Why you can’t kill spiders in the house - folk superstitions.

The belief that you should not kill spiders came to us from the distant past. As a very ancient legend says, Moses fled from his pursuers and found refuge in a den of spiders. Different legends interpret the legend in their own way: some claim that Mohammed was hiding in the cave, others believe that the baby Jesus was hiding, but one way or another the spider became a symbol of salvation and protection. Let's try to figure it out.

Folk superstitions about spiders

Currently, there are many superstitions that explain why spiders should not be killed.

  1. Find a spider - to the letter. Many people believe that if you see a spider crawling on your body or on other objects, then you should expect a letter or gift in the near future. And if you kill the spider, then you can forget about these surprises.
  2. Spider is a healer. Our ancestors treated diseases with herbs and insects. Shamans collected cobwebs around the house and used them to heal many diseases. Therefore, our ancestors believed that if you kill a spider, you can bring misfortune and illness to your home.
  3. Spider is a protector from evil spirits. Many people believe that spiders in the house prevent negativity and evil spirits from entering the home. Killing a spider meant bringing trouble, curses and evil eyes to your home.
  4. Spider as a symbol of happiness. There is an ancient belief that the spider with its web attracts happiness and joy into the house. Therefore, if there are no cobwebs in the house, then there is nothing to attract family happiness and well-being.
  5. Spider - for money. There is a belief that small red spiders bring financial well-being to the house. To do this, you need to put this spider in your pocket. And in England they believe that a spider accidentally falling from above certainly means a big inheritance.
  6. Murder is a sin. In any world religion, murder is considered a very strong sin, regardless of whether the object of the attack is a person or an insect. In any case, the offender will be punished. And the smaller the spider, the greater the retribution that awaits the person.
  7. Spider is a teacher of wisdom. The human race revered spiders in ancient times. People considered spiders to be a source of wisdom, spirituality and hard work, and that there was much to be learned from this insect. Spiders were equated with divine beings, and for killing a spider, a person was expelled from the tribe and doomed to eternal wandering.
  8. A spider is a good omen. In the past, people believed that the spider was a source that brought good luck, prosperity and health. A man who wished his family health and well-being would never raise his hand to a spider.

Ancient signs about spiders

  • - If the newlyweds see a spider on the way to the altar, there will be no happiness in their family.
  • - To see a spider descending on its web - you should expect important news.
  • - A spider on clothes - an increase in money, career advancement.
  • - Seeing a spider running along the wall is good luck.
  • - A spider weaving its web at dawn - a great fate awaits the person who sees it.
  • - A spider weaves its web at night - it signifies hope, it weaves during the day - about worries, and if a spider weaves its thread in the evening - it means a gift.

Healing with spiders

In the Middle Ages, many healers used many rituals and recipes with spiders to cure seriously ill patients. Nowadays it sounds very crazy, but people used to believe in it.

  • - To cure asthma and drowsiness, the patient should swallow a small ball of spider web.
  • — To stop the bleeding, a skein of spider web was applied to a fresh wound.
  • — A patient with jaundice was offered to eat a live spider coated in butter.
  • “If a child had whooping cough, they hung a spider over the crib and whispered various incantations, for example: “Spider, die, and take the disease with you.”
  • - If a person had a fever, then to cure himself, he placed the spider in an impenetrable box until the spider died. People used to believe that the death of a spider would get rid of the disease.

Whether to believe in all these signs or not is a personal matter for each person, but now you know why you can’t kill spiders in the house omens. But if you see a spider in your house, do not kill it, but simply release it into nature. Do not allow cobwebs to appear under your ceiling, and to attract happiness, prosperity and health to your home, you can buy a figurine in the form of a spider.

Since ancient times, we have come to believe that it is impossible to kill spiders in the house. Let's try to figure out whether our ancestors were right, why such superstitions were born and whether they are worth sticking to.

Why you shouldn’t kill spiders in the house: objective reasons

Most often what we see is not the spiders themselves, but their webs - structures made from a kind of secretion produced by the glands of spiders. The arachnids themselves prefer to hide from people, because we pose a greater danger to them than they do to us.

It is the cobwebs that zealous housewives struggle with. But with its help, arthropods, which are predators by nature, catch pests and blood-sucking insects - carriers of dangerous diseases.

