Vinyl collectors. Hobby for music lovers: collecting vinyl records Vinyl records collecting

People don't like to part with old things. We have been storing items for years that have not been used in everyday life for a long time. They gather dust in the farthest corner of the closet and are only taken out when renovating or moving. But some of these things can be sold to someone who will truly appreciate them. For example, old vinyl records.

Previously, every home had a whole stack of them: songs by Alla Pugacheva, Valery Leontiev, as well as rarer copies of foreign music - The Beatles, Queen, ABBA and many other performers. But the time has come for electronic media. And only a decrepit, usually no longer working player, and a collection of old vinyl remind of bygone times.

But those who carefully preserved the records can now make money by selling them. A lot of people are ready to buy them. Among them there are both collectors and lovers of real sound.

The struggle between analogue and digital sound

But we’ll start, perhaps, with why exactly people hunt for vinyl. With such a category as collectors, everything is clear: someone collects stamps, others badges and medals, and there are those who acquire rare copies of records. Very often they are not even unpacked, and they are simply part of the exhibition.

But there are also people who prefer to listen to music on this medium. Compared to a compressed digital format, the sound on vinyl is richer, brighter, and has more depth. Cassettes also lose in this competition, since their frequency range is significantly reduced.

Digital formats are more convenient in many ways: by compressing files on one medium, you can store a large amount of music. They are compact, convenient and do not get damaged when played. That is why they are leading the market today.

But a minority of the population - connoisseurs of rich and deep sound - remained faithful to vinyl. Their army is replenished by individual representatives of the younger generation. Today we can safely say that digital media has not completely won, just as the film industry has not been able to completely replace the theater.

Now let's return to the question of where and how to sell records profitably. Moreover, there are quite a few places of sale, and they all deserve attention.

Commission shop

In every city, even the smallest one, there is a consignment store that accepts various goods for sale - books, equipment, interior items, dishes, things, etc. They also accept old vinyl records of the USSR and foreign performers.

This sales method is attractive due to its quick implementation: if there are connoisseurs of this product in your locality, they will buy it very quickly. The downside is the price. Here they offer 10-15 rubles. per copy, rarely where the cost reaches 50 rubles.

However, if you don’t want to delve into the topic and need to quickly sell all your existing records, this is the best option. Fast, cheap, no hassle.

Swap meet

Large cities have various flea markets and stalls. And if you make an effort, the product can be sold there. They usually work on weekends, so even a working person has the opportunity to start selling himself.

Here the price is much higher - 60-200 rubles. But there are also disadvantages. Firstly, you need at least minimal knowledge about prices and the potential value of each record. Secondly, there is no guarantee that a buyer will be found, while you will definitely waste your own time. Thirdly, the market is a very special place where sellers coexist with the homeless, marginalized, asocial individuals, plus they put up with all the vagaries of the weather.

The advantages include higher profits and, at a minimum, an interesting experience.

A music shop

Since many music lovers are interested in buying vinyl records, there are, accordingly, retail outlets where these products are available in a huge assortment. These are various music stores, for example in Moscow - “Sound Barrier”, “Vinyl-Time”, “Phonograph”, in St. Petersburg - “Vinyl”, “Plastinka”, “Recordmed” and many others, both in these cities and across all over the country.

In a vinyl record store they often take goods for sale - especially rare and valuable things. They will offer a good price for them here. But it will not be possible to sell copies of large quantities profitably here - the cost will not be higher than in a banal purchase.

However, this is a very good option for those who are completely new to the prices of old vinyl. Here the entire collection will be examined, rare ones will be identified and the approximate market value will be announced. After visiting a vinyl record store, you can independently display your product on online platforms or leave it for sale.

The main disadvantage of this method is the loss of time during the trip, the long implementation period, and the low probability of having a valuable rarity.

Internet platforms

Today you can buy and sell absolutely everything on the Internet. And if you are looking for where to sell used vinyl records, then you can turn to the help of such trading platforms as Yula, Avito or Ozon. They have specialized sections with this information. You can also try to put the product up for sale in thematic sections on social networks.

In order to submit an ad, you need to take a couple of photos and set a price, and, therefore, understand what you can sell and for how much. Then you just need to wait, as the implementation period may take a long time.

One of the disadvantages of this method is the high risk of encountering scammers: they monitor all advertisements in order to find a gullible simpleton.

Specialized sites for buying/selling vinyl

There are also little-known specialized sites where you can buy or sell rare items - and similar resources. Here live those who are well versed in the matter and have the most extensive knowledge on the topic.

