What to ask in the game truth or dare. What questions can you ask a girl?

Truth or Dare is a fun game to play with friends during a party or when you don't know what to do but don't want to play noisy games so as not to disturb your loved ones. Playing this game may feel quite awkward at times, but believe me, you will have a lot of fun. Before you begin, explain the rules of the game to all participants. Enjoy your game!


Organization of the game

    Select players. The game can involve from three to seven or eight players. However, the more people there are, the longer your game will take. Warn your friends that they may sometimes feel awkward during the game. You can play this game online, but it won't be as much fun as if you played face-to-face.

    Make sure everyone is comfortable before the game even starts. Explain the rules and essence of the game. Tell your friends that they have the right to refuse to participate in the game. Those who agree to take part in the game are asked to sit in a circle. You can sit at a table or on the floor. Make sure everyone is comfortable.

    Agree on the rules of the game. Write down the rules so you can refer to them if you have questions. One of the rules of the game is not to choose the same task twice in a row. For example, if you choose truth two times in a row, you must choose action the next time. It is important to discuss the ground rules in advance. Decide what you will and will not do so that it is not discussed during the game.

    • What questions should you not ask (if any)?
    • Where will the activities take place?
    • Can others watch the actions being performed?
    • Is it possible to involve other participants in performing actions?
    • Can adults be present during activities?
    • What should not be included in the activities?
    • Will you play in order or spin the bottle to determine the player?

    Composing questions and actions

    1. Make a list of questions. Each person must make up their own questions before starting the game. It is not always easy to make up questions or come up with wishes during the game. You can create similar questions:

      • What awkward situation happened to you at school?
      • Who do you like from the opposite sex?
      • If you only had 24 hours, what would you do?
      • What's the worst thing you've ever done in your life?
      • If you had to choose between two parents, who would you choose?
    2. Create fun activities. They must be strange enough to make a person think before attempting them. However, they should under no circumstances be dangerous. For example, you can use actions like this:

      • The player will need to greet everyone he meets during the day and say: “I noticed you. Aliens are watching you.”
      • Using a permanent marker, the player must apply "makeup" to their face.
      • The player must place his hands in the other player's pocket and keep them there for 15 minutes.
      • The player must howl at the moon for 10 minutes in the courtyard.
    3. If you can't formulate a question, you can ask other players for help. If during the game you don't want to ask your questions, you can ask other participants to help you with the question. You can collaborate with other players if you can't think of a question or action, but ask them for permission. Remember that you will be making an action for a person, not someone else.

    A game

      Select the player you will start with. If you are going to play in order, do it this way: The first player will ask a question to the person sitting to their left. Or choose the person who will ask the first question (the first player), he will be the first to spin the bottle. Whoever the bottle points to (the second player) will have to answer a question or perform an action. Here is an example of the game progress:

      • Player 2: "Truth."
      • Player 1: "When was the last time you ate your snot?"
      • Player 2: "Ummm... last Tuesday."
      • Player 1: "Truth or dare?"
      • Player 2: "Action."
      • Player 1: "Okay. You need to eat a tablespoon of hot sauce in less than 30 seconds."
      • Player 2: "Ugh. Okay, let's go!"
    1. Move on to the next player. The next player will be the person who just answered the question or completed the task. This player must ask the next player a question or spin a bottle to determine the next player. Continue playing the game according to this principle, starting each time with a question.

      Be aware of the extent of how far the action can go. Don't do anything illegal or hazardous to your health. If someone does not want to perform an action, all players make their wishes for him, and he must choose which one he will perform. Think carefully about whether you should choose another action, as it may turn out to be even worse. Remember that you you can refuse from performing an action if it goes beyond the rules of the game or your own principles.

    • If someone does not want to perform a given action, agree with him. Do not assume that this person is afraid and is not ready to share personal information with others.
    • Be careful when wishing for truth or dare. No matter what exactly you ask the player for, remember that this may later affect his attitude towards you.
    • Another reminder: a person may not do the action you wished for him. For example, if you asked him to smell your smelly feet, the person may not do so as it will make him feel uncomfortable. Don't make people feel bad while playing.
    • You can always refuse. The action may cause discomfort or get you into trouble. Remember that you can always refuse. Stand your ground, even if they put pressure on you.


