Online tutors for literature via Skype. Literature tutors Literature tutor university

400,000 students have already found teachers with the help of the Association of Tutors - including for literature classes. To improve your knowledge and catch up with the school curriculum, individual lessons with a private tutor are ideal.

Many of our teachers offer training in Russian language and literature as related disciplines. To get good grades and enter a humanitarian university, a student must know both subjects. Until the ninth grade, students are concerned about approximately the same questions: be able to read fluently, write a test, get a good grade. Senior schoolchildren decide on the choice of a specialized subject. What tasks does the graduate face:

  • Write an essay with a high score;
  • Prepare for the Unified State Exam, State Examination, State Exam;
  • Pass an entrance exam or a creative competition;
  • Understand classical literature and express thoughts competently.

By the way, the last point is also of interest to older students. Many adults simply want to improve their cultural level and learn to understand books “for themselves.”

It’s easy to find a literature tutor using a precise search in the website database. Select the place and method of classes, indicate the estimated cost, and real reviews from parents and a rating system will help you make the best decision.

1. Where to begin preparation for the Unified State Exam in literature?

First of all, set a goal. What result are you aiming for?
Make a list of 5-6 universities that are acceptable to you. Find out from the admissions committee what the passing grade in literature was last year.

For example, for future journalists or linguists entering Moscow State University, St. Petersburg State University, Higher School of Economics, RUDN University, Russian State University for the Humanities, Literary Institute named after. Gorky, passing scores will be no lower than 80.

Applicants to pedagogical universities need to score 65–70 points.

For future representatives of creative professions, 60 points will be enough - but only for admission. This is not enough for studying at VGIK, Shchepkinsky or Surikovsky.

Find out exactly how things are going at “your” universities.
Find out if the university holds competitions and when exactly. Winning the Olympiad is equivalent to 100 points in the relevant discipline.

2. What textbooks should I use?

1) Two-volume “Russian literature of the 19th–20th centuries. A textbook for applicants to universities,” published by the Faculty of Philology of Moscow State University.
This book is popularly known as “Shuriki”, since the cover of the first volume depicts A. S. Pushkin, and the second - A. A. Blok.

2) N. M. Azarova “Text. A manual on Russian literature of the 19th century" (any edition).
N.M. Azarova’s method is still considered the most effective in preparing for literature exams.

3) L. A. Skubachevskaya, N. V. Slautina, T. V. Nadozirnaya and others. “Unified State Exam. Literature. Universal reference book", publishing house "Eksmo".

4) E. L. Erokhina. "Literature. FIPI thematic workbook", publishing house "Exam".

5) Book “Unified State Exam. Literature: examination tasks”, prepared by S. A. Zinin.

6) Demonstration version of the Unified State Examination in literature from the FIPI website and accompanying documentation.
- your preparation plan.

3. How to work through the material?

Check out the Preparation Program for the Unified State Exam in Literature. It is compiled in accordance with the “Codifier of content elements and requirements for the level of preparation of graduates of general education institutions for the Unified State Exam in Literature.” This is your preparation plan.

Start by reviewing literary theory. Then, work through each text specified in the Codifier.
Repeat the biography of the writer from the textbook. Write down the main dates on a special card.
Re-read the work. Resist the temptation to skim the summary. Such texts often contain factual inaccuracies. Formulate the essence of the plot and conflict in two or three sentences. Think about the problem. Write down all the wording on a separate card. Separately, write down the full names of the main characters. If you are “hooked” by some phrases in the text, also write them down on the card.
Now you can start working with textbooks and additional literature. Make short notes as you read.

After all the material has been mastered, we open the FIPI notebooks prepared by E. L. Erokhina and S. A. Zinin (the tasks in them are divided by author) - and train.

4. Get help from your school teacher.

You can ask your teacher about opportunities to participate in the All-Russian Olympiad for Schoolchildren. Consult on organizational issues. Ask to check the training tasks that you will do using the FIPI workbooks. Don't neglect what the school gives you for free.

5. How to evaluate the results of your work?

This is the most difficult moment. The collections of exam questions contain answers only to questions of type B. Work on part C must be checked by a competent person. This could be your school teacher or tutor.

