Non-traditional drawing techniques in the middle group. Summary of GCD for drawing a dandelion in non-traditional techniques “Little Sun” in the middle group

From the experience of working as a teacher. Unconventional drawing technique. Drawing with a hard brush using the “poke” method - “Flowers, flowers...”

Author of the work: Shakleina Irina Yuryevna, teacher of the MADOU TsRR d/s No. 110 Kaliningrad region, Kaliningrad city.
This material will be interesting for preschool teachers in working with children preschool age, for parents. The drawing can be used as a gift or room decoration.
Target: creating conditions for the realization of children’s individual creative abilities.
- introduce unconventional drawing techniques;
- to develop the ability to create (in collaboration with a teacher and independently) simple images, to associate the image with objects of the surrounding world;
- develop technical skills, hand-eye coordination, motor characteristics and formative skills;
Materials and tools:
- visual material (painting, illustration or nature);
- drawing paper;
- thick gouache;
- hard bristle brush for glue;
- cloths for drying brushes.

I work in the first junior group (children 2-3 years old). To conduct educational activities(lesson) is given 10 minutes. How I want to give my children the maximum in this short period of time. interesting information, read poetry, do physical exercise, breathing exercises and create another beauty...Especially when flowers of unprecedented beauty are blooming around! Their beauty is so short-lived...
How to preserve the beauty of flowers in memory? Well, of course we can draw them.
O. Chusovitina “Gift for Mom”
I love my mom
I'll give her a gift.
I made the gift myself
From paper with paints.
I'll give it to my mom
Hugging tenderly.
For drawing classes, I “found” an assistant - a hard bristle brush for glue. To work, we need a dry brush, and if it happens that you need to wash off the paint, then after washing the brush in water, you need to dry it with a cloth. We need thick gouache. We put paint on the tip of the brush and “knock” the brush, applying paint to the paper. “Knock” - that’s exactly how we talk to kids. The tip of the brush points to the ceiling.
What wonderful work we do.
Spring has come, the sun has warmed up and here they are... dandelions.
Vysotskaya O. “Dandelion”
The sun dropped

Golden ray.
The dandelion has grown
First, young.
He has a wonderful
Golden color.
He's a big sun
Small portrait.

For classes with children 2–4 years old, the teacher makes preparations for each child: cut out leaves from colored paper, glue them onto sheets of paper; for children 2-3 years old we draw with a simple pencil outline of the future flower,

and children 3-4 years old draw a flower on their own.

First, apply paint along the contour of the future flower, and then paint over the free space in the center. The kids draw the stem with felt-tip pens, or paint, but we give them a squirrel brush.
Children of the middle group (and older) draw green leaves themselves, the teacher does not prepare the blanks.

Look, the bird cherry tree has bloomed.

S. Yesenin “Bird cherry” (excerpt)
Bird cherry fragrant
Having hung himself, he stands,
And the greenery is golden
It's burning in the sun.

A. Barto " Spring thunderstorm"(excerpt)
Bird cherry, bird cherry
It blossomed in the ravine.
Bird cherry, bird cherry
It's white and white.
And now May has arrived. The smell of lilac is in the air...

Svetlana Dzhus “Lilac”
The bush is blooming lilac color,
Only it blooms in spring, not summer.
Bees fly around and buzz:
“The aroma of flowers is very pleasant.
We will circle over it all day.
Oh! How beautiful lilacs are!”

For children 2-4 years old, we make preparations for each child.

To depict lilac flowers for children first junior group ready-made diluted paint was given (fuchsia + white).

And the children depicted this lilac in a drawing class. First, the children drew bunches of lilacs dark color(purple, fuchsia color), without allowing the first layer to dry, we applied white gouache with a “poke”. The colors mix to create different shades, creating volume.

So autumn has come. But there are still beautiful flowers in the flowerbed.

Marina Blinnikova "Astra".
There is a flower like this in the garden
and he looks like a star.
Can be any color.
For autumn bouquet
let's pick a beautiful flower,
It's called ASTRA.

This is ours teamwork.

Thank you for your attention!

