A well-written resume. What to write about yourself

We create a resume.

Your resume- a significant step on the path to finding a job, leaving a first, but often decisive, impression. If your resume is read and you are invited for an interview, it means your first move was successful.

Remember, your resume should always be at your fingertips. It must be carefully drafted. It is necessary to make adjustments to it regularly and promptly, in accordance with the requirements of the new work - after all, it is unknown how urgently it may be needed, because the rule is “Strike while the iron is hot!” no one has canceled it yet.* “Adjust” the resume text for each vacancy.

First, keep in mind that your resume will be read by a person who knows nothing about you. It is best to send your resume by email or fill it out on the website; you can bring it in person. Try not to use fax - the condition of most fax machines, and therefore the type of resume, can be assessed as “mediocre”. Please note that an electronic resume will not always look different from a standard one.

Secondly, the resume must be typed on a computer, preferably in the MS-Word editor (save in .rtf format), and look professional and presentable. It is not advisable to submit a photocopy, only the first copy printed on white paper, preferably on a laser printer. Provide a photograph upon request (mainly from recruitment agencies). Volume - no more than one and a half pages.

Third, indicate the vacancy or position for which you are applying. Name only those positions that the company requires.

Fourth, highlight the last name, first name, patronymic, date of birth and number of completed years in large font. Contact information is required: home, cell or work phone number indicating the city code. It would be a good idea to include your email address and pager number. Home address indicating the postal code, up to the house and apartment number, in order to send you a message about the vacancy by mail, if you do not guarantee the flawless operation of the phone. You must indicate your marital status. Do not write about common-law marriages, divorces... Mention the presence of children if their age or health status will affect their work schedule and productivity. If there are no children, this should be noted.

Fifth, write only about education that influences the overall perception of the resume. Enter the year of admission and graduation from a technical school, university, etc., the full name of the educational institution and the city where it is located, the faculty and specialty indicated in the diploma. Form of study: evening, part-time, full-time. Separately - courses and other forms of advanced training. Do not overestimate your level of knowledge of a foreign language. A preliminary check of your knowledge level by an employer or recruitment agency is possible. Indicate knowledge of accounting programs, knowledge of the Internet, e-mail and special programs, for example, graphic editors; ability to work with office mini-PBX and office equipment: copier, fax. It wouldn’t hurt to mention the available categories of driver’s license and the availability of a personal car.

Sixth, it is imperative to indicate the last 2-3 places of work for a period of no more than 10 years, in reverse chronological order, starting with the last one, including part-time work. Job responsibilities for each job. Reasons for leaving or looking for a new job. For example: lack of professional growth.

And finally, note your positive aspects: health, ability to work in a team, communication skills, etc.

* you can store, edit and send your resume by e-mail on the website

Sample resume download:

Sample 1. Sample 2. Sample 3.
Download resume (rtf 35.4 Kb.), rar (5.33 Kb.) Download resume (rtf 34 Kb.), rar (4.66 Kb.) Download resume (rtf 33.3 Kb.), rar (3.24 Kb.)

Download all versions of resume samples rar (13.1 Kb.)

We are having an interview.

Basic interview rules.

It matters where you go: for an interview with a recruitment agency or directly with an employer. In any case, show calm and confidence. You just need to consider the following points:

1. Many companies trust the selection of candidates to personnel (recruiting) agencies. This is due to several important reasons (despite the costs). Firstly, managers of recruitment agencies are a very interested party, since a successfully selected candidate is not only immediate income, but also a guarantee of receiving applications from the company in the future. Secondly, for most companies it is cheaper to order an employee search from professionals than to deal with important personnel issues through their own personnel officer, who, as a rule, does not have the experience and capabilities of recruitment agency specialists. It can be noted that the prejudice of some applicants against recruitment agencies is, first of all, a lack of personal positive experience in searching for a job.

2. Go to the interview with a prepared resume. If you have somewhat embellished the actual state of affairs, do not worry, the likelihood that your interview will be conducted by a person who can “figure out” exactly what worries you is negligible. But you shouldn’t underestimate the “enemy” - the very status of “employer” makes him “smarter,” at least in his own eyes. The veracity of your answers can be easily verified during the interview, not to mention the fact that the employer can directly contact your previous management; They may take your word for it, but give you a practical test.

3. Prepare in advance and unobtrusively ask questions about the company and its existing procedures. It is possible that some aspects will not be to your liking at all, such as frequent business trips or the personality of your future boss. Use the Internet - the number of corporate websites is increasing every day. Know that the purpose of a company’s search for an employee is to find a person who will solve existing problems. A confident phrase: “I see that I can be useful...” will say more about you than all other words combined.

