Qualities of Vasilisa the Wise from the fairy tale The Frog Princess. Presentation on the topic: The Frog Princess Image of Vasilisa the Wise

Since ancient times, fairy tales have been an integral element of the culture and creativity of any people. Each country has its own stories for them, its own good and evil characters. For us, one of our favorite heroines is Vasilisa the Wise from the fairy tale “The Frog Princess”. For many generations of children, she has become a symbol of kindness and intelligence, caring and modesty. The description of Vasilisa the Wise is accompanied by many vivid epithets and is a celebration of the beauty and greatness of the original Russian female character.

The fairy tale “The Frog Princess” and its main character

The plot of the fairy tale “The Frog Princess” is known to everyone from an early age. Vasilisa the Wise is a sorceress bewitched by her father because she surpassed him in the art of witchcraft. In the fairy tale, she becomes the bride, and then the wife of Ivan Tsarevich. As the plot develops, the girl shows her skills by carrying out the king's orders: she bakes bread, skillfully weaves a silk carpet (or in other versions, a shirt). The description of Vasilisa the Wise at the feast, where she turns into fairytale beauty and amazes guests with its magical art.

Ivan, wanting his wife to always remain in the guise of a princess, burns the frog's skin. After this, Vasilisa disappears. To find his love again, the prince has to go through many dangers and, most importantly, fight with his wife’s father, Koshchei the Immortal. The fairy tale has a happy ending - Ivan and Vasilisa overcome all difficulties and end up together forever.

What is so attractive about Vasilisa the Wise? Russian folk tale- this is not only a figment of fantasy, but also a reflection real life of people. Keeping this in mind, we can trace in the image of Vasilisa the most valuable feminine qualities for the Russian people.

Appearance of the main character Vasilisa the Wise

I wonder what about appearance main character the tale says practically nothing. The description of Vasilisa the Wise is given to the reader by characterizing her actions and words. Only at the royal ball is the heroine portrayed as a written beauty. But this description is quite typical for most fairy tales.

This once again confirms that the image of Vasilisa the Wise is a collective, generalizing one. Moreover, for a fairy tale, it is much more important to depict not the external, but the internal merits of the heroine.

Character traits of Vasilisa the Wise

Vasilisa the Wise is loved not because of her beauty, but because of her character. The fairy tale emphasizes that it is not bright appearance (it would seem that there could be something uglier than a frog) and not wealth (“the girl’s competitors in the palace were the boyar’s and merchant’s daughters”) that leads the heroes to happiness. And understanding and desire to be together.

From the fairy tale is given through her actions. The way she consoles Ivan Tsarevich, with what skill she carries out the king’s tasks, and how she behaves during the feast, speaks about her better than any description. Her character combines both deep intelligence and the majestic simplicity of the Russian soul, pride in herself and modesty.

Many people ask why Vasilisa is called the Wise? In fact, this epithet suits her perfectly. The fact is that she perfectly mastered magical wisdom and even surpassed her father, a powerful sorcerer, in this. It is also characteristic that in the fairy tale she is called that in those moments when she works and shows her skills as a needlewoman, housewife or sorceress. In addition, the heroine has the ability to remain calm and make the right decision even in the most difficult trials.

Why was Vasilisa turned into a frog?

The question often arises about why Vasilisa the Wise was turned into a frog by Koshchei the Immortal. The fairy tale does not give a direct answer to it. However, different researchers offer their own options.

For example, we can recall that one of the leading artistic techniques in a fairy tale there is an antithesis, opposition (for example, good and evil, day and night, living and dead water, beauty and ugliness). Already the name of the heroine - Vasilisa - speaks for itself. WITH Greek language it can be translated as royal, sublime. On the other hand, what could be more unattractive and mundane than a frog living in a swamp.

The image of Vasilisa in other Russian fairy tales

The description of Vasilisa the Wise can be found not only in the fairy tale about the frog princess. She is also depicted in other works of the Russian people. For example, you can remember the fairy tale about Vasilisa and Baba Yaga. A similar image appears under the names of Marya Morevna, Elena the Beautiful and Marya the Princess. All these heroines have wisdom and magical knowledge, in particular the ability to transform. This allows them to be identified.

A fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it

Maxim Gorky called Vasilisa one of the most perfect female images created by the imagination of the Russian people. How many wonderful qualities it combines, educating and admonishing all new younger generations. But let us remember that initially fairy tales were written not for children, but for adults. Those in which Vasilisa the Wise is present are no exception. The Russian folk tale, with its inherent wisdom and poetry, reminds us of the true role of a woman in the family - to be an assistant and support to her husband.

We will also find out what qualities have long been valued in Rus'. Intelligence and modesty, caring and kindness, the skill of a needlewoman and homemaker, uniting, give rise to true wisdom and beauty. And the image of Vasilisa the Wise fully combines all these wonderful qualities.

A brief description of the heroes of the fairy tale “The Frog Princess” is presented in this article.

The fairy tale “The Frog Princess” is a folk tale and carries a certain meaning - it teaches goodness, faith in the victory of good over evil. Like all fairy tales, there is a happy ending and main characters.

Characteristics of the main characters frog princess

There are two main characters in this fairy tale - Ivan Tsarevich and Vasilisa the Wise, around whom its entire plot revolves. Therefore, we have compiled for you short description The heroes of the fairy tale are the frog princess.

Characteristics of Ivan Tsarevich

He is the youngest son of the Tsar and, moreover, single. It is clear from the fairy tale that he has a respectful and trusting relationship with his parents, because at the insistence of his father, he shot an arrow in order to find himself a wife. And even when Ivan Tsarevich fell into a frog, he still married her on the advice of his parents.

Among negative traits His character is characterized by impatience, receptivity and very often he does not have his own opinion. Just remember when Ivan Tsarevich burned the frog skin of Vasilisa the Wise before the right time because his older brothers laughed at him. But at the same time main character has an iron will, he is purposeful and does not shy away from difficulties (the prince gnawed 3 iron loaves and wore out 3 pairs of iron boots), he is kind and merciful not only towards people, but also towards animals. From this it should be concluded that Ivan Tsarevich is positive character. He didn't do anything bad to anyone.

Reading the fairy tale, you can observe his transformation: at first the hero was domestic and capricious, but after leaving the care of his parents, he went through a long path of difficult trials and revealed himself as a brave, courageous person.

Characteristics of Vasilisa the Wise

Vasilisa the Wise is the main female character. She is characterized by majestic pride and simplicity, a gentle character and flexible mind, as well as a full heart of inexhaustible love. The girl concentrates the best features of the Russian folk character. It’s not for nothing that they called her the Wise One. She mastered magical wisdom to perfection and in this matter surpassed even her father, a powerful sorcerer. Vasilisa also showed herself as a needlewoman, housewife and sorceress. Main feature her character is the ability to make the right decisions and remain calm in any challenge.

A very important and integral part of our lives are magical Russian folk tales. They teach to distinguish evil from good, to appreciate in people good qualities. Each has its own separate plot, but all, without exception, are instructive.

Russian fairy tales always end with good triumphing over evil. Every nation has its own positive ones, and our task is to characterize the Frog Princess. She is one of the most beloved characters of children. Vasilisa the Wise is the personification of femininity, intelligence, kindness and care. Full characteristics The frog princess, which we will provide in this work, also includes a description of the image of the heroine.


Image beautiful girl appears before our eyes when the author describes the very perfection of divine creation. The characterization of the Frog Princess, like any other hero, should begin with a description of her appearance. We suggest you start doing this. There are many images of beautiful brides in Russian folk tales, why is the Frog Princess so memorable? She remains in our memory for a long time precisely because she appears in a non-human form. She is hardworking, wise and caring. The author focuses on her internal qualities, thereby showing that the main thing in a person is not the outer surface, but the inner world.

Our heroine is beautiful on the inside, but terrible on the outside. The characterization of the Frog Princess does not end there; an important element is what qualities are characteristic of the character.

Inner world

Vasilisa the Wise is very simple by nature, but also majestic. She is proud of herself, but does not show it off. Her heart is filled to the brim with love and care, sometimes it feels like it is bottomless. She is ready to sacrifice herself for the good of other people, and this is a very important quality characteristic of a small number of representatives of our world.

How can we fully characterize the heroine from the fairy tale “The Frog Princess”? A very bright and versatile nature - that’s what actually lies under the frog’s skin.


We have briefly reviewed the characteristics of the Frog Princess, but there remains one more very important question. Why was this image introduced into Russian folk tales?

