General and love horoscope: Pig woman. Pig Woman according to the Chinese horoscope

She often resembles a child in her behavior. As the Chinese horoscope says, the Pig woman, this cheerful person with a positive attitude towards the world and people, knows how to enjoy and be happy about literally everything.

True, she is somewhat gullible, so it is quite easy to deceive her or use her for her own purposes. Despite this, she cannot learn caution and does not learn from mistakes made, and is not too vindictive. Even if someone seriously offends her, she can easily receive forgiveness, because Pig never holds a grudge against someone for too long, and her trust can be easily restored if only she sees trends for improvement. It never happens that she is burning with the desire to take revenge, even if this would be a completely justified step.

In her soul there is a lot of sympathy and understanding of human weaknesses, she is ready to justify everyone and is happy to help others, even when, in an objective opinion, these people do not deserve such treatment at all. These are very tolerant people, and you can be sure that they will never judge anyone or point fingers contemptuously.

According to the horoscope, the Pig woman is a very smart, well-read and bright person who often becomes a mouthpiece of public opinion. She always knows and can tell something interesting, and often impresses those around her with this.

Usually the Pig's circle of loved ones is not very large, because quality is more important to her than quantity. There is a tendency to end up in the wrong company because a woman cannot be assertive and often allows people to decide things for her. The latter situation can be quite threatening for her, because the Pig can be easily persuaded to use stimulants, and from here it is already one step to dangerous addiction, especially since this sign has a predisposition to it. But, fortunately, when the Pig notices that he is moving in a dangerous direction, he can stop in time and return to the true path.

Pig woman in love

For a woman born under the sign of the Pig, love is associated primarily with marriage. Most of those born in these years of the Chinese calendar are interested in long-term relationships, which, like in romantic films, must certainly end with a joint trip to the altar.

In love, the Pig woman values ​​loyalty, security and... a sense of humor. Who is the ideal man for a Pig woman? Her chosen one cannot be gloomy, grumpy and greedy. The Pig woman is a homebody for whom family and home are the most important values ​​in life. She always looks at the potential conqueror of her heart as the future father of her children. Therefore, men who openly declare that children cause them irritation and goosebumps are most likely deprived of the chance of reciprocity.

The characteristics of the Pig woman also include this feature: she does not like competition and if she knows that in some area she will have to compete with someone, she simply leaves the battlefield. This is, of course, not very good for her, because because of this she often loses important life chances, in particular, happiness in her personal life.

Pig woman in sex

Despite her serious attitude towards love and relationships, the Pig woman does not shy away from carnal pleasures, she shows a great appetite for sex, knows a lot about it and is not afraid to reveal her wishes, requests, and possibilities to her partner. In bed with a woman of the Year of the Pig, you won’t have to beat around the bush and pretend to be someone else.

Horoscope: Pig woman in a permanent relationship

Decision-making, including in the area of ​​relationships, is not her strong point, because she often hesitates for too long and has great doubts that she has made a good choice. At the same time, she never goes back on her word, and it is impossible to convince her, so it is better to immediately abandon this idea. Loved ones need to know this when they are going, for example, to dissuade their Pig from a relationship with an unsuitable partner. When she has to defend her rightness, all her tenderness and sensitivity disappears somewhere. Then she eloquently demonstrates how consistent she can be, which often evokes admiration and genuine delight from those around her. Sensitive, sociable and sincere in life and in love, the Pig woman can sometimes lose her natural kindness even under the influence of life circumstances. But in her company a man can almost always feel safe.

If he wins her trust and wins her heart (which, as the Chinese love horoscope warns, always takes time), then the Pig woman will be an ally in difficult moments of life until the very end. She is perhaps the only one who, in reality, and not in words, can still be sincerely friends with ex-boyfriends or lovers.

In general, people of this Chinese zodiac sign have a very strong tendency towards self-sacrifice and are able to give up their own good for the good of others, even if they know that this will not be appreciated or, even worse, may not be noticed. It is not at all important to the pig that anyone sees her good deeds, because she does not do them to satisfy vanity. But this is far from a person devoid of any shortcomings. So, she has a tendency to lie, and she can resort to it, even when she could well do without it.

