“Analysis of the last scene of the story “Taras Bulba. Taras Bulba analysis of the work

Gogol is a historical story that reveals to the reader the life of the Cossacks of the Zaporozhye Sich. The story tells about the heroic past of the country where true patriots were born. This is one of Gogol’s famous works, which we studied in class and now we will analyze the work, revealing the problems and main idea of ​​the author’s work.

Brief analysis of the work

Analyzing the work of Taras Bulba, the reader is transported to the 16th-18th centuries, when the Ukrainian people are fighting the Polish gentry. At the center of the work are the main characters - two sons, as well as Taras Bulba himself, who was not only a father and a patriot, but also a Cossack colonel. The story takes us to the Zaporozhye Sich, where Bulba’s sons come after training. These are already matured, strong guys, real Cossacks who will fight next to their father. Unfortunately, Andriy fell in love with the daughter of the enemy and crossed all the oaths and laws of the Cossacks. He is a traitor and the only outcome could only be his death. One can only imagine how difficult it was for Taras Bulba to kill his son, but there was no other way out. Betrayal was not forgiven, especially among the Cossacks of that time. Unlike his brother, Ostap turned out to be a true patriot, who did not utter a word in captivity and died like a hero.

From the analysis of the work of Taras Bulba Gogol, we see how courageous, righteous and fair the colonel was, who gave birth to a son, and himself killed him for betrayal. This was the norm during wartime, although it is difficult to accept such customs today. But we live in different times, so we have no right to judge any of the characters. Those were the laws and rules.

Problems of the story Taras Bulba

In his work Taras Bulba Gogol reveals various issues. This is a fight against the enemy when we had to defend our native borders. There is also a moral choice here, when you have to choose between feelings and duty. The author also shows the importance of unity, which leads to victory. Here the author reveals the themes of the relationship between children and parents. The problem of self-sacrifice, love and fidelity is revealed.

the main idea

Having become acquainted with this masterpiece of world literature, one can highlight the main idea of ​​the story. It lies in unshakable love for the Motherland, the need to protect and defend it. This is exactly what the Cossacks did, selflessly rushing onto the battlefield.

“We will remember Taras and sing a song...” We read an excerpt from the story from the words “There stood a naked tree ...” to the words “... which would have overpowered the Russian force!” and then analyze it. For example, the capture of Taras and his sentence cause difficult experiences for both the author and the reader. We feel sorry for Taras; it is difficult for us to come to terms with the idea that he will die in terrible agony. At the same time, we experience a feeling of indignation and anger towards our enemies. Taras does not think about himself before his death. Taras passionately wants his comrades to escape persecution, and we are filled with a feeling of pride in a man who loves the Fatherland and his comrades more than himself. When for the first time Taras’s voice was not heard by the Cossacks, he was overcome by mental pain. But the pain gives way to joy, when Taras caught his eye “four sterns emerging from behind the bushes,” and there was hope that the Cossacks could be saved. Joy gives way to deep satisfaction that this time his call is heard.

A terrible blow to the head caused Taras to lose consciousness for some time. But when he woke up and saw that his comrades had escaped the pursuit, joy took possession of him again. And the reader at this moment admires the courage of Taras, his courage, sense of camaraderie and contempt for death, is imbued with his hatred of his enemies, contempt for them and faith in the triumph of a just cause. Examination and comparison of illustrations by P. P. Sokolov, E. A. Kibrik and D. A. Shmarinov, depicting the death of Taras, gives students the opportunity to visually imagine this, perhaps the strongest link of the story, to correlate their visual ideas with the vision of the artists - illustrators, to think about which of the artists managed to convey Gogol’s text more clearly and accurately, to recreate Taras’s last feat more emotionally convincingly.

Comparing the illustrations, everyone comes to the conclusion that a stronger impression is made by those drawings where all the artist’s attention is focused on Taras himself, his experiences, where Taras is shown in close-up. The artist Sokolov includes too much in the sphere of the image, thereby scattering the viewer’s attention. He describes in detail the collapsed fortress, the Poles tying Taras with ropes to a tree broken by lightning, and another group of Poles swinging clubs at Taras. The illustration as a whole gives the impression of stylization, everything in it is written out too carefully, even somewhat decoratively, it is of little concern.

What deeds and exploits of their ataman did the Cossacks remember while sailing on their canoes?

along the Dniester? And then the firing of the Poles stopped, the Cossacks swam briskly on narrow canoes, rowed together with oars, carefully passing the shallows, alarming the rising birds and talking about the exploits of their chieftain. They recalled how Bulba was chosen as Koschevo near Dubno, when everyone was divided into two groups, and how nicely he spoke about Russian comradeship. And those who did not participate in the battle of Dubno were told some episodes from it. One already middle-aged Cossack, who had smelled gunpowder, told two young Cossacks about how Taras, saving a comrade, rushed alone towards a detachment of horsemen.

