We need swot analysis. Analysis of potential threats to the enterprise

You are the head of a company, but do you know everything about it? Are you ready to voice a clear plan? further development own business? Find it difficult to answer? Then you should definitely put into practice already proven marketing research. They have already helped millions of entrepreneurs like them find the most the right decision. One of the main technologies is considered SWOT analysis.

What it is?

The abbreviation SWOT is an acronym for the following English words:

  • Strengths – strong qualities or benefits of the organization;
  • Weaknesses - weak points or shortcomings;
  • Opportunities - opportunities or external factors, which, if used correctly, will create for the company additional benefits;
  • Threats – threats or possible circumstances that could harm the company.

A standard SWOT analysis is precisely a comprehensive assessment of the company’s activities, and not only its strengths, but also weak qualities. But in the terminology adopted in this analysis, they are called sides, respectively, strong and weak. An assessment is made not only of probable external threats, but also of favorable opportunities. In this case, the results obtained must be compared with the indicators of the most strategically important competing firms.

Conducting a SWOT analysis helps answer questions such as:

  • Does the company make full use of its personal strengths, as well as its distinctive features in implementing your own strategy?
  • Which of the company's weaknesses need to be adjusted accordingly?
  • Which potential opportunities offer a real chance of success if all possible resources are deployed and the firm's skills are taken into account?
  • What possible threats should a manager pay attention to, and what actions should they take?

Marketers recommend choosing the period for carrying out a SWOT analysis when the direction in which the future development of the business is planned is formulated, and the period for determining the list of goals and setting tasks.

Swot analysis matrix

During the analysis process, specially developed templates are used, which are tables called SWOT matrices. Which one will be used is a purely individual choice. It is worth noting that the results, regardless of the selected template, are completely identical.

Any matrix swot analysis A filled out according to a specific pattern. The cells describing the strengths of the enterprise are filled in first. Next we move on to its weaknesses. These two columns help describe the company's microenvironment.

To display the macro environment, you will need to fill in the remaining two columns. In one of them you should write down opportunities, that is, those probable benefits that the company can receive in conditions current market unless there are any significant changes. And the last column of the matrix records threats - those factors that can hinder development strengths company and use of the opportunities provided.


Strengths include those areas where a company has significantly succeeded and what sets it apart from its competitors. Here you should also describe your competitive advantages, but be objective. These cannot be simply unfounded allegations. They must be confirmed by certain indicators.

These advantages may well include:

  • unique company resources;
  • personnel with a high qualification level;
  • quality products;
  • brand popularity.

A company's weaknesses include factors that place it at a disadvantage compared to potential competitors. As an example of the weakness of an enterprise, one can point out a limited range of goods produced or services provided, not very good reputation, little or no funding high level client service.

Macro environment

As you remember, the macro environment in SWOT analysis is presented in the form of probable opportunities or potential threats.

The opportunities include the most favorable circumstances, using which the company receives additional benefits. It is opportunities that contribute to the development of the strengths of an enterprise.

Threats are probable events, in the event of which the enterprise may find itself in not entirely favorable conditions for further development. Examples of such events may be the emergence of new competing companies on the market, increases in tax rates, and changes in demand from buyers.

Additional materials

The swot analysis matrix for more complete and truthful filling will require the presence of additional information. Let's consider this point in more detail. All available data will be required in the following categories:

  1. Management

All information related to the organization of the work of the entire company is collected here. These are the qualifications of the enterprise’s employees, connections that determine the level of interaction between all departments, etc.

  1. Production

This category is rated production capacity, quality of existing equipment, degree of wear and tear. The quality of manufactured goods, the availability of patent or licensing documentation, if required, and the cost of manufactured goods are also considered. Additionally, the reliability of partners acting as suppliers, level of service, etc. are assessed.

  1. Finance.

This is the most important category, requiring detailed consideration. It is here that the clearest gradation of the strengths and weaknesses of the business in question is observed. These are the costs of the production process, the availability and speed of turnover of cash capital, the stability of the enterprise in financially and its profitability.

  1. Innovation.

How often are customers provided with an updated list of products? What is the level of quality and how quickly does the return on capital investments occur? This subparagraph must contain answers to all questions asked.

