Did Malakhov become a father? Andrey Malakhov had a son: latest news, photos

Good news - TV presenter Andrei Malakhov and his wife, ELLE magazine publisher Natalya Shkuleva, have given birth to a child.
The boy was born yesterday, November 16 at about 11:30 pm at the Lapino Clinical Hospital near Moscow. Truly this is little hero- his weight is 4.020 kg and height is 54 cm!

In advance, as many do, parents did not come up with a name for their future baby.
“We still have to choose the child’s name - we want to look at the baby’s character,” said the happy father.
Joyful Malakhov, awaiting the birth of his first child, even announced back in the summer that he would go on maternity leave in order to spend more time with the newborn...

But what about our television without it? Here these plans were not understood... Of course, famous TV presenter couldn’t leave the business to which he devoted 25 years of his life - he continues to work, but on a different channel, having also founded a new television company “TV Hit”
We congratulate the new daddy on the new addition and wish the baby good health!

Andrey Malakhov became a father (11/16/2017)? Who was born? What was the name? Height Weight?

Indeed, yesterday, November 16, 2017, around midnight, Andrei Malakhov became a father, his wife Natalya had a son. The baby weighs 4 kg and is 54 cm tall. The birth took place in Lapino, a well-known clinical hospital near Moscow, where the wives of many celebrities gave birth. As for the child’s name, Malakhov said that the name has not yet been chosen, the parents first want to study the baby’s character.

Natalya Shkuleva and Andrei Malakhov became the parents of their long-awaited first child. A boy was born. Large child. Weight - 4020 grams, height - 54 cm. On the Apgar scale - good indicators. This joyful event happened for everyone in that including fans of Andrei Malakhov, on November 16, 2017, the son was born at 23.30. The birth took place safely in the famous Lapino clinical hospital near Moscow, where the wives of many gave birth famous people.

Well, this very long-awaited event happened. Andrey Malakhov became a father! This happened just a few hours ago, his wife Natalya Shkuleva gave birth to a son on November 16, 2017 at 23-30. The boy weighs more than four kilograms - 4020 g, and is 54 centimeters tall. The name is still unknown.
Congratulations to the new parents!

Natalya Shkuleva - wife of Andrei Malakhov

They met on the sidelines of the Hearst Shkulev Media publishing house, owned by their father, owned by Natalya’s father, a Soviet and to a Russian journalist, publisher and media manager Viktor Shkulev. Natalya’s mother, Tamara Shkuleva, the corporate HR director of the company, and Natalya herself, who at that time had long been one of the key figures of Hearst Shkulev Media and oversaw the production of Elle magazine, worked at this publishing house.

They carefully hid their relationship and first appeared together a few months after the start of the affair at the wedding of Evgeni Plushenko and Yana Rudkovskaya in 2009.

Wedding of Andrei Malakhov and Natalia Shkuleva

The wedding of the famous TV presenter and Natalya Shkuleva took place in the strictest secrecy on June 11, 2011. The celebration was organized in the best traditions and took place in one of the most luxurious and romantic places on the planet - Versailles, where renting the hall alone costs one hundred and fifty thousand euros.

How old is Natalya Shkuleva

Natalya Shkuleva, when she met Andrey, was twenty-nine years old, and now she is thirty-six, and she has already become successful business woman, for which with the beginning family life career is not over. Shkuleva continues to engage in her business and achieve new successes in it, and Andrey really likes this, because this is exactly the kind of woman, ambitious and understanding, that he would like to see next to him all his life.

She began working for her father's company while still studying, and in 2005 became its corporate executive director. In 2008, Natalya Shkuleva became the publisher of Departures magazine, and a year later - Marie Claire and Home. Interiors plus ideas”, and later – Elle. About the personal life of Natalya Shkuleva before she met famous TV presenter nothing is known.

Andrei Malakhov does not talk about his children. As well as about everything that is going on in his personal life.

How does a popular presenter live, who daily washes the bones of everyone who comes to his TV show?

