The peoples of Russia. Title nation What is a title nation in geography

There is an interesting post that I quote verbatim (Remo).

In connection with the recent statement of the President of Russia (he is also a “guarantor” of something), I have two questions.

“But I would like for us, in Russia, first of all, the birth rate to grow at the expense of the so-called titular nations: Russians, Tatars, Chechens, Bashkirs, Dagestanis, and so on.”

Interesting. And what is a "titular nation"?

TITLE NATION, part of the population whose nationality determines the official name of the state. The concept of "titular nation" was introduced by the French poet and politician Maurice Barres at the end of the 19th century. In the national-state formations of the USSR, the titular nation was in a privileged position relative to other ethnic groups. Representatives of the titular nation formed the local nomenclature, they received benefits when entering educational establishments(“national cadres”), the language and culture of the titular nation were supported on state level. The exception to this rule were the Russians in the RSFSR.
(encyclopedic Dictionary. 2009.)

Someone may say that some dictionary is not an authoritative source. Okay, I'll give a definition from the Law Russian Federation:

Title nation- part of the population of the state, whose nationality is determined by the official name of this state (FZ "On the state policy of the Russian Federation in relation to compatriots abroad" of May 24, 1999).

So in Russia, whether someone wants it or not, there is only one titular nation - the Russians!
Of course, there will be cretins who will raise a howl that the Russian Federation is supposedly a multinational state. Firstly, in this matter, the presence of other nationalities does not matter. And secondly, have you ever thought about how “multinational” our state is?

The titular nation - Russians - in Russia is 111 million. In second place are the Tatars - 3.5 million, but in reality - only half of this number, and the rest do not know Tatar language, have strongly mixed with the Russians and define themselves as "Tatars" only because of the titanic efforts of Tatarstan. At the same time, it should be taken into account that the so-called "Crimean" and "Kazan" Tatars are two completely different nations, with different history, culture, and absolutely different languages. In third place - Ukrainians - 2 million. In fourth place are the Bashkirs, 1.5 million, of which a million and a little live in Bashkortostan (29% of the population of the national republic, and Russians in Bashkortostan - 36.5%, we are the national majority in national republic Bashkirs, yes). On the fifth - Chuvash, 1.4 million (the decrease is three times more than that of other peoples. It is unlikely that the Chuvashs are dying out en masse - rather, they correspond in Russian). And only in sixth place are “the beauty and pride of the president of our Federation, the Chechens, about 1.4 million.

Quote (I don’t know how true the conclusions are, but they are published on a serious resource):

So there can be no talk of any real "multinationality", Russians in the Russian Federation are more than 80%. And if we abolish the federal division along national lines (introduced by the Bolsheviks), which is detrimental to the integrity of the country, then very different non-Russians and in general will be “recorded” as Russians.

So here it is question one . Putin is not sufficiently educated and does not know what a titular nation is, or is he deliberately insulting the Russian nation, equating it with the mythical non-existent "Dagestan nation" and others like them? (With the same success, a nation can be declared "Volzhan", Sakhalin, Muscovites).

I want to remind you that this is not the first time Putin has insulted Russians. In 2011, he was even tried by the tribunal of the All-Russian Officers' Assembly (naturally, in absentia).

I consider it unacceptable nonsense when the president of the Russian country Russia openly shows Russophobia and insults the titular Russian people.

In this regard, I have second question . Why is everyone silent?

What I mean. There must be some kind of legal mechanism so that in cases of such anti-state behavior, the head of state would be held accountable. I don't know how it should work - the prosecutor's office, the constitutional court, the Duma. The Public Chamber, or who else do we have there? Or is everyone just scared?

Again, why are the leaders of officially registered patriotic and Russian national parties and movements silent, or is their main activity the writing of theoretical manuscripts about their personal great contribution to the national revival of Russia?

Those are my two questions. Who knows the answer?

