Who is the glory of the CPSU. Purulent: rapper biography, personal life

  • Purulent is known for nihilism, satirical and provocative dirty style, immorality and harsh language, including in the direction of almost all other rappers.
  • Purulent is considered one of the strongest Russian-speaking battle rappers.
  • IN school years Vyacheslav drew cartoons to order, later he traded psychological tests on CDs, worked for cellular companies and at a water park. Studied at the Khabarovsk Institute of Infocommunications.
  • Vyacheslav's career as a battle rapper began in 2013, when Slava Karelin sent an application to participate in the Slovo SPB battle league, where it was accepted, and in 2014 he made it to the final, in which he became the winner of the first season.
  • Attention to Purulent increased sharply after participating in Versus Battle against Ernesto Shut Up in July 2016, where he sent Versus and devoted almost the entire second round to , accusing him of hypocrisy and calling him a "hype-hungry pig." At the same battle, censorship was first used due to the use of offensive lines. The next day, Miron "Oxxxymiron" Fedorov challenged Purulent to a battle in 2017.
  • In 2016, on the basis of #SlovoSPB appeared new format battles to a musical beat - 140 BPM. The first release was a battle with the participation of Sonya Marmeladova. On November 4, a similar format appeared on Versus, where Sonya Marmeladova also became a pioneer in the fight with Rickey F. As of August 2017, the video has more than 21 million views.
  • The battle with Oxxxymiron, which became the most anticipated in 2017, took place as part of the 2nd season of Versus x #SlovoSPB on August 6th. For some time there were rumors that Purulent had won the competition. The day before the publication of the video, Vyacheslav, on behalf of Valentin Dyadka, published the mocking track “Cool my ardor”, which is dedicated to Oksimiron, and also tweeted him on Twitter. After the publication of the issue on August 14, the rumors were confirmed: Slava CPSU defeated the enemy with a score of 5:0. The video became resonant and gained more than 10 million views in the first day after publication.
  • On October 29, 2016, in the Groznaya Fortress community of the VKontakte social network, a recording was published with an excerpt from the battle of Purulent against Nongratta at SlovoFest, released on October 4, 2014, where he read the lines, declaring that he had sex with girls of Chechen, Armenian, Chinese and other Asian nationalities. The Chechen diaspora considered the statement offensive and announced a hunt for Vyacheslav so that he would “answer for his purulent mouth”, starting to threaten him on the Internet. On October 31, he had to leave VKontakte due to the inactivity of the site's support, asking for forgiveness from the girls of Ichkeria, and start hiding. On November 3, Purulent made a public apology in a video message, and the persecution of the rapper stopped.
  • Vyacheslav, according to him own statement, likes to invent various aliases for himself:
    • Purulent- used for battles.
    • Sonya Marmeladova- used for beat battles and grime tracks. Sonya Marmeladova is the name of a character in Dostoevsky's novel Crime and Punishment.
    • Glory to the CPSU- used for most of the produced musical creativity.
    • Valentin Uncle- used for cover-parodies of compositions of other performers.
    • Buter Brodsky- used in existential gloomy and sad works about Russian hopelessness to beats with balalaikas and wind instruments. Previously used for battle performances. In addition to these, Slava's work can be found under several dozen other pseudonyms.

Vyacheslav Mashnov is one of the most famous Russian battle rappers, performing under the pseudonym "Purulent". The young man is the founder of the movement of rap performers in St. Petersburg, called "Antihype Renaissance". He is the winner of the first SlovoSPB tournament, and then his permanent host.

The rapper became popular due to his ability to talk to almost anyone, but he prefers not to disclose his personal life to the public.

short biography

Slava was born on May 9, 1990 on the territory of Khabarovsk. The young man has a sister, Dasha.
Ever since school, Slava was fond of punk and stood out for his unrestrained statements regarding political sphere. In the last grades of the school, the boy, along with his friends, started making small congratulatory cartoons. Further, high school students began to compose psychological tests themselves, record them on disks and offer them to their peers and youth. The money he earned with his own hands, the boy spent on all sorts of goodies.

