Calendar year of the rooster cartoon. DIY cockerel for the new year

The year 2017 will come very soon, which means that the nimble Monkey (symbol of 2016) will leave his throne and give way to the Fire Rooster. Many of you have probably already started preparing for the most coveted winter holiday.

Buying gifts, compiling a menu, choosing a restaurant, choosing clothes and other equally important tasks are now in the first place. In addition, you still need to decorate the apartment, and not just hang tinsel on the walls, but approach this matter with all responsibility.

Your décor should be sure to please the Sovereign of 2017 so that he notices you and treats you favorably throughout the year. Note that New Year's pictures with the Rooster symbol of 2017, will be wonderful decor elements and it is likely that they will bring you good luck!

If you are looking for a beautiful and at the same time original picture with a Rooster (a symbol of 2017), then you will surely like our selection. Here you can find all kinds of angles of roosters, their color, and shape.

Such drawings should certainly be in every home, accompany gifts or decorate your computer desktop. Let's look at the main categories with the Rooster.

Animated symbol of 2017

Pictures that move on the screen are familiar to each of us. They are beautiful in any form and with any image. And how famously they play with colors exactly those on which cockerels are depicted.

These birds themselves are very bright, and when animation is superimposed on them, it is impossible to take your eyes off them. In such drawings, the rooster's tail can shimmer, it can snow, and even the rooster itself will make several simple movements.

Beautiful pictures with Rooster

With the image of the Rooster, as well as hens and chickens, they will be relevant throughout 2017. They can be saved to your computer or printed and used not only on New Year's Eve.

The fiery color should always be near you, and the images of the Rooster with a bright red tail can become like an amulet and a talisman against misfortunes.

Pictures with Rooster and New Year's greetings

If you can’t find warm words for a festive night that you address to all the assembled guests, then a poem written on such pictures will be a wonderful cheat sheet. Now you do not need to invent lines yourself or compose the text of congratulations, because having saved the picture with the Rooster, they will always be at your fingertips.

Black and white pictures and coloring pages

Such pictures, despite the fact that they are not colored in different colors you will need in 2017. Cockerels on them look like real “generals” and just ask to be “walked” on them with a brush or pencil.

As you can see, there are many variations of coloring pages with a cockerel, and every day new images of this proud bird appear.

  • In addition to the gift. Before giving a gift new year's eve print out a picture with a Rooster and attach it to a present. Such a gift will show that you thoroughly prepared for the holiday and took into account all the “requirements” of the symbol of 2017.
  • At leisure. Coloring pages are loved not only by children, but also by adults. They relieve stress, soothe and allow the brain to relax. Print out some black and white drawings of a rooster and spend long winter evenings in company with pencils, paints or felt-tip pens. Good mood is guaranteed!
  • Like desktop wallpaper. Yes, and the computer should also be decorated before the New Year, so that every time you look at the screen, you remember that 2017 has come - it's time for new achievements and undertakings.
  • 2017 is the Year of the Rooster soon. Already today you can start preparing for this holiday. When compiling a menu and choosing a festive outfit, do not forget about new year greetings relatives, friends and colleagues. One of the festive attributes are, of course, New Year cards 2017 with the symbol of the year. Today it is not at all necessary to buy expensive souvenirs or make them yourself, you can make a pleasant surprise by sending a postcard to your computer or phone.

    How to make pleasant surprises

    On the eve of the New Year, we are all waiting for pleasant and unusual surprises. But do not waste time waiting, make this surprise for someone yourself and you will feel how your mood rises and the expectation of the holiday becomes fun and exciting.

    The best way to give a gift to family or friends is to give them a card with the symbol of the year. In 2017, it is a fiery rooster. On our site we have collected the best collection of New Year's pictures, which can be used in different ways.

    However, despite great amount ideas related to New Year's surprises and gifts, not all of us know how to make a person really pleasantly surprised. In most cases, we give gifts at the scheduled time, and they are no longer surprises, because. quite expected.

    A surprise is not a gift. This is more than just a regular present. A surprise should carry not only good emotions, it should be unexpected, and on New Year's Eve it should also be fun.

    For such small but pleasant surprises, New Year's pictures are quite suitable.

    You can choose an image with a red rooster and cheerful wishes, a golden postcard with a New Year's song or just an animated picture with the symbol of the year.

    Send this postcard to your friend and you will see how his mood will rise in the middle of a tiring day at work. You can also set a picture on your desktop, for example, a spouse with an image fiery rooster and good wishes. But here you need to be more careful, men do not like it when they touch their computer, and if your spouse is one of them, it is better not to risk it, but send a picture by mail.

    Who can give a picture

    It is noteworthy, but absolutely everyone will like such a surprise as a picture of the symbol of the year. You can send it to your friends, relatives, even your boss before the New Year. She will give everyone good mood and bring a good smile.

    Do not forget to give such a gift to yourself as well. Install a picture with congratulations on the New Year of the fiery rooster on your desktop and your working days will run faster, because, as you know, a good mood brings the holiday closer and pushes all the worries and daily problems into the background.

