Seminar with training elements. “The greatest value is life”: wise letters from D

§ 2. Human life is the greatest value

Judge! Why is human life the highest value in the modern world?

Lee thought about these questions:

What is life?

Why do we live?

What should a person's life be like?

Every person thinks about these questions.

Life is given to a person once. Life is a process of existence, gaining experience, expanding one's horizons. Each person chooses his own path in life.

The meaning (meaning) of life is to work honestly, give people happiness, do good, develop intellectually and spiritually, and be a decent and fair person. You need to constantly set a goal, achieve it and move towards new horizons. You need to be self-sufficient, feel comfortable in the present and look positively into the future.

What your life will be depends only on you.

That is why human life is the most valuable thing in the world. After all, there are people who daily have to deal with the consequences of serious illnesses, injuries or congenital defects. But they continue to love their lives and appreciate every moment.

For example, in sports, the fortitude and courage of Paralympic athletes can be examples for ordinary athletes.

Every four years, immediately after the Olympic Games, the Paralympic Games are held, where disabled athletes compete in various sports. Ukrainian athletes achieve great success in such competitions. In August 2014, the Ukrainian Paralympic football team became the European champion. At the same time, Ukrainian swimmers won the most medals at the European Championships and took first place.

Ukraine Paralympic football team

Read the proverbs. Explain how you understand their meaning.

Living life is not a field to cross.

No one was born wise, but learned.

Where there is life, there is hope.

What people are like, this is how life will be.

Read it.

Defeating the Dragon

Soon the explorers decided to go deeper into the island and explore it. It turned out that in the very center of the island there is a high mountain with a deep and dark cave in which a real dragon lives. He became very angry when he saw the uninvited guests, so he immediately chased after them. The piznayki barely escaped. That evening they sat down to discuss what to do next.

We must gather an army and defeat the dragon! - Daredevil exclaimed menacingly.

No! It’s better to wait until the dragon falls asleep, and at night get into the cave and tie him up,” suggested the Sly.

So they fought until the morning. Only Smychok did not take part in the dispute. He wasn't interested. He just sat on the porch and played the violin. A magical melody rushed over the island and woke up the dragon. He had never heard such strange sounds before. The dragon really liked the music, so he changed his mind about kicking out the piznayks. Thus began a friendship between them. The dragon helped the girls collect firewood, plow the land and water the plants. And sometimes he just carried them on his back. For this, the boys treated him to the fruits of the candy tree. But most of all, the dragon loved to listen to Bow playing the violin.

Who threatened the lives of the Piznayks on the island?

Why did the scientists offer different ways to fight the dragon?

Choose adjectives for the word “life”.

Think! What does the statement of the outstanding Italian scientist, artist and thinker Leonardo da Vinci mean: “Remember, life is a gift; and the one who does not appreciate it does not deserve this gift.”

Read the poem

Mom's word

I came into the world from my mother’s word,

broke through like from a bird's egg.

And above me there is a new shell -

and my soul now lives in it.

That is a space egg. I see in him

fiery cracks when the thunder starts playing.

And I will never reach the break,

which could be my way out.

I’m returning to my native threshold,

I'm building a shelter over myself...

From mother to mother the road -

it's simply called life!

Dmitry Pavlychko

Can a person live without a soul that we cannot see, but feel in our heart?

Why, in your opinion, is the native language so important for every person?

What does the poet compare the birth of a person to?

Count your knowledge

Human life is the highest value. Each person's life is unique and unrepeatable. Life must be protected and respected.

check yourself

1. Why is human life the highest value?

2. How should a person approach his life? Other people's lives?

3. What value does each of you have for Ukraine?

4. How should you live your life?

Consult with your parents and arrange the words and phrases presented in order of their importance in your life. Justify your opinion.

Love, a big house, hard work, money, friends, self-confidence, education, health, good looks, a friendly family.

Monocler decided to study “Letters about the Eternal and Good” by D. S. Likhachev and publish the best of them.

