how my mother would “like” such a story, that I walk around and command her as I want, and my dad would probably “like” it too, but there’s nothing to say about my grandmother. Needless to say, I would remember everything to them! For example, my mother would be sitting at dinner, and I would tell her:

“Why did you start a fashion for eating without bread? Here's more news! Look at yourself in the mirror, who do you look like? Looks like Koschey! Eat now, they tell you! - And she would start eating with her head down, and I would just give the command: - Faster! Don't hold it by the cheek! Are you thinking again? Are you still solving the world's problems? Chew it properly! And don’t rock your chair!”

During recess, our October leader Lyusya ran up to me and said:

– Deniska, will you be able to perform in the concert? We decided to organize two kids to be satirists. Want?

I speak:

- I want it all! Just explain what satirists are.

Although I it's already underway ninth year, I only realized yesterday that I still need to learn my homework. Whether you love it or not, whether you like it or not, whether you are lazy or not, you still have to learn your lessons. This is the law. Otherwise, you can get into such a mess that you won’t recognize your own people. For example, I didn’t have time to do my homework yesterday. We were asked to learn a piece from one of Nekrasov's poems and the main rivers of America. And instead of studying, I launched a kite into space in the yard. Well, he still didn’t fly into space, because his tail was too light, and because of this he spun like a top. This time.

I will never forget this winter evening. It was cold outside, the wind was strong, it cut your cheeks like a dagger, the snow was spinning with terrible speed. It was sad and boring, I just wanted to howl, and then dad and mom went to the movies. And when Mishka called on the phone and called me to his place, I immediately got dressed and rushed to him. It was light and warm there and a lot of people had gathered, Alenka came, followed by Kostya and Andryushka. We played all the games and it was fun and noisy. And at the end Alenka suddenly said:

Once we went to the circus as a whole class. I was very happy when I went there, because I was almost eight years old, and I had only been to the circus once, and that was a very long time ago. The main thing is that Alenka is only six years old, but she has already managed to visit the circus three times. This is very disappointing. And now the whole class went to the circus, and I thought how good it was that I was already big and that now, this time, I would see everything properly. And at that time I was little, I did not understand what a circus was. That time, when the acrobats entered the arena and one climbed on the head of the other, I laughed terribly, because I thought that they were doing this on purpose, for laughs, because at home I had never seen grown men climbing on each other. And this didn’t happen on the street either.

Either I wanted to be an astronomer, so I could stay awake at night and watch distant stars through a telescope, and then I dreamed of becoming a sea captain, so that I could stand with my legs apart on the captain’s bridge, and visit distant Singapore, and buy a funny monkey there.

Works are divided into pages

Deniskin's stories by Viktor Dragunsky

Viktor Dragunsky has wonderful stories about the boy Deniska, which are called “ Deniska's stories" Many children read these funny stories. It can be said that great amount people grew up on these stories, " Deniska's stories“are unusually exactly similar to our society, both in its aesthetic aspects and in its factuality. The phenomenon of universal love for stories by Victor Dragunsky is explained quite simply. By reading small but quite meaningful stories about Deniska, children learn to compare and contrast, fantasize and dream, analyze their actions with funny laughter and enthusiasm.

Dragunsky's stories distinguished by love for children, knowledge of their behavior, and emotional responsiveness. Deniska’s prototype is the author’s son, and the father in these stories is the author himself. V. Dragunsky wrote not only funny stories, many of which most likely happened to his son, but also a bit educational. Good and good impressions remain after thoughtful read Deniska's stories, many of which were later filmed. Children and adults reread them many times with great pleasure. In our collection you can read online list Deniskin's stories, and enjoy their world at any free moment.

