Pop singers 90. How to order a star for a holiday, prices for an anniversary, birthday

How to organize a real disco at a wedding, birthday or corporate party so that it is not only fun, but also original? Order foreign singers of the 80-90s for the holiday. At the agency " Big city» have been organizing concerts with the participation of world-class stars since 2008. A wide selection of celebrities who will sing at any event allows you to choose the optimal performer whose songs and mood will most clearly highlight the theme of the holiday. Your guests will be delighted with the disco with foreign singers of the 80s.

Pop culture of the 80s and 90s

The list of foreign singers of the 80s and 90s is quite large - at the Bolshoy Gorod agency you can choose a musician whose work would most successfully fit into the theme of a corporate event or birthday. Or maybe you are having a wedding in the style of the 80s? Then a disco with foreign artists will certainly make the event unforgettable for the hosts of the celebration and their guests. Or do you and your guests simply appreciate the work of artists of those years? In any case, the disco stars of the 80s and 90s will be a real spectacle and decoration for any event - commercial or private.

The music of the 80s and 90s is very diverse - disco, reggae, rock and roll, hip-hop. You can choose what you like best without thinking about organizational issues. Since 2008, the Big City agency has been creating events of any scale and carrying out the entire cycle of work associated with a celebrity’s performance at a corporate party, birthday or any other celebration. We have a lot of experience and an important mission to create a fun, original and lively atmosphere.

List of foreign pop singers of the 80-90s

The best foreign artists of the 80s sang in different styles and directions, but they have one thing in common - musicians are still very popular and in demand at festivals of various sizes. The concert agency "Big City" organizes concerts of such popular performers of the 80-90s as Dr. Alban, Umberto Tozzi, Paul Young, Shaggy, Murray Head and others.

The opportunity to book an artist to perform at a festival is not as rare as it used to be. Now you can invite world famous musicians of the 80s to a celebration, no matter whether it is large-scale or private. All those present – ​​from young to old – will be satisfied. Reasonable prices and quality of organization are the main components of the work of the Big City agency, so it is worth entrusting questions regarding the organization of holidays to us.

How to choose foreign singers of the 80s: list with photos

The number of stars who cooperate with the Big City agency is constantly increasing, this is a guarantee of the quality and benefits of cooperation with us. Here small list foreign singers of the 80-90s (men):

  • Haddaway is an idol of millions of people, a black man - the author of the popular “What is love”, which immediately after its release took the first line of the charts in almost all countries of Europe, Asia and America. Until now, this song, as well as other compositions of one of best performers considered the standard disco music of the time.
  • Bob Dilan is the second most important in world culture (after the Beatles), a cult personality in foreign music 80-90 years. The Big City agency will organize a concert for you with his participation.
  • Thomas Anders from the disco band Modern Talking- a popular foreign singer of the 80-90s, as well as the author of songs that brought the group wild popularity around the world. Your event will sparkle with new colors if Thomas Anders sings at it.
  • Chris Isaak is one of the most popular foreign artists; he is also called the modern Elvis Presley. He can sing his popular hits at your event. You remember “Wicked Game” and “Blue Hotel”?

You still don’t know which popular English-language performers of the 80-90s to order? In the catalog of singers (men) of the 80s and 90s you can find exactly those who will make your event original and take guests to the wild disco times of the 80s and 90s. In the huge list of performers you will find exactly what you and your guests need.

Organization of concerts with the participation of foreign musicians of the 80-90s

Karaoke and just songs are a mandatory attribute of any celebration; it is everywhere and always will be. For weddings or birthdays, a toastmaster is often hired to entertain the guests. Almost all holidays are the same, because they are organized according to the same scenario. Make your event original, surprise your guests - invite foreign performers and you will delight even the most serious and respectable people.

Popular singers (foreign) of the 80s and 90s are one of the most popular trends when organizing holidays. Retro performers gave the world famous hits that more than one generation has grown up with. Therefore, the disco of the 80s is a popular theme at events, and our team takes great pleasure in organizing a concert with the participation of musicians at any holiday. On the list foreign performers You will definitely find someone who suits you. Because the Big City agency has a large base of performers with whom it works without intermediaries. This means that the prices for our company’s services are affordable and can pleasantly please our clients.