  1. Marketing
  • consumer reactions to manufactured goods;
  • awareness of your brand;
  • the range of products presented by the enterprise;
  • pricing policy;
  • the effectiveness of advertising campaigns;
  • additional services offered by the company.

Rules for performing SWOT analysis

In order to avoid possible mistakes in practice and get the maximum benefit from the marketing research, strict adherence to several rules is required.

As much as possible, try to narrow the scope of the activity in which the analysis will be carried out. If you perform this procedure simultaneously for all activities of the enterprise, the data obtained will be too general and absolutely useless from a practical point of view. Focusing the analytical process on a company's position in a specific market segment will help obtain more specific data.

As you complete the matrix columns in the macro and micro environments, be careful when drawing conclusions regarding the strengths/weaknesses and opportunities/threats of certain factors. Weak or strong qualities are represented by the internal characteristics of the company. Whereas the second pair characterize the situation in a given time period, and cannot be regulated by management.

High-quality analysis is possible only when all the data is completely objective. This strategic analysis should be carried out on the basis of the diverse information presented. The research cannot be entrusted to one specialist, since the information received may well be distorted by his personal subjective perception. In this marketing research, it is necessary to take into account the point of view of each functional unit of the enterprise. All data entered into the SWOT matrix must be confirmed by existing facts or the results of previously conducted research activities.

The use of lengthy formulations or the possibility of its double interpretation is completely unacceptable. The more specifically a factor is formulated, the more clear its impact on the company’s activities as a whole will be in the future. And accordingly, the results obtained after completion of the analysis will have the greatest value.

Weaknesses of SWOT Analysis

SWOT analysis is just a simple tool with which information is structured. This marketing procedure does not provide any specific answers or clear recommendations. It only helps to more adequately assess the main factors and predict the occurrence of certain events with a certain degree of probability. Formulating any recommendations based on the data obtained - this procedure is already within the competence of the analyst.

Moreover, the apparent simplicity of this strategic analysis is very deceptive. The veracity of the result, and accordingly the development of further transformations, is highly dependent on the completeness and quality of the information provided. To really get the most realistic data, you will need either the participation of an expert who can evaluate Current state and the likely path for further development of the market, or it will be necessary to carry out very painstaking work in collecting and then analyzing the information received in order to achieve this understanding.

Errors that may be made when filling out a matrix table are not detected during the analysis process. Therefore, the addition of an extra factor or, on the contrary, the loss of an important one or other inaccuracies lead to an erroneous conclusion, and therefore incorrect development of a further strategy.

SWOT Analysis Example

The given analysis example is for demonstration purposes only. Here is the entire sequence of actions that will help you perform a SWOT analysis.

Determination of strengths/weaknesses (sides)

First of all, analyze everything possible options. Each of the areas must contain at least 3 parameters that helped in assessing the competitive capabilities of the business.

For example, let’s take a direction like “ appearance goods". To analyze it you will need to answer questions such as:

  • to what extent is the appearance of the packaging better/worse than that of a competing company;
  • the convenience of packaging is better/worse compared to a competing company;
  • how much better/worse is the packaging design compared to a competing company, etc.

We check the importance of identified strengths/weaknesses

Not the entire list from the first paragraph will be needed to fill out the matrix. Now you should eliminate the non-essential items. To select the right parameters, you should evaluate the impact of each in terms of satisfaction potential clients, as well as the profit received.

The results of such a check will help eliminate parameters that play a minor role. The final microenvironment rating will be fully prepared.

Identifying likely growth paths

At this stage, you will need to write potential options that can . Two questions will help with this:

  1. how a company can increase its sales level;
  2. What are the possibilities for reducing production costs?

Compose full list opportunities that will help your business grow. As an example, the following options can be given:

  • new sales territory;
  • expansion of the range;
  • influx of new consumers, etc.

Next, an assessment is made and opportunities that do not have a decisive impact on profits and customer satisfaction are eliminated. Having fully analyzed the entire list received, we cross out the opportunities that do not provide strong influence on profits and customer satisfaction.

Identifying Potential Threats

This section should list potential threat options. For example, why customers may refuse to purchase a company’s product:

  • changing your usual lifestyle;
  • decrease in the level of income of the population;
  • changed requirements for product quality, etc.