“To breathe deeply, you need to exhale well.

First of all, learn to exhale and get rid of the “exhaust air.”

When it comes to Dmitry Sergeevich Likhachev, a brilliant philologist, a world-famous academician and an ideal representative of the Russian intelligentsia, it becomes somehow warmer inside. And the point is not in his fundamental research, without which it is now impossible to imagine either history or Russian literature, but in the love and attention to people that permeate all his works and speeches.

I am many years old, and I think, of course, that I will soon have to leave. We come from mystery and return to mystery. Am I scared? Don't know. No, I’m not afraid, but I’m very sad and sad, and I think, have I done everything right? Have you always been able to act according to your conscience? Have you often offended people? Did you manage to apologize in time? I would like to remind you of a thought, perhaps banal, but for me very serious: a small step for a person is a big step for humanity. You can’t fix humanity—you can only fix yourself. To feed a child, not to say a harsh word, to carry an old man across the road, to console a crying person, not to respond to evil, to cherish one’s calling, to be able to look into the eyes of another person. All this is much easier for one person, but very difficult for everyone at once. That's why you always need to start asking yourself. This is also a sign of culture - to live without forgiving yourself too much. My favorite saying is: be sure to plant a tree, even if the world ends tomorrow.”

From the latest interview on the “Culture” channel

We decided to study D. S. Likhachev’s “Letters on the Good and the Beautiful” - this is a legacy for future generations, in which the scientist talks about the greatest spiritual values ​​of man - and publish the best of them. Let's start, perhaps, with this.


Letter Four

Life is, first of all, breathing. "Soul", "spirit"! And he died - first of all - “stopped breathing.” That's what they thought from time immemorial. “Spirit out!” - it means “died.”

It can be “stuffy” in the house, and “stuffy” in moral life as well. Take a good breath out of all the petty worries, all the bustle of everyday life, get rid of, shake off everything that hinders the movement of thought, that crushes the soul, that does not allow a person to accept life, its values, its beauty.

A person should always think about what is most important for himself and for others, throwing off all empty worries.

We must be open to people, tolerant of people, and look for the best in them first of all. The ability to seek and find the best, simply “good”, “overshadowed beauty” enriches a person spiritually.

To notice beauty in nature, in a village, a city, a street, not to mention in a person, through all the barriers of little things - this means expanding the sphere of life, the sphere of the living space in which a person lives.

I've been looking for this word for a long time - sphere. At first I said to myself: “We need to expand the boundaries of life,” but life has no boundaries! This is not a plot of land surrounded by a fence - boundaries. Expanding the limits of life is not suitable for expressing my thoughts for the same reason. Expanding the horizons of life is already better, but still something is not right. Maximilian Voloshin has a well-invented word - “okoyem”. This is everything that the eye can accommodate, that it can embrace. But even here the limitations of our everyday knowledge interfere. Life cannot be reduced to everyday impressions. We must be able to feel and even notice what is beyond our perception, to have, as it were, a “premonition” of something new that is opening or could be revealed to us. The greatest value in the world is life: someone else’s, one’s own, the life of the animal world and plants, the life of culture, life throughout its entire length - in the past, in the present, and in the future... And life is infinitely deep. We always come across something we haven’t noticed before, something that amazes us with its beauty, unexpected wisdom, and uniqueness.


Summarize students’ knowledge about the types and functional styles of speech;

Update the skills of linguistic text analysis (task 8 of part B) and part C of the Unified State Examination;

Determine your attitude to moral values, think about vital problems.


Personally centered learning;

Equipment: dictionaries, interactive whiteboard, texts, electronic manuals.

The teacher’s opening speech: “Life is the greatest value that a person has,” these are the words of Dmitry Sergeevich Likhachev, an amazing person, famous academician, writer, teacher, public figure, famous scientist, defender of culture, who turns 100 this year, our lesson begins.