In 2007, a young man entered the Institute of Information Communications of Khabarovsk, where he received the specialty of an IT worker.
At the age of 22, the young man begins to rap. The impetus for the development of their own talent was the work of rapper Sasha Skul, who at that time was the frontman musical group Buchenwald Flava.
To be able to release his music, the young man worked in the company cellular communication, and then got a job at a water park, because there were higher wages.

Long term relationship

In his 27 years of life, Slava only once had a long-term relationship with a girl. This girl was Alexandra Fedorova, who is a photographer and is widely known by the nickname "Sasha Disco".

It was Sasha who initiated the relationship. In 2014, the girl stumbled upon the page of an aspiring rapper on a social network and wrote to him, offering to take a walk around St. Petersburg. Mashnov agreed, as a result of which the young people began an affair. And after a few months of relationship, they began to rent an apartment together.

Alexandra fully supported Purulent's aspirations to achieve success in the musical field, therefore she was present at all performances and parties organized by Slovo Spb.

But in 2017, the young people broke up. They argued such a decision by the fact that they were simply tired of each other and they want new emotions. Now Sasha and Slava are friends, and the girl more than once held photo shoots for her ex boyfriend and his colleagues.

New love

After breaking up with Sasha Fedorova, Mashnov did not remain alone for a long time and started a new relationship with Sasha Kuromysh. The girl was familiar with Slava even before his resounding success in the rap sphere and was photographed more than once with his ex-girlfriend.
Due to the fact that the fans of Purulent hoped for the resumption of his relationship with Sasha Diskoteka, while participating in the show "Success", young man had to declare to the whole country that he already has new love. At that time, Sasha Kuromysh was sitting in the hall, so the rapper's fans were able to verify his words.

Despite the fact that young people are complete opposites (the girl is rather modest, she studies as a designer and is engaged in the manufacture of dream catchers and various kinds of jewelry, and the young man is known for his unrestrained character), they are doing well. The couple does not live together yet, but Sasha appears at all of Slava's performances, it is possible that these relationships will end much more successfully for the rapper.

Real name: Vyacheslav Karelin
Date of birth: 05/09/1990
Place of birth: Khabarovsk

Youth Purulent

Glory to Karelin, he is Purulent - an immoral MS from St. Petersburg. For Slava, there are no boundaries of morality - in his speeches at battles, Purulent can touch on any topic. Karelin has repeatedly spoken unflatteringly about WWII veterans in his punchlines. That is why the date of birth of Slava in the passport does not look very appropriate. Just because of his tough and vile punchlines, Karelin chose the nickname Purulent.
In his youth, Slava could not even think that he would ever be associated with rap. Until the age of 21, Purulent considered himself a punk and followed the ideas of anarchism. Karelin was repeatedly detained by the police for drunken brawls. In 2012, on the Internet, Slava stumbled upon the tracks of Sasha Skul - Purulent appreciated the work of the rapper, and later completely listened to all the albums of the Buchenwald Flav group. Inspired by Skul's songs, Purulent began to try to record his own tracks, adding a few dirty words to each line, as his idol did.

Purulent on SLOVO Spb

In 2013, the St. Petersburg branch of Slovo announced the recruitment of MCs to participate in the first season of the project. Having learned about this, Purulent decides to try himself in battles and throws his application to the organizers. Throughout the first season, Purulent easily cracks down on opponents and reaches the final, where CHEYNE is already waiting for him there. In this battle, the victory was also for the immoral MC Purulent.

Immediately after winning the final, Purulent receives an invitation to perform in Anapa at the summer SLOVOFEST. The organizer of SLOVO Moscow, Nongratta, was proposed as an opponent to Slava. The winners in this battle were not revealed, but if you watch the video from the fest in full, it will immediately become clear that Purulent removed Nongratta without any problems.
In 2015, Purulent took part in only one solo battle against VS94SKI, in which he gave a good grime part in the second word and again won the battle. In the same 2015, Slava took part in 2x2 team battles twice.

