Andrey Chery and Yuliana Karaulova are dating. Yulianna Karaulova and Andrey Cherny: a love story from the first person

Yulianna Karaulova began her solo career quite recently, but in a short time she released debut album, whose songs became real hits. The singer herself did not expect such an excellent result, but she is glad that now she has great amount fans. Yulianna is not afraid of responsibility, although she has now become the face of her creative team. In addition, her lover, who knows first-hand what touring and rehearsals are, helps her cope with all the difficulties. It so happened that Karaulova’s career is closely connected with her personal life, so this moment the couple understands that it is not yet possible to start a family and children.

Yulianna was born in Moscow in 1988. Her parents have nothing to do with creative world: Father is a diplomat, and mother is a doctor by profession, although as a child she dreamed of singing on stage. When the girl was four years old, the whole family moved to Bulgaria, where her father was sent due to his line of duty. Up to 11 years old future singer demonstrated excellent academic performance and won school olympiads. Returning to Russia, the girl spent a long time adapting to new living conditions. She didn't study at music school, but, like my mother, I always dreamed of singing. Her parents encouraged this activity and even sent her to various music competitions. At the age of 14, having won the “Yes!” magazine competition, Karaulova began performing on stage as a soloist of the “Yes” group. And a year later she took part in the “Star Factory” and even reached the finals.

After the competition, the girl wanted to become a journalist, but soon changed her mind and took the documents to the Gnessin Academy of Music. In 2011, Yulianna began singing in the group “5sta Family”, working there for four years. In the fall of 2015, Karaulova took up solo career. But the singer manages to do more than just creativity: in October 2016, she became a participant in the show “ glacial period", where she skates together with figure skater Maxim Trankov. In addition, she starred in the multi-part film “The Wizards,” which will be released in 2017 on Channel One. Julianna played a girl who dreams of becoming a singer, and a magician will help her in this. Her partners were Yuri Chursin, Dmitry Khrustalev, and Anna Starshenbaum.

In Karaulova’s personal life there were many romantic interests, and when the girl was 18 years old, she was getting ready to get married. But the wedding did not take place, as the lovers realized that they were not yet ready to start a family. Then she was very upset about the breakup, which is why she left for London for several months, where she began studying closely. Now the singer is dating producer Andrei Cherny, whom she met at the Star Factory. But then there was a purely working relationship between them, which later grew into friendship. Julianna recorded several songs with him, and after that they began to communicate closely. She was 17 years old at the time, and Andrei had just started his producing career. He helped her in her creativity, and also gave advice in romantic relationships.

In the photo Yulianna Karaulova with her lover Andrei Cherny

After some time, the friends tried to date, but it didn’t work out and they broke up. For some time, each of them had their own personal lives, but Black tried to win the girl again. Having gone to Paris, where everything contributed to the relationship being romantic, they became close again. Now Karaulova no longer minds trying on Wedding Dress and call their beloved husband, but the couple understands that the time has not yet come for this. Despite the fact that the singer constantly goes on tour to men's company Andrey is not jealous of her, since the lovers revolve in the same sphere and understand its specifics well.

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Published 08/02/2016

Yulianna Yurievna Karaulova. Born on April 24, 1988 in Moscow. Russian pop singer, finalist of “Star Factory-5”.

Father is a diplomat.

From the age of 4 she lived in the capital of Bulgaria, Sofia, where her father served in the diplomatic corps. There I went to school at the Russian Embassy in Bulgaria. As a child, she took up figure skating, where her father brought her. She also practiced dancing and horse riding.

At the age of 11, she returned to Moscow, where she graduated from school No. 1106.

In 2003, she took second place in the “Face of the Year” competition organized by the teen magazine “Yes!” After that she became one of the soloists music group"Yes."

In 2004, she became a participant in the Channel One television project “Star Factory 5” under the direction of , in which she reached the finals.

During the project, she performed a song in a duet with Ruslan Masyukov, “You Are Not There,” which was later transferred to Elena Terleeva. The solo composition “Rain” was also recorded. By the end of the project, Julianna became part of new group Maxim Fadeev “Netsuke”, in which she recorded the songs “I’ll throw the joker on the table” and “I got caught in the net” - the latter is most often listed as Julianna’s solo song.

After “Star Factory” I studied in London for about six months. For some time she worked as editor of Yes! magazine.

In 2011, after Loya left, Yulianna became the lead singer of the group "5sta Family". During the 4 years of their stay in it, the group recorded several hits and received a number of prestigious nominations and awards, including “Golden Gramophone 2013” ​​for the song “Together We Are”.

She graduated from the pop-jazz vocal department of the Gnessin Academy, and then, in 2014, she graduated from the production department Russian Academy music named after the Gnessins.

On September 20, 2015, Yulianna Karaulova announced her departure from the 5sta Family group and began a solo career.