I. Student’s message about the life of D.S. Likhachev. (On the screen is a portrait of the writer).

You are on the threshold of adulthood. It depends only on you what kind of people you will grow up to be, what path you will choose. Each of us at some point inevitably thinks about the questions: How should I live my life? What is needed for this? What moral values ​​should prevail in our lives?

II. During the discussion, students come to a consensus that these values ​​can be united around the words: life, love, goodness, friendship, homeland, art, soul, health.

On the screen is the text by D.S. Likhachev “The Value of Kindness.” (Annex 1)

III. I invite the children to choose words based on the content of the text. Three groups are created, words are selected life, goodness, art.

IV. The objectives of the lesson are announced, what activities students must demonstrate, and what tasks must be completed.

Each task in our lesson today will be related to the upcoming very important moment in your life - passing the Unified State Exam.

Group 1 – life

Group 2 – good

Group 3 – art

V.- And we will begin our work by determining the lexical meaning of each word.

Why did you choose these words?

Continue thesis:

Life is…

Good is...

Art is...

(Students are working independently on defining these words)

VI. After discussing and voicing the theses of each group, students compare their definitions with the dictionary entry. S. Ozhegova, V. Dalya. The group “Information Bureau” performs.

VII. Students can easily carry out some points of complex text analysis: determining the topic, the main idea of ​​the text, the type of text and the functional style of speech. The tasks proposed for the text provide an opportunity to consolidate the skills of the unit in the Unified State Examination. VIII. After studying the text, students discuss and share their thoughts in groups. Then there is a little work on exchanging opinions and problematic issues with other groups. The questions for the short discussion between the groups were formulated as follows:

  1. What is the concept of good in the modern world? Today the world has changed, and people often began to do good deeds out of convenience. Is it so?
  2. How do you understand the meaning of life? What goals should you set in life, what should you strive for in order to become happy?
  3. The rich spiritual world of man shapes art. Do you agree with this?

Students draw their own conclusions from the discussion. (Appendix 2)

IX. We begin to consolidate the skills of linguistic analysis by completing the most difficult tasks in the text for the Unified State Exam, Part B. Each group is given the following tasks:

Find phrases with types of communication in the text coordination, control, adjacency;

Find the NGN with the attributive clause;

Write down sentences with an introductory structure and parse the sentence;

Determine the correct grammatical basis in one of the sentences;

A) a person becomes; B) Art compels; C) A person makes friends more easily.

X. Presentation of the electronic manual.

Egorova Naryya: Together with Tatyana Sergeevna, we created the dictionary “Means of Expression”. When completing tasks, we experience difficulties in identifying visual and expressive means. In order to complete the task correctly, we need to know the definitions of terms. We hope that our scientific product will help us complete task 8 of Part B correctly and quickly.

For students, a basic repetition of the most actively used figures is carried out with reference to the dictionary, and examples are analyzed based on the proposed text. Students find expressive means in the text:

Extended comparison - 2nd sentence;

Epithets - amazing magic;

Lexical repetition – 9, 10 sentences;

Syntactic parallelism – 1, 2, 3 sentences.

XI. Working on an interactive whiteboard.

Task: match the examples with the terms:

XII. Working on an essay-reasoning.

Students are asked to write an essay-reasoning

(Algorithms for determining the problem of the text, types of essay introductions, speech cliches for each stage of the work are projected on the screen)

Using algorithms, groups choose which stage of the essay they will work on:

Group 1 – entry options;

Group 2 – definition and commentary of the problem;

Group 3 – argumentation.

Each group presented their project. Based on the work completed, mutual verification is carried out in groups. Groups should identify successful aspects of the work and also note shortcomings. For this activity, students are guided by the Part C assessment criteria.

