The smallest handwriting. Handwriting analysis as a tool for human psychodiagnostics

According to graphologists, the size of handwriting indicates a person’s sociability. For example, the owner of large handwriting easily finds a common language with different people. He usually has many friends. Those with small handwriting are most often reserved and hidden people. Angular letters are characteristic of selfish natures, while rounded ones are characteristic of kind and sympathetic people.

Pressing the letters strongly is a sign of perseverance and willpower. Pale, barely noticeable letters are characteristic of a weak-willed person.
Calligraphic handwriting is characteristic of obligatory, neat, but dependent people. Correct handwriting is a sign of calm and balance. Active, inquisitive people with a cheerful disposition usually have sweeping handwriting.

Illegible handwriting is typical for an energetic, carefree, but rather hot-tempered person. Integrated handwriting (all letters in words are interconnected) is a sign of developed logical thinking. If not all the letters in a word are connected to each other, perhaps this is a person with good intuition.

Features of fields and rows

The fields indicate a person’s attitude towards material values. Narrow fields are a sign of frugality, wide fields are a sign of generosity. If the edge of the margins expands towards the bottom, it means that the person may be wasteful. And the tapering left edge reveals a greedy and stingy person.

As for the lines, optimists tend to go up from left to right, while pessimists tend to go down. Direct lines are most often characteristic of calm and reasonable people who have an objective view of the world. Wavy, uneven lines speak of the cunning and dishonesty of their owner.

Signature Features

The signature is of great importance. Sometimes it can even determine the hidden motives of a person.
A standard, fairly simple signature speaks of self-confidence and courage. Ornate is characteristic of cunning and observant people. A crossed out signature indicates energy and impulsiveness, while an underlined signature indicates entrepreneurial spirit.

Timid, introverted people usually circle their signature (or at least a few of its letters). A zigzag stroke indicates an unbalanced person, while a stroke in the form of a line indicates an emotional person. The absence of a flourish characterizes an intelligent and calculating person.

You should also keep in mind that handwriting may vary in different situations. A lot depends on the mood of the writer.

Western physiologists recently made an interesting discovery - it turned out that patients who have lost their arms for various reasons try to write letters using their mouths or toes in exactly the same way as they wrote before. It turns out that we write with our heads, and the hand just follows instructions coming from the brain.

That is why handwriting is a kind of mirror of its owner; it can reveal the characteristics of his character and temperament. This fact was also proven by biologist V. Preyer, who conducted experiments on handwriting using hypnosis.

He convinced the person that he was cunning or secretive, and at the same time forced him to write from dictation. As a result, the handwritings in each case were different and contained features interpreted by graphologists as signs of secrecy or cunning.

Science or pseudoscience?

The study of handwriting has deep historical roots. Emperor Nero mentioned in one of his letters: “I am afraid of this man because his handwriting shows that he has a treacherous nature.” And the Roman historian Suetonius, characterizing the stinginess of Emperor Augustus, noted that he “wrote words, placing letters close to one another, and added more under the lines.” These characteristics can be considered the first fragments of graphological research that have reached us. However, during the Middle Ages, all accumulated knowledge was lost.

The second birth of graphology is considered to be 1622, when the book of the Italian C. Baldo “How to recognize the nature and qualities of a person by looking at the letter he wrote” was published, which created a sensation among the reading public, and the new teaching gained a lot of followers in Europe.

True, after Louis XV received a description of his handwriting, he ordered all graphologists to be expelled from France. He didn't like the truth they told about him.

Several centuries later, history repeated itself, but in another country - the Soviet Union. Academician Vladimir Bekhterev, who was fond of graphology, spoke on the sidelines of a congress of psychiatrists and neurologists about the results of an examination of Stalin’s letter, which contained the words: “This is the handwriting of an aggressive person with a mania for persecution.”

After this incident, the academician died under unclear circumstances, and graphology was declared a pseudoscience in the country.

How to write a letter

However, graphology cannot definitely be called a science. Rather, it is something between science and art. On the one hand, it is based on a theoretical basis - knowledge of psychological sciences, its own laws, graphological tables, which collect the signs of handwriting and their characteristics.

On the other hand, handwriting analysis is impossible without the participation of a living specialist, whose professionalism is more based on personal experience and intuition. It is believed that this is why it is impossible to create a computer program that would give a qualitative description of writing.

In America and in many European countries, in psychology departments, in our country, handwriting studies are taught only in law schools, but criminologists are not taught to delve into the psychological essence of the author of the letter. As a rule, Russian graphologists (mostly former psychologists or doctors) are interested in studying handwriting, first as a hobby, and then engage in this business professionally. Based on handwriting samples, they can not only determine character traits and describe a person, but also help in personnel selection, determine whether a person is suitable for a particular job and leadership role, give a love forecast based on handwriting, and tell how suitable a man and a woman are for each other. .

My own graphologist

In order to describe a person using a letter or autograph, you need to know the system of handwriting characteristics, each of which can have several meanings. For example, it cannot be said that if a person writes perfect calligraphic letters, then he is a pedant, and if he writes illegibly, then he is a bungler. Everything is much more complicated. Only an experienced graphologist can understand all the twists and turns of writing. However, there are simplified methods that allow each of us to try ourselves as a graphologist.

Even handwriting. Testifies to the willpower of the person writing, his composure and calmness. Trembling handwriting, on the contrary, is observed in people who are emotionally unstable or who abuse alcohol. It has been noticed that those who write letters sometimes roughly, sometimes beautifully, may behave differently in life.

The slant of the letters. French graphologists of the 20th century associated the inclination of letters with a person’s behavior in society: “When someone wants to show disdain, indifference to another, he behaves straight. On the contrary, cordiality is conveyed forward by the whole body. You involuntarily stretch out your hands to the baby when he runs up to you, but there are people who do not stretch out their hands to the child, these are those who write in standing letters.”

Modern graphologists are almost in solidarity with their predecessors. In their opinion, if a person writes letters with a slight (20-30 degrees) tilt to the right, it is believed that he is inherent in openly expressing his feelings. A slightly greater inclination (about 50–60 degrees) indicates a loving nature and a strong desire to communicate. When a person writes with a significant tilt to the left, this means that in stressful situations one can expect completely unexpected and very violent emotions from him. If the letters are predominantly vertical, the personality is characterized by a balance of rationality and emotionality. Such a person is characterized by analysis of the situation and balanced decision-making.