    • Never do dangerous things or answer too personal questions that will make you feel awkward, even if your friends ask you to do so. If they don't understand that you don't want to do this, then they are not your friend. Friends will never force you to take drugs, hurt yourself or others, or do similar things.

There are many different types of entertainment that suit most people's tastes. But the most popular game these days is truth or dare. With this entertainment, players can not only have a lot of fun, but also learn the deepest secrets of their comrades. The thing is that in these simulators you will be asked questions that you have to answer.

If you do not want to do this, then you have to perform a certain action. What exactly you will do is decided by the players or the computer. Well, are you interested in the games that you will find in this category? Then you should know some positive qualities before you go through one of the simulators.

When launching most entertainment, you need to be prepared for the fact that several users must take part in them. This helps you spend time with your friends without getting bored and having fun. The graphics in these games are average, but that doesn't mean you'll be bored. The reason for this fun is the questions that will have very different directions. Here you will not find repetitive tasks, which allows participants to hear new answers and complete unpredictable tasks. It is worth mentioning the musical accompaniment that is present in each game, since all the melodies are unusual and help the participants to enjoy their time in this section.

Also, after launching each simulator, you will be shown instructions telling users about all the nuances of the gameplay. These games will be able to be played not only by adult players, but also by the younger generation of gamers. The fact is that there are no wars, murders or rivers of blood here, which will allow children to spend time in peace.

Rules of the game

Truth or Dare for children is a game in which you will be accompanied by four princesses. In these games you will meet Anna and Elsa, Rapunzel and Ariel. Each of them has secrets that no one knows about. And in order to find them out, you have to play an unusual game with them. You will spin the bottle and once it points the neck at one of the princesses, she will be able to choose what she wants to do next. Now the girl must decide whether she will tell you the truth or perform some action. Depending on the princess's answer, you will have to help her, perform some actions, or learn some facts from life. The game is considered completely completed only after you talk to all the princesses and help them tell their secrets.

To better understand the game, you will need to read the rules, they can be found in the game settings! Before you go to the playing field, you need to know what qualities each player should have. The first thing you should use while passing some simulators is dexterity, because sometimes the tasks that will be given to you are too difficult. Also, users who decide to play these games must be honest. The fact is that you need to give truthful answers to all the questions that you are asked, since sometimes the further result will depend on them. Only brave and courageous players will be able to perform all the actions that the computer or their fellow players entrust to them.

Truth or Dare for adults is a simulation game in which several players must take part at the same time. After spinning the reel, the user who is pointed to by a small arrow must decide what he will do next, answer a question or perform an action. Depending on the choice, a sign will be displayed showing the task or question. Only after the participant has fulfilled all the conditions does he spin the reel and the turn passes to the next user.

The game called "Truth or Dare" has many fans. It is played by both small children and adults. It has many variations and versions, and the rules will be clear to any participant.

The good thing about this game is that you can pay attention to it almost anywhere and with any number of people. It doesn’t matter at all: there are two of you or a huge noisy company, the game will be interesting to everyone who is not afraid to seem funny or even funny.

Many people are sometimes embarrassed to play it, but it’s completely in vain, because if you do it in the company of close friends or relatives, you can get a lot of fun. Want to know how to play Truth or Dare? You will find the answer to this and other questions in our article.

Let's figure out how to play Truth or Dare

As stated earlier, you can play in several ways. One of them is just in the company of friends. This requires from two to ten players. It goes without saying that one person will not play this game, and if there are more than ten participants, then the process risks taking a long time and everyone who is waiting their turn may simply get bored and refuse to play. “Truth or Dare” for two is also a possible option, but the more people there are, the more interesting it is.

Before starting such entertainment, it’s worth stating all the rules; we’ll talk about them a little later. It is important to note that sometimes people experience embarrassment, awkwardness and even indignation during the process, because the game was created in order to “tickle the nerves”. But besides this, it allows you to get to know each other better, reveal little secrets, and just have a good time. So how to play Truth or Dare?

Where to play?

Once you have warned the players about all possible consequences, you can directly announce the rules. It has already been stated that you can play almost anywhere: on the street, at home, in a cafe, supermarket, and in all locations where it will be convenient and your imagination is enough for you.

It is convenient for the players to have a place to sit. You can sit on chairs, a sofa, or even on the floor. It’s good if the players sit in a circle - this way you can see each other better and you can easily observe everyone’s reaction. The main thing is that everyone is comfortable.

