Breakdown of cost items for maintaining residential premises. What is included in the maintenance of an apartment building?

Any building becomes unusable over time. Communications fail, wall decoration deteriorates, and the roof begins to leak moisture. To ensure that the house does not lose its original characteristics, it must be regularly maintained and repaired.

Home maintenance and repairs: what is it and when is it carried out?

Therefore, current home repairs can be generally described as carrying out work to restore the original characteristics of building elements, prevent malfunctions, and restore the original resource of the entire structure and its individual parts.

To find out in detail what is included in the maintenance of a residential premises, you should familiarize yourself with Government Decree No. 491 of August 13, 2006. The document sets out the basic rules for determining property that belongs to the common property of the residents of the house and the requirements for its maintenance.

In accordance with this act, maintenance and current repairs include:

  • cleaning stairs, vestibules, attics and basements, garbage chutes, garbage chambers and other auxiliary rooms;
  • maintenance of the central heating system - flushing, preservation for the summer;
  • removal of solid waste, disposal of liquid waste;
  • ensuring fire safety;
  • maintaining the functionality of the power supply system;
  • maintenance of landscaping and landscaping elements;
  • measures to save energy and improve energy efficiency at home;
  • maintenance of sewerage and water supply systems;
  • inspection and repair of the roof of the building;
  • other operations.

As you can see, state control is exercised over the condition of apartment buildings.

Owners cannot voluntarily exclude any services from the established list. Such actions may result in the building not meeting normal safety requirements.

Paragraph 18 of Resolution No. 491 indicates that repairs to common property in an apartment building are carried out by decision of the owners. However, it is not always possible to hold general meetings in order to approve the implementation of certain works.

Therefore, all operations are divided into several categories:

  1. Planned. Conducted according to a predetermined schedule. For example, preparing communications for the heating season.
  2. Unscheduled. For example, during a regular inspection, cracks were identified on the facade of a house. To eliminate them, it is necessary to develop an action plan and approve a budget.
  3. Emergency. The implementation of which cannot wait until the convening of the general meeting. The category of urgent repairs usually includes the elimination of the consequences of a broken water supply pipe.

All issues related to ongoing repairs are resolved by the HOA, a general meeting, or upon concluding an agreement with the management company.

What relates to the current repair of an apartment building, what is included in the list of works

  1. Foundation maintenance:
  • examination of reinforcement for corrosion;
  • search for uneven settlement of the structure;
  • checking for cracks, swelling and other damage to the concrete structure;
  • checking the condition of waterproofing materials;
  • elimination of identified faults.
  1. Maintenance of basements of apartment buildings:
  • checking compliance with the proper levels of temperature and humidity;
  • preventing basement flooding;
  • monitoring the condition of the premises and its entrances to avoid clutter and pollution;
  1. Maintaining the walls of the house in proper condition: identifying cracks and damage and eliminating them in a timely manner.
  2. Maintenance of water supply, sewerage, central heating. This includes:
  • pipe cleaning;
  • replacement of individual parts;
  • installation of new communications.
  1. Replacement and repair of door frames, window frames, partitions located in common areas.
  2. Replacement and restoration of the roof, strengthening of floors.
  3. Troubleshooting furnace equipment.
  4. Restoring draft in ventilation.
  5. Replacement or restoration of individual sections of flooring.
  6. External landscaping:
  • repair of sidewalks and pedestrian paths;
  • landscaping;
  • restoration of flower beds;
  • renovation of sports and children's playgrounds.

The specific list is established by the contractors. It depends on the age and equipment of the house, as well as on the desire of apartment owners to incur additional costs.

Differences from major repairs

Current and major repairs of apartment buildings are similar in essence. This is a specific list of measures aimed at maintaining the building in the form in which it was intended during design.