On such a site they offer the highest prices, but only for a worthwhile item. The disadvantage of such resources is mandatory registration; a commission from the sale is also taken, or the ad itself will be paid.

In general, in order to sell records here, you need to have something truly rare and interesting in your collection.

The price of vinyl records depends on several important factors. These include:

  1. Date of issue. The older, the more expensive. But sometimes the old artist was later released in additional editions - this reduces the cost.
  2. A rare specimen. The record was released in a small edition, which makes it exclusive. Collectors hunt for such things, and they are always expensive.
  3. Country where the recording was made. Domestic media from the Soviet period are not of great value, while among the vinyl with foreign artists you can find an interesting example. Especially valuable are those recordings that came into the country bypassing the Iron Curtain.
  4. State. It is almost impossible to sell records with a serious defect, but if there are abrasions and scratches on it that have little effect on the sound frequency, then the buyer can still demand a discount even for a rare item.
  5. Playback speed. All other things being equal, a record with a high turnover rate costs more.

The retail price of vinyl records can range from 500 to several thousand rubles. If we talk about highly valuable and rare collectibles, they cost tens of thousands of dollars.

How to find out the condition of an item

For the convenience of buyers, special symbols have been invented that will help understand the condition of the media without visual inspection:

  • Mint - new vinyl, never played. The designation “SS” may also be present here - the packaging has not been opened.
  • NM is an almost new record, listened to it several times. The packaging is without damage or scuffs, the vinyl surface is in perfect condition.
  • Ex - excellent condition. Small defects are allowed on the surface of the media that do not affect the sound quality (rustles and light crackling are not considered sound errors). The packaging is in good condition, slight creases in the corners are acceptable, but all seams are intact.
  • G - good condition. The packaging looks bad - scuffs, tears, dirty/greasy spots, etc. The vinyl has a lot of scratches but is playable.
  • F/P - poor condition. The only reason to buy this item is its collectible value. Not suitable for listening.

Pre-sale preparation

Before you decide where to sell used vinyl records, you need to get them in decent shape. In other words, pre-sale preparation is needed. All of them need to be sorted out to make sure that the packaging matches the contents. Then you need to wipe the envelopes from dust and glue them - this will give them a more presentable look.

It is better not to touch the surface of the vinyl - dust leaves traces when wiped, and this delicate procedure should be left to those who understand this topic.

Special attention should be paid to compiling a list of the collection - name of the record, manufacturer, year of publication, circulation. This will help facilitate the dialogue with the seller during the purchase or save time when submitting an ad.

So, now you know how and where to sell used vinyl records. And how much you will earn from this depends only on whether there are items of value in your collection.

Photographer Eilon Paz left Israel in 2008 to try his luck in New York. At that time, it was the beginning of the crisis and it became very difficult to find work. All he managed to get was a position as a salesman in a vinyl record store. It was there that he got the idea to make a project about record collectors.

Paz has met collectors of all types. His favorites were those who kept special collections, such as only copies of The Beatles' White Album or only Sesame Street records. And although all collectors were different, they had something in common. “Vinyl records are much more difficult to collect than MP3s. It is expensive. They weigh a lot. You have to constantly monitor the collection. Even to listen to a record, you can't just turn it on and forget about it. She demands attention. I think people who collect vinyl respect the music a lot more."

Joe Bussard displays one of his rarest vinyl records in the basement of his home in Frederick, Maryland. In the middle, all the paper packages have faded - the result of Joe constantly looking through, sorting and taking out his favorites. He has been collecting this collection for 60 years. (Eilon Paz)

In January 2011, Paz traveled to Ghana with Frank Grossner. They met Philip Osei Kojo, an 80-year-old man from Mampong, who invited them to his home to look at his collection of vinyl records. He hasn't listened to them in 30 years because he can't get his record player fixed. When they first played the record, his reaction was unexpectedly emotional. (Eilon Paz)

Alessandro Benedetti from Monsummano Terme, Italy, holds a Guinness World Records certificate for the largest collection of colored vinyl records. In this photo he is in his home where he lives with his father Marinello (right). Alessandro is holding a copy of Ozzy Osbourne's album Bark at the Moon. (Eilon Paz)

Oliver Wang, a vinyl record collector, composer and music journalist from Los Angeles, with his home collection. (Eilon Paz)

While packing his "jewelry" for the move from London to the Philippines, Keb Darge pauses to listen to Teddy McRae's Hi-Fi Baby. (Eilon Paz)

Collecting vinyl nowadays is either a tribute to fashion (especially among young people) or true respect for high-quality sound. After all, it is still believed that in terms of sound quality, no media can surpass a record. Or it’s simply already accepted that this is the case.