Some types of spiders catch and destroy more than 500 insects per day. If you kill a spider that has taken up residence in your home, you are getting rid of a beneficial predator, a living creature, an essential part of the ecosystem of your home.

If you increasingly see cobwebs in your apartment, this is a consequence of a large number of midges, bedbugs, and cockroaches, which are attractive food for spiders. Get rid of insects - and arachnid neighbors will disappear from your home!

Photo gallery: spiders that most often settle in our apartments A distinctive feature of the hobo spider is that it does not weave a web, but attacks the victim, injects its poison, eats it and moves on. Most often, haymaking spiders settle in apartments, setting up their homes near windows and in dark corners

The house spider does not know how to wrap its prey in a cocoon, so during the hunt it has to rely solely on its efficiency

If being next to a spider is undesirable for you, then the best way is to evict the uninvited tenant onto the street, rather than kill him.

Signs and beliefs associated with killing spiders

  • Folk signs that tell us what bad consequences can result from killing a spider have come to us from ancient times:
  • illnesses will begin. There is evidence that our ancestors treated some diseases (asthma, drowsiness, fever) and stopped bleeding with the help of spider webs. Today it is reliably known that spider webs do not have healing properties, but the poison of some representatives of arthropods is actually used in medicine;
  • trouble will come to the house. The smaller the spider you kill, the more trouble it will cause. Ancestors believed that the web acts as a catcher of happiness. According to another version, a spider's network is capable of holding curses, the evil eye and bad energy;

If we turn to mythology, we can recall the legend about the goddess Minerva and the skilled weaver, the ordinary mortal Arachne. The patroness of wisdom did not destroy the Lydian beauty, to whom she lost in the art of weaving, but turned her into a terrible spider. Since then, no one has been able to enjoy Arachne’s external charms, but everyone admires her ability to weave unique patterns.

Video: why you shouldn't kill spiders

When faced with arachnid creatures in your personal space, it is difficult to experience positive emotions. Whether or not the magical power of arachnids exists is up to you to decide. Maybe saving the life and releasing this child of nature into the street would be a more reasonable decision than swatting it with a slipper.

All of you have probably heard that it is not allowed to encroach on the lives of our smaller brothers, in particular spiders. They live everywhere, inhabiting the entire globe.

Spiders live outdoors and in the house, in the ground and in the water - they can weave their webs in various places. Since ancient times, there have been many superstitions and beliefs why these small animals should not be killed.

Such prejudices are justified by all sorts of stories and legends. But there are no real factual reasons or explanations for all this.

Still, let's try to talk about why you shouldn't kill spiders, delving into different spheres of human thinking, both real and fictional.

By nature, spiders are harmless creatures. Everything that exists around us, inhabits the globe, has its purpose. This is the role of these animals.

Of course, there are all kinds of them, including poisonous ones, biting ones, and large ones. But today we are talking about small spiders that can be found in everyone’s home.

From a humane point of view, spiders should not be killed. Just like any living creature. This is contrary to all human principles. The spider, although small, also has the right to life.

According to hygienic and sanitary standards, spiders are good because they help in the fight against unclean midges.

They feed on mosquitoes, flies and other buzzing and flying insects, saving you and me from their bites and other incidents. Therefore, in this case, spiders should not be killed either.

Religious Perspective on Killing Spiders

The point of view that the spider should be given the right to life is also defended by religion. There is a legend in this regard. Each religion has transformed it to suit itself.

Be that as it may, the story goes that the spider helped the servant of the Almighty to hide. When Jesus (Moses, Mohammed) fled from persecution, he hid in a cave. Then the spider quickly braided the entrance to it with its threads.

The people who were chasing the Deity did not look into the cave. Because they decided that no one had gone there for many years. Based on this story, a spider cannot be killed, it is the savior of the Almighty Himself and is protected by him.

Esoterics about killing spiders

Esotericists have their own explanations about this. They think like this: if there are spiders in the house, then there are also small insects. If there are small insects, then there are flowers, plants and other flora that bloom wildly and beautifully.

And flowers grow actively only in houses that have a positive atmosphere, aura, peace and grace. By killing a spider, you will break the entire chain and can scare away happiness.

From a psychological point of view, killing even a tiny spider can cause depression and stress in a very suspicious person.