Malakhov's wife is pregnant! This news has recently captured all the media. The TV presenter has been married for five years, but the couple still has no children together, and the country is impatient: when will he finally become a dad?

But before everyone had time to rejoice for Andrei, he posted a photo on the Internet where he was holding a boy of about four years old in his arms. Malakhov's wife and Nikolai Baskov are standing nearby.

“My family,” the TV presenter signed this idyll. Fans were amazed: does he already have such an adult son? And hid it?.. And a few days later it thundered new sensation: Malakhov secretly baptized his fourth child!..

“Let them talk” is not only the name of the program conducted by Andrey, but also his credo in life. Several years ago, Malakhov decided that he would not give his life to be torn apart by curious people. They can guess, make assumptions, discuss and gossip - in general, let them say what they want. He neither confirms nor denies anything.


Social networks are a brilliant invention for those who want to learn a lot about another person. But not in the case of 44-year-old Malakhov. His Instagram is like a mirror of Narcissus - Andrey is there in all forms: half naked, with six-pack abs, a white-toothed, satisfied smile. Look how good I am!

There are almost no photographs of my wife. But with her: no matter the photo, she’s in an embrace with her husband.

Natalya Shkuleva seems to be boasting: this is the kind of love we have! Or trying to prove to the whole world that their marriage is not at all fictitious. As many people still think, by the way...

Until the age of 39, Malakhov was a bachelor. And in the summer of 2011, unexpectedly for everyone, he married the daughter of media magnate Viktor Shkulev, whose publishing house also publishes StarHit magazine, of which Andrey is listed as the editor. Natalya (she is eight years younger than her husband) is the president of her father’s company, a business-like lady and very strict at work.

Malakhov says with nostalgia that he saw her in the canteen of the factory on whose territory the editorial office is located, and immediately fell in love. Many people are not too happy with this version - after all, it is known that Shkuleva dines only in cool restaurants. Before the wedding, they were seen together only a couple of times, and that communication was similar to business negotiations. Around the same time, Malakhov gave an interview in which he talked about arranged marriages: “There is something right in contracts. You need to be able to be happy with yourself, that’s the most important thing. And everyone else is transit passengers on your life path. Sooner or later you will still be alone."


At first, Malakhov did not hide the fact that he and Natalya had a guest marriage - they live in different apartments, but they meet. However, recently, when Andrei was tired of vile gossip that marriage was just a cover for his true preferences, he announced that he had moved from his luxurious apartment overlooking the Cathedral of Christ the Savior to live with Natasha. Now she makes him oatmeal in the morning, and they have a real family.

“Whoever wants to see me with boys, let them imagine me with boys, whoever wants to see me with girls, let them imagine them with girls. It's stupid to prove anything. Take Maxim Galkin: half the country thinks that their relationship with Alla Pugacheva is a PR stunt and a deception. And then, I won’t lie, I’m pleased that I Everyone likes me. Same real success! - says Malakhov, behind whom is an impressive Don Juan list. It includes Elena Korikova, Ksenia Sobchak, businesswoman Marina Kuzmina, and Anna Semenovich.

True, ill-wishers say that he invented and directed all his novels himself. Just like big story with him illegitimate child, a boy from Veliky Ustyug. “We launched this canard to promote the magazine” Big Wash“- admits producer Larisa Krivtsova, who worked with Andrey for a long time.


Maybe the gossip started because appearance Malakhova? Always dressed to the nines, all polished: hair done, manicure-pedicure, full body depilation, colored contact lenses...

“I like this image: a tanned brunette with blue eyes! I constantly go to the solarium. I need it as much as some women do - silicone breast, he reveals. - I believe that any man, even if he has only an hour of free time, should spend it in gym. But sometimes you leave work and think: “I already have a wife. Everything is fine. Who should I surprise? Natasha tells me that I’m already beautiful. I’d better go home.”