Advantages of cooperation with us

For 10 years now, the Big City concert agency has been organizing events with the participation of famous artists Russia and abroad. We work directly with many public idols and offer clients a transparent payment system and always the quality of the holidays. Big choice musicians of different genres allows you to choose exactly the one who will provide an atmosphere at your corporate party, birthday or wedding that everyone present will be happy about. From the list of Russian rock bands of the 90s you can invite such legends of heavy music as Bi-2, Splin, 7B, Diana Arbenina, Tantsy Minus. For fans of the alternative, we can organize a concert of the groups Slot, Tracktor Bowling, Amatory or Stigmata.

Personal concert from rock musicians

The list of Russian rock bands of the 80s and 90s presented in our catalog contains famous groups whose work is adored, covered and divided into quotes. There has always been a huge demand for high-quality, meaningful music. This is also relevant now, so if you want to make a corporate event or anniversary unforgettable, invite a star to your celebration. You can order popular Russian rock bands of the 80s from the list - Zemlyane, Alisa, Chaif, Aria, DDT, Mashina Vremeni, Mumiy Troll and a host of other musicians whose records sold out in no time.

What artists can be booked for events?

Russian rock bands of the 80s and 90s are represented only by the most famous groups who have earned their authority with powerful music and lyrics. Musicians who earned their popularity thanks to their talent. Don't know who you want to invite to your event? The concert and holiday agency "Bolshoy Gorod" will help you select popular Russian rock bands of the 90s from the list for your holiday and organize it, taking into account all your wishes and suggestions. Some groups that are worthy of an invitation to a private or corporate event:

  • The Lyube group and Nikolai Rastorguev will bring solemnity to the atmosphere of your holiday and charge you with patriotic energy.
  • The Leningrad group will blow the audience away and leave no chance for boredom. Everyone present will be delighted, regardless of gender and age.
  • Gorky Park is a cult band of the 80s, whose song Moscow Calling brought them wild popularity in America and Europe.

Of course, the choice of a Russian rock band from the 80s and 90s completely depends on the musical preferences of the customer, but one thing is obvious - having a celebrity as your guest is solid, interesting and extraordinary. The specialists of the Big City agency are ready to take full responsibility for organizing any holiday.

List of Russian punk rock bands of the 90s

Punk is a subculture, a separate milestone in the history of heavy music, because this genre personifies a critical attitude towards society and generally accepted moral norms. Many people now listen to punk rock of the 80s and 90s with nostalgia, for some the words are important, while others are interested in the rhythm of the guitar strings, which charges with energy and drive. Book the best Russian rock bands of the 90s for yourself and your guests and your event will remain in memory for a long time. for a long time. Prince, Cockroaches, Brigadny Podryad, Lumen, Lyapis Trubetskoy - the list of popular Russian rock bands of the 80s can be continued for a long time. Our concert agency cooperates with everyone famous artists Russia and abroad, so we provide our clients with a huge selection of musicians who can be invited to private or public events.

Reasons why choose "Big City"

High level of professionals concert agency“Big City” helps to realize the wildest fantasies of customers. We provide musicians to order and provide cultural program at the event. Working with us, you will receive a concert of your favorite artists of those years, as well as many advantages, because we:

  • We have been on the market since 2008, which means that for 10 years we have been creating a festive mood and inviting stars to corporate events, birthdays, and weddings.
  • We make a million-dollar event for affordable money thanks to direct cooperation with musicians.
  • We have a huge base of artists and work with them on an ongoing basis. We guarantee high quality sound And spectacular show at your holiday.
  • We carry out a series of works on the creation and organization of celebrations of various sizes - from small private ones to public ones available to the general public.

Modern spectators are accustomed to seeing singers on stage in costumes that can compete with the “Eva costume” in their openness. This no longer surprises anyone, much less shocks anyone. But in the 90s of the twentieth century, when the CPSU had just lost its leadership role, flashing some usually hidden part of the body on stage meant immediately becoming the center of attention of the audience, relegating the song itself and vocal skill to the background. This technique brought popularity quickly, but, as a rule, unreliable, and today almost no one remembers about many singers for whom the main thing was not so much in their songs as in revealing outfits (which, however, today would seem very, very modest to many) .