How to win a Pig woman: first date

The eastern love horoscope advises: men who are terrified of meeting women should date a Pig for “therapeutic” purposes. She is a beautiful, always smiling and cheerful woman with whom you can have a great time. Her innate goodwill, “correctness,” as well as a tolerant attitude towards the mistakes of others have a calming effect on her partner. And yet, if the question arises of how to win the heart of a Pig woman, then you need to know the following. Despite the fact that she is a homebody by nature, she loves to travel from time to time, especially to be in the lap of nature. Hiking in the mountains, sailing or even fishing together are not bad ideas to win her affection and conquer the Pig woman. One hundred percent female Pig can also often be found in a bookstore, because she is a big fan of reading. Therefore, discussing your favorite authors and books, interesting publications will also help open the way to the heart of a Pig girl or woman.

Women's horoscopes of other signs of the eastern calendar:

The Pig woman is psychologically and emotionally unstable. She can be overly optimistic and make great jokes one minute, then plunge into deep pessimism and depression the next. Constant hesitation is part of her personality. As a reaction to such drastic changes: she usually bathes in carnal pleasures, this is true, but it would be unfair to accuse her of hedonism.

She is even more suggestible and impressionable than her male counterpart. It is hardly possible to find a more pliable person than the Pig woman. Her passivity is such that she willingly allows herself to be overly dependent on others, especially the men in her life, even when her own life interests are involved. This, combined with her extremely naive and gullible nature, often leads her to embrace a kind of perverse pleasure in a martyr complex. However, when old age comes, she will most likely regret that she was too modest, too kind.

Reluctantly striving to distinguish herself in something, the Pig woman may well be satisfied with mediocrity. She has the desire to put in the little bit of effort required to achieve something, but often gets caught up in portraying airy helplessness as an excuse for a lack of motivation and ambition. But instead of willpower, she is largely endowed with patience and perseverance. Even more than the Goat woman, the Pig woman has some kind of sixth sense, and her intuition is irresistible. She feels everything with great delicacy and precision. There is no way to tell her a lie, because... her gentle eyes have a kind of laser that passes through her interlocutors.

But her sensitivity borders on pathology. The Pig woman is too deeply afraid of suffering, afraid of almost everything, especially everything new and surprises, be they good or bad. Any kind of criticism can hurt her deeply and make her feel completely miserable. Self-pity is not the least of her negative character traits. She will cry easily, sometimes for no apparent reason. The Pig woman often feels sorry for herself when things don't work out or when she considers herself unfairly wronged by life or other people.

The Pig woman has a lot of childish ease, and this is regardless of her age.

The problem is that she consciously does not want to go beyond the girlish stage, which gives her a feeling of comfort and security. As a result, she always feels strongly tempted to evade reality and responsibility. Nothing would bother her more than having to make decisions. Whether she admits it or not, she constantly desires to enjoy all the familiar comforts of home while trusting someone else to solve all her personal problems. The Pig woman has a very strong connection with her parents, so she will literally pin some of her problems on them.

The Pig woman has a phenomenal memory for the simple reason that she attaches paramount importance to the past. Perhaps she subconsciously associates the past with the safety and happiness of childhood. She loves to refer to her past, and explanations for almost any likes and dislikes can be found in it. For her, treasures are old photographs, old toys, old letters, and she rarely throws away old connections and friendships. This all fully explains why the Pig woman is quite conservative.

A talented and devoted homemaker, the Pig woman loves to entertain people and shows herself to be a wonderful housewife. She also has a deep love for all vulnerable creatures - she goes crazy at the sight of any baby, filling her house with all sorts of stray animals. She dreams colossally and all the time. Many of her dreams have every chance of coming true, and some of her nightly dreams are prophetic. There is an irresistible compulsion to deform and embellish reality. In this context, she loves to dress up and has a penchant for fantastic carnivals and masquerades.

Her relationship with money is somewhat curious. For her, emotional security equals an influx of financial security. Believing that the money will be spent, she is usually quite wasteful - the more emotional problems she has, the more money she spends. And then, suddenly, without warning, she immediately becomes stingy and petty, because... She has already managed to squander all the money.

From all of the above, we can conclude that the Pig woman is not very similar to the Pig man. In fact, saying that she is the exact opposite of him would be closer to the truth. Yes, the Pig woman does not have the best intellectual or other abilities, but she has innumerable moral qualities. Men simply like her, she is kind, friendly, generous, forgiving, gentle, affectionate, compassionate, honest, truthful, patient, modest, conscientious and loyal. These qualities are so natural that people tend to perceive them as inevitable when dealing with a Pig woman. Such an individual as the Pig woman is eloquent proof that she may not be an angel, although she is definitely a man with a capital M.

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People born in the year Pigs, have a good disposition. They generous, honest, humane. In any situation and in every person, they try to see the positive first. Maybe due to the fact that Pigs often turn a blind eye to the negative qualities of people, they often remain deceived, because... ill-wishers take advantage of their openness to satisfy their own interests. In this aspect, Pigs should be more careful.