My name is Lyubov Nikolaevna. I have 17 years of teaching experience and have been tutoring for 10 years. My students are schoolchildren, applicants and university students. After graduating from school, I entered the philological faculty of the Penza Pedagogical Institute. I have been conducting classes remotely for quite a long time, almost 4 years, and I have been very successful in preparing for the Unified State Exam in literature with “good” and “excellent” marks. My students easily enter the universities of their choice in the humanities and philology.

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Svetlana Sergeevna - tutor in Russian language and literature via Skype

Good afternoon, dear students! I am a highly moral, responsible, erudite teacher. I work with students at all levels of educational institutions. Allow me to introduce myself – Svetlana Sergeevna, teacher/tutor of Russian language and literature via Skype. Total teaching experience is 15 years. I have been involved in tutoring for 10 years. I help schoolchildren, graduates, applicants and, of course, future philologists - today's students - acquire valuable knowledge.

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Irina Gennadievna – tutor in Russian language and literature via Skype

My name is Irina Gennadievna, a tutor in Russian language and literature via Skype. After studying for five years, at the same time undergoing retraining in the specialty “Jurisprudence” and becoming a Bachelor of Pedagogical Sciences, I received a diploma with honors and went to “sow the reasonable, the good, the eternal” in a regular high school in my hometown. I carry out work to prepare students for passing the Central Test and the Unified State Exam in Russian language and literature. In 2018, the average score in the Russian language of my class was 4 points higher than the republican one, the students passed the Unified State Exam with 87, 91 and 100 points.

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Lyudmila Georgievna - distance tutor in Russian language/literature, preparation for the Unified State Exam

Good day! My name is Lyudmila Georgievna - I provide tutoring in Russian language and literature via Skype. I have a higher education. Graduated from Belgorod State Pedagogical Institute named after. M.S. Olminsky. Specialty - Russian language and literature. I am a senior lecturer and researcher at the Faculty of Journalism at one of the higher educational institutions in our country. Work experience – 18 years.

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Ekaterina Yuryevna - remote tutor in Russian language and literature via Skype

Hello, dear parents and students, site visitors. My name is Ekaterina Yuryevna, I am a teacher of Russian language and literature. Now I work at a school with children in grades 5-11, and also help some who wish to master the intricacies of their subjects by tutoring via Skype. Yes, the path of knowledge is difficult, considerable effort is required to achieve something, but I never set impossible tasks for my students, and only by gradually increasing the level of complexity of classes, I identify and reveal the child’s abilities, which often do not lie on the surface.

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Ilya Alexandrovich - online tutor in Russian language and literature

Hello, let's get acquainted! My name is Ilya Alexandrovich. I am a teacher, online tutor in Russian language and literature at a distance learning school. I offer you interactive distance learning in Russian language and literature using Skype and the Google Docs environment. A little about myself: I received my general education at school-gymnasium No. 15 in Sarov. At the same time he graduated from art and music schools.

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Anna Vladimirovna - tutor in Russian language and literature online

Good afternoon First, let me introduce myself: my name is Anna Vladimirovna, I am a teacher of Russian language and literature via Skype. I teach these subjects to students in grades 5-11. Since childhood, I dreamed of becoming a teacher. My dream came true when I graduated from the Stavropol State Pedagogical Institute in 1989 with a degree in Russian language and literature.

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Olga Aleksandrovna - teacher of Russian language and literature via Skype

Hello, my name is Olga Alexandrovna. I am a teacher of Russian language and literature via Skype. She graduated from the Southern Federal University (Rostov State University) in 2008 with a degree in Philology. Teacher of Russian language and literature." I worked at a boarding school of type 8 for a year, but for 4 years now I have been a teacher at the Distance Education Center. I really like working with children, opening up the world of Russian language and literature for them.

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Olga Ernestovna - tutor in school Russian language and literature, MHC on Skype, Ph.D. Phil. Sci.

My name is Olga Ernestovna. I have two higher education degrees in the specialties “Russian language and literature” and “Ukrainian language and literature”. Completed a training course giving the right to teach the subject “World Artistic Culture”. In 2008, she defended her dissertation in the specialty “Russian language” on the topic “Generalizing and emphatic pronouns of the modern Russian language: semantics, grammar, features of functioning” and received the academic degree of candidate of philological sciences.