Rules of the game

One of the most creative games is Truth or Dare. By the way, you can also play it on a computer. There are a lot of special applications for this that you can download. There are also versions of online games where you can play with strangers and make new acquaintances. As you can see, this game unites.

I would like to note that it is better to discuss the rules of the game and adjustments made to the rules in advance, so as not to put anyone in an awkward position.

So, the essence of the game is that players in a circle ask each other the same question - truth or dare? Initially, you need to choose who to start the game with. To do this, you can draw lots or remember a children's rhyme. And now the first person to ask the question is chosen. What's next?

He asks a question to the person sitting next to him. For example, the circle can go clockwise or counterclockwise, as you agree. The next person must answer what he chooses, do a certain action or tell some fact about himself, directly answering the question of the person who asked the first question.

If the player chooses an action, he must be given this very action. If the person who asked the question cannot come up with an action himself, other players can help him, but this point should also be specified in advance. If the choice is made in favor of the “truth,” then the player answers a tricky question to himself.

Fun moments

The game will be interesting only if the actions and questions are funny or even strange. We will give examples below. Also agree that you can’t choose only “truth” or only action many times in a row, otherwise you will get bored very soon.

In order not to drag out the game, and to avoid awkward pauses, the list of questions should be thought through and written down in advance; you can even do this together with all future players. We hope that now you have a little better understanding of how to play Truth or Dare.

Truth or Dare: Questions

As already mentioned, prepare questions in advance or write them down on a piece of paper. But you can buy the board game Truth or Dare. These are sold, for example, in stationery stores and in the children's departments of supermarkets. The questions are already written there in advance. The same can be said about a computer game or mobile application. But such electronic versions offer a standard set of questions, and the game involves real people who have their own characteristics or preferences that you know about. In accordance with this, you can compose questions.

It is also worth considering the age category of the players. If children are playing, the questions should be completely harmless and, rather, funny and funny than intimate. For example, “who is your least favorite teacher at school?” or “What time do you go to bed?”

And if a company of liberated young people is playing, you can ask questions and make “sharper” actions. For example, “Which celebrity would you like to sleep with?” or “does your boss attract you from work?” It's up to you to make the game of Truth or Dare interesting.

How to play together? Yes, exactly the same. By the way, this is a very interesting psychological method for couples in love to get to know each other.

The choice of actions is completely unlimited. Just make sure that none of the participants are injured. If someone’s intended action seems offensive to you or you flatly refuse to perform it, for these cases it is worth providing special “fines” in the amount of one more question or something else.

So we figured out how to play Truth or Dare. Have a great time!

Truth or dare?!

board game

All cards are divided into 4 categories (colors):

  1. general questions (blue);
  2. hot questions (red);
  3. actions (orange);
  4. hidden actions (gray).

The cards are laid out in piles, and the players sit in a circle. Players begin to take turns pulling out cards of their chosen category (color). If a player gets a red or blue card, then the player honestly (.) answers the question indicated on the card. If it is orange, the player performs the action described on the card.

With gray cards everything is much more interesting! You need to complete the task indicated on the gray card not immediately, but after a certain time, so that the other players do not understand until the end of your action that you are doing this as part of the game, and not of your own free will. For example, the card might ask you to suddenly start arguing or flirting with someone, or even make you scream from the toilet that it's suddenly out of toilet paper! The whole joke is that at first it seems to the players that you are behaving strangely and everyone is perplexed, empathetic and surprised, and only then does it become clear to everyone that you are simply a talented actor and a good player. If one of the players very brightly and artistically performed a “hidden” action, or even a regular action, or answered one of the questions frankly and excitingly in such a way that everyone was amazed to the core, he may be awarded a bonus by a common decision of all players :

  • or the right to once “redirect” any question/action to any other player,
  • or the right to once replace one issue/action with another issue/action, respectively.

Truth or dare?! (ed. 2017)

board game

  • 72 stores in 34 cities.
  • Returns no questions asked.
  • We play directly in stores.
  • We deliver when promised.

During the game, you just need to either honestly answer the questions indicated on the cards, or perform the actions indicated on the other cards.

Players begin to take turns pulling out cards to choose from. If a player gets a red or blue card, then the player honestly answers the question indicated on the card. If it is orange, the player performs the action described on the card. With gray cards everything is much more interesting!