As it would seem at first glance, fairy tales are written for children, so that, using the example of invented characters, they learn to see positive and negative aspects in people. But before they were written for adults. The image of Vasilisa the Wise tells that a wife should always help her husband in everything. Always be ready to support him, no matter what trouble happens.

The imagination of the Russian people has created many different bad and good images, but it is the Frog Princess who is the ideal of a Russian woman. With the help of fairy tales, we also learn what qualities were valued in Rus'. Kindness, decency, skillful hands, intelligence - all this is fully reflected in the image of our heroine. The question is often tormented: “Why was the image of a frog chosen?” Everything is actually very simple. In fairy tales, the device of antithesis or opposition is often encountered. So here, Vasilisa is a sublime and refined name, and the frog is a mundane and ugly creature.

The fairy tale "The Frog Princess" is magical(mythological), since its plot is based on a lot archaic elements: animistic idea of ​​​​the possibility of marriage between man and animal, magical actions, words and objects, traditional motif obtaining a bride from a mythological enemy, the presence mythological heroes(Vasilisa the Beautiful, Koschey the Immortal, Baba Yaga) and wonderful helpers (grateful animals who help bring about Koschey’s death).
Heroes fairy tales are Ivan Tsarevich and his wonderful wife Vasilisa the Beautiful, typical characters fairy tale motif"getting the bride" Character Ivan Tsarevich is revealed in accordance with the folk ethical ideal: he is kind, honest, true to his word, capable of risking his life for the sake of a loved one, merciful towards the weak. Vasilisa the Beautiful has magical powers, which makes her similar to mythological characters (Koshchei and Baba Yaga) and the natural world (she is forced to remain in the form of a frog until a certain time).
The story of the meeting of heroes and temporary separation due to the fault of Ivan Tsarevich is the basis of the plot, which opens with a traditional beginning, introducing special world fairy tales. Exposition is the king’s decision to marry his three sons in an unusual way: by shooting an arrow “throughout the world,” i.e. relying on fate. Arrow youngest son fell into the swamp and was picked up by a frog. It seems that the hero's decision to take a frog as his wife can be considered the beginning of the plot, but this is not so, because this action is not the beginning of a conflict between the forces of good and evil, which is required for the development of the action and the achievement of a climax and denouement. This tale has a long exposition: it includes three trials of the princes' wives and ends with the rash act of Ivan Tsarevich - burning the skin of a frog. Hence, tie The plot is a violation of the ban, which upsets the balance of the forces of good and evil and Vasilisa the Beautiful is forced to submit to the will of Koshchei. Ivan Tsarevich goes in search of his wife and shows courage when meeting Baba Yaga and kindness when meeting animals. With the help of a mythological assistant (Baba Yaga) and animals grateful to him, he reaches climax: extracts magic item- an egg in which Koshchei’s death is contained and defeats him. Koshchei's death is denouement fairy-tale plot, and the heroes’ return home– traditional ending.

"Princess Frog".

In the old days, one king had three sons. So, when the sons became old, the king gathered them and said:

My dear sons, while I am not yet old, I would like to marry you, to look at your children, at my grandchildren.

The sons answer their father:

So, father, bless. Who would you like us to marry?

That's it, sons, take an arrow, go out into an open field and shoot: where the arrows fall, there is your destiny.

The sons bowed to their father, took an arrow, went out into an open field, pulled their bows and shot.

The eldest son's arrow fell on the boyar's yard, and the boyar's daughter picked up the arrow. The middle son's arrow fell onto the wide merchant's courtyard and was picked up by the merchant's daughter.

And the youngest son, Ivan Tsarevich, the arrow rose and flew away, he doesn’t know where. So he walked and walked, reached the swamp, and saw a frog sitting and picked up his arrow. Ivan Tsarevich tells her:

Frog, frog, give me my arrow. And the frog answers him:

Marry me!

What are you saying, how can I take a frog as my wife?

Take it, you know, this is your fate.

Ivan Tsarevich began to spin. There was nothing to do, I took the frog and brought it home. The tsar played three weddings: he married his eldest son to a boyar's daughter, his middle son to a merchant's daughter, and the unfortunate Ivan Tsarevich to a frog.

So the king called his sons:

I want to see which of your wives is the best needlewoman. Let them sew me a shirt by tomorrow.

The sons bowed to their father and left.

Ivan Tsarevich comes home, sits down and hangs his head. The frog jumps on the floor and asks him:

What, Ivan Tsarevich, hung his head? Or some kind of grief?

