Beautiful English names for women. English name for a girl - which one do you like?

At first glance, it seems that choosing a name for a girl is a simple matter. But how difficult it can sometimes be to find a suitable English female name! After all, opinions in the family often differ, and young parents have to defend their choice in front of grandparents, friends and close relatives.

You can choose a name by month, by ear, by sound, or by the meaning that lies in it, or simply in honor of a relative whose fate was interesting and exciting. Based on your own considerations or on some other parameters, you still have to choose a name, because a child cannot live without a name.

U different nations names are formed differently. For example, modern English female names have many sources of origin, and the principle of their creation differs from what we are used to. So the name of an Englishman may contain a first name, a second name and a surname. In this case, one or another surname may appear in both the first and second names. This tradition goes back hundreds of years. Initially, only nobles could afford to choose a surname instead of a first name - it was their privilege.

We can discover among English female names French (Olivia), Arabic (Amber), Aramaic (Martha), Persian (Esther, Jasmine, Roxanne), Greek (Angel, Selina), Hebrew (Michelle), Spanish (Dolores, Linda), Italian (Bianca, Donna, Mia ), Latin (Cordelia, Diana, Victoria), Scandinavian (Brenda), Celtic (Tara), Old English (Wayne...), Slavic (Nadia, Vera) and Turkish (Ayla).

One more interesting feature in English-speaking countries is to address a person in a diminutive form. In our country, such treatment is, as a rule, unacceptable, and can sometimes even be considered humiliating.

How to choose an English female name?
It should not be too long, but it should be easy to pronounce. It should also be taken into account that in a home atmosphere the name is often transformed into a diminutive form. In addition, the first name must be combined with the last name.


It is known that the character of a child is influenced not only by the month of birth, but also by the time of year in which he was born. Knowing this influence, with the help of a name you can adjust the future character of the child.

Thus, summer girls are easy to influence; they are soft and trusting, so you need to choose “firm” names for them.

Spring girls are fickle, even a little flighty, self-critical, and have a sharp mind. At the same time, they have a good sense of humor, but some self-doubt. Therefore, for spring girls it is also worth choosing “solid-sounding” names.

Winter children are characterized by selfishness and temper. They know what they want and always achieve their goal. Therefore, for “winter” girls it is better to choose names that are soft and gentle, balancing their sometimes very complex character.

Autumn children have an easy-going character. They are serious and reasonable, have different talents. The name has almost no effect on autumn girls, so they can be given any name they like.

Let's look at the most popular English languages ​​today female names. Below you can find a list of popular modern female English names.

It is customary to give names to children after birth, but parents come up with them long before their babies are born. When choosing a name for their future daughter, parents consider various aspects: the combination of letters, euphony, the meaning of the name and even its influence on a person’s fate. Each couple tries to come up with something special and unique.

The results of research carried out by various historians have revealed the fact that the very first english names were derived from words (nouns and adjectives) that existed in Old English. It was not the person’s name that carried a special meaning, but his nickname.

The situation with names changed dramatically after the conquest of England by the Normans. There was a rapid replacement of English names with Norman ones. Today, only a small part of the British have truly English names.

It is also noteworthy that there are very few old native English names. They have almost never reached our days. The vast majority of them were borrowed from cultures such as Hebrew, Ancient Greek, Celtic, Norman, etc. At that time, people received long and short names, praising the gods, the forces of nature and any human qualities.

In the 16th century in England, old English female names, mentioned in the Old and New Testaments, were quite common. Among them are the following:

  • Mary is a derived form of the Hebrew name Mary. This ancient name has a very beautiful meaning - “serene”;
  • Anna - named after the mother of the prophet Samuel. Translated as "grace";
  • Maryann is a combined name of Mary and Anne;
  • Sarah is named after Abraham's wife. The meaning of this name is “mistress.”

The influence of literature on the formation of names

Writers also played a huge role in the emergence of new female names. It is thanks to literature that such rare female names as Sylvia, Ophelia, Stella, Jessica, Vanessa, Julia, Juliet, Jessica and Viola appeared in the English language.

Besides everything else literary works kept many Old English names. Among the beautiful female names there are old names, borrowed from other languages. Names of similar origin include: Anita, Angelina, Jacqueline, Amber, Daisy, Michelle and Ruby. And this is not the entire list.

Popular English female names

Name fashions, like many other aspects of life, come and go. Some are quickly forgotten, and forever, while others return from time to time - usually in original form, but sometimes in a new interpretation.

