How to make arguments. Moral choice - Unified State Exam arguments

Arguments in the final essay.

ALL ARGUMENTS for the final essay in the direction "Man and Society"

How to argue correctly?

1) Avoid general language. If the work talks about betrayal, this does not mean that this example is suitable for any theme of the direction.
2)The argument must confirm the thesis, and the thesis will be an answer to the question (Example: What is fidelity? – thesis: Loyalty is devotion to loved ones.) or a decoding of the concept (“Indifference is paralysis of the soul” – thesis: indifference turns a person into a spiritual cripple, incapable of strong emotions).
3) Numberinarguments. You can use 1 argument, but in this case it is necessary to give a comprehensive analysis of the work within the framework of the topic. You should not overload your essay with literary arguments, either for the sake of typing words or to get a good grade. As a rule, this only leads to disastrous consequences.
4) Quality of the argument.

  • Use only the work you have read to support your thesis to avoid factual errors.
  • Don't paraphrase the work. Analysis and your reasoning are needed. Each argument must actually support your thesis, so it is necessary to make micro-inferences in accordance with the topic.

Types of arguments

1) PARTIAL RESTORATION (only taking into account the requirements below)

Use a partial retelling of the content of a literary work.
(use only those key plot points that are necessary to reveal the topic);
-In addition to relying on the plot, it is important to include descriptions that are important for revealing topics - portraits, landscapes and other important semantic details;
-Comment on information about characters and events in line with the problem identified in the topic of the essay.


You need to choose a character whose life and actions are connected with the formulation of the theme, and also have a good knowledge of the details of the hero’s life and fate, details of his portrait, speech, landscapes and interiors associated with him, understand the author’s attitude towards the character, see the dynamics of the development of his image, changes in his character and actions);
PlananalysisliteraryheroHere .


(literary material can be used in the form of reflections on the problems of a work of art related to the formulation of the theme)
- it is important to choose a work for argumentation where you can highlight problems that are in tune with the topic. We must first formulate the main problem, i.e. highlight the main question, the answer to which will be the text of the essay, and then identify more specific questions and correlate them with the problems posed in the work);


From the system of images, main or secondary characters must be selected, characterizing which the graduate will be able to substantiate his position; reflections on them must be built in the context of the topic of the essay;

The retelling of fragments related to the actions of the heroes must necessarily be accompanied by ratings and comments in line with the topic);


In the final essay, it is enough to refer to just one work, but if you wish, you can compare episodes or characters from different works

You cannot just mention characters or episodes without demonstrating knowledge of the text and without arguing the theses put forward;

Reflections on the characters and events of different works should not be carried out in isolation; it is necessary to find reasons for comparing them)

Writers talk about kindness and its absence very often, in almost every work. The texts selected for the Unified State Examination in the Russian language are no exception. Therefore, we have selected the most pressing problems in this area and revealed each of them with the help of arguments.

  1. Princess Marya Bolkonskaya, heroine epic novel by L.N. Tolstoy "War and Peace", always helped the poor and sick, raised her nephew Nikolenka, looked after her dying father, fulfilling all his whims. The girl was ready to lay down her life and forget about herself for the sake of the happiness of others. Marya's beautiful soul is expressed in her radiant eyes, which make her beautiful. The princess's kindness was rewarded: she found family happiness, her husband Nikolai fell in love with her kind soul.
  2. Fairy tale collector Egle, hero A. Green's story “Scarlet Sails”, told little Assol a fairy tale about a ship with scarlet sails that would take her away from the terrible society of the inhabitants of Kaperna, who constantly offend the girl and her father. This fairy tale and Egle’s kind attitude inspired Assol, and she was able to survive all life’s collisions. When the heroine grew up, the fairy tale came true, and Captain Gray took her from Kaperna, sailing on a ship from her dreams.