These works differ according to several criteria:

  1. By frequency. Major repairs are carried out once every few decades, in accordance with operating standards. Some maintenance operations are carried out every year.
  2. Tasks. Major repairs are aimed at restoring the integrity of load-bearing structures and replacing obsolete communications. The purpose of routine repairs is to eliminate minor faults and prevent excessive wear.
  3. Budget. Residents of the house constantly deduct a certain amount for major repairs. And after accumulating the required amount, the work can be carried out.
  4. Reasons for carrying out. Major repairs are carried out in accordance with established standards for each model of apartment building. Current repairs are carried out based on the results of current observations of specialists. Major repairs are more aimed at the planned replacement of elements. So, as part of this event, water supply pipes will be replaced, since their service life has expired. Even if they are in satisfactory condition.

List of works that can be included additionally

Owners of common property, that is, apartment owners, at a general meeting can agree on any additional repairs. The management company will cope with any work if the budget is approved. So, if residents want to update the facade or restore sidewalks, then finding a contractor will not be difficult.

The list of works is updated by signing an additional agreement with the service company. In such a situation, the cost of ongoing repairs will increase accordingly.

Types of work that are never carried out as part of routine repairs

Direct repairs to the residential premises are carried out by its owner.

The list of routine repairs does not include:

  1. Repair of windows, balconies, entrance doors, insulation of these elements, if they are part of apartments.
  2. Repair and replacement of meters, electrical control panels.
  3. Installation and retrofitting of fire panels, installation of smoke detectors and fire detectors.
  4. Redecoration of common areas: painting walls and whitewashing ceilings
  5. Replacement or modernization of elevators.
  6. Insulation of external walls, cosmetic repairs of facades.
  7. Replacement of parts of the building: floors, stairs, etc.

An expanded list of works can be established at a general meeting of apartment owners.

Who carries out current repairs

  1. The developer until the transfer of property to apartment owners. After the construction of a building, it can remain on the balance sheet of the construction organization for a long time.
  2. Homeowners' association, housing cooperative or other cooperative that was created to manage common property. In this case, repairs can be carried out either by specially hired workers or by a contractor.
  3. Management Company. Maintenance of an apartment building is most often carried out by a special organization, which has the necessary experience and staff with appropriate qualifications.

The developer or HOA can carry out the work on their own. But usually current repairs are entrusted to a specific service organization, for example, a management company.

In some cases, the management company engages third parties. For example, if there are no employees with the required qualifications. A contract for work is concluded, and the contractor performs maintenance or routine repairs on a reimbursable basis.

Payment for current repairs of an apartment building

Any work aimed at the current maintenance of housing is carried out at the expense of its owners.

The Housing Code of the Russian Federation in Article 154 contains a list of expenses that are covered by monthly payments of apartment owners and tenants. Among other things, expenses for maintenance of common property and routine repairs are indicated there.

If apartment owners have formed an HOA, then the fee for the work may be part of the regular membership fees.

Current repairs are not performed or performed poorly, where to contact

The main problem with the ongoing maintenance and repair of apartment buildings remains the lack of proper control over the actions of contractors.

All results of operations carried out as part of maintenance and routine repairs are subject to delivery to the owners of the common property. Owners must evaluate the quality of the work performed.

If the management company violates the established procedure for carrying out routine repairs, or performs work of poor quality, then you should contact it with a written complaint. The homeowners' representative should indicate their comments in the work acceptance certificate. And demand free elimination of deficiencies.

If the negotiation method does not help, then you should contact the municipal housing inspectorate with a complaint. If violations are discovered, state representatives will hold the management company accountable and issue an order to eliminate repair deficiencies.

To get a good result from the maintenance and ongoing repairs of your home, you should familiarize yourself with the documentation prepared by the management company. For example, a work plan and an estimate. It is best to create an HOA and select a person whose job will be to monitor the ongoing repairs.

Many owners of residential premises find it difficult to answer the question: what is included in the fee in the line of the housing and communal services receipt for “Maintenance and repair of housing”. Let's solve this riddle.