According to data from the UK National Statistics Service, the most popular names in recent years there have been Olivia, Emma and Sophie. A list of 30 other popular English girl names is given below:

  1. Olivia
  2. Sofia
  3. Isabel
  4. Charlotte
  5. Emily
  6. Harper
  7. Abigail
  8. Madison
  9. Avery
  10. Margaret
  11. Evelyn
  12. Edison
  13. Grace
  14. Amelie
  15. Natalie
  16. Elizabeth
  17. Scarlet
  18. Victoria

Successful names and not so successful ones

It has long been known that a person’s name largely determines his destiny. Psychologists from all over the world are actively working on this issue, conducting various studies, observations and surveys. As a result, the success rate of individuals named by one name or another also has a strong impact on the popularity of the name itself.

Thus, one of the surveys conducted in Great Britain showed what British names are recognized by the residents of Foggy Albion as the most successful, and which - on the contrary. The survey results are shown in the table below.

Rare English female names and their meanings

There are many names that remain outside the popularity rankings, being the least used. The so-called “outsider names” include:

  • Annik - benefit, grace
  • Allin - bird
  • Amabel - attractive
  • Bernays - bringing victory
  • Bambi is a child
  • Bekkai - the one who lures into a trap
  • Bets is my oath
  • Willow - willow
  • Gabby - strength from God
  • Dominic is the lord's property
  • Jojo - multiplying
  • Delours - melancholy
  • Jewel - a precious stone
  • Georgina - peasant girl
  • Elayn - bird
  • Kiva - beautiful
  • Kelly - blonde
  • Lukinda - light
  • Lalaj - babbling
  • Morgan - sea circle
  • Marley - favorite
  • Melissa - bee
  • Mackenzie is a beauty
  • Mindy the black snake
  • Meagan is a pearl
  • Penelope - the cunning weaver
  • Poppy - poppy
  • Rosaulin - a gentle mare
  • Totti - girl
  • Phyllis - tree crown
  • Heather - heather
  • Edwena - wealthy friend

The most beautiful female English names

The beauty of the name and its euphony have a very great importance for girls and women. All my life I will associate her with the name given to her by her parents. There is no dispute about tastes, and if one person likes the name Amelia or Elizabeth, another may be annoyed by it. However, there is a ranking of names that most people think are the most beautiful.

Names in Russian Names in English
Agatha Agata
Agnes Agnes
Adelaide Adelaida
Alice Alice
Amanda Amanda
Amelia Amelia
Anastasia Anastasia
Angelina Angelina
Anna Ann
Ariel Ariel
Barabara Barbara
Beatrice Beatrice
Bridget Bridget
Britney Britney
Gloria Gloria
Deborah Debra
Diana Diana
Dorothy Dorothy
Camila Camilla
Caroline Caroline
Cassandra Cassandra
Catherine Katherine
Constance Constance
Christina Christine
Olivia Olivia
Cecilia Cecil
Cheryl Cheril
Charlotte Charlotte
Eleanor Eleanor
Elizabeth Elizabeth
Emily Emily
Esther Ester
Evelina Eveline

Unusual female English names

Ordinary people rarely wear unusual names. After all, when choosing a name for a child, many parents are guided not only by their own preferences, but also think about ensuring that their child does not become an object of ridicule among children. But celebrities have their own opinion on this matter; they choose strange female and male names, guided only by their imagination and the desire to attract as much attention as possible.

Scout-Larue and Tallupa-Bell - that's what Bruce Willis called his youngest daughters. And these are no less than the nicknames of your favorite horses that won at the races.

Gwyneth Paltrow named her daughter Apple, which is how the name Apple is translated into Russian.

Rapper 50 Cent named his son Marquise, ignoring male English names.

Singer David Bowie ignored all the famous English names for boys and named his son Zoe, simply considering the combination Zoe Bowie funny.

Beyoncé and her husband Jay-Z named their daughter Blue Ivy, which means “blue ivy.”

Actress Milla Jovovich's daughter's name is Ever Gabo. The second part of the name is the first syllables of the names of Mila’s parents - Galina and Bogdan.

The name of the daughter of American rock musician Frank Zappa is Moon Unit, which means “Moon Satellite”.

Summer Rain is the name singer Christina Aguilera came up with for her daughter. Translated from English it means “Summer Rain”.