The clash of good and evil

  1. In the book M. Bulgakov “The Master and Margarita” the clash of good and evil is especially clearly manifested in the Master’s novel about Yeshua. He, as absolute good, faces evil that wants to destroy him. However, Yeshua does not rebel, does not get angry, he humbly awaits his fate, believing in the kindness of people. The hero is sure: “There are no evil people, there are only unhappy people.” Even though Yeshua was executed, he won this battle. Pilate admitted his mistake and repented of it; in his soul, good prevailed over evil. That's why he was forgiven.
  2. Philosophy of goodness in the novel L.N. Tolstoy "War and Peace" presented in the image of Platon Karataev. This hero loves the whole world and treats every living creature kindly. He doesn't know the word "pacifist", but, in essence, he is one. In the man’s worldview there are echoes of Christian commandments. He believes that one must endure all suffering without complaint. Faced with evil in the form of war and captivity, Plato submits to fate and again endures without complaining about it. In a clash with evil, the hero has his inner strength on his side, which helps him not to give up and appreciate every moment he lives.

The Need for Kindness

  1. Andrey Sokolov, hero M. Sholokhov's story “The Fate of Man”, life was not spoiling me: war, concentration camp, captivity, loss of loved ones. Sokolov had no reason to live; he gave up on himself. However, the man met an orphan boy, Vanyushka, who had lost his parents. Andrei introduced himself as the father of the child, adopted him and gave them both a chance to escape from melancholy (and even Vanyushka from starvation on the street). The hero’s kind deed helped not only the boy, but also himself, making it much easier to survive together in a cruel and difficult world.
  2. The kindness of Peter Grinev from stories by A.S. Pushkin "The Captain's Daughter" saved his life. By giving his sheepskin coat to an unknown tramp who helped him find his way in a snowstorm, the hero rendered a service to Emelyan Pugachev, who rebelled against the authorities. The rebel later terrorized the fortresses and fortifications and executed all the officers in them. But Pugachev remembered Grinev’s kindness, let him go, and later even helped to rescue his beloved woman.

Shows of True Kindness

  1. Sonya Marmeladova, heroine novel by F.M. Dostoevsky "Crime and Punishment", is a truly kind person. In order to feed her stepmother’s children, she began to sell her body, “went on a yellow ticket.” The father's wife pushed Sonya into this field, but the girl did not harbor a grudge because she was thinking about the hungry children. Marmeladova remained a bright, religious person, despite her studies. When Sonya followed Raskolnikov to hard labor, the prisoners immediately fell in love with her for her kindness. And with her warmth she led the protagonist to repentance and purification.
  2. Elena, heroine novel by I.S. Turgenev "On the Eve", from childhood she wished for “active good”: she always helped the poor and sick, for example, at the age of ten she bowed down to the beggar girl Katya. Kindness remained with Elena for the rest of her life. For the sake of her beloved Bulgarian revolutionary Insarov, she left everything in Russia and went to Bulgaria. When her newly-made husband fell ill, she remained with him until the very end, and after his death she decided to continue the work of her beloved.
  3. Nurturing kindness from childhood

    1. Ilya Ilyich Oblomov from the novel of the same name by I.A. Goncharova grew up in an atmosphere of love and affection. He was not particularly developed or trained, however, according to modern psychologists, he was given the most important thing - parental love. Thanks to her, the hero saw Oblomovka as an ideal, and he himself did not wish harm to anyone. Yes, Ilya Ilyich is an inert and lack of initiative, but completely good-natured man. Unfortunately, without breakthrough qualities, kindness does not really help in life, so upbringing should be harmonious.
    2. Katerina, heroine dramas A.N. Ostrovsky "The Thunderstorm" got married early. And immediately from her warm home she found herself in the totalitarian atmosphere of her husband’s house. It’s hard for a woman to live in lies and hypocrisy under the leadership of Kabanikha’s mother-in-law, who puts pressure on all household members, imposing the old order on them. At home, Katerina was doted on; she walked with her parents, prayed, and was creative. But all this was without pressure, not under pressure, so it was easy. The heroine grew up kind, with a sense of inner freedom. It was all the more difficult for her in her mother-in-law’s house. But it was the kindness learned from childhood that helped Katerina not turn the house into a testing ground and treat her tormentor with respect and respect until the very end. So, she spared Varvara and Tikhon, who treated her well.