Father, I told you to sew a shirt by tomorrow. The frog answers:

Don’t worry, Ivan Tsarevich, better go to bed, the morning is wiser than the evening.

Ivan Tsarevich went to bed, and the frog jumped onto the porch, threw off his frog skin and turned into Vasilisa the Wise, such a beauty that you can’t even tell in a fairy tale.

Vasilisa the Wise clapped her hands and shouted:

Mothers, nannies, get ready, get ready! By morning, sew me a shirt like the one I saw on my dear father.

Ivan Tsarevich woke up in the morning, the frog was jumping on the floor again, and his shirt was lying on the table, wrapped in a towel. Ivan Tsarevich was delighted, took the shirt and took it to his father. The king at this time accepted gifts from his big sons. The eldest son unfolded the shirt, the king accepted it and said:

This shirt is to be worn in a black hut. The middle son unfolded his shirt, the king said:

You only wear it to go to the bathhouse.

Ivan Tsarevich unwrapped his shirt, decorated with gold and silver and cunning patterns. The king just looked:

Well, this is a shirt - wear it on a holiday. The brothers went home - those two - and judged among themselves:

No, apparently, we laughed in vain at the wife of Ivan Tsarevich: she is not a frog, but some kind of cunning... The king called his sons again:

Let your wives bake bread for me by tomorrow. I want to know which cooks better.

Ivan Tsarevich hung his head and came home. The frog asks him:

What's wrong? He answers:

We need to bake bread for the king by tomorrow.

Don’t worry, Ivan Tsarevich, better go to bed, the morning is wiser than the evening.

And those daughters-in-law, at first they laughed at the frog, and now they sent one back-of-the-house grandmother to see how the frog would bake bread.

The frog is cunning, she realized this. I kneaded the dough; she broke the stove from above and right into the hole, the whole kneading bowl and overturned it. The backwater grandmother ran to the royal daughters-in-law; I told everything, and they began to do the same.

And the frog jumped onto the porch, turned into Vasilisa the Wise, and clapped his hands:

Mothers, nannies, get ready, get ready! Bake me a soft one by morning White bread, what I ate at my dear father’s.

Ivan Tsarevich woke up in the morning, and there was bread on the table, decorated with various tricks: printed patterns on the sides, cities with outposts on top.

Ivan Tsarevich was delighted, wrapped the bread in his fly, and took it to his father. And the king at that time accepted bread from his big sons. Their wives put the dough into the oven, as their backwater grandmother told them, and what came out was nothing but burnt dirt. The king accepted the bread from his eldest son, looked at it and sent it to the men's room. He accepted it from his middle son and sent him there. And as Ivan Tsarevich gave it, the Tsar said:

This is bread, only eat it on holiday. And the king ordered his three sons to come to him at the feast tomorrow along with their wives.

Again, Tsarevich Ivan returned home sadly, hanging his head below his shoulders. A frog jumps on the floor:

Kwa, kwa, Ivan Tsarevich, why is he spinning? Or did you hear an unfriendly word from the priest?

Frog, frog, how can I not grieve! Father ordered me to come to the feast with you, but how can I show you to people?

The frog answers:

Don’t worry, Ivan Tsarevich, go to the feast alone, and I’ll follow you. When you hear knocking and thunder, don’t be alarmed. If they ask you, say: “This is my little frog, he’s traveling in a box.”

Ivan Tsarevich went alone. The older brothers arrived with their wives, dressed up, dressed up, rouged, and drugged. They stand and laugh at Ivan Tsarevich:

Why did you come without your wife? At least he brought it in a handkerchief. Where did you find such a beauty? Tea, all the swamps came out.

The king with his sons, daughters-in-law, and guests sat down at oak tables and feasted on stained tablecloths. Suddenly there was a knock and thunder, the whole palace shook. The guests got scared, jumped up from their seats, and Ivan Tsarevich said:

Don't be afraid, honest guests: this is my little frog, she arrived in a box.

A gilded carriage with six white horses flew up to the royal porch, and Vasilisa the Wise came out of there: there were frequent stars on her azure dress, on her head there was a clear moon, such a beauty - you couldn’t imagine it, you couldn’t guess it, just say it in a fairy tale. She takes Ivan Tsarevich by the hand and leads him to oak tables and stained tablecloths.