XIII. For homework, the teacher offers students a reasoning algorithm:

XIV. Generalization of the lesson, summing up.

Annex 1

Text by D.S. Likhachev “The Value of Kindness”

Life is the greatest value that a person has. (2) If we compare life to a palace with many halls, then the largest hall is the one in which art reigns. (3) This is a hall of amazing magic, endless celebrations that make a person’s life more interesting, more solemn, more significant. (4) But the greatest value that art rewards a person is the value of kindness. (5) From communication with art, a person becomes morally better, and therefore happier. (6) Such a person makes friends more easily with other cultures, with other nationalities, and it is easier for him to live. (7) True art is a source of goodness, because it evokes empathy and compassion for people in the reader and viewer. (8) Art, according to L.N. Tolstoy, makes you treat other people’s pain and joy with great understanding and attention, and in this sense it is humane! (9) It comes from a person and leads to a person - to the most living, kind, best in him. (10) It serves the unity of human souls.

Appendix 2

Student statements

“I don’t understand my friends who claim that you need to live for today and not think about the future. But it seems to me that already at our age, each of us should set ourselves a small, but goal, to which we must go step by step independently. A person who has no goal in life cannot achieve anything for his happiness.” (Everstov Aisen).

“Good must be done according to the call of the heart. But not everyone is able to do good for free. Now many people believe that doing something good for a person must be done for a reward, for some kind of payment. Nevertheless, in life we ​​often become convinced that there are still many good people on earth.” (Atlasova Namina).

“Art undoubtedly influences the spiritual world of a person. And this is connected not only with visiting theaters or exhibitions, but a person himself can create an atmosphere around himself of his creative development and talent. I think that a person who has touched art at least once will never be indifferent to the spiritual world of another person.” (Egorova Naryya).

Life is, first of all, breathing. "Soul", "spirit"! And he died - first of all - “stopped breathing.” That's what they thought from time immemorial. “Spirit out!” - it means “died.”

It can be “stuffy” in the house, and “stuffy” in moral life as well. Take a good breath out of all the petty worries, all the bustle of everyday life, get rid of, shake off everything that hinders the movement of thought, that crushes the soul, that does not allow a person to accept life, its values, its beauty.

A person should always think about what is most important for himself and for others, throwing off all empty worries.

We must be open to people, tolerant of people, and look for the best in them first of all. The ability to seek and find the best, simply “good”, “overshadowed beauty” enriches a person spiritually.

To notice beauty in nature, in a village, a city, a street, not to mention in a person, through all the barriers of little things - this means expanding the sphere of life, the sphere of the living space in which a person lives.

I've been looking for this word for a long time - sphere. At first I said to myself: “We need to expand the boundaries of life,” but life has no boundaries! This is not a plot of land surrounded by a fence - boundaries. Expanding the limits of life is not suitable for expressing my thoughts for the same reason. Expanding the horizons of life is already better, but still something is not right. Maximilian Voloshin has a well-invented word - “okoe”. This is everything that the eye can accommodate, that it can embrace. But even here the limitations of our everyday knowledge interfere. Life cannot be reduced to everyday impressions. We must be able to feel and even notice what is beyond our perception, to have, as it were, a “premonition” of something new that is opening or could be revealed to us. The greatest value in the world is life: someone else’s, one’s own, the life of the animal world and plants, the life of culture, life throughout its entire length - in the past, in the present, and in the future... And life is infinitely deep. We always come across something we haven’t noticed before, something that amazes us with its beauty, unexpected wisdom, and uniqueness.

Letter five


You can define the purpose of your existence in different ways, but there must be a purpose - otherwise there will be not life, but vegetation.

You also need to have principles in life. It’s even good to write them down in a diary, but for the diary to be “real”, it cannot be shown to anyone - write only for yourself.

Every person should have one rule in life, in his goal of life, in his principles of life, in his behavior: he must live his life with dignity, so that he will not be ashamed to remember.

Dignity requires kindness, generosity, the ability not to be a narrow egoist, to be truthful, a good friend, and to find joy in helping others.

For the sake of the dignity of life, one must be able to give up small pleasures and considerable ones too... Being able to apologize and admit a mistake to others is better than fussing and lying.