I offer a summary of a drawing lesson for middle school children

Municipal autonomous preschool educational institution“Kindergarten No. 18 “Ladushki” in the city of Gai, Orenburg region __________________________________________________________ Orenburg region, Gai, st. Molodezhnaya, 71b, tel.: 4-06-40; e-mail:

Completed by: Fedorova M.V.

Progress of the lesson:

On the lawn, near the forest,

Flowers bloomed.

Yellow like the sun.

On a green leg.

And as soon as they grow up

Hats will be put on -

Soft, airy -

Educator: Correct

Dandelion is a medicinal plant for coughs. This is a honey plant, so bees and bumblebees love to fly to it. As soon as the dandelion changes its cap to white, the seeds are ripe, and it needs to scatter them on the ground. Guys, parachutes look like balls of fluff.

Yellow like the sun. Round like... Soft like... White like... Fluffy like...

Fragile, like... What an amazing flower!

Children: answer.

Children: come on.

Dandelion, dandelion! (They squat, then slowly rise)

The stem is as thin as a finger. If the wind is fast, fast (They scatter in different sides)

It will fly into the clearing and everything around will rustle. (They say “sh-sh-sh-sh-sh”)

Dandelion stamens will scatter in a round dance (they take hands and walk in a circle) and merge with the sky.

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“Drawing lesson in the middle group on the topic “A dandelion has grown””

Municipal autonomous preschool educational institution
“Kindergarten No. 18 “Ladushki” in the city of Gaya, Orenburg region
Orenburg region, Gai, st. Molodezhnaya, 71b, tel.: 4-06-40;
e-mail: [email protected]

Drawing class in middle group on the topic “The dandelion has grown”

Completed by: Fedorova M.V.

Target:. Secure parts of the dandelion structure. Learn to draw a dandelion using the dipping method. Learn to complement the composition. Develop creativity

Progress of the lesson:

Teacher: reads out the riddle:

On the lawn, near the forest,

Flowers bloomed.

Yellow like the sun.

On a green leg.

And as soon as they grow up

Hats will be put on -

Soft, airy -

Obedient to the wind! (dandelion)

Educator: Correct. Take a close look at this wild plant. Wild because no one cares for it. And as soon as the sun rises, the dandelion blooms, and with sunset it closes its head.

Educator: Let's look at what parts this plant consists of.

Children: root, stem, leaves, flower

Educator: Correct

Dandelion is a medicinal plant for coughs. This is a honey plant, so bees and bumblebees love to fly to it. As soon as the dandelion changes its cap to white, the seeds are ripe, and it needs to scatter them on the ground. Guys, parachutes look like balls of fluff.

Educator: now you will be a breeze, take a ball of fluff; place it in your palm and blow lightly on it. Look how the fluff scatters in different directions. This is what happens in nature with dandelion seeds.

Educator: Guys, I invite you to play the game “Say the Word” with me. Want to

Educator: Then listen carefully:

Yellow like the sun.
Round like...
Soft like...
White like...
Fluffy like...

Fragile as...
What an amazing flower!

Children: answer.

Educator: Guys, let's draw this plant.

Children: come on.

Teacher: shows how to draw using the dipping method

Educator: But first, let's play

Dandelion, dandelion!
(They squat, then slowly rise)

The stem is as thin as a finger.
If the wind is fast, fast
(They scatter in different directions)

It will fly into the clearing,
Everything around will rustle.
(They say “sh-sh-sh-sh-sh”)

Dandelion stamens
They'll scatter in a round dance
(They hold hands and walk in a circle) And they will merge with the sky.

The teacher invites the children to go to their places and start drawing. Children sit in their seats, the teacher turns on calm music, the children draw.

Educator: what wonderful dandelions we got. Let's decorate our stand with these colors. The teacher hangs up the drawings.

The objectives of this lesson are:

  • develop vocabulary with words: still life, painting, buds, meadow, aroma and comparative phrases;



MDOU IRMO "Markovsky" kindergarten combined type"

Lesson notes

in visual arts

Topic: "Dandelions"

teacher Stepanova D.N.