Arrangement of lines. If the line remains horizontal until the end of the page, it means that the author of the letter is a balanced person who does not get upset over minor troubles at work or at home. A line going up is a sign of optimism. Going down – pessimism and skepticism. If the line is uneven, wobbling up and down, it means a person has a changeable mood and low adaptability. He cannot fully cope with work that requires careful adherence to established rules and attention.

Roundness of letters. The pronounced roundness of the letters may indicate that a person with this type of handwriting is ready to cooperate and easily makes compromises. Angular letters - their author is predisposed to competition and rivalry.

Size of letters. Small letters are a reserved, non-aggressive person. “Tight” small handwriting, difficult to read, suggests that this person is extremely secretive, sometimes stingy. Large letters are an indicator of expansiveness, and in some cases even aggressiveness.

The mystery of the signature

Signature analysis occupies a special place in graphology. We diligently come up with an autograph, model it, invent it. Therefore, it is believed that in a letter a person is what he is, but in a signature he is also what he wants to be. This is the key to predicting future changes in a person’s personality and character, and therefore his destiny. A signature, like a text written by a person, is studied by graphologists according to many parameters, of which there are about fifty. This is the length of the autograph, the roundness and sharpness of the letters, their unity, various decorations, the distance between the letters, the force of pressure when writing, underlining, dots, tails, etc.

For example, the direction of the end of the signature can tell about a person’s attitude towards life: optimistic or pessimistic.

If the “tail” of the autograph goes down, it means that the person is more susceptible to pessimism, which quite significantly suppresses his creative activity. Such people either have no faith in the future, or it is very weak. When the end of the signature is directed straight, this indicates a balance between the manifestations of optimism and pessimism.

If the tail of the signature goes up, it means that optimism prevails in the person’s character, he is full of energy and strives to achieve his goal. If he has disappointments in life, he successfully overcomes them and is reborn with new ideas and strength. Often this is a personality type with a creative bent.

Definition of handwriting (“manner of writing”). Handwriting is a system of movements recorded in a manuscript, characteristic of each writer and based on his writing and motor skills, with the help of which conventional graphic signs are executed.

The formation of handwriting is greatly influenced by various factors, both subjective and objective. Subjective ones are inherent in the specific personality of the writer, and objective ones depend on the external conditions in which the writing process takes place.

Graphological analysis of handwritten texts is usually carried out as part of a forensic study of documents (linguistic examination), when selecting candidates for certain positions, and is also a tool for self-analysis and/or identifying the character traits of individuals of interest to you.

Test "Handwriting, signature, writing style and character of a person, his personality type."Graphological analysis when hiring (selecting employees):


It is necessary to obtain a handwriting sample (2-3 lines), which will be analyzed, written in a calm atmosphere on a clean, unlined sheet of paper.

Analysis of writing style involves careful analysis, analysis and consistent recording of answers (in the form of a table, see below). For each item, the presence (+) or absence (-) of one or another characteristic is noted.

Test material.

(a description of the terms used in the test material is given in the key)

I. Characteristics of handwriting development

  1. high,
  2. average,
  3. low.

II. Handwriting structure

  1. absolute height corresponds to the width of the letters;
  2. the distance between letters and lines is significant;
  3. the width and height of the letters do not change during the writing process;
  4. The height of the lines and line spacing is significant.

III. Handwriting tempo

  1. monotonous writing of letters;
  2. letters and whole words are combined without lifting the writing instrument from the paper;
  3. simplified letter design;
  4. sharp beginning and ending of strokes;
  5. letter designs are more complicated;
  6. blunt beginnings and endings of letter strokes.

IV. Letter coordination

  1. angularity of ovals;
  2. disproportion of individual elements, inaccurate beginnings and endings of letter strokes.

V. Handwriting stability

  1. forms;
  2. dimensions;
  3. written signs;
  4. features of placing text on paper.

VI. Degree of handwriting development

  1. tendency to straighten movements;
  2. tendency to reduce the length of straightened movements;
  3. reduction in the range of movements leading to the disappearance of small parts, individual elements and entire letters;
  4. small and precise movements when performing elements of letters in general;
  5. increase in length and number of movements.

VII. Movement structure

  1. rectilinear angular form of movements;
  2. rounded shape of movements;
  3. loop form of movements;
  4. arc form of movements;
  5. right-circle movements;
  6. left-circular movements;
  7. the position of the individual letter axes indicates straight handwriting;
  8. the position of the individual letter axes indicates right-handwriting;
  9. the position of the individual letter axes indicates left-handwriting;
  10. unstable handwriting;
  11. little coherence of handwriting;
  12. average coherence of handwriting;
  13. greater coherence of handwriting;
  14. the height of the letters is small;
  15. the height of the letters is average;
  16. the height of the letters is large;
  17. presence of spaces between lines and words;
  18. the intervals are large;
  19. average;
  20. small;
  21. the direction and shape of the writing lines change;
  22. the direction of the writing lines is upward from the left edge to the right;
  23. the direction of the writing lines is downwards from the left edge to the right;
  24. The handwriting is straight and stable.

After filling out the table, it is necessary to systematize the results, that is, write down the code of the responses received. Then you need to apply a “template” of psychological types and draw a conclusion. When applied type code it is necessary to look for more correspondence to the generated code. The maximum discrepancy between types (the difference between the number of “+” of one and the other) is seven units.

Characteristics of personality types should form the basis for describing the psychological portrait of the person being studied. The final conclusion is made in a differentiated manner.

Type codes

Personality type

Personality type

Personality type

Key to the test.

A psychological study of handwriting consists of the following stages:

  • preparation for research;
  • identification of characterological characteristics;
  • their systematization into groups of characteristics;
  • evaluation of analytical data and conclusion.

Preparation for the study includes obtaining knowledge on psychology and personality typology, studying and understanding the theoretical material below on a set of characteristics characterizing the written and speech skills of each person.

General psychodiagnostics of personality comes down to analysis of the general appearance of the writing style. In this case, it is necessary to identify one or another feature of handwriting and find the corresponding personality quality.