Collecting vinyl, if without any fanaticism, but for the sake of an easy hobby, is not so expensive - after all, these are not expensive luxury car models, not jewelry, not works of art or fine wine. The price can start from 10 dollars, 100 dollars costs a rarer record, and above that it is generally exclusive and, basically, they are purchased by true collectors and music connoisseurs. And it’s almost impossible to meet them.
The more rare the record, the more valuable it is. Not only in price range, that goes without saying, but also in uniqueness.

What vinyl collectors pay attention to:

– year of release of the record: the older it is, the more valuable it is
– circulation: it is luck to get a limited edition record (for example, one of 1000)
– performer: popular ones are Elvis, Rowling Stone, Michael Jackson, The Beatles, Louis Armstrong and so on
– the condition of the record (is the record sealed, has it been played and how many times, does it have chips, scratches, abrasions and chips)
– manufacturer’s label: Parlophon (gold is the coolest, then yellow), Vertigo, Blue note (desired for jazz lovers), Columbia Records and so on
– a plate with a drawing or photograph applied to its surface. Sometimes has quite a high value for collectors
– records with rare compositions
and much more….

What a novice collector needs to know:

If you start collecting records, then buy old original vinyl - there are many such records at online auctions and in specialized stores.
There aren’t many such stores in Russia, and it’s hard to find anything too valuable. Therefore, when you travel, be sure to go through antique shops there or flea markets (things there may be even older) and take a closer look - perhaps you will come across something valuable.
Someone finds salesmen (sellers) directly abroad and no longer overpays for purchasing records in Moscow stores.
Vinyl should be stored in cellophane envelopes and antistatic bags.
But before you put it away on the shelf, be sure to listen and enjoy the deep sound of the music. A CD will not convey such sound.
The value of a record may depend not only on the fact that it is just vinyl, or the recording on it is rare. Also, the value of a record may depend on its packaging - the sleeve in which it is located. On ordinary CDs there is no room for a designer's imagination to run wild. But in the past, vinyl sleeves could look like works of art. Musicians and record companies began to pay attention to the design of records in the late 1960s. The design depended on the year the album was released, the label, the style of music - and often real works of art were released.

However, the investment attractiveness of vinyl is increasing. Over the past 10 years, its price has doubled. There are fewer and fewer publications of good quality, they have stopped being produced, and remakes are inexpensive.

Among Moscow collectors we can highlight Oleg Skvortsov, deputy board member of Renaissance Credit Bank. Collecting is more of a hobby for him, but his vinyl collection can be estimated at $30,000 to $60,000. His collection includes more jazz, such artists as: George Benson, Freddie Hubbard, Grover Washington and so on. There are more than 3,000 vinyl records in Skvortsov’s collection, and including CDs, more than 5,000. The banker has been collecting them since the mid-1970s.

Another collector is Konstantin Laptev, who has been leading the Moscow Philophonists Club for more than ten years. His collection includes about 5,000 vinyl records, mostly foreign ones from the 60s and 70s. His collection even includes rare American editions of Vysotsky.

As previously mentioned, vinyl prices are rising year after year. And one famous magazine decided to reveal the ranking of the most expensive vinyl records:

10. In tenth place is a record from David Bowie, “Space Oddity” from 1969, which costs $4,700.
The record came out with a bright cover that no one took seriously. But in vain. It turned out that the circulation was a trial one. There won't be such an exclusive anymore.

9. Ninth place goes to a record by the legendary band Queen called Bohemian Rhapsody, which costs up to 5 thousand pounds sterling. This is a special gift box single that was released in 1978.
This edition was not put on sale; it was distributed to all EMI employees. Each record was accompanied by gift scarves and engraved glasses. This set is estimated at 5 thousand pounds sterling. In addition to these copies, there are also singles without numbers and sleeves, most likely test copies. They cost less - from 400 to 500 thousand pounds.

8. In eighth place is one of the early versions of the single God Save the Queen, which the Sex Pistols recorded in 1977. This song became popular after they sang it in front of the queen herself and, after an unsuccessful mini-concert, were arrested. So the song and its video were banned from broadcasting by all television and radio stations, which only helped the emergence of this song as the punk anthem of all times. Price: £5000.