Delivery to a post office or point

Delivery by courier

  • Mosigra is No. 1 in Russia in selling board games.
  • 72 stores in 34 cities.
  • 750 pickup points throughout the country.
  • 786,407 games sold in 2017.
  • Returns no questions asked.
  • We open the boxes and show them.
  • We play directly in stores.
  • We deliver when promised.
  • We solve problems quickly and clearly.
  • The courier warns you before arrival that he has change.

Additional materials

It is normal to return an item.

  • Any reason is suitable, including “it didn’t match the wallpaper.”
  • 14 days return policy for purchases with delivery.
  • 14 days for returns at retail stores.
  • Torn plastic film is not considered damage to the packaging.
  • Returns are accepted from 13:00 to 21:00 in our stores.
  • We don’t ask questions, we don’t waste time: it’s 10 minutes.
  • You can return a defective or defective product by Russian Post or using PeakPoint return points.

Add a review

It's best to play both at the same time
with another game.

My friends and I played Jenga, after their turn, everyone drew a card from the red deck and answered a question. Everyone was happy. =)

Game "Truth or Dare". What questions and actions can you think of?

From the simplest

Example: “What is autumn?”

To the most difficult

Example: “How do you assess the political situation of our country?” (but this depends more on opinion and there can be a lot of disagreement)

From the simplest

Example: Standing on one leg for 1 minute

To the most difficult

Example: Performing some tricks or a complex 3-minute dance

For a fun group of friends, you can make a list like this.

Who do you like best among those present here?

What are you ashamed of in your life?

Do you have a secret that no one here knows about?

What do you cook on the weekend in the morning?

Who is the most beautiful person sitting here?

How old were you when you had your first kiss?

Dance tango with someone from the group

Spread any verse

Sing any love song

Create an infectious laugh

Do 10 push-ups

Kiss the neighbor on the right

You can come up with endless ideas! It’s better to do this together with a friend, you can laugh at the stage of drawing up questions and actions)))

To make the game more interesting, you can come up with provocative questions, the answers to which you would like to hear from the players if you know them. Such questions could be:

What's the worst gift you've ever received in your life?

What's the best gift?

Do you often lie?

Who do you have a crush on in class, at school, at work?

Have you kissed in a public place?

Do you give up your seat on public transport?

If you only had 24 hours, what would you do?

What one thing would you take with you to a desert island?

What is one thing you won't leave home without?

Actions can be: portray an animal (rooster, penguin, camel), object, shout loudly, confess your love to one of those present with a serious face, sing in an operatic voice, dance a provocative dance, dance an oriental dance, and so on.

I propose the following questions for this game:

  • what do you sing in the shower?
  • where do you go with your friends?
  • why is the child screaming?
  • how to make a delicious sandwich?
  • What costume would you wear to a masquerade?
  • Why does a bear sleep in winter?
  • How often do you lose your temper?
  • Which leg do you get up on in the morning?
  • how much sleep to get enough sleep?

and the actions could be like this:

  • shout as loud as possible
  • depict a crocodile, hippopotamus, panther (any other animal),
  • croak, grunt, crow and so on the song “I love you to tears”,
  • dance lambada, lezginka, polka and so on,
  • ask a passerby “How to get to the library?”

You can come up with the following questions for the truth or dare game:

1) How many teeth does a shark have?

2) Why does an elephant need a tail?

3) Why does the heron stand on one leg?

4) How to make a snow grandfather?

5) Have you kissed a tomato?

6) How do you fight depression?

7) Why do you need a passport?

But the following actions can be proposed to the public:

1) Sit on your haunches for 5 minutes.

2) Give your neighbor a back massage.

3) Weld your nails.

4) Bite your knee.

5) Drink a spoonful of sunflower oil.

6) Take out the trash.

Close your eyes and find Vasya/Yulya in the room by touch.

It all depends on the age of the players. If these are children, then the questions and tasks for the actions will be more simple, naive in nature. For adults, both the questions and the actions will be more complex, perhaps of a philosophical nature.

For example, where does the hedgehog live? Does a hedgehog naturally carry mushrooms or apples? Where do flies, mosquitoes and other insects hibernate?