Field Analysis

  • Small fields on the left.Thrift, penchant for family life, pedantry
  • Wide margins on the left.Activity, lack of pettiness
  • Very wide margins on the left.Generosity, boasting, extravagance, desire and desire to be original, desire for luxury, brilliance; family pride, simple habits and manners
  • The left edge gradually widens.Generosity, wastefulness, desire for frugality, hoarding
  • The left edge tapers.Selfishness, frugality, reaching the point of stinginess, self-control
  • No fields.A great desire to prove oneself, maximalism; rejection of evil, will to moral purity; the desire to develop one’s activities, to use everything to achieve one’s goal, to turn everything in one’s favor

String parsing

  • Direct.Calmness, confidence, willpower, moderation, prudence, gullibility, a highly developed sense of duty; systematic promotion; advance preparation, systematic work, self-control and determination; decisiveness, stability of opinions, responsibility for actions, emotions and decisions
  • Rising upward.Ambition, vanity, courage, determination, awareness of one’s own strength, activity, gullibility, sincerity, self-confidence, optimism; high demands, inflated self-esteem; movable type; speed of establishing contacts; initiative in forming relationships in the area of ​​one’s interests, the breadth of this circle; creative personality, narcissism, pride, stubbornness, tendency to reflect, initiative, demanding of others
  • Going down.Lack of ambition, determination, courage, initiative; apathy, pessimism, self-distrust, sentimentality, sensitivity, conformity, resentment.
  • Wavy.Cunning, dexterity, lies, resourcefulness, tact, commercial inclinations, lack of conscience, indirectness
  • First they ascend, and then they descend.Inconsistency, inconstancy, impatience; a person takes on several tasks at once, but does not always complete them; in many cases he experiences disappointment and lack of success; the whole world is in the future; excitement, passion for new beginnings
  • First they go down and then they go up.Self-confidence; reluctantly gets down to business, but having started, he finishes it, despite initial doubts, and therefore achieves success; specificity, practice, useful deeds, desire to achieve one’s goal
  • The beginning of each word is lower than the ending of the previous one.Activity, uncertainty, highly developed sense of duty, complexes; logic of actions
  • The beginning of each word is higher than the ending of the previous one.Caution, ambition, perseverance, endurance, confidence, prudence; cold mind; Anaticism, logic, objectivity, impartiality, restraint
  • Words connected by syllables.Haste, but no rashness; will, overcoming difficulties, strength and beauty; if he wants, he will achieve it; fights logically, decisively
  • Filling a line to the end with compression and narrowing of letters.The need to speak out, share feelings; unconscious fear of being misunderstood and not receiving sympathy

Letter Slant Analysis

  • Almost lying down.Intemperance, hot temper, sentimentality, addictive nature
  • Oblique.Cordiality, participation, logical thinking, integrity, order, quality, equality, justice; there is a system of knowledge, logic of knowledge, volitional implementation of reasonable
  • Steep vertical.Willpower and character, self-control, morality, restraint, coldness, poise, attention to external brilliance
  • Tilt to the left.Unnaturalness, stiffness, cunning, despotism, secrecy, mistrust, fear of one’s own feelings
  • Tilt in different directions.Capriciousness, imbalance, indecisiveness, internal discord, struggle between feelings and reason, inconsistency, narcissism
  • Sheer at the end of the word.Caution, restraint, love of truth, perseverance, moderation in expressing feelings, a critical attitude towards one’s actions, volitional implementation of reasonable
  • Shorter towards the end of the word.Willpower, self-control, developed sense of duty, sense of justice, responsibility and diligence
  • The handwriting is restless, constantly changing in the size of the letters, direction and inclination.Initiative, nervousness, inner restlessness
  • Tilt to the right.Sensitivity, creative nature, good performance, empathy for people, likes and dislikes, love and hate, indifference, warmth with loved ones, emotional wealth, openness, impulse of love, anger, silent experience, good and evil, hidden world of feelings, faith, hope, love, affection for loved ones, rejection of evil, will to moral purity

Analysis of the size and width of handwriting

  • Small.Observation, composure, calm, secrecy, wit, caring, stability of opinions, integrity, diligence
  • Round. Pride, pride, enterprise, activity, determination, desire for dominance
  • Letters rising above the line.Idealism, tenderness
  • Letters falling below the line.Commercial inclinations, materialism, practical mind, vanity, vanity
  • The lines coming out above and below.Vanity, imagination, foresight, enterprise, organizational skills, stewardship
  • Narrow.Restraint, secrecy, pettiness, stinginess, diligence, cruelty, desire for accuracy, fear of losing fortune and money
  • The letters of the last word are compressed at the end to avoid hyphenation.Extravagance
  • Wide.Intelligence, energy, activity, carelessness, carelessness, sociability, ease, slight affection, generosity, extravagance
  • Analysis of handwriting pressure and fluency
  • Very thick, with strong pressure.Perseverance, strict outlook on life, diligence, slowness
  • Fading in spots.Pragmatism, spinelessness, sensitivity, gluttony, excess, compliance
  • No pressure.Lack of character, indecisiveness, powerlessness, compliance and the desire to be misunderstood
  • The connecting features are the same thickness as the main ones.Perseverance, a developed sense of duty, a correct, sober outlook on life; desire to find reasons and grounds
  • Fluent and sweeping.Entrepreneurship, activity, curiosity, dexterity, cheerful character, partly imagination
  • Calligraphically correct.Unperturbed calm, decisiveness, honesty and social agility, correct calculation in business, activity
  • Trembling, angular.Nervousness, cowardice, uncertainty, indecisiveness, resentment, causeless sadness
  • Round at the end of short low, abbreviated and small letters.Lack of character, compliance, desire for good, responsiveness, taste, fantasy
  • Strong angular.Selfishness, tenacity, stubbornness, harshness, activity
  • Runaway and dry.Restraint, intelligence, partly fantasy
  • Very ornate.Vanity, love of external brilliance, dissatisfaction
  • Legible, perceived without difficulty.Foresight, intelligence, prudence, independence, calmness, determination and confidence in business, success
  • Illegible and incorrect.Nervousness, carefreeness, activity, extravagance
  • Changing.Intelligence, tendency to comparisons and likenings
  • Inclined with proper pressure.Spinelessness, sensitivity, addictive nature
  • Bizarre.Originality, humor, capriciousness, whimsical taste,
  • Non-standardized.Tendency to extravagant behavior and madness
  • Oblique with thick pressure, uneven and angular.Ingenuity, resilience, determination, activity, success
  • Large, thin, runaway and uneven. Man of the minute
  • Very sloping and rising.Strong passion for enterprises
  • Slanted, almost lying down. Touchiness
  • Small and narrow.Restraint, care, thrift, courtesy
  • Very angular.Perseverance, stubbornness, selfishness, selfishness, willfulness, callousness, coldness
  • Severely illegible.Impenetrable, mysterious, imperturbable character, difficult to lose his temper
  • Beautiful.Lack of character, poorly developed independence
  • Calligraphic.Susceptibility to other people's influence
  • Ugly and illegible.Independence
  • Uneven, disheveled.Serene freedom from circumstances; real life, not dogma; chance luck, inspirational work, adaptation to a changing world, skeptical foresight, emotional premonition
  • Wide, spreading, hanging down on the right side.Lack of logic, feeling
  • "Unsure" lines.Irritability, anxiety, self-doubt, irritability, touchiness
  • Strong pressure on letters.Strict outlook on life; energy, power of feeling, influence on people, conservatism, uncreative nature
  • Accurate psychodiagnostics of personality based on characterological characteristics of handwriting