    How else can you use Christmas pictures

    In addition to sending to phones and computers, colorful pictures with the symbol of the year can be used to make an exclusive greeting card or an interesting little thing. Taking the image as a basis, you can turn on your imagination and create completely unique things.

    So, for example, there is an amazing decoupage technique. Those who are familiar with her do not think at all how to surprise their loved ones on New Year.

    The essence of the technique is that ordinary things are turned into masterpieces of design art with the help of simple improvised means.

    Taking beautiful picture, and printing it on a color printer, you can decorate any item. It can be a bottle of champagne, a plate, a box, a housekeeper and even furniture. Of course, the decoupage technique has its own subtleties, but if you wish, you can master them in a short time, since you still have time before the New Year.

    If you have the skills to work with graphic editors, you can easily turn a New Year's picture into an exclusive calendar. So, for example, your beloved grandmother can collect a calendar with photos of her grandchildren for each month, and put a picture with the symbol of the year - the Rooster on the cover. Such gifts are given warmth and tell your loved ones that you remember them. But this is especially important for the older generation.

    And for those who do not own the above techniques, pictures can be useful for creating a festive interior. You can print a colorful image of a rooster, cut it out and stick it on the wall, for example, not far from the Christmas tree. Several different red cockerels on one wall will highlight the festive area, and it will be clear to everyone who is the host of this year.

    Another great idea using pictures with the symbol of the year is to make invitations. If you are planning to invite guests, surprise them. Send them real invitations! Print the picture, stick it on a postcard and write the text of the invitation to the holiday. If you send such an invitation by regular mail, it will be a pleasant surprise for your friends. It is only advisable to send by mail in advance, because interruptions in the work of this service are not at all uncommon.

    Also, a picture of the symbol of the year can be used to decorate gift boxes, candles, making Christmas decorations etc.

    So, as you can see, there are a lot of options for using New Year's images. Use one of them and you will see that giving gifts and making surprises is much more pleasant than receiving them. We have tried to collect for you the best pictures of the symbol of 2017 so that you can give joy to your friends and closest people!

    Thematic drawing for the New Year performs several important functions. For example, a New Year's drawing in pencil can be the basis for a greeting card or poster. It will be an excellent option for art competition on New Year's Eve in kindergarten or school. Also, New Year's drawings can be used for interior decoration. The most popular characters creative works are traditional heroes: Santa Claus, Snow Maiden, snowflakes, snowman, Christmas tree. In the New Year 2017, they will be joined by the symbol of the coming year - the Fire Rooster. Several interesting step-by-step master classes of drawings on the New Year theme with photos, as well as a selection original ideas For artistic creativity are waiting for you further.

    A simple pencil drawing for the New Year 2017 "Herringbone", step by step with a photo

    We are the first to offer you to master a very simple drawing for the New Year 2017 "Herringbone", made by with an ordinary pencil. This option is perfect for both very young children and older children. As the name implies, we will draw a Christmas tree with a simple pencil. But this does not mean that the final result should be left in black and white. A brightly colored simple drawing for the New Year 2017 with a Herringbone pencil looks much more spectacular.

    Necessary materials for a simple pencil drawing for the New Year "Herringbone"

    • paper
    • simple pencil
    • eraser
    • black marker
    • colored markers or paints

    Instructions on how to draw a New Year's drawing "Herringbone" with a simple pencil

    Bright drawing "Rooster" for the New Year 2017 in kindergarten, a master class with a photo

    Since the symbol of the upcoming New Year 2017 is the Fire Rooster, this bright bird automatically becomes a popular character in drawings in kindergartens and schools. True, many people think that it is very difficult to draw a cockerel for small children with their own hands. Our next workshop with step by step photos bright pattern"Rooster" for the New Year 2017 in kindergarten will convince you of the opposite. This is such a simple master class that it is suitable even for the smallest pupils of kindergartens.

    Necessary materials for a bright cockerel for the New Year 2017 in kindergarten

    • black marker
    • pencils
    • paper

    Instructions on how to draw a bright cockerel in kindergarten

    How to draw a rooster for the New Year 2017, a master class with a photo for school

    Of course, the first cockerel drawing master class for kindergarten is very simple and not suitable for school. Therefore, we offer you the second option with step-by-step photos of how to draw a rooster for the New Year 2017 for school. This option is unlikely to be mastered by students the first time. elementary school, but it is perfect for competitions in the middle classes. Read more about how to draw a rooster to school for the New Year 2017, read on.

    Necessary materials for drawing a rooster to school for the New Year 2017

    • paper
    • simple pencil
    • eraser

    Step-by-step instructions on how to draw a rooster for the New Year 2017 to school

    DIY pencil drawing of Santa Claus for the New Year 2017

    Santa Claus is a constant hero of children's do-it-yourself pencil drawings for the New Year. His image decorates Greeting Cards, new year posters and wall newspapers decorative elements. Do-it-yourself pencil drawing of Santa Claus for the New Year 2017, the master class of which you will find below, is easy to reproduce. Therefore master this technique students will be able to primary school schools.