4. View the interview as a collaboration negotiation. What exactly is the employer's need - that's what you need to find out exactly. Success depends on what you can offer and how well the offer matches the needs. Try to turn the conversation towards a discussion of future partnerships. Imagine the situation in such a way that you are the No. 1 candidate for the position. After all, you are a completely mature and formed personality. Help you make the decision you want. If you can unobtrusively turn the interview into a conversation between equals, the conditions offered to you may well turn out to be better than expected.

5. First impressions still influence subsequent attitudes. You should look good and decently dressed, but without any claims to any exclusivity. This indicates your willingness to adopt a corporate style. Please arrive at your appointment a few minutes before your scheduled time. Don't be late! If circumstances arise that prevent a timely meeting, be sure to call and try to reschedule the meeting. A decisive opinion about you will be formed within the first 5-7 minutes of the interview. Up to half of job refusals are not related to the candidate’s professional experience, but only to his behavior and personal qualities.

6. Tell the truth about the reasons for leaving your previous jobs. Categorically refrain from reproaches against the former management. Don't be afraid to talk about your weaknesses. Only those who do nothing do not make mistakes.

7. In general, employers negotiate salary at the end of the interview. Here, try not to sell yourself short, because you are a good specialist, and good things don’t come cheap. A good option is to ask about the availability of bonuses after the salary amount mentioned by the employer.

8. An employer can make a decision regarding your hiring at almost any time during the interview. For example, this may involve transferring the conversation from the sphere of professional activity to the area of ​​personal interests. Here you need to stop promoting yourself as a professional and make it clear that you have no problems in this area.

9. Having received a standard answer - we will call you back, do not be upset and do not consider the proposed location as the only option. Also, do not stop searching during the trial period, because you are also choosing a company.

If every applicant knew that he had only 3 minutes to “hook” the employer, then resumes would be compiled with higher quality, more responsibly and concisely. Your self-presentation should look so that the HR manager wants to meet with you and discuss the prospects for further cooperation.

What is a resume

Many candidates underestimate these career life sheets, but in vain, because the employer, without seeing you, can judge by your skills whether you are suitable for a particular job. A resume is a real document, so it must be compiled carefully, pedantically, and also include a number of mandatory points. An experienced recruiter will identify a useful document in 2 minutes. How to write a resume so that you do not end up on the list of outsiders, but win the competition for the main prize - an in-person interview?

Rules for writing a resume

Start working with the document with your full name, purpose, contact information, age and marital status. Clarify your key qualities, skills, work experience, education, achievements. Your intuition will not tell you how to write a resume correctly - you need to follow certain business rules, the knowledge of which will also be assessed by the HR department or the head of the company.

What should a resume look like?

Visually, this document should look concise, strict, and business-like. Try not to experiment with fonts, text color, background, highlighting (underlining, bold letters, italics). The volume of self-presentation should not exceed 2 pages; ideally, the recruiter should have 1 sheet on his desk.

What to write about yourself

The visual perception of a document often stimulates the decision to call for an interview. Information needs to be structured correctly. How to write a resume and correctly fill out each of the blocks to make a favorable impression:

  1. Last name, first name, patronymic, date of birth- according to your passport. Avoid nicknames, abbreviations, and false information.
  2. Target for you – applying for the position “...”.
  3. "Contact" includes a current personal phone number, active email and address (if required).
  4. Family status must be stated factually. There are 3 possible options that need to be written on your resume: married, single, civil marriage.
  5. Education– in chronological or functional order. It is advisable not to take into account seminars and “circles” that are of little significance for a given vacancy, so as not to visually overload the document and not waste the time of a recruiter. Focus on the main profession required by the vacancy.
  6. experience indicated in the order that will be of interest to a particular employer. If you worked as a chief accountant for 3 years, after which you got a job as a sales manager, and now you have decided to return to the financial sector, then more important experience will be located at the top. How to create a resume that is not overloaded with “extra” companies? The employer is interested in work experience over the last 10 years, maximum length of service in one company, and last place of employment. This paragraph should succinctly indicate the following data: time range, name of organization, position.
  7. Achievements include functional information: “developed”, “trained”, “mastered”, “managed (number of people)”, “saved”, “developed”. This is how the recruiter will assess your potential usefulness, so it is important that he can quickly find your key skills in the document canvas.