The answer to this question can be found in Art. 249 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, it establishes the obligation of owners of residential premises in an apartment building to pay for maintaining the common property of the house in proper condition. This payment is calculated for each owner in proportion to his share in the common property of the house. The specific cost of repairs and maintenance of one square meter of the common property of the house is decided by a decision of the general meeting of owners.

A similar requirement for the maintenance of the common property of an apartment building is contained in Articles 30 and 39 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation. The rules for the provision of public services and the relationship between premises owners and management companies are prescribed in government regulations No. 354,253,491. The payment for the maintenance and repair of the house also includes a fee for the services of the management company, that is, there should not be a separate line “For the services of the management company” in the receipt, and if there is such a line, then there is a double payment for this service and you need to complain to the State Housing inspection (GZHI) for your management company, to check for fraudsters.

The minimum list of works and services necessary to maintain the common property of the house is established by the government. Typically, the management company prepares a draft agreement, having previously agreed on the list of services with the house council. Then this agreement, which includes a list of services provided by the management company to homeowners and tariffs for these services, is adopted at a general meeting of owners of the premises of an apartment building. Ordinary owners at the general meeting may exclude some services from the draft agreement provided to them or add new ones; they may also disagree with the tariffs for the services of the management company and set other tariffs. The agreement is concluded for one to five years with the right of the owners to unilaterally terminate it by decision of their general meeting.

The amount in the housing and communal services receipt line “Repair and maintenance of housing” includes payment for:

— maintenance of common property (27%), this money will go to the salaries of janitors, plumbers, electricians, and emergency services;
— housing stock management (9%), this money goes to the salaries of heads of various services and departments of the management company;
— repair of common property (23%), this is exactly the money that will go directly to the ongoing repair of common property;
— elevator maintenance (28%), the fee is charged if the house is equipped with an elevator;
— lighting of entrances and other common areas, facades (5.5%);
— maintenance of the intra-house gas network (0.5%);
— garbage removal (7%);

As can be seen from the above, less than a quarter of the total amount we pay remains for the repair of our house. Everything else goes to the maintenance of various services and departments of the management company.

Important. When concluding an agreement with a management company, be sure to make sure that the agreement indicates exactly the area of ​​the common property on which the management company will operate, and not the total area of ​​the apartment building, otherwise you will pay for the repairs of your own apartments, which is not true and is a fact of fraud.

Article 161 Part 10 of the RF Housing Code requires management companies to provide free access to information about the main indicators of financial and economic activity. The management company is obliged to show what services and work were performed for the maintenance and repair of the common property of the house and at what price. Each owner has the right to receive these documents for review at the office of the management company and understand its activities in servicing his apartment building. In addition, according to the information disclosure standard, the management company is obliged to post such documents on its website on the Internet, and they must also be posted on a special stand in the office of the management company.

When checking the documents provided to you, you need to compare work orders for the maintenance of your home with payment documents for payment to the performers of these works. These documents must indicate the amount of work performed, the full name of the performers, the date of the work, the amount of payment to the performers of the work and their signatures in receiving the money. If they do not provide you with any payment documents, you can be sure that they did not carry out this work, but misappropriated the money. If you refuse to provide payment slips due to their loss, you must complain to the State Housing Inspectorate and the prosecutor's office.


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Among the receipts for utility services, owners have some questions about those that indicate “housing maintenance”: namely, what is included in this concept. A detailed answer to the question is given in the article.

First of all, it is necessary to analyze the requirements of current legislation. The main document regulating the housing and communal services sector is the Housing Code. Article 154 states that each owner, as well as the tenant (meaning a citizen who has entered into a social tenancy agreement) must pay not only for the utilities themselves, but also for the maintenance of the premises.

The same article provides a detailed description of what exactly the concept includes:

  • home management;
  • maintenance and repair work on common property;
  • payment for all types of utilities (electricity, water supply, heating, sanitation)

That is, in essence, we are talking about the costs that are associated with property related to common ownership, as well as with the management of the entire house. At the same time, directly The management company is responsible for the maintenance (physically) of the house, with which each owner enters into an agreement (usually the choice of company is made on).