In 2016, the main event in Purulent's battle career took place. At the June event "Slovo Spb vs. Versus", Slava fought with the finalist of the first season of Versus Fresh Blood - Ernesto Shut up. Thanks to the high-quality rounds of both rappers, as well as the impudent presentation of Oksimiron by Purulent, the battle gained 2.700.000 views on youtube in a month.

Later on twitter, Oxxxymiron responded to Slava's outbursts with an offer to organize a battle in 2017. Therefore, in next year we are waiting for battle Oxxxymiron vs Purulent. So far, both of these rappers are undefeated in battles.

Sonya Marmeladova, Glory to the CPSU, grime creativity

It's no secret that in addition to battles, Slava records grime tracks. So on his account there is a full-fledged release under the nickname Slava CPSU - "It's hard to be with God", which was released in August 2016. In addition, Purulent, under the nickname Sonya Marmeladova, performed at the grime battle organized by SLOVO Spb - “140bpm”, where he easily dealt with the St. Petersburg rapper EDIK KINGSTA.

In addition to the conflict with Oxxxymiron, Sonya Marmeladova is also constantly trying to hurt Rickey F. Sonya even specially recorded a diss video for Ricky, where Slava challenged Gena Farafonov to a battle. Also, one of Sony's enemies is the Moscow grimer Redo, to whom Purulent also dedicated a diss video.

It is worth noting that in addition to the nicknames Purulent (mainly used in battles), and Sonya Marmeladova (used in grime work), Slava has several more nicknames to her credit - Buter Brodsky, Valentin uncle and Slava CPSU.

Glory to the CPSU in 2017

After the battle at Versus bpm against Rickey F at the end of December 2016, in February and March, Slava organizes several successful concerts under the auspices of Antihype. And in April, he releases the album "Tea for Two" with the rapper AUX. In May, Purulent takes part in the project "Rip on beats", where, together with Khan Zamay, he battles against CheyNi and MickeyMouse in a 2 × 2 format.

At the end of July, the most important event in Slava's battle career takes place - a battle with Oxxxymiron, in which Karelin won a confident 5-0 victory. A few days later, video blogger Yuri Dud asked for an interview to visit Slava. At the end of October, Slava CPSU issued new album"Sun of the Dead"

Together with this artist, they are browsing biographies:

Childhood and youth I welcome guests and regular readers of the site website. So, rapper, grime artist Vyacheslav Karelin ( real name Mashnov) first saw the light on May 9, 1990 in Khabarovsk, better known under pseudonyms: Glory to the CPSU, Purulent, Sonya Marmeladova, Buter Brodsky, Valentine uncle etc. He was not the only child in the family - he grew up with his sister Dasha. In childhood, together with his school friend, he was engaged in animation. The guys for some period did animation to order. Later, the comrades begin to earn a living by selling discs with psychological tests that they personally compiled. At the same time, he was fond of playing football and watching it, supported the SKA-Khabarovsk club.

Having received a secondary education, he entered the Khabarovsk Institute of Infocommunications. After graduating from higher educational institution, for some period works in the specialty in the field of IT-technologies. After a while he was an employee of the company mobile operator"MTS", but after a while he gets a job in a water park, where the salary was much higher than in all previous jobs. In his youth, he was one of the representatives of "punks" - a subculture with a critical attitude towards society and politics (according to rumors, at the initiation into their ranks he drank urine from his shoes from the Patrol company, but the artist himself denies these gossip and says that this is only joke).

Slava adhered to the idea of ​​chaos and anarchism, which was reflected in his further work. The guy was detained more than once by public order guards for drunken revelry and scandals that he arranged on the street. Mashnov was engaged in this activity until the age of 21.

Rap career

In 2012, Vyacheslav got acquainted with the work of the underground rap artist Sasha Skul, who read in the Buchenwald Flava group. Karelin literally discovered new world hip hop. Inspired by what he heard, he begins to record his tracks under the pseudonyms Slava CPSU (invented by his dad) and Buter Brodsky, using a lot of obscene language, like his idol. In 2013, the artist's father passed away. In the same year, the young man moved to St. Petersburg, where he heard about the launch of the Slovo battle project, which announced the recruitment of new members to its ranks. Slava decides to try herself in a verbal contest and submits an application. It was then that the pseudonym Purulent was born, chosen because of the nature of Karelin's couplets, containing immoral statements to various social groups and segments of the population. The guy reaches the final, where he wins, going down in history as the first to win the "Words of St. Petersburg".

