Ivan Alekseev (Noize MC): biography, interesting facts, photos. Singer Sasha Sokolova, partner of Noize MC in the “Jordan” video, died of cancer Noize MC problems

Ivan Aleksandrovich Alekseev is a Russian rapper, known under the pseudonym Noize MC, the author of seven studio solo albums and four singles.

Ivan was born on March 9, 1985 in the city of Yartsevo, Smolensk region. The newborn's father was involved in music, his mother worked in chemical production. In 1994, the family broke up, and the mother and son moved to Belgorod, where Vanya began writing poetry and then music. At the new place, the boy went to study at a music school in the academic guitar class. In 1998 and 2000, Ivan participated in the regional competition for young musicians and each time received first place.

In 1998, impressed by the work of the rock groups Nirvana and The Prodigy, the young man assembled his first musical group. Two years later, Alekseev received a position as a bass guitarist and backing vocalist in the ensemble “Levers of Machines”. But Ivan becomes more and more interested in rap, and the young man tries to write his first compositions on his own.

In 2001, Alekseev graduated from music school and became a member of the Belgorod hip-hop group V.I.P. together with his friend Arkady. For creativity, the young men take pseudonyms: Ivan begins to be recognized under the name Noize MC, a classmate chooses the nickname Adik 228. Over the course of a year, the young people create the rap duet Face2Face, in which they perform at various venues in the region, and also travel to neighboring countries.

In 2002, Alekseev graduated from school with a gold medal and entered the Faculty of Modern Technologies of the Russian State Humanitarian University in Moscow. At the end of the first year, Ivan assembles the musical ensemble Protivo Gunz from students of the RSUH dormitory.

In the early 2000s, the rapper performed solo at hip-hop festivals, competitions and freestyle battles, where he often became the winner. In the spring of 2005, Noize MC's circle of fans expanded after his victory over MC Molodoy in the Snickers Guru Klan street battle. At the Snickers Urbania festival, the musician has the honor of working as a jury member and presenter.

After completing the 3rd year, Ivan Alekseev moves to the Old Arbat area. In a rented room, the rapper stores all the band’s equipment and, in his free time, organizes street performances with Protivo Gunz musicians, experimenting with genres and forms of musical compositions.

During the year, Ivan continues to travel around the country with concerts of the Protivo Gunz group and accumulates material for solo work, which allows the musician to sign a contract with the Respect Production label in mid-2006. Having won the Urban Sound competition, Ivan Alekseev gets the opportunity to shoot a video for the composition “Song for Radio”, which is included in the rotation of the MUZ-TV channel.


In 2007, the musician signed a contract with Respect Production and the Russian division of Universal Music Group, which is regarded by fans of Russian rap as an unprecedented event. In the same year, Alekseev became the winner of a major Internet battle of Russian-speaking rappers. The song “Behind a Closed Door” entered the top ten of the “100 Best MTV Songs of 2007” rating.

In 2007, film director Andrei Kudinenko invites the charismatic leader of a rap group to play the main role in the film “The Prank,” a remake of the 1976 film. Ivan Alekseev coped with the acting task, and also wrote several musical compositions for the film: “Summer in the Capital,” “Money,” “It Was Rain,” “Exhale,” “What a Pity,” “I Can’t Find You.” In 2008, the musician shot a video for the song “My Sea,” which was broadcast on the A-ONE music channel.

At the end of spring 2008, Alekseev announced his departure from Universal Music and released the first album “The Greatest Hits vol. 1”, which included 20 tracks, including “Behind a Closed Door”, “From the Window”, “Kantemirovskaya”, “Skinhead Girl”. In addition to solo performances, the rapper participates in joint recordings of songs with the singer, the groups “Cockroaches!” and "Lyapis Trubetskoy". In 2009, Alekseev was awarded the A-One RAMP TV channel awards in the “Runet Respect” and “Steppen Wolf” nominations in the “Lyrics” category.

In 2010, the musician created the song “Mercedes S666”, which drew attention to the high-profile case of an accident that occurred due to the fault of Lukoil vice-president Anatoly Barkov. After the scandalous video, the older generation of listeners also became interested in the artist’s creative biography. The singer is beginning to be invited to the air of public programs “Echo of Moscow” and Radio Liberty. At concerts, the musician often behaves provocatively, which ultimately leads to a 10-day arrest for hooliganism.