People are quickest to believe either the completely obvious or the completely incredible. These well-known truths are often used in disputes to convince people that they are right. But there are other similar arguments to which there may be nothing to object, so your opponent will still have to agree in any dispute with you. How to use them correctly to win in any ambiguous situation and convince anyone of anything when your opinion does not coincide with the opinion of your interlocutor?

Components of arguments

Any argument is two-part. The first is its unconditional basis: it is simply impossible to argue with it based on fact. The second can be logically sound, scientifically proven, or logically tied to the basis of general thought. How to convince anyone of anything? Use the base and attach to it what makes the best sense to strengthen it.

For example, a mother tells her daughter not to put her fingers in the socket. The basis in this case is the fact that the mother is an authority for the girl. Secondly, the parent personally says not to do this, talking about an example from her childhood, which is an obvious connection or communicates basic knowledge about the effect of current on a person.

Aristotle's 12 Arguments

There can be an infinite number of arguments, and they change depending on situations - as in the given example about the mother and the socket, and there are even more of them. But the basis for the arguments is small. Knowing the basics will help you build a speech so that it becomes truly convincing and allows you to win in any dispute. Aristotle also came up with this golden dozen - we talk about all the main bases of any arguments. What is most convincing?

What can be checked

In order to believe in the truth of any statement or statement, it is enough for a person to at least know that there is a possibility of verifying what was said. This minimum is quite enough to convince you that checking is most often hindered by simple laziness or lack of time. For example, you want to recommend someone to read a good book. You can talk for a very long time about literary merits or a brilliantly twisted plot, or very briefly advise your interlocutor to see for himself. Even if your counterpart still won’t read the book, he will most likely consider this book to be really good.


Name just one quality that characterizes a specific person, thing or phenomenon - and let it be unique, at least a little, but unlike all other analogues. The thinking of modern Western man is structured in such a way that we are automatically inclined to believe everything that carries any features or qualities that differ from the usual ones. For example, a quote from a rare ancient scroll will be more credible than the same information read in the tabloids.

Any pop or movie star, for example, stands out from the rest in at least some way - there is no talk of vocal abilities or the aesthetic side of music or appearance now. With the East, things are exactly the opposite - a different argument is more suitable for convincing the inhabitants of that hemisphere.


Long-familiar and beloved things or people seem familiar to us and deserving of all trust - and for this reason, everything that is similar to them automatically evokes the conviction of truth and our sympathy and faith. For example, when meeting, both partners, as a rule, strive to emphasize their individuality and uniqueness, describing their merits - and each of them at this time subconsciously looks for the traits of their beloved parents in each other.

This is what will ultimately resolve the issue of compatibility of a particular couple, and not unique skills and abilities. It is for this reason that in the West there are so many unusual and striking architectural structures, and in the countries of the East they so carefully preserve traditions and things, erecting buildings of recognizable shapes.

What indicates regression

Before, the grass was greener, the sky was bluer, children were more obedient, and the world was simpler. These beliefs idealize the past. And now - prices are rising, the environment is deteriorating and, in general, hair is turning grey. The idea of ​​regression on any scale - from personal to global - is always very appropriate as an argument in any dispute. This base can be further expanded as desired.

Something that confirms progress

The opposite belief is accepted by everyone even more readily. Any of us will readily agree with a thought that will confirm our belief in progress and the inevitable advent of world peace. This basis is often used by politicians of any rank or managers of any level to convince voters of anything. It is human nature to believe in a bright future - remember, entire generations of our mothers and fathers worked real miracles in anticipation of the coming communism, where everything will be wonderful for everyone.

Persuasive, resulting from persuasive

Cause-and-effect relationships at the simplest level are understandable even to babies: here comes mom, my most important authority. This means that now they will take me in their arms and feed me. The logical connective “if-then” almost always works, and it is very convenient to use in an argument. Example: “If we are all reasonable people, then we will not ignore arguments that are proven logically.” Or here’s another: “If we are educated and reasonable people, then we will not take seriously everything that is written about on the Internet.” Or, finally, the last one, to really convince: “If we already understand everything, then why give a third example of the obvious in a row?”