Signs are divided into general and specific. Under general signs should be understood as the information displayed in the manuscript (letter) about the general properties of the written-motor skill, which manifests itself not in individual movements, but in an integral system of written movements. Private signs characterize individual aspects of the written-motor skill, which manifests itself when executing individual letters and combinations.

In accurate psychodiagnostics of personality based on characterological characteristics of handwriting one should be guided by general and specific characteristics. Among the latter are the characteristics sophistication handwriting: a) high; b) average; c) low handwriting structure; spatial orientation of movements. In this case, the characteristics can be:

  • absolute (height and width of letters, distance between words and lines);
  • relative (the ratio of the width and height of letters, line height and line spacing).

A particularly important characterological feature in the psychodiagnosis of a personality based on handwriting is the degree of its development, that is, the level of mastery of writing techniques. Elaboration of handwriting manifests itself in the writer’s ability to complete the text with quick, coordinated and stable movements. This handwriting is characterized by variability, ensuring its adaptation to changing writing conditions.

ABOUT fast paced writing testify:

  • writing letters;
  • combination of letters and whole words without lifting the writing instrument from the paper;
  • simplifications in letter designs;
  • sharp beginnings and endings of strokes.

On slow writing indicate:

  • frequent tearing of the writing instrument from the paper;
  • complicated letter designs;
  • blunt beginnings and endings of strokes.

Under coordination spatial precision of movements is understood, manifested in the correct execution of letters, their combinations and words.

On low coordination indicate:

  • tortuosity and breaks of straight strokes;
  • angularity of ovals;
  • disproportion of individual elements, inaccurate beginnings and endings of strokes and letters.

Indicator sustainability handwriting is the repeatability of shapes, sizes of written characters, features of the placement of text on paper, including under different writing conditions.

Handwritings of the same degree of expression may differ in structure. If the written characters of a manuscript generally correspond to the official rules, the handwriting is considered simple. If they deviate from the official copybooks, then, depending on the nature of these deviations, the handwriting can be either complicated or simplified. The latter is formed as a result of the prevailing desire of the writer to write quickly. It is characterized by a tendency to straighten movements, shorten their length, volume of movements, leading to the disappearance of small details and individual elements.

For complicated handwriting, little adapted for fast writing, are characterized by: small and precise movements when executing parts and letters, their elements and letters as a whole, an increase in the length and number of movements.

The structure of movements when writing is considered from the point of view of their form, direction, length, quantity, sequence, continuity, effort.

Predominant in handwriting form movements can be rectilinear-angular, round, loop, arc.

According to the prevailing direction movements, arched handwritings are divided into right-circular and left-circular. The position of the longitudinal axes of the letters indicates straight, right-handed, left-handed or unstable handwriting.

By number of letters, performed in a continuous movement, a distinction is made between small, medium and large coherence of handwriting. In the first case, up to three letters are continuously executed, in the second – up to six, and in the third – over six letters.

Depending on the heights There are small (if the height of the letter does not exceed 2 mm), medium (up to 4 mm), large (more than 4 mm) letters.

Overclocking handwriting expresses the ratio of the extent of horizontal and vertical movements when executing letters. It will be considered small if the width of the letters is less than half their height or equal to it, and large (and the handwriting is sweeping) if the width of the letters is greater than their height. Intermediate indicators characterize the average handwriting in terms of acceleration.

To general signs spatial orientation(topographical features) include features familiar to a given person placement on paper text and its parts: presence, size, shape of fields; sizes of paragraph indents and red lines; spacing between lines and words; placement of headlines, appeals, dates; direction and shape of the writing line.

Compared to general ones, private handwriting features are more stable. IN private characteristics the individual characteristics of the written-motor skill are manifested to a greater extent, by the characterological characteristics of which we will judge whether a given person has certain psychological properties and qualities. Among the particular characteristics of handwriting, the following characteristics of movements when executing individual letters and their combinations are distinguished:

  • form of movements (loop, angular, tortuous);
  • direction of movements (right-circular, left-circular, adductor, abductor);
  • the length of movements in initial, lowercase, extralinear, connecting and final strokes;
  • continuity of movements;
  • number of movements;
  • sequence of movements;
  • placement of movements.

Test interpretation.

Differential diagnostic signs of personality types

Field of activity

Personality type

Cognitive field of activity

A source of information

Finds inside itself, generates thoughts (not necessarily meaningful)

Finds communication with other people

Finds in practical actions and results

Type of problem solving

In written sources

In communication with other people

In organizing your thoughts and interlocutors to solve your problem

Features of thinking

Strict logic and evidence prevail

Lack of strict logic: often relying on the opinions of others

Strict logic, focus on the opinions of others

Features of decision making

It is quite difficult to convince or change an idea or thought that has already been developed.

One's own mental concept changes in favor of the well-being of the group

He defends the decision he makes to the end, even if it is wrong.