Then we exclude threats that do not threaten the development of the enterprise over the next 5 years.

Filling out the matrix

Now that all the data has been received, we fill out the standard template. In this case, the rating of all indicators is necessarily preserved. Next, based on the SWOT information, recommendations are made for the further development of the enterprise.

You can find detailed swot analysis, strategy and implementation methods using the example of a specific enterprise in this article:

You can also watch the compilation of swot analysis on video.

Company owners receive dozens of important decisions. Expand the range? Enter a new market? Launch a PR campaign? How not to get lost in routine and follow an effective development vector?

The only way to make sure you're moving in in the right direction- look at business from the outside. This is the meaning of SWOT analysis. It will make you look at business potential from a different angle. You will not only study the work of the company, but also evaluate how it will work next week, next month and even next year.

What is SWOT analysis

Although the acronym sounds scary. In fact, SWOT analysis does not involve the use of fancy algorithms and complex calculations. The name SWOT analysis itself means:

  • S- Strengths
  • W- Weak sides
  • O- Possibilities
  • T- Threats

SWOT analysis demonstrates the impact of positive and negative factors on a business, both internally and externally.

Strong and weak sides companies are internal factors, and opportunities and threats are external. Internal factors are formed on the basis of commercial activities, and external factors come from environment business.

Strengths and weaknesses are focused on the present, while opportunities and threats are focused on the future. There is a relationship between what is happening now and what may happen in the future.

You can control the strengths and weaknesses of the business. It's difficult, but with time you will get the hang of it. For example, you can influence:

  • company reputation;
  • customer service standards;
  • geography of business presence;
  • relationships with partners;
  • range of goods.

Opportunities and threats are beyond your control. You can try to plan and even influence them, but in the end they are not dependent on your decisions. An example of factors that are not subject to influence by the company:

  • market trends;
  • competitive environment;
  • political changes;
  • currency fluctuations;
  • weather.

How to do a SWOT analysis

Due to its conceptual simplicity, SWOT analysis is a universal tool. It is applicable for both start-ups and large holdings. To obtain a reliable SWOT analysis, follow the basic rules:

  • Specify the area of ​​research. If you conduct an analysis covering the entire business, the results will be generalized. Select the direction in which the analysis will be carried out: a separate product unit or a group of products, manufacturing process, financial flows, administrative resource, etc. B small companies and it is advisable for private entrepreneurs to conduct a SWOT analysis for their entire activity.
  • Be objective. Use a variety of information, do not rely solely on own opinion. A strength will only be strong if the market sees it as such, and not just the business owner. Involve employees and customers in the SWOT analysis. The more points you collect during the brainstorming process, the better.
  • Communicate ideas clearly. Avoid vague and ambiguous language. The simpler the better.

Record the strengths and weaknesses of the company in the table.

Separately fill out the table of threats and opportunities.

  • How can you use your strengths to take advantage of opportunities?
  • How do strengths help neutralize threats?
  • What weaknesses prevent you from taking advantage of opportunities?
  • How do weaknesses exacerbate threats, what are the risks?

Carefully study the answers received, divide them into groups, highlighting each in a separate color. Why do we highlight it with colors? To make it easier to work on the project at other stages of planning. For example, when you create a company budget, return to the SWOT analysis and take into account all the factors. which are related to the financial aspect.

27 Questions to Conduct a SWOT Analysis

Whether you're analyzing your business on your own or as a team, starting your research can be a headache. The questions below will help you move forward and create an objective SWOT analysis.

How to Use SWOT Analysis

Based on your results, develop a plan to take advantage of strengths and opportunities, as well as address weaknesses and mitigate threats. Combinations of SWOT analysis elements form specific strategies. Based on them, choose the desired direction of development.

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Success in life is likely to be achieved when you use your talents to their full potential. You will also need to deal with your weaknesses so that they do not interfere with your life and work. It is for these purposes that SWOT analysis was transferred to the field of self-development.

What makes the SWOT model particularly powerful is that it can help identify opportunities in our world that may not seem so at first glance. It will also help in business development or your work. The model considers four characteristics:

  • S - Strengths
  • W - Weaknesses (weaknesses)
  • O - Opportunities
  • T - Threats

Let's look at them in more detail.



