Meditations on money and luck. Money Meditation

To learn how to cleanse and increase the flow of monetary energy, you need to learn how to do prosperity and wealth meditations yourself. This is incredibly positive and is a visualization of money. By doing this meditation before bed, you will fall asleep with a feeling of satisfaction, joy and peace. But how much money are you willing to put into your life?

Meditation to attract money - a constructive experience

You will have as much money as you are willing to accept into your life. This is the law of circulation of monetary energy. Powerful meditation for attracting money is a useful technique that, if you want, will help you realize your intention. And, if your intention is financial prosperity, use beautiful meditation.

People desire prosperity in many areas of life. The understanding of this term depends on what a person prioritizes. Financial prosperity is also understood differently by people. For some it is a successful, growing business, for others it is high sales. For some it is a stable income, for others it is simply getting a job. People are looking for what is closer to them in spirit and capabilities. The key here is to be specific about your own goals. When doing prosperity meditation at home, formulate your goal and use goal visualization. When performing meditation to attract money, specify your desires, this will increase your chances of success.

A simple meditation to attract money and prosperity

Relax. Close your eyes. Breathe deeply and calmly, imagine a place where you enjoy being, for example, a flowering meadow. You walk along soft grass and see a stream. You go down to the stream of water - it is clean and warm, warmed by the summer sun. Enter the water and feel the clean streams at your feet. Water washes away your worries, sorrows and troubles. You no longer experience negative feelings and are able to think and act constructively. This simple meditation for attracting money will clear your mind and remove everything that prevents you from increasing your cash flow.

Listen to the video: Powerful meditation for attracting money, luck and prosperity


5 meditations to attract money into your life

Friends, listen meditations on money, and our advice and you will learn attract money into your life faster than you spend them. Meditation on money activates energy cash flow in your body. Use these meditations on money every day and fill yourself up energy of money.

3 Audio meditations

for money

Friends, below are three audio meditation to attract money into your life. They are different, but each of them gives a strong energy charge to attract money g into your life.. You can listen to that audio recording which one you like best or a different one every day.

Meditations for money It’s best to listen in the morning or before bed, lying down or sitting, as you feel comfortable. It is important not to cross body parts. Keep your feet flat on the floor. Energy should flow freely through your body.

Make yourself comfortable, turn on the recording meditation on money,

Listen and relax.

To listen to the recording, click on the white note.

Wait a few seconds while it downloads.

7.mp3 Meditation on attracting money


Meditation to attract money into your life.

Cash flow activation.


Meditation on money

Robert Stone.

Friends, I continue to introduce you to the authors of books that can change our lives. This article about meditation for attracting additional money was written based on Robert Stone’s book “Heavenly 911. How to turn to the right hemisphere of the brain for help.”

José Silva's mind control method will help you successfully meditate on money. Among the followers of the Silva Method are Richard Bach, Shaksi Gawain, and managers of major corporations. They all use money meditation in their practice.

This method puts it in a very simple and fun way - like regular trips to the Magic City, symbolizing the right hemisphere of your brain.

Money is a symbol of prosperity. Perhaps, after love, the most important thing people care about is the inflow and outflow of money in life.

The imagination of the poor man constantly pictures his poverty, the difficulties of tomorrow. Since imagination is a creative process, the dreams of a poor person, caused by constant worry about money, reinforce his poverty.

At the same time, the imagination of a rich man paints completely different pictures for him. He loves his money, thinks about how and where best to invest the money so that it brings new income.

Thus, through the nature of his creative imagination, a rich man strengthens and increases his wealth.

The energy of consciousness is real energy. It is often called psychotronic. When your imagination is active in a state of relaxation, psychotronic energy is focused on the subject of your mental images. This is the creative energy of creation.

Thus, you create in reality what your imagination draws. Get rid of the negative energy of fear, anxiety, envy - they block the flow of constructive energy of a successful life into your life. Learn to relax and relieve stress with meditation.

And you will be able to achieve unprecedented heights in life. All your wishes will begin to come true by themselves.

Before you start meditating on money, get rid of any thoughts about money problems. Mentally prepare yourself for the fact that the solution to your financial problems will definitely come to you.

Subscribe and get a free audio recording

very strong practical meditation


or it is also called the MONEY MULTIPLICATION TECHNIQUE in the form above.

Meditation on money from Robert Stone.