Some people, immersed in the world of their favorite films and TV series, and cannot imagine their life without them, name their children not only in honor of their favorite heroes and actors, but also use ordinary words that are not proper names.

This is how a completely new female name appeared - Khaleesi, a word from the popular series “Game of Thrones”, which meant the title of one of the heroines, synonymous with queen or queen. Today, there are already 53 girls in the world with this name.

Human imagination knows no bounds, so new male and female names will appear in the world again and again. Some of them will catch on and become popular, while others will be heard a little and be forgotten.

In the variety of English names you can find an option for every taste. In this article, we will look at the main English girl names and their meanings, and you can safely choose your favorite.

The choice of a name has long been taken seriously. It was believed that the meaning of a name could largely determine a person’s fate and the qualities of his character. But even today, great attention is paid to the meaning of the name and its origin.

Meaning of the name

Before choosing a name for a child, many people want to know what the origin of the names are and what they meant in their original form.

Let's analyze popular female English names with translation. There may be different versions about their origin and meaning, and it is not always possible to unambiguously establish the translation - we will give the most established meanings.

  • Melanie: comes from Greek and means “dark”
  • Florence: Latin for “blooming”
  • Agatha: Greek for "good"
  • Zoe: Greek for "life"
  • Rebecca (Rebecca): originates in Hebrew and means “to bind, to fasten”
  • Ruth (Ruth): translated from Hebrew as “friend”
  • Barbara (Barbara): from Greek - “stranger”
  • Amanda (Amanda): derived from the Latin amandus - “worthy of love”
  • Victoria (Victoria): translated from Latin as “victory”
  • Irene (Irene): in Greek- “peace, tranquility”
  • Miranda (Miranda): from Latin word mirandus ("wonderful")
  • Bridget: an Irish name that was originally Brighid, meaning "exalted, enthusiastic"
  • Sophia (Sophia): translated from Greek as “wisdom”
  • Margaret: from the Greek word for "pearl"
  • Katherine (Catherine): Greek name, the most common version of the meaning is "pure"
  • Deborah (Deborah): translated from Hebrew as “bee”
  • Vivian: Derived from Latin vivus "living"
  • Emma (Emma): from Germanic names meaning “whole”

Some girls' names in English have transparent origins. Ruby is similar to the word ruby ​​and is of Latin origin meaning “red”. And the name Harper, which was borne by the famous American writer Harper Lee, originally served as a surname and referred to harpists (harp - harp).

It's even easier to guess the meaning of names like Daisy and April. The first repeats the word daisy (daisy), and the second - April, which, in turn, is related to the Latin verb aperire "to open." Both of these names did not come into active use in English until the 19th century.

When choosing names for girls in English, we pay attention to the meaning; it is not always possible to find out. And it’s not just that it’s difficult to establish the history of a word: the meaning may simply be missing. like this interesting story has a female name Vanessa (Vanessa). It was invented by Jonathan Swift for the poem "Cadenus and Vanessa", combining the first letters of his friend's name.

Royal names

If we are talking about Great Britain, then for many the first association with it is the royal family. Although politics has historically been a man's business, women have also had their influence. What beautiful female names in English do we find at the royal court?

Perhaps one of the main women in British history and the most famous queen is Queen Victoria. She ruled the country for more than 60 years until 1901. Victoria is her first name. At birth she was also given the middle name Alexandrina. But the main one was Victoria, and it was this that was entrenched in history: the era of her reign is called Victorian. Many are named after the queen geographical areas, for example, a city in Canada and a state in Australia. The name Victoria remains popular today.

The current Queen of Great Britain is Elizabeth II. Her full name sounds like Elizabeth Alexandra Mary. Every element in it is a tribute to other members of the royal family. She received the name Elizabeth in honor of her mother, Alexandra in honor of her great-grandmother, and Mary in honor of her grandmother. Elizabeth II ascended the throne in 1952 and has already surpassed her famous predecessor Queen Victoria in terms of the length of her reign.

The name Diana is very popular in England. In the royal family, it was worn by Princess Diana, the first wife of Prince Charles. Often her name was shortened and called simply Lady Di.

In politics, influential English women are not just the royal family. One of the most significant politicians was Margaret Thatcher. She became the first woman in Europe to hold the post of prime minister.

Name options

We must not forget that English names often have abbreviated versions, which are very popular. As the example of Lady Di shows, abbreviations are used even in relation to government officials.