The guests began to eat, drink, and have fun. Vasilisa the Wise drank from the glass and poured the last of it down her left sleeve. She bit the swan and the bones and threw it by her right sleeve.

The wives of the big princes saw her tricks and let’s do the same.

We drank, ate, and it was time to dance. Vasilisa the Wise picked up Ivan Tsarevich and went. She danced, danced, twirled, twirled - everyone was amazed. She waved her left sleeve - suddenly a lake appeared, waved her right sleeve - white swans swam across the lake. The king and guests were amazed.

And the older daughters-in-law went to dance: they waved their sleeves - only the guests were splashed, they waved at others - only the bones scattered, one bone hit the king in the eye. The king got angry and drove both daughters-in-law away.

At that time, Ivan Tsarevich went away quietly, ran home, found a frog skin there and threw it into the oven, burning it on the fire.

Vasilisa the Wise returns home, she missed it - there is no frog skin. She sat down on a bench, became sad, depressed and said to Ivan Tsarevich:

Ah, Ivan Tsarevich, what have you done! If you had only waited three more days, I would have been yours forever. And now goodbye. Look for me far away, in the thirtieth kingdom, near Koshchei the Immortal...

Vasilisa the Wise turned into a gray cuckoo and flew out the window. Ivan Tsarevich cried, cried, bowed to four sides and went wherever his eyes looked - to look for his wife, Vasilisa the Wise. Whether he walked close or far, long or short, he carried his boots, his caftan was worn out, the rain dried up his cap. An old man comes across him.

Hello, good fellow! What are you looking for, where are you going?

Ivan Tsarevich told him about his misfortune. The old man tells him:

Eh, Ivan Tsarevich; Why did you burn the frog's skin? You didn’t put it on, it wasn’t up to you to take it off. Vasilisa the Wise was born more cunning and wiser than her father. For this he became angry with her and ordered her to be a frog for three years. Well, there’s nothing to do, here’s a ball for you: wherever it rolls, you can follow it boldly.

Ivan Tsarevich thanked the old man and went to get the ball. The ball rolls, he follows it. In an open field he comes across a bear. Ivan Tsarevich has set his sights and wants to kill the beast. And the bear tells him human voice:

Don’t hit me, Ivan Tsarevich, someday I’ll be useful to you.

Ivan Tsarevich took pity on the bear, did not shoot him, and moved on. Lo and behold, a drake is flying above him. He took aim, and the drake spoke to him in a human voice:

Don't hit me, Ivan Tsarevich! I will be useful to you, He took pity on the drake and moved on. A sideways hare runs. Ivan Tsarevich came to his senses again, wants to shoot at him, and the hare says in a human voice:

Don't kill me, Ivan Tsarevich, I will be useful to you. He felt sorry for the hare and moved on. He approaches the blue sea and sees a pike lying on the shore, on the sand, barely breathing and says to him:

Ah, Ivan Tsarevich, take pity on me, throw me into the blue sea!

Hut, hut, stand in the old way, as your mother put it: with your back to the forest, with your front towards me.

The hut turned its front to him, its back to the forest. Ivan Tsarevich entered it and saw - on the stove, on the ninth brick, Baba Yaga was lying, a bone leg, teeth on the shelf, and her nose grown into the ceiling.

Why, good fellow, did you come to me? - Baba Yaga tells him. -Are you trying to figure things out or are you running away from business?

Ivan Tsarevich answers her:

Oh, you old bastard, you should have given me something to drink, feed me, steam me in a bathhouse, and then you would have asked.

Baba Yaga steamed him in the bathhouse, gave him something to drink, fed him, put him to bed, and Ivan Tsarevich told her that he was looking for his wife, Vasilisa the Wise.

I know, I know,” Baba Yaga tells him, “your wife is now with Koshchei the Immortal.” It will be difficult to get it, it will not be easy to deal with Koschei: his death is at the end of a needle, that needle is in an egg, the egg is in a duck, the duck is in a hare, that hare sits in a stone chest, and the chest stands on a tall oak tree, and that oak Koschei the Immortal, like protects your eye.

Ivan Tsarevich spent the night with Baba Yaga, and the next morning she showed him where the tall oak tree grew. How long or short did it take Ivan Tsarevich to get there, and he saw a tall oak tree standing, rustling, with a government chest on it, and it was difficult to get it.