People born in the year of the Pig have very few friends. But they value those who do exist very much, friendship with them lasts a lifetime, and for the sake of their friends, Pigs are ready to sacrifice a lot.

Pigs love a prosperous life, they love the rustle of treasured bills in their pocket. Saving and living within their means is not for them. And surprisingly, although money does not flow like a river to the Pigs, there is still a fairly stable stream.

Thanks to his kind soul and openness, the Pig can choose any field of activity. In any business, she will prove herself to be a hard worker or a wise boss.

The Pig easily fits into almost any company, although he speaks little. True, if one of the topics that interests her is touched upon, then a continuous speech will flow from the Pig. And she will not calm down until she speaks out completely.

The Pig has varied interests. She reads a lot, but indiscriminately. This gives the impression that she knows everything, but this is only superficial knowledge.

Beneath the "simple" personality of the Pig lies strength, which helps her implement plans and set new goals.

Pig Man

Sweet, good-natured, funny guy. The Pig man loves to eat deliciously, and the food should be exquisite, and the wine should be the most expensive. In company he is an interesting storyteller and an attentive listener. His natural kindness, on the one hand, helps, and on the other, destroys. Helps out because... without kindness you cannot survive, but it “ruins”, because there are those who try to get by at the expense of the Pig man. But, even being fooled, he will smile and continue to live positively, without getting angry at his offenders. Although, if you take advantage of his kindness too much, sooner or later patience runs out for Pig men. Enraged, Pigs rush into the fray and will not stop until they are sure that they have won.

The Pig man is very attractive in appearance, so he has his own “collection” of fans. He very amorous and passionate, but quickly cools down. His young life is remembered by numerous novels, often unsuccessful, because... The Pig man has been searching for his ideal woman for a long time. And when the search is over and a ring is put on the ring finger, the Pig man becomes a loving and faithful husband.

Pig Woman

She is sexy and charming. For her sake, many men are ready to turn off their path and follow this “goddess”. The Pig woman knows what she wants and knows how to present herself in such a way that all her desires are fulfilled at the expense of others.

She can be an unapproachable prude, or she can be a frivolous libertine. This is why she attracts a lot of attention. Having found her soul mate, the Pig woman will be cold and reserved for a long time until she is convinced that she has not made a mistake in her choice. She needs romance like air: tender confessions, unexpected beautiful bouquets... She really loves with her ears. But when she is convinced that the one who is needed is nearby, she will give herself to him without reserve. The Pig woman is a wonderful housewife and caring mother.

With all this, she will never refuse help. If you are lucky enough to become a friend of a Pig woman, then rest assured that you already have a foothold. But when she herself needs help, she will probably refuse, just so as not to disturb your peace.

The Pig woman is a real shopaholic. She loves to look stylish and fashionable, so when buying clothes, the last thing she looks at is the price tag. She is the soul of a noisy company, because... knows how to have fun and entertain others.

We can say about her that she is the chosen one of fortune. The bird of happiness loves her and luck is usually on her side.

Pig by zodiac sign

People born in the year of the Pig (or Boar) are more good-natured and simple than others, however, the Constellation under which a person was born can have a certain influence.


People born under the constellation Aries are strong, decisive, strong-willed individuals. Aries-Pigs also have enough will, but also additionally, kindness, cheerfulness, a positive attitude and gentleness in communication are added.

Conflicts bypass them. They love to communicate, and they manage to maintain smooth, friendly relations with everyone. Aries pigs attract people with their sense of humor and their affection. It is rare to meet a sincerely kind and good-natured person these days. Aries-Pigs are exactly like that.

Compared to others, it is relatively easy for them to create a team and motivate people, so they make smart leaders. But they cannot stand criticism, considering themselves ideal. If they hear a remark addressed to them, they begin to engage in self-criticism. In order to discharge and throw out excessively accumulated energy, they are recommended to exercise regularly.


A strong, balanced Taurus, although sometimes he shows himself in an unexpected and unpleasant way. Outwardly, he may be soft and calm, but if you just piss him off, you will cause a “volcanic eruption.” He is silent, but this, again, is while he is in a balanced state. At the same time, it is not uncommon to find such individuals at the junction of these horoscopes who make a good career working as a toastmaster or host of entertainment events.

Pig-Taurus reliable and conscientious. Likes to communicate with business people and make important business decisions. This is his environment, in which he usually becomes the life of the party, unless he is suppressed by someone else's stronger personality. He is a good family man. A man takes on the responsibilities of a husband and father with great responsibility, and a woman is a caring mother. The weakness of the Pig-Taurus is his stubbornness.