(Total 9 photos)

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1. Natalya Vetlitskaya.

Most popular songs: “Look into your eyes”, “Playboy”, “Slave of Love”, “Soul”, “Eyes the color of whiskey”

2. Vetlitskaya was one of the very first Russian stars who dared to give to the Russian viewer admire the buttocks, barely covered by a thong. This artistic solution along with muscular dancers chewing bananas, could be seen in the Playboy video. In 1993, the public was simply shocked, and the video itself immediately broke through to the top of popularity.

3. Lada Dance

The most popular songs: “Girl of the Night”, “You need to live in high spirits”, “Reggae in the night”, “I won’t be with you”

4. As if trying to justify her pseudonym, Lada danced very diligently and a lot. Among the signature numbers were deep squats, writing complex figures loin and legs spread wide apart. Today, Anya Pletneva and Zhanna Friske can be called continuers of the Lada Dance style.

Lada Dance videos, in which, in addition to explicit dancing, there were also such indispensable attributes “ beautiful life"like yachts, convertibles and even a real black man, were very popular.

5. Lika Star

Most popular songs: “BBC Taxi” “Lonely Moon”

At the beginning of its musical career Lika has tried a lot of genres: rave, electro and even rap. Lika was the first Russian singer, which directly used the help of the magazine for promotion - it simply distributed the disc with the single “Lonely Moon” together with the magazine “Om”. By the way, he also starred in the video. Chief Editor magazine. In this clip, I got really close star team. The director was Ilya Smolin, the main bandits were portrayed by Fyodor Bondarchuk and Sergei “Spider” Troitsky, and one of the roles was played by a very young Gosha Gutsenko. The clip was based on the fact that two bandits were leading a tied up blonde somewhere. Among the public, brought up on refined patriotic Soviet songs, such a development of events aroused the most lively interest.

6. Irina Saltykova

The most popular songs: “Gray Eyes”, “Blue Eyes”, “Bai Bai”, “Clear Falcon”

7. Irina Saltykova was particularly courageous, for which she even earned the nickname of the Russian Pamela Anderson. Her success in this field was of an international scale: for example, in 1997, photographs of the singer graced the cover of Playboy magazine, and readers liked this issue so much that its circulation was reprinted several times.

Irina Saltykova’s most famous video was the “Blue Eyes” video, on which she worked together with director Sergei Kalvarsky. In this clip, the naive audience was surprised by showing a then unprecedented miracle - gays and lesbians who diligently sucked on another overseas wonder - a huge Chupa Chups. The singer’s buttocks flashed every now and then in the frame, and there was even a scene where Irina, already in her mother’s clothes, was splashing around in a bath of milk.

8. Larisa Chernikova

Most popular songs: “Lone Wolf” “Don’t you laugh” “Airplane in Love” “Mystery”

9. Larisa Chernikova can boast of a thorough musical education– she is a graduate of the famous Gnesinka. For some time Larisa was a soloist in Nadezhda Babkina’s choir, but after marriage she chose to go over to the “pop” side. Moreover, some monotony of melodies and chaotic lyrics were seasoned with more than lightweight costumes, and the audience received the videos and concert numbers very cordially.

Each period leaves a special mark on history. This is how everyone will remember the 90s for a long time musical groups that will remain forever in the memory of the youth of those years.

“The smoke of menthol cigarettes...” and “She has a granite pebble in her chest...” literally all the girls sang. Songs by the groups "Nancy" and " Ladybug"were at every discos, regardless of the age of the audience. The girls wrote many letters with declarations of love to the participants men's groups, such as, " Ivanushki International», « Tender May", "Na-Na", " Inveterate scammers", "Hi-Fi". Memories of first love are undoubtedly accompanied by memories of the groups “Demo”, “Virus”, “Guests from the Future”, “Brilliant”, “Strelki” and “Kraski”. First kisses, first dance, first relationship - each of these periods had its own unforgettable music, which even after many years will bring back memories of those events.