Back in May 2015, being a member of the “5sta Family”, Yulianna presented her debut video to the song “You’re Not Like That.” The author of the music and lyrics of the song was the famous R’n’B singer Bianca. The video was filmed in Rome. The debut was successful, the song became a hit.

In 2015, for the song “You’re Not Like That,” she won the Golden Gramophone awards. St. Petersburg" and "Golden Gramophone. Minsk".

In 2016, she won the RU TV award for the best start.

At the end of December, the singer’s second video for the song “Houston” was released, and two months later, at the beginning of March 2016, the third video for the song “Extraorbital” was released. For this composition she received the Golden Gramophone award in 2016. On June 12, the song “Sea” was released in a duet with ST (and on July 27, the video was released).

Yulianna Karaulova - Houston

Debut solo album"Feeling Yu" was released on September 30, 2016. His presentation and first solo concert Yulianna Karaulova took place on November 1 at the Moscow club RED. “I worked on my first album, “Feeling Yu,” for a little over a year. It was painstaking work, for which I am not ashamed. Some songs were written a long time ago, and I had to make them more relevant,” she said.

In 2016, she became a participant in the show “Ice Age” together with Maxim Trankov.

Yulianna Karaulova's height: 168 centimeters.

Personal life of Yulianna Karaulova:

Since 2012, she dated sound producer Andrei Cherny, whom she met at the Star Factory.

On December 23, 2016, Andrei proposed to Yulianna when the singer performed at the VDNKh ice skating rink with her song “Out-of-Orbit” during the filming of the New Year’s program “Blue Light.”

Filmography of Yulianna Karaulova:

2016 - Moana - Sina

Discography of Yulianna Karaulova:

2016 - Feeling Yu

Video clips of Yulianna Karaulova:

In “Yes!”:

2004 - Changed my mind

As part of "Netsuke":

2004 - I got caught in the net (recording of a concert performance)
2004 - I’ll throw the joker on the table (recording of a concert performance)

As part of the “5sta Family”:

2011 - “Knock Knock”
2012 - “Together we are”
2013 - “I’ll be with you”
2014 - “My Melody”


2015 - “You’re not like that”
2015 - Houston
2016 - “Extraorbital”
2016 - “Sea” (feat. ST)
2016 - “Broken Love”

AND Andrey Cherny They have been dating for more than five years, but only last year the sound producer proposed to the singer. The wedding was supposed to take place last spring in Georgia. But suddenly, 29-year-old Yulianna Karaulova announced that the celebration was cancelled. Both colleagues and fans decided that the couple had broken up. The singer denied the rumors, saying that the reason is different: she dreams of a luxurious wedding, which is currently impossible to organize due to her busy work schedule. The 34-year-old groom and his famous bride decided to refuse the services of a wedding agency, but were unable to prepare everything on their own, so they postponed the celebration indefinitely. According to Julianna, they will return to this topic again when they have more free time.

“If we’re going to have a wedding, then a good, fairy-tale one. After all, I want to believe that she will be the only one in life. And so we began to meet with different agencies, negotiate with hotels... But the more we immersed ourselves in all this, the more we became convinced that organizing a wedding is a huge job. I’m not the kind of person to leave everything to an agency; I need to control it myself. Very respected, public people were supposed to come to us, and we could not lose face in front of them. But there was still no confidence that all our guests would be greeted with dignity, taken to their destination, accommodated and fed. In general, it became clear that the idea with the mountains of Georgia was a serious hassle. Besides, then I had just started collaborating with Yana Rudkovskaya, we needed to finish the album, shoot videos and so on. I understood that if I now began to work closely on organizing our celebration, I would simply be cured of creative process and from his tour schedule. It will not be possible to do everything well at the same time. In general, we decided to postpone the wedding for now. When we’re a little freer, we’ll be able to prepare her properly,” the singer said.

Yulianna Karaulova and Andrey Cherny

Yulianna also admitted that she had been waiting for a marriage proposal for more than five years and even began to worry and complain to her friends. And when the sound producer finally asked the cherished question in front of twelve cameras and a hundred people, she called him a fool. Later, the singer admitted that she answered that way because she was very nervous, and now she is glad that Andrei was not offended then.

“It all worked out because my friend organized this shoot. And about a month in advance, she asked me to post an announcement on my blog: if someone wants to surprise someone - to congratulate someone in an unusual way, to apologize for something, or to ask them to get married - there is an opportunity to do so on New Year's show. And then, on the eve of filming, she told me that there was a guy who wants to propose to the girl. I believed that my role was to congratulate them. And then Andrei comes up to me... Then, when I found out all the circumstances, my heart completely thawed. It turns out that the day before he went to my parents and asked for their consent... That is, he took the proposal very seriously. Moreover, my dad said with humor: “Well, if we answer “no” now, what then?” Naturally, it was a joke. I also have two very close friends, Andrei consulted with both of them on which ring was best to buy so that I would like it,” the singer said in an interview with “7 Days” magazine.