    Necessary materials for drawing Santa Claus with a pencil with your own hands

    • paper
    • simple pencil
    • eraser
    • colour pencils

    Instructions on how to draw Santa Claus with a pencil with your own hands

    Ideas for a drawing competition for the New Year at school and kindergarten, photo

    Do-it-yourself drawing for the New Year is a popular topic for thematic children's competitions. We hope that the above pencil lessons will inspire you to interesting ideas for a drawing competition for the New Year in a kindergarten or school. In addition to these master classes, we invite you to take a look at a selection of amazing works dedicated to Santa Claus and new year holidays. Perhaps these drawing ideas for the New Year 2017 of the Fire Rooster are suitable for your competitions at school and kindergarten. Also below you will find some video tutorials on creating amazing New Year's drawings with your own hands. Do not be afraid to create, and let inspiration always accompany you!

    Look forpictures Happy New Year 2017? year of the rooster, according to astrologers, will be truly epoch-making. You have come to the right place. A selection of the most interesting, original, spectacular pictures, as well as facts about the upcoming year, are waiting for you on the pages of our site right now. Read and enlighten!

    New Year's pictures: 2017 - the year of the rooster

    According to the Eastern calendar, there are 12 patron animals that replace each other every year: Rat, Ox, Tiger, Rabbit (Cat), Dragon, Snake, Horse, Goat (Sheep), Monkey, Rooster, Dog, Pig.

    In 2017 on Star Olympus will rise Fire Rooster. It is believed that all 12 months will pass under the auspices of success, good luck and bright events. And this year will be truly special for those who were born under the banner of Fanfaron: 1945, 1957, 1969, 1981, 1993, 2005 and 2017.

    Among all animals, the Rooster is the bastion of brightness, sophistication and communication. He likes to attract the attention of others to his person and does it masterfully. Compliments, gifts, praise - that's what will melt the ice and win a person born under this sign of the Chinese calendar.

    "Roosters" are characterized by selfishness and narcissism. They rarely share their feelings, sometimes focusing on themselves. But the opposite sex has no chance to resist the spell of the Fiery Fanfaron. These are imperious, strong and stubborn people with a great deal of enthusiasm and artistry, which is clearly reflected inpictures year of the rooster 2017.

    Pomposity and callousness fade into the background, one has only to get to know the representatives of this sign better. Behind external aggression and narcissism, very sensual persons are hidden, open and even vulnerable.

    "Roosters" are distinguished by leadership qualities, enterprise, erudition and ingenuity. For all their self-sufficiency, they are absolutely incapable of living alone. They are fueled by the people around them, colleagues, relatives and acquaintances. Those very words of support, compliments and praise - that's without which not a single person born under the auspices of the Rooster will be successful.

    What other features are endowed with "Roosters"?

      Practicality and thrift.

      Ingenuity and observation.

      Attention to details.

      Short temper and impulsiveness.

      Mystery, mystery.

      Stubbornness and purposefulness.

    The rooster is a symbol of 2017: can you draw it with your own hands?

    You can draw an image and even need to, astrologers assure. So in a simple way you will appease Fanfaron and draw his attention in your direction.

      Christmas toys and garlands.

      fridge magnets;

      Stickers for furniture or wallpaper.

    You can please the Rooster by dressing up on New Year's Eve as brightly as possible: sparkles, red, yellow, orange colors in the wardrobe, gold jewelry, expressive makeup and an interesting hairstyle. But it is worth abandoning animalistic predatory prints in clothes.

    It is also worth enlisting support for those who have large-scale plans for the coming year. Do you want to meet your soul mate or have a long-awaited wedding? Are you looking to expand or are you starting your own business? Crave advancement career ladder Or, on the contrary, do you need a rest? While the chimes are striking, mentally refer to the head Chinese calendar in 2017 - Rooster and ask him for the cherished.

    It is advised to celebrate with friends and relatives. noisy company, fun and dancing will win over the hero of the occasion. But do not arrange "cockfights" - conflicts are useless! Celebrate and enjoy the New Year!

    Download pictures year of the rooster

    Correct name of the year Eastern calendar- the year of the Fire Rooster, but "red" is also added to this, since this color is the color of the year.

    According to the eastern calendar, every year passes under one or another sign of the Zodiac, as well as under one of the elements. 2017 corresponds to the sign - Rooster. This symbol in Eastern astrology, as well as in the mythology of the ancient peoples of the world, it has several qualities at once. Firstly, it is strength, perseverance, iron will. The symbol of the year Rooster promises to favor people who show these qualities in 2017 in all undertakings and victories.

    Another property of this sign is the tendency to defend their territories from any encroachment. The rooster will never tolerate a stranger on its territory and will jealously and sparing no effort to defend its right to the territory.

    An equally important quality that will surely appeal to many who dream of finding their love and starting a family is that the Rooster has been a symbol since ancient times. true love and fertility. The rooster promises in 2017 all those who want to start their own family and have children, all possible assistance.

    Also Rooster in ancient traditions different peoples peace is a symbol of goodness and light, the most terrible opponent of evil and unkind forces.

    Do not forget about the element of 2017, which will be - fire. fire in Eastern wisdom is the element of aspiration and purification.

    Year of the Red Fire Rooster clip art