Field of activity in a resume - what to write

The “Additional information” block is a section of your skills. Describe language skills, computer skills, additional level of knowledge in any area, personal qualities. What should you write about yourself in your resume to stand out among thousands of faceless self-presentations? The form of a perfectly composed document form is never replete with information about the applicant’s hobby, unless it is an addition to his professional skills. Think about how to present yourself correctly and interest the employer in your personality.

How to write a resume for a student

Immediately after graduating from university, your work experience is not diverse, and an adequate employer understands this. How to correctly write a resume so that it is short but meaningful? Students and graduates often omit the “Work Experience” block altogether, compensating for the “gap” with widespread information in the “Education” section. The knowledge acquired at conferences, international seminars, and courses is much more important for an organization than a month of working as a waiter in a cafe. You can also list your awards and honors and indicate the topic of the diploma.

How to fill out a resume if you are writing such a document for the first time? The easiest way is to use a template from job search sites, but then you are unlikely to be able to claim individuality. The smart way out of the situation is to study the rules, find out more information on how to write a proper resume, and follow it. If you are preparing a self-presentation to be sent to a branch of a large company, and the key skill of an applicant for a vacancy is linguistic knowledge, it is better to print the document and issue it in 2 copies - in Russian and a foreign language.

Sample of a good resume for a job

Your checklist when creating a document will look like this:

  • conciseness of presentation;
  • rigor of design;
  • lack of excesses in the form of a bright background, patterns, underlines;
  • availability of all necessary blocks;
  • competent, concise and meaningful presentation of the material.

For clarity, an example of a successful resume:

Sidorov Petr Valerievich

Purpose of resume: applying for an accountant position

Phone: +7 (…) -…-..-..

Marital status: single


RGSU, 1992-1997

Specialty: foreign regional studies (specialist)

MSUPP, 2004-2009

Specialty: accounting, analysis and audit (specialist)

UMC of accountants and auditors, 2015-2016.

Advanced training – seminar “New VAT Taxation”


  • February 2003 – December 2016, Prosenval OJSC
  • Position: accountant
  • August 1997 – January 2003, JSC Magistral
  • Position: regional specialist


At OJSC Prosenval, he optimized the tax base, due to which the company’s expenses were reduced by 13%.

Additional Information:

Foreign languages: English (fluent)

Computer knowledge: confident user, knowledge of Office, 1C Accounting, Dolibarr

Personal qualities: punctuality, composure, ability to analyze, mathematical mind.

Head of the financial department of OJSC "Prosenval"

Avdotyev Konstantin Georgievich, tel. +7 (…)…-..-..

Ready to start work 02/01/2017,

Desired salary: from 40,000 rubles

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In this article, you'll find step-by-step instructions for writing a resume, as well as tips and examples to help you get noticed, stand out from your competitors, and land a competitive position, no matter what your specialty.

Creating a resume is not inherently difficult; it is important to compose it in such a way that you stand out clearly enough among your competitors, and this is worth some effort.

For the most part, resumes look the same, of course there are some rules, but you need to make an impression, and for this, train yourself to have an individual handwriting. After all, 90% of your competitors will use standard phrases that will employers are already tired, even you will most likely say them:

  1. Responsibility
  2. Punctuality
  3. Performance
  4. Perseverance
  5. Communication skills, etc.

This is what is expected of you if you want to stand out among your competitors - you need to hook and interest the employer, then you will get an advantage and be deservedly rewarded. A correctly written resume really deserves attention, and if you carefully study the material on this site, compose a correct and catchy resume, it will be put in a separate folder and shown to your boss first!

You'll soon learn powerful rules to apply...

First Rule: When writing a resume, imagine that you need to sell the most expensive thing for you (yourself, of course). Make the employer need you, prove that you are an expert in a certain area and that this area is exclusively important to him. It is important to understand that your expertise matches the position for which you are applying.

Believe me! This rule has been working for many years and if done correctly, it may be enough. Although...this is only the first rule.

What is the main objective of a resume?

A resume is a business card, your personal, professional self-esteem, the task of which is to profitably sell you, or rather your experience, knowledge and skills, to obtain a pre-planned result. Think about these words!

The resume must be completed based on several rules, stick to them and you will succeed in acquiring a profession, and subsequently a career:

  • Brevity. The resume should not be very long; on average, about a minute of time is devoted to reading the resume, often even less. The optimal size is one A4 page.
  • Specificity. Try to be as clear as possible in dates, names, addresses. You will give the impression of a business person who approaches tasks with responsibility.
  • Truthfulness. There are times when you want to embellish reality. Don’t write lies, sooner or later they will be revealed, and you will have to be punished.
  • Selectivity. Select information for your resume, including exactly those aspects that will be useful in the position for which you are applying.