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Andrey Ivanovich - online tutor of Russian language and literature

Hello! Andrey Ivanovich is an online tutor in Russian language and literature, a Crimean, I live and work in Simferopol. I am raising five children: 1 boy and 4 girls. I have a higher philological education. In 1999 he graduated from the Simferopol State University named after M.V. Frunze, which is now called the Tauride Academy and is part of the Crimean Federal University named after V.I. Vernadsky. During his studies, he specialized in the department of Russian language in the field of stylistics. Received the right to teach the discipline "World Art Culture".

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Elina Albertovna - teacher of Russian language and literature online

Hello! Let me introduce myself. My name is Elina Albertovna. I am a distance tutor of Russian language and literature. In 1993, I graduated from the Rostov Pedagogical School and began working as a primary school teacher in a secondary school. Then I graduated from Rostov State University. Now I have the highest qualification category. Since 1996, I have been teaching Russian language and literature in grades 5-11. Over many years of teaching, I have accumulated extensive work experience.

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Galina Anatolyevna - teacher of Russian language and literature

Good afternoon My name is Galina Anatolyevna, a tutor in Russian language and literature via Skype. Let me tell you a little about yourself. I have been working at school for 10 years. I have been tutoring for 8 years. I have a higher education. I constantly attend webinars, which allows me to keep abreast of all new technologies and actively monitor changes in Unified State Examinations in Russian language and literature. In 2015, she took advanced training courses. I love my job and take it very seriously.

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Tatyana Aleksandrovna – online tutor in Russian language and literature

My name is Tatyana Aleksandrovna, an online tutor in Russian language and literature. I have a higher education, graduated from the Faculty of Russian Language and Literature of the Orsk State Pedagogical Institute named after T.G. Shevchenko in 1986, qualified as a teacher of Russian language and literature. Work experience in the position of “Teacher of Russian language and literature” is 31 years, the highest qualification category.

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Nina Georgievna - teacher of Russian language and literature via Skype

Hello! Welcome to Nina Georgievna, distance teacher of Russian language and literature of the highest qualification category. A little about myself: In 1974, I graduated from the Faculty of Philology of Rostov State University with a degree in philology, teacher of Russian language and literature. From that same time, my teaching career began. I worked for many years in a comprehensive school not only as a teacher, but also as a head teacher.

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Yana Georgievna - teacher of Russian language and literature via Skype

Hello! My name is Yana Georgievna. I am a teacher of Russian language and literature via Skype. My teaching experience is 12.5 years. After graduating from the institute, I got a job at a school as a teacher of Russian language and literature. Worked in 7th and 9-11th grades. At the same time, she taught Russian language and literature in business classes at the school (grades 10-11). Then she led a journalism club at the Central Temporary Resource Center. After which, from 2011 to the present, I have been working as a teacher of Russian language and literature remotely (via Skype).

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Tutors in Russian literature via Skype - online learning without borders

Teaching literature to schoolchildren is often mistakenly perceived as simply reading works of fiction, but this is far from the case. This is also a deep analysis of what you read, high-quality memorization of all the nuances and details of works, drawing parallels in storylines, etc.It can be extremely difficult for a student to understand all this on his own and he has to look for a competent specialist who can help the student master this discipline. Where can I find this teacher? Of course we do!

Professional literature tutors via Skype at the school will readily help students master the theory and history of the discipline, and also tell them about all the intricacies of conducting the Unified State Examination in the subject.

Online tutors in literature:

  • They will close gaps in students’ current knowledge throughout the course and improve academic performance;
  • They will develop a preparation plan for taking the OGE or the Unified State Exam in literature via Skype;
  • They will form in schoolchildren a correct vision of the work they have just read, teach them the basics of logic;
  • They will learn to correctly express their thoughts and opinions in writing, as well as their attitude to the work in the form of a statement;
  • They will teach you the correct formulation of the problem, theme, plot idea, and characteristics of the characters;
  • They will prepare Lomonosov for the Olympics.

Online tutors for literature essays - now everyone can do it!

This exam to test students’ knowledge is considered one of the most difficult and it is simply unrealistic to prepare for it “in a short time”. In addition, the assignments include many details that the school teacher simply does not understand with the children in class.

Online literature tutors via Skype for the Unified State Examination provide training according to an individual program with each student, identify previously misunderstood topics, advise on any questions of interest from the literature course, talk about all the intricacies of writing an essay, and the pitfalls of conducting the exam. Parents should understand that only advance preparation and use of the services of a literature tutor via Skype can give very good results.