At the end of May 2010, at the Moscow club “B1 Maximum”, a presentation of the second disc of Noize MC “Last Album” took place, which included the musical compositions “Arrange Destroy”, “Singer and Actress”, “It’s Cool on Mars”, “Red October”. The interest of fans was aroused not only by the album, but also by a book of the same name, written by group member Pasha Teterin, as well as the role-playing audiobook “Underground”, created on the plot of the drummer’s work.

Noize MC receives awards from the newspaper “Moskovsky Komsomolets”, the TV channel “Muz-TV”, radio “Silver Rain”, the portal InDaRnB.ru and the next award “Steppen Wolf”. In 2010, the singer was ranked 41st in the Forbes rating of the “Stars and Money” section. According to analysts, the rapper's earnings in 2009 amounted to $0.9 million.

In 2011, the musician is working on recording tracks for the next disc, and also shoots videos for the songs “Swearing From Behind the Wall”, “Sam”, “Bryn-Bryn-Bryn”, “Pushkinsky Rap”, “ShlakvaShaklassika!” and “Hymn of the Arriving Provincials.” On March 30, the “New Album” was released, which included tracks previously announced on music channels. In 2012, videos for the songs “Swimming Pool” and “The Universe are Infinite” were shot.

In 2013, the Protivo Gunz group celebrated 10 years of creative activity with the release of two albums - a disc of the same name, for which a video clip was shot for the song “Chewing Gum,” and the disc “Confusion.” On April 13, 2013, the anniversary concert of the Noize MC team took place in the Moscow Stadium Live concert hall, which was broadcast on the night of January 1, 2014 on the MTV channel.

In 2014, the discography of Noize MC was replenished with the sixth album “Hard Reboot”, many of the tracks of which were created in collaboration with other performers: “Jordan” feat Аtlantida project, “abv&eyuya” together with the poetess, “Ne2Da?” co-authored with Mewark. In addition, the album includes solo compositions by Noize MC “Burning”, “Talking Heads”, “Master of the Forest”, the authorship of which belonged to musician Alexander Petrunin. In 2014, Ivan Alekseev played the role of a drug dealer in a 3D production of the musical “Romeo and Juliet” in the 22nd century.

2015 began for the artist with a performance at the international music festival in Norway, Barents Spektakel. In mid-March, the musician held two solo concerts in the A2 (St. Petersburg) and Stadium Live (Moscow) clubs dedicated to the 30th anniversary of Noize MC. In April, the rapper presented the first Russian-language video “Yes Future!” on the YouTube channel, filmed using the 360-degree technique. In November, the single “Make some noise” premiered accompanied by an orchestra at concert venues in Moscow and St. Petersburg.

The musician participates not only in commercial projects. Ivan collaborates with the Sunflower charity foundation, to which he regularly transfers royalties from the sale of CDs or singles on the Internet. In April 2015, Noize MC was invited to be a speaker at the annual “Total Dictation” event. In October, the singer prepared the musical composition “Save My Speech,” which was included in the biographical film about “Save My Speech Forever.” In mid-November, Noize MC received the main Music Box 2015 award in the “Hip-Hop of the Year” category at the award ceremony held at the State Kremlin Palace.

Personal life

In 2008, at one of the concerts, Ivan Alekseev met a girl, Anna, who soon became his wife.

In 2010, the first-born Vasily was born into the rapper’s family, and two years later Anna gave Ivan a second son, Mikhail. Noize MC is kind to his family and tries to devote his free time to communicating with his children and wife.

Noize MC now

In 2016, the artist presented his seventh album, “King of the Hill,” which included the tracks St. Petersburg Roofs, “Nails,” “Acid Rain,” and “Favorite Color.” Video clips were created for the songs “Rake” and “Childfree” (feat Monetochka) in 2017. In the spring, a cover version of the song “The Last Hero” was released.

Now the singer is preparing his next album, composing new musical material. At the hip-hop festival, held on May 1 in Luzhniki, Noize MC presented the song “Marathon”.


  • "The Greatest Hits Vol. 1" - 2008
  • “Last Album” - 2010
  • “New Album” - 2012
  • "Protivo Gunz" - 2013
  • "Confusion" - 2013
  • "Hard Reboot" - 2014
  • "King of the Hill" - 2016

Today, September 1, marks exactly three years since St. Petersburg got « Versus Battle » , and “Versus Battle” has thousands of fans and millions of views on its YouTube channel.