The most clearly marked are the areas that people look at first, i.e. This place should contain information that will attract the employer’s attention to your person. The procedure for writing a resume is described below.

Second Rule: The more clearly you can articulate your purpose, the more attention and professional interest you will attract. A person who knows exactly what position he needs and what skills he has already deserves attention. It is advisable to also indicate the salary level.

Order of writing resume sections:

The appearance of the resume should be pleasing to the eye and not contain unnecessary elements on the page! What matters is the presence of your photo and a clear structure:

  • Personal data– Full name, Date of birth, Place of residence, Telephone, E-mail.

Ivanov Vitaly Andreevich
Date of birth: 07/24/1980
Place of residence: Ekaterinburg, st. Bolshakova, 77–419.
Phone: 8 ХХХ ХХХ-ХХ-ХХ (mobile), ХХХ-ХХ-ХХ (home).
Email: [email protected].

  • Target– At this point, write what vacancy you are applying for. You must know exactly what you want! Moreover, this is the most important part of your resume!

Target, or life achievements– place the main emphasis on this part of your resume, it should be exciting and understandable, so that the reader would want to meet you live. This part should be located at the top of the resume under personal data.

  • Education– Indicate the basic education that allows you to apply for this position. Indicate the years of study, institution and assigned qualification (specialty). Also announce additional courses or trainings, but only if they are related to the vacancy.

2002 – 2007
Ural State University named after. A.M. Gorky
Faculty: History
Specialty: Historian-archivist
Additional education:
2003 Ural-Siberian Institute of Business
Integrated Marketing Program

  • experience– List your most recent jobs, starting with your most recent (current). Indicate the period of work, company name, field of activity, position and responsibilities, as well as specific achievements in indicators.

March 2009 – Present.
Company: "Zapad"
Field: Wholesale of food products
Position: Chief accountant
Responsibilities: Maintaining accounting and tax records, preparing reports for the Social Insurance Fund, Internal Revenue Service, working in the general taxation system.

Basically, the section resembles a work book, pay attention to this point and you will get an advantage. Do not indicate irrelevant experience that is not relevant to the vacancy! Compose it with due care and get the payoff

  • Additional Information– this point is not mandatory, but can influence the final decision. Indicate skills related to the purpose of the resume - knowledge of languages, computers, programs related to the profession, etc.

PC: Word, Excel, PowerPoint, CorelDraw, PhotoShop.

German - fluent, English - conversational.

In the main (most readable) part, describe the significant events that occurred in your professional career, what level of skill you have achieved over the past years and in what areas you are deservedly considered an expert. Write how you differ from other experts, perhaps you have awards, make the manager read your resume to the end!!!

How to please a hiring manager?

Before answering this question, let's understand what a manager's job looks like and the tasks he must perform to select candidates

  1. Create and post job advertisements.
  2. After a sufficient number of resumes have been sent, candidates need to be sifted out and the best ones selected for calling and interviewing.
  3. After the call, some of the candidates will be eliminated again, and the rest will need to be invited for an interview and the best will be selected again.
  4. And the last interview, perhaps already practice, will be in the department where the employee is needed.

Don't be scared! You can attract attention to yourself if you write a high-quality resume. First, you need to get an interview, and for this you need to follow these steps:

  • Take writing your resume seriously and spend a lot of time on it. Make two options and send them together if you can't decide.
  • You should have a presentable mailbox, with your last name preferably (do not use mail like: superman@mail, etc.)
  • Try to use understandable language, do not use too abstruse or cliched phrases, no one reads them! Tell a professional story about your career - that's all you need.
  • Divide your resume into component parts and make the main information more prominent, but at the same time, do not overdo it.
  • Do not make multi-page pages with full information about yourself; your resume should be 1 A4 page (maximum 2)
  • Call the employer, if possible, find out whether the resume has arrived and how soon the result will be known.

Third Rule: Be confident! Everyone gets nervous during interviews, even employers. You should embody a confident person and inspire calm with your appearance, and not the feeling that you feel bad. How to achieve this? There is one way! But you will learn about it in the next article.

Here are a few non-standard resumes, which will attract the attention of the employer, but you must clearly understand how this will affect the attitude towards you. In some cases creativity is appropriate, in others it is not.

Probably each of you needs to write a resume every few years. This article may just come in handy at such a moment. It’s about how to write a competent resume that will attract the manager’s attention and create an impression of you as a successful person. Naturally, they will want to communicate with you personally.

