Dream of a deer without antlers. Why do you dream of a deer: a girl, a woman, a pregnant woman, a man - interpretation according to different dream books

On a deer in a dream - means failure in intended affairs.

If you dream of a fawn For young people this dream

Dream Interpretation of Medea

Deer- usually personifies a bachelor, a noble man.

See deer- success, happiness. For girls- new groom.

Dream book of lovers

Dream book for a bitch

Deer- a calm, measured life in marriage.

Deer hunting- planned things will be unsuccessful.

Fawn- new friends will be fair and reliable.

New family dream book

Dream about a deer- portends a pure, faithful friendship and a calm, balanced married life.

Killed a deer in a dream- no matter how you are hunted by your enemies. After all, for business people, deer hunting means failure in business.

If you dream of a fawn- in reality you will soon find reliable and fair friends. For young people this dream- promises a pure and true feeling.

Modern combined dream book

Deer- this is a favorable dream that predicts pure and devoted friendship for young people, and family people- a quiet and measured life.

A dream in which you kill a deer- predicts that in reality you will be pursued by enemies. For farmers and businessmen to see that they are hunting deer - a prediction of failure in business.

Seeing a fawn in a dream- a sign that you will have faithful and devoted friends. Young people have such a dream- promises fidelity in love.

The newest dream book of G. Ivanov

Deer- very soon you will meet a good, and most importantly, useful specialist for you.

Children's dream book

Deer- to success in a dubious matter, which you would be better off not taking on.

Complete dream book of the New Era

If you had a bad dream:

Don't be upset - it's just a dream. Thanks to him for the warning.

When you wake up, look out the window. Say out the open window: “Where night goes, sleep comes.” All the good things stay, all the bad things go.”

Open the tap and dream about flowing running water.

Wash your face three times with the words “Where water flows, sleep goes.”

Throw a pinch of salt into a glass of water and say: “As this salt melts, my sleep will go away and will not bring harm.”

Turn your bed linen inside out.

Don't tell anyone about your bad dream before lunch.

Write it down on paper and burn this sheet.

Why does a woman dream about a deer:

Deer running - to prosperity

1 Deer by Russian dream book

Seeing a deer in a dream means:

The image of a noble friend, patron, protector; blissful state, joy.

1 Deer by Dream Interpretation of Lovers

For lovers, a dream about a deer portends love, and for spouses - a calm and harmonious life.

If you dreamed of a fawn, it means that you will find love.

The stranger a dream seems to us, the deeper its meaning.

Sigmund Freud

1 Deer by To the Dream Interpreter of 1829

Dreaming of a deer means:

Seeing a deer portends troubles and deeds, as well as benefits; to kill him - foreshadows the receipt of an inheritance from an old relative or a triumph over a weak and cowardly enemy; to see a deer running quickly is a sign of slowing down the completion of the work we have begun; chasing a deer signifies a vain search for happiness; catching a deer means success in an enterprise.

1 Deer by Dream interpretation for a bitch

Meaning of sleep deer:

Calm, measured life in marriage.

Deer hunting - planned activities will be unsuccessful.

Fawn - new friends will be fair and reliable.

1 Deer by Daniel's medieval dream book

Seeing lambs, deer, goats is a sign of wealth and consolation.

Inside everyone, even the best of us, lies an uncontrollable wild beast that wakes up when we sleep...


1 Deer according to the 21st century Dream Book

Seeing a running deer in a dream means prosperity; to see deer standing - to engage in vain thankless labor; one person sleeping peacefully - to treason or deception; catching in a dream means pursuing a happy cause.

If you see a reindeer in a dream, this is a good sign; conscientious performance of official duties, loyalty in friendship; control the deer - you can count on the help of your friends in a difficult situation.

1 Deer by Danilova's children's dream book

Deer in a dream means:

To success in a dubious matter that you would be better off not taking on.

1 Deer by Dream Interpretation Meneghetti

Symbolizes sexual desire or attraction to a man as a member of the male gender. The image is ambivalent.

1 Deer by Gypsy dream book

Why does a woman dream of a deer:

Represents possible monetary income and success in society.

Seeing a killed deer is a scandal.