  • What strengths do you have that others don't? For example, skills, education, connections.
  • What do you do better than others?
  • What resources do you have access to?
  • What other people think is yours strong point?
  • What achievements are you most proud of?
  • What values ​​do you believe in that others don’t?
  • Do you have connections with important people?

This list of questions is quite objective because it takes into account not only your opinion, but also the opinions of others. Knowing your strengths makes a person happier and allows you to use them in your work.

If you are having difficulty identifying your strengths, write down a list of yours. personal characteristics. Some of them will be your strengths. Those that others don’t have are especially valued. For example, if you know her very well and are surrounded by people who know her even better, this may not be your strength. But if you are the kindest and most tactful among all your friends (and they confirm this), then this is them.

Weak sides

  • What tasks do you most often avoid because you feel insecure?
  • What exactly do people around you consider your weaknesses?
  • Are you absolutely confident in the usefulness of your education and skills? If not, what are you weakest at?
  • What are your negative work habits? For example, you are often late, disorganized, short-tempered, or have trouble handling things.
  • Do you have character traits that constantly pull you back and prevent you from progressing? For example, it could be a fear of speaking in public, even though this is your main responsibility.

Again, weaknesses are viewed not only from your perspective, but also from those around you. Listen to what they say about you. Even if people are wrong, you are perceived as such, which means they will treat you accordingly.


  • What new technologies will help you? What can you find on the Internet that you need?
  • Is your industry growing? What advantage can we get from this?
  • Do you have strategic contacts with other people who will help you?
  • What trends and patterns do you see in the world or your company that will help you in the future?
  • Have your competitors failed to achieve something important? If so, what conclusions can you draw to avoid their mistakes?
  • What does your company need?
  • What are your customers and suppliers complaining about? What can you offer them?

You may find the following options useful:

  • , courses, conferences.
  • A new company role or project can enhance your existing skills and acquire new ones.
  • Learn English language in order to have more business opportunities.

Reexamine your strengths and think about how to use them most effectively to open up new opportunities.


  • What challenges do you face at work?
  • Are there colleagues who compete with you?
  • Is the nature of your work and the requirements for it changing?
  • Is the development of new technologies a threat to you and your profession?
  • Could your weaknesses become a threat to your future?

It is important to know what threats you are facing or will face in life because being aware of them will help you figure out which strengths to develop and which weaknesses to get rid of.


Here's what your SWOT analysis might look like:


  • I creative person. I often surprise clients and my boss with new ideas.
  • I know how to communicate with people and convince them.
  • I have the ability to ask the right questions.
  • I can think and often make correct conclusions.

Weak sides

  • I have an impulsive need to complete things on my list as quickly as possible. This affects the quality of work.
  • I lose myself in stressful situations.
  • I have a fear of public speaking.


  • I'm organizing a conference next week. This is a great chance to meet new and important people.
  • Our art director is leaving soon maternity leave. This a great opportunity develop my skills.


  • I work too much, so my creativity suffers.
  • A decline in the level of the economy could lead to a decline in our market.
  • My colleague is applying for the position of art director, who knows how to speak in public and is generally more communicative than me.

By examining the four components, you can find a solution and achieve success. Remember that the model itself is not capable of working miracles, it only indicates and hints to you what to do.

A SWOT analysis is a great way to gain perspective and explore yourself. It allows you to face the truth, even if sometimes unpleasant. SWOT gives you the ability to focus on strengths, minimize weaknesses, avoid threats, and take advantage of opportunities.

We wish you good luck!

Situational or SWOT analysis(the first letters of the English words strengths - strengths, weaknesses - weaknesses, opportunities - opportunities and threats - dangers, threats), can be carried out both for the organization as a whole and for individual species business. Its results are subsequently used in the development of and.

Analysis of strengths and weaknesses characterizes the study of the internal environment of an organization. The internal environment has several components, each of which includes a set of key processes and elements of the organization (types of business), the state of which together determines the potential and capabilities that the organization has. The internal environment includes financial, production and personnel and organizational components.

Since it does not have a clear manifestation, its analysis on a formal basis is very difficult. Although, of course, you can try to expertly assess such factors as the presence of a mission that unites the activities of employees using the form provided; the presence of certain common values; pride in your organization; a motivation system clearly linked to employee performance; psychological climate in a team, etc.