Main stages

guided imagination meditation session

"Money Reproduction"

- Instructions for entering a state of relaxation:

  1. Sit comfortably;
  2. Quietly close your eyes;
  3. Take a few deep breaths;
  4. Release tension from your body by gradually relaxing from head to toe. Count down from 20 to 1; Relax each muscle in turn from your head to your toes.
  5. Feel the heaviness in your body as you perform the technique;
  6. Imagine images that make you feel relaxed;
  7. You are relaxed, sway on the waves of your breath. Alpha level.
  8. Mentally focus on the problem of money;
  9. Mentally affirm your belief that you will get tangible results from what you are doing now.
  10. .Imagine a beautiful door, gate or portal.
  11. Know that this door separates our physical world from its source - the Higher Powers..

The more gilding, carvings and ornaments made of precious stones

You are able to see on this door, so much the better.

12. Feel the love for this door and the world that opens.

For her. The greater your desire to enter into it and the authentically yours

The feeling of love you experience is all the more guaranteed


13. Light up that beautiful door with bright white light. Watch this

Bright light, and using an imaginary rheostat, increase even more

Its brightness.

14. Walk to the door with full confidence that it will swing open when you

Get closer. This is what happens.

If the door remains closed, it means you feel unworthy. We'll have to start all over again. This time, after relaxation, forgive yourself sincerely.

15.Imagine how a fairyland with

Towers, temples and palaces.

Keep the image of this Magic City in your memory, make it your background. This is the city of your opportunities. a city where your dreams come true.

Action plan for getting extra money.

  1. Do relaxation.
  2. Set up your imagination.
  3. Mentally open the door and enter it.
  4. State clearly that you need more money.
  5. Ask for help.
  6. Place a $1 bill or higher on your lap that you stocked up on in preparation for your session.
  7. Remain with your eyes closed. Visualize a ball of light about thirty centimeters above your head. Mentally increase the brightness of the light. Imagine how this ball slowly sinks into your head, gradually descending along the body until it reaches the level of the solar plexus (above the navel). Now shine a beam of light coming from your navel onto a banknote. Watch as the money begins to glow, charging with energy. Extinguish the beam. Imagine how the money goes away and disappears from sight. Wait a moment. Now watch the flow of money return. See how the space around you is filled with countless banknotes. Slowly lift the glowing ball up along your body, returning it to the starting point above your head. Dim the ball's light. Imagine walking back out the door and returning to your chair. Leave the door open. Slowly count from 1 to 5. Open your eyes. Spend the bill or change it within 24 hours.
  8. Complete the money meditation with a smile and full confidence that the money will come to you.

Elena Kropacheva is your transformation coach.

I invite you to individual sessions via Skype

Write to me by e-mail [email protected]

I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, believe that in order to cleanse and activate your money channel, to enhance the flow of money energy, you need to learn how to do meditations to attract money and good luck. This is a very rewarding and enjoyable experience. Visualizing money is not only beneficial, but also aesthetic. But the main question for those who want to get rid of poverty and become rich: how much money are you willing to let into your life?

Powerful meditation for prosperity and attracting financial luck

Doing something simple and strong in its completeness before going to bed meditation to attract money and good luck, imagining how money comes into your life in a stream of green or golden radiance, you will fall asleep with a feeling of peace and joy. Peace of mind also means a lot. When a person is calm, he is confident, and a confident person thinks positively, works fruitfully and makes the right decisions to attract good luck and prosperity into his life.

There is no doubt that independent meditation on money and luck is good for the cause, helps you to mobilize internally and achieve the desired result. But, the first and most important thing to understand when attracting practical magic and your own inner strength to connect to the egregor of money is how much money are you willing to accept? You will have exactly as much money as you are willing to receive and accept.

This is the law of the magic of attracting money into your life.

Apply a beautiful meditation technique to fulfill your desires and attract money, and if your intention is to get rich, save what you have acquired and achieve financial prosperity, it will help you realize it.

People desire prosperity and success in all areas of their lives. And if we talk only specifically about money, then this aspect is understood differently by people. The question is what exactly a person prioritizes. For some, financial stability and prosperity -

  1. this is a successful business and big sales,
  2. for some – peace and comfort,
  3. for others it is professional demand.

In this life, people are not looking for the same thing. Everyone is looking for something of their own, congenial, accessible according to their capabilities. I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, believe that in order to move towards your goal, you need to form it. There are many spiritual techniques that allow you to get what you want closer, and meditation on money and luck is one of them.

What music attracts money - listen to meditations on money and luck

Relax. Close your eyes. Get away from the daily hustle and bustle. Breathe calmly, measuredly and deeply. Mentally transport yourself to a place where you feel good, pleasant, where you can stay in complete comfort.

Listen to the melody that attracts money, luck, happy circumstances in your life.