Since the Code, like any other federal law, provides only general guidelines and does not specify a specific list of work to maintain common property in order, it is important to pay attention to other documents. Of particular importance is the Methodological Manual, which reveals and details the concept, and also indicates what exactly is included in it.

The structure of the work is conventionally divided into 2 blocks - maintenance of common property and its current repair. In particular, the Management Company is obliged to:

  • carry out technical supervision, monitoring the condition of all objects at established intervals;
  • prepare all facilities for the warm and cold seasons in accordance with the schedule;
  • maintain proper sanitary condition of the house and the area around it (cleaning, washing the entrance, windows, etc.);
  • immediate elimination of the emergency situation and its consequences.

The elimination times are indicated in the table.

And here is a table with standards for maintaining sanitary order in an apartment building.

Schematically, everything that is included in the concept can be represented as follows:

Detailed list of services

  1. the actual maintenance of the property (walls, roofs, windows, etc.)
  2. maintenance of communication networks and devices. A simplified description is presented below.

This group includes the following works:

  • removing remnants of damaged finishes from walls;
  • removing snow and ice from the roof;
  • closing the entrance to the attic and basement, other rooms;
  • cleaning the drain (pipe for drainage from the roof);
  • treatment of wooden elements with antiseptics;
  • trash can service;
  • maintenance of all elements of the porch;
  • maintaining the normal condition of doors and windows;
  • insulation of openings if necessary (old doors and windows).


Utilities and all technical facilities that support the life of an apartment building are maintained:

  • preservation, washing and pressure testing of the heating system;
  • cleaning the ventilation system;
  • insulation of pipelines;
  • replacing all faulty lamps;
  • 24-hour emergency elevator maintenance;
  • taking meter readings that track general household expenses;
  • removing waste from the garbage chute and disinfecting it;
  • sanitary work (cleaning, washing, etc.).


This means the following work:

  • replacement of small sections of any water pipelines (no more than 200 cm);
  • removing blockages;
  • eliminating leaks;
  • welding work - if necessary;
  • repair of electrical panels;
  • pumping water from basements;
  • other work that needs to be performed to immediately eliminate the consequences of the accident.

It is important to understand that a specific list of services – i.e. that work may differ in each case. Information must be specified in the agreement concluded with the Management Company. A sample agreement is available on the organization’s website or directly in the office. It can also be found from the house manager or other representatives of the owners.

Any real estate owned by citizens requires certain technical maintenance and repairs.

If this is a private house or a dacha in a garden community, then the entire range of repair work and maintenance of the building falls on the shoulders of the owner, who can do this work independently or hire a team of craftsmen.

But who should be responsible for the maintenance of an apartment building and what is included in the list of mandatory work for the maintenance of a residential building?

If the residents of a multi-storey building have already chosen a management company and written a corresponding application, then you need to find out what the responsibilities of the employees of this company are and how often they should repair the entrance and the entire house.

The management company can be selected by a majority vote. If after some time the residents are not satisfied with the quality of the services provided, it can be changed.

Maintenance of an apartment building includes several mandatory points that every person should know:

  1. Repair of foundations and walls of all utility rooms, including basements and attics;
  2. Repair of windows and doors in all common areas;
  3. Maintenance and maintenance of all communications of an apartment building in proper condition;
  4. Sanitary and technical maintenance of the entire local area and common areas (including disinfestation and deratization).
  5. Cleaning and repair of the entrance.

Each of these points must be carried out by company employees to maintain the normal condition of the building.

Maintenance and repair of walls and foundations

Residential buildings require periodic repairs not only inside, but also outside. Walls, foundation, roof and canopies - their repair is also included in the general maintenance of the building, which must be carried out by the company chosen by the residents.

The windows of the basements and pits are installed by company employees. If they refuse to glaze windows in common areas, you must write a statement to the management company and indicate a violation of one of the clauses of the contract.