I offer another list of questions:

Here are the possible actions:

The game "Truth or Dare" is a fun game for a company that will amuse and not let you get bored anywhere, in nature, at the New Year's table or on the train. Depending on the location of the game, the questions may change. In this case, the questions can be very simple, for example from the series:

really - do you love my cat or dog? do you want to go for a supplement? do you like to eat from my plate? why did you come to my wife yesterday?

action - click your neighbor on the forehead, bite your neighbor's ear (easy), show your favorite cartoon character, copy one of your playing partners, and so on,

it all depends on the company - if it’s young. then the questions and actions will be the most reckless, those of older people will be more thoughtful, and those of children will be naive and kind.

Truth or Dare is a fun game for any company

A game: Truth or Dare| Free | For iPhone/iPad

New Year is approaching. And this means that we will again gather somewhere in a cozy place with a large group of friends. We will sit down at the table, eat, drink so that everything will be even better in the New Year, listen to the president’s speech, drink again and the time will come to come up with some entertainment so as not to go to bed out of boredom. But don't worry, everything was already thought out for you a long time ago. " Truth or Dare"is a world-famous game that will never let a group of friends get bored in any situation.

Probably all our readers have played the game “Truth or Dare” at least once. Some people played it a long time ago, when they were still children, and others continue to play it now, getting together with colleagues at the bar after a hard day at work. For this game, it doesn't matter where you are and who you are with. Truth or Dare can be played anywhere and in any company. There are absolutely no restrictions for this game.

But let's step aside from general phrases and get to know this game, or, more precisely, this application of the same name, a little closer.

So, the first thing to start with is the rules of the game “Truth or Dare”. Firstly, as for the players, their number is unlimited. Unless, at a minimum, there should be two of you, otherwise the game will not be so interesting. But we hope that you have at least one friend and such problems will not arise.

All players play in order. Each player has the right to choose “Truth” or “Action” at his own discretion. If you chose “Truth”, then you will need to read aloud the question that you see on the screen, and then honestly (I emphasize - honestly!) answer it so that all other players can hear. You need to answer not only honestly, but also specifically, without deviating from the question. If you are a daredevil and chose “Action”, then first, of course, you need to read the task itself out loud, and then complete it exactly as written on the screen.

Of course, there are such unpleasant situations when one of the players does not want to answer the question posed or perform an action (he is embarrassed, cannot, does not want - the reasons may be different and this is not so important, the fact of refusal itself is important). In this case, all other players have the right to come up with some kind of punishment for him. The punishment could be, for example, your own question or some other action (“Vaska, run for more!”).

Unfortunately, some of the actions suggested by the application cannot always be performed where you are, in which case it is probably fair to select "Action" again. There is no point in inventing a punishment for such a player, since it is not his fault.

At the beginning of each game, you will be asked to add the names of players to the list. After everyone who was not afraid to take part in the game has been added, you can start playing. As I said, players will choose Truth or Dare in the order they were listed.

Initially, the game already contains a very sufficient number of both questions and tasks. But this amount can be significantly increased using two methods. The first, easiest one is to add your own questions and tasks. By the way, if you wish, you can delete any questions and tasks if you don’t like them in any way. The second way is to buy an additional list of questions and tasks for a very symbolic amount, which should not be a pity for the number of questions and tasks that you will then receive.

The Truth or Dare app will never let you and your friends get bored. This game can be played anywhere, anytime and with anyone. Play at work, play at school or college, play on the train or plane - just play. It's fun, perky and unusual. Believe me, you will get tired of laughing and won’t be able to stop.

P.S. A little advice: choose “Actions” more often, it will be more fun.

Name: Truth or Dare
Publisher/Developer: Svetlana Netrebko
Price: For free
Download: For iPhone/iPad

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In relationships between a guy and a girl, sometimes misunderstandings arise, even if young people have been dating for a long time. One of the most complex facets, which has a lot of nuances, features and subtleties, is the topic of intimacy.

Girls are sometimes embarrassed to ask something, young men are afraid of offending their chosen one, and in the end they both rack their brains, not knowing anything about their partner.

To avoid this, it is important to talk to each other, asking questions, provocative and uncomfortable; thanks to the answers, you can get to know each other better and understand the preferences of your partner.

Representatives of the fair sex take a long time to decide on such conversations, after carefully thinking through their questions. What questions can you ask a guy, how to delicately clarify his preferences in bed, whether it is worth discussing sexual activity with him - and this is not all that worries a girl, but only a small part.