But at home there is only the wife. The wealthy couple still has no children together. But Malakhov is the father of four children at once. My son is three, my daughter is four, and two more daughters recently appeared. Godparents. Andrey willingly goes to visit them. And the older ones - Alla-Victoria and Martin, the children of his bosom friend Philip Kirkorov, is always pampered with expensive gifts.

But when will he get his own? Fans closely monitor Natalia's figure, but every time they think that her tummy is growing, it turns out to be a mistake.

“I recently learned that beer improves sperm quality. If I used to drink about a couple of bottles of beer a month, now I’ll probably have to buy all five,” Malakhov jokes sadly.

He believes that only “children give meaning to everything,” but for some reason there are none of them in his family. So life is filled not with children’s laughter, but with selfies in the gym and at resorts. And various rumors about personal...

Photo by A. Lomokhov.

TV presenter Andrei Malakhov and his wife, ELLE magazine publisher Natalya Shkuleva, have good news.

a child was born.

The boy was born yesterday, November 16 at about 11:30 pm at the Lapino Clinical Hospital near Moscow. Truly, this is a small hero - his weight is 4.020 kg and his height is 54 cm!

In advance, as many do, parents did not come up with a name for their future baby.

“We still have to choose the child’s name - we want to look at the baby’s character,” said the happy father.

Joyful Malakhov, awaiting the birth of his first child, even announced back in the summer that he would go on maternity leave in order to spend more time with the newborn... But what about our television without him? Here these plans were not understood... Of course, the famous TV presenter could not leave the business to which he devoted 25 years of his life - he continues to work, but on a different channel, having also founded a new television company “TV Hit”

We congratulate the new daddy on the new addition and wish the baby good health!

Andrey Malakhov became a father (11/16/2017)? Who was born? What was the name? Height Weight?

Indeed, yesterday, November 16, 2017, around midnight, Andrei Malakhov became a father; his wife Natalya gave birth to a boy. The baby weighs 4 kg and is 54 cm tall. The birth took place in Lapino, a well-known clinical hospital near Moscow, where the wives of many celebrities gave birth. As for the child’s name, Malakhov said that the name has not yet been chosen, the parents first want to study the baby’s character.

Natalya Shkuleva and Andrei Malakhov became the parents of their long-awaited first child. A boy was born. Large child. Weight - 4020 grams, height - 54 cm. According to the Apgar scale - good indicators. This joyful event took place for everyone, including Andrei Malakhov's fans, on November 16, 2017, the son was born at 23.30. The birth took place safely in the famous Lapino clinical hospital near Moscow, where the wives of many famous people gave birth.

Well, this very long-awaited event happened. Andrey Malakhov became a father! This happened just a few hours ago, his wife Natalya Shkuleva gave birth to a son on November 16, 2017 at 23-30. The boy weighs more than four kilograms - 4020 g, and is 54 centimeters tall. The name is still unknown.

Congratulations to the new parents!

Andrei Malakhov finally became a father; a long-awaited child appeared in the couple’s family. Married couple We have been married for more than six years and here is the joy - our son was born on November 16 at night. Natalya Shkuleva Andrei Malakhov’s wife gave birth at the Lapino clinic in the Moscow region. They say everything went well, the boy’s height is 54 cm and his weight is 4 kg. The parents haven't chosen a name yet. Our congratulations!

The son was born on November 16, 2017. Natalya Shkuleva gave birth at the Lapino hospital in the Moscow region. Andrey himself was not present, but was nearby in the next room. Fortunately, everything went well and everyone is healthy.

The baby's weight is decent - 4020 g, that is, a little more than 4 kg. Height - 54 cm.

As for the name: the parents have not announced it yet. Perhaps they haven't decided yet. Or they want to see how this or that name will suit the baby, how he will react, etc. I am sure that after some time all this will become known - the audience loves Malakhov, and everything is interesting to them.

Right now the most actual topic for the talk show “Live” by Andrei Malakhov - this is his paternity.

I’m already tired of all these scandals, especially with Armen Dzhigarkhanyan, and all these stories about the division of property. We would rather the whole country congratulate our beloved presenter on the fact that he has finally become a father.

