Coral reefs in photographs. The most beautiful place in Australia - the Great Barrier Reef

The Catlin Seaview Survey is studying the health of coral reefs and their impact on global warming. As part of this project, these amazing photographs of coral reefs and their inhabitants were collected.

(Total 28 photos)

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2. Warming waters, acidifying seas and increasing storms are all bad for the health of coral reefs. (Catlin Seaview Survey)

3. Using a specially designed 360-degree camera, teams of divers from the Catlin Seaview Survey are creating graphical data that scientists will use to map the health of the reefs and catalog the species that live on them. (Catlin Seaview Survey)

4. Great camera, isn't it? (Catlin Seaview Survey)

5. And at depth, divers will use robots like these... (Catlin Seaview Survey)

6. These robots can be controlled from a boat on the surface of the water. (Catlin Seaview Survey)

7. Thanks to these pictures, not only scientists, but also us mere mortals can now admire the beauty of coral reefs in the Virtual Dive program. (Catlin Seaview Survey)

8. This unique and innovative program gives us the opportunity to “dive in” and see what scientists see. You can "float" wherever you want using your computer's mouse and keyboard. And all this with the help of Google Street View. (Catlin Seaview Survey)

9. A team of scientists will be collecting data from the Great Barrier Reef until the end of December. The global report will take about three years to complete and will cover many of the world's coral reefs. The next study is planned to be conducted in the Philippines. (Catlin Seaview Survey)

10. “Christmas” worms. (Catlin Seaview Survey)

11. (Catlin Seaview Survey)

12. (Catlin Seaview Survey)

14. And remove each other - for a new avatar! (Catlin Seaview Survey)

15. panorama of Heron Island. (Catlin Seaview Survey)

16. Apo Island in the Philippines. (Catlin Seaview Survey)

17. A team of divers exploring reefs at depth. (Catlin Seaview Survey)

18. And this is a camera for studying reefs in shallow water. (Catlin Seaview Survey)

19. (Catlin Seaview Survey)

20. (Catlin Seaview Survey)

21. In the company of a stingray in the waters off Heron Island. (Catlin Seaview Survey)

Coral is a structure formed from millions of very small marine animals called polyps. The length of the polyp, which is shaped like a tube, is only an inch. At the end of this tube is a mouth surrounded by tentacles that deliver sea creatures to it. The colors of corals are very diverse, as are their shapes and sizes. They have both an internal and external skeleton. They can be soft or hard, black, smooth or prickly and other types. Some are like feathers, others are like fingers. Polyps are hollow and attach themselves to other polyps or to limestone rocks to form large structures. Almost all corals live together in groups called colonies. Very large colonies are called reefs. The polyps take calcium from seawater and turn it into limestone around the underside of their body. New polyps grow and the limestone structure becomes larger and larger.

Corals live in oceans around the world, but survive best in warm water. In tropical oceans they form large structures called atolls. Atolls grow around old volcanoes and form ring-shaped islands. Coral polyps eat small marine animals such as jellyfish larvae. Some people need seaweed to survive. Corals can reproduce by budding. Small buds appear on the body of the polyp. They grow up and separate from their parents. Corals can also lay eggs, which grow into new colonies. Some types of coral live for hundreds of years.

coral reef

A coral reef is a mountain underwater formed by the skeletons of corals. Reefs are also made up of other living things, such as seaweed or shellfish. A coral reef has vibrant colors and can grow for hundreds of years without being destroyed by the ocean. Location of coral reefs around the world.

Types of reefs:

  • Reef line - located near the coastline they are usually the youngest reef forms
  • Barrier reefs are located further from the coast they form a wall between the shallow waters near the coast and the open sea some barrier reefs are very large The longest - 2 thousand kilometers long The Great Barrier Reef on the east coast of Australia
  • Atolls are ring-shaped reefs. They are formed when an old volcano erupts and sinks into the sea. A reef grows upward from the edge of the volcanoes along with a lagoon formed in the middle
    Most reefs need warm water to survive. They grow best in water that is at least between 16 and 20 degrees. Reefs also need enough sunlight to feed. Coral reefs can also be found in the warm ocean waters of the Pacific and Indian Oceans as well as in the Caribbean Sea and the east coast of central South America. They usually grow very slowly, no more than 10 cm per year. They can be found near the surface where they get enough sunlight

Life on coral reefs

A coral reef can have thousands of different species of corals and other organisms. This would be a record if not for tropical forests, which can support even more different organisms. This is why coral reefs are called tropical forests of the sea. Many species of fish live near coral reefs. Their bodies have the ability to change, which gives them the ability to live and find food in this area. In addition, coral reefs are home to crabs, lobsters, octopuses, starfish and other invertebrate animals.