Distance literature tutors, advantages:

  1. Training is carried out separately with each student, taking into account all his individual characteristics. Remote tutors via Skype organize literature lessons based on state regulations and educational standards;
  2. A good literature tutor via Skype for children is always positive towards the child, classes are conducted in a comfortable environment and taking into account all the wishes of the parents;
  3. Online literature tutors not only enrich the student with knowledge, in addition they develop the following important character traits: discipline, hard work, focus on results;
  4. Saving money, that is, the price of online literature tutors via Skype is much lower than the cost of similar lessons in a traditional teaching format (the difference is especially noticeable for students from large cities).

The service site cooperates only with qualified literature teachers who have extensive teaching and tutoring experience:

  • Teachers of secondary schools and lyceums with a humanitarian bias;
  • Philologist teachers working in the humanities at universities;
  • Current teachers-experts in testing the Unified State Examination and Olympiads;
  • Private tutors with extensive experience in individual work.

Literature tutors provide absolutely every student with a free first introductory lesson via Skype. At this stage, the teacher will get to know the student, determine his goals and objectives, test his knowledge, and formulate his future work prospects.

Preparation for the Unified State Exam in Literature at our Center is based on many years of teaching experience of our teachers and a specially designed course that will make it easy to study even the largest and most complex topics from scratch. We take a comprehensive approach to studying the subject program from grades 6 to 11, which has proven more than once in practice the effectiveness of the methodology - high scores of our students allow them to successfully pass the Unified State Exam in literature and study at specialized faculties of universities throughout Russia.

Understanding the subject and love of literature are some of the important criteria for successfully preparing for the exam.

Objectives of the preparation course for the Unified State Exam in literature at the training center "On Excellent" in Moscow (Novo-peredelkino district):

  • repetition of the school literature course with special attention to authors and works included in the Unified State Examination program in the subject
  • learn to analyze literary works
  • preparation for the Unified State Exam in literature includes an essay, therefore, an important task is to master the technique of writing an essay according to all the rules: plan, composition, epigraph, analysis of the topic of the essay
  • detailed analysis of typical Unified State Examination tasks
  • take the test exam in literature in conditions close to a real exam

Preparation for the Unified State Exam in Literature at our Center is based on training in groups of 6-8 people, formed in accordance with the level of initial training of students.

In preparation for the Unified State Exam, a literature tutor will teach students:

  • analyze works based on the biography of the writer and the historical era in which the author lived
  • independently draw up a plan for writing an essay, an essay or an expanded screwdriver to a question
  • write interesting, detailed, well-structured essays on literature
  • correct writing and general literacy

Contents of the Unified State Examination in Literature - what should schoolchildren prepare for?

Preparation courses for the Unified State Exam in Literature include preparation for both parts of the exam paper.

The first part contains questions of an analytical nature on literary works. This block controls the skills of key components of the content and plot structure of determining the examined works of fiction (issues addressed, characters, literary and artistic devices, etc.). Part 1 includes 2 logical partitions:

  • the first section is devoted to a fragment of a dramatic work;
  • the second section reveals the lyrical work.

In the second part of the examination work, you are required to compose and write a full-fledged structured essay on a given topic of at least 200 words, according to certain criteria. Preparing for an essay takes up most of the time in Unified State Examination courses in literature. During the task, the examinee is asked to choose 1 of 4 topics of different formats:

  • The topic is of a literary nature;
  • The context of analysis of a literary work by a specific author;
  • Topics of independent literature review;
  • Determining your own position in the “reader’s diary” format.

The total maximum score for the examination paper is 58 for 17 tasks.

235 minutes are allotted for completion.

The minimum test score for the literature exam for 2018 was 32.

Applicants who have passed this threshold can count on participation in the competition for places at universities in the following areas:

  • Training program for teachers, teachers of Russian language and literature;
  • Library and information activities;
  • Domestic philology (in the field of Russian language and literature);
  • Management of socio-cultural activities and many others.

Irina Valentinovna is a teacher who explains the material and questions that are unclear to the student very clearly. We are preparing for the Unified State Exam in literature. We haven't had many activities together so far. It was important for me to study with an Unified State Exam expert on this subject in order to know why they take...