Gemini Pig

eccentric people who They often surprise others with their actions. Because of their unexpected antics, they often have quarrels and conflicts even with friends. But in the Pig-Gemini family, he does not allow any conflicts. For them, family is an oasis where they can be themselves. They adore their children and actively participate in their upbringing.

Gemini Pig have versatile personalities. They have many hobbies. They do not allow themselves to get bored, which is why financial crises that affect them happen very rarely. The Gemini Pig can be either a businessman or find his place in the circus.

People born under the stars of this Sign need to avoid stress, because... stress undermines their inner strong core.


Sensual people, with an emotional approach to any matter. They are peaceful, but when it is necessary to defend their position at any cost, they can do it quite well. Energetic, with business acumen. They They perform especially well in business. They are not attached to material values, but they know how to make good money. They can spend all the money they earn on pleasure and entertainment. Their “hard-earned money” ends up in expensive restaurants, casinos, fashion boutiques, etc. They love society and noisy companies.

The choice of a soul mate is approached with whim, because... they want to see next to them an impeccable person: financially secure, with taste and external beauty. However, having finally created a family, Pig-Cancer tries to show his best qualities.


The power of the Pig with the power of Leo is something. But they will never be the first to show aggression. They defend themselves well, but attacking is not their principle. Pigs-Lions selfless, value true friendship, sincere love.

The combination of these signs makes Leo even more lazy. However, if he still manages to pull himself together and show his will, then the Pig-Leo will achieve very great success in life.

The problem for Pigs-Lvivs is that internally they feel an almost insurmountable confrontation. They want to be active, purposeful, successful, but an inner call pulls them towards a quiet backwater. Because of this, there are frequent moments of apathy, self-criticism, and self-pity. Pigs-Leos can truly relax only in their family, they especially love to communicate with children.


These are the most responsible Virgos, literally rooting for any cause with their souls. They have real business acumen, and they will certainly complete the work they start. These are realistic people; fruitless dreams and fantasies are not about them. Here and now is their motto.

Pig-Virgo is calculating. This also applies to love. He regains his strength in the circle of his loved ones. But this Pig cannot stay with them for long. Virgos born in the year of the Pig, like air, need their own space. A place where they could think about current goals and outline plans. Pig-Virgos cannot live without plans.


People with these zodiac traits are amiable and sentimental. Their life very much depends on the environment in which they find themselves. The peculiarity of these people is that they cannot stand negativity. If they hear swearing every now and then and observe conflicts, then depression, nervousness, and fear will become constant companions of Libra Pig.

Pig-Libra are very creative individuals. They gravitate toward music and art. For successful self-realization for Pigs-Libra an experienced and wise mentor is needed. Finding your place in life on your own will be much more difficult; it will require enormous willpower and strict adherence to the right plan.

The disadvantage of these people is that they doubt a lot before deciding on something. In love, they are afraid to fall under the influence of their partner, so they remain slightly aloof.

Scorpio Pig

Scorpios hardworking and persistent, and the characteristics of the Pig only enhance these qualities. They go towards their intended goal without noticing fatigue. These are simply tireless people.

Pig-Scorpio knows how to lead, but does it harshly, which is why conflicts often occur in the work team. Although the Pig-Scorpio boss will never let go of truly valuable employees and will do everything to keep them.

Scorpio Pigs have powerful internal energy, but at the same time they are capable of unexpected manifestations of sensuality. They take grievances hard, the feeling of injustice towards themselves unsettles them.

Not everything goes smoothly in the family either. Pig-Scorpio will try to subjugate his partner. In raising children he often shows excessive severity.

Pig Sagittarius

They love society, noisy companies, and bustle. They They are trusting and try to help everyone. They have a big heart, they do not know how and do not like to judge. They approach their work with full responsibility, they like to take on obligations that they certainly fulfill. True, they always expect praise for their work. Without approval they fade away.

Pig-Sagittarius needs love. From it he draws the necessary energy for life. In public, these Sagittarians try to behave in such a way as to leave the most flattering opinion about themselves.

Sagittarius Pigs are perhaps the best family men. They will sacrifice everything for the sake of their family. But here too their weakness lies in their gullibility, which selfish people use for their own purposes.

Pig Capricorn

Strives for high goals. These people have a hyperdeveloped desire to achieve everything in life without particularly straining themselves physically. And many really manage to get to the pinnacle of fame, but only under the condition of developed determination and constant updating of knowledge.

