Household appliance repair business. Washing machine repair business

Did you know that a washing machine breaks down more often than other types of household appliances? On average, once every three years the owner of a washing machine turns to specialists for help. At the same time, for most machines, the causes of breakdowns are ordinary blockages. The pump, heating elements and filters fail. People simply do not take care of the car, and therefore its service life is reduced several times. But specialized centers and private washing machine repair specialists can only benefit from this.

If you resort to a simple calculation, it becomes clear that in a city with a population of 500 thousand people, about 50 washing machines break down every day. In a city with a million people there are from 100 to 150 cars. Thus, taking into account the competition, you can count on 4-5 clients per day.

These figures also indicate where such a service can be opened. If one client per week suits you, then you can organize a business in a small town of up to 50 thousand inhabitants. But in small towns this is not a profitable business at all. Therefore, a certain starting threshold for starting a business is a city with a population of 200 thousand or more inhabitants.

How much can you earn?

To understand how much such services earn, you can simply look at the company’s price list. Here, for example, is one of these prices:

For a basic replacement of a water sensor, you will be charged 1,600 rubles (plus the cost of the sensor). For a more serious breakdown (drum drive) you will have to pay at least 4,000 rubles.

If we assume that you repair 5 cars a day, with an average repair cost of 2 thousand rubles, then your daily income is 10 thousand rubles. In this case, you can count on 150–200 thousand rubles in revenue per month. After deducting expenses for fuels and lubricants, spare parts, advertising, cellular communications, the profit is 80-100 thousand rubles. This is if you work personally with a partner. If you only supervise the work, your profit is reduced by exactly half, since you give 50% to the craftsmen.

But repairs are not all that the service can make money on. Many orders are also received for the installation of washing machines, since this equipment requires some caution when connecting to a plumbing unit.

Where to start opening a business

A washing machine repair business is one of the few ideas in the service sector that can be organized, so to speak, “from scratch.” All you need at first is labor and a desire to do this kind of work. For beginning entrepreneurs, the ability to personally handle such equipment will be a big advantage. If you don’t have such abilities, then you will have to recruit a team of people who know how to repair washing machines.

This is one of the difficulties in organizing a business. Even the office is not as important in the beginning as good specialists. You can search for workers through banal advertisements, including on the Internet.

Without advertising is like without air

Another difficulty in organizing a business is finding clients, especially the first 10. Finding clients is also complicated by the fact that competitors are not asleep either. Competitors may include small firms and private craftsmen, as well as specialized centers that engage not only in repairs, but also in the sale of household appliances.

At first, you may have to reduce the cost of services, work, in fact, without profit, just to develop a starting client base that will advertise you to other people. As soon as word of mouth starts working, it will be easier. In large cities, where people traditionally look for services via the Internet, opening your own website and creating a group on social media will be a good help. networks.

If it takes a decent amount of money to create a business card website (from 40 thousand rubles), then 1 thousand rubles will be enough to make business cards. To begin with, you can make 200 - 300 pieces at a local printing house and distribute them to the maximum number of people.

You can also contact household appliance stores in your city, which do not have their own service centers for repairing equipment. It is possible that they will agree to work with you, since they sell washing machines with a guarantee.

Business prospects

As the business develops and the client base grows, the need for your own premises will arise. The advantages of having your own office are obvious: the prestige of the company increases, and a place appears where you can store tools and spare parts for equipment. The office can also receive clients and broken equipment, which significantly saves time traveling from home. In addition, the office can organize the sale of washing machines, plumbing fixtures and spare parts.

Another prospect for this matter is the expansion of the list of services. Having a team of professional craftsmen, you can accept orders for the repair of not only washing machines, but also other household appliances: dishwashers, electric stoves, hobs, air conditioners, refrigerators, dryers and boilers.

Do you want to create a workshop that will soon start bringing you real profit? But you can’t afford the delay, experienced specialists from outside who will take a lot of money for developing the structure? Then the Mobile Doctor franchise will definitely suit you.

It is very promising to cooperate with us - we never oppose new partners, clients, people who want to promote their business, taking advantage of our impeccable reputation, we have our own conditions, but they are not complicated and do not require serious investments from beginning businessmen.

Franchise: what do you get?