7. The rarest soundtrack in the world is considered to be the soundtrack released in 1954 for the film “The Caine Rebellion” with Humphrey Bogart. Its value is determined by the fact that the record was withdrawn from sale by the publishing company RCA Records shortly after its release. Strictly speaking, it cannot bring much pleasure to audiophiles: it is a mono recording, overflowing with dialogues from the film, behind which the music of composer Max Steiner is lost.
Rare surviving examples are now valued at $6,500-$7,000. If a copy is ever discovered in perfect condition, dealers estimate it will fetch at least $40,000.

6. In sixth place is a record from the legendary group The Beatles, their sixth album, which is simply called White Album.
The cost of the record reaches £10,000. And because of what? Because of the design: conceptual artist R. Hamilton released a record that was simply white, absolutely white, even the name of the group was embossed on it almost imperceptibly. But at the same time, each copy of the record had a serial number, which made these records look like a limited edition. According to the designer, this made the situation ironic - the edition of the album, which sold more than 5 million copies, was numbered. Of course, those copies that have a serial number of the first ten are much more expensive. But the cost of copies with numbers above 0050000 may be less than $300.

5. Fifth place goes to the Velvet Underground & Nico debut album, whose price at the last auction was $25,200. The record was released in 1966.
This is a varnish disk or acetate - an aluminum disk on which a coating of nitrocellulose-based varnish is applied. It is recorded directly from magnetic tape. This is practically utility material intended only for sound engineers. They listen to it to make sure the record is cut correctly. Acetates are made individually, can only be played a limited number of times, and are very fast
are erased. The uniqueness of this recording is also that not all songs on it sound the same as in the canonical version of the album. The record sold on eBay for $25,200.

4. In fourth place is a record from Bob Dylan, The Freewheelin’ Bob Dylan.
Its cost is from 10,000 to 40,000 pounds sterling. It was published in 1963. This is a very rare recording of Dylan's second album. It is special in that it contains recordings of four such tracks that were not included in the track list of the canonical version of the album.
A monomix costs from 10 thousand pounds, and a stereo mix, even rarer, costs 40 thousand.

3. Third place in the ranking of the most expensive records in the world is occupied by the legendary The Beatles with their record Yesterday and Today, published in 1966. Its cost ranges from 45 to 85 thousand dollars. This is a very rare compilation that contains songs from albums such as Revolver, Rubber Soul and Help!. A total of 750 thousand copies were created and released for sale.
Most of all, the record was famous not for its content, but for its cover, which was already called butcher cover. This cover is almost savage, as it depicts the band members alongside pieces of raw meat and dismembered children's dolls.

2. The second one contains one of the most famous records in the world – Double Fantasy from John Lennon.
The price of one of the copies of this plastic reaches 150 thousand dollars.
One day in 1980, December 8th, Lennon signed the Double Fantasy album for one of his fans. And just five hours later, the same fan, holding the same record in his hands, shot his idol as he was leaving the hotel. After this, the record became not a work of art, but evidence. After the verdict was pronounced, the prosecutor, with a letter of gratitude, returned the record to the person who found it.
The gentleman who became the proud owner of the record was also a fan of The Beatles and therefore struggled with the desire to sell this record for nineteen years. But in 1999 he gave up and then the price was set at 150 thousand dollars - which is still the official price. The current owner is ready to part with the painting for $600,000.

1. In first place is, of course, the single from the legendary Beatles. This is That'll Be the Day/In Spite of All the Danger, which was recorded by a group called The Quarrymen. Today it reaches $200,000.
Only two songs were recorded on the record - their In Spite of All the Danger and a cover version of Buddy Holly's single That\'ll Be the Day.
Their only rehearsed song at that time was That\’ll Be the Day. But after recording, at the request of Paul McCartney, they played the song that they had never rehearsed before. And in fact, it was this recording, half improvised, that became the first recording of The Beatles, and also remained the only one that McCartney and Harrison wrote together. They only received one record and took turns owning it. However, then it went to John Lowe, who kept it for 25 years. In 1981, McCartney literally snatched the record from auction, pressed 50 copies and gave it to family and friends.
Each of the 50 copies that were printed in 1981 is now worth more than $15,500.