Emotional sphere of activity

Emotional need; dynamism and progressiveness of experiences; internal or external manifestation of experiences

Solitude in difficult times: unpredictability, unevenness, secrecy, restraint

Communicating with people in difficult times: evenness and predictability, expressiveness, openness

Activity in difficult times: average degree of evenness and predictability, lack of restraint

Behavioral area of ​​activity


Angularity, clumsiness, lethargy




Angularity, pretentiousness




Absence, restraint


Confidence in posture

facial expressions

Weakness, poverty, high control

Correspondence to inner experiences

Expressiveness, artistry


Slowness, poor expressiveness, noise avoidance

Lightness, softness

Sharpness, clarity


Planning your life events in advance

Freedom from obligations

Behavior by chance


Attentive, collected

May think about something and not see what is happening around

For successful work it is necessary

Clear organization of your own work


Good relationships, emotional tone of those with whom you need to work together

Starting a new, unknown job

Studying the instructions

Gets to work immediately

May start too many jobs and then have difficulty finishing them

Interrupt work

Doesn't like it in the middle

Maybe in the middle or at the end

Maybe in the middle or at the end

Values ​​himself

Character, will, perseverance


Imagination, abilities

The relationship between feeling and reason

Reason is higher than feelings

Reason and feelings play a significant role,

Feeling is higher than reason

When joining a new company

Careful addiction

Observation, inclusion

Immediately switch on

It is more difficult to worry and correct mistakes

In the field of relationships with people

Handling equipment and documents

Feels like the center of attention of a big company

It’s hard, there is a desire to go into the shadows

Okay, the desire to be the same as everyone else

Easy, casual, wants to stand out

Analysis of writing style (semantic component).

Psychodiagnostics of personality based on characterological characteristics of writing.

The set of signs characterizing the written and speech skills of each person can be divided into two large groups: signs of speech and handwriting.

Signs of written speech characterize the semantic side of writing as a type of speech. Handwriting features characterize the motor-descriptive side of written speech, which is assessed in terms of grammar, vocabulary and style of presentation.

When studying style, pay attention to consistency, disorder and brevity of presentation; the use of certain syntactic means (the use of simple, complex, defining or detailed sentences, as well as phrases, words, addresses; determining the order of words in sentences).

People have different vocabulary and use it differently. Each person has specific expressions that are not used by others. Analyzing Features vocabulary in a letter, one can assume certain features of a person’s personality. The vocabulary may be dominated by: 1) archaisms; 2) neologisms; 3) barbarisms; 4) dialectisms; 5) professionalism; 6) vulgar slang; 7) criminal jargon, pathocharacterological words.

Adherence to the use of words from this group (for example, pathocharacterological words “to sit on a needle”, “to catch glitches”) will indicate the socio-psychological characteristics of the individual (in this case we conclude that this person is prone to addictive behavior).

Semantic and motor aspects of written speech are in inextricable unity. This is expressed in the following relationship:

a certain level of literacy corresponds to a certain level of motor coordination;

features of the mental state influence the motor side of speech and are reflected in its semantic side;

Content letters are one of the main sources of information about the personality characteristics of the person being studied. Analyzing the content of the letter, we are trying to establish in what state the person wrote it, why, to whom, what he wanted to convey in it, what feelings he has for the addressee and how deep they are, what is the range of issues and problems that concern this person, and what, in his opinion, opinion should concern others.

Based on an analysis of the content of the letter, a fairly accurate description of the individual can be formulated. However, this method is effective only with a deep study of the subject’s writing, the objectivity of the assessment on all grounds, and the analysis system we propose.

After carefully studying the letter, determine whether it answers the statements below, noting for each item the presence or absence of a particular characteristic.

I. Grammar errors:

1) the general level of human literacy is high; 2) good; 3) average; 4) below average; 5) very low.

II. Lexicon:

1) high; 2) good; 3) average; 4) below average; 5) very low.

III. The vocabulary includes:

1) archaisms; 2) neologisms; 3) barbarisms; 4) dialectisms; 5) professionalism; 6) vulgar slang; 7) dilengent jargon; 8) criminal jargon; 9) pathocharacterological words.

IV. Writing style: 1) everything is presented consistently; 2) disordered presentation; 3) concise; many simple (4), detailed (5), definitive (6) sentences are used; 7) phrases, words and appeals; 8) the order of words and sentences is determined.

V. Dependence of semantic and motor aspects: 1) a high level of knowledge corresponds to high coordination of movements; 2) a good level of knowledge corresponds to good coordination of movements; 3) average level of literacy corresponds to average coordination of movements; 4) lower-middle level – lower-middle coordination.

VI. Characteristics of handwriting development: 1) high; 2) average; 3) low.

IX. Assessing the situation,

XI. Describing the state of affairs, the situation in a letter, the author does this: 1) emotionally; 2) figuratively; 3) synthetically; 4) meaningful.

XIII. The meaning of the letter is not completely clear and has not been formulated.

XIV. The meaning of the letter is contradictory.

XV. The meaning of writing is creative.

XVI. The meaning of the letter: 1) optimistic; 2) pessimistic.

XVII. The letter contains a lot of: 1) kind words about someone; 2) words of sensitivity about someone; 3) recognition of someone’s honesty, emphasizing this; 4) shy expressions, confessions; 5) ambitious statements; 6) narcissistic statements; 7) emphasizing your pride; 8) emphasizing your stubbornness; 9) emphasizing one’s will; 10) requirements for yourself; 11) other people; 12) approval of setting one’s own goals; 13) expressing one’s own determination to do something; 14) a lot of “I”; 15) statements about tightness, little freedom and unbearable control; 16) desires to fulfill something; 17) statements of their principles; 18) straightforward judgments; 19) appeals to debt.

XVIII. The letter contains: 1) a description of stressful situations; 2) uncertainty; 3) anxiety; 4) attachment to loved ones; 5) attachment to animals; 6) feeling of beauty, sublime; 7) description of love of life; 8) mood changes; 9) empathy.

XIX. The author of the letter shows: 1) self-assessment; 2) pessimism; 3) willpower; 4) self-management; 5) indecision; 6) lack of initiative; 7) lack of self-confidence; 8) instability; 9) personal indiscipline; 10) general lack of discipline; 11) unsystematic work; 12) failure to complete the matter; 13) disinclination towards one’s specialty; 14) negative attitude towards science; 15) to their duties; 16) to your superiors; 17) towards colleagues: 18) unsociability; 19) touchiness; 20) that he has many friends; 21) one friend; 22) admitting defeat; 23) arrogance; 24) cynicism; 25) insincerity; 26) the impression that he “lost his temper”; 27) that he couldn’t restrain himself; 28) dissatisfaction with oneself; 29) life.