  • Visualize the beauty of the place, the landscape, or your dream home.
  • You no longer experience any negative experiences.
  • Nothing worries you.
  • You exist in a world that is safe and comfortable, in a world where everything is the way you want it.
  • Having calmed down, reconciled with yourself, take the drawing in your hands - mandala to attract good luck and luck, and open your eyes. Look at the drawing, feel how the energy of prosperity fills you.
  • You bathe in this beneficial energy, and your life is transformed minute by minute.

A very powerful mandala for making a wish come true

Without exaggeration, each of us would like luck to be our companion in our financial affairs and in all our endeavors. Without her support, you have to overcome a lot of obstacles, waste energy and time, and these expenses are not always justified. But with luck, the road is smooth, and everything works out! Drawing a beautiful mandala yourself to quickly fulfill your desires will bring you closer to getting what you want and need.

Mandalas are ancient drawings. One of the types of meditation. There are many mandalas, and each of them has the power to attract good luck and give help in fulfilling desires. It is believed that self-created images have the greatest power. It is believed that by creating an original drawing, a person makes changes to his destiny.

During the creation of a mandala for attracting good luck and luck, he endows it with the energy of goodness and prosperity. There are no rules or restrictions in coloring mystical drawings. You can start from the edge of the pattern, gradually moving towards the center or, conversely, from the center to the edge. Coloring of individual areas of the image is allowed. There are no restrictions on personal creativity.

To create a very powerful mandala for fulfilling desires, it is necessary to tune in to the best while drawing, think positively, endowing the image with the energy of well-being. It is not advisable to use a stencil. Draw a mandala to attract good luck, arranging the elements symmetrically. Create designs that correspond to success: star, coins, flowers, etc. You also need to know the meaning of colors, since this is the drawing itself.
  • yellow color gives the power of blossoming, wisdom and inspiration
  • orange color gives vital energy, makes a person self-confident
  • red color is used if you want to get luck in love affairs
  • purple color will give inspiration, in addition, it has the ability to unite opposites
  • blue color symbolizes balance, calm and harmony

A very powerful mudra for fulfilling wishes.

What is mudra? Mudra is a magical interlace of fingers. A unique non-verbal language of relationship with the universe. Mudras arose many thousands of years before our days. It is unknown who created them. But, we have legends. And one of the versions says that the authors of the mudras are the gods.

How strong mudras affect a person remains a mystery. But, before those who fold mudras, the world opens up! With their help you can heal, get rich, and attract good luck into your life. There are mudras for fulfilling desires. The most cherished desires will come true thanks to the interlacing of fingers!

Sometimes the reason for a person’s financial failures is his closed money channels. During such periods, no matter what you do, you won’t get any more money. You can open money channels through money meditation. The psychic spoke about one way of meditation that will help everyone attract money into their lives.

How to meditate on money

It is best to use meditation to attract money before going to bed.

  • Get ready for bed and lie down on the bed. You should be completely relaxed, nothing should bother you. In order to tune in, you can turn on quiet, calm meditation music or light scented candles. It is necessary to create twilight in the room.
  • When your body is relaxed and unnecessary thoughts stop spinning in your head, you can begin to meditate.
  • Close your eyes and imagine yourself in your workplace. Imagine how much you enjoy your work. You love what you do. If your work does not evoke positive emotions in you at all, then imagine yourself in the field in which you would like to work.
  • Feel how good you feel from the responsibilities you perform. Feel involved in something useful. Then imagine how you get a lot of money for your work. Money fills you up. Try to feel how your body is slowly enveloped from head to toe by a golden haze.
  • Then imagine that you have in your hands the amount of money you dream of. Feel the joy of suddenly becoming rich. At this stage of meditation it is important to feel this. You should be filled with joy and positivity.
  • Now imagine how exactly you manage this money. Imagine how you buy a long-awaited house or car, pay off your debts, and go on vacation. Feel the reality of what is happening and do not forget to focus on the feelings that will overwhelm you at this moment.

At the end of the money meditation, the psychic advises you to mentally give some of your money to those who need it, and also try to feel the joy of sharing your finances.

This money meditation should be repeated every night before going to bed. Every time you immerse yourself in thoughts, you need to concentrate on your positive emotions. The secret of meditation is that you set yourself up to have a positive attitude towards money and make yourself open to financial flows. A week or two and everything in your life will change dramatically. We wish you good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

06.05.2014 12:22

Meditation helps millions of people cope with life crises, problems and so-called negative programs. If...

You shouldn’t ignore even minor financial difficulties, otherwise you may end up broke. ...

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