If you kill a deer, you will find yourself in the center of a scandal.

If you saw a deer in a dream, it means that hard times will soon come for you.

A deer with branched antlers means that you are entering into a difficult and lengthy struggle.

Young deer - soon you will meet a very good person for whom you will feel a strong passion.

When in a dream it seems that someone is waking you up and calling you, do not respond and do not look out the window - this is one of your deceased relatives calling you to them.

1 Deer by Dream interpretation of birthday people of September, October, November, December

Why does a woman dream about a deer:

Seeing a small, pretty deer in a dream means the birth of a wonderful boy for a pregnant woman.

Seeing a deer in a fight with another deer in a dream means a fight between your two suitors.

1 Deer by Magic dream book

Seeing a deer in a dream means:

Meeting a noble man A young deer means that you will have a faithful new friend. A running deer means a quick completion of necessary tasks. A deer in a herd means complete trust. Two fighting deer - participation in the struggle for power. Eating venison means receiving distinguished guests.

1 Deer by Dream interpretation of health

A dream with a deer in the dream book is interpreted as:

A symbol of beauty, grace and health, promises a favorable period of life; a running deer is a sign of rapid and favorable developments of events.

1 Deer by Slavic dream book

Dreaming of a deer means:

Good friend. 11th house of the horoscope.

1 Deer according to Miller's dream book

Meaning of sleep deer:

Seeing a deer is a favorable dream; it foretells a pure, deep friendship for the newlyweds and a calm, balanced life for the spouses.

Killing a deer means that you will be poisoned by enemies. For farmers and business people, hunting a deer in a dream means failure in their intended affairs.

If you dream of a fawn, then in reality you will soon find reliable and fair friends. For young people, this dream promises a pure and true feeling.

1 Deer by To the newest dream book of G. Ivanov

What does it mean if a woman dreams of a deer:

Very soon you will meet a good, and most importantly, useful specialist for you.

If someone shudders in a dream, it means that person is growing.

1 Deer by Dream Interpretation by E. Ericson

What can a deer dream about:

Associated with a clear hierarchical structure and therefore means that the dreamer understands his place in life. The deer also symbolizes pride and nobility.

What does it mean in a dream? Vertebrates with a spinal column provide insight into the qualities that are associated with them. The smaller and lower genera of animals mark the unconscious, the higher ones organize emotions.

1 Deer by Dream book for men

Deer in a dream means:

Personal troubles await you. If a moose attacks you, beware of an accident - in addition to health problems, it will bring you financial difficulties. An elk running away from you means you will miss a good opportunity to improve your financial affairs. Elk or deer with branchy antlers - from Monday to Tuesday - beware of adultery. From Saturday to Sunday - you will make a profit from a new deal or a bonus at work.

1 Deer according to the Online Dream Book

If a girl dreams of a deer, it means:

According to the dream book, a deer is a harbinger of the fact that in the near future you will meet a real soul mate with whom you will have a strong friendly relationship.

If you saw a baby of this animal, in life you will always have someone to share your sorrows and joys with.

Seeing him being pursued by poachers is a warning that your position in society and the attitude of others towards you depends only on how you can make yourself known.

In a dream, you want to overtake a deer while hunting - promises you the assistance of influential people in any of your affairs.

If you shot him, be prepared that ill-wishers will follow you on your heels.

Eating dishes prepared from the carcass of this animal means you can do something that will cause others to doubt your adequacy.

If you dream of a white deer, sincere joy, good news and joyful events await you, you will be lucky and happy.

If he moves away from you

1 Deer by Chinese Dream Book of Zhou Gong

Why does a woman dream of a deer:

Killing a deer portends wealth and nobility.

1 Deer by Esoteric dream book

Seeing a deer in a dream means:

A beautiful deer with branchy antlers - to the girl - to the groom.

For a woman - to her lover.

For a man - to jealousy, a quarrel with his wife or girlfriend.

A herd of deer - to a love conflict.

1 Deer by Esoteric dream book

Interpretation of a dream about a deer:

Sexual power.

Force; potency.

1 Deer by ABC of dream interpretation

Interpretation of a dream about a deer:

Usually represents a bachelor, a noble man.