They know how to have beautiful conversations; in the company of Pigs-Capricorns, they are welcome storytellers. Although they avoid noise and fuss, preferring to gain strength in solitude.

In their work, they strive to reduce errors to a minimum, therefore they do things slowly, but clearly and faithfully. They do not remain silent when loved ones or colleagues need help and are happy to take on some of their problems.

Pigs-Capricorns treat older people with special respect, instilling this respect in their children. As for love, here Pig-Capricorn is cautious, too afraid of being tricked and deceived. Outwardly they are calm, but on special occasions you may be surprised at their fortitude.


Unusual people, in the sense that they are capable of eccentric acts at a time when this is not at all expected from them. But they are kind and will not be able to offend on purpose; if this happens, it will only be by accident. The monotony of life is not about them. Aquarius Pig have bright personalities and want to live brightly, in full accordance with their inner world.

They are charming. They have many interests and can teach you a lot. Pig-Aquarius is a very freedom-loving person, which of course creates some problems in the family. Although any conflicts, including family ones, are quickly extinguished by the Pig-Aquarius. He has a talent for this.

They should monitor their weight and appetite, because... gluttony is their problem.


They honor family ties. They stay in their parents' house for a long time, sometimes longer than necessary. They have a lot of affection and warmth. They give more than they receive, and are happy about it. Pisces Pisces are hard workers, but do not put material wealth above other life values.

These are charming and attractive personalities; they create a soft atmosphere in any company. They get bored with monotony and strive for novelty. If Pig-Pisces achieves the leadership position, then under such leadership you will not only want to work, but to work effectively.

Attaches special importance to family and strives for equality. If a partner tries to crush the Pig-Pisces under himself, the marriage will fall apart.

Considering that the Pig is the final sign of the eastern zodiac circle, we can conclude that a woman under the protection of the Pig has a certain collective image of all the previous signs. She absorbed their positive and negative qualities. Outwardly, she is usually pleasant, sincere and good-natured. In communication, he often manifests himself as a true devoted friend, regardless of who will be on the other side, a man or a woman. Due to her softness and sensitivity, she is often everyone’s favorite in companies where she is always welcome.

Aries Pig Woman

The Pig is a very emotional person, in whom the makings of leadership qualities can be traced. She is very strong and resilient, which is not always characteristic of a purebred Aries. This woman stands out for her straightforwardness, which often borders on harshness. At the same time, she is very charming, and at times she can seem simple-minded.

She loves to be in society and feels like a duck to water in any company. She is open to communication and never criticizes herself too much. For the same reason, he cannot stand criticism from outside. But no matter how tough and strong her character is, she is still loved and accepted with pleasure. The great positive quality of the Aries Pig is that she is always positive and more often kind than evil. This is a welcome guest in every home, because it can create a real holiday in a boring routine and everyday life.

No matter how hard life hits her, she will never lose her optimistic approach and enthusiasm. She quickly forgets the grief and grievances she has experienced and does not dwell on them for years; perhaps this is precisely the quality that makes her so cheerful and pleasant. She is good at leadership positions and the business in her hands is no less successful, while her leader, although not a standard one, is very desirable. These are reliable partners in any business that you can rely on without fear, including in the love sphere. There is a lot of natural magnetism and a light veil of mystery in it. If he gets married, he takes care of the family with all his might.

Taurus Pig Woman

The Pig is not fussy at all, and always carries out its tasks methodically, concentratedly and painstakingly. Outwardly, she gives the impression of a balanced and calm person, and she always keeps the passions that often rage in her soul to herself. Of course, she can give free rein to her emotions, but she does this only in the most exceptional cases. There may be contradictions in it, which is expressed in the confrontation of desires to go with the flow and stabilize one’s life. It is not so easy to suppress such an internal conflict, so a lot of effort is often spent on this. She needs to learn to alternate periods of rest and work, clearly normalize her schedule, and then the process will begin to improve. Along with the comprehension of inner harmony, its character will change dramatically, and in a positive way.

But this woman is reliable in all areas, both in partnerships, in love and in professional ones. She often achieves her goals, but at the same time she very rarely pursues super-profits and unprecedented heights. Her plans and goals are always distinguished by their practicality and realism. She likes to stand firmly on her feet and feel confident in the future. This doesn’t mean that she doesn’t like change, no, it’s just that regularity and predictability give her an internal sense of security.

She is also open to dialogue and always strives to create a comfortable and cozy environment. When achieving her desires, she always shows perseverance and perseverance, but she is not so stubborn as to refuse a pleasant pastime of gatherings with friends and a tasty snack.