At first, neither the heroes nor the organizers of the project knew that the idea would turn into a real movement and become so popular, but in 2013 the “pendulum” was swung. Now this, if not a new direction in the culture of rap music, is certainly a significant part of it. “Leningrad Rap Club” - this is what “Versus Battle” was called in one of the episodes of “Evening Urgant”.

"Versus" - a truly St. Petersburg phenomenon, it usually takes place in bar 1703, which is located near Ligovsky Prospekt. Two participants, three judges, three rounds and no beats or microphones. Everything is as simple as possible if you watch the video while sitting in the comfort of your home chair, but is it really so? One of the very first participants in the battle, a popular St. Petersburg rap artist and just a great guy, told NEVSKY NEWS about how it all began. Harry Topor (Igor Alexandrov).


Versus is three years old. What is it like to stand at the origins? Tell me how it all began. How much time did you have to prepare for the battle?

It’s very cool to be at the origins; back then it wasn’t something special. That is, it was some kind of strange and muddy movement. A guy I didn’t know well, nicknamed “The Restaurateur,” invited me to take part in it. He said: “There will be some kind of battle without music with prepared lyrics, where popular performers will face each other. I thought that this was a strange idea and, like, who could be interested in this at all, because in Russia this is not at all popular. Then I looked at foreign analogues and decided, why not try it? Initially, my opponent was supposed to be a member of the “Black Economy” group, but in the end something didn’t work out for him.

Then I flew to Serbia and right before the plane I found out that they had found another opponent for me and it would be St1m in his new image of Billy Milligan. At that time, no one knew how to battle and did not know exactly how to do it. None of the audience, in fact, knew how to behave either.

I wrote the text in Serbia. It took about two weeks to prepare. Immediately after the first issue ended and I came home, I saw that the news was talking about the appearance of a new closed rapper battle in St. Petersburg. Everyone became very interested in what kind of event this was.


At the very beginning of Versus's life, did anyone imagine such popularity? Did anyone think that the rollers onYoutube will get millions of views?

Of course not. That’s why we went to the first performance with a condescending mood in the style of “Well, let’s see what happens.” Back then, rap was essentially different; only a few performers could boast of good box office receipts at concerts.

But after the first battle, Tony Raut and I were signed to one of the largest booking agencies in Russia. Then we signed a contract and performed six big tours in three years.

Now Versus is visited by 200-300 people, but back then they invited only their own people or some “elite”: participants were given only a couple of pluses ( editor's note: invitation cards), so there were a maximum of 30 spectators. At the very beginning, only famous people came, as well as those next to them: famous rappers, poets, musicians, directors of cool stores. The audience that revolved among the friends of the organizers. It was completely impossible to get passages. It was impossible for an outsider to buy tickets even for money. As far as I remember, speakers had the opportunity to bring five people with them, and everyone else could bring one.

At first there were problems with filming, with sound and light: the operators did not cut out pauses when the participants forgot the text, so the entertainment was not so cool, but then everything began to develop. First of all, because it is new and unusual for our country. This has never happened before, but people want bread and circuses, they want dirt. If you look at my battle with Noise, then it seemed mega-dirty and immoral. Not so now. If you look at some recent releases, he will be almost a virgin.


What emotions did you get from the battle with Noise? Was there any disappointment that it all ended this way, because, for sure, you wanted something global?

Noise said that we would fight in 50 days, which is almost two months. As a result, he was not prepared, read the text from his mobile phone, and freestyled. Typically, participants prepare for two weeks.

Of course, there was disappointment. Everyone was preparing for the fact that this would be some kind of epoch-making battle, because Noise is a very famous performer who won the battle, who has big tours, and defeating him “with one wicket” is simply not interesting.

As for the current Versus and the past Versus. Is there a difference in the level of performances?

There is no specific answer here, because someone has become much cooler by understanding what exactly needs to be shown in a speech and how. But, on the other hand, there are now too many frankly weak and boring participants.

Isn't there a qualifying round for participants?

Selection exists, but the result is never completely clear, it cannot be predicted. Let's look at the example of a photographer. He might have great shots in his portfolio, but when I call him to an event, he might give me a bad result. And I couldn’t predict this. We can only understand the level of a performer through trial and error.

Do participants often improvise at all? Or are absolutely all the jokes prepared?