When deceiving, a person first of all deceives himself, because he thinks that he has successfully lied, but people understood and, out of delicacy, remained silent.

Letter six


When a person consciously or intuitively chooses some Goal or life task for himself in life, he at the same time involuntarily gives himself an assessment. By what a person lives for, one can judge his self-esteem - low or high.

If a person sets himself the task of acquiring all the basic material goods, he evaluates himself at the level of these material goods: as the owner of a car of the latest brand, as the owner of a luxurious dacha, as part of his furniture set...

If a person lives to bring good to people, to alleviate their suffering from illness, to give people joy, then he evaluates himself at the level of this humanity. He sets himself a goal worthy of a person.

Only a vital goal allows a person to live his life with dignity and get real joy. Yes, joy! Think: if a person sets himself the task of increasing goodness in life, bringing happiness to people, what failures can befall him?

Help the wrong person who should? But how many people don't need help? If you are a doctor, then perhaps you misdiagnosed the patient? This happens to the best doctors. But in total, you still helped more than you didn’t help. No one is immune from mistakes. But the most important mistake, the fatal mistake, is choosing the wrong main task in life. Didn't get promoted - disappointing. I didn’t have time to buy a stamp for my collection – it’s a shame. Someone has better furniture than you or a better car - again a disappointment, and what a disappointment!

When setting the goal of a career or acquisition, a person experiences in total much more sorrows than joys, and risks losing everything. What can a person who rejoices in every good deed lose? It is only important that the good that a person does should be his inner need, come from an intelligent heart, and not just from the head, and should not be a “principle” alone.

Therefore, the main task in life must necessarily be a task that is broader than just personal; it should not be limited only to one’s own successes and failures. It should be dictated by kindness towards people, love for family, for your city, for your people, for your country, for the entire universe.

Does this mean that a person should live like an ascetic, not take care of himself, not acquire anything and not enjoy a simple promotion? Not at all! A person who does not think about himself at all is an abnormal phenomenon and personally unpleasant to me: there is some kind of breakdown in this, some ostentatious exaggeration of his kindness, unselfishness, significance, in this there is some kind of peculiar contempt for other people , the desire to stand out.

Therefore, I am only talking about the main task in life. And this main life task does not need to be emphasized in the eyes of other people. And you need to dress well (this is respect for others), but not necessarily “better than others.” And you need to compile a library for yourself, but not necessarily larger than your neighbor’s. And it’s good to buy a car for yourself and your family – it’s convenient. Just don’t turn the secondary into the primary, and don’t let the main goal of life exhaust you where it’s not necessary. When you need it is another matter. There we will see who is capable of what.

Letter seven


Floors of care. Caring strengthens relationships between people. It binds families together, binds friendships, binds together fellow villagers, residents of one city, one country.

Trace a person's life.

A person is born, and the first care for him is his mother; gradually (after just a few days) the father’s care for him comes into direct contact with the child (before the birth of the child, care for him already existed, but was to a certain extent “abstract” - the parents were preparing for the birth of the child, dreaming about him).

The feeling of caring for another appears very early, especially in girls. The girl doesn’t speak yet, but she’s already trying to take care of the doll, nursing it. Boys, very small, love to pick mushrooms and fish. Girls also like to pick berries and mushrooms. And they collect not only for themselves, but for the whole family. They take it home and prepare it for the winter.

Gradually, children become objects of increasingly higher care and themselves begin to show real and broad care - not only about the family, but also about the school where parental care placed them, about their village, city and country...

Caring is expanding and becoming more altruistic. Children pay for caring for themselves by caring for their elderly parents, when they can no longer repay the children’s care. And this concern for the elderly, and then for the memory of deceased parents, seems to merge with concern for the historical memory of the family and homeland as a whole.

If care is directed only at oneself, then an egoist grows up.

Caring brings people together, strengthens the memory of the past and is aimed entirely at the future. This is not the feeling itself - it is a concrete manifestation of the feeling of love, friendship, patriotism. A person must be caring. A carefree or carefree person is most likely a person who is unkind and does not love anyone.