It often happens that abbreviated versions become fixed in the language and become independent names. For example:

  • Sandra (Sandra): shortened version of Alexandra (Alexandra)
  • Stacy: short for Anastasia

In this case, the original version may be completely lost. For example, the form Alice (Alice / Alice) is derived from Adelaide (Adelaide), and in its original form the name sounded like Adalheidis.

Some names have different spellings. This is probably best seen in the forms Katherine / Catharine / Catherine / Catherina / Katharine / Katherina. Added to this variety are abbreviations that can be used as a full name: Cat / Cathy / Kat / Kate / Kathie / Kathy / Katie / Kitty / Cate.


In the English language, it is quite common to find names that can refer to both women and men, without differing in any way in form.

  • Ash
  • Cameron
  • Kerry (Kerry)
  • Kim (Kim)
  • Morgan (Morgan)
  • Parker

This situation is often typical for abbreviated versions. Therefore, beautiful English female names can also be obtained from shortening the male form.

  • Alex (Alex): short for the male name Alexander (Alexander) and the female name Alexandra (Alexandra)
  • Billie: short for Bill and the feminine form of William - Wilhelmina
  • Chris: can be derived from Christopher, Christian or Christine
  • Frankie (Frankie): from the male Frank (Frank) or the female Frances (Francis)
  • Jackie (Jackie): from Jack (Jack) or Jacqueline (Jacqueline)
  • Nat (Nat): variant of the forms Nathan (Nathan), Nathaniel (Nathaniel), Natalie (Natalie)
  • Robbie: abbreviation for the masculine Robert or feminine Roberta
  • Ronnie (Ronnie): can be derived from Ronald (Ronald) or Veronica (Veronica)
  • Sam: abbreviation of male Samuel, Samson or female Samantha.
  • Steph (Steph): a variant of the forms Stephen (Stephen) or Stephanie (Stephanie)
  • Terry (Terry): derived from the male Terence (Terence) or the female Theresa / Teresa (Teresa)

English names in Russian

Already in the given examples of English female names you can find ones for which it is easy to find Russian analogues. They have a single source of origin (for example, Greek or Biblical) and have long been entrenched in the Russian language.

  • Anna - Anna
  • Maria / Mary - Maria
  • Sophia - Sofia
  • Katherine / Catherine - Catherine
  • Victoria - Victoria
  • Alexandra - Alexandra
  • Eva - Eva
  • Diana - Diana
  • Anastasia - Anastasia
  • Veronica - Veronica

Other names, although not typical for Russian-speaking people, are borrowed into Russian. Therefore, if you want to find beautiful English female names that sound unusual, but at the same time do not hurt the ears in our society, pay attention to these options:

  • Emma - Emma
  • Sabrina - Sabrina
  • Camilla - Camilla
  • Laura - Laura / Laura
  • Irene - Irene

A name is a person’s personal name, which is given to him at birth; it is a well-known fact. As a rule, when meeting a new person, we tell him our name, and the person tells him his. Why might British and American names be interesting and useful to us? In fact, everything is very simple. We read about such people in books and articles on the Internet, and watch English and American films. In this article we will analyze the origin and compile a list of common female and male English and American names.


Traditions associated with English and American names, different from what we are used to. In English-speaking countries, a person's name consists of three components: the first name (given name), the second name (middle name) and the last name (surname). The roles of the first and second can be traditional names and even last names. In addition, diminutive forms are often used (for example, these are the Americans we all know: Bill Clinton or Johnny Depp), even in an official setting.

The history of the origin of names always helps to learn more about the history of the country and its culture. In England you can find names of Anglo-Saxon origin, biblical and imbued with Protestant culture (Faith-My-Joy, Everlasting-Mercy), borrowings from other cultures and familiar individual names, which today can become any common noun.

List of popular female names in the table

There are a lot of female and male names in the English language and they often overlap, so we have prepared for you a selection of 60 (30 male and 30 female) that can often be found in the UK. Many of them will be familiar for a long time, thanks to literature and English and American cinema.