Importance of corals and coral reefs:

  1. Corals remove and recycle carbon dioxide, a gas responsible for the greenhouse effect.
  2. Reefs protect islands and continents from waves and storms and allow other species to thrive in shallow waters near the coast.
  3. A coral reef is a complex ecosystem with different species of organisms. Without reefs they would die.
  4. Coral skeletons are used as substances for bones and other parts of our body.
  5. Coral reefs are living laboratories for scientists and students.
  6. The reefs attract millions of tourists every year.
  7. People make jewelry made from coral reefs.

Major threats to coral reefs:

Corals are not simply calcareous structures formed by polyps. This is one of the most incredible life forms on earth. Our top 10 includes the most beautiful coral reefs in the world.

Why are corals so attractive? Firstly, with its amazing natural beauty, variety of shapes, number of colors and shades, which reaches 400. Secondly, they do not appear anywhere: corals need clean water and a warm climate. And, perhaps, the main thing is fish and other fauna of the most incredible shapes and colors, which with their presence creates a complete picture of indescribable beauty.

10. Red Sea Barrier (Egypt)

The coral reefs of the Red Sea cannot be called the most beautiful in the world, but they do have very rare and interesting shades of some colors, such as yellow, red and pink. Corals located close to the coast attract snorkelers and diving enthusiasts from many countries, especially post-Soviet ones. Frankly speaking, it was the latter fact that became the reason for inclusion in our top 10.

9. Aldabra Atoll in the Indian Ocean (Seychelles) It occupies 200 km² and is notable for the fact that it has survived to this day in almost its original condition. All thanks to the fact that, once a pirate island, it was well hidden for a long time and was a hard-to-reach place. Now the beauty of this amazing coral reef is under the protection of the local government and UNESCO. The atoll is also notable for its huge population of turtles, reaching 150 thousand individuals.

8. Roatan Island in the Caribbean Sea (Honduras)

Here is the Mesoamerican Barrier Reef, one of the largest in the world. Diving began to develop here relatively recently, some 10 years ago, and man has not yet had time to exert his detrimental influence on this beautiful underwater corner of the planet. Therefore, if you want to admire the fish surrounded by pristine beauty, hurry up!

7. Palancar Reef in the Caribbean Sea (Mexico)

The reef, stretching for 5 km, is remarkable for its structure: there are many underwater caves, branches and crevices in which you can see quite rare black corals, and at the same time get acquainted with a variety of marine life forms. Here you can find giant barracuda, moray eels, spotted eagle rays, spiny lobsters, crabs, lobsters, and many colorful tropical fish.

6. Tubbataha in the Sulu Sea (Philippines)

This is an entire national park, a World Heritage Site UNESCO. It is approximately 15 million years old, so it takes pride of place among both the most beautiful coral reefs in the world and the most ancient. In a relatively small area (7,030 hectares) there are 75% of the corals existing on the planet (almost 400 species), and about 40% of the studied reef fish (more than 500 species). About 1,000 species of marine animals are found in these waters, including dolphins, sharks and whales. The fact that the schedule of local tourist diving vessels is scheduled a year in advance suggests that Tubbataha rightly made it into our TOP 10.

5. Raja Ampat in the Indian Ocean (Indonesia)

According to some estimates, this is where the greatest diversity of marine life can be found. No wonder this place is called World Richest Reefs(English: the richest reefs in the world). There are over 1,200 species of reef fish (25 of which are endemic). The diversity of corals is so great that it is 10 times greater than all species existing in the Caribbean combined! On top of that, at least a hundred sunken ships and planes have been recorded in the surrounding area. Isn't this every diver's dream?