Seeing a deer is success, happiness. The girls have a new groom.

1 Deer by Dream book of Nina Grishina

A deer in a dream predicts:

Seeing a deer means happiness, every success / noble aspirations of your soul.

Running - well-being / success from the implementation of intentions.

Eating deer meat is damage from contempt for noble awakenings.

1 Deer by English dream book

Why do you dream about Deer:

Fast, graceful, cautious, the deer embodies the inner self, which strives for freedom and feels uncomfortable in the modern world. Why the dream: If this deer was hunted, you may feel threatened; if you hunted it yourself, the dream indicates either a desire to suppress your inner self in order to fit into society, or a fear that society will force you to suppress your inner self. Dreams of a proud male deer with branchy antlers indicate a secret desire for a more down-to-earth , primitive sexual intimacy.

1 Deer by Phoebe's Great Dream Book

You will have a good and devoted FRIEND. Imagine that you are walking through the forest - but this is not an ordinary forest, but a fairy-tale forest. Here you have nothing to fear, because the animals living in it are your friends. A deer comes out of the forest thickets to meet you. He is very beautiful, he has luxurious spreading horns. A deer approaches you. You pet him, say some kind words to him, then give him any tasty treat. Since this is a fabulous animal, you can talk to the deer, talk about how you need friends, ask him some questions and maybe even hear the answers.

1 Deer by Jewish dream book

A quickly running deer on Sunday night - to a hasty desire not to miss an opportunity that is unlikely to present itself again. A fast running deer on any other night means a hitch in your affairs. Large antlers of a deer on Sunday night foretell an easy birth for a pregnant woman, and anxiety, impatience, and slight excitability for a man. Large deer antlers on any other night are a sign of good luck. A deer with a broken antler on Sunday night speaks of upcoming hesitations and rash actions. A deer with a broken antler on any other night foretells bad luck.

1 Deer by Dream Interpretation of Stealing Veles

Benefit/trouble, failure; runs - success / business will stop; catch - meeting, good / futile attempts; catch - success in business; to kill - to receive an inheritance, to defeat a weak enemy; Eating its meat is profit.

1 Deer by Dream interpretation of birthday people of January, February, March, April

A fawn - to a small but expensive jackpot, to profit.

Deer - to a reliable ally, partner.

1 Deer by Dream Interpretation Denise Lynn

Why do you dream about Deer:

Can symbolize the tender aspects of your soul. It can also be a symbol of a defenseless victim. Remember, there are no victims, only volunteers. Try to find the areas of your life that are under your control and make changes.

If you identify yourself with a defenseless fawn, remember that it must turn into a mighty deer... majestic and strong.

1 Deer according to Dream Book 2012

Reflection of harmony and/or calm.

Running from hunters is a reminder that a person becomes a victim only on his own initiative.

1 Deer by Housewife's Dream Interpretation

Change in personality; in relation to a loved one; preparation for death. Killing a deer means suppressing all the best in yourself; Deer hunting is a failure in business.

1 Deer by Dream Interpretation of Spiritual Seekers

Running - well-being; standing - lost labor; catching a deer means chasing a profitable business.

1 Deer by Indian dream book

If someone dreams that he killed a deer or took the corpse and horns of an animal for himself, then he will become the heir to the fortune of some old man or will triumph over a hidden, deceptive, cowardly and weak enemy.

1 Deer by Persian dream book Tiflisi

Why do you dream about Deer:

Understanding, speed.

1 Deer according to Rommel's Dream Book

The little deer is a symbol of true friendship and justice.

A large deer symbolizes hope, love, wealth.

Chasing a deer means striving for happiness.

A running deer is a bad start to business.

To kill a deer is to seek your happiness in vain.

1 Deer by Dream interpretation of birthday people of May, June, July, August

Seeing a newly born helpless fawn in a dream means you have to bring children to their senses.

A beautiful deer with branchy antlers in a dream means meeting a very pleasant young man, whom you will then cuckold.