The main part is, of course, the blank. At a performance, you can joke in response to some punch, but it’s usually a little more than a couple of lines.

Yes, there is nothing secret there, it’s just that the performance was not very spectacular due to several forgotten lines, long pauses and a dull crowd in the background .

Before the battle, do the organizers discuss topics that cannot be discussed?

There is no censorship inside the battle. If there is any hardcore, then during the editing this part will probably just be cut out and that’s it.


How do you feel about censorship when jokes about politics, religion, etc. are muted on videos?

I have a positive attitude. After all, no one wants people in jackets to come to the Restaurateur after the next release of Versus and close the project. This is how we do it: they imprison two or three people so that others will be discouraged. And then we will think in hindsight: “We should have censored it!”

Of course, it’s good that there is censorship, because such slippery topics can sooner or later be closed down. Everyone knows about Versus - from deputy Mironov to Vanya Urgant. And all these people can ask a fair question about why some person throughout the country, without mincing words, says this and that.

On the set of "Evening Urgant" , were you worried? And on Versus?

Hell yes! In Urgant it is impossible not to worry - there is no room for error. But if a person is worried, it means he cares.

And at Versus, since we are talking about it, the participants are also worried. Participants may pretend they don't care, but they still care. On Versus, as well as on Urgant, there are no reshoots. If I make a mistake, that slip will go on air. Plus everyone wants to win.

You cannot influence the composition of the judges, but if you agreed to participate, please respect their decision. If there was a person who openly treats me badly, I would probably ask him to change, explaining the reason to the Restaurateur. Although in the battle against Tipsy Tip, which took place on the roof, the judge was Ruslan Munnibaev - the concert director of “Casta”, it seems, and the editor of the site “The-Flow”. He never hid the fact that he didn't like my music, and my participation in this fight was risky. But, in spite of everything, then Ruslan gave his vote for me.

What about the battle?ST and Oksimiron? People felt that the judges' decision was unfair.

I won’t comment on this, because both Oxy and ST are not strangers to me.

But I will say this: the opinion of the judges is very important. Regardless of what the people say, the bottom line is that one person won and the other lost.


Are you planning to battle anyone else in the future?

I haven't participated for a year and a half now. I have other priorities now - recording new material, concert tours. If I returned to Versus, I would do it, I quote: “when it would be beneficial to ME” ( editor's note: a line written by Oksimiron, from the battle between Oksimiron and Johnnyboy). That is, the opponent must be very famous and in demand. After Noise and ST there is no need to lower the bar. Moreover, you no longer want to go against someone for whom there is strong positivity, and not hostility.

Do you have any wishes for Versus?

Hold on. If, as the Restaurateur says, censorship has already been introduced, and there are some warnings, then Versus is under control. And let there be more quality battles!


Meanwhile, the organizers Versus are making new releases, the popularity of which continues to grow confidently.

The third season is currently underway with the participation of young rap artists. The qualifiers continue, the rounds get tougher, so: “Let’s make some noise, please.” (Editor’s note: before the start of each battle, the Restaurateur says this phrase, only instead of “please” he uses an obscene word).

For fans, as well as those who want to get to know the work of Harry Topor better, we inform you that this year we will have Harry Topora and Tony Routa greattour .

As part of the tour in St. Petersburg on November 13 on the stage of the concert hall AURORA the guys will present Tony's new solo album, but they promise that they won't forget about the old popular tracks. Tickets can be purchased from ticket operators, as well as at the club box office.

Childhood Noize MC

Vanya was born in the Smolensk region. The boy's mother was a chemist by profession, and his father was a musician. When he turned nine, his parents separated. Around this period, he began to write his first poems, and a year later he “fell ill” with the guitar. Moreover, he went to music school in the middle of the year and was accepted. Ivan began to study and made progress in playing the classical guitar.

In 1997, he and his mother went to Belgorod, where he continued his studies. There, Vanya twice participated in the regional performing arts competition. In 1998 he managed to take first place, and in 2000 - second. Since 2000, the aspiring musician tried his hand at various musical groups in the city, including the group “Levers of Machines.” He himself first assembled a rock band at the age of thirteen.

Beginning of career Noize MC

Vanya was fond of both Nirvana and The Prodigy. Soon he began to try to write rap, but did not stop playing in a rock band. At school, the young musician studied with Arkady, who also performed in musical groups under the name “Adik”. For some time, classmates played together in the group “V.I.P,” which was very famous within the city due to its frequent performances.