4. Coral reefs of the Andaman Sea (India)

At one time, they delighted the famous Jacques-Yves Cousteau, who made a documentary here. It was here that 111 species of corals were discovered, previously unknown to science. The most beautiful site is located on the territory of the Mahatma Gandhi National Marine Park. Here you can admire stingrays, dolphins, turtles, as well as schools of colorful fish swimming calmly around enthusiastic divers.

3. Apo in the South China Sea (Philippines)

It occupies 34 km² and is home to several different ecosystems. Apo owes much of its title to one of the most beautiful coral reefs on the planet to water with unique transparency. On clear and calm days, visibility can exceed 50 meters. And there is so much to see here: several varieties of sharks and rays, huge tuna, lobsters, gorgonians, as well as many sea snakes that make you flinch at every accidental touch, especially at night.

2. Belize Barrier Reef in the Atlantic Ocean (Belize)

It ranks second in the ranking of the best coral reefs in the world. Its length is 280 km, and in such a vast area there is an unimaginable diversity of living organisms. And the most interesting thing is that, according to scientists, the reef is only 10-15% studied. Therefore, among the 140 thousand divers who visit this place annually, there are many who want to become discoverers.

The highlight of this beautiful place is the so-called “Great Blue Hole”. It is a circle of blue-black color, with a diameter of 300 meters, which seems bottomless. Almost the only inhabitants of the cave (which is actually a “hole”) are sharks; they can be seen even from the surface. The spectacle is quite impressive!

1. Great Barrier Reef in the Coral Sea (Australia)

The largest coral reef in the world is also considered the most beautiful. Its area is almost 345,000 km², this miracle of nature can be seen even from space. Home to a colony of coral polyps, this aquatic oasis is considered the largest ecosystem on the planet. There are over 400 varieties of corals and more than one and a half thousand species of inhabitants, including whales and sharks, octopuses and squids, parrot fish and butterfly fish, stingrays, crustaceans, turtles... The Great Barrier Reef is rightly considered a valuable world heritage site.

Let's talk about corals- the oldest creatures on Earth and some of the most beautiful sea inhabitants.

Great Barrier Reef- the largest population of coral polyps that formed a reef system more than 2600 kilometers long. The reef is located along the northern coast of Australia. The Great Barrier Reef includes more than 2,900 independent reefs and 900 coral islands.

The Great Barrier Reef is one of the most diverse ecosystems in the world. About 400 species of corals, 1,500 species of fish and a variety of other animals and plants have been found here.

UNESCO has listed the Great Barrier Reef as a World Heritage Site. (Photo by Nicole Duplaix):

Corals are the flowers of the sea. These corals from the Philippines really look like flowers. (Photo by Tim Laman):

Corals are unusual marine animals, representatives of the coelenterate phylum - one of the most primitive types of living creatures on Earth. This is one of the oldest groups of multicellular organisms on Earth, they have existed for many millions of years. Corals are unusual in that they have the ability to form a strong calcareous skeleton, which persists after the death of the animal and contributes to the formation of atolls and reefs.

It grows up to 30 cm. It often lives at the entrance to underwater caves, at shallow depths, up to 30 meters. (Photo by Heather Perry):

Corals are found in tropical and subtropical marine waters and live in water with a temperature of at least 21 degrees Celsius. Corals come in different colors (pink, red, blue, white, black), their color depends on the composition and amount of organic compounds. More than 2,500 species of corals are known. (Photo by Tim Laman):

Red corals are called “blood foam”, “blood flower”, black ones are called “royal corals”. Pink, red and black corals are considered the most valuable. A coral reef is a kind of magnet that, for various reasons, attracts crabs, lobsters, shellfish, fish and scuba divers. (Photo by Heather Perry):

. (Photo by Tim Laman):

(Photo by Tim Laman):

In the Cayman Islands. Coral reefs are calcareous geological structures formed by coral polyps and certain types of algae. The total area of ​​coral reefs in the world exceeds 27 million km². They are located mainly in the Pacific and Indian oceans. About 1/3 of the world's coral reefs have already been destroyed. On current trends, some reefs will be destroyed by 2030. (Photo by Raul Touzon):