Sometimes an interview goes like this.

I always suggest that you treat your resume very responsibly, because... a good resume will have to match at the interview. If you write about something confidently and declare about your serious successes, at the interview you will have to speak about it confidently and selfishly (and not mumble, like, it happened by chance and I had nothing to do with it). If you write that you are crazy about accounting, then prepare an emotionally enthusiastic speech about tax deductions and VAT. The phrases in your resume should match what you said at the meeting with your manager.

Logic and style of writing a resume

It is said that the first sentence Kurt Vonnegut wrote on a whiteboard in a creative writing workshop at a university in Iowa was, “Remember that you are writing for strangers.” You should definitely keep this in mind when writing your resume.

The resume must be compiled for a specific vacancy

For example, if you have programming experience and experience in sales and customer consulting, then when applying for a job in the customer service department, you should focus on your sales experience, and keep silent about programming (or mention it very briefly in the additional information section).

In the process of providing services for creating a “selling” resume, I very carefully study the vacancies, responsibilities and requirements in them. Job evaluation is an attempt to see the candidate through the eyes of the employer. This vision allows you to “tailor” your resume to the employer and make it easy to read and understand. For several years now, this method has been helping to find a job faster.

The resume should be beautifully designed

Remember that your resume is read in no more than 1-2 minutes and during this time the manager must find in it all the important points for himself. Help him with this, prepare your resume.

  1. Try to place your resume on one A4 page. Maximum of two
  2. Present your resume in a consistent, easy-to-read style. To do this, use Word and its tools (headings, subheadings, tables, lists, separators, highlighting...)

The resume should be written in clear and simple language

Leaders are people too. They read a lot of contracts and documents, and sometimes the formal language makes them sick. Don’t hammer “nails” into their heads, write in simple phrases.

The resume should be constructive

To the point and “without water”.

Resume structure

There are several main parts to a resume.

Name and contact information

It is enough to indicate only your phone number and email.


Decide for yourself what qualities to include in your resume, but rely on the requirements of the vacancy. And, preferably, include only the basic skills, and not all that you have.

If, for example, a designer is required to have knowledge of Photoshop and experience in designing and drawing furniture, then in the skills it is better to indicate these two skills, as well as 2-3 additional skills that may be useful for this position. If you have a lot of experience and you indicate 15-20 skills in the description, then the employer may be embarrassed (for any reason - he will ask for a lot of money, what if he gets bored after 2 months, etc.) If you have a lot of skills, you can easily indicate them in the “Additional information” section (and even in this case, do not overdo it).


Work experience is listed in reverse chronological order. Last place of work is from above.

I will give a fragment, an example of a well-written resume. Structured and simple. This arrangement of elements seems to me as clear and convenient as possible.


The more time has passed since graduation, the less significant a place education should occupy in your resume. For students, I recommend putting education first (after your name and contacts). In this case, you can indicate the topic of the diploma and some significant scientific works that were completed during the period of study.

Additional Information

As a rule, knowledge of foreign languages, car ownership, hobbies and unique and strong personal qualities or skills are indicated here.

For example, if you want to get a job that requires creativity (let’s say a designer), then in the “Additional information” section you can easily indicate landscape design skills, experience in embossing, working with papier-mâché, good command of plasticine, etc. This will be a big plus for the designer.

As for personal qualities, I advise you to indicate only those that are very highly developed in you. For example, if you have not been late for a single meeting in the last 2 years, you can indicate punctuality; if you clean and maintain order every day, indicate neatness. And so on.

Something else?

Sometimes a resume includes an “Objective” section. I do not recommend including such a section. I write the purpose in the header of the letter and in the cover letter that I send to the employer. The reason I leave a resume without a goal is that with a goal it becomes more limited. The company may have more than just one vacancy and you may be suitable for several, and the manager may want to invite you to try yourself, for example, not in programming, but in consulting clients on IT issues. But what happens if he sees your goal written in large letters? What if this confuses him and stops him? Don't kill your extra chances! Give yourself more freedom.

Give yourself more freedom

Formulations and phrases


Leaders love specifics and facts. So show them that on your resume.


Sister of talent.


It is undesirable to use negative language. Such formulations distort the meaning. It is always better to say “striving for victory” rather than “running away from a fiasco.”