The child was given to him by his legal wife Natalya Shkuleva, who gave birth to a boy on November 16, 2017, half an hour before midnight.

The baby was born weighing a little more than 4 kilograms, his height is 54 centimeters. The boy doesn't have a name yet. Parents will first study his character, and then name him. Andrei Malakhov himself said so.

Andrei Malakhov three hours ago became the father of a healthy 54 cm, 4 kilogram baby boy; his wife Natalya Shkuleva gave birth herself in the maternity hospital of the Lapino hospital. The child was born on November 16, 2017, an hour before midnight. According to the horoscope, this is the sign of Scorpio; Australian actress Gigi Edgley and actor Vladimir Ilyin, as well as singer Alexander Malinin, were born on the same day. Scorpios born on November 16 have an independent character and a rich emotional life.

The child's name has not yet been announced. Congratulations to the parents.)

Andrey Malakhov is the most popular TV presenter today. His departure from Channel One caused a lot of noise among fans and attracted attention to his person. People are trying to figure out the reasons, and one of the versions is the birth of a child. But no one knows for sure whether this is so, since the journalist carefully hides his personal life. We decided to tell you whether Andrei Malakhov has children at all, whether he is married and how he lives off the air.

Biography: origin and education

The famous Russian showman was born in the Murmansk region on January 11, 1972. His father, a geophysicist by profession, was sent there for research work, where he met a local resident - the future mother of our hero, then she worked in kindergarten. Soon they got married and had a boy.

Andrei studied well and received a medal upon graduation. Besides this he had ear for music, thanks to which he mastered additional musical education.

Malakhov received his main profession already in Moscow at Moscow State University at the Faculty of Journalism, and during his studies he worked at Radio Maximum.

But the young journalist did not stop there; after Moscow State University, he entered the Faculty of Law at the Russian State University for the Humanities, where he now teaches.

Fame came to Malakhov after he got a job at Channel One. Here, with his participation, many beloved programs were published.

Career: television and film

Andrei began working on television in 1992, at first he wrote texts for programs that were shown on ORT. Then his career began to develop rapidly, and all new projects appeared with his participation.

The most memorable of them were:

  • "Telemorning";
  • "Good morning";
  • "Big Wash";
  • And after that and until 2017 - “Let them talk.”

In addition, Malakhov was a member of the jury of various music and entertainment competitions:

  • "Two stars";
  • "Golden Gramophone Award".

He also starred in TV series, where he usually played himself:

  • Indigo;
  • Kitchen;
  • Father's daughters.

Recently, information appeared that the showman was leaving Channel One due to an internal conflict, and a little later they began to say that he was going on maternity leave and would take care of a child whose appearance was expected in the near future. In what real reason, no one knows yet, we can only guess.

Andrei Malakhov's wife

The birth of the baby was reported to the media journalist's wife - Natalya Shkuleva , she is known in certain circles as a business lady of the Russian publishing industry.

Natalya is now 37 years old; she was born in 1980 into a family of people who devoted themselves social activities. My father is the director of Komsomolskaya Pravda, my mother works there.

The girl followed in the footsteps of her parents; after graduating from school, she easily entered MGIMO, and after that she continued her education in London. Now Shkuleva is engaged in the publishing business with her parents, among her projects:

  1. Departures Magazine;
  2. Women's magazines Marie Claire and ELLE.

And others. Natasha met her future husband at work when he began collaborating with one of the magazines that he had been running for a long time working together with the Shkulev family. A romance began between the young people, they lived together for a year, then legalized their relationship.

But, despite the family, everyone continues to devote themselves to work, understanding the frequent separations and busyness of their partner. Friends and acquaintances say that this is a wonderful union, based on respect and friendship, which can be envied.

Does Malakhov have children?

The solemn wedding ceremony of the young people was carefully hidden; it is only known that it took place in Versailles. The couple generally tries to keep their distance from the press.