In Moscow, on average, European records cost from 6 to 20 $, from the UK, USA and Canada from 20 to 50 $. English vinyl from the 60s and 70s is considered the best. years. Soviet records produced by the Melodiya company are not in such demand. Although they contain rare recordings of classical music and Soviet pop music, which were never released on other media. But, nevertheless, the Russian market is oversaturated with Soviet records and their prices range from 100 to 400. Gramophone records with the voices of Chaliapin and Leshchenko, records where the voice of Lenin is recorded passionately making speeches at the Congress of the Communist Party are very valuable.

Therefore, check your grandmothers' attics, maybe you will get lucky and hit the jackpot, tearing off a rare copy of a vinyl record.

The digital era in which we live takes us further and further from the time when the music, photography and film industries were based on analog equipment with its toggle switches, levers, magnetic tapes and light bulbs. Most of the “junk”, which previously took up a lot of space, has now become unnecessary - its task is successfully performed by programs.

Of course, there are still fans of the old school who reject the gifts of modernity and take photos or shoot the same films not digitally. The music industry has a similar picture - most professionals use analog synthesizers, amplifiers, gadgets, etc. because they produce a more spacious and warm sound.

Regarding audio formats, CD has sunk into the abyss, having flaunted its glory for several decades. It became obvious that the real king of all sound was and remains vinyl. Its advantages lie in ease of replication, better recording quality (some consider this fact controversial) and in the very mystery of the listening ritual. Currently, sales of vinyl records are growing in the West, and experts predict that this trend will soon reach Moscow.

the site talked to Russian record collectors, DJs and musicians, who talked about their vinyl passion, “loss of musical virginity,” recent acquisitions, and also gave advice to novice collectors.


“Roma Khleb, better known as RZhB. Record collector, music lover and percussionist. Born in Taiga into a family of bears. That’s all,” he writes about himself.

In fact, RZHB is a strange record detective and musician who creates new "collages" from old records. Roma is one of the few collectors of unusual music in Russia, not limited by genres. He finds very interesting records everywhere - from children's music to Pakistani soundtracks from the 70s. RZHB wrote about the latest ones.


At home there was and is always a meticulously arranged dump of sci-fi and horror toys, percussion, some souvenirs from travel and books. But this is normal, without it seems to me. After all, we are all a little crazy here. And me, and even you. The main thing is not to start accumulating dirty panties and cats in old age, giving them a separate room, as happens, right?

I didn’t have such a direct “realization” that I was a collector, as if some kind of spring had loosened inside me - no. It just happened that way. Someone gave me a lot of Soviet music, which I listened to and sampled on a Soviet player, but that doesn’t count. In the early 2000s, my friend Former Slim donated several Polish jazz records from his father’s collection, which had been collecting dust in the basement for a long time - that’s where it all began, one might say. And when I bought my first, truly expensive in every sense, record, I had already “lost my virginity” and went crazy.

The first vinyl was some benefit performance by Petrosyan or 2 Unlimited, to which we danced before classes in elementary school, enjoying the first Mars, Stimorol and Chinese noodles. I don’t remember exactly. The first record I bought was 2H Company, they also sent us LSD wafers in it, so the purchase has a history. Unfortunately, the “bonus” was not from the publishers, so love didn’t work out for us. And the most expensive one cost me 200 euros, but it was a conscious step. This record, no less than anything else, changed musical preferences and the perception of music in general, becoming a trigger. And I have this album in all existing editions, except for the disc - my individual fetish. I won't say the name. Since then I haven’t made expensive purchases, but periodically I pay +/- a hundred for rare records that I especially like. The longer you collect, the cheaper it is to find. But it's a secret.

And my first player was a Soviet one. I don’t even remember the name anymore. Right now I have the basic Numark, but I don't like it at all. The key to the problem here is that I am not rich and the mere idea of ​​spending even 15-20 thousand rubles on one vertak makes me feel small slippery green paws on my neck. With this money you can travel or buy a lot of good records. Until I get rich or lose my mind, I won’t become an audiophile, unfortunately.

Roma Bread. Photo: Courtesy of the musician

At one time I had wonderful experience working as a sound designer in a horror theater. The guys narrated the script, described the general atmosphere, shamelessly pointing their fingers at the places where specific sounds were supposed to come from, and I then designed it all. There were recordings of the “house choir” as part of this project, and recordings of the sounds of squeaks, grinding sounds and similar eerie audio images. It was a great time, but alas. Nowadays I sample less and less, preferring to work with musicians, and I am returning more and more deeply to the roots - cinematic and library music of the 70s. But the lack of instruments and experience in playing them forces me to search and sample what sounds in my head.