Signature analysis and its characteristics.

What do experts pay attention to and what do they base conclusions about a person’s character when analyzing various types of signatures:

Direction. When deciphering a signature, pay attention to where its end is directed. If the end is directed upward, then the person is an optimist in life, full of energy, he easily overcomes difficulties. Often such signatures have creative individuals. If the end of the signature is directed straight, then the personality is balanced and harmonious. With the end omitted in the signature, one can talk about pessimism, weakness of faith and will.

Length. Analyzing the length of a signature can reveal a lot about a person's character. A long signature speaks of a love of thoroughness. A person is usually diligent and hardworking. But there is also a negative aspect - a tendency to find fault and whine. A short signature is characteristic of people with good reactions, who are able to quickly delve into a problem and solve it. But such individuals sometimes lack perseverance and perseverance.

The beginning and end of the signature. You need to mentally divide the signature in half. The beginning of the signature characterizes how a person approaches things, and the second characterizes how he completes them. Essentially, the first part is responsible for intellectual potential, and the second is for practical implementation. Thus, deciphering the signature makes it possible to classify a person as a theorist or practitioner. If in the first part of the signature there are many large letters, and the second is poorly expressed, then we have before us a pure theorist. If the second part is replete with large symbols, then the person likes to solve practical problems more.

Letter size. The size of the letters can tell a lot about the character from the signature. If the capital letter in the signature is clearly expressed in relation to other letters, then the person is capricious and demanding. The closer the capital letter is in size to the rest of the signature letters, the more modest the person. In general, small letters indicate the economy and specificity of their author. The big ones are about naivety and gullibility. Such people love independence and freedom of action.

Sharpness of letters. The softer the character of a person, the more rounded the letters characteristic of his handwriting. Hot-tempered and even aggressive people write angular signs. Also, angles in letters speak of a critical mind and stubbornness. I even analyze character by signature based on which letters predominate in which part of the signature: if at the beginning they are rounded and then sharp, then the person begins to build relationships softly and ends more harshly.

Connection between letters. If all the letters in the signature are well connected, then their author is a consistent person, with good logical thinking, but somewhat conservative in his views. A moderate number of gaps indicates flexible thinking. If the letters are practically not connected to each other, then the person is unpredictable in his actions, is dreamy and loves to attract the attention of others.

Decorations. There are types of signatures that are heavily decorated and embellished with various elements: curls, loops, ribbons. This trait speaks of a person’s love to embellish a lot in life. The authors of such signatures love to boast and exaggerate their merits. But similar elements can also be found among creative people with great imagination.

Scope of writing. The more sweeping the signature, the more globally its owner thinks. Major managers and public figures have such signatures. A compact signature is characteristic of performance-oriented individuals.

Spacing between letters. The greater the distance between the letters in the signature, the more generous its owner. Huge gaps will give away to the spender. Accordingly, the tighter the letters fit, the more economical and even stingy the author.

Pressure. When deciphering the signature, pay attention to the pressure. Extroverts have strong pressure, introverts have weak pressure. The latter are more focused on their own world and participate less in public life. Too strong, pronounced pressure characterizes a person as a lover of sensual pleasures and material well-being.

Underscores and tails. You can often see all sorts of underscores in the signature. If a person emphasizes the signature below, then he is proud and concerned about the opinions of others about himself. If the line covers the signature at the top, then the author is too proud and vain. Tails in the signature indicate a person’s intolerance to criticism and advice. Sometimes the tail crosses out the entire signature - this is a sign of a person’s dissatisfaction with himself, his self-criticism.

Vertical lines. Some types of signatures contain elements that resemble vertical lines. If such elements are located at the beginning of the signature, then its author has very little imagination and creativity. The vertical elements in the middle will tell about leisureliness in completing assigned tasks; such people take a long time to sway. The vertical line at the end of the signature indicates problems with completing started tasks.

Loops. Loops will tell you about a person’s character based on their signature. The secretive man circles his signature with a large loop. Such people do not like to obey and are always on their own mind.

The dot is in the signature. The presence of a dot in the signature indicates the discipline of the individual. The dot at the beginning shows that a person is well prepared for any task, at the end - he completes it under any conditions.

Foreign letters in the signature. If a person uses foreign letters in his signature, then he is either a fan of everything foreign, or wants to be known as an original, or is too independent.

Incline. A straight signature, without a pronounced slant, speaks of the author’s self-control. A tilt to the right is an indicator of harmony and balance; a pronounced tilt to the left speaks of the owner’s willfulness, stubbornness and insincerity.

Having multiple signatures. If the same person has several types of signatures, and they are very different from each other, then the author is pursuing an electoral policy: to some he shows himself on the one hand, to others - on a completely different one. Often the opinions of others about such a person differ diametrically.

Numbers in the signature. The presence of numbers in the signature indicates that the person is very distrustful and suspicious.

Handwriting analysis when selecting employees.

Considering the capabilities of graphology, it is natural that this tool is widely used in selecting candidates for positions. In Europe and the USA, almost all candidates for financial positions undergo a handwriting examination. And if a graphologist makes a verdict that a person has a pronounced tendency to deceive, then the candidate will most likely be rejected.

As an example, let's look at several positions and analysis of applicants' handwriting:

Director of the company. A person applying for this position must have initiative, creativity, the ability to synthesize and analyze, responsibility, authority, etc. The following type of handwriting corresponds to these characteristics: the text should be easy to read, wide letters (often the height is less than the width), different sizes of written letters, the correct relationship between corners and curves, the line is straight or slightly rises.

Top manager. This person must be self-possessed, sociable, with high self-control, and diplomacy. Accordingly, the handwriting analysis is as follows: neat writing with decorative elements, letters slanted to the right, letters of medium size and slightly rounded.

Head of Public Relations (Head ofPR department). A person must have composure, creativity, courage, and high intelligence. Accordingly, a graphological analysis of handwriting corresponds to the following description: the pace of writing is fast, the lines are straight or raised upward, there are no decorative elements, the letters are clearly connected to each other, the handwriting is wide. The signature of such a person usually ends with a horizontal stroke.