No deception, we are always open for communication and clarification of all details, you can:

  • Receive official documents that confirm our cooperation and secure your right to use the brand, the main thing is to adhere to the conditions specified in the contract;
  • A “living” project is not a simple business plan that needs to be constantly improved in order to reach a certain level, we have already thought of everything - you just have to implement it;
  • Constant help - "Mobile Doctor" is a serious project, and we are ready to help those who are interested in it.

Why the franchise will definitely work

How to understand that you are not buying a “pig in a poke”, but a very profitable project that will definitely bring you the desired profit:

  • If we consider the development schedule, it will be adjusted to your region/city, taking into account all the features;
  • You will be able to see which areas are not promising and refuse to develop them;
  • Constant assistance - minor problems arise regularly, but we will help solve them;
  • Autonomy - in the future the project will become completely independent, you will be able to determine the directions of its new development yourself.

Competition issues

No, of course we are not afraid of direct competition - everything is thought out in such a way that both parties benefit. We work in different cities, the final list of services provided will differ significantly. You will have your own customer base, cooperation with suppliers is not a problem, there are enough parts for everyone. Therefore, the relevance of the franchise today is difficult to overestimate - this is an excellent option for a quick start without additional costs.

Our team:

Senior Engineer

Almost 10 years of experience in electronics repair. Can assemble a working device almost piece by piece. He is passionate about his work and takes a responsible approach to every gadget he repairs. Restores almost 100% of devices that come to him for repair.

The Development centre

Ensures that Mobile Doctor remains a modern and customer-oriented service center. Makes the inside and outside cozy, beautiful and pleasant. Pays attention to all proposals for improving and modernizing our work.


Punctual, polite, competent. Will tell you the answer to any question related to your equipment. He thoroughly knows Apple technology and is well versed in electronics from other brands. Deserves only positive reviews.

Software repair specialist

It can restore even a completely dead gadget. In a team with Alexey, he can extract data even from a sunken and burnt device. Applies a creative approach to his work. Approaches every occasion thoughtfully.

Neat, loves order and cleanliness. Has experience working with phones and tablets of all brands, from Apple to Xiaomi. Slowly and reliably will put your device in order. It glues armored glass best of all. Punctual, polite, pedantic.

Huge warehouse of spare parts.

Many aspiring entrepreneurs who want to start their own business find themselves in a difficult situation when choosing their future field of activity. This is logical, because they have no experience, and every step raises fears associated with the possibility of failure. A way out of this situation can be to open a business with the help.

What is a franchise?

Important! If the conditions are not met, the owners of the trademark you use have the right to sever business relations with you and prohibit you from using their developments.

The benefits that will be transferred to you under the franchise may include:

  • established channels for purchasing and selling products;
  • technologies developed by this brand;
  • corporate logo;
  • rights to use intellectual resources owned by the company.

Based on the above, we can conclude that buying a franchise is a way to open a business with reduced risks. However, the flexibility of its management will be reduced to a minimum.

Let's take a closer look at the intricacies of this method of earning money using the example of purchasing a franchise of a service center for repairing household appliances.

Why this particular direction?

Progress is gaining momentum faster and faster. Every month new gadgets, electrical appliances and other high-tech equipment appear in the world. Accordingly, the number of clients will only grow every year. Nowadays, every family uses a large number of various household appliances, which eventually fail for various reasons. Hence, we can say with confidence that this line of business is unlikely to experience periods of stagnation or go bankrupt due to a lack of clients.

Note! Most large manufacturers of household appliances do not have their own centers for repairing faulty products. This is especially true for small cities.

How much do you need to pay to purchase a franchise?

The franchise price is determined by two types of payments:

  • lump sum fee;
  • royalty

Fitness club tricks: a slim body and an empty wallet

The lump sum fee refers to the initial payment determined by the company providing the franchise. The price varies depending on the number of residents living in your city. Some companies do not charge a lump sum fee. Royalty differs from lump sum in that it is a monthly payment and is usually calculated based on the amount of revenue and does not have a fixed value.

What franchises of service centers for repairing household appliances exist?

Some of the most famous franchises related to the repair of household appliances include the following franchises.

Franchise "White Service"

A distinctive feature is that, in addition to equipment repair, it is possible to provide additional repair services. It has 17 branches in various cities of the Russian Federation. The lump sum fee depends on the size of the city in which you want to start a business. Here are the approximate prices:

  • population up to 100 thousand inhabitants – 30 thousand rubles;
  • from 100 to 300 thousand inhabitants – 40 thousand rubles;
  • if 1-3 million people live in your city, then the amount will already be 90 thousand rubles;
  • for Moscow and St. Petersburg, the franchise cost will be 150 thousand rubles.