It’s best to start with the basics - find out about your previous relationship, its duration and the reason for the separation. It is possible that if you have not been together for so long, the young man may refuse to answer such questions.

In this case, do not press, he needs time to prepare for such reasoning, or the feelings left over from the previous experience are still disturbing.

Many girlfriends advise “putting pressure” on the guy, looking for his ex-girlfriend on his VK page and contacting her on his own, or threatening to write to his lover in order to squeeze the truth out of him.

What do girls usually ask their boyfriends? There is no exact formula that will help you find out the necessary information and ensure that the guy answers honestly and sincerely. You will have to compose it yourself.

There are topics that are safe and general, allowing you to get general information about a person, and there are more acute and intimate ones, giving insight into your personal life. There are usually no problems with the first type of questions, and such information is clarified during the first stage of the relationship. With the second, some difficulties arise.

If you definitely decide to ask tricky questions to a guy, then think about them in advance. They should not sound offensive or derisive. For example, if you ask why your lover hasn't had sex before, you shouldn't mock his inexperience. And, conversely, if he had many girls, you should not make him out to be a womanizer and extremely promiscuous in terms of sexual contacts.

The safest way to start a conversation is to ask about preferences. The guy will share his tastes, talk about his favorite fantasies, or share his innermost desires that could not previously be realized. This will help you get to know your man better, and also make his erotic dreams come true in the future.

To help indecisive girls start a difficult conversation, we recommend viewing TOP 15 acceptable provocative questions that can be asked to your chosen one.

  1. How old were you when you had your first sexual intercourse?
  2. How do you like to make love?
  3. Do you prefer traditional sex or using auxiliary objects (toys, costumes)?
  4. What do you think about role-playing games?
  5. What part of a woman's body is the most erotic for you?
  6. How do you feel about variety in bed?
  7. Is there a difference for you between making love and having sex?
  8. Do you consider yourself vulgar? And if so, why?
  9. What intimate topics bother you?
  10. What do you absolutely dislike about sex?
  11. What things do you consider acceptable in an intimate sense, and what things do you strictly not accept?
  12. What things do you find sexiest?
  13. What girls turn you on?
  14. Can you describe your latest erotic fantasy?
  15. Tell me about the first girl who made you want to have sex?

You can make 100 questions that interest you and invite your lover to choose 20-30 of his favorites and answer them. When composing, remember that the main goal is to get to know each other better, and not to quarrel during the discussion.

A great way to talk and have fun at the same time is the game “Truth or Dare?”, most likely you have already heard about it or even played it with friends.

If it is unfamiliar to you, find the rules on the Internet; fortunately, they are quite simple even for beginners. During the game, you can safely ask interesting questions about relationships, sex and personal preferences, without making the guy very nervous because of the seriousness of the conversation.

In the midst of the game, completely at ease, you will learn about your innermost thoughts and get an honest answer to the most inconvenient and vulgar questions. After all, it's just a game.

Dirty questions for a pen pal

If you are at a distance from each other or are in a correspondence relationship, you can ask your questions on various social networks: VKontakte, Twitter or via Skype when communicating. This will save you from unnecessary embarrassment and allow you to raise topics of interest without any awkwardness during the discussion.

Questions for you

What to do if the young man decided to start the conversation first and find out all the delicate nuances of the relationship himself? First, answer honestly. This will help you get to know each other better and also eliminate misunderstandings in the future.

Secondly, don't be afraid. No matter what difficult questions (may even be tricky) he asks, remember that this is not an interrogation with bias, but a confidential conversation between two close people. Your answers will affect future relationships, but should not become a reason for avoidance or ridicule.

Third, talk about the positives without focusing on past failures. If in a previous relationship a young man left you without even leaving a letter of apology, expressing some complaints, do not rush to accuse the entire male population of infidelity and callousness.

It’s better to clarify that the past experience was not the most successful, but now you have a chance to build a full-fledged relationship.

And finally, remember that vulgar questions to a guy or questions addressed to you personally are aimed at learning about each other. They are needed to smooth out all the rough edges in a relationship, find common ground and build further actions based on preferences and avoiding unpleasant aspects. Good luck!

Mother of two children. I have been running a house for more than 7 years - this is my main job. I like to experiment, I constantly try different means, methods, techniques that can make our life easier, more modern, more fulfilling. I love my family.