My specific selection of music is lame, because the main criterion, besides “like or dislike,” is unusualness. The kaleidoscope of genres immediately crumbles into hundreds of fragments. It was almost always like this - I like to be surprised. And it doesn’t matter what. Music in this sense has a special charm - there is almost no “black” and “white” here, in the sense of a clear division by genre. No, of course, if you are Mr. Zanudov, then your criteria are different.

But I see everything as some kind of stylistic mixture, and this is always more interesting. That's why I hunt for everything - from krautrock to soundtracks from Indian horror films. I'm not much of a salesman, I don't have any business sense. Although I could earn some interest by helping to look for rare items for those who do not have the time or desire for this, but who needs it?

Roma Bread. Photo: Courtesy of the musician


The layers have a single rule - most often the price only increases over the years, and in what progression is another question. Everything here is individual, and many factors need to be taken into account: rarity, unusualness, design, history of reissues.

Andrey Chagin. Photo: Yulia Chernova

“There are about 6 thousand records in my collection, plus 2-3 thousand “forty-fives”. I became interested in it when I first put the needle on a record. I was captivated by the sound of vinyl and its aesthetics. The collection contains mainly funk, soul, house, techno, afro, reggae, dub, hip hop, new wave, progressive rock, ambient, classical music, and so on. I don’t listen to hardcore or metal, despite all the vinyl I have, I don’t consider myself a collector of rare and expensive records. I don't chase the price, I only buy what I like and within my capabilities.

My wife and I have a store where we sell exclusive material from three American labels Stones Throw, PPU and iL. I am expanding my personal collection through auctions. The price, as a rule, depends on the circulation and the artist himself. But, even if the performer is mediocre, the price may rise due to the small circulation. Previously, there were few vinyl record stores, and there was no Internet at all. On Novy Arbat (then Kalininsky Prospekt - this is 1994) there was a store that is now located opposite my house - “Sound Barrier”. But in any case, I often buy records on the Internet - Discogs, Ebay, Groove collector, Music stack.

Latest vinyls: Chute Libre, The Atomic Crocus - Ombilic Contact, Love Root - Funky Emotion."

Igor DJ ELN, founder and drummer of Soul Surfers

“I’ve never counted how many records I have. Happy people don’t count layers! Strength lies not in quantity, but in the quality of the selection. I started collecting vinyl since childhood. Once at a summer camp at a disco I heard a song with scratches and began to find out what it was sounds - I realized that they were made by DJs on records. I went to a neighbor, got a player, tried it - it seemed that I realized that I wanted to become a DJ, and DJing and collecting records are inseparable from each other - so it seemed to me then.

From my grandfather's collection I got cool records, both from "democrats" and Soviet musicians. But I bought the first vinyl myself, on sale. The very first record was “Ensemble “Melody” - “Popular Mosaic”, bought for 100 rubles. At that time I had not yet “cut” the prices, but now I understand that it was possible to get it for 50 rubles. During this time I managed to chase for many rarities, but I have never bought records that cost more than $200, although in my collection there are copies much more expensive. The market for Soviet records has changed a lot now - many people are looking for records “with a groove” and all sorts of oddities, which is why Soviet records have increased in price, especially. in the capitals. And on the world market, funk and soul are becoming cheaper (but there are exceptions), and psychedelic rock is becoming more expensive.

I have bought and continue to buy vinyl at dealerships, in second-hand stores, and from men who sell it professionally. On the Internet too, it already existed then, and a lot of interesting things were on sale at low prices. Now it’s the Internet and stores.”

Photo: Courtesy of Eduard Sharov

Eduard DJ ED, recording artist

I don’t know the exact number of my records and haven’t thought of counting them...about 3 thousand. I bought my first record in the early 80s. I was interested in vinyl for its form, content and original design. This is the only medium that combines everything conceived by the musicians - from the original cover and photographs of the performers to the smallest details of the recording. In my youth, I collected coins, stamps, photographs and magazines of foreign musicians. And, of course, recordings on magnetic tapes.

I had several players: the first was Vega, then Estonia and JVC. In the nineties he acquired Technics. When purchasing an old or new player, you should pay attention to its serviceability, appearance, type of drive, condition of the tonearm and the connecting connector for the stylus cartridge. Also check the availability of wires and their quality, the condition of the pitch and other details. If an old needle is included, it is better to replace it.