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Word Translation
Abigail Abigail
Anna Anna
Ava Ava
Avery Avery
Audrey Audrey
Brooke Brooke
Chloe Chloe
Charlotte Charlotte
Danielle Daniel
Emma Emma
Ella Ella
Evelyn Evelyn
Ellie Ellie
Elizabeth Elizabeth
Gabrielle Gabriel
Grace Grace
Harper Harper
Hannah Hannah
Jasmine Jasmine
Lily Lily
Madison Madison
Morgan Morgan
Nicole Nicole
Nora Nora
Paige Paige
Rachel Rachel
Sara Sarah
Scarlett Scarlett
Vanessa Vanessa
Zoe Zoe

List of male names in the table

Word Translation
Aaron Aaron
Aiden Aiden
Albert Albert
Alex Alex
Barry Barry
Ben Ben
Bernard Bernard
Bill Bill
Christopher Christopher
Colin Colin
Daniel Daniel
Elton Elton
Fred Fred
Harold Harold
Ken Ken
Mark Mark
Martin Martin
Neal Nile
Norman Norman
Paul Floor
Pete Pete
Phil Phil
Richard Richard
Robert Robert
Ronald Ronald
Samuel Samuel
Sid Sid
Theodore Theodore
Tony Tony
Wayne Wayne

The most common female names

The modern English dictionary of names is varied and very rich. But among all this diversity there are those that are found most often. In Russia it is considered popular to name children Alexander, Maxim, Sophia and Maria, but what is the most common name for children in the UK? What names are considered beautiful and most loved by people who call British English their native language?

Some of these names are in the top ten long years, are considered beautiful or even “classic”, others come and go depending on fashion. So, when Kate Middleton gave birth to her son George in 2013, and her daughter Charlotte Elizabeth Diana in 2015, these names immediately gained great popularity among the British population.

The most common male names

The most unusual male and female names

People in English-speaking countries also give unusual, and often even slightly strange, names to their children. We have selected for you several examples that can be found in England and the USA.

Unusual male names

Unusual female names

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English popular female names

Abigail - Abigail

Alexandra – Alexandra

Alexis – Alexis

Alyssa – Alice

Alison – Alison

Amelia – Emeli

Amia – Amy

Angelina – Angelina

Ann – Ann

Anna – Anna

Amanda – Amanda

Andrea – Andrea

Angela – Angela

Arianna – Arianna

Ashley – Ashley

Ava - Ava

Audrey - Audrey

Bailey - Bailey


Britney - Britney


Caroline – Caroline

Catherine – Catherine

Chloe – Chloe

Claire - Claire

Cristina – Christina

Danielle – Daniel

Deborah – Deborah

Diana – Diana

Donna – Donna

Elisabeth – Elizabeth

Emma – Emma

Emily – Emily

Erin – Erin

Ashley – Ashley

Evelyn – Evelyn

Fiona – Fiona

Gabriella – Gabriella

Gabrielle – Gabrielle

Gillian – Gillian

Grace - Grace

Hailey – Hailey

Hannah - Hannah

Helen – Helen

Irea - Airi

Isabella – Isabella

Isabel – Isabel

Jada - Jada

Jane - Jane

Janet - Janet

Jennifer – Jennifer

Jessica – Jessica

Joanne – Joanne

Jordan – Jordan

Jocelyn – Jocelyn

Julia – Julia

Kaitlyn – Katlyn

Karen – Karen

Katherine – Catherine

Kelly – Kelly

Kerry – Kerry

Kimberly – Kimberly

Kylie – Kylie

Lauren – Lauren

Leslie - Leslie

Lillian – Lillian

Lily – Lily

Linn – Lynn

Linda – Linda

Lisa – Fox

Lorraine – Lorraine

Mackenzie - Mackenzie

Madeline – Madeline

Madison – Madison

Mandy – Mandy

Maria – Maria

Marissa – Marissa

Mary - Mary

Megan – Megan

Melanie - Melanie

Melissa – Melissa

Michelle – Michelle

Miranda – Miranda

Molly – Molly

Morgan – Morgan

Natalie – Natalie

Nicole – Nicole

Olivia – Olivia

Paige - Paige

Paula – Paula

Rachel – Rachel

Rebecca – Rebecca

Sally – Sally

Samantha – Samantha

Sarah – Sarah

Sharon – Sharon

Sophia – Sofia

Susan – Susan

Stephanie – Stephanie

Sydney – Sydney

Teresa – Teresa

Tina – Tina

Tracey – Tracey

Trinity - Trinity

Vanessa – Vanessa

Victoria – Victoria

Wendy - Wendy

Zoe - Zoe

Oleg and Valentina Svetovid

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Book "The Energy of the Name"

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English popular female names


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