Several Cossacks remembered his speech near Dubno; they understood then that for many this would be the last battle, but they were ready to give their lives for Holy Rus'. “Yes,” said the Cossacks, “Taras was a good comrade. It was not for nothing that he spoke words about camaraderie: he inspired us to heroism and himself accomplished many feats for the glory of camaraderie and his native land. After all, how did he fight with the Poles, how many of them did he chop into cabbage? And so we didn’t save him. Taras didn’t want to leave the cradle on someone else’s land, but had to stay there himself. But even in his last moments he did not think about death, but thought about us, about his comrades: “To the shore, boys, to the reeds, there are canoes, take everything and leave!” - Taras shouted. And now we are free, and he is in the damp ground. And when Ostap was executed,” said other Cossacks, “although Taras was very sad, he did not lose heart, he did not go to his farm to rest, but began to take terrible revenge on the enemies for Ostap and his killed comrades.”
And they talked about a lot more. About where and when Taras and his sons came to the Sich, they remembered how, for the sake of the Fatherland, Taras did not spare the life of his youngest son, a traitor. “We wouldn’t spare our lives for Taras. Now it’s our turn to take revenge on our enemies for him and protect our beloved Fatherland.” The life of Taras Bulba was a feat, and his exploits are worthy of song. Who is Taras Bulba? This is a representative of the life of an entire people, an entire political society in a certain era of life. He loved his native Ukraine and knew nothing higher and more beautiful than the daring Cossacks, because he felt both in every drop of his blood.

The Cossacks row together. They sail on their narrow canoes, lifting huge flocks of birds into the air, and talk about their chieftain. The people live, their feats live. His best sons live in the people's memory, songs and legends. Thus, the “immortal soul” of old Taras comes to life in the works of poets, writers and artists who created their works during the Great Patriotic War. The story lives on in the minds of our contemporaries, spiritually enriching each new generation. The heroic past, revealed to an inquisitive and demanding youth, cannot but inspire with its example, beautiful and harsh, and Gogol’s amazing talent made the idea of ​​​​serving the Motherland bright, exciting and eternally alive.

V. G. Belinsky calls “Taras Bulba” “a wondrous epic, written with a bold and wide brush,” “a huge picture in a tight frame, worthy of Homer.” There is no need to give students the definition of “epic” in this regard, especially since Belinsky uses the word “epic” not in its modern sense, but rather emphasizing the internal closeness of Gogol’s story to the folk heroic epic.

How does “Taras Bulba” resemble a folk heroic epic? We find out that the heroes of the story are strong, powerful people, striving for a high civic ideal, performing legendary feats for the glory of the Fatherland. Folk poetic traditions had a particularly strong impact in the description of the Battle of Dubno. The hyperbolic portrait of Taras is reminiscent of portraits of epic heroes, and the image of Taras in battle is similar to the image of Ilya Muromets, who fought with countless enemy forces. The obvious similarity of other Cossacks with the epic heroes is also striking.

In conclusion, it must be emphasized once again that Gogol’s wonderful story, which was such a complete expression of the people’s spirit, has forever entered the treasury of folk culture as one of its most valuable assets.

The story “Taras Bulba” is included in N.V. Gogol’s collection “Mirgorod”. This historical work, which brings together many characters, is significantly different from other stories in the collection. Gogol always knew how to notice the most subtle and small matters and details that no one paid attention to. His powers of observation create very accurate, vivid pictures in each of his works, be it a description of nature, a village or a person.

But the way Gogol described a person is difficult to repeat. The author's observations allowed him to analyze all the properties of human character and create a single, multifaceted image. But if in many of his works he spoke about the degradation of man, then in the work “Taras Bulba”, using the example of a Cossack colonel and his sons, the author shows what a person should be, what should be truly important for him, what traits Russians possess.

The author paints a picture of a difficult time for his homeland in the struggle against the Polish gentry. Gogol reflected the true friendship of a single people - Little Russians, and later Ukrainians and Russians - the single people of Kievan Rus. The author carried the theme of brotherhood and camaraderie throughout the entire story. At that time, the Cossacks were emerging - a vivid example of Russian strength, because it was the Russians who gathered at Khortytsia. These were princes and escaped serfs, but in the Sich they became brothers and comrades.

The description of Taras Bulba contains not fictitious features, but a real characteristic of a Cossack of that period. Only sometimes, when there is a short-term truce, does Taras live at home and do housework. But first of all, he is a Cossack, he is a defender and the rest of the time he is a warrior, of whom there were a lot then, he spends with weapons in his hands on the battlefields. The Cossack sees his duty, the purpose of life, in serving the Motherland, in its defense. Taras is rude and straightforward, which contrasts sharply with the pampered Polish warriors.