Title people- people, ethnic group, represented in the name of a certain territory: state, republic, region, district or other national-administrative unit.

In the USSR, the titular peoples of the country determined the name of fifteen union republics: the Byelorussian SSR (Belarusians), the Kazakh SSR (Kazakhs), the RSFSR (Russians), the Tajik SSR (Tajiks), the Estonian SSR (Estonians), etc. A local nomenclature, representatives of the titular peoples received benefits when entering educational institutions, the language and culture of the titular peoples were supported at the state level. After the collapse of the USSR, many once titular peoples Soviet Union(Armenians, Azerbaijanis, Georgians, etc.) received their national and independent states outside the territory of Russia.

Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic(RSFSR), as the name suggests, had a federal structure. The Russian Federation inherited from the RSFSR the indicated principle of building a state, in which the constituent parts of the country are relatively independent state entities (subjects of the federation), many of which are named based on the names of some of the peoples living there: the Republic of Bashkiria (Bashkirs), the Republic of Tatarstan (Tatars), Khanty -Mansi Autonomous Okrug (Khanty, Mansi), etc. However, in Russia, many titular peoples are a minority in their republics and autonomies, while a significant proportion of them live outside these subjects of the Federation.

In contrast to the time of the existence of the USSR, the subjects within Russia received even greater powers: the presence of a president, their own constitution, parliament and other attributes of the separation of federal and republican powers.

A. N. Sevastyanov in the book “Time to be Russian!” writes: “In total, the number of persons of titular nationalities permanently residing, according to the latest All-Russian population census, in the respective republics - subjects of the federation (excluding Chechnya) - is 8.89 million people, which is approximately 6% of the population of Russia (148.8 million Human). In other words, 6% of the population have their own statehood, their own republics within Russia, their own constitutions, their own presidents, etc., while the remaining 94% of the population is deprived of all this. Isn't this situation absurd, isn't it unnatural?! Isn't this the most flagrant, demonstrative violation of the rights of the absolute majority? Doesn't this state of affairs require immediate correction?

” was first introduced by the famous French poet and nationalist politician Maurice Barres in late XIX century. Barres understood it as the dominant ethnic group, the language and culture of which become the basis for state system education. Barres contrasted titular nations with national minorities (representatives of the titular nation living outside its national state, for example, at that time - the French in Alsace and Lorraine) and ethnic diasporas (ethnic groups within the territory of the national state, for example, Jews and Armenians in France). Barres believed that the nation-state could only be strong under two conditions: national minorities and ethnic diasporas must remain loyal to the state of the titular nation, and the titular nation must support "their" national minorities abroad. Barres developed this classification during the period of the Dreyfus Affair.

Title nation in Russia

This concept and its definition are excluded from the legislation of the Russian Federation as having, in fact, a declarative nature and legally incorrect.



  • Sternhell Z. Maurice Barres et le nationalisme francais. Bruxelles, 1985.

see also

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010 .

  • Kraniotis, Dimitris
  • Booth, John Wilks

See what "Titular nation" is in other dictionaries:

    TITLE NATION- TITLE NATION, part of the population (see POPULATION), whose nationality determines the official name of the state. The concept of "titular nation" was introduced by the French poet and politician Maurice Barres at the end of the 19th century. IN… … encyclopedic Dictionary

    TITLE NATION Law Dictionary

    titular nation Dictionary of linguistic terms T.V. Foal

    Title nation - (titular people) The nation or nationality on whose ethnonyms the name is administratively based territorial entity in which the titular nation is dominant... General linguistics. Sociolinguistics: Dictionary-Reference

    Title nation- (Titular people) The nation (nationality), on whose ethnonym the name of the administrative-territorial entity is based. Usually it is socially dominant in this formation (Tatars in Tatarstan, Yakuts in Yakutia). See also Title ... ... Dictionary of sociolinguistic terms

    TITLE NATION- used in the humanities, including in constitutional law, the characteristic of the nation, by the name of which the corresponding state or national state entity is named. (S. A.) ...