Slovo: Saint-Petersburg - Cheney vs Purulent [Final, Season 1] - 2014

The image of a nihilist and a nihilist, representing the street underground, has firmly rooted in Vyacheslav. In addition, the first fans and ill-wishers begin to appear. In the summer of the same year, he performed at "SlovoFest" against Nongratta.

The rapper also took part in further seasons of the Slovo project, but already as an organizer and judge. In 2015, he appeared in several verbal competitions, and also agreed to take part in 2-on-2 team battles.

Slovo: Khabarovsk - Purulent vs JesseJames (2015)

In parallel, he released several releases and video works on his tracks.

It is worth noting that under the pseudonym Valentin Dyadka, the boy makes comic reviews of curd cheeses, as well as humorous tracks and remixes of various songs.

Even more famous person Glory - Sonya Marmeladova, who is positioned as a grime-ms - this is when the performer reads to a fast, dance beat (140 beats per second). Under this nickname, Karelin takes part in the "140 BPM Battle" at the "#SlovoSPB Production" site against.

140 BPM Battle: Edik_Kingsta X Sonya Marmeladova (2016)

Purulent gained wide popularity after participating in the "Slovo SPB vs. VERSUS" collaboration, where he vividly spoke out against the finalist of the first season of "Fresh Blood" -. In just one round, Slava managed to offend his opponent, the spectators and participants of Versus, as well as himself. Later, on social networks, Oksimiron responded to Purulent's aggression, inviting him to find out at the battle in 2017 which of them is the best ms.

On July 27, Vyacheslav released a diss on the outstanding participant in the second season "Versus: Fresh Blood" - in which he challenged him to a rap competition. Ricky accepted the challenge, recording a musical response in return.

August is marked by the release of Slava CPSU's 8-track mini-album "It's hard to be with God", which was recorded by: MC Thank you, Whitespruce, Mf Doc and Zamay. Here the artist makes sarcastic references to the side, and even Ramzan Kadyrov. The rapper is also the organizer of the "League of Purulent" and a member of the "Monthly" group, which has released more than 40 releases. At the end of September, the premiere of the mixtape "Hype Train" took place, which included 30 songs. The release featured a huge number of guest performers of varying degrees of fame with guest verses. In autumn, because of unflattering remarks about Chechen girls in a long-standing battle that took place in the Anapa "Slovofest", Purulent was persecuted by representatives of the Caucasian nationalities. Due to numerous threats, the young man had to remove his pages from the social. networks, and later make a public apology on the Internet.

Purulent - Explanation of the Situation (2016)

In December, the long-awaited first "Versus" was released under beats, called "Versus BPM", in which Sonya Marmeladova and Rickey F fought.

This fight has become one of the most viewed and discussed on the "Versus Battle" channel. It was also here that Vyacheslav presented the newly created Antihype association and its merchandise.

At the beginning of 2017, Karelin exchanged reciprocal diss with a St. Petersburg rapper. And the most productive month for the artist was April, in which the album “Tea for Two” with Aux was released, as well as the EP “Mosquito-Parisian”.

On May 4, a remix version of a song from the singer Monetochka called "Gosha Rubchinsky" was released, in which SD and Slava KPSS took part.

Frame from the clip "Gosha Rubchinsky" (2017)

In the same month, Karelin starred in the show with and along with his friend Zamay. This video was published only at the end of summer. The middle of June is marked by the premiere of the release with Vyacheslav "To tear on the beats", in which the artist, together with his regular colleague Zamay, entered into a battle on the beats against Dan Cheney and MickeyMouse.