Software tasks:

  • consolidate drawing skills in the unconventional technique of “poking with a hard semi-dry brush”;
  • introduce the method of “printing” an element of a drawing;
  • develop vocabulary with words: still life, painting, buds, meadow, aroma, comparative phrases;
  • develop compositional skills;
  • cultivate a love of nature and an interest in painting.


  1. Sheet A5 with a picture of a vase
  2. Handout:
  • A4 sheet with images of different vases;
  • watercolor paints;
  • plate with white gouache;
  • hard brush;
  • brush No. 4, No. 2;
  • felt-tip pen cap;
  • paper napkins;
  • wet wipes.

Musical accompaniment:

P.I. Tchaikovsky “Waltz of the Flowers”.

Preliminary work:

  • children's tinting of drawing sheets;
  • work using the “poke with a hard semi-dry brush” technique;
  • making a vase drawing by children using screen printing;
  • memorizing the poem “Dandelion” by V. Stepanov (one child)

Progress of educational activities:

Educator: Burnt in the dewy grass

Golden flashlight

Then it faded, went out

And turned to fluff

(children - dandelion)

Educator: That's right, dandelion. Dandelion is wonderful magic flower. Why do you think?

Children: (it turns into fluff and can fly far, blooms from late spring until autumn, looks like the sun.....)

Educator: Yes, guys, this simple flower makes us happy all summer long. We collect it in bouquets and weave wreaths. Do you know that even

great artists often depicted this simple and very beautiful flower. Let's see how artists depict dandelions.

Slide 1,2,3 (slides with pictures depicting dandelions)

Child reading a poem

Roadside dandelion
Was like the golden sun
But it faded and became similar
To fluffy white smoke.

You fly over a warm meadow
And over the quiet river.
I will be to you as a friend,
Wave your hand for a long time.

V. Stepanov

Slide 4

Educator: I wanted to look at this picture in more detail. "Dandelions" by Isaac Levitan

Let's come closer and try to see and feel the picture as the author feels it.

It's just a still life.

– Do you remember which paintings are called still lifes?

Children: (pictures depicting flowers in a vase, vegetables or fruits)

Educator: Let's check how you know!

Didactic game “Recognize the picture”

(The slide shows: landscape, portrait and still life).

Educator: Which painting by the artist is a still life?

(If the children guessed correctly, all the pictures disappear and the size of the still life increases).

Educator: Walking through the meadow, the artist picked dandelions, put them in a vase, and it turned out to be very beautiful. And this inspired him to paint this picture.

Educator: Where did the artist pick the flowers? So what can they be called?

Children : ( In the meadow. Meadow.)
Educator: Why do you think the artist chose such a gray, gloomy background?

Children : ( Compared to the gray background, dandelions in white and yellow hats look bright, warm, airy)

Educator: Guys, pay attention, the picture shows different dandelions. What is the difference?

Children: (Buds, blossoming flowers and those that have already bloomed with white caps)

Educator: Guys, let's play a game. (Children stand in a circle)

Didactic exercise with a ball “Choose a word”
Yellow like the sun.
Round like...
Soft like...
White like...
Fluffy like...
Fragile as...
What an amazing flower!

Educator: Guys, now I suggest you imagine that there is this vase with dandelions in our room. (Children sit in a semicircle in front of the screen)
- What can we say about the vase? What is she like?

Children : (clay, heavy)

Educator: The vase is heavy, made of clay, and the flowers in it look fragile and delicate.

Guys, is there any sun here?

Children: Yes

Educator: How did you guess?

Children: not in the picture itself.

Educator: It disappeared outside the window. It is not yet bright, lazy.

It shines through the glass a little. The sun shines on the vase and a shadow falls from it.

Guys, there are flowers in the room. What is our scent? Let's breathe it in.

Children: (Sweet, honey, fragrant, fresh...)

Educator: Guys, what do you feel when you look at these flowers? What's your mood?

Children: good, joyful, calm.

Educator: Warmth, a feeling of joy, a desire to extend the summer. What is the name of the person who depicts everything he sees on paper?

Children: Artist.

Educator: And looking at this picture, I wanted to become an artist myself. And you?

Remember the last time we drew a vase? Some of them are empty...