The game called "Truth or Dare" has many fans. It is played by both small children and adults. It has many variations and versions, and the rules will be clear to any participant.

The good thing about this game is that you can pay attention to it almost anywhere and with any number of people. It doesn’t matter at all: there are two of you or a huge noisy company, the game will be interesting to everyone who is not afraid to seem funny or even funny.

Many people are sometimes embarrassed to play it, but it’s completely in vain, because if you do it in the company of close friends or relatives, you can get a lot of fun. Want to know how to play Truth or Dare? You will find the answer to this and other questions in our article.

Let's figure out how to play Truth or Dare

As stated earlier, you can play in several ways. One of them is just in the company of friends. This requires from two to ten players. It goes without saying that one person will not play this game, and if there are more than ten participants, then the process risks taking a long time and everyone who is waiting their turn may simply get bored and refuse to play. “Truth or Dare” for two is also a possible option, but the more people there are, the more interesting it is.

Before starting such entertainment, it’s worth stating all the rules; we’ll talk about them a little later. It is important to note that sometimes people experience embarrassment, awkwardness and even indignation during the process, because the game was created in order to “tickle the nerves”. But besides this, it allows you to get to know each other better, reveal little secrets, and just have a good time. So how to play Truth or Dare?

Where to play?

Once you have warned the players about all possible consequences, you can directly announce the rules. It has already been stated that you can play almost anywhere: on the street, at home, in a cafe, supermarket, and in all locations where it will be convenient and your imagination is enough for you.

It is convenient for the players to have a place to sit. You can sit on chairs, a sofa, or even on the floor. It’s good if the players sit in a circle - this way you can see each other better and you can easily observe everyone’s reaction. The main thing is that everyone is comfortable.

Rules of the game

One of the most creative games is Truth or Dare. By the way, you can also play it on a computer. There are a lot of special applications for this that you can download. There are also versions of online games where you can play with strangers and make new acquaintances. As you can see, this game unites.

I would like to note that it is better to discuss the rules of the game and adjustments made to the rules in advance, so as not to put anyone in an awkward position.

So, the essence of the game is that players in a circle ask each other the same question - truth or dare? Initially, you need to choose who to start the game with. To do this, you can draw lots or remember a children's rhyme. And now the first person to ask the question is chosen. What's next?

He asks a question to the person sitting next to him. For example, the circle can go clockwise or counterclockwise, as you agree. The next person must answer what he chooses, do a certain action or tell some fact about himself, directly answering the question of the person who asked the first question.

If the player chooses an action, he must be given this very action. If the person who asked the question cannot come up with an action himself, other players can help him, but this point should also be specified in advance. If the choice is made in favor of the “truth,” then the player answers a tricky question to himself.

Fun moments

The game will be interesting only if the actions and questions are funny or even strange. We will give examples below. Also agree that you can’t choose only “truth” or only action many times in a row, otherwise you will get bored very soon.

In order not to drag out the game, and to avoid awkward pauses, the list of questions should be thought through and written down in advance; you can even do this together with all future players. We hope that now it is a little clearer to you how to play Truth or Dare.

Truth or Dare: Questions

As already mentioned, prepare questions in advance or write them down on a piece of paper. But you can buy the board game Truth or Dare. These are sold, for example, in stationery stores and in the children's departments of supermarkets. The questions are already written there in advance. The same can be said about a computer game or mobile application. But such electronic versions offer a standard set of questions, and the game involves real people who have their own characteristics or preferences that you know about. In accordance with this, you can compose questions.

It is also worth considering the age category of the players. If children are playing, the questions should be completely harmless and, rather, funny and funny than intimate. For example, “who is your least favorite teacher at school?” or “What time do you go to bed?”

And if a company of liberated young people is playing, you can ask questions and make “sharper” actions. For example, “Which celebrity would you like to sleep with?” or “does your boss attract you from work?” It's up to you to make the game of Truth or Dare interesting.

How to play together? Yes, exactly the same. By the way, this is a very interesting psychological method for couples in love to get to know each other.


The choice of actions is completely unlimited. Just make sure that none of the participants are injured. If someone’s intended action seems offensive to you or you flatly refuse to perform it, for these cases it is worth providing special “fines” in the amount of one more question or something else.

So we figured out how to play Truth or Dare. Have a great time!