This document must have the signatures of all residents of the apartment building. Their responsibilities also include strengthening and inspecting the doors of all basements and attics, as well as sealing cracks in the basements of buildings.

Regular inspection and, if necessary, repair of walls inside the building and all finishing. Periodic repairs of the facade along the entire perimeter of the building are also included in the maintenance of the house.

License plates, signs and signs are also subject to replacement if they are unusable. During cleaning, workers are required to wipe them from dirt and dust.

Particular attention should be paid to the maintenance of attic floors. In the event of an emergency condition of the ceilings, the management company can be forced to replace them, as this threatens the life and health of all residents of the apartment building. The company must replace wooden boards that are rotten with new ones. The same goes for attic floors.

It is very often difficult to achieve results and force the management company to fulfill its duties with a simple phone call. Only a correctly drawn up statement on behalf of the residents can serve as the basis for repairing one or another element of the house.

Such a document must be drawn up in 2 copies and be sure to force the employee who accepts it to leave the resolution “Accepted for consideration” on your copy.

But it should be remembered that company employees are required to make repairs only in common areas. Residents' apartments are not included in the service. Only if an emergency situation occurs (a pipe bursts or a sewer riser becomes clogged), you can require company employees to carry out work to eliminate them.

Also, maintenance and repair of the roofs of an apartment building is included in the list of mandatory work performed by the company with which the contract is concluded. Replacing slate and individual tiles, as well as coating leaking sections of the roof with insulating materials, repairing emergency entrance canopies, replacing collapsed roof parapets are the direct responsibility of the company.

Cleaning drainpipes, repairing and strengthening individual drainage elements, glazing attic windows, as well as cleaning roofs from dirt, ice and debris - all this work must be performed by company employees.

In winter, they must monitor the appearance of icicles on roofs and canopies and remove them in a timely manner using special equipment.

Maintenance of chimneys and ventilation ducts, cleaning and replacement of some failed communication elements must be specified in the contract concluded with the company.

An application to the management company with a request to repair staircases, balcony passages and household premises for technical purposes must be considered and the management of the company is obliged to notify residents about the timing of this work.

Residents of an apartment building have the right to inquire about the schedule for major and cosmetic repairs of the entrance and all common areas.

Repair and maintenance of engineering systems

If the house is heated by stoves, company employees are required to regularly inspect and monitor the serviceability of all technical equipment, as well as monitor the serviceability of the smoke removal system. If small cracks appear on the walls of chimneys, they must be sealed with a special solution.

In the case where the house is heated using a centralized heat supply system, workers are required to regularly inspect and troubleshoot the operation of this system. Replacing seals, valves, taps, flushing heating devices, eliminating air pockets - all this should be done by the management company.

Also, workers must prepare the heating system for the beginning of the season and prevent emergency situations from occurring due to poor quality work on replacing old equipment. In such cases, residents have every right to write a statement addressed to management and not pay for the company’s services.

The entire water supply system of an apartment building must be repaired only by the company’s employees (except for the pipes that are located in the residents’ apartments). Replacing individual risers, regular flushing and cleaning up to the first sewer well are the company’s responsibilities.

If it was not possible to clean the sewer pipes without destroying the wall in the entrance, repairs and repairs are carried out by the company’s employees. Workers are also required to promptly respond to applications from residents of an apartment building if it is necessary to insulate water taps and tanks located in common areas. If such taps freeze, the company must bear all repair costs.

Sometimes residents, without waiting for a reaction from company management, begin replacing rotten water supply risers with their own resources and resources. In this case, it is necessary to keep all receipts confirming the purchase of the necessary material and equipment. You can get this amount deducted from your monthly service fee.

Repair and maintenance of power supply systems

Any repairs and replacement of sagging electrical cables in the entrance should be carried out only by employees upon request of residents to the service company. Independent intervention in the operation of the electrical system of an apartment building can lead to emergencies and accidents.