Children: Let's put bouquets of dandelions in it.

Educator: Before taking a seat in our creative workshop, I suggest you take a break.

Physical exercise “Dandelion”
Dandelion, dandelion!
(They squat, then slowly rise)
The stem is as thin as a finger.
If the wind is fast, fast
(They scatter in different directions)
It will fly into the clearing,
Everything around will rustle.
(They say “sh-sh-sh-sh-sh”)
Dandelion stamens
They'll scatter in a round dance
(Hold hands and walk in a circle)
And they will merge with the sky.

Showing how to draw a dandelion

Educator: How can we draw a bud?

Children: By dipping.

Educator: What does the bud look like? Let's show with a closed palm (showdrawing a bud).

“And a yellow blossoming flower looks like an open palm like this.”

How can we draw it? It can be painted using a hard brush with a poke. (Demonstration of drawing a blossoming dandelion)

– Now we have reached the most interesting downy flower. This means that the dandelion’s seeds are ripe and they are ready to fly far, far away with the wind. I suggest you draw this flower using an imprint (stamp). Have you all seen how a seal is placed? This is when an object with a pattern is dipped into paint and this image (drawing) is printed on paper. Using the printing method we will get lush dandelions. What are dandelion parachutes like?

Children:( On snowflakes, crosses.)

Educator: To get such an image, you need to dip the cap in paint and leave an imprint (showing a method for printing a flower element) (showing a method for printing a flower element). It seems? Yes, but one print is not enough for us, we need to make a lot of them. What shape is the white cap of a dandelion?

Children: Round

Educator: That's right, and you and I will make prints in a circle. When we have all the flowers ready, we can paint on the thin stems and leaves. We draw only with the tip of the brush.

Independent activities of children

Educator: Draw as many colors as you think necessary. All drawings will be different - some will have one bud, some will have three, some will draw a lot of fluffy dandelions, and some will not.

The teacher provides individual assistance, draws attention to the ability to compose a composition.


- Our work is ready! Did you like it? What was the most difficult thing? What's the easiest thing?

– You guys turned out such beautiful, magical dandelions.

– Do you know how artists arrange their paintings before an exhibition? (In frames). I suggest making frames in the afternoon and organizing an exhibition for the parents. What might we need? (Since children are constantly engaged different types creativity, they offer: quilling strips, strips of colored corrugated cardboard, plasticine flagella).

Altynay Murzabaeva

Summary of a drawing lesson in the middle group« Dandelion in a clearing» .

Target: learn to convey an image in a drawing dandelion; practice push-ups excess water from the brush to the edge of the dish; consolidate a skill drawing by applying the entire brush and using the poking method; develop a sense of color, develop fine motor skills hands; bring up careful attitude to nature; cultivate a sense of friendship and respect for each other.

Material: green paper, yellow gouache, large brushes, napkins - for each child, a water container, a painting with an image dandelions.

Progress of the lesson

Teacher and Children (in unison): Every day - always, everywhere,

On classes, in Game

We speak loudly and clearly

And we sit quietly.

Educator: What time of year is it now?

Children: Spring

Educator: Yes, guys!

Spring has come to us again,

How much light and warmth!

The snow is melting, the streams are babbling,

Sparrows are jumping in the puddles!

And very soon, guys, bees, butterflies, and bugs will wake up from their winter sleep.

(There is a knock on the door).

Educator: Guys! Who is this?

Educator: postman. He brought us a letter. Guys, should we read it?

Children: Yes, let's read it.

(The teacher reads the letter):

"Hello guys! The bees are writing to you. Spring has come and we woke up after long sleep. But here trouble: the first grass has not yet appeared on earth, green leaves have not yet blossomed on the trees, spring flowers have not bloomed in the meadows. And without their nectar, aroma and sweet juice, we bees can die. Help us guys! Bees"

Educator: Guys, do you want to help the bees?

Children:- "Yes!"

Educator: What spring flowers do you know?

Children: snowdrops, coltsfoot, dandelions.

Educator: Let's study today draw dandelions.

Educator: The sun dropped a golden ray.

Increased dandelion - first, young.