Shows great patience and responsibility in the family. Yes, sometimes she will be drawn to command her partner, and if she doesn’t succeed, then her inner potential will be directed towards the children. Such upbringing cannot be called cruel and tough, it will simply be “correct” in her understanding.

Gemini Pig Woman

The pig is a mystery not only to its environment, but also to itself. She is very lively, active, treats all people very well, and is inquisitive. However, for all her merits, she somehow regularly finds herself in ridiculous situations and often gets into quarrels. She does not have strict and clear distinctions between relatives, friends and just acquaintances, so she treats everyone almost the same. She is constantly drawn to social activities, but it is there, paradoxically, that she constantly experiences some difficulties. This state of affairs often pushes the Gemini Pig into closed circles from which it is difficult for her to get out.

But dramatizing the situation is not for her. And, in general, it is difficult to imagine a situation in which this woman would lose interest in life and sprinkle ashes on her head. She is a very optimistic person who is open to people and everything new. But at the same time, there is a trick in it, but they are still very simple and fun.

This woman is very talented and can very successfully realize her potential in many areas. If he feels out of place in the team, he will certainly change his place of work. From time to time she may become withdrawn into herself and her own ambitions, but such periods are fleeting.

It is very important for her to find a hobby that she wants to do constantly, and then she will achieve real success. She should stop wasting herself on trifles and do something useful and necessary, and overcoming difficulties will only make her stronger.

Cancer Pig Woman

The Pig is a very impressionable, sensitive and subtle nature, but despite its special mental world order, it is very prepared for the social world and adapts well to it. He will always find a worthy and interesting activity for himself. By nature, she is very peaceful, and in matters of a business nature she shows energy and dexterity. She can work according to clear rules and comply with all requirements in the workplace.

She often succeeds well in her own business, because she is characterized by entrepreneurship, which leads her to success. At the same time, the Cancer Pig never holds tightly to material values, which characterizes Cancer very well. This woman can earn decently, but at the same time she is no less willing to spend her earned goods.

She is easy-going and has excellent contact with the outside world, she likes companies, but very rarely can she fully reveal herself in them. Trying to spend her free time with pleasure for her beloved, her leisure time is organized, as a rule, in expensive restaurants, prestigious places and casinos. The value of her vacation can be measured by the amount of money spent on it.

In matters of love, this woman is very selective and sometimes capricious, and she chooses the object of her adoration that is as close to the ideal as possible. He must be well-off, representative, wear branded clothing and expensive perfume. Of course, his soul also worries her, but she is one of those who meets by his clothes. No matter how high his intellect is, and how broad his horizons are, if he smells bad and wears cast-offs, she will not pay attention to him. She is equally demanding of her surroundings, no matter whether they are relatives or friends. But in the family he is a very reliable person who, when surrounded by loved ones, shows his true vulnerable and sentimental self.

Pig Leo Woman

The Pig is a persistent and ambitious woman, and due to her pronounced leadership qualities, she often achieves serious success. She has a cheerful disposition, a strong optimistic attitude in life and a friendly disposition towards other people. Sometimes she can be somewhat naive, but at the same time she is persistent. Her soul is open, but at the same time she always clearly follows her interests. The positive set of qualities of this person builds an excellent prospect for her in all her endeavors.

This is a pretty good organizer who, among other things, is not afraid to take responsibility. She makes an amazing leader who always respects the opinions of her subordinates and follows the law of justice. She always knows how to act. Behind it you can notice one interesting and very positive feature. She always sets grandiose and far-reaching plans for herself, and in achieving them she always remains far from selfish motives and never crosses the letter of the law on her path.

She is purposeful, but at the same time she will never rush forward headlong and knock down everything in her path. She tends to initially think through everything carefully, take into account all possible development options, and only then go towards what is planned. But despite the external focus on social well-being, she is rarely satisfied, because on a subconscious level she is looking for a quiet and calm haven, where there will be stability and comfort.

She can completely relax only in the circle of people close to her, and she receives an inner feeling of peace only when everything is in order in the family. Therefore, we can confidently say that in the family this woman values ​​constancy and reliability.

Virgo Pig Woman

The Pig is very businesslike, and always focused on completing important matters and tasks. He is a born analyst and a wonderful organizer. We can confidently say about her that she is a person of duty, very responsible and attentive, she always, in everything and everywhere appreciates and maintains order. She can do a wide variety of work and do it very well, and brings each of her talents and skills to perfection.