Responsibility for such consequences will lie with the residents who carried out such work. It is also unacceptable to carry out any independent work in electrical switchboards, even if one of the residents has a diploma as an electrician. The consequences of such work can lead to a blackout of the entire house and the company’s refusal of all its obligations.

Checking grounding and replacing blown fuses is carried out only by company employees who have the appropriate clearance.

Elimination of any emergency situations must be carried out by the company’s workers as soon as possible. Residents do not need to write a statement. A simple phone call to the management company is enough. Such an application is accepted by the duty dispatcher.

Deratization and sanitation

The company's employees do not have special powers to carry out disinsection and deratization. This can only be done by employees of the sanitary and epidemiological station with which the company enters into an agreement to provide such services.

The cost of such work is included in the total amount that residents pay each month for maintenance of an apartment building. The elimination of insects and rodents should be carried out not only in public places (entrance, basement, attic), but also in the local area where garbage cans are located.

Such measures must be carried out at least once every 3 months, but, if necessary, residents can write a statement and ask for unscheduled deratization.

Repair of the entrance and maintenance of the surrounding area

Cosmetic repairs to the entrance include whitewashing the walls, sealing small cracks, as well as replacing broken wooden railings and painting all handrails. Such work should be carried out at least once a year.

When residents of an apartment building sign an agreement with a company, they must carefully study this clause of the agreement. If such services are not specified in the document, then it will be almost impossible to achieve repairs at the entrance.

Home maintenance also includes cleaning the local area. In the fall, this means cleaning and removing fallen leaves. In winter - clearing snow and sprinkling footpaths with sand, as well as daily cleaning of debris and dirt throughout the entire area adjacent to the house.

In the summer, company employees are required to mow the grass on the lawns, but flower beds are the responsibility of the residents themselves. Employees are also required to monitor the condition of trees in the yard of the house and, if necessary, clear them of dried branches. If there is a suspicion that the tree inside has begun to rot, they are obliged to cut it off and remove all debris and branches using their vehicles.

The management company is obliged to monitor the condition of the garbage chute at each entrance and periodically wash the containers. If the trash container breaks, they must replace it with a new one.

All these home maintenance measures must be carried out regularly by the company, since residents pay monthly fees for these works. In case of unsatisfactory performance of these works, residents of an apartment building have every right to write a statement and change the management company.

All property owners must pay for the utilities they receive. One of the most controversial items in the housing and communal services receipt is considered to be the maintenance and repair of residential premises. Let's look at how the tariff is determined and what points you need to pay close attention to.

Maintenance and repair of residential premises: what is included by law

To maintain the normal condition of apartment buildings, residents are required to pay monthly for maintenance and repairs. This term includes a set of services and works provided, initially aimed at servicing the apartment building and related devices, communications and property.

All of them help maintain the proper technical and sanitary condition of the house. In 2006, the Government approved Resolution No. 491 “Rules for maintaining the property of an apartment building.” According to this law, you can find out what exactly is included in the category of housing maintenance and repair. Line folds up

  • from the following parameters:
  • resolution of existing emergency situations, identification of possible dangers;
  • cleaning and disposal of garbage and snow;
  • preparing equipment and devices for seasonal use;
  • timely supervision of the condition of the house;
  • respect for the rights and interests of homeowners;
  • preservation of the architectural features of the building (according to the Architecture Foundation);
  • compliance with legislative requirements affecting the field of energy saving;
  • checking the serviceability of all communications and devices;

repair work.

Based on these recommendations, the state determines a number of specific requirements for management companies and similar structures. They are required to regularly carry out the required activities, maintain the condition of the house at the proper level, and report on the calculation of rates.

Tariff and fee for the maintenance and repair of residential premises in an apartment building for 2019 Every year, at a general meeting of residents, a tariff for the maintenance and repair of the house is formed.