1 Deer by Dream Interpretation of Catherine the Great

You see a deer and admire it - this dream is a favorable sign; in your relationships with people you will have warmth and goodwill; in thoughts - purity; the work you are doing will elevate you. A man sees the antlers of a deer - failures await this man in the love field. A woman dreams of deer antlers - this woman’s husband will not be famous for his intelligence. It’s as if you killed a deer - your enemies will begin coordinated actions against you; this campaign could be called bullying. You dream of a fawn - your friends will have a reason to demonstrate their reliability.

You see a reindeer in a dream - the dream suggests that, despite all the vicissitudes of fate, you will remain faithful to your friends and the common cause. You dream of a reindeer team - in the most difficult times you can be sure: your friends will not leave you.

1 Deer by Dream book of the future

To prosperity; catching a deer - chasing a happy business; catch a deer - your plans will happily come true.

1 Deer by French dream book

Why do you dream about Deer:

Seeing a deer in a dream means that your love will encounter unexpected obstacles. A herd of beautiful deer promises that your family will soon increase. If you killed a deer in a dream, success awaits you. If a deer attacked you, the dream foreshadows misfortune.

1 Deer by Dream Interpretation of Spiritual Seekers

This is a bad dream. The least that awaits you after it is participation in a big and unpleasant quarrel. This dream especially portends a lot of bad things for various kinds of officials, as well as merchants, sailors and merchants. Their affairs can take the most deplorable turn; some may go bankrupt, while others may end up in prison. If a young man dreams of a young deer, the dream warns him: he must give up the harmful habit of throwing around words, it’s time to learn to be faithful to his word! For a woman, such a dream promises a successful birth.

1 Deer by Dream Interpretation of Spiritual Seekers

Reindeer - You saw a reindeer in a dream - the dream suggests that, despite all the vicissitudes of fate, you will remain faithful to your friends and the common cause. You dream of a reindeer team - in the most difficult times you can be sure that your friends will not leave you.

1 Deer by Dream interpretation for women

A deer running towards you symbolizes life's difficulties that are approaching you. A running deer - a dream suggests that some event will happen in your city that will affect your life, and very strongly. Sleep from Tuesday to Wednesday - in the future, thanks to your wisdom, you will occupy an enviable position in society; from Saturday to Sunday - you are afraid of missing something important, don’t worry, everything will be fine; from Sunday to Monday is a clear indication that something will threaten you in the next three days.

1 Deer by Dream book alphabetically

A dream in which you are riding a reindeer sled across the endless tundra means conscientious performance of official duties and loyalty in friendship. Managing deer means helping friends in a difficult situation.

A forest deer with huge branchy antlers portends a successful marriage and a well-functioning family life without any excesses. Deer running briskly through the thicket speak of a quick and successful completion of affairs. A deer standing and listening sensitively is a sign of vain efforts and wasted labor.

Grazing deer portends deception or betrayal. Hunt deer - you will gain reliable protection. Kill a deer - creditors will pursue you. Chasing a deer is a sign of illusory happiness.

Seeing a deer fallen into a swamp, which is about to drown it headlong, is a sign of a successful outcome to a long and grueling lawsuit. A dream in which you see an orphaned fawn means that small and insignificant people will slander you. Seeing a crying deer - you will achieve what you want through humiliation and suffering of loved ones.

Dreaming of deer in a zoo enclosure foreshadows misfortune in the family. Eating deer meat - commit stupidity bordering on recklessness; Deer liver means that you will soon receive guests.

1 Deer by Dream Interpretation of Simeon Prozorov

Why do you dream about Deer:

You will have a very good and devoted friend.

Imagine that you are giving a deer something tasty, such as a carrot.

1 Deer by Dream book of the 20th century

Seeing a graceful deer: means that your nobility and friendliness can ensure success and prosperity.

The dream also says that a noble and honest person can help your success.

A running deer: a sign that by deviating from noble principles, you yourself can frighten away your happiness.

Killed deer in a dream: foretells a situation in which you can forget about all your principles. Beware: the dream warns that this could end badly for you!

1 Deer by Dream book for girls

Killing a deer in a dream means you will be hounded by your enemies, grief.

Seeing a running fawn for young girls is pure; true feeling.

An adult, powerful deer - deep, devoted friendship.

In your dream, did the deer stand motionless or beat with a silver hoof?