For a long time, she can work on herself, improving herself and suppressing her negative traits. As Anton Pavlovich said, everything in a person should be beautiful: face, body, soul, and thoughts. All this clearly describes the Virgo-Pig. There is a lot of criticism in her, which extends not only to those around her, but also to herself and her affairs. But for all her caution and careful calculations, not everything in her life goes smoothly. The Pig also makes its own adjustments to Virgo’s affairs, namely emotions, which often interfere with approaching decisions impartially.

She is soft and pliable, but most of all these qualities are manifested in the circle of close and dear people. It sometimes becomes difficult for the Virgo-Pig to understand herself, because often her plans come up against her own sensitivity and sentimentality. But at the same time, more often her mind is cold and clear, she never waits for someone to offer something, but decides everything herself and offers her help to others. She is not afraid to take responsibility for completing even the most serious tasks.

It is very important for her to have close people nearby, but it is difficult for her to be in their company for a long time. From time to time, the Pig-Virgo prefers to go to a secluded place to reflect on their plans and goals, as well as analyze what has already happened.

Libra Pig Woman

The pig is the very embodiment of courtesy. At least she always makes a good impression. She is completely non-conflict and does not like when these conflicts surround her, so she tries to smooth out acute situations and increasing tension. The main priority value for her is calm and harmony both in business and in relationships. It is important for her to maintain peace of mind and create external comfort. Her internal state directly depends on what is happening around her - the more discord, screaming and scandals, even if she herself is not personally involved in all this, the more depressed and upset she becomes. She is very susceptible to the external psychological climate, from which she often suffers.

The Libra Pig often likes creativity: beautiful music, paintings and other works of art, and often she herself realizes her potential in this field. But if you take into account her sensitivity, it becomes clear that implementation is not easy for her. There must be willpower and clear planning of affairs, but she, despite a sufficient amount of ambition, lacks just organization. If she stops trying to hide her shortcomings and does not think about what others think of her, then she will be able to complete almost any task. As soon as she changes her focus of perception, her life will change for the better.

She often gets stuck in her own thoughts and doubts, spends a lot of time trying to resolve the problems and conflicts of other people, but has no strength left for herself. Their main task is to free themselves from self-created shackles and learn to enjoy life!

Scorpio Pig Woman

The Pig is distinguished by enormous strength and excessive seriousness. She can move towards her goal even through the most serious obstacles, she will go where others have already given up and given up. She is very resilient and will never give up on her plans. Often her plans are limited to her professional activities, so her work often absorbs her so much that she forgets about the other world. This is especially true if the Scorpio Pig occupies a responsible and serious position. She is strict with her subordinates, she has no favorites, so she is always equally demanding of everyone.

Even in the most tense and risky situations, when others feel uneasy, she feels confident and even comfortable. The difficulty of working under such a person is that it often requires complete dedication from its employees, and does not recognize work done carelessly or halfway at all.

Assertiveness and the desire to initially take a leadership position can be seen in the Scorpio Pig in love relationships. Her emotional inner world is quite clearly manifested on the outside, so relationships with her will definitely not be bland. However, what will be the surprise of others when, despite all the rigidity and severity of her character, this woman will quickly find a common language with children. As a parent, these are truly wonderful mothers who will always defend their child and help him develop only the best qualities.

Next to her can only be a strong man who does not need a quiet and measured life, and who wants a sexy, “hot” and at the same time responsible woman as his wife.

Sagittarius Pig Woman

The Pig has a philosophical mindset and in general is a real intellectual. This woman has a broad soul and a great desire to embrace the immensity. She has a lot of acquaintances and friends with a wide variety of interests, professions and hobbies, and all because her inquisitive mind strives for new information, and her soul strives for new impressions and vivid emotions. And only such active life activity allows her to experience life to the fullest.

She herself has a lot of talents, which she often wants to realize at once. Life is so short, and there is still so much to do, so you can’t waste a minute - this is the principle that Sagittarius-Pig lives by. And little can stop her, except one “but”. It is very important for her to receive the approval of others, to be good to absolutely everyone. And this creates serious obstacles to self-realization, because this idea itself is utopian, because this is unrealistic. If she doesn’t overcome this, then she will continue to deviate from her dreams, scattering herself at everyone and everyone. Only if she decides to go her own way, without thinking about what others will think about it, will she succeed.

Another weakness of these women is excessive gullibility, due to which they fall into various traps of envious and selfish individuals, as well as those who like to manipulate others. After all, she cannot refuse to help anyone, so it is important to learn to separate true need from pseudo-need.