Break on beats - #SlovoSPB X Antihype (Den Cheney / MickeyMouse X Zamai / Glory to the CPSU (2017)

Widespread fame

On August 6, 2017, the long-awaited confrontation between Purulent and popular artist Miron Fedorov, better known under the pseudonym Oksimiron. The competition was held as part of the "Versus vs. SlovoSPB" event. Slava CPSU won with a crushing score of 5:0. He became the first who managed to defeat Oxy in an offline battle.

Before the video was released, the results were already posted online by unscrupulous viewers. And Karelin published the banter track "Cool my ardor", consisting of the words of the same message on Twitter from Miron, and also made fun of his opponent in every possible way on social networks.

The Internet premiere of the verbal battle took place only a week later - on August 13th. The video became truly resonant and gained a record 10 million views on the first day, which literally blew up the media space.

Versus X #SlovoSPB: Oxxxymiron VS Glory to the CPSU (2017)

On August 21st it was presented music video on the joint track Purulent and Ham Zamay "F*ckRap".

Glory to the CPSU & Khan Zamai - F*ckRap (2017)

Two days later, a sensational interview with Slava in the "vdud" program was released on YouTube, which quickly went viral in the Internet community into quotes and memes. Here the rapper talked about his earnings and creativity, former locations work, colleagues in Antihype, attitude to politics, etc. In the second half of September, Slava, together with comrade Khan Zamai, appeared in the Agora program, broadcast on the Rossiya 24 TV channel. In the program, the guys took part in a discussion about rap battles and shared their position on their popularity in the post-Soviet space. In the same month, the artist announced a big concert tour in the cities of the CIS. Later it became known that the guy ended up in the Peacemaker's base because of his old statements, so he was banned from entering the territory of Ukraine.

Personal life of Glory of the CPSU

There is not much information about the personal life of Vyacheslav Mashnov. It was possible to find out that for some period he met with a girl-photographer under the pseudonym Sasha Disco, but after 3 years of relationship, the couple decides to leave. After a while, Slava started an affair with Alexandra Mironova, who signs on social networks as Sasha Kuromushka (Curomushka).

Festering now

On October 25, 2017, Slava CPSU pleased the listeners with a 10-track solo album called "The Sun of the Dead".

In early October, it became known that Purulent would become a member of the jury in the vocal program "Success" along with Philip Kirkorov and the singer. The Khabarovsk resident admitted that he agreed to participate because of good money and some funnyness in the very fact that he will sit next to Philip Bedrosovich on the same level and judge other people. The premiere of the first issue took place on November 5 on the STS TV channel. Slava has a huge number of mixtapes and releases, both solo and joint, which can be found in free access. The rapper collaborated with such persons as D.Masta, Pasha Technician, Lenina Paket and many others. The artist plans to continue to engage in creativity, delighting his many fans.

: Social media, found in instagram.com, vk.com, twitter.com/gnojnyj, vk.com/kpss_public
: vk.com/slavakpss ( Official page in VK)
: youtube.com, freeze frames
: instagram.com/kpss_begemot_official (Official Instagram page)
: TV channels "Russia 24", "STS" - freeze frames
: instagram.com/sashacuromushka (Purulent girl's page)
Stills from SlovoProject, #SLOVOSPB PRODUCTION, versusbattleru and Slava KPSS videos from YouTube video hosting
Footage from music videos of Slava CPSU from YouTube video hosting
Personal archive of Vyacheslav Karelin (Mashnov)

When using any information from this biography of Purulent, please be sure to leave a link to it. Also check out. Hope for your understanding.

Article prepared by resource "How Celebrities Have Changed"

Purulent (Glory to the CPSU) - Vyacheslav Karelin, Russian rapper, grime artist, adherent of punk culture, leader of the Antihype Renaissance rap movement, known under the pseudonyms Sonya Marmeladova, Kirill Ovsyankin, Buter Brodsky, Valentin Dyadka. Vyacheslav was born on May 9, 1990 in Khabarovsk, in a family where daughter Daria was already growing up. IN early age I became interested in drawing, and then animation, played street football. The boy, together with his friends, created congratulatory videos and distributed them for commercial purposes.