The most valuable, most... dear to Taras Bulba is his homeland. Love and loyalty to his native land are more important to him than personal interests. The betrayal of his youngest son was an extraordinary blow for Taras. Andrei exchanges his homeland, friends, family for the Polish girl he likes and goes to fight against his own. Whether it was love or a passing infatuation is not important, because Andrei, without hesitation, abandoned his comrades and went against them with a sword. He was not stopped by the outrage that the Poles committed on his native land, burning villages and slaughtering people.

Taras's eldest son Ostap was the pride of his father. He was faithful to his land and faith to the last. At the hands of the Poles, he suffered a terrible, painful death, and at the same time behaved heroically until his last breath, so as not to please the enemy with cries of pain. He knew that his sacrifice was not in vain - he suffered for Holy Rus', for his faith, for his friends.

The stories of two brothers are stories of two different paths that a person chooses on his own, deciding whether to become a hero or voluntarily inflict the mark of a traitor on himself. In our time, these images are no less relevant, since each of us always has a choice - to value what we have or to grovel for a handout, going abroad in search of a better life.

Taras Bulba accepted a death worthy of a Cossack, making the sign of the cross. His faith, courage and devotion personify the spirit of his people, the spirit of Russians and Little Russians, who until now have been true patriots. This story helps you understand your history and turn to your own values, to your native land and Orthodoxy.

The heroic images of the story “Taras Bulba” create a contrast with the other heroes of the collection “Mirgorod”, demonstrating what people were like, what qualities each of us has and what a person can become if he encourages vices in himself.

" is one of the outstanding works of Russian literature on historical topics. It can be safely called the national epic of the Cossacks.

Immediately after its publication, the story received unanimous rave reviews. Critics compared Gogol to Homer. In particular, Belinsky considered Taras Bulba “the highest example, ideal and prototype” of modern epic, and Sainte-Beuve called the story the “Zaporozhian Iliad.”

2. History of creation. For the first time he addressed the theme of the national liberation struggle of the Ukrainian people against Poland in the story “Terrible Vengeance” and the unfinished novel “Hetman”. The material and experience accumulated during this work allowed the writer to think about a more serious work.

In 1833 he begins to write "Taras Bulba". "Taras Bulba" was first published in the collection "Mirgorod" (1835). In 1842, a significantly revised story was included in the second volume of Gogol's Works.

3. The meaning of the name. - the main character of the story. This literary image has no real prototype. In it, the writer embodied the most characteristic qualities inherent in the leader of the Cossacks: courage, fearlessness, mercilessness towards enemies and contempt for death.

4. Genre. Historical story.

5. Main theme works - patriotism of the Cossacks. Gogol had great respect for the heroic past of the Ukrainian people. The Cossacks, which formed on the outskirts of Russia, became a unique phenomenon. The bravest and most desperate people who flocked to the Zaporozhye Sich most often under the threat of imminent death became Cossacks. In this environment, military qualities were most valued, and in peacetime, the Cossacks completely surrendered to unbridled revelry.

Despite their reckless nature, the highest value for the Cossacks was the Orthodox faith. The Cossacks had a vague understanding of strict observance of religious rituals, but at the same time they acted as the most important defenders of the Orthodox Church. Faith was the basis of the patriotism of the Cossacks. For them, the nationality of their enemies is not so important, because the world is clearly divided into Orthodox, Busurman and Catholic. Opponents share the same point of view.

During war, religious hostility becomes especially acute. In the story, the Cossacks set out on a campaign at the news of the Poles’ violation of Orthodox customs. The idea of ​​revenge instantly unites everyone. A disorderly crowd of revelers becomes an organized army. Gogol does not blame his heroes for organizing a bloody massacre for the Poles. They acted in full accordance with the cruel concepts of their era.

The important thing is that the Cossacks were guided by a higher idea, and not by a simple desire for robbery. In conversation, Cossacks constantly emphasize their ardent commitment to religion. It is very characteristic that Taras Bulba, under the walls of the besieged city, proclaims the first toast “For the Faith!” The dying Mosiy Shilo says: “Let the Orthodox Russian land stand.” The author emphasizes that one of the main qualities of the Cossacks is the ability to die with dignity “for the holy faith.”

6. Issues. The central problem of the story is the preservation of the national independence of the Ukrainian people. The Zaporozhye Sich was forced to constantly be on alert, expecting an attack either from the Poles or the Tatars. The opponents knew no mercy. The defeat of the Cossacks could lead to the complete destruction of their unusual free state formation. This explains the unprecedented resilience and courage of the defenders of their land. Along with this global problem, Gogol describes in detail the personal tragedy of the protagonist, based on the betrayal of his own son.