My collection includes Funk, Soul, Jazz, R"n"B (50"s - 60"s), Latin Boogaloo, Popcorn and other genres, mainly on 45"s. In the 90s and early 2000s I purchased records from Specialized thrift stores. I still go to such places, but less often - I often go to flea markets, I see young people digging through old records. Personally, I rarely managed to find anything useful in these places, for the most part it’s just that. there were books and photo albums. I was chasing many records, and not necessarily expensive ones. I’m still chasing one, but its cost is getting higher and higher every time.

In order to discover a new track and artist, you need to spend an insanely long time and research a large amount of material. All this applies only to Internet digging. I rarely sell records, but I'm seriously considering doing it now. By the way, statistics on the rise and fall of record prices can be viewed on

In my opinion, the vinyl market has changed for the better. New stores with a good assortment are appearing. Modern labels take a responsible approach to the design of their publications, adhering to and focusing on how it was done in the heyday of vinyl. When you hold in your hands a double album with a folding sleeve, mesmerizing in its beauty and released in a limited edition, you understand that vinyl is a work of art.

Latest records: Cymande - Promised Heights (LP), King Curtis - Sweet Soul (LP), Larry Hall - Rebel Heart (45).

Dmitry Kokoulin

Buying or selling vinyl records is very easy!!!

Notice board for the sale of vinyl records, CDs, equipment and other collections.! With us you can submit an ad easily and absolutely free. Using our ad site you can buy or sell vinyl records, CDs, vinyl players, tape recorders, speakers, amplifiers, coins, stamps, models and more...

Vinyl records for sale!!!

Do you want to sell vinyl records?

For music lovers and those who have relatives who are music lovers, there is an excellent opportunity to earn money. It is enough to look through your personal music library or sort out the dusty mezzanines, and at the same time the country attics. Subject of search - old vinyl records. The next question on the agenda is where to sell vinyl records USSR price on domestic recordings in the modern market.

If you belong to the older generation, who found themselves in line at the Melodiya store, knows how to change the needle in a record player, and with aching warmth in their hearts remembers recording holiday greetings for family and friends on vinyl, you will be especially pleased to know that after After a short exile, analogue media again restored their good name. If you once collected collection of vinyl records, sell It is not difficult to find it today; in addition, you can get very decent money for well-preserved copies. After all cost of an old record increases in proportion to her age. If you have carefully preserved your little music museum on vinyl, now is the time to make a profitable deal and, by contacting our notice board, sell vinyl records to the USSR and not only .

At the moment, there is a demand for domestic musical recordings of the war years, as well as clippings from radio broadcasts. Highly valued gramophone records with performances by Pyotr Leshchenko and Fyodor Chaliapin. And here sell expensive vinyl records melody It’s already more difficult. The Russian music market is oversaturated with the products of the Soviet monopolist, who single-handedly produced records on the territory of the USSR since 1964. "Melody" records were in every home, and the vast majority of them were produced in huge quantities. Although among this group vinyl there are some good examples, mostly classical music recordings in orchestral performance.

If you're so young that the word " vinyl"for you is associated only with the work of DJs in nightclubs, and vintage records you inherited a gramophone along with it, we will help you solve the problem that is tormenting you, where to sell vinyl records. What seemed useless to you, things that have lost all meaning, will acquire real value. You will be pleasantly surprised to learn How much can you sell old vinyl records for?. It is likely that you know nothing about the work of Klavdiya Shulzhenko, and cannot name Utesov. But when the banknotes rustle in your hands after you succeed sell used vinyl records, you will mentally warmly thank your relatives for the fact that they, without knowing it, made such an unexpected investment at one time.

For the lucky owners gramophone records with albums of Western performers, it will be useful to know that now, as before, jazz (for example, Freddie Hubbard, George Benson, Grover Washington), bootlegs or, in modern language, pirated records, that is, recordings made from concerts and performances, are in price. 10" LPs due to their rarity, as well as original (not reissued) recordings. Old Broadway compositions, early rhythm and blues recordings, orchestral performances - all this comes to life again thanks to vinyl, and attracts the attention of keen collectors.

Why sell old vinyl records best of all? Because we are ready to offer a well-promoted platform for your ad. Your ad will be seen by thousands of fans vinyl records all over the world and it's absolutely free. We know the music market well and establish the latest cost of vinyl records to sell which we offer on the most favorable terms. You only need to place an ad like " I want to sell vinyl records" and wait for an interested music lover to respond. Our experts are looking forward to you contacting us with the words: " Vinyl records are expensive for breeds" and showcase your selection of musical treasures on vinyl on our website. And we, in turn, will delight you with the highest and highest quality service.