Later, the young man started selling CDs with literature on psychology. A young team of entrepreneurs, led by Karelin, developed psychology tests that were successfully distributed among buyers. In 2007, after graduating from school, Vyacheslav became a student at the Khobarovsk Institute of Infocommunications, Faculty of IT Technologies. The young man often skipped lectures, led free image life, got to the police station for petty hooliganism. Until 2012, he was fond of punk, was a member of the movement, underwent an initiation ceremony.

In 2012, he first heard the music of the Buchenwald Flava rap group, where Sasha Skula read, and decided to create hip-hop tracks himself. Initially, Purulent recorded song compositions of an aggressive nature, not stopping before using non-normative speech turns. The psychology of nihilism and anarchism has been preserved in the rapper's work since the time of his passion for punk. For promotion, Vyacheslav spent the money that he earned as an employee of a company providing cellular services. After receiving a diploma in higher education Karelin got a job in a water park.


The rapper's first album "Pih-poh" is released in 2013. It includes four tracks "Pih-pokh", "Kanaplya", "I love you" and " old image". Soon there will be six more tracks of the joint collection "Bank of indigestion" by Glory of the CPSU and Smesharique. In the same year, Vyacheslav takes on a second pseudonym Purulent, reflecting the musician's worldview, and takes part in the Slovo battle in St. Petersburg. In total, Slava Karelin holds six battles in 2014. On site young musician opposing Booker D. Fred, Egoist, NikiTikiTavi, Zaebatsu, and Cheney, each of whom Purulent wins at Slovo SPB tournaments.

A brown leather jacket becomes Karelin's talisman. With continuous explosive recitation, Vyacheslav does not give his opponents a single minute of rest. On the project, the rapper shows leadership qualities and outplays all the participants in the competition. Glory to the CPSU Purulent after the fight is among those invited to the Slovofest tournament in Anapa along with rivals Nongratta, a freestyler and MC from Kharkov, the winner of the first season of Slovo (Moscow) and MC S "One from Krasnodar.

In 2014, the rapper's discography is replenished with the second album, Foliage in an Empty Pool, consisting of 9 songs. Three tracks are recorded in duets - “In the Yards” feat Sebastian Kadar, “Corros the Decay” together with Bifidogostok and “At the Bus Stop” feat Smesharik. In 2015, the rap artist releases a video for the hit "Sit Out" and new composition"#SlovoSPB" feat Cheney. The new remix of the singer "Black Stalin" for the Pharaoh's song "Black Siemens", which received a million views on YouTube, sounds original.

In 2015, Purulent launches the provocative EP “To My Jews” on the Internet, which consists of the songs “My friend reads Russian grime”, “Yeti and animals”, “Oxy knows everything”. At the same time, the rapper continues to perform at tournaments. One of the sensational competitions was the battle of Purulent against JasseJames in a 2x2 team competition. Vyacheslav Karelin, using the increased interest in his biography and work, creates his own offline platform, the League of Purulent, whose battles he shoots with an amateur camera and uploads on his YouTube channel. Tournaments are held surrounded by spectators on the street or in a small room. Vyacheslav himself broadcasts and often acts as a participant.

Sonya Marmeladova - another pseudonym for Purulent

Vyacheslav releases projects of different nature under different names. The singer uses the pseudonym Sonya Marmeladova for grime compositions, Valentin Dyadka uses it to create satirical tracks and remixes. Pseudonym Buter Brodsky, used at dawn creative biography for battles, later began to be used for gloomy pessimistic compositions about the heavy Russian share. Purulent is skeptical popular culture and ridicules in the texts the desire of young people to conform to the norms modern society. The rapper's texts contain not only calls for immoral actions, social rebellion, but also positive, sincere thoughts.

Personal life

For some time, in conversations about the personal life of Purulent, the name of a certain Oksana Mironova was mentioned, but, as it turned out later, under female name Vyacheslav's rival in battles was implied - (Oksimiron). The pseudonym of the freestyle performer Miron Fedorov, who graduated Oxford University, was used as a joke on the secrecy of Glory of the CPSU. In relation to girls, a young rap artist can be unreasonably rude.