They add points, what nuances there are in the tasks, as well as an understanding of the very structure of the Unified State Examination in literature. Irina Valentinovna explains all this information clearly and accessible. Now I am already writing short essays from the Unified State Examination, the teacher also explains their structure and nuances. Irina Valentinovna talks about the intricacies of writing answers to the test that comes before essays - this information is also useful and understandable for me. Now I am satisfied with the quality of the classes. What is also important, the teacher checks the Unified State Exam essays on literature according to criteria that correspond to the official criteria from FIPI.

Grade 5+

Darina, Korolev


I came to Nadezhda Mikhailovna at the beginning of the eleventh grade, when I realized that in order to enter one of the most prestigious universities in our country, I needed to score over 95 points in each subject, and it would be better to even enter the Olympiad. In 10th grade I managed to pass the regional literature test, but...

I didn’t take any places because I didn’t know how to prepare and wasn’t familiar with the format. This year, thanks to Nadezhda Mikhailovna, I passed my first All-Russian Competition in Literature, became the winner of the Highest Test in Philology and received the right to admission without competition (BVI) to St. Petersburg State University and the National Research University Higher School of Economics. After the Olympiads there was very little time left to prepare for the Unified State Exam in Literature, I was very worried. But in 1.5 months, Nadezhda Mikhailovna gave me everything I needed, and I received 97 points. With 100 points in Russian and 98 in English, the doors of the best universities in the country opened for me. I entered foreign comparative studies at the Russian State University for the Humanities. I am very grateful to Nadezhda Mikhailovna for all the achievements of this year!

Grade 5+

Lina, metro station Lyublino

Order services: Russian literature. Unified State Examination in Literature.


I studied with Natalya Aleksandrovna in preparation for the Unified State Exam in literature and writing a creative assignment for the Unified State Exam in the Russian language, while studying in the 10th grade 2 years before taking the exam. The teacher turned out to be a very sensitive and sincere person, which made me very comfortable during classes. The lessons allowed me to...

take a fresh look at seemingly familiar works from school, learn to compare themes and characters of heroes from different authors. The classes were based on preparation for writing essays and detailed answers, which form the basis of the Unified State Examination in literature. I have another year ahead, I don’t know whether I will ultimately pass this subject, but the knowledge and approach to studying literature acquired during preparation will definitely stay with me for a long time. I recommend Natalya Alexandrovna for a deep and leisurely immersion in this wonderful subject.

Grade 5+

Catherine, metro station Yugo-Zapadnaya

Ordering services: Literature. Unified State Examination in Literature.


Pros: Thanks to Alexander Borisovich for the good preparation of my son for the Unified State Exam in literature. He is an excellent teacher, deeply knowledgeable in his subject, a versatile person who managed to interest my son in literature and give him all the necessary knowledge to pass the exam. Description:...

I recommend this teacher to prepare for the Unified State Exam in Literature.

Grade 5

Tatiana, m. Perovo

Ordering services: Literature. Unified State Examination in Literature.


My daughter began studying with Elena Viktorovna at the end of September 2017 in order to prepare for the Unified State Exam in literature, since she needed this subject to enter a university. My daughter had a solid A in literature, but she needed a specialist to provide competent support and familiarity with the subject...

in Unified State Exam format. We watched the teacher’s presentation and everything became clear to us; we weren’t looking for anyone else). As communication with her during the school year showed, we were not mistaken. The man is so in love with his profession, with literature and the Russian language, he knows so much about it that he cannot help but share this love with his students. The classes were interesting and intense, and my daughter enjoyed doing her homework. At the end of the year we took extra hours in Russian (about four classes). My daughter passed the Unified State Examination in literature with 94 points, and in Russian with 98. After that, Elena Viktorovna worked with her daughter for about a week to pass the creative test at the university. The daughter entered the budget of the Faculty of Journalism of Moscow State University. Thank you very much to Elena Viktorovna, a bright and positive person and an excellent teacher for her work and knowledge!

Grade 5+

Tatiana, metro station Kakhovskaya, Sevastopolskaya

Ordering services: Literature. Unified State Examination in Literature.


I am very grateful to Maria Andreevna for her work! She worked with my daughter to prepare for the Unified State Exam in literature via Skype. We had to start almost from scratch, because... my daughter unexpectedly decided to take literature a year before the Unified State Exam. We studied for several months. The result of the Unified State Examination in literature is 84. We are very pleased!

Grade 5+

Svetlana, metro station Rechnoy Vokzal, Vodny Stadium

Ordering services: Literature. Unified State Examination in Literature.