1 Deer according to Hasse's dream book

Running deer - your affairs will be completed quickly and wisely; hunt him - get protection; fighting - you will achieve power; perishing - well-being; to have in the park is bad luck; in the herd - gain trust.

If you eat deer liver, you will receive distinguished guests.

1 Deer by Dream Interpretation of Schiller-Schoolboy

acquaintance and friendship with a kind, intelligent and honest person.

5 /5 (2 )

What does dreaming about a deer mean? This sign symbolizes beauty, grace, health, and a favorable life period. It’s very good when you dream of this noble animal running fast. In this case, the dream book predicts the rapid development of life events and success in business. But some moments have a not so pleasant meaning. Let's take a closer look, why do you dream of a deer?

Seeing a deer in a dream

The question of what a dream about this animal means is of great interest, because a deer is a bright image that stands out among other symbols. For correct decoding, you should familiarize yourself with various manuals on dreams.

With horns

The night plot, where you dreamed of a deer with antlers, has a more complex meaning and can symbolize the tree of life, clan, family ties. One must guess why such an image arose? Perhaps it predicts an addition to the family, or it may indicate that a person needs to pay more attention to his roots and family.


What does a dream about a deer with huge branchy antlers mean? The dream predicts happiness in marriage, warm family relationships without quarrels and strong feelings. There is another interpretation of sleep. Night vision may indicate the onset of a period of difficult struggle. You must be patient and determined to win.

Without horns

What does the plot portend when you dream about a deer without antlers? This is an unfavorable sign. Seeing such a symbol means trouble. Be careful, the Lord protects the careful.


To dream of a large animal can promise a meeting with a decent, pleasant, honest person. How the work started will progress can be indicated by the running of the deer. For travelers, such a dream foretells arrival at the destination of their route. For people searching for missing objects or capturing a person, the dream does not promise success in these matters.

Watch the video. Why do you dream about a deer?


What does a young deer mean in a dream? An excellent sign when you dream of a small healthy baby. According to the interpretation of Miller’s dream book, a young couple who sees such a dream will experience a mutual feeling of love and understanding. For older people, a fawn like Bambi predicts strong friendship among people around the dreamer, despite his doubts.


To dream of a celestial animal being the leader of a herd is a favorable sign. The dreamer will arouse the trust of society, which can affect success in life, but for this you will have to work at full capacity.


A snow-white deer is a harbinger of good news, career advancement, and a happy family life. A successful period begins in the dreamer’s fate.

If a handsome white man moves away from a sleeping person in his night dreams, then he predicts missed chances in business, unused opportunities, and the onset of a bad streak.


A black animal is a negative, warning sign, bringing a note of bitterness into the dreamer's life. A calmly grazing deer of this color in a dream still predicts deception and betrayal. Killing an animal can predict persecution by creditors for the dreamer. Seeing an animal in the distance means you should expect minor unpleasant moments.


If you dream of a reindeer, this is a very favorable symbol, meaning responsibility in performing professional duties with a positive result.

90% of dreams about deer portend support from friends

The plot can mean a strong friendship. Driving a reindeer team in night dreams means helping friends when a difficult situation arises.


What does it mean in a dream where an animal runs straight towards the dreamer and wants to attack him? The dream book interprets such a plot as a warning about impending problems. You won’t be able to escape from them or hide, so you need to meet them face to face and fight back with dignity.


A herd of deer predicts that you will have to fight with ill-wishers. Afterwards, keep your distance from them. You should not talk about your ideas, so as not to get into new troubles.

With fawns

Dreaming of little fawns can promise reliable friends who will help in difficult times. Another interpretation of the dream: a person will meet on his way a bright love that he will cherish throughout his life.

Why do you dream of a deer in a dream?

Deer is a noble animal, striking with its beauty and grace. When you see such a symbol, you need to look in the dream book. A deer may be a harbinger of an acquaintance that will lead to a serious relationship. What does night vision mean if you consider all the detailed nuances?

To the girl

An artiodactyl with beautiful branched horns, seen by a girl in a dream, promises her a meeting with a decent young man who will reverently love this person. The symbol can promise passion with another suitor. A sign of two males fighting for attention. A conflict between two gentlemen may occur.