For superstitious people, the point of view remains relevant, which knows many signs regarding the killing of a spider. Let's list some of them and try to give a rational answer.

1) The sign says that by killing a small roommate, you will bring illness, disease and misfortune to the house. Moreover, the smaller the spider, the worse the punishment.

This sign is most likely due to the fact that in the old days, for medicinal purposes, humanity resorted to the help of everything that was at hand. It was believed that some ailments could be driven away with the help of cobwebs.

It was collected into a ball and applied to wounds, infusions or lotions were made. Therefore, the presence of spiders and cobwebs in the house was only welcomed.

A positive sign in this regard is: a spider is weaving a web in a sick person’s room - expect his speedy recovery.

2) Spiders can bring happiness. According to legend, the web catches all that is good and kind. If there is one in the corners of the house, then its owners are happy people. By killing a spider, you will get rid of such a happiness catcher.

Looking logically at the essence of what was said, the question arises: what does happiness have to do with small, nasty, harmful, infectious and sometimes smelly midges that get caught in the web?

3) Also according to one of the signs spiders announce good news or a gift. If a spider lands on your head, arm, shoulder or some other part of your body, then expect good news.

By killing this harbinger of happiness, you drive away good things from yourself and break the connection with the gift. To this day, no one has confirmed the real connection between the spider and gifts, wealth, goodness, and happiness.

4) Not only bad ones are associated with persecuting and killing spiders. There are also good ones. At least one of them is widely known. She knows that an unintentionally killed spider helps get rid of four dozen sins.

In ancient times, people came up with many jokes to simplify life, predict tomorrow, tell about the weather, call for joy or bring disaster.

This has no practical confirmation. It’s just that back then it was easier to live this way, because our ancestors didn’t have newfangled technologies that helped in life.

Nowadays everything is much simpler, and therefore more realistic. Killing a spider does not mean inviting trouble. To kill a spider is to act inhumanely.

Spiders are worthy insects that amaze with their amazing structure, the ability to create such a thin but strong web, as well as the number of myths associated with them.

Why is it believed that they cannot be killed? What is this belief connected with and what will happen if you still kill an insect?

There is no justifiable reason why these creatures should not be harmed. They all come from legends and superstitions.

Spiders have always been considered a symbol of prosperity, wealth and health. They have previously been used to treat a variety of diseases. The web was credited with healing properties, and was placed on the sick of its creators, waiting for the latter to weave their majestic patterns.

Modern scientists have proven that this is nothing more than a fiction. Unfortunately, it arose from a lack of medicines during massive outbreaks of certain diseases. At that time, medicinal properties were attributed to many non-medicinal animals and objects.

However, this superstition has survived to this day. It is believed that spiders guard the house, protect it from diseases and various troubles. Therefore, when you kill an insect, you leave your family without protection.

Another reason is that the web is a catcher of happiness, luck and love. A house in which she is absent will be deprived of these ephemeral concepts.

Indian talismans, which are called Dream Catchers, are created in the likeness of a spider's web. It is not without reason that such a talisman is believed to be able to keep nightmares away and give only good and pleasant dreams.

Certain types of spiders, such as red “money weavers,” bring prosperity. By killing such a person, you create a gap in the house for profit and any financial income, and the money will evaporate like water. These creatures are also believed to bring good news. If you kill such a messenger, the good news will not reach you.

Is it permissible for Muslims to kill spiders according to Islam?

Islam has a special attitude towards animals. There are many lines in the Koran that talk about love for all living things, the value of life, which cannot be taken with one’s own hands. Allah created living beings to serve him, and they are all obliged to respect each other.

However, in the Koran you can also find lines that you can kill black dogs, snakes and spiders. This means that Allah orders to get rid of dangerous animals that bring death to humans. Therefore, the house spider can live - it does not threaten you and is not dangerous.

Can Orthodox Christians Kill Spiders in Christianity?

There is also a belief in Christianity that insects should not be harmed. Legend has it that a spider once saved the lives of Jesus' family. Little Jesus hid in a cave with his parents, and the spider wove a large web at the entrance. A dove created a nest in it.

When those who were chasing Jesus approached the cave, they noticed the web and the nest. Deciding that no one could get inside, they left safely. Since then, pigeons have symbolized peace and tranquility, and spiders have been sacred insects.