The management of this company guarantees that from the beginning of the fifth month of operation its partners will begin to make a profit of at least one hundred thousand rubles. This point is even indicated in the contract and, in case of non-fulfillment, you will be refunded the money paid for the franchise. This shows the company's confidence in its own business practices and its willingness to develop and help its business partners.

Important! It is noted that the introduction of new partners into the business is divided into stages and occurs in a measured manner. This is especially nice for beginners - it makes it easier for them to understand all the intricacies of doing business.


To start working with this franchise, you do not need to pay a lump sum fee. All you need to get started is to invest money in furnishing your office. This includes the following costs:

  • arrangement of office furniture and equipment;
  • The office design must correspond to the corporate style;
  • advertising design;
  • installation of CCTV cameras.

How to survive and survive in conditions of austerity if there is no money

The average turnover of A-Service can be more than one million per month, which is a significant figure. Royalties are paid as a percentage of profits. Usually it is about 5%.

The opening of your branch will be handled by a highly qualified team of specialists who will work through every stage of launching your franchise in the smallest detail. The head office provides all the developments regarding the client base, advertising and intellectual property.

"Service Plus"

The lump sum contribution is 110 thousand rubles. Royalty – 7 percent of monthly revenue. For this money you will receive:

  • access to the corporate website. Here you can place your contact information;
  • employees of the parent company will help you select the premises in which the company’s office will be located;
  • support for your advertising company;
  • providing advice on any issues related to the company's activities.

Important! The rights to use this franchise are sold for one year only!

What other franchises can you highlight?

Among the interesting areas in this type of business we can also highlight:

  • creation of a carpentry workshop;
  • Framing Workshop;
  • pottery.

These are quite promising areas, the only disadvantage of which may be that you will need premises for workshops. Otherwise, these are quite acceptable options for beginning businessmen. You can also highlight franchises related to organizing holidays and romantic events. The “Workshop of Emotions” franchise stands out in this sector of the market.

  • 01.

    What if I don’t have an individual entrepreneur or LLC yet?

    White Service: We can enter into an agreement with you as an individual. face. At first, while you are looking for premises and craftsmen, as well as studying materials, you will not need to register an individual entrepreneur or LLC. But later, when you start working, you will need to register a legal entity. If you are just starting your business, we recommend registering an individual entrepreneur rather than an LLC, which is much simpler and more convenient. If you encounter any difficulties or additional questions during the registration process, we will help you figure it out and guide you through all stages of this simple operation.

  • 02.

    Why don't I do everything myself?

  • 03.

    Why is the service niche better than selling goods?

    White Service: When selling goods, the margin, or net profit, is often fixed or minimal due to great competition. Even if you have excellent service, smiling and polite managers, it will still be difficult for you to sell goods at a higher price than your competitors. With services, things are a little different. Customers are willing to pay for good service, since this service is the product they buy. It is important for people that the technician who comes to repair their equipment is neat, polite and at least sober, and they are willing to pay extra for this.

  • 04.

    Are there additional opportunities for the White Service franchise?

    White Service: Our service is attractive because we can provide almost any service to the public or legal entities. If you wish, you can begin to provide additional services that the parent organization does not yet provide, be it cleaning work or repairing medical equipment. The main thing is that you have the competence or desire to work in this field. We will do the rest - developing a section of the site and attracting clients - without additional payments on your part.

  • 05.

    How quickly can I get my money back?

    White Service: We have developed a business plan and development strategy in such a way that our franchisees can cover their opening costs and lump-sum payment within 2-3 months after the opening of the service center. Thanks to low start-up costs, reaching the break-even point occurs within a month of fruitful work.

  • 06.

    I don’t know how to find artists and premises

    White Service: All this information and more will be in the starter package, which will be given to you after signing the contract. In it you will find all the necessary information about where and how to look for craftsmen, what kind of premises is needed. If something seems too complicated or incomprehensible to you, you can always contact us for advice.

  • 07.

    What if I don't succeed?

  • 08.

    Is your franchise suitable for a city with a population of 50 thousand or more?

    White Service: Yes, our franchise is adapted to work in small and remote cities. When opening a service center for equipment repair in a small town, you will have on your side the absence of competitors and the low cost of renting premises. This will allow you to reach the break-even point even faster and cover expenses.