Financier. A financial worker must have the ability to concentrate quickly, have a lively mind and resistance to mental and physical stress, and excellent memory. Handwriting analysis: the letters are large, the handwriting itself is smooth and rounded, the distance between individual words is large, the handwriting is easy to read, the pressure is above average.

Engineer. A candidate for this position must have a lively mind and good skills, quick reaction and entrepreneurship. The engineer's handwriting has round letters of unequal size with elements of angularity, the distance between words is large, and the letters are widely spaced.

Household worker. A person must have intelligence, common sense, and be able to put things in order. Accordingly, such a candidate’s handwriting is neat, the writing pace is fast, and there are additional elements in the form of loops.

An informal version of the handwriting diagnostic test:

Choose the answer that best matches the sample letter.

1. Letter sizes.
No more than 2 - 3 millimeters. 3 points
4 - 5 millimeters. 7 points
6 - 7 millimeters. 17 points
More than 7 millimeters. 20 points

2. Slanting of letters.
Strong to the left. 2 points
Very light to the left. 5 points
No tilt. 10 points
Very slight to the right. 6 points
Strong to the right. 14 points

3. Letter outlines.
Rounded. 9 points
Difficult to define. 10 points
Angular. 19 points

4. Position of the line relative to the top edge of the paper.
Located parallel to the top edge. 12 points
The line moves up. 16 points
The line moves down. 1 point

5. Pressure force on the pencil.
Easy. 8 points
Average. 15 points
Strong. 21 points

6.The nature of writing letters.
Continuous writing of letters. 11 points
Separate writing of letters. 18 points

7. General assessment of letter writing.
All words are easy to read and the handwriting is neat. 13 points
The handwriting is neat, but some words are difficult to read. 9 points
The handwriting is illegible. 4 points

Calculate your points. For greater accuracy, test several times a day. After this, add up all the points and divide by the number of tests.

from 38 to 51 points
People with this style are sensitive to failure. They often fall under the influence of others. Such people have an increased tendency to drink alcohol and become addicted to drugs. This group also includes fans of computer games and football fans.

from 52 to 63 points
People from this group, as a rule, do not have strong willpower; they are timid, often confused in critical situations. They are passive on many issues. They have not yet had time to realize themselves as individuals. They retreat into their dreams, which rarely come true.

from 64 to 75 points
Such people are modest, have a gentle character, and respect the opinions of others. Due to their natural gullibility, they are easy to deceive for a sophisticated person. Such people are easily suggestible. Low self-esteem leads to the fact that they often adapt to other people, forgetting about their own self. In critical situations they try to fight, but often give in to rudeness. This group also includes flower growers, pigeon keepers, and street vendors of small goods.

from 76 to 87 points
People with this style are sincere, open, and straightforward. They always defend their point of view, but they are also tolerant of someone else’s. They consider betrayal to be the worst trait of a person and never forgive it. But they are loyal to their friends and will go through fire and water for them. Capable of action for the sake of a higher goal. Such handwritings have been identified among law enforcement officers, employees of insurance companies and, oddly enough, among film actors.

from 88 to 98 points
The most common category. People of this group are decent, incapable of deception, and have a balanced character and self-control. In critical situations they are courageous and determined to win. They always have a lot of plans in their heads, not many of which, however, are destined to come true. They are smart and approach everything with humor. These are people who grew up in strong families with a healthy family atmosphere.

from 99 to 109 points
People of this group are independent in their judgments and actions. They have their own opinion on everything. They have a tenacious mind and good memory. In some situations they can behave absurdly. They love everything beautiful and often devote themselves to creativity. This type of handwriting can be found in journalists, musicians, executives, and managers.

from 110 to 121 points
Such people are domineering and demand submission to their own desires and whims. Any criticism addressed to oneself is perceived as an encroachment on property rights and is not forgiven. Discipline is also a problem here, they often let people know that they are already doing you a favor just by talking to you. This group also included bouncers of night bars and doormen of peripheral hotels.

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The ability to analyze handwriting and recognize a person's character from it can be very useful. Lines of text store information about the person who wrote it. And although a detailed graphological analysis requires professional skills and knowledge, anyone can make a superficial assessment. You just need to know the basic features of writing a text and what they mean.

Related materials

It should be remembered that not a single sign should be considered as dogma. Only a comprehensive analysis of personality, a comparison of various observations taken together can give a clear picture of the internal characteristics of a person. Handwriting analysis is just a hint of what you should pay attention to in a person’s character.

We look at handwriting and read a person’s character

The first thing to do is look at the letter as a whole.

Neat handwriting with well-written letters indicates a person’s balance and calmness. If the letter is illegible, then, most likely, the person is afraid to open up and strives for isolation and detachment.

Large, child-like handwriting speaks of gullibility in a person’s character, his sensuality and gentleness. When small, neat handwriting testifies to the rationality and restraint of its owner.

Sweeping handwriting speaks of a person’s broad soul

Very small letters can indicate greed and distrust.

Sweeping handwriting speaks of a person’s broad soul and a penchant for a global view of things. The dense arrangement of words when writing can be a sign of frugality leading to an extreme degree of economy and prudence.

It is worth paying attention to the fields. The wider the left field, the more generous the person in front of us. The narrow margin on the left indicates stinginess. If the left margin narrows as you write, this indicates the subject's tendency toward selfishness. The almost complete absence of fields indicates that a person strives to make the most of the opportunities provided.

We determine what kind of characters people have by their handwriting

A more detailed study of the lines of the letter provides additional information. The ideal is to have several pages of text written at different times under different circumstances. It is this approach that makes it possible to most accurately determine what kind of characters people have based on their handwriting.

Letter slant

A pronounced tilt of the letter to the right speaks of a desire for communication and a loving nature. Such a person is energetic and open to new ideas.

A slight tilt to the left is typical for secretive people with a rational approach to life. For them, the mind comes to the fore, suppressing emotions.

A strong tilt to the left is inherent in sensual natures, who are accustomed to opening up only to those closest to them. These people know how to make informed decisions.

Line direction

If the line of the letter remains horizontal throughout the entire width of the sheet, it means that we have a balanced person in control of his emotions.

Lines going up characterize people with high self-esteem and incorrigible optimists. If, on the contrary, the lines go down, it means that before us is a person who is not confident in his abilities, subject to depression and oppression.

