The testosterone group The new group "Te100steron" rapidly breeds fans Soloists of the testosterone group biography

Birthplace of the brothers Location: city of Alma-Ata, Kazakh SSR. They currently live in Moscow.

Date of Birth:

  • Andrey - October 22, 1986;
  • Valerie - August 30, 1989.


  • Andrey - 189 cm;
  • Valerie - 193 cm.
  • Asthenic body type.

Family for a long time lived in Kazakhstan, where her grandfather served as a minister in the 1960s. Subsequently, parents with children moved to the city of Kaliningrad.

Both brothers graduated from music school in piano. love for music with early years passed down from parents. The father had the opportunity to purchase records from Western performers. The musical predilection of future musicians was formed on the basis of parental home compositions by Bee Gees, The Rolling Stones, The Beatles. In one of the interviews, the guys admitted that they grew up on Frank Sinatra, Elvis Presley, Muslim Magomayev is loved and respected, they are considered an absolute legend.


Boys from childhood came up with melodies and songs. Despite the passion for music, the parents took a responsible and practical approach to the education of their sons. Guys in addition to music education received higher economic and legal.

Valeri graduated from the Faculty of Economics of the Kaliningrad State Technical University.

Andrey is a lawyer, studied at the Russian state university oil and gas named after Gubkin.

Musical achievements

The Te100sterone group made a breakthrough, confidently appearing on the music charts Russian channels from the Internet space, with the song "I miss you" in 2013. The duet was immediately noticed. He received a prestigious award from music critic Artur Gasparyan and General Director of the InterMedia agency Yevgeny Safronov. Since then, more than 20 songs have been written, about 10 clips have been created, singles, an album have been released, and the next solo album is being prepared for release. The hallmark of the group was the song "This is not a woman." Brutal guys work in the style of pop-rock, have their own unique style. Their songs are remembered, become popular and loved. Except Russian, Georgian, Ukrainian brothers perform songs in English, Spanish, French, Italian. The repertoire includes cover versions of songs by Zucchero, Ricky Martin and other foreign stars.


2016 - laureates of the "Golden Gramophone" award

2016 - " Best start» channel RU.TV.

Video project "Te100steron#XZ"

In June 2017, Andrey and Valerie opened the Te100steron#XZ music channel (hit zone) on YouTube video hosting. In the cycle of video broadcasts, covers of world hits are performed, communication with invited star guests takes place. In addition to the musical focus, the channel has a travel section. For educational purposes, on July 30, 2018, the guys launched a new cycle "Yachting Lessons".

Music for the brothers, by their own admission, is a way of life and a dream. It has not yet become a source of income. Andrey and Valerie have their own business: a law firm and an engine repair shop.


Musicians love to travel, are fond of skiing, boxing. Repeatedly took part in amateur boxing sparring on the basis of CSKA. Now they are mastering a new sport for themselves - sailing. Dreaming of owning a yacht.

Family, personal life

Parents: Tatyana and Valerie Birbichadze. The mother has Ukrainian-Russian roots, the father is Georgian. Andrey and Valerie have younger sister Liana, with whom close and warm relations are maintained.

Little is known about the brothers' personal lives. Andrei and Valerie prefer not to flaunt it. Valerie is married and has a son, Artem.


- Andrey and Valerie, how did your group appear? Who came up with the idea to name the band that way?

Andrey: It was the group that appeared two years ago, when we both already lived in Moscow, got on our feet and realized that now we have the opportunity to devote ourselves to creativity. Now we have about 20 songs recorded, of which we will probably choose 10 that will be included in debut album.

Valerie: We always wrote songs, and at the beginning of 2013 I suggested to my brother that we record one of them in the studio. The choice fell on the track "I miss you."

The first listeners were our close friends and relatives. They worked on the song for a very long time, so, of course, they were worried about how it would be perceived. We knew that friends would always tell the truth. And they supported us! Having enlisted their support, we posted this track on the Internet, and a couple of weeks later we found out that the song was heard not only by users of the global web, but also by music editors of Russian and foreign stations. The song appeared on the radio.

Andrey: As for the name, we didn't think about it for a very long time. It appeared somehow immediately: there were no painful thoughts and disputes. We wanted to focus on male charisma. In our understanding, masculinity is, first of all, self-confidence, as well as love and respect for women. We are one hundred percent the same, which we emphasized with the original spelling.

- How long have you been making music? Who is responsible for what in the group?

Andrei: Music has always been in our life - I will speak for myself and for my brother. I was five years old when my grandmother took me by the hand to a music school to study piano. I have always been a diligent student, and not only got excellent grades, but I was an activist and gladly participated

at all events, repeatedly won competitions. And what amazed everyone was the zeal with which I, a little boy, studied music. Himself, without the orders of adults, sat for several hours a day at the piano, honing scales and etudes. But a few years later, our family moved from the city of Almaty, where we are from, to Kaliningrad, and I had to interrupt classes for a year. When I returned to music school, I not only performed someone else's works, but also began to write myself. My first song was called "My pain". I remember how graduation party at school he went on stage and sang Elvis Presley's "Can't help falling in love." It was at that moment that I realized that I could not live without music. Although I realized that I needed to enter another university, not a creative one, since a man must have a serious profession.