To a woman

If a woman dreams of a herd of deer, the dream predicts a gala event where she will be able to meet interesting personalities. There is a possibility that among the people present the lady will meet her true love. You shouldn’t immediately rush into his arms, it’s better to portray a cold attitude, then the fan will want to get attention.

Watch the video. Sleep and dreams.


What does a dream with such a symbol mean for a woman expecting a child? The dream prophesies the birth of a healthy, strong boy.

To a man

For the stronger sex, such a dream can predict excessive jealousy. You should trust your companion, and not torment her with suspicions of infidelity.

Runs away

When an animal wants to run in a dream, success awaits the dreamer in reality. You can safely invest money even in projects that do not inspire confidence. They will still make a profit in a short time. You don’t need to think too long, otherwise you might miss your chances.


If a sleeping person wants to kill a deer in his night dreams, he will have a quarrel with his ill-wishers. They will harm him in every possible way, upset things, arrange intrigues.

8 out of 10 dreams about killing a deer promise stress and quarrels

Stress causes quarrels with close friends and allies. This could lead to him making even more enemies. You should control your emotions and make the right decisions.


When a person caught a deer in a dream, then success and complete victory should be expected in life. Don't relax, laziness doesn't bring you luck. You should work hard to complete your tasks and achieve success.


What does it mean to dream about a deer when the dreamer in his night dreams was going to hunt it? A dream may indicate that the dreamer is able to overcome all difficulties on his own.

If in a dream other people hunt a deer, then if difficult situations arise, the dream book recommends turning to relatives for help.


Riding a deer in a dream means that the dreamer will be able to keep the situation under control. Sitting in a reindeer sled on a sleigh indicates that part of the work will be done by another person.

Dream Interpretation: I dreamed of a deer

Usually this noble animal in night dreams predicts happiness, good luck and mutual understanding. Taking part in a deer hunt in a dream is an unfavorable sign.

According to the Women's Dream Book

A dream about a handsome horned man indicates to young people their mutual feelings. For family people, the dream predicts a calm life, without shocks. Killing an animal is an unfavorable symbol. This is a warning about failure in business or clashes with enemies. Seeing a fawn in your night dreams is a good sign. The dream predicts friendships with reliable, decent people. When a guy or girl has such a dream, it can mean mutual love.

According to the dream book for the whole family

To see a dream where a deer runs towards the dreamer means impending difficulties. An animal running away can predict problems and turmoil in the home.

In most cases, a fawn appears in a dream when a feeling of contradiction and stubbornness “awakens” in the dreamer or a new feeling arises. To understand exactly why a baby deer is dreaming, be sure to take into account its behavior and appearance - this will allow dream books to give a complete description of the dream.

Brief description of the dream

Seeing something in a dream is a clue from fate about what will happen in the near future in the dreamer’s life or an indication of thoughts occupying the head in reality. The more complete the memories of the events that occurred in the night, the better and more accurate the interpretations will be. But what to do if all the details of your night dreams slip away from your memory? The answer is simple - use brief interpretations.

  • Seeing a baby nibbling grass means finding a true friend.
  • Playing with a fawn means the birth of a new relationship.
  • Watching a teenage deer - stubbornness will play into your hands.
  • Feeding by hand means establishing a trusting relationship with someone who kept aloof from you.
  • To turn into a fawn in a dream - pride will prevent you from drawing the right conclusions.

Miller's dream book prophecies

Miller's dream book gives a joyful interpretation of a dream in which the dreamer sees a fawn in front of him: for a single person, a dream means selfless friendship, for a family person it means balance and peace. A grazing deer can also mean fairness and reliability of a business partner.

Newborn "Bambi" as a symbol of a new feeling

If you were impressed by a dream in which you dreamed of a newly calved doe with a small fawn, then in reality a new love awaits you. This is especially true if a woman or girl dreams of a deer with a small newborn calf - it is likely that the new lover will become the legal spouse.

But in the case when a pregnant woman dreams of a doe with a small fawn, the dream suggests that she will most likely give birth to a boy, well, or really wants it, suggests the Family Dream Book.