At the regional level, there are certain tariffs for the provision of certain works and services, which management companies should focus on. Here is an example of state tariffs for St. Petersburg: link, it is applied mainly to those people who do not have their own housing and use living space under a social rental agreement. It will also apply if no decision was made on a different payment amount at the meeting of apartment owners.
Another example, for Moscow, see the screenshot:

If you live in another region, then the latest information can be found on the relevant regional websites. But let us remind you once again that if the management company or HOA has established other payment amounts, then these are the ones that will be applied, and you need to inquire about them from the company that manages housing and communal services in your home! ⇐

As practice shows, the final tariff is calculated due to the following areas:

  1. Cost item for current repair operations.
  2. Major current repairs of the building based on a citizen’s application.
  3. Maintenance of common property.
  4. Provision of residential premises under social tenancy agreements and their management.

Who pays

The owners (or tenant) of square meters living in the specified apartment building are required to pay for the operation and repair of the house.

The obligation to pay may be assigned to the tenants of premises under a lease or social tenancy agreement.

Where and how to pay

You can pay for housing and communal services at any bank branch, through special payment terminals, as well as through post offices. Recently, users have begun to be served through Internet portals.

Calculation of fees and tariffs

The law establishes the requirement that the amount of the fee is set for 1 year and is reviewed no more than once a year.

All specified points, including the list of general purpose property, the frequency of services provided and their price must be mentioned in the agreement between the management company and the owners. If the rate does not suit the consumer, he has the right to demand recalculation. Methodology for calculating tariffs for housing maintenance and repairs

The amount of maintenance and repair fees consists of several indicators.

Therefore, to calculate the amount, a special technique is used:

Sir = (T x Pl) + ONE, where the decoding will be as follows

T – tariff for the maintenance and repair of residential premises, approved by the regional government;

Pl is the area of ​​the dwelling.

N – consumption standard established by the municipality;

PlO - the area of ​​the building that is in common ownership of the residents;

PlN – the area of ​​all premises in the house (including non-residential purposes).

Calculation of tariff for housing maintenance, sample and example

The tariff is calculated based on the following parameters:

  • list and frequency of services;
  • technical information about MKD;
  • salary of service personnel;
  • product of the tariff scale taking into account bonuses and category;
  • tax rate;
  • prices for materials.

As a sample, we will calculate the tariff for an apartment building built in 1982. The total area of ​​the house is 25,981 sq.m., of which 20,055 are residential areas, 198 are non-residential premises. The harvesting area of ​​the local area is 10,500 square meters.

The building is served by 3,249 work units.
The tariff rate of remuneration is 4,375 rubles, bonus payments are 11,004 rubles, and the salary amount is 27,096 rubles.
The cost of materials used is 10,254 rubles, payroll is 25,635 rubles, transportation costs are 1,281 rubles, VAT 18% is 9,323 rubles.

In total, the monthly maintenance of the specified housing stock costs 61,119 rubles (733,434 per year), which corresponds to a tariff rate of 3.02 rubles per month for 1 square of housing.

Minimum tariff for housing maintenance and repairs

The maximum permissible minimum for calculating fees for the maintenance and repair of housing is not established at the federal level. The authorities in each region must determine the minimum tariff value. The tariff is valid for a year, recalculation is made at the end of the term.

This means that the minimum rent rate depends on many factors, including the average salary in Russia, the area of ​​the privatized apartment and much more. Due to this, the tariff may differ significantly.

The most striking example is that in Moscow it is approximately 11 rubles per square, in remote cities of the Moscow region - about 19 rubles. At the same time, residents of the Oryol region are set at a minimum of 6.6 rubles per square meter.

Explanation of the tariff

The management company carries out work on a regular basis. Each user has the right to contact the management company staff and request information about specific work performed and for what purposes the funds paid by him were spent. This is useful to know in case you haven't found the answer to your question on the Internet.

