Tickets for Toto Cutugno - Toto Cutugno. Tickets for the Toto Cutugno concert: The Return of the Italian Idol

Toto Cutugno- world famous Italian pop singer and composer. The musician's full name is Salvatore. Toto was born on July 7, 1973 in Italy in the Tuscan city of Fosdinovo. His musical abilities began to actively manifest itself back in early childhood, which was greatly facilitated by the creative hobbies of his parents. The boy quickly learned to play the trumpet, and then the drums and accordion. As a teenager, Toto began performing a lot, and at the age of 13 he became place of honor at one of the regional music competitions. From that moment on, Cutugno began actively collaborating with many local bands as a drummer. And at the age of 19 he became a member of the then famous in Italy musical group, with whom he goes on a long tour of Finland. After returning to his homeland, he creates his own group “Toto e Tati” and begins composing music. It should be noted that this group often performed in Italy for some time and enjoyed quite good success.

In 1975, Cutugno became a member of the Albatros group. And soon he is noticed in this capacity by a representative of the then famous French performer Joe Dassin. Toto begins to collaborate with Dassin, writing many hit compositions for him. And in 1976, the group “Albatros” took third place on the popular music festival in San Remo. In addition, in the same year the team had whole line other, no less successful performances. But exactly a year later, at the peak of fame, the group breaks up, and Toto Cutugno starts studying solo work. Success in quality solo artist he came to Cutugno much later, in 1980 after the festival in San Remo. At this festival, the musician took first place, brilliantly performing the song “Solo noi”. And in 1983, at the same festival, Toto presented the composition “L’italiano”, which later became his business card. It is noteworthy that in subsequent years Cutugno performed in San Remo more than once, often occupying top places. And in 1990, which had already become quite popular performer becomes the winner international competition"Eurovision". From that moment on, the musician began touring a lot around the world, and also tried himself as a presenter on Italian television. In addition, Toto continues to appear regularly at the festival in San Remo.

Currently Toto Cutugno- worldwide famous performer. Despite his rather advanced age, he, as before, performs a lot, and also regularly records records with his new compositions. Over the course of his very long career, the famous musician has released almost twenty albums. But even today he clearly does not want to stop there.

Creation Toto Cutugno today they are loved and appreciated in many countries around the world. But Russian listeners have had a special love for his compositions for more than twenty years. Therefore, the performer has repeatedly performed in our country, each time attracting the attention of the domestic public. And very soon, connoisseurs of his talent from Russia will again be able to purchase tickets to the Toto Cutugno concert.

The symbol of the Italian stage - Toto Cutugno - will perform in Moscow.

Famous Italian composer and performer Salvatore Cutugno was born in the town of Fosdinovo, near Tuscany. He began studying music at the age of seven - first he mastered the drum kit, and then the guitar and accordion. Toto gets carried away jazz music and playing the piano. The young musician creates the group “Toto e Tati”, for which he begins to compose his first compositions.

In 1975, Cutugno met Vito Pallavicini. This creative union was incredibly successful. Wonderful melodies come from their pen. The world heard them performed by the famous Joe Dassin.

1976 Toto participates for the first time in the Italian Song Festival in Sanremo with the group Albatross. Their debut was very successful, giving the musician the title of laureate and third place in the competition. year later composition young composer takes fifth place in this prestigious competition.

“Donna, donna mia” - it was this song that Cutugno sang himself, marking the beginning of his career pop performer. This happened on one of the television programs With light hand popular host Mike Bongiorno.

All his songs are very long life and happy fate. They sound on the waves of the most popular radio stations, on television, in numerous concert programs. Tickets for the Toto Cutugno concert will allow fans of his work to once again hear such familiar, dear, understandable “Solo noi”, “Litaliano” and many other hits of this author. Every concert of Toto Cutugno in Moscow is an expected event that gathers people in the hall great amount people who are in love with the music of this amazing composer. We are waiting for all fans of the Italian song at concert of Toto Cutugno.

» Toto Cutugno

Tickets Concert Toto Cutugno (Toto Cutugno) used traditionally high demand among fans. Do you want to attend the Toto Cutugno Concert in 2019? We provide a unique opportunity to purchase best tickets Concert of Toto Cutugno (Toto Cutugno) in any city in the world. The Toto Cutugno concert is one of the most exciting events of the year! The Toto Cutugno concert will always give you a sea of ​​emotions and unforgettable impressions. The EuroTicket company will help you make this dream come true by providing you with the best tickets for the Toto Cutugno Concert with courier delivery into your hands. Our many years of experience in cooperation with foreign partners allows us to 100% guarantee timely delivery to any city in Russia or to your hotel abroad, as well as the compliance of tickets with the stated conditions and the authenticity of the Toto Cutugno Concert tickets themselves. Sources for obtaining tickets are only registered ticket companies that are official partners of event organizers (producer, theater or sports organizations). Don't miss your chance - Toto Cutugno Concert in 2019!

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