It's impossible not to remember cult group"Hands up". Hundreds of love songs, videos that you couldn’t stop watching, and an entire youth built on the lines of songs. For more than 20 years, the team has been delighting fans with its creativity. Soloist Sergei Zhukov is still the main star of concerts in the 90s.

While girls squealed at pop bands, boys preferred rock. “Kino”, “Chaif”, “Time Machine”, “Agatha Christie”, “Sunday”, “Alice” - undoubtedly contributed to the development of music. Viktor Tsoi remained a rock legend even after his death. Personal attitude towards changes in the country and the people around him are the main themes of his work. It was for freedom and honesty that he received recognition from millions of citizens.

Posters of the groups “Spice girls”, “Nirvana”, “Scorpions” were a mandatory attribute of the room, depending on the gender of the teenager. Everyone tried to imitate the movements Michael Jackson- they were so famous. “Backstreet Boys”, “Nsync”, “Aqua” began their ascent to the top of the fans’ love. Mariah Carey, Britney Spears, Natalia Oreiro and Christina Aguilera-became the standard of female beauty.

Music had a special place in the heart of any teenager. Everyone tried to write down words from their favorite songs in a notebook and learn them. Such notebooks were kept very carefully. Boys and girls even swapped them and rewrote the texts for themselves.

The disco of the 90s is still a popular event today. Dozens of idols gather together and delight the audience with their works. Unfortunately, some of the performers of that time are no longer alive, but it is the songs and videos that make them immortal.

Many people remember their childhood and youth with nostalgia. This is why performers from the 80s and 90s (Russians) are popular. The list can be continued almost endlessly. After all, at that time there were many active singers of different genres. They have enjoyed success for many years. There were also those whose fame faded after one hit. Here are a few short lists performers who were popular in the eighties and nineties.

Performers of songs of the 80-90s (Russian): list of men

During this time, there were many singers who became famous for performing several hits. In the first list we did not include men who are now stage veterans and continue to actively tour. We will only talk about those who are currently undeservedly forgotten, although many of these singers are trying to repeat their past success:

That's not all popular artists 80-90 years (Russians). The list can be continued almost endlessly. We have chosen only the most brightest stars of that time, overlooking the talented Zhenya Belousov and Evgeniy Osin. To this day, such singers as Philip Kirkorov, Valery Leontyev and Oleg Gazmanov perform.

Russian performers of the 80-90s: list of women

The stage of that time consisted of almost 70% women. In those years, the country listened to the songs of Irina Allegrova and Tatyana Bulanova. Dance hits were performed by Lada Dance. Soulful songs with a folk touch belonged to Nadezhda Kadysheva and her namesake Nadezhda Babkina.

The hits were sung by Russian performers from the 80s and 90s. The list consisted of people who made it through their talent alone, and those in whose “promotion” a lot of money was invested. Alsou and Lena Zosimova were called the “golden” children of show business in those years. These singers were promoted at the expense of their fathers, although it cannot be said that they did not have talent. The singers of one hit were Marina Khlebnikova and Natalie. Although the latter recently released new song, which captivated the whole country - the hit “Oh God, what a man!”

The most famous groups of the 80-90s

The real breakthrough at that time was the success of the group “Tender May”. This first boy band broke a lot of girls' hearts. On tour, the team packed stadiums. Several lineups of the group even traveled around the country, the singers in which were vaguely similar to the original performers. By analogy with this group, many singers began performing to a soundtrack.

There were other successful performers of the 80-90s (Russians). The list of groups, for example, looks incomplete without mentioning Bari Alibasov’s project “Na-na”. The team captivated the audience with their sexuality. Young men sometimes performed in costumes consisting of one bunch of bananas. Besides these the brightest groups, the country in those years listened to the songs of the following groups: “Combination”, “Kar-man”, “Hands Up”, “Nancy”, “Gaza Strip”, “Russian Size” and “Dirty Rotten Scoundrels”. Many of these groups subsequently broke up and gave rise to solo projects.