It has a wonderful golden color.

He is a big sun, a small portrait.

Did you like the poem? Look how similar this flower is to the sun.

(Children look at the drawing dandelion) .

Educator: What colour dandelion?

Children: Yellow.

Educator: What color is the grass?

Children: Green.

Educator: Guys! Now let's turn into artists and draw lots and lots of pictures for the bees in the meadow dandelions. Paint flowers we will paint what color? - Yellow color.

And a poke brush will help us with this.

Look here please! I carefully dip the poke into a jar of yellow paint and press it to the sheet. I hold the brush vertically. I'm drawing dandelions all over the leaf.

Go ahead and sit at the tables. We are artists! To make the brush-poke obey our fingers, we will do some fun gymnastics for our fingers. Are you ready?

The teacher reads the text, and the children perform movements according to the text.

Our delicate flowers (fingers clenched into a fist)

The petals are blooming. (fingers in different directions)

The wind breathes a little, (children blow lightly)

The petals are swaying. (shakes hands)

Our delicate flowers

Petals close (clench their fists again)

They shake their heads, (shake fists)

They fall asleep quietly. (remove your hands from the table)

And now, guys, let’s take the magic brushes and pokes in our hands and begin paint.

(Music by E. Grieg "Morning").

Children draw, and the teacher helps individual children.

Educator: How many beautiful dandelions! Well done everyone today! Now we will display all the drawings at our stand. What did we get?

Children: clearing.

Educator: Right, clearing with bright yellow dandelions.

Educator: What did we do today?

Did you like it?

Children: Yes, I liked it.


Guys, who did we help today?

Children: - "To the bees"!

Educator: And the bees tell you for it "Thank you".

Publications on the topic:

Summary of an integrated lesson in mathematics in the middle group “In a forest clearing on New Year’s Eve” Goal: To consolidate the idea of ​​how animals winter in the forest. To practice comparing objects expressed by adjacent numbers. To learn to count.

Abstract of GCD on drawing in the educational field “Artistic and aesthetic development” “Yellow Dandelion” MUNICIPAL BUDGETARY PRESCHOOL EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTION "EFIMOVSKY KINDERGARTEN OF A COMBINED TYPE" Abstract of GCD.

Artistic and aesthetic development in the middle group. Drawing. Topic: “Autumn Tree”. Integration of educational areas: Speech development.

Lesson notes for the middle group. Unconventional drawing techniques ( cotton swabs) with elements of plasticine painting “Flowers for Mom”.

Goal: to develop the ability to draw straight and wavy lines, to consolidate skills in working with paint and a brush. Educational objectives: 1. Consolidation.

Summary of a drawing lesson in the middle group “Apple tree” Objectives: Continue to teach children to draw a tree, highlighting its characteristic features: Trunk, long and short branches diverging from it. Fasten.

Drawing dandelions with children: step-by-step master class for preschool children.

Drawing dandelions with children: step-by-step master class

Tools and materials for drawing dandelions

To draw dandelions you need:

- paper blue color for background,

- gouache paints,

- brush,

- ear sticks.

How to draw dandelions with children: step-by-step description and photos

Step 1

Draw dark green paint dandelion flower stems.

Step 2

Draw 2 dandelion leaves on stems. Dandelion leaves look like triangles emerging from one another.

Show your child a picture of a dandelion and look at its leaves.

Step 3

Draw circles on the tops of the stems—the cores for the flower. For those flowers that you plan to draw faded, draw grey-brownish cores, and for blooming dandelions - green.

Step 4

Place white dots around the dandelion cores - fingerprints ear sticks. You can make several dots that break away from the core and fly through the air.

Step 5

Lightly dip the opposite side of the stick in yellow paint and with light pressure on it draw yellow dandelion petals. The movement of the stick comes from the core with pressure and gradual separation.

The drawing is ready! Have a nice summer everyone! Despite the fact that in many regions it is cold and rainy this year, we can be pleased with pictures with such sunny flowers! Good luck in your creativity and have a nice summer holiday!

Here are the drawings that preschoolers produced from this master class. Drawings by Daryana (5 years old) and Vika (5.5 years old).