In 2016, during a tournament with Nongratta, Purulent spoke insultingly towards Chechen girls, to which he received an angry response in social networks from a native of Ichkeria, Khalid Gelaev, calling for a public apology, otherwise the Chechen promised Vyacheslav lynching. Karelin apologized to the offended Caucasians and deleted the comment from the network "In contact with". Now the singer has two profiles left in "Instagram", one of which is closed to outsiders, as well as a page in "Twitter" under the name "Unsuck Production", where the musician often uploads photos from past tournament events.

Purulent (Glory to the CPSU) now

In 2016, a joint mixtape by Slava CPSU and Khan Zamay "Grime Hate" appeared on the network - a diss on haters, bloggers, rappers Obladaet, Illumate and Oxxxymiron. 30 compositions amounted to two and a half hours of continuous reading. At the same time, Vyacheslav managed to collaborate with his idol - Sasha Skula, with whom Purulent recorded the composition "In the Courtroom". Soon the rapper presented the album "It's Hard to Be with God", the main hit of which was the song "Dead Stars", pleased the followers with the tracks "In Babangida's T-shirt", "Hype Train" and "Mackerel Love".

On behalf of Slava, the CPSU released the trap rap "Song of the Hero of Russia" with the main character the President of Chechnya. The musician creates compositions about drugs, makes fun of Pharaoh and releases a parody of the ATL artist's style. In 2016, at the Slovo Moscow tournament, Purulent went out with a rapper from St. Petersburg, Fallen MS, and won the battle. The second pair of performers participated in the competition - musicians Narek and Pachuka. After some time, Vyacheslav appeared at two battles in northern capital, where he opposed vs94ski. Paired with Jiglipuf, MC opposed two rappers Khan Zamai and Zaebatsu.

In the battle against Oksimiron, he behaved defiantly, which provoked the introduction of censorship at the duel. Miron Fedorov spoke unflatteringly about Purulent and challenged him to a competition a year later. At the Versus × #SlovoSPB tournament, Karelin fought against Ernesto Shut Up. Under the pseudonym Sonya Marmeladova defeated her rival Edik_Kingst in a battle using a musical beat. In the Versus of December 4, 2016, Vyacheslav challenged Rickey F to the battle, who set the condition to fight to the beat. During the year of broadcasting, the video of the tournament has collected more than 20 million views.

In early 2017, Vyacheslav, under the pseudonym Valentin Dyadka, released a cover version of the rapper Jubilee, a battle rival, Young Beatles - Young Beatles. To which the opponent replied to Karelin with the diss "Clown". In response, Slava accused Jubilee of LGBT propaganda by releasing two diss. In response, I heard a track from the rival "Requiem". Soon the albums "Tea for Two" feat Aux and "Mosquito-Parisian" were released. The second disc is full of profanity, and in the track "New Rothschild" Purulent calls himself God. In mid-June 2017, he performed as part of the “Rip on the Beats” battle as a team with rapper Zamay against the duet of Den Cheney and MICKEYMOUSE, the winner of which was determined by SMS voting.

In August 2017, the long-awaited battle took place between Miron Fedorov and Vyacheslav Karelin. The tournament was broadcast on YouTube video hosting and received 10 million views in a day, which affected the rating of the video in the list of YouTube trends. The competition was judged by judges - Dmitry Egorov (Versus Battle), Lokos (SLOVOSPB), DJ 4EU3, and. Purulent won with a crushing score of 5:0. Oksimiron attributed his defeat to the presence a large number lyrics in the performance, while Purulent's hype is popular. Commenting on the battle on the network, Vyacheslav released a comedy video on behalf of Valentin Dyadka “Cool my ardor”, which he dedicated to Oksimiron.


  • 2013 - Pih-poh
  • 2014 - "Hearse"
  • 2014 - "Foliage in an empty pool"
  • 2016 - "It's hard to be with God"
  • 2016 - "Russian Field"
  • 2017 - "Tea for two"
  • 2017 - "Komar-Parisian"