Contact with the baby, or What the relationship will lead to

Did you have a dream in which you are petting a baby deer? The answer lies in the baby’s behavior: he calmly reacted to touches - you can be calm, since your alliance with your friends is indestructible; but if the fawn ran away or flinched when you tried to pet it, keep in mind that if you don’t stop being offended by your friends over trifles, you can lose them.

But holding a fawn in your arms is a sign of strong and trusting friendship. The only caveat: if it was difficult to hold a tiny deer in your arms, this means that you will have to fight for trust, prophesies the Gypsy Dream Book.

A growing cub is a sign of perseverance and determination

If you dreamed that you saw a grown-up fawn with antlers on its head, be prepared for the fact that you will have to show strength of character. You dream of a fawn with antlers incredibly large for its head - your stubbornness, oddly enough, will help you achieve your plans, the Eastern Dream Book pleases.

It’s another matter if the baby deer had small but branched antlers, like those of an adult male - this symbolizes the desire to quickly reach the desired heights. By the way, the Lunar Dream Book warns against such actions, since in a hurry it is unlikely that you will be able to do everything correctly.

Seeing a graceful deer: means that your nobility and friendliness can ensure success and prosperity.

The dream also says that a noble and honest person can help your success.

A running deer: a sign that by deviating from noble principles, you yourself can frighten away your happiness.

Killed deer in a dream: foretells a situation in which you can forget about all your principles. Beware: the dream warns that this could end badly for you!

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Book of the 20th century

What does the dream Deer mean?

A dream about a deer foreshadows pure, faithful friendship and a calm, balanced married life.

If you killed a deer in a dream - no matter how you are hunted by your enemies. After all, for business people, deer hunting means failure in business.

If you dream of a fawn, then in reality you will soon find reliable and fair friends.

For young people, this dream promises a pure and true feeling.

Interpretation of dreams from the Psychological Dream Book

Seeing a Deer in a dream

You will have a very good and devoted friend.

Imagine that you are giving a deer something tasty, such as a carrot.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Book of Simeon Prozorov

What do Deer dreams mean?

Deer - a calm, measured life in marriage.

Deer hunting - planned activities will be unsuccessful.

Fawn - new friends will be fair and reliable.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Book for a bitch

Dream about Deer

Seeing a running deer is a sign of prosperity.

Seeing deer standing is a sign of doing vain, thankless work.

To see one calmly sleeping deer is a sign of treason or deception.

Catching a deer is a pursuit of a happy business.

You see a reindeer - a good sign of conscientious performance of official duties, loyalty in friendship.

If you control deer, you can count on the help of your friends in a difficult situation.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Book of the 21st century

Meaning of dreams Deer

Can symbolize the tender aspects of your soul. It can also be a symbol of a defenseless victim.

Remember, there are no victims, only volunteers.

Try to find the areas of your life that are under your control and make changes.

If you identify with a defenseless fawn: remember that he must grow into a mighty deer... majestic and strong.

Interpretation of dreams from the American Dream Book

What does Deer mean in a dream?

Interpretation of dreams from Kananite's Dream Book

Meaning of sleep Deer

The appearance of a deer in a dream is a favorable sign, foreshadowing pure, deep friendship between young people; a calm, balanced life for spouses. Killing a deer foreshadows difficult conflicts with your ill-wishers. For business people, hunting a deer in a dream predicts failure in their intended business.

Interpretation of dreams from the Modern Dream Book

Interpretation of sleep Deer

Seeing a deer is a favorable dream; it foretells a pure, deep friendship for the newlyweds and a calm, balanced life for the spouses.

Killing a deer means that you will be poisoned by enemies. For farmers and business people, hunting a deer in a dream means failure in their intended affairs.

If you dream of a fawn, then in reality you will soon find reliable and fair friends. For young people, this dream promises a pure and true feeling.

Interpretation of dreams from Miller's Dream Book

What does a Deer predict in a dream?

A beautiful deer with branchy antlers, seen in a dream, means meeting a very pleasant young man, whom you will then cuckold.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation of Dreams

What does it mean to see a Deer in a dream?

Your person is very popular, perhaps a monetary reward.