Technical supervision of the current state of the MKD property

These are comprehensive measures, the key task of which is to prevent and prevent dangerous situations that can negatively affect the quality of life of citizens. Technical supervision of the condition of the MKD is activated if the following parameters are available:

  • inspecting the house and identifying deficiencies that need to be eliminated;
  • compliance with humidity and temperature indicators within the framework approved by law;
  • execution of fire safety work;
  • collection and disposal of lighting devices that contain mercury (you need to open a special collection point);
  • regular cleaning of living space that is in common ownership of residents;
  • maintaining electrical networks and taking measures to save energy consumption;
  • emergency repair.

Elimination of emergency situations

All elements of an apartment building must work without failure. Therefore, the management company should pay increased attention to the possibilities of preventing emergency situations.

This category helps to replace taps, remove blockages in the sewer system, carry out plumbing work, and eliminate any problems associated with the functioning of ventilation, heating and plumbing.

Garbage removal

The waste removal category includes all actions of the management company, the purpose of which is to maintain the ideal sanitary condition of the apartment building. In addition to regularly cleaning the local area from debris, this also includes the following operations:

  • snow removal and de-icing;
  • collection and disposal of sheets;
  • watering and mowing lawns;
  • caring for flower beds.

General house needs: what are they?

The column “general household needs” appeared in payment documentation in 2017. This category includes all costs incurred by users for the consumption of resources, namely water and electricity. This means that the ODN category will include expenses for evening lighting of staircase landings in apartment buildings, watering lawns and flower beds, etc.

Repair of common property of an apartment building

All apartment buildings require regular attention and timely repairs. These include:

  • preventing foundation destruction;
  • roofing and facade works;
  • water supply maintenance (leaks, troubleshooting)
  • replacement and repair of interior decoration;
  • cleaning and disinfection of garbage chutes;
  • necessary monitoring of the performance of heating, sewerage, ventilation and water supply systems;
  • measures for improvement of adjacent territories, repair of roads and pedestrian sidewalks.

Preparing devices and equipment for seasonal operation

These are measures taken by the management company to create normal microclimatic conditions in the house, as well as to prevent problems with the start and end of the heating season.

It must be indicated that the range of work performed within this area should include:

  • checking heating systems, timely repair operations;
  • quality control of ventilation units;
  • checking the integrity of window glass.

Maintenance and ongoing repairs of excess space: what is it?

Concept unnecessary area indicates that the user has an excess of square meters according to the law. Consequently, the dwelling has a larger area than required by established state standards and regulations.

The designated concept is used to set a fair rate for users.

Payment for excess living space in a privatized apartment

To determine the rate, they are guided by the approved standards. Calculator takes into account the following parameters:

  • for one person -33 sq. meters;
  • for two residents – 42 square meters;
  • for three or more – 18 square meters per person.

This is the norm that is used for calculations, but it must be remembered that the minimum indicator increases depending on the decision of local authorities.

So, for residents of Moscow and the Moscow region, an additional 7 square meters are added. In addition, additional relaxations apply to a number of users.

In a municipal apartment

Payment for surplus is carried out by owners and tenants of residential premises. For users living in a municipal apartment, the rule is that the majority of citizens will pay the excess.

Excess living space will not be paid only by citizens living on the ground floor and having a valid rental agreement.

For a lonely pensioner

Lonely pensioners exempt from paying for excess square meters.

Is it possible not to pay for the maintenance of residential premises?

According to the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, a rule is established according to which payment for housing and communal services, as well as expenses for the maintenance and various types of repairs of apartment buildings are carried out in accordance with the concluded agreement. This, however, does not apply to fees for major repairs.

If there are no agreements, and the house itself is not maintained by the management company, housing cooperatives and other similar structures, residents have the right to refuse to pay funds for the maintenance of the house.

Utility debt: responsibility

Debtors by Housing and communal services bear responsibility for violations in accordance with the current requirements of the legislative framework. The following measures are taken against a citizen who does not pay utility bills:

  1. Accrual of penalties (payment arrears increase daily).
  2. Disconnecting a consumer from access to utility services.
  3. Submitting a claim for debt collection in court (compulsion to pay).