Deniskins' stories by Dragunsky. Viktor Yuzefovich Dragunsky was born on December 1, 1913 in New York, into a Jewish family of emigrants from Russia. Soon after this, the parents returned to their homeland and settled in Gomel. During the war, Victor's father died of typhus. His stepfather was I. Voitsekhovich, a red commissar who died in 1920. In 1922, another stepfather appeared - Jewish theater actor Mikhail Rubin, with whom the family traveled all over the country. In 1925 they moved to Moscow. But one day Mikhail Rubin went on tour and did not return home. What happened remains unknown.
Victor started working early. In 1930, already working, he began to attend the “Literary and Theater Workshops” of A. Diky. In 1935, he began performing as an actor at the Transport Theater (now the N.V. Gogol Theater). At the same time, Dragunsky was engaged in literary work: he wrote feuilletons and humoresques, came up with sideshows, skits, pop monologues, and circus clowneries. Got closer to circus performers and even worked in a circus for some time. Gradually the roles came. He played several roles in films (the film “The Russian Question”, directed by Mikhail Romm) and was accepted into the Film Actor’s Theater. But in the theater with its huge troupe, which included famous movie stars, young and not so famous actors I didn’t have to count on constant employment in performances. Then Dragunsky had the idea of ​​​​creating a small amateur troupe inside the theater. True, such a troupe could be called conditionally an amateur performance - the participants were professional artists. Many actors responded with pleasure to the idea of ​​​​creating a parody “theater within a theater.” Dragunsky became the organizer and director of the literary and theatrical parody ensemble “Blue Bird,” which existed from 1948 to 1958. Actors from other Moscow theaters also began to come there. Gradually, the small troupe gained significance and repeatedly performed at the House of Actors (then: All-Russian Theater Society), where at that time Alexander Moiseevich Eskin was director. The funny parody performances were such a resounding success that Dragunsky was invited to create a similar group with the same name in Mosestrad. For productions in “Blue Bird”, together with Lyudmila Davidovich, he composed lyrics for several songs, which later became popular and acquired a second life on the stage: “Three Waltzes”, “Wonder Song”, “Motor Ship”, “Star of My Fields”, “ Berezonka."
During the Great Patriotic War Dragunsky was in the militia.
Since 1940 he has published feuilletons and humorous stories, later collected in the collection Iron Character (1960); writes songs, sideshows, clowneries, skits for the stage and circus.
Since 1959, Dragunsky has been writing funny stories about the fictional boy Denis Korablev and his friend Mishka Slonov under the general title “Deniska’s Stories”, based on which the films “Funny Stories” (1962), “Girl on the Ball” (1966), “Deniska’s Stories” (1970) were released g.), “In secret to the whole world” (1976), “ Amazing Adventures Denis Korablev" (1979), short films "Where is it seen, where is it heard", "Captain", "Fire in the outbuilding" and "Spyglass" (1973). These stories brought their author enormous popularity, and it was with them that his name became associated. The name Deniska was not chosen by chance - that was the name of his son.
In addition, Dragunsky was the screenwriter of the film " Magic power art (1970)", in which Deniska Korablev is also featured as a hero.
However, Viktor Dragunsky wrote prose works for adults too. In 1961, the story “He Fell on the Grass” about the very first days of the war was published. Its hero, a young artist, like the author of the book himself, despite the fact that he was not drafted into the army due to disability, enlisted in the militia. The story “Today and Everyday” (1964) is dedicated to the life of circus workers, main character which is a clown; This is a book about a person who exists in spite of time, who lives in his own way.
But most famous and popular are Deniska’s stories for children.
In the 1960s, books from this series were published in large numbers:
"Girl on the Ball",
« Enchanted letter»,
"Childhood Friend"
"Dog Thief"
"Twenty years under the bed"
“The magical power of art”, etc.
In the 1970s:
"Red ball in blue sky»,
"Colorful Stories"
"Adventure" etc.
The writer died in Moscow on May 6, 1972.
The widow of V. Dragunsky Alla Dragunskaya (Semichastnaya) published a book of memoirs: “About Victor Dragunsky. Life, creativity, memories of friends”, LLP “Chemistry and Life”, Moscow, 1999.

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One evening I sat in the yard, near the sand, and waited for my mother. She probably stayed late at the institute, or at the store, or maybe stood for a long time at the bus stop. Don't know. Only all the parents in our yard had already arrived, and all the kids went home with them and were probably already drinking tea with bagels and cheese, but my mother was still not there...
And now the lights began to light up in the windows, and the radio started playing music, and dark clouds moved in the sky - they looked like bearded old men...
And I wanted to eat, but my mother was still not there, and I thought that if I knew that my mother was hungry and was waiting for me somewhere at the end of the world, I would immediately run to her, and would not be late and not made her sit on the sand and get bored.
And at that time Mishka came out into the yard. He said:
- Great!
And I said:
- Great!
Mishka sat down with me and picked up the dump truck.
- Wow! - said Mishka. - Where did you get it? Does he pick up sand himself? Not yourself? And he leaves on his own? Yes? What about the pen? What is it for? Can it be rotated? Yes? A? Wow! Will you give it to me at home?
I said:
- No I will not give. Present. Dad gave it to me before he left.
The bear pouted and moved away from me. It became even darker outside.
I looked at the gate so as not to miss when my mother came. But she still didn’t go. Apparently, I met Aunt Rosa, and they stand and talk and don’t even think about me. I lay down on the sand.
Here Mishka says:
- Can you give me a dump truck?
- Get off it, Mishka.
Then Mishka says:
- I can give you one Guatemala and two Barbados for it!
I speak:
- Compared Barbados to a dump truck...
And Mishka:
- Well, do you want me to give you a swimming ring?
I speak:
- It's burst.
And Mishka:
- You will seal it!
I even got angry:
- Where to swim? In the bathroom? On Tuesdays?
And Mishka pouted again. And then he says:
- Well, it was not! Know my kindness! On the!
And he handed me a box of matches. I took it in my hands.
“You open it,” said Mishka, “then you will see!”
I opened the box and at first I didn’t see anything, and then I saw a small light green light, as if somewhere far, far away from me a tiny star was burning, and at the same time I myself was holding it in my hands.
“What is this, Mishka,” I said in a whisper, “what is this?”
“This is a firefly,” said Mishka. - What, good? He's alive, don't think about it.
“Bear,” I said, “take my dump truck, would you like it?” Take it forever, forever! Give me this star, I’ll take it home...
And Mishka grabbed my dump truck and ran home. And I stayed with my firefly, looked at it, looked and couldn’t get enough of it: how green it was, as if in a fairy tale, and how close it was, in the palm of my hand, but shining as if from afar... And I couldn’t breathe evenly , and I heard my heart beating, and there was a slight tingling in my nose, as if I wanted to cry.
And I sat like that for a long time, a very long time. And there was no one around. And I forgot about everyone in this world.
But then my mother came, and I was very happy, and we went home. And when they started drinking tea with bagels and feta cheese, my mother asked:
- Well, how's your dump truck?
And I said:
- I, mom, exchanged it.
Mom said:
- Interesting! And for what?
I answered:
- To the firefly! Here he is, living in a box. Turn out the light!
And mom turned off the light, and the room became dark, and the two of us began to look at the pale green star.
Then mom turned on the light.
“Yes,” she said, “it’s magic!” But still, how did you decide to give such a valuable thing as a dump truck for this worm?
“I’ve been waiting for you for so long,” I said, “and I was so bored, but this firefly, it turned out to be better than any dump truck in the world.”
Mom looked at me intently and asked:
- And why, why exactly is it better?
I said:
- How come you don’t understand?! After all, he is alive! And it glows!..