Ivan took the pseudonym MC Noize, but later modified it slightly and became known as Noize MC. After a while, classmates created their own group and gave it the name “Face2Face”. They began to participate in regional festivals, perform at concerts, and take part in competitions. “Face2Face” also tried its hand at the international festival, which took place in Kharkov, where it was a success. Ivan Alekseev graduated from music school in 2001, and a year later became a graduate of a secondary school.

Ivan Alekseev's move to Moscow

In 2002, Vanya went to Moscow, where he began studying at the State Humanitarian University. He had to leave the group in Belgorod. Like many nonresident students of the Russian State University for the Humanities, Ivan settled in a dormitory. He decided to do solo work. A year later, from students like him, the young man created the group “Protivo Gunz”. The musician constantly became a participant in various metropolitan hip-hop competitions and freestyle battles, where he performed successfully and was often among the winners.

Together with Protivo Gunz, Ivan traveled to many cities in the Moscow region, giving concerts. From time to time, he introduced his work to the residents of the capital, going out onto the city streets. Noize MC first gained popularity after he began posting his tracks on the Internet, which he recorded during his student years.

The rise of Noize MC

The musician spent the summers of 2005 and 2006 traveling around the country, where the team of the Snickers Urbania street festival and Ivan gave joint concerts. Noize MC collected the proceeds to record his first album. "Respect Production" is the name of the rap label with which he signed a contract. Around the same period, the group with “Protivo Gunz” became a participant in the Russian competition “Urban Sound”, where they won. The prize was the opportunity to record a video, although the budget was very small. This was the reason that the guys recorded a video for their old track, the name of which is “Song for Radio”. The clip was considered provocative, but it still entered the rotation. A year later, it was decided to change the plot of the video, which made it more provocative.

Noize MC Freestyle on the train

In the spring of 2007, participating in the seventh Battle of Hip-Hop.Ru, the talented musician became the winner, which became his next success in his career. At the same time, he signed a contract with Universal Music Group, which in itself was already a significant event.

Pavel Lungin invited Ivan to his film “The Prank”, where he got his first experience of filming. He also composed the soundtrack for the film. His hero's name was Igor Glushko. He was a high school student, an aspiring musician, who moved to the capital after the death of his parents.

“Behind a Closed Door” is the title of the hip-hop artist’s second video. The video was filled with black humor and Noize MC's signature irony. This work was in 2007 in tenth place among the hundred best songs of MTV-2007. Latest achievements in creativity

Noize MC -- Freestyle at Moscow State University

A year passed, and the hip-hopper decided to terminate his contract with Universal Music Group. And soon admirers of his work saw his first debut album. Its title is “The Greatest Hits vol.1”. The golden collection of new Russian rock included many of the singles from this record. In 2010, the musician’s second album was released. Its title is “The Last Album”.

Noize MC today

The next album was released in 2011. At the same time, many clips were shot, but the year 2011 set a record for the clips shot. In the spring of 2012, an album called “New Album” appeared.

In 2013, the Protivo Gunz group celebrated its tenth anniversary with an anniversary concert. It is known that a full-length film is expected to be released in 2014, in which the full group will star.

Personal life of Noize MC

The hip-hopper is not particularly willing to talk about his personal life, believing that that is why it is private, so as not to be the property of society. However, in one of his interviews, he talked about his beautiful wife and two beautiful children.

Ivan and Anna met in 2008 at a concert. Their views on life were similar, in addition, Anya really liked the musician’s work. He made every effort, and after a while she agreed to become his wife. In 2010, Vasily was born to them, and in 2012, Mikhail appeared. Despite his busy schedule, Ivan always strives to be with his family more.

Sasha Sokolova, lead singer of the popular St. Petersburg group Atlantida Project, known to many for her collaboration with Noize MC Jordan, died after a long battle with cancer. The girl struggled with the disease throughout the last year of her life, trying different treatment methods, but her efforts were in vain. Sasha died at the end of September, two weeks after the premiere of the “Jordan” video. About this on your page on VKontakte reported concert organizer of the group Praskovya Shishkoedova.

“Sashka left. Guys, Sashka has left. My beloved girl. You are a sparkle. And with me for the rest of my life,” she wrote.