Thinking How much can you sell vinyl records for?, first you should carefully study them in accordance with a small list that will help you determine the value of the recording:

  • - degree of wear of the record and sleeve;
  • - date of manufacture;
  • - name of the company and country of origin;
  • - musical style;
  • - popularity of the performer;
  • - rarity of the record.

Sell ​​vinyl records price for which it will easily amount to a significant amount if in the distant past they were purchased as a scarce commodity. Those records that filled the shelves in tons and were of no interest to true music lovers, today are also unable to awaken in collectors and fans the real passion that spurs this category of fans vinyl unzip your wallet. The value of such records is not great, they are just characteristic evidence of a bygone era, which in itself is not so small. But to sell those deprived of collectible appeal old vinyl records USSR price moderate is also possible, especially if records are in perfect condition.

True music lovers know that records should be stored in an upright position, dust should be wiped off regularly, and a high-quality stylus should be used on the turntable. If all of the above conditions are met, it is likely that gramophone record excellently preserved.

For rare recordings, the condition of the record also plays an important role in determining its price. Important, but not decisive. Unique vinyl records USSR price it is possible to sell high even if there are significant defects. Increased demand for these products from collectors reduces the requirements for their physical characteristics and entails an increase in their value. Fanatical Gatherers gramophone records are able to purchase a rare copy with scratches and chips for a lot of money, not for the sake of listening to the recording, but for the very fact of owning the treasured desiderate.

If you are a beginner, determine for yourself vinyl cost very problematic for you. You, of course, can assess the degree of wear of a record and find its circulation on the sleeve, but only an expert can determine the market price of each record. Until you have reliable data, how much does it cost to sell vinyl records Your selection is unlikely to be profitable. The specialists of our online store do not mislead customers. Anyone can sell used vinyl records price for which will correspond to their real value today. You can compare prices in our online vinyl record store!

Despite the rapidly growing interest in analogue recording media, and the gradual return of music connoisseurs to listening vinyl, the vast majority of modern music production continues to be released in digital format. Pretty hard sell or buy quality vinyl not because of its lack of demand, but because there is no regulated system of interaction between sellers and buyers. Private advertisements on non-specialized sites by type vinyl records buy sell unable to establish a stable interaction between supply and demand. If the situation is simpler with new records, and they can be found on the shelves of music stores, then used records go through a difficult path from their previous owners to collectors' record libraries. Without the participation of an intermediary online vinyl store or a specialized bulletin board is simply not enough. Where to sell used vinyl records, and also purchase records without the risk of being deceived? Where can sell vinyl records quickly and in any quantity? Where sell vinyl records price for which it will not cause you disappointment? There is one answer to all questions. In our online vinyl record store.

Madonna, Kevin Spacey, Adriano Celentano and many other famous stars admit that they get inspiration by listening to music on vinyl. Every year, more and more people return to live recordings on analogue media. Magic vinyl records has its own explanation. Gramophone record- This is a kind of mechanical cast of the voice or sound of a musical instrument. The recording was made using a sound-collecting pipe; at its end there was a sensitive membrane, which cut out a musical track on a wax disk. The membrane caught vibrations coming directly from the performers. The wax disk served as a mold for further production gramophone records. This is how an amazingly deep acoustic sound was born, which is listened to with rapture by discerning connoisseurs of emotional music many, many years later.

If you don’t recognize old music or are still a supporter of the digital format, or maybe your collection accidentally turns out to be a non-format, don’t rush to send records to the scrap. It's much more profitable sell vinyl records than to throw away. What was just cluttering the shelves in your home will become a source of replenishment of your budget or a means for subsequent acquisitions in your personal collection. After all, now, having found out where sell vinyl records, which you do not need, you are also aware that in our online store you can buy records for every taste, both new and used. With us you can, for example, soviet vinyl records sell, and in return buy a rare Queen or Louis Armstrong record. And you never know how many more pearls can be found among the rich treasury vinyl, regularly updated by our managers and individuals who contact our resource with an offer " Selling old vinyl records price negotiable."

So don’t put things off for a long time, start looking for extra ones vinyl records and head to our online store, where the most favorable terms of cooperation await you. On our website you can sell everything: instrumental, chamber music, albums of rock and pop performers, jazz, folk, blues, country, opera arias and romances. Please remember that sometimes recording on vinyl can cost an entire music library consisting of modern CDs.