The media is constantly discussing childlessness of the star family. Information about the pregnancy of the wife of a famous showman often pops up on the Internet. Recently, Andrei allegedly left a comment on one of the pages under a photo of his wife in a wide, loose dress that they were expecting a baby. But later Natasha denied this information, explaining to fans that this page is nothing more than a fake. The publisher immediately explained that now they are each busy with their own careers and she does not yet want to devote herself only to her family, but she will definitely fulfill her destiny later, when the time comes.

Probably, rumors and gossip are an integral part of the life of all famous people, which is why they have to hide from journalists, literally go underground.

Did Andrei Malakhov have a child?

IN Lately news about the life of the spouses appeared less and less often, the couple practically stopped appearing at events and began to hide even more carefully from their colleagues. Users of social networks noticed the changes that had taken place and drew their own conclusions, attributing the long-awaited pregnancy to Natasha.

And they were not mistaken; recently Russian media reported joyful event. After 6 years life together star family expecting first child.

The journalist has already officially confirmed the information on various websites. But he is extremely surprised by the public interest in this event and his maternity leave.

The young mother refuses to comment on this topic and continues to lead a normal life, trying to visit social events and conduct your work just as actively.

New projects of the TV presenter

The other day it became known that the TV presenter will still continue his career, but on a different channel. Now his place of work will be “Russia-1”, here he will host the “Live Broadcast” show instead of Korchevnikov, and will also become a producer of new projects.

Talk about maternity leave the journalist calls it rumors, he claims that he is going to continue working in the future, but left his previous place of service for completely different reasons, which he prefers to keep silent about. That is why today all websites and channels are discussing what happened.

But now fans can rest assured, the presenter will continue to delight them with new projects and is not going to disappear from the silver screen even after the birth of the baby, and on which channel we will see him is not so important.

So, now it becomes clear where you can see the presenter beloved by many, and we also tried to lift the curtain on his personal life by telling whether Andrei Malakhov has children, a little about his parents and family, and plans for the near future.

Video: how did Andrei Malakhov explain his departure?

In this video, journalist Roman Lopatin will tell you why the presenter left Channel One and what the reasons were for this:

At one time, the news that the favorite of women, a talented TV presenter, a brilliant showman and simply a handsome man, Andrei Malakhov, was getting married literally shocked many TV viewers in the country. Malakhov always preferred not to talk about his personal life, leaving the ubiquitous paparazzi and curious fans in the dark. Such secrecy even gave rise to a number of rumors about the star’s non-traditional sexual orientation. And suddenly, in 2011, the famous TV presenter not only introduced the public to his beloved, but got married! The chosen one was Natalya Shkuleva - a pretty blonde with a strong character and the tenacious grip of a businessman. Having recovered a little from the shock, fans and journalists came to the conclusion that, most likely, the reason for such a sudden marriage was the bride’s pregnancy. However, this rumor will haunt the couple for another 6 years, until at the end of the summer of 2017, presenter Andrei Malakhov personally confirms the fact of his imminent paternity. Learn more about who Andrei Malakhov’s wife is (biography and photo from Instagram), how old she is, when she will give birth to a child and whether there are already children in the presenter’s family, and we’ll talk further.

Andrei Malakhov’s wife - Natalya Shkuleva: short biography and photo from Instagram

It cannot be said that before his marriage to Andrei Malakhov, his current wife Natalya Shkuleva was no one’s friend. famous girl. Her name is well known to all fans of publications such as Marie Claire and ELLE, of which Natalya is the publisher. According to close friends of the family, such heights in professional activity Natalya Shkuleva achieved her achievements largely thanks to her strong character, hard work and determination. And here gossips They do not miss the opportunity to hint that the reason for the young woman’s dizzying career is much more prosaic. The fact is that Natalya’s father, Viktor Shkulev, is the president of Hearst Shkulev Publishing, which includes all of the above magazines and many other popular publications. Natalya’s mother, Tamara Shkuleva, also works in this company, so we can confidently talk about the family publishing business, which in due course will be partially inherited by Malakhov’s young wife.