If this is a doe, then, on the contrary, you should hold back expenses.

If the deer has big antlers, then you are in for a fight.

If the deer is dead, there will be a public scandal.

Deer - represents possible monetary income and success in society.

Seeing a killed deer is a scandal.

If you kill a deer, you will find yourself in the center of a scandal.

If you saw a deer, it means that hard times will soon come for you.

A deer with branched antlers means that you are entering into a difficult and lengthy struggle.

Young deer - soon you will meet a very good man for whom you will feel a strong passion

Interpretation of dreams from the Gypsy dream book

Interpretation of sleep Deer

Usually represents a bachelor, a noble man.

Seeing a deer is success, happiness.

The girls have a new groom.

Interpretation of dreams from the Self-Teacher on Dream Interpretation

What does a Deer dream predict?

Seeing a deer means happiness, every success / noble aspirations of your soul.

Running deer - well-being/success from the implementation of intentions.

Eating deer meat is damage from contempt for noble awakenings.

Doe - this image is also interpreted as the image of a deer.

Chamois is a warning against thoughtless haste.

Interpretation of dreams from the Noble Dream Book

The meaning of the dream Deer

Seeing a deer in a dream means prosperity and receiving an inheritance.

Catching a frisky deer means liberation.

Seeing a hunter kill a deer is a loss.

To see a herd of sleeping deer - rejoice, the plans of your enemies will not come true.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Book of Feng Shui

See a deer in a dream

Deer means that your love will encounter unexpected obstacles. A herd of beautiful deer promises that your family will soon increase. If you killed a deer in a dream, success awaits you. If a deer attacked you, the dream foreshadows misfortune.

Interpretation of dreams from the French dream book

Dream prediction Deer

A deer running towards you symbolizes life's difficulties that are approaching you. A running deer - a dream suggests that some event will happen in your city that will affect your life, and very strongly. Sleep from Tuesday to Wednesday - in the future, thanks to your wisdom, you will occupy an enviable position in society; from Saturday to Sunday - you are afraid of missing something important, don’t worry, everything will be fine; from Sunday to Monday is a clear indication that something will threaten you in the next three days.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Book for women

Why do you dream about Deer?

Running - your affairs will be completed quickly and wisely; hunt him - get protection; fighting - you will achieve power; perishing - well-being; to have in the park is bad luck; in the herd - gain trust

Interpretation of dreams from Hasse's Dream Interpretation

Seeing a Deer in a dream

The little deer is a symbol of true friendship and justice.

A large deer symbolizes hope, love, wealth.

Chasing a deer means striving for happiness.

A running deer is a bad start to business.

To kill a deer is to seek your happiness in vain.

Interpretation of dreams from Rommel's Dream Book

Seeing a Deer in a dream

Deer - Beautiful, with branchy antlers - to the girl - to the groom. For a woman - to her lover. For a man - to jealousy, a quarrel with his wife or girlfriend. A herd of deer - to a love conflict.

Interpretation of dreams from the Esoteric Dream Book

What do Deer dreams mean?

A deer, young and beautiful, seen in a dream, foreshadows an acquaintance or meeting with a pleasant, kind and honest person. The running of a deer in a dream means how the work you have started will progress. For travelers, such a dream predicts that they will reach their destination. For those who are trying to catch a person or find something missing, the dream foretells that they are doing a futile job.

A deer standing still or sleeping means that your hopes will not come true. For lovers, such a dream predicts that they will learn about deception or betrayal.

Chasing a deer in a dream is a sign that you are chasing happiness; if you catch up, you will be truly happy. Catching him in a dream is a sign that you will have to participate in some large meeting. Sometimes such a dream predicts good luck in a big business. Eating deer meat in a dream is a sign of enrichment, and eating its liver is a sign of an important meeting. If you dream that a deer is dying before your eyes, then failures and disappointments await you. Killing a deer in a dream and taking its antlers and skin for yourself means that you will receive an inheritance after the death of a rich and noble person. Sometimes such a dream predicts that you will soon be able to defeat a dangerous enemy. See interpretation: animals, hunting, beasts, catch, weapons.

Interpretation of dreams from