If you have already killed a spider, what should you do?

Everyone knows that these insects should not be killed. However, fear and disgust sometimes force one to do something like this involuntarily.

If this happens, try to think positive. You need to patch up the hole that has formed in the aura of your home with the help of positive thoughts.

Believers can pray. In order not to invite trouble, it is worth asking for forgiveness from nature. Explain why you did this. The fact that you apologized indicates that you have conscience and kindness in your heart, so you will be forgiven.

Opinions of esotericists

In esotericism, the spider symbolizes creativity, and the web is the Thread of Fate. The Indians associate these creatures with Maya, the Lady of Illusions, and the Greeks with Moira, the wise woman who spins, measures and cuts the thread of human life.

It is believed that the insect maintains a balance between the future and the past, spiritual and physical, feminine and masculine. A spider depicted or drawn in the center of the web means the image of a person located in the center of the world.

This insect symbolizes three important forms of magic:

  • energy of creativity.,
  • energy of beauty.,
  • the energy of a spiral connecting the future with the past.

Also in esotericism, the spider is considered a keeper of knowledge and a guide to the world of the dead. It is associated with rebirth, which explains the killing and eating of male spiders after copulation.

From a psychological point of view, any murder is not the norm. Even a small spider, mercilessly killed, can cause stress and depression in particularly sensitive people.

We cannot determine for ourselves whether any creature is worth living. Therefore, it is better to release the insect into nature. This way you will not only save someone’s life, but also your own psychological balance.

In our world, not everything works out right the first time. Especially when it comes to such an “industry” as military affairs. So the popular American publication The National Interest decided to talk about failures. The publication selected five really high-profile “crackling” failures.

1. BAT is simply pilliant

The system was supposed to create a holocaust of tanks. |Photo: new-factoria.ru.

The first of the most unsuccessful projects of the US military can be considered the BAT or “pilliant Anti-Tank” initiative. The project began during the Cold War. Within its framework, cluster munitions were developed for ATACMS missiles, which in turn were launched from M270 artillery mounts. The military dreamed that one such ammunition could destroy almost a company of enemy tanks. In total, $2.2 billion was spent on BAT. In 2003, the initiative was closed due to “insolvency.”

2. Flight of the Comanche

Dorbgo-rich, even too rich. |Photo: anyaero.com.

In second place for outright fiascoes, the Americans decided to place their reconnaissance helicopter RAH-66 Comanche, which debuted in 1991. The aircraft made its first real flight in 1996. The RAH-66 was supposed to be a revolution in propeller-driven aircraft. This helicopter had it all: speed, power, stealth, fancy gadgets, the best weapons and a huge price. Even for the American military, the RAH-66 Comanche turned out to be too expensive a “toy”.

3. It's Crusader, baby

It turned out too cool. |Photo: alex-news.ru.

The Crusader howitzer is another great example of how you can screw up a couple of billion dollars in the arms business. It was assumed that this 155 mm gun would replace the M109 artillery system. The parameters of the new product were impressive: up to 10 shots per minute at a distance of 40 km. And everything would have been fine if the president-gun had not weighed 43 tons and did not need an additional vehicle to transport ammunition. In 2002, the project was closed.

4. Golden Tanks

We tried to make a bicycle. |Photo: livejournal.com.

Once upon a time, Americans wanted to add a little fantasy to their army. A striking example was the Future Combat Systems project, which began in 2003. As part of the initiative, they wanted to create an ultra-modern chassis for the tank. When it turned out that $18.1 billion of budget funds had already been spent on the project over several years, the Pentagon unexpectedly decided to curtail the initiative. Apparently something went wrong. Together with the FCS, the command decided to concentrate on the “budgetary” modernization of existing weapons, rather than developing the latest.

5. We're going, going, going

We have arrived, comrades. ¦Photo: bemil.chosun.com.

The Ground Combat Vehicles program was launched in 2009. As part of the initiative, the Americans once again tried to create a fundamentally new tank. At first everything went quite well, but it soon became clear that the mass of the prototype exceeded 60 tons. Such technical parameters clearly did not suit the military, and in 2014 they decided to close the project. This time the country’s budget escaped with a “slight fright” of $1 billion.