What not to include on your resume

  • Salary requirements
  • Gender, height, weight, etc.
  • Residence address (unless, of course, you live in another city)
  • Persons who can recommend you. If necessary, the employer will ask you about it.
  • Reasons why you left your previous jobs
  • All your places of work. It is enough to indicate the last 3-4 places of work (the last 5 years of your work experience). The employer can find out about the rest during a conversation

Before inviting a candidate for an interview, the employer reviews his resume. There is a high probability that by the time of the personal meeting, not only the HR specialist, but also the head of the department or the company as a whole will have become familiar with this file. Therefore, it is important to present yourself in a favorable light in advance.

There are several types of resumes

  • Professional (functional): focuses on the experience and specialization, skills and abilities of the candidate, and not on the companies where the work was carried out.
  • Chronological: All previous places of work and study are listed in reverse chronological order.
  • Combined: combines the two previous types, at the beginning the skills, abilities and responsibilities at the previous place are indicated, then the names of previous employers are listed, indicating the periods of work with them.
How to write the right resume for a job, sample, template

It is important to adhere to the generally accepted structure, which includes the following points:

  • title of the document (“Summary” or “Curriculum Vitae”);
  • personal and contact information;
  • photograph (it is better to attach a separate file);
  • goal (desired position/salary);
  • experience;
  • education;
  • professional achievements and skills;
  • personal qualities;
  • weak sides;
  • Additional Information.

It must be remembered that when sending this document, a covering letter must be drawn up, after reading which the employer draws conclusions about the advisability of further studying the received document.

Covering letter

The covering note is what the employer sees first when receiving a resume electronically. The further favor of the employer depends on the seconds spent reading the applicant’s text.

Here you should focus on details in a free form, unlike the concise and formal style of a resume. You can indicate your motivation and leave comments regarding the “blind spots” in the attached file. It is important to win over the employer by expressing admiration for the company’s activities using emotions.

You should definitely write a cover letter, devoting no less attention and time to its composition than a resume. A template found on the Internet is not the best option, since from their content the employer must understand what personal interest the applicant is pursuing and what motivates him, what experience, special skills and abilities he has.

Some tips for writing a cover letter that will make a positive impression:

  • Do not turn the note into an autobiography and excessively use the words “I”, “my”, “me”. The company does not yet know anything about the candidate for the position and is not interested, so you should not tell your own life story.
  • A pleading tone will make it clear that the applicant is spineless, weak and unprofessional. You should not start the text: “I apologize for asking...”, “permit me to address...”. You can write: “Please consider my candidacy for your vacancy...”. Best: “You are looking for an experienced economist, and this is a great opportunity for me to use my five years of experience and achieve financial success for the company...”.
  • The cover letter should convince the HR department to invite its author for an interview; the main goal of writing such a text is to “sell” and advertise the specialist. Therefore, you should not use template words: initiative, efficiency, stress resistance, and so on. Individuality and brevity are important. For example, if the vacancy requires the ability to analyze data, you can write: “analytical abilities”; the best option: “five years of experience in preparing analytical reports on receivables and payables.” The volume of text should not exceed half an A4 page. If you get more, you need to re-read it a few more times and delete what is superfluous (that which is less important).
  • It is necessary to indicate the specific position for which the applicant is applying, because the addressee may be inundated with a huge number of the same letters from people wishing to respond to other vacancies. A short text about the education received, specialization, experience - this is enough for the recipient to understand that it is worth looking at the resume and finding out more detailed information.
  • Since most often the applicant sends out a questionnaire to several companies, it is necessary to pay attention to whether the names of companies, names and positions of recipients are mixed up in the letters. No self-respecting company representative would be happy to receive a note from an inattentive and disrespectful candidate.
  • There is no need to demand feedback from the addressee; you should take the initiative and call the organization yourself in a few days, indicating this in the text with a presentation of the purpose of the call in approximately the following wording: “... to receive answers to previously raised questions.”
  • At the end of the letter, you must indicate your full name or first and last name (depending on the desired position), contact information where the addressee can contact the candidate.
  • You shouldn’t immediately rejoice and send the letter when the text is completed. It is necessary to read it several times, slowly and carefully, correcting all errors and typos - usually during such a check there are at least two.

If you adhere to these tips, then the cover letter should focus on professionalism, motivation to obtain the desired position and awareness of the company - these conditions will contribute to a careful study of the resume and an invitation to an interview.

Personal and contact details

First of all, the full last name, first name and patronymic, date and place of birth, residential address (city and street are enough) and the nearest metro station (if available) are indicated.

Then information about marital status is given. There is no need to hide your marital status - it will still be known. At the same time, you should not write about family and children at the very beginning before indicating your own data - the recruiter will draw conclusions about the priorities of the applicant, because the main thing in the office is work, despite the fact that family is the most important value for the majority.