The argument to data is used very often - and just as often along the way it is hung with an endless number of over-interpretations, exaggerations and outright fakes, so they should be analyzed especially carefully before taking them on faith unconditionally. For example: “Moscow is the capital of Russia, so the weather will certainly be sunny this weekend.” The first is beyond any doubt and is known to any child, but the second will not necessarily be exactly like this, but next to the base it looks very convincing.


This argument tries hard to appear honest—and, admittedly, it often succeeds. A simple example designed to convince businessmen to be honest: “Pay your taxes and sleep well.” At first glance, it may seem that this is an appeal to the conscience of a businessman, who certainly understands the benefits of not having headaches from contacts with the tax inspector. But in reality, of course, we are only talking about selfishness here - each of us thinks only about himself and this is normal. Although paying taxes is actually very useful.


We usually try to fit into the framework of the norm any phenomenon, thing or person with whom we have to deal or whom we need to convince of something. Naturally, the boundaries are very conditional and often changing, and everyone sets them on their own. A social norm takes into account and protects the norm a whole set of laws, customs, regulations and traditions - it is very convenient to rely on them when considering any issue. For example: “All women love to receive perfume and flowers as gifts, so they will definitely like our perfume.” Convincing a man to make a purchase in this way is quite simple.


Even nihilists, anarchists and others who rebel against traditional values ​​and authorities usually have some kind of leader whose opinions and words will not be subject to any doubt. Advertisers love to resort to this argument. For example, if Leonardo DiCaprio cheerfully announces that such and such a watch is the best in the world, a certain number of people will definitely believe him and buy exactly what he praised when it comes to choosing a brand.

Another example: “statements and quotes from great people” circulating on social networks: it seems that some are ready to believe even completely utter nonsense, illiterately written, if they see the name of Faina Ranevskaya, Friedrich Nietzsche or Buddha Gautama in the signature.

As told by eyewitnesses

Presented as true

We are what we seem to be, and the brain willingly and often begins to freely draw any tempting pictures and prospects if it is slightly stimulated and motivated to do so. There are no people without imagination, so the “imagine you could live here” argument in advertising a new home works very often and quickly.

Argumentation in an essay on the Unified State Exam in Russian

How to correctly present arguments in an essay-reasoning on the Unified State Exam

Synonyms for the term argumentation: proof, confirmation, explanation, giving reasons, examples.

IMPORTANT! First, you must express your own opinion (attitude) to the position of the author of the text - whether you agree or disagree with the author’s opinion, and only then argue your position, your attitude to the position of the author of the text.

You must argue not for the truth of the thesis, but for its value. Remember that a postulate is a statement accepted without evidence, it is an axiom, and they do not need proof, so there is no need to prove moral axioms (take care of the forest, respect your elders, love your homeland), you need to confirm the relevance, importance, vitality of moral postulates. So, the argument must prove the thesis.

How many arguments do you need to give?

You must provide at least two arguments. There may be three of them, but you must remember that experts take into account and evaluate only the first two arguments. The optimal amount is two arguments, of which

  • one is taken from fiction (most often this is some hero of the work, just do not confuse the title and author of the work), and the other argument is from your life experience and knowledge; this could be an example of some folklore genre (proverb or saying, folk song, etc.);
  • two arguments are taken from fiction;
  • two arguments can be given from your life experience (just keep in mind that for these two arguments you will only receive 2 points).

How is the persuasiveness of arguments achieved?

The persuasiveness of the arguments is achieved

  • logic;
  • emotional assessment;
  • figurative expressiveness.

What types of arguments are there?