Suddenly, out of nowhere, a bear came running and uprooted the oak tree. The chest fell and broke. A hare jumped out of the chest and ran away at full speed. And another hare chases him, catches him and tears him to shreds. And a duck flew out of the hare and rose high, right up to the sky. Lo and behold, the drake rushed at her, and when he hit her, the duck dropped the egg, and the egg fell into the blue sea.

Here Ivan Tsarevich burst into bitter tears - where can one find an egg in the sea? Suddenly a pike swims up to the shore and holds an egg in its teeth. Ivan Tsarevich broke the egg, took out a needle and let’s break the end of it. He breaks, and Koschey the Immortal fights and rushes about. No matter how much Koschey fought and rushed about, Tsarevich Ivan broke the end of the needle, and Koschey had to die.

Ivan Tsarevich went to the white stone Koshcheev Chambers. Vasilisa the Wise ran out to him and kissed his sugar lips. Ivan Tsarevich and Vasilisa the Wise returned home and lived happily ever after until they were very old.

The Frog Princess is a Russian fairy tale that is loved by both adults and children. Children listen to it with pleasure, and parents always read it to their children before bed. If you tell the frog princess summary from 5-6 sentences, then this is a fairy tale about how Ivan Tsarevich, with the help of his arrow, found a frog. I had to take her as my wife. As it turned out, it was beautiful princess, and so that she no longer turns into a frog, Ivan burns the frog's skin. For this action, Ivan had to go in search of the princess. Having overcome distances, found their beloved and won her from Kashchei, they lived happily ever after. However, in order to be able to answer the teacher’s questions, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the fairy tale “The Frog Princess” in its more complete summary.

The frog princess summary

The Russian folk tale “The Frog Princess” begins in brief with the fact that a tsar and his sons lived in the same state, and now the time has come for the sons to get married. And since they did not have chosen ones, the father invited them to shoot arrows, to which courtyard they would fly, they would have to marry that chosen one. So the first son launched it, and the second one. Their arrows flew to the boyar and merchant court, respectively. And when Ivan Tsarevich launched an arrow, his arrow flew very far. He looked for her for a long time, but found her in a swamp. The frog held it in its mouth. Ivan had no choice but to take the frog with him, although he didn’t want to, because now he would have to marry her, he said that everyone would laugh. But the frog told him that he would never regret his choice.

Three weddings were played, and already on the second day the king decided to see the skills of the chosen ones, ordering them to bake bread. The prince began to worry, because he couldn’t imagine how the frog would bake, but the frog said that the morning is wiser than the evening and sent her husband to bed. She shed the skin of the frog herself and baked the best loaf. The king was delighted with the loaf from the frog, while the other loaves were terrible.

Then the king told his chosen sons to weave a carpet and the prince weaved again. The frog was not at a loss even now. While the prince was sleeping, the frog princess wove such a carpet that neither could be said in a fairy tale nor described with a pen. The king was delighted again.

For the third time, the king invited his sons and wives to visit. Ivan was very worried, he didn’t want to be a laughing stock. And the frog tells him. so that he can go on his own and have fun. and when he hears thunder, he says that a frog has arrived, but after the thunder clap, not a frog, but a beautiful princess entered the palace. Ivan couldn't believe his eyes. Everyone was having fun, dancing, and the princess danced in a way that is difficult to describe. She put on quite a show. Ivan Tsarevich ran home and threw the frog skin into the fire. Some three days remained for the princess to remain a frog, and then she and Ivan would live forever, now, having turned into a swan. The princess flew away to Kashchei.

Ivan went to look for his beloved. I walked for a long time. I've already worn out two pairs of iron boots. He met an old man who told him about Vasilisa the Wise, the daughter of Kashchei, who bewitched her and sent her to the swamp. The old man gave Ivan a ball, which led him to Baba Yaga. True, on the way Ivan met a bear, a drake, a hare, and a pike. Ivan wanted to eat them all, but he pardoned them, and they promised to come to his aid if necessary.

He came to Yaga, and she told him about the chest where Kashchei’s death was kept.

Ivan found the oak tree on which there was a casket, the bear helped him get that casket, and then the duck, the hare and the pike helped him get the very egg where the needle was kept, and at the end of that needle was Kashcheev’s death.

He broke off the tip of the needle, Kashchei and dissolved. Vasilisa joyfully met Ivan, who took her and took her to his kingdom. There they lived in love and harmony.