Andrey Cherny proposes to Yulianna Karaulova

Let us remember that Andrei Cherny and Yulianna Karaulova first met when the singer was only 17 years old. For the next seven years, they were connected only by friendship, which gradually grew into a relationship. On December 23, 2016, Andrei Cherny proposed to Yulianna Karaulova right during the recording of the New Year's lights at VDNKh for the TVC channel. The wedding was supposed to take place on April 22. Now the singer is actively pursuing her career, touring Russia and serving on the jury for two seasons of the television project “

Yulianna Karaulova wanted to formalize her relationship with her lover, music producer Andrei Cherny, in the spring. Moreover, they even named a specific date – April 22. However, the lovers canceled the wedding. It turned out that Yulianna and Andrey simply did not have time to organize everything by this date.


“We really wanted to get married in April, but many organizational issues arose. They need to be resolved, and we are unlikely to have time before April. Therefore, we will most likely postpone our wedding to the summer,” Sobesednik quotes Karaulova.

In the meantime, the singer manages to combine preparation for the main event in her life and work. Recently, the artist performed on a sphere from which she almost fell. “My fatal mistake was that I rehearsed my number without heels. And since the structure was unstable, while I was singing, I was forced to catch my balance every second. I was afraid of staggering and falling. I grabbed the sphere with both hands. But I think this: if you want to live, You won’t get so excited!” – noted the popular singer.

Let us remember that at the end of 2016 Yulianna Karaulova received a marriage proposal from music producer Andrei Cherny during the filming of a New Year's program at the VDNH skating rink. According to the singer, she did not expect that at a working moment Andrei would invite her to become her wife.

According to Andrei Cherny, he was very worried that Yulianna would refuse him. “She’s a creative person, and when she’s working, it’s better not to touch her, but here I am with a ring, in front of the cameras... I was ready for anything,” noted the producer.

Yulianna Karaulova – popular Russian singer, which is a few recent years reached musical Olympus, winning an audience of millions of fans. She is known as a participant, as well as from the group in which she was a soloist. In 2016, she set out on a solo voyage and immediately released her debut album “Feeling Yu”, the songs from which became hits and took a worthy place in the charts of Russia and the CIS.

Childhood and youth

Yulianna Karaulova was born in Moscow on April 24, 1988 into an intelligent and wealthy family of a diplomat. At the age of 4, the girl and her parents moved to the Bulgarian capital Sofia, where her father worked. The future singer studied at the school at the Russian Embassy in Bulgaria.

Yulianna Karaulova - “You’re not like that”

The composition immediately sounded on all radio stations and was ahead of many famous performers in terms of the number of downloads - to date, Karaulova’s first video has been viewed over 32 million times on YouTube.

The successful start of an independent career allowed the singer to leave the 5sta Family without risk. Without slowing down, the singer continued her bold solo swimming and literally in a few months presented her new clip to the song "Houston".

Yulianna Karaulova - Houston

2016 in solo career Yulianna Karaulova became no less productive - she released the third video for the song “Out of Orbit” and recorded the composition “Sea”.

In September 2016, the singer presented a new video for the song “Broken Love.” The composition was included in her debut solo album “Feeling Yu”, which was released on September 30, 2016. A month later, the artist held her first solo concert in the capital's RED club. Soon Karaulova signed a contract with the producer.

Yulianna Karaulova - “Just like that”

Besides musical career, Yulianna Karaulova continues to conquer domestic TV. In the fall of 2016, she became a participant in the project “Ice Age – 2016”, which returned to the screens 2 years later Russian television. As part of the show, which started on October 1, 2016, the award-winning figure skater became the singer’s partner and mentor.

In 2017, being on a creative upswing, the singer presented fans with several tracks. Her repertoire included the songs “I Don’t Believe” and “Just Like That,” which were included in the mini-album “Phenomena.”

Personal life

The personal life of Yulianna Karaulova is widely discussed among large army her fans. The singer is in the “very juice”, and fans can’t wait to get her married. The first high-profile romance took place within the framework of the Star Factory project. Her choice fell on the “manufacturer” Ruslan Masyukov, but this relationship retained the status of “project”.

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Yulianna Karaulov and Andrey Cherny

After some time, the girl started serious relationship with a young man named Pavel. This romance lasted 2 years, and at the age of 18 the singer seriously decided to get married. For the sake of her beloved, she even gave up her career for some period, but the wedding never took place - the guys realized that it was better for them to leave, since the girl was not ready to give up music, and her lover insisted on ending his career, jealous of the increased attention from her husband. men's sides.

Now Yulianna is dating sound producer Andrei Cherny. The singer met her current boyfriend during the Star Factory, where he worked in a recording studio. Then the young people were friends for several years, but at some point their friendship grew into love.

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Yulianna Karaulova in 2019

The creative couple promised that they would definitely think about children and family, but for now Karaulova and Cherny consider their careers a priority. Although, reflecting on motherhood, the singer said that the birth of a baby would be a priority for her, and she would cancel tours if necessary.