Basic Argument Types


rational (logical)


Real facts


Nature laws

Provisions of official documents

Specific examples from life

  • Situations of moral choice show the true qualities of a person
  • A brave, strong-willed person in a difficult life situation would rather choose death than a shameful life
  • Moral choices are often so difficult that they can lead to dire consequences
  • Only a coward would go over to the side of someone he considered an enemy for the sake of a better life.
  • Situations of moral choice are not always associated with a threat to human life
  • By a person’s behavior in situations of moral choice, we can judge his internal qualities
  • A true personality, devoted to his moral principles, will not be stopped by any life circumstances


A.S. Pushkin "The Captain's Daughter". More than once Pyotr Grinev found himself in difficult life situations when he had to make a choice on which his future life depended. When capturing the Belogorsk fortress, the hero had two options: recognize Pugachev as the sovereign or be executed. Despite his fear, Pyotr Grinev refused to swear allegiance to the impostor, not daring to betray his native country. This is not the only situation of moral choice in which the hero made the right decision and proved that he is a man of honor. Already under investigation, he did not mention that he was connected with Pugachev because of Masha Mironova, because he did not want trouble for his beloved. If Pyotr Grinev had told about her, the girl would probably have been brought to investigation. He did not want this, although such information could justify him. Situations of moral choice showed the true inner qualities of Pyotr Grinev: the reader understands that he is a man of honor, devoted to his homeland and true to his word.

A.S. Pushkin "Eugene Onegin". The fate of Tatyana Larina is tragic. In love with Evgeny Onegin, she did not see anyone as her fiancé. Tatyana has to marry Prince N., a good man, whom she, however, does not love. Eugene rejected her, not taking the girl’s declaration of love seriously. Later, Onegin sees her at one of the social evenings. Tatyana Larina is changing: she becomes a stately princess. Evgeny Onegin writes letters to her, confesses his love, hoping that she will leave her husband. For Tatyana, this is a situation of moral choice. She does the right thing: she maintains her honor and loyalty to her husband. Although Tatyana is still in love with Onegin, she asks him to leave her alone

M. Sholokhov “The Fate of Man.” The trials that people went through during wartime showed the willpower and character of everyone. Andrei Sokolov showed himself as a man faithful to the military duty of a soldier. Once captured, he was not afraid to express his thoughts about the backbreaking labor to which the prisoners were forced. When, due to someone's denunciation, he was summoned to Müller, the hero refused to drink to the victory of German weapons. He was ready to endure hunger, to give up the desire to drink before dying, but to preserve his honor and show the true qualities of a Russian soldier. The moral choice of Andrei Sokolov allows us to consider him a real person with great strength who loves his country.

L.N. Tolstoy "War and Peace". The situation of moral choice in which Natasha Rostova finds herself is not related to the threat to her life. When everyone was leaving Moscow, besieged by the French, the Rostov family took away their belongings. The heroine was faced with a choice: take away things or give up carts to transport the wounded. Natasha Rostova chose not things, but helping people. The situation of moral choice showed that material well-being is not as important for the heroine as helping those who are in trouble. We can say that Natasha Rostova is a person with high moral values.

M. Bulgakov “The Master and Margarita”. Everyone makes a moral choice based on their life principles, goals, attitudes and desires. The most dear person in life for Margarita was her Master. To see her beloved, she undoubtedly agreed to a deal with the devil. In a situation of moral choice, she chose what was most dear to her, despite the horror of the method of achieving her goal. Margarita was ready for anything, even such a dishonorable act, because the meeting with the Master was vital for her.

N.V. Gogol "Taras Bulba". Sometimes only the ability to choose your own path in life reveals true human qualities. Andriy, the youngest son of Taras Bulba, who went over to the enemy’s side because of his love for a Polish woman, showed the true traits of his character in a situation of moral choice. He betrayed his father, brother and his homeland, showing vulnerability to the power of love. A real warrior would not take any enemy into account, but Andriy turned out to be different. Circumstances broke him and showed the young man’s inability to be faithful to his military duty and devoted to his native land.

V. Sanin “Seventy degrees below zero.” Sinitsyn did not prepare winter fuel for Gavrilov, which endangered Gavrilov’s life in severe frost conditions. Sinitsyn had a choice: at first he wanted to do everything to ensure the safety of the expedition, but then he was afraid of adverse consequences for his mistake and left everything as it was. The situation of moral choice showed that Sinitsyn is a cowardly person, for whom the desire to remain without punishment is more important than the life of another person, which depends on him.