  • S— strenghts — strengths;
  • W- weaknesses - weaknesses;
  • O- opportunities - opportunities;
  • T- threats - dangers, threats;

SWOT analysis is an analysis of the company’s strengths and weaknesses, and an assessment of the opportunities and threats on the path of its development.

SWOT Analysis Methodology involves first identifying strengths and weaknesses, as well as threats and opportunities, and then establishing chains of connections between them, which can later be used to formulate organizational strategies.

First, taking into account the specific situation in which the organization is located, a list of its weaknesses and strengths, as well as a list of threats (dangers) and opportunities, are compiled.

Next, a connection is established between them. For this purpose, a SWOT matrix. On the left there are two sections (strengths and weaknesses), into which all the strengths and weaknesses of the organization identified at the first stage of the analysis are respectively entered. At the top of the matrix there are also two sections (opportunities and threats), into which all identified opportunities and threats are entered.

SWOT Matrix

SIV- strength and opportunity. A strategy should be developed to leverage the organization's strengths to capitalize on opportunities. For those couples who find themselves on the field SLV, the strategy should be structured in such a way that, due to the emerging opportunities, an attempt is made to overcome the existing weaknesses in the organization. SIOUX(Power and Threats) - develop a strategy that uses the organization's strength to overcome threats. SLU(Weaknesses and threats) - develop a strategy that would allow the organization to get rid of weaknesses and prevent the impending threat.

For successful application In the SWOT methodology, it is important to be able not only to reveal threats and opportunities, but also to try to evaluate them from the point of view of how important it is for orientation to take into account each of the identified threats and opportunities in the strategy of its behavior.

To assess the opportunity, the method of positioning each specific opportunity on the opportunity matrix is ​​used (Table 2.1).

This matrix is ​​constructed as follows: at the top is the degree of influence of the opportunity on the organization’s activities (strong, moderate, small); on the side - the likelihood that the organization will take advantage of this opportunity (high, medium, low). The ten fields of possibilities obtained inside the matrix have different meaning for the organization. Opportunities falling on the fields "BC", "VU" and "SS" have great importance for the organization, and they must be used. The opportunities that fall into the “SM”, “NU” and “NM” fields practically do not deserve attention. For the opportunities that fall into the remaining fields, management must make a positive decision to pursue them if the organization has sufficient resources.

Table 2.1 Capability Matrix

A similar matrix is ​​compiled to assess threats (Table 2.2). Those threats that fall into the “VR”, “VC” and “SR” fields pose a very great danger to the organization and require immediate and mandatory elimination. Threats that fall into the “VT”, “SC” and “NR” fields should also be in the field of view of senior management and be eliminated as a matter of priority. As for the threats located on the fields of “NK”, “ST” and “VL”, a careful and responsible approach to eliminating them is required.

Table 2.2 Threat matrix

It is advisable to carry out this analysis, answering the following questions in relation to opportunities and threats in three areas:

  1. Determine the nature of the opportunity (threat) and the reason for its occurrence?
  2. How long will it last?
  3. What power does she have?
  4. How valuable (dangerous) is it?
  5. What is the extent of its influence?

The environmental profiling method can also be used to analyze the environment. This method convenient to use for compiling a profile of the macroenvironment, the immediate environment and the internal environment. Using the environmental profiling method, it is possible to assess the relative importance of individual factors for the organization.

The method for compiling an environmental profile is as follows. The environment profile table contains: individual factors environment (Table 2.3). Each factor is given by expert means:

  • assessment of its importance for the industry on a scale: 3 - strong importance, 2 - moderate importance, 1 - weak importance;
  • assessment of its impact on the organization on a scale: 3 - strong, 2 - moderate, 1 - weak, 0 - no effect;
  • assessment of the direction of influence on a scale: +1 - positive influence, -1 - negative influence.
Table 2.3 Environment profile

Next, all three expert assessments are multiplied, and an integral assessment is obtained, showing the degree of importance of this factor for the organization. From this assessment, management can conclude which environmental factors are relatively more important for their organization and, therefore, deserve the most serious attention, and which factors deserve less influence.