Switching to the enemy's side for the sake of love is a problem of moral choice. For the sake of a beautiful Polish woman, a brave Cossack betrayed his land, faith, comrades and family. From Taras's point of view, he does not deserve forgiveness. The murder of his own son in his eyes is a much less serious crime than betrayal. In conditions of a fierce war, the action of the protagonist is absolutely justified. At the same time, Taras is not an insensitive killing machine. At incredible risk to his life, he goes to Warsaw just to look at Ostap for the last time. One of the most powerful and touching episodes in the story is the execution scene and Taras’s response to the dying desperate call of his eldest son.

7. Heroes. Taras Bulba, Andrey, Ostap, nameless lady.

8. Plot and composition. The story has no direct analogue in history. According to some details mentioned, the action should take place in the middle of the 17th century. The author himself dates it to the 15th-16th centuries. The plot embodies the entire centuries-old history of the Cossacks’ struggle against the Polish lords. The tragic fate of Taras Bulba and his sons clearly demonstrates how this struggle affected the lives of ordinary Cossacks.

9. What the author teaches. Gogol believed that the past can serve not only as a lesson, but also as a direct guide for his contemporaries. The softening of morals led to the loss of true patriotism. No matter how cruel the murder of Andrei by his father seemed, only such harsh measures allowed the ancestors to withstand continuous wars and preserve their land for their descendants. The main advantage of Taras Bulba is his disregard for personal interests for the sake of a common higher goal. Even dying, he tries to help his comrades. The salvation of the Cossacks gives him joy and hope for the final triumph of the Orthodox faith. Such dedication should serve as an example for every person.

Year of writing — 1835

Genre "Taras Bulba"- historical story.

At the center of the story is the fate of the Cossack colonel Taras Bulba and his two sons. The beginning is the arrival of former students at their parents' house. There are several climaxes. The denouement is the death of Taras Bulba himself.

Subject- depiction of historical events of the 16th - 17th centuries in Ukraine, life, customs of the Zaporozhye Sich

Idea- Glorification of the military society, exaltation of feat, patriotism, devotion to the idea of ​​protecting the native land.

Main thought— Love for the Motherland, exaltation of the Cossacks.

Problems of "Taras Bulba"

  • Defense of the native land.
  • Moral choice.
  • Unity and cohesion are the key to victory.
  • Love, loyalty, self-sacrifice.
  • Relationships between parents and children.
  • Honor and betrayal

The story “Taras Bulba” tells the reader about the struggle of the Ukrainian people with the Polish gentry. The broad, epic depiction of this struggle determined the patriotic pathos of the story. Gogol showed in his work the bonds of friendship that bind two fraternal peoples - Russian and Ukrainian - into their common historical destiny.

The main character of the story, Taras Bulba, is not a conventionally heroic image - he is endowed with specific historical features. Gogol truthfully paints the image of a Cossack of that harsh era. Only in rare intervals of calm does Taras return to a peaceful family life; the rest of the time he is a warrior, devoting himself to serving his homeland.

Taras does not hesitate; he always knows his goal; He sees his duty in impeccable service to his homeland, hence the origins of his fearlessness and courage. Taras Bulba’s “rough straightforwardness of character” is contrasted with the effeminacy of the Polish gentry and those representatives of the Cossacks who adopted their habits.

Loyalty to the homeland, love for it for Taras is higher than blood kinship and personal affection. The tragedy that affected his family is even more terrible. Colonel Bulba had two sons, the eldest - Ostap and the youngest - Andriy. Gogol, along with other Cossacks, endows Ostap with heroic traits. But Andriy is a more subtle person, who notices and knows how to appreciate the beauty in the life around him. The Cossack was seduced by a young Polish lady and went over to the side of his enemies, betraying his homeland, his father, and his comrades. Bulba himself executed his son, who had betrayed his homeland and people.

In Ostap we see the continuer of his father’s work; Taras is proud of him. For Ostap, as for other Cossacks, there is nothing more precious than the fatherland, and for it he is ready, together with everyone else, to endure the most terrible torment and death. In the execution scene, Ostap, subjected to inhuman torture, does not lose courage, knowing that his death was not in vain.

Andriy, having taken the path of betrayal, “disappeared for the entire Cossack chivalry,” the young Cossack did not become the defender of his native land, but together with his enemies began to kill his former friends and comrades.

The images of two brothers are two possible human life paths. This is either immortality in the name of people's happiness, or the inglorious death of a traitor, whose name, if mentioned by descendants, will be with hatred and shame.