34-year-old Sasha learned about her diagnosis while on tour in Israel. She was diagnosed with stage four cancer. Every day information about Sasha’s health appeared on social networks. Friends and fans collected money for expensive treatment: a daily dose of medicine cost the singer 25 thousand rubles. The girl underwent a course of chemotherapy and also studied other treatment methods - she underwent a course of virotherapy, protein therapy, was treated with heat shock and other methods.

“Thank you very much to everyone who is close to us, to everyone who was next to Sasha and supported her and us all these months. In the spring of 2014, we experienced a tragedy and a miracle at the same time. Sasha has a fatal diagnosis. And suddenly it turned out that there were thousands of caring people nearby, for whom her music was important, who needed it. We perked up,” Praskovya wrote.

As Shishkoedova writes, Sasha was “a brilliant girl, in whose head amazing words and melodies were born.”

“On closer acquaintance, she turned out to be so vulnerable, almost a child, with dreams - bright and very understandable, emotional, contradictory. And - very close. Sasha loved contrasts, sometimes she liked to be rude. This is such protection from the world that forces you to be strong. She always knew that her destiny was to sing, write, create,” says the woman.

The musician Noize MC, with whom the singer recorded a joint song “Jordan” shortly before her death, also brought condolences to the friends and family of Sasha Sokolova.

“We met a year ago. Sergey Zyazin, guitarist, composer and sound producer of the Atlantida Project, sent me a letter with several ready-made songs and the chorus of “Jordan”. It was night, I was driving home after a whole day in the studio, extremely tired, but this music opened me up so much that I forgot to even think about sleep. Sasha’s voice pierced through like a scanner. I had goosebumps, I sat in the taxi and cried. The letter mentioned her health problems - of course, I was shocked by this too. I remember my mother in stage 4 cancer. The fact that a person is able to sing, compose and perform with such a diagnosis (even during remission) is the pure power of the mind, this is in spite of everything,” Noize MC wrote on his page on VKontakte.

“Unfortunately, the remission ended at some point. Already in May, during the filming of the video, Sasha’s condition was far from normal. In the summer the disease progressed, but the guys continued to play, we performed together in St. Petersburg at a student festival. After that, we never had time to see each other - I was constantly traveling and doing business... Already in September, when I was in America, Sergei wrote me a laconic letter saying that Sasha was doing very badly. Based on our subsequent correspondence, it became clear that we were talking about the last days and a complete dead end. Unfortunately, this is what happened. The best of people are given a minimum of time. Eternal memory to you, Sasha Sokolova. The cosmos spoke through your lips,” the musician added.

Noise MC, like many other rappers, is known not only for his creativity, but also for his slightly scandalous behavior. However, as often happens with creative people in public professions, such behavior is largely part of the stage image, and in ordinary life such people are quite respectable family men. In any case, regarding noize mc, this is indirectly evidenced by the fact that despite everything, this outrageous musician has a wonderful wife and two wonderful children.

Quite a bit is known about the rapper’s wife, Anna Alekseeva. In particular, there is practically no information about what she does, other than maintaining a family home and raising children. However, one thing can be said with confidence: she and her husband have a happy marriage, and they love each other. Even when, at the birth of her second child, her popular husband was in prison, where he spent ten days for insulting the police, she took it quite normally and with understanding. Most likely, this was again part of his professional image, which had nothing to do with the musician’s everyday behavior and, therefore, had no effect on their personal life. So to speak, the costs of the profession.

Anna herself tries to avoid public life and, as far as we know, tries to spend more time with her children. Noise himself strives for this. Despite his rather busy concert schedule, he tries to spend time with his family. The fact is that he himself grew up virtually without a father and does not want the same for his sons. And now he has two of them. The eldest, Vasily, was born in 2010, and the youngest, Ivan, two years later. By the way, the fact that the young family decided to have a second child is another confirmation that everything is going well for Noise and Anna.

Many fans of the rap artist’s songs know that sometimes the musician describes in the lyrics of his songs some of the nuances of his own life, and, therefore, it is possible that someday, perhaps, some information about his beloved wife will appear in his work rapper.

In the meantime, we can only be content with the bits of information that exist and believe that Noise and Anna Alekseeva are an almost ideal married couple. Of course, every family life has its underwater reefs, but loving people are always able to get around them. Moreover, they have two such wonderful navigators as Vasily and Mikhail.