Valerie: music has always been with us. I also graduated from a music school, participated in events, concerts. He also sang in the church choir for a year. In our music school children were selected who could lay out the vocals in the second and third voices and at the same time keep their part. They chose me.

As for the second question, there is no leader in the group, since in all creative issues we always easily come to a common opinion. Of course, there are disagreements, but they are not significant. It happens that some of us do not like a word in the text, then we just try different variants and choose the best. So we don’t have someone “main”, as in ordinary life, and matters not related to music. We equally respect each other's opinions.

Group "Te100sterone" Photo: Press service of the group "Te100sterone"

- You took part in the show "Let's get married." Why did you take part in this project? You and so, probably, there is no end to the girls.

Andrey: It was interesting to participate in such a program, I really like the hosts - very witty ladies. This is Channel One, and they are always all

do it very professionally. What we were able to verify when we starred in "". And yes, she gave advice that I personally remember very much: “Guys, go for a walk while you are young, why do you need to get married now!” (laughs).

Valerie: Of course, we don't have any problems with women, we love them very much and they love us (laughs). But why not meet someone else, what the hell is not joking, maybe they would meet their fate! We are free guys.

What qualities do you value most in girls?

Andrey: First of all, the girl must be well brought up. Proper upbringing develops a lot in a person positive qualities. intelligent, good well-mannered person will never do meanness, will not betray, will not change. When a person has a simple understanding of “what is good and what is bad”, this makes him a true friend with whom you can go through life.

In addition, I really appreciate energy, charisma, sexuality. Of course, a girl should attract in sexually Without this, there can be no relationship.

Valerie: Yes, I agree with Andrew. A girl should be decent, because all the same, in the future we are looking for a companion for life, in which we will always be sure. Well, he also said everything correctly about sexuality (laughs).

- What is the most unusual gift Did a girl do you on Defender of the Fatherland Day?

Valerie: For us, the Day of the Red Army and Navy has remained since childhood, this is how our parents passed it on to us, and this is the holiday we are in the family

we celebrate.

Andrey: But the girls, of course, still congratulate us and give gifts. I remember a long time ago, when I was just starting to write some songs, my girlfriend, whom I was dating then, gave me a surprise. She was also fond of music, but not seriously, for herself. She played the guitar and sang well. And for the holiday, she performed one of my songs for me with a guitar, altering the words a little. After all, the narration in the song was from a man's point of view, and she sang from the point of view of a girl. I remember my emotions, it was insanely nice!

— What are you working on now? When can new songs be heard?

Valerie: We are currently working on a video clip, shooting is scheduled for March 4-6, all our forces are now thrown into preparation for filming. As for the new songs, we have almost finished the album, but we don't know exactly when it will be released.

Andrey: Yes, now we have the main task- shoot a clip, and then we will refine it musical material and prepare the plate for release.

Te100steron is a brutal Moscow pop-rock duet with Georgian roots. In the center of the team are the brothers Andrey and Valerie Birbichadze. The unambiguous name of the group is supported by sultry lyrics, topical melodies and the hot temper of the brothers. Andrey (vocals, keyboards) and Valerie (vocals, guitar). The group's songs are out of politics, out of time, only the "naked" truth and undisguised feelings.

The release of the debut song "Missing You" took place on the TopHit website, and the reaction was not long in coming - the group began to win fans, the First Music Publishing House became interested in it, and the track itself was rotated on FM waves in 645 cities of Russia and neighboring countries. Another actively rotated track was the song "It's not a girl - it's a disaster", which conquered 60 radio stations in 345 cities, including regional " Russian radio” and “Romance”.

The duet was highly appreciated by MK music reviewer Artur Gasparyan and CEO InterMedia agency Yevgeny Safronov, who presented the musicians as a potential discovery of the year.

“Two brothers, Andrey and Valery Birbichadze, who created for themselves a musical energy drink called Te100steron, have not yet broken the global hit parades, but all the prerequisites are there - a “commodity” bow that makes any searching eye stop and start looking at it with interest,” writes Gasparyan . “Positive energy, hit melodies sticking to the tongue, juicy and dynamic arrangements, heartfelt male lyrics, without snot, but with a mean tear, saturated with a fair concentration of the same testosterone that girls smell a mile away and flare up like firewood in the fire of love.”

“The team pleases with a fresh approach to musical style And stage image- said Evgeny Safronov. - Emphasized modernity and following trends does not interfere with the implementation of a completely traditional understanding of masculinity and, I will not be afraid of this word, intelligence! Separately, I would like to note interesting finds in the sound, which are quite capable of becoming calling card team - they can provide excellent recognition.

The project's arsenal includes songs in seven languages: Russian, Spanish, French, Italian, English, Ukrainian and Georgian, including cover versions of songs by Zucchero, Ricky Martin and others.