Morality is characterized to the highest degree by a sense of compassion. In compassion there is a consciousness of one’s unity with humanity and the world (not only people, nations, but also with animals, plants, nature, etc.). A feeling of compassion (or something close to it) makes us fight for cultural monuments, for their preservation, for nature, individual landscapes, for respect for memory. In compassion there is a consciousness of one’s unity with other people, with a nation, people, country, universe. That is why the forgotten concept of compassion requires its complete revival and development.

A surprisingly correct thought: “A small step for a person, a big step for humanity.”

Thousands of examples can be given of this: it costs nothing for one person to be kind, but it is incredibly difficult for humanity to become kind. It is impossible to correct humanity, it is easy to correct yourself. Feeding a child, walking an old man across the street, giving up a seat on a tram, working well, being polite and courteous... etc., etc. - all this is easy for a person, but incredibly difficult for everyone at once. That's why you need to start with yourself.

Target: improve the communication skills of teachers in order to increase the effectiveness of the educational process at school.

Life- the greatest value a person has. And the greatest luxury in this life is “the luxury of communication”; - as A. de Saint-Exupery said.

The main point of the universal rules of communication is to:

  • help bring people together into communities
  • create a healthy psychological environment
  • provide each person with comfort in communication
  • create the conditions for its development and improvement.
An important factor stimulating the process of personal development is the creation of a psychologically comfortable environment.

Ego state “PARENT”.

Includes our convictions, beliefs and prejudices, values ​​and attitudes, many of which we perceive as our own, accepted by ourselves, when in fact they are the attitudes and beliefs of people significant to us, adopted without critical processing, or simply cliches. Therefore, the Parent is like our internal commentator, editor, evaluator. When we take a stand "Punishing Parent", then we allow ourselves to put pressure on others, shout, make comments in a tactless manner, and lecture. At the same time, our face is condemning and angry. The eyebrows are furrowed, the lips are pursed, the head shakes disapprovingly. But the “Parent” can also be a caring caregiver. In this case, he protects, supports, takes care of, approves, helps, sympathizes, consoles, expressing this with gestures and words.

Ego state “ADULT”

Perceives and processes the logical component of information, makes decisions primarily thoughtfully and without emotions, checking their realism. Behavior typical of an “Adult”: focus on solving the problems facing him at the moment, relying on the best option from possible alternatives. To obtain information, the “Adult” asks questions beginning with the words “What? Where? When? Why? How?" Adjustment to a partner occurs mainly as equals. The facial expression is attentive and interested, completely turned towards the partner, trusting and calm.

Ego state “CHILD”

Guided mainly by feelings. Behavior in the present is influenced by hidden feelings stemming from childhood. Our inner “Child” can be configured in different ways: freely creative, humiliatingly helpless, rebellious and obstinate. Depending on these states, the “Child” can behave and express itself in specific situations. In a freely creative state, he radiates energy, does not care what others say about him, is in high spirits, shows creativity and is open to the world around him. The vocabulary of preferred statements consists of immediate exclamations such as: “I want!”, “That’s great!”, “Great idea!” The speech is excited, hasty, hot.

Ego state “CHILD”

"The Adaptable Child" preoccupied with the opinions of others about himself, experiencing feelings of guilt and shame, fear and self-doubt. He is helpless, offended, complaining about injustice. His words in this case are “I don’t know if I can”, “I only wanted...”, “Why always me?” The intonation of the statement is weak, hesitant, whiny, the head is lowered, he is ready to cry, he bites his lips.

"Rebel Child" is capricious, protests against authority and power, shows disobedience, and can be rude and obstinate. His favorite words are: “I won’t do this!”, “I don’t want to!”, “Leave me alone!”

Characteristics of states

Calculation of test results

  • 1, 4, 7, 10, 13, 16, 19.
  • 2, 5, 8, 11, 14, 17, 20.
  • 3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18, 21.