There is a letter with a wave-like character, when the line either goes down or goes up. This is inherent in fickle natures with changeable moods.

Questionnaires and methods. However, many are interested - how to determine a person's character by handwriting, and is it possible... Psychographology with examples- at your service…

Graphology, and now psychographology, has been studied since ancient times. And now it has been clearly proven and justified that the handwriting of each individual person corresponds to his character and individuality. Therefore, knowing the basics of psychographological research, you can easily determine the character of any person by his handwriting (sometimes even by signature... by one letter...).

Psychographology: how to determine a person’s character by handwriting - graphology of writing

If you know the graphology of the letter itself, the signs of psychographology in each letter of the alphabet, then you will be able to understand some of the internal, personal properties of a person, and you will learn how to determine character by handwriting.

So, psychographological signs of writing:
In addition to the method of writing, each individual letter (uppercase or lowercase) differs in its location in the word:

  1. Capital letter separately..... A
  2. Small letter separately..... A
  3. A lowercase letter at the beginning of a word... A address
  4. Small letter in the middle of a word….s A R A th
  5. A lowercase letter at the end of a word….letters A
  6. Two identical letters next to each other in the word....Avr ahh m
  7. Capital letter at the beginning of a word... A zbuka
  8. Capitalized like an initial... A Nna

Now, knowing the location of letters in words, examining a person’s handwriting to determine his character, you need to know the psychographology of movements when writing...
So, psychographological signs of movements:

  1. Force. Solid, trembling, seasoned, strong, weak, thick, distinct, sharp.
  2. Form. Pointed, cone-shaped, rounded, triangular, arched, angular, wedge-shaped, calligraphic, typographical, square, flat, architectural, torn, smooth, curvy, affected, branching, sweeping, graceful, graceful, closed, compressed, separate, unfinished, with reverse pressing, thin.
  3. Size. Low, high, long, short, large, small, wide, narrow.
  4. Direction. Falling, twisting, rising, crooked, curved, crisscrossing, galloping, dancing, fast.
  5. Order. Clear, dexterous, uneven, neat, disorderly,
    smeared, positive, overturned, intertwined, abrupt, distinct, unfinished.
  6. Subsequence. Smooth, crowded, hewn, loose.
  7. Consistency. Inclined from right to left, slow, vertical; period is adjacent to period.
  8. Softness. Pale, trembling, small, illegible, falling below the line.
  9. Convex. Round, ring-shaped (dots and commas are usually used), cone-shaped.
  10. Pretentiousness. Pressed, tilted to the left, free, relaxed, arched stroke, with strong pressure, retouched, decorated.
  11. Elegance. Pointed, straight, inclined to the right.
  12. Uniformity. With reverse pressure, artificial, slow in curves.
  13. Beauty. Slender, connected, with beautiful outlines, simplified, graceful; there are missing letters.
In all of the listed psychographological movements, the letter reflects almost the entire character of a person, and also, by handwriting, one can determine his real emotional and psychological well-being.

Next, when you have become familiar with the basics of psychographology, we will look at examples of determining character traits from handwriting.
So, psychographology with examples of writing letters, by which you can determine the character of the person writing(on page 3 - how to determine character traits, such as intelligence, stupidity, sensitivity, hot temper, composure, contradiction, morbidity, crime, will, talent, emptiness, balance, temperaments: choleric, phlegmatic, melancholic, etc. )



Personality qualities, traits

human character

Spacious, elongated, as if not content with little, inclined from left to right, with a large curled hook, like a letter "d"

Imagination, sensitivity and fantasy, diplomacy, dry courtesy, seeking only personal gain, falsehood

Slightly bent, pointed, inclined, with a small hole at the bottom

Gentleness, meekness, honesty, frankness, amorousness, carelessness

Affected, graceful, the top is rounded, falls straight, without bends, inside there is a hook like a zero

Paying attention to every little thing, coquetry, softness, passivity

Shaped like lowercase, written with strong pressure, open

Positivity, lack of pretensions, great abilities, restraint, patience, rudeness

The stick is slightly separated, straight and with an upward stroke

Rudeness, bad manners, pickiness, lack of aesthetic taste

Open at the top, with a small bend in the stick

Fantasy, religiosity, liveliness of nature, kindness

Ordinary calligraphic, smooth, with beautiful curves

Optimism, sincerity, meekness, passion of nature

Pale, without strong pressure, calligraphic

Endurance, hard work, consistency

Similar to the number “6”, only with a line at the top, wedge-shaped, with pressure

Weakness of character, pliability, cowardice, lack of independence, harshness, conceit

Similar to the number “8”, with a cross through and a rounded shape

Secretiveness, suspicion, arrogance, deceit, indecisiveness

Elongated, one-sided, like the number “5”, affected, but graceful. Such a letter can also be arched with strong pressure

Activity, intelligence, rudeness, lack of will, ambition, pride, subtle criticism

Thin, slight reverse fold

Interest in everything, great abilities, touchiness, love to laugh (the bend seems to tease)

Original, sometimes with a high first stick. If you turn the letter upside down, one part of it will look like “v”

Aristocratism, aesthetics, intellectual development, taste, temper

1. Graceful, elongated, open; the first stick is drawn straight to the right, with firm pressure; 2. closed, indicating embarrassment

Sadness, blues, endurance at work, curiosity, tendency to speak

Graceful, affected;

1. with an angle, very thin and made in one stroke;

2. pompous but graceful

Wit, agility, courage, morbid hobbies

Flexible, uneven, bent

Selfishness, pickiness, nervousness

Round, wide, rounded, with a small hook

Sentimentality, originality of views, artistic inclinations

Straight, without a curve at the bottom, connected to the top line

Generosity, responsiveness, honesty of views, frankness

Done with one stroke; the stick is connected to the stroke with wrapped loops

Pettiness, idleness, rudeness

Shaped like lowercase

Gentleness, weak character, ease of use, sincerity

Lowercase, like the number "2", and with a thick rounded bottom

Activity, speed, punctuality, dislike of procrastination

Inclined, arched, with thick presses

Lack of originality, rudeness, conceit

Capital (capital), thin, narrow, but voluminous, with a long stroke turned to the left

Stupidity, pride, arrogance, delusions of grandeur

Confused, withdrawn and unintelligible, but graceful, sometimes even beautiful

Evenness, friendliness, hard work