In Papua New Guinea. The word “coral” in our minds is always associated with something solid , fragile. However, there are also soft corals, which, as the name suggests, lack a solid hard skeleton. Soft corals can occupy quite large areas of the reef. Many types of soft corals shrink into shapeless clumps during the day, which only straighten out at dusk. Therefore, their exquisite beauty can only be fully appreciated during a night dive. (Photo by Wolcott Henry):

Alcyonaria or soft corals- the most numerous order of eight-rayed corals. They are widespread in the seas and oceans, found from the polar regions to the equator and from the littoral zone to great depths. (Photo by Wolcott Henry):

in New Zealand. They create an underwater forest for colorful reef fish and can live for 300 years. (Photo by Brian Skerry):

Corals at the National park Komodo, which is located in the center of Indonesian archipelago, and is a UNESCO World Heritage Site:

And clown fish:

Named in honor of Medusa the Gorgon:

Green acropora tenuis coral:

Another representatives soft corals:

Soft violet coral:

Bright red soft coral:

Let's talk about corals - one of the most beautiful marine inhabitants.

The Great Barrier Reef is the largest population of coral polyps, forming a reef system more than 2,600 kilometers long. The reef is located along the northern coast of Australia. The Great Barrier Reef includes more than 2,900 independent reefs and 900 coral islands.

The Great Barrier Reef is one of the most diverse ecosystems in the world. About 400 species of corals, 1,500 species of fish and a variety of other animals and plants have been found here.

UNESCO has listed the Great Barrier Reef as a World Heritage Site.

Corals are the flowers of the sea. These corals from the Philippines really look like flowers.

Coelenterates from the island of Palau. Corals are unusual marine animals, representatives of the phylum Coelenterata - one of the most primitive types of living creatures on Earth. This is one of the oldest groups of multicellular organisms on Earth, they have existed for many millions of years. Corals are unusual in that they have the ability to form a strong calcareous skeleton, which persists after the death of the animal and contributes to the formation of atolls and reefs.

Bright red sun coral. It grows up to 30 cm. It often lives at the entrance to underwater caves, at shallow depths, up to 30 meters.

Corals are found in tropical and subtropical marine waters and live in water with a temperature of at least 21 degrees Celsius. Corals come in different colors (pink, red, blue, white, black), their color depends on the composition and amount of organic compounds. More than 2,500 species of corals are known.

Branching coral. Red corals are called “blood foam”, “blood flower”, black ones are called “royal corals”. Pink, red and black corals are considered the most valuable. A coral reef is a kind of magnet that, for various reasons, attracts crabs, lobsters, shellfish, fish and scuba divers.

Fluorescent green coral.

Anchor coral.

Coral reef in the Cayman Islands. Coral reefs are calcareous geological structures formed by coral polyps and certain types of algae. The total area of ​​coral reefs in the world exceeds 27 million km². They are located mainly in the Pacific and Indian oceans. About 1/3 of the world's coral reefs have already been destroyed. On current trends, some reefs will be destroyed by 2030.

Soft corals in Papua New Guinea. The word “coral” in our minds is always associated with something hard and fragile. However, there are also soft corals, which, as the name suggests, lack a solid hard skeleton. Soft corals can occupy quite large areas of the reef. Many types of soft corals shrink into shapeless clumps during the day, which only straighten out at dusk. Therefore, their exquisite beauty can only be fully appreciated during a night dive.

Alcyonarians or soft corals are the most numerous order of eight-rayed corals. They are widespread in the seas and oceans, found from the polar regions to the equator and from the littoral zone to great depths.

Coral Reef:

Coral Reef:

Black (royal) corals in New Zealand. They create an underwater forest for colorful reef fish and can live for 300 years.

Soft corals:

Corals in Komodo National Park, which is located in the center of the Indonesian archipelago and is a UNESCO World Heritage Site:

Mushroom corals:

Sea lilies on coral:

Christmas sea feathers:

Hard coral:

Soft corals and clownfish:

Sea lily:

Red gorgonian corals, named after the Gorgon Medusa:

Acropora tenuis coral:

Green coral acropora tenuis:

Other representatives of soft corals:

Soft Purple Coral:

Bright red soft coral.