It is no coincidence that information about marital status is part of the resume. However, it is impossible to say for sure what is the priority for the employer: diametrically opposite situations are welcomed in different positions. Depending on how the candidate’s personal life is shaping up, the HR employee can draw the following conclusions:

  • Married (married). If the company has irregular working hours or frequent business trips, then the employer will give preference to a bachelor, because family people rush home in the evenings, and on weekends they want to be with their relatives, not wanting to plunge headlong into work.
  • Children . An employee with a small child will go on sick leave and often take time off. It is psychologically difficult for such an employee to be disciplined, fired, or have their wages reduced. At the same time, family people are less prone to risks and turn out to be diligent workaholics.
  • Civil marriage. You should not indicate that the candidate is in a civil marriage. This can influence the employer's opinion of the employee's reliability and stability on a subconscious level.

Single (not married). The statuses of an unmarried woman and a bachelor influence the employer's decision in different ways. Bachelors are not burdened with household chores and can stay in the office if necessary; they love corporate events and can attend training at company expense. An unmarried woman is perceived as an employee who, sooner or later, will begin to engage in her personal life, go on maternity leave, and take sick leave to care for children. If a woman has reached the age of 35 and does not have a family, then an opinion may be formed about her complex character and difficulties in communicating with colleagues.

The following is the information for contacting the HR department employee with the applicant: telephone, email. It is not prohibited to make a comment regarding a convenient time for feedback. Sometimes candidates receive an immediate refusal immediately after the employer reads their resume; there are cases when it doesn’t even come to reading the letter. The fact is that a lot of letters come to the company’s address, and an e-mail with a “non-working” name, as a rule, will definitely go to the trash. To search for a job, it is advisable to create a separate email address.

Example of a resume with an invalid address: Head of Sales Department kalinka-malinka@...; assistant secretary dark_angel@...; legal consultant pusya666@... - the list can be continued endlessly. Correctly: Head of Sales Department ivanova_iptelecom@...; secretary-referent business_21vek@..., legal adviser law_mts@...


There is no absolute guarantee that, after seeing a successful photo, the company’s management will decide to invite a candidate. But a bad photo can reduce the chances of being invited to an interview and further employment.

Employers often believe that photography in a non-business style (with the exception of people in creative professions) is an indicator of a corresponding frivolous attitude towards work. The ideal option is to order a photo from a professional; you can ask for help from a friend who can take into account all the existing nuances of the image when hiring. A classic photograph for the application form must meet the following requirements:

  • the candidate can be in business attire or simply look neat while sitting at his desk (an informal setting is not suitable);
  • the best option is a shoulder-length portrait photo, maximum waist-length (in no case full-length or together with other persons);
  • the face should not be blurry, but should be clearly centered and in focus;
  • facial expression should be natural, but not necessarily strict and serious; smiling (just not going to extremes) is not prohibited;
  • You should not use a photo taken many years ago - the recruiter will lose confidence if he sees many differences between the image on the resume and reality;
  • the photo should not be further processed using special programs or made in black and white;

You should not send the image by fax - this will degrade its quality; it is better to send it by e-mail, first reducing its size to 100 kilobytes and attaching it as a separate document.

Goal - desired position/salary

In this section you should indicate the position for which there is a vacancy. It is not advisable to list several related positions; it is better to find time and correctly compose a resume additionally for other companies.

Also in this paragraph, disclosure of personal motivation (non-material) for obtaining a place in the company, career plans, and employment prospects is encouraged.

Most employers, when choosing an employee from candidates who are not inferior to each other in experience and professional qualities, will take a person with lower salary requirements.

You need to analyze in advance the company’s activities, its capabilities, study the salary limits for the selected vacancy from different employers, and personally choose for yourself the minimum and maximum possible salary limit. If these indicators do not match, then you should think about finding a place in another related field or getting additional education.

When discussing salary issues, you need to ask the company representative what you can get in addition to the salary, except for bonuses, the “thirteenth salary” or interest on transactions. For example, financial motivation in the form of free food, payment for transport, mobile communications. There are well-known and prestigious companies, work in which can give a good start in a future career - in this case, you can slightly reconsider the minimum amount of acceptable wages.


The most important information in a resume is work experience. It is this indicator that directly influences the employer’s decision whether to invite the candidate for an interview.