The group's own repertoire consists of 16 songs, video clips were shot for two of them. The video "Missing You" took first place in the "Promotion" program on the Russian Music Box TV channel. This video, which reflects the very “testosterone concentration”, was filmed by friends as a gift to the musicians. The release of the second video for the new single "Bed" took place in early May on the StarPro YouTube channel. A week after the official release, the video began to rotate on the largest Ukrainian music channel M1, and a month later on MTV Russia. The director was the famous clip maker Alexander Igudin (Valery Meladze, "Tea for Two", Bianca, "Disco Crash", the film "Moscow, I Love You", etc.), who created a whole gallery of vivid satirical images. PiP-style cut video consists of various stories of neighbors apartment building, one way or another suffering from insomnia, while for someone "the bed is the whole world."

In early June, Te100steron took part in the Holi Festival of Colors at the Otkritie Arena stadium in front of 60,000 spectators. Also in the summer, the ArteFAQ club hosted an open rehearsal and presentation of the premiere concert program"Te100" The reason for the celebration was the news that the group entered into a cooperation agreement with the music manager and general director of Sergey Baldin.

On September 19, the video clip “This is not a woman, this is trouble” was released, the author of which was the famous St. Petersburg director Vladimir Besedin, who shot the last videos for IOWA groups and Marseille. The action took place in mall"Mega", the pavilion of which was not at all like film set. Seven cameras were hidden throughout the hall, where a large makeshift photo booth was erected, in which all the most interesting things happened. 36 girls took part in the filming, including the winners of the competition held in Te100steron social networks.

“The shooting was as public as possible,” Besedin shared. - If now most of the teams are trying to hide the filming process, to keep the intrigue and some kind of secret, then everything was open and lively with us. The material leaked into phones and numerous cameras that were hidden on the site. The basis of our video is people's live reactions!”

On November 27, the release of the duet's debut album - "Fly" is scheduled. The disc will include the main hits of the band “This is not a woman”, “Bed”, “Without you”, “I miss you”, new compositions “Fly”, “Bite your lips”, “If you wanted”, and also “This is not girl" in the electronic version and a remix of "Bed". Specially for the release, the band had a creative photo shoot on the runway. Photo works will be used in the design of the album cover "Fly".

What "Bed" without "Testosterone"?

At one of the romantic radio stations, which specializes specifically in music and songs about light and big (feeling), where ZD for some reason rushed with its unexpected music finder Te100steron, editors and program directors, long tired of pop rock and just life in show business (and therefore cynical and pessimistic), skeptically squeezed their lips and began to sluggishly bend their fingers - here "Degrees" imagined, there "The Brothers Grim" ... They say, everything is secondary and mediocre ...

"ZD" burst into laughter through tears invisible to the world, as it immediately remembered what a string of comparisons and enumerations of allusions accompanied the debuts of the same "Brothers Grim" with their fluffy "Eyelashes" or "Degrees" with their "Naked" unbridledness. And how the skeptics were disgraced when both of them, like tuzis on a heating pad, tore all the hit parades from Moscow to the outskirts.

Two brothers, Andrey and Valery Birbichadze, who created for themselves a musical energy drink called Te100steron, have not yet broken the global hit parades, but all the prerequisites are obvious - a “commodity” bow that makes any searching eye stop and start looking at it with interest, positive energy, hits melodies sticking in the tongue, juicy and dynamic arrangements, heartfelt male lyrics, without snot, but with a mean tear, saturated with a fair concentration of that very testosterone that girls smell a mile away and flare up like firewood in a fire of love. What exactly and when the brothers will tear and tear, of course, even “ZD” does not know, but their practically first performance in front of a mass audience at the oral release of “MK” in Kurovsky near Moscow ended with enthusiastic cries of excited women and girls: “Bravo! Well done!" It should be noted that the readers of "MK" are spoiled not just by artists, but by the most super-duper stars at such "exit" meetings with our editors. They cannot be surprised not only by Te100, but also by Alla Pugacheva with Philip Kirkorov, and Oleg Gazmanov with Dima Bilan, etc., etc. So the reaction great hall for a group with unknown songs that was almost not promoted anywhere, was very revealing. In this sense, "ZD", of course, heartlessly and cruelly threw the guys into the embrasure, but it was after the "experimental" result that she was confident in her forecasts and observations.

However, "Te100sterons" even before the test on "ZD" just as easily won the hearts of music fans in the television competition "Promotion of the Music Box" with the premiere clip "I miss you", having won among several dozen novice applicants, and now they can quite deservedly consider themselves one of the openings of the musical season. However, among the audience of "MK" the greatest delight and excitement was caused by a catchy hit about a warm, cozy and melting mass of pleasant surprises "Bed". Perhaps simply because the weather was already chilly outside the walls of the hall. Be that as it may, the potential of Te100sterone for ZD is quite obvious, further fate young group in her own hands and Fortuna, the debut album is being demolished, and to the debut resume in ZD, while radio stations are scratching turnips, it’s probably worth adding a couple of tracks on our website, so as not to put off pleasant listening and collective discussion of good songs.