Brief facts from the biography of Andrei Malakhov’s wife Natalya Shkuleva, photo from Instagram

Here are a few more interesting facts from the biography of Andrei Malakhov’s wife Natalya Shkuleva and a photo from her personal page on Instagram. Natalya received a law degree from MGIMO and even managed to work as a lawyer at the Moscow publishing house AFS. Over time, Shkuleva became an executive editor at this company - from this position her editorial career began. Malakhov’s wife began to engage in publishing activities in 2008, starting to publish the unique Departures magazine. This publication is dedicated to the luxurious lifestyle, travel, art, collecting and other attributes of luxury life.

The wife of presenter Andrei Malakhov Natalya Shkuleva is pregnant, photos and videos

Rumors that Natalya Shkuleva, the wife of Andrei Malakhov, was pregnant, began to appear immediately after the wedding star couple. The ubiquitous paparazzi tried to see signs of Natalia’s interesting position not only in her voluminous outfits, but also in the constant silence on this topic in the spouses’ interviews. Six years have passed since the wedding of showman Andrei Malakhov, and the tabloids are again full of headlines about the expectation of the first child in the presenter’s family.

Is Natalya Shkuleva really pregnant, video

This time, Andrei not only did not deny rumors about his wife’s pregnancy, but also personally confirmed this information. The general public became aware of this fact in August 2017 after Malakhov’s wife appeared on one of the broadcasts of a new television show. Natalya had noticeably gained weight, and the voluminous dress barely hid the woman’s very rounded belly. In addition, a little later, Andrei Malakhov gave an official comment to one publication, in which he fully confirmed the fact of his imminent paternity.

When will Andrei Malakhov's wife give birth?

How old is the expectant mother? When will Andrei Malakhov's wife give birth? Who is the celebrity couple waiting for? Alas, fans of the presenter will be able to get answers to most questions only after the birth of the baby. The fact is that Natalya does not comment on her situation in any way, and Andrei prefers to ignore personal questions regarding the gender of the baby and the timing of his birth. Therefore, journalists and fans can only make assumptions. For example, after the appearance of one of joint photos with his wife on the showman's page social network, his followers suggested that the family was expecting a girl.

As for the timing of the baby’s appearance in the Malakhov family, journalists can only speculate on the possible date. The presenter himself does not comment on this issue, so we can only resort to the deductive method. Thus, based on a clearly visible belly, it can be assumed that at the time of the TV program’s appearance in the studio in August 2017, Natalya was approximately 6 months pregnant. Based on this, the Malakhovs expect the birth of their child in November 2017.

How old will the future mother Natalya Shkuleva, the wife of Andrei Malakhov, be when she gives birth?

Another question that interests many fans concerns age. expectant mother. From the biography of Malakhov’s wife it is known that Natalya Shkuleva was born on May 31, 1980. If we assume that the addition to the presenter’s family will happen in November of this year, then Natalya will become a mother at 37 years old.

Do TV presenter Andrei Malakhov’s wife Natalya Shkuleva have any other children?

Despite the fact that for TV presenter Andrei Malakhov and his wife Natalya Shkuleva, their marriage is the first, the question of whether they already have children worries many. Most often, the reason for rumors about Malakhov’s illegitimate children is news related to the baptism of babies. The fact is that Andrei has already become a father 5 times, although only as a godfather. The presenter was lucky enough to have three daughters and two sons, including the children of Philip Kirkorov - Alla Victoria and Martin.

Did Natalya Shkuleva have children before her marriage to TV presenter Andrei Malakhov?

As for Natalya Shkuleva, there is no information about her godchildren. But Natalya definitely didn’t have any children of her own before she and Andrey started their family. Therefore, all that remains is to wait until Andrei Malakhov’s wife Natalya Shkuleva, who is definitely pregnant, gives birth to her husband’s child together. This event, after so many years of marriage of the star couple, will definitely not go unnoticed by journalists. Until then, rumors about the showman’s illegitimate children are unlikely to stop.