If you have experience:
  • indicate exclusively those responsibilities at the previous place of work that intersect with the desired position;
  • when listing responsibilities, describe specific results, preferably in percentages and numbers;
  • if there are a large number of previous jobs, you should describe in detail the work activity at the last three, pay less attention to the rest, simply listing their names, industries and periods of work;
  • if the duties at the previous place of employment do not correspond to the position recorded in the work book, it is allowed to indicate in the resume the position corresponding to the functions performed, but it is important later, during a personal conversation with the employer, to adequately and clearly explain such a discrepancy;
  • if the positions and responsibilities in previous companies were identical, you should not write the same text; it is important to show the employer how professional growth took place in each of the organizations and what new things the employee learned there;
  • if career growth was observed during the period of work in the same company, this should be displayed in the document, duplicating the name of the organization, but indicating different positions and functions performed.
If you have no experience:
  • indicate information about the specialization and education received;
  • participation in international programs (for example, Work&Travel);
  • activity in an educational institution (for example, participation in KVN);
  • internship, educational and industrial practice, indicating the periods of their completion;
  • computer knowledge;
  • knowledge of foreign languages;
  • part-time work (experience of informal employment);
  • scientific activity, participation in seminars and conferences.


In this section, you must provide information about the exact name of the educational institution, period of study and specialty indicated in the diploma. Data on academic degrees and second higher education are also reflected. You should not hide the presence of an education that does not correspond to the vacancy - this will show the versatility of the individual. If the university has not yet been completed, then you should write “unfinished higher education” indicating the course, specialty and name of the institution.

You should not indicate information about completed courses and seminars if they are not relevant to the vacancy. But if they are directly related to the position you are looking for, then their display is mandatory.

Professional achievements and skills

Traditionally, this section includes the level of proficiency in a personal computer (in particular, popular office programs) and knowledge of foreign languages ​​(if the work involves their regular use). It is necessary to compactly list all available skills and abilities that play an important role in the performance of labor functions. You should start with a description of the field of activity in which the employee is a professional and his work experience in it. There is no need to list all the responsibilities in the previous company; it is important to highlight the main thing: choose the leading features, present them beautifully and show the HR specialist that this is a person who knows his job.

The section should end with an indication of the current main achievement in the professional field (what benefits were brought to the organization and what labor resources were spent on it). The employer needs specific percentages, facts and figures to understand the possible financial benefits after inviting a new employee.

Personal qualities

Often employers do not pay special attention to this information, since in most cases it is presented in “clichéd” phrases, and its veracity is not always possible to verify. The best thing an applicant can do is to write the truth about himself and show exactly those qualities that will be useful for the position he is looking for. If the work involves a client base, then friendliness and communication skills are key. For a clerk, perseverance, punctuality and accuracy are important. A leader must be conflict-free, organized, able to persuade, think analytically, and find non-standard solutions. There is no need to “inflate” your resume by listing personal qualities; it is enough to indicate no more than 5-10 items.

Weak sides

There are no ideal applicants, and writing a resume for a job without indicating weaknesses will be incorrect and suspicious, which the employer will definitely pay attention to. A person who wants to develop and admits his shortcomings will be liked by the employer because he will reveal his ability to develop as a person and strive for new horizons.

You shouldn’t overload your resume with such information, but you can point out some weaknesses that are unlikely to negatively affect the employer’s opinion, for example:

  • straightforwardness;
  • reliability;
  • excessive self-confidence;
  • workaholism;
  • fear of airplanes;
  • love to sleep until noon on weekends;
  • overweight;
  • habit of chewing pens and pencils;
  • scrupulousness;
  • the ability to defend one’s point of view;
  • meticulousness in detail.

However, in different professional fields, the same quality can be viewed from a negative or positive side. It is important that the identified weaknesses do not relate to future job responsibilities and do not affect their performance. For example, pointing out his reliability, an applicant for the position of head of department may not count on a positive result and getting a job in the company.

Also, you should not write a complete list of weaknesses. The employer must independently draw conclusions during a personal meeting, looking at the candidate and talking with him.

Additional Information

Here you can list all the additional advantages that the candidate has, for example: readiness to move and travel; absence of bad habits; hobby; availability of a driver's license and personal car, foreign passport and visas; recommendations.

Important points

The resume must meet 5 main criteria and be:

  • Competent: grammatical, spelling and other errors will ruin the first impression overnight.
  • Truthful: if deception is revealed later in the interview, the path to obtaining a position in the company will be forever closed.
  • Compact: occupy no more than 2 pages and contain the most important points without long, difficult to understand sentences.
  • Energetic: you should avoid template phrases and passive constructions.
  • Substantive: everything written in the document must be relevant to the vacancy being sought.