Interpretation of results

VDR- you have a developed sense of responsibility, are moderately impulsive, and spontaneous,
not inclined to edification and teaching. We can only wish you to maintain these qualities in the future.
They will help you in any matter related to communication, teamwork, and creativity.

RVD- categoricalness and self-confidence are contraindicated, for example, for a teacher, an organizer - in a word, for anyone who deals with people, and not with machines. Russian Far East- such a combination can complicate the life of its owner. The “parent” cuts the truth with childish spontaneity,” without doubting anything and not caring about the consequences. But there is no particular reason for despondency here either. If you are not attracted to organizational work, noisy companies, and you prefer to be alone with a book, then everything is in order. If not, and you want to move your P to second or even third place, then this is quite feasible.

D- an acceptable option for scientific work. Einstein, for example, once jokingly explained his successes by saying that he developed slowly and thought about many questions only when people usually stopped thinking about them... But childish spontaneity is good within certain limits. If she starts to interfere with business, then it’s time to take control of your emotions.

Schematic by Thomas A. Haris.

I “-” - YOU “+” (depression)
A person who has accepted this position in life relies on the mercy of others and experiences a great need for stroking and recognition. Such a person is full of desire to please another, he is like a mountain climber who in life is condemned to conquer one peak after another, never achieving complete satisfaction. Psychologically this is a depressive position; socially it means self-destruction. Professionally, this position most often encourages a person to deliberately humiliate himself in front of various people, while taking advantage of their weaknesses.

I “-” - YOU “+” (hopelessness)
Acceptance of such a life position leads to a slowdown or even a stop in the development of an ADULT. This means that a person considers everyone around him, as well as himself, to be bad. A person has no more hope, he gives up. This is a position of hopelessness.

I “+” - YOU “-” (superiority)
This position is suitable for a situation where you need to get rid of someone. This position of superiority. In most cases, it is typical for mediocre individuals, people with high self-esteem, who tend to see only shortcomings in others.

I “+” - YOU “+” (success)
This is the most effective position because the person who takes it does not expect immediate joy and consolation. This is the position of a completely healthy person with a positive attitude towards himself and the social environment. In this position, communication flows most optimally.

Open and closed questions

Closed questions:
- What is your name?
- Do you live here?
- How many children do you have?
Open questions:
- How do you feel now?
- What attracts you most about your work?
- What do you think about…?
Active listening
Interested attitude towards the interlocutor, clarifying questions, paraphrase like:
  • “Did I understand correctly that...?”
  • "Is it so…?"
  • "That is…?"
Adequate feedback arises, the interlocutor is confident that the information conveyed to him is understood correctly. No analysis or interpretation is given; the interlocutor’s thoughts are simply reflected.
More active participation in the conversation, reformulation of thoughts in such a way as to emphasize the main ideas, identify contradictions:
  • “So, you think he did this on purpose to offend you?”
Sometimes after such questions a person begins to better understand the situation and his own feelings, analyze the causes of the problem and see a way out of a difficult situation.

Interpretation of gestures

trying to cover your mouth with your hand or touching your nose is deception
arms crossed on the chest - defensive posture
spread arms with open palms - openness
rubbing palms - satisfaction, delight
clasped fingers – disappointment and desire to hide a negative attitude,
joined fingertips in a vertical position - self-confidence, possibly a feeling of superiority
grabbing the wrist and forearm is a disappointment, an attempt to cope with your feelings.
scratching the neck - doubts and uncertainty
finger in mouth - need encouragement
hand props up cheek - boredom
hand raised to cheek, index finger at temple, head held straight - interest
hand raised to cheek, index finger at temple, head resting on hand - negative thoughts
stroking the chin - the desire to make a decision
rubbing the back of the neck or forehead - “I’m so tired of all this”
picking up non-existent lint on clothes - does not approve of the opinions of others, but does not dare to express one’s own.

Ocular access cues.