    titular nation- part of the population of the state whose nationality is determined by the official name of this state (FZ On the state policy of the Russian Federation in relation to compatriots abroad of May 24, 1999) ... Big Law Dictionary

    Nation- (lat. natio people) a historically established form of a community of people that arose on the basis of a common language, territory, economic life(I would say economic and political life V.G.) and mental warehouse, manifested in the commonality of culture ... ... Theoretical aspects and foundations environmental problem: interpreter of words and idiomatic expressions

    Nation titular- the nation that gave the name to the nation-state or national public education within the Russian Federation. For example, in Chuvashia, the titular nation is Chuvash, in Buryatia, Buryat, etc. The term titular nation was introduced in ... ... human ecology

    INDIGENOUS NATION- a concept used in the humanities, including constitutional law, to refer to the nation that is considered to have originally settled the corresponding territory and therefore claims pre-emptive rights in relation to this ... ... Encyclopedic Dictionary of Constitutional Law

” was first introduced by the famous French poet and nationalist politician Maurice Barres at the end of the 19th century. Barres understood it as the dominant ethnic group, whose language and culture become the basis for the state education system. Barres contrasted titular nations with national minorities (representatives of the titular nation living outside its national state, for example, at that time - the French in Alsace and Lorraine) and ethnic diasporas (ethnic groups within the territory of the national state, for example, Jews and Armenians in France). Barres believed that a nation-state could be strong only if two conditions were met: national minorities and ethnic diasporas must remain loyal to the state of the titular nation, and the titular nation must support "their" national minorities abroad. Barres developed this classification during the period of the Dreyfus Affair.

Title nation in Russia

This concept and its definition are excluded from the legislation of the Russian Federation as having, in fact, a declarative nature and legally incorrect.



  • Sternhell Z. Maurice Barres et le nationalisme francais. Bruxelles, 1985.

see also

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010 .

See what "Titular nation" is in other dictionaries:

    TITLE NATION, part of the population (see POPULATION), whose nationality determines the official name of the state. The concept of "titular nation" was introduced by the French poet and politician Maurice Barres at the end of the 19th century. IN… … encyclopedic Dictionary

    Law Dictionary

    titular nation Dictionary of linguistic terms T.V. Foal

    Title nation- (titular people) A nation or nationality, on whose ethnonyms the name of an administrative-territorial entity is based, in which the titular nation is dominant ... General linguistics. Sociolinguistics: Dictionary-Reference

    Title nation- (Titular people) The nation (nationality), on whose ethnonym the name of the administrative-territorial entity is based. Usually it is socially dominant in this formation (Tatars in Tatarstan, Yakuts in Yakutia). See also Title ... ... Dictionary of sociolinguistic terms

    TITLE NATION- used in the humanities, including in constitutional law, the characteristic of the nation, by the name of which the corresponding state or national state entity is named. (S. A.) ...

    titular nation- part of the population of the state whose nationality is determined by the official name of this state (FZ On the state policy of the Russian Federation in relation to compatriots abroad of May 24, 1999) ... Big Law Dictionary

    Nation- (Latin natio people) a historically established form of community of people that arose on the basis of a community of language, territory, economic life (I would say the economic and political life of V.G.) and a mental warehouse, manifested in a community of culture ... ... Theoretical aspects and foundations of the ecological problem: interpreter of words and idiomatic expressions

    Nation titular- a nation that gave its name to a nation state or a national state entity within the Russian Federation. For example, in Chuvashia, the titular nation is Chuvash, in Buryatia, Buryat, etc. The term titular nation was introduced in ... ... human ecology

    INDIGENOUS NATION- a concept used in the humanities, including constitutional law, to refer to the nation that is considered to have originally settled the corresponding territory and therefore claims pre-emptive rights in relation to this ... ... Encyclopedic Dictionary of Constitutional Law