She values ​​trusting relationships very much, so she vitally needs a reliable man whom she can trust as herself. In all other respects, these are very harmonious creatures who fully reveal themselves in relationships. They can be wonderful wives and amazing parents.

Capricorn Pig Woman

The Pig always strives for high goals, but at the same time always makes time for his family and friends. These are special Capricorns, who also have discipline, seriousness and responsibility, but they are initially more focused than their other counterparts on social communication and creating a family. And this is ideal when everything in a person is so harmoniously arranged. She manages to do everything, everywhere: to put things in order in the family and to move up the career ladder. And he does all this playfully, without fatigue or overwork.

She is endowed with a balanced character, constantly thinks about something, avoids worthless fuss and perfectly maintains the brand of a responsible and reliable person. Her views on life are traditional, so her life often develops smoothly and according to a pre-thought-out scenario. She clearly sees the goal in front of her, and she is persistent in achieving it. The Capricorn Pig is loyal to people's weaknesses, is always sincerely interested in the problems and affairs of others, and will always help if possible. She has a similar attitude towards her subordinates, which is why they make excellent leaders.

But you shouldn’t consider it very simple, and certainly don’t think about managing it. She sees the approaching threat in advance and will never let anyone close to her who wants to deceive her or do something vile. She looks sweet and is often calm, but she is very scary in anger and it is better not to keep her among your enemies, it will cost more. She is especially strong and adamant in cases where she firmly realizes that she is right.

When starting a love relationship and even for the first time after marriage, she will never show her temperament. First, take a closer look at the person, understand his true essence, and only then will the loved one understand what kind of diamond he actually got.

Aquarius Pig Woman

The Pig woman is very unusual, although more often she gives the impression of a balanced and calm person. Yes, she can indeed be consistent and calm, flexible and even predictable, but sooner or later there comes that turning point when this person does something eccentric and eccentric that goes beyond generally accepted norms and standards. But it cannot be said that the purpose of such behavior is to empty shock to the public, no. She just wants to show people a different view of the world. It can be compared to a traveler who goes to a place where no one has ever been, where nothing is yet known, and leads those who want to follow him.

Often this woman anticipates events in advance and can see the future. Using his ability, he often applies his unique knowledge in the present. She has an amazing charm that intrigues those around her. Her interests include a huge number of different areas; she has enormous potential, which is difficult to notice during superficial communication. For her, life is a fascinating game in which you can conduct interesting experiments, which is what she often does.

She is not only charming, but also has excellent business skills: she can plan, analyze and work on mistakes made. As for love, there is an interesting feature. She can fall in love at first sight, but at the same time she will never rush headlong into the ocean of feelings and emotions. Always clearly separates work and love and never mixes - this is fundamental.

Pisces Pig Woman

The pig is emotional and peaceful in nature. There is always a special aura of cordiality, responsiveness and kindness around her. She will never put pressure on others, threaten them or force them to do anything. Her style is to act softly and diplomatically. If this woman works in a team, then she will perceive each of those present as a separate person, will feel his mood, if necessary, will listen to problems and sincerely sympathize. Thanks to its gentleness, it quickly and effectively defuses tense atmospheres and smoothes out conflicts.

If she occupies a leadership position, then in the team of her subordinates she always creates a pleasant psychological microclimate to which employees want to return again and again. She has a wonderful talent for uniting and rallying people, forging relationships between them. They are the best at understanding others, which is due to the sign of Pisces, which completes the zodiac circle, which means they have a little of the qualities of the other signs.

She is soft, but when it is really necessary, she can show stubbornness, toughness, and pressure. She finds benefit in any situation, learns from problems and never gets into them again. She is full of advantages and suitable qualities in order to achieve her goals.

In love, she shows herself as a caring and gentle woman. Family is very important to her, so she strives to create it exclusively with a reliable person who can be relied on. But breakups, and even more so divorce, are very difficult for her and require a lot of time to recover.

The Year of the Pig concludes the 12-year cycle of the zodiac circle, so a girl who was lucky enough to be born in this year is a kind of collective image of all 12 totems, incorporating both numerous advantages and disadvantages of each of them.

An outwardly pleasant, good-natured and sincere person, the Pig woman will prove herself to be a true friend towards both women and the opposite sex. Thanks to her friendliness, touchingness and calmness, she will become the favorite of those around her.

Love of life and giving of oneself to the world will serve as a magnet for people who meet on the path of such a woman. And if you are lucky enough to have a friend who was born in the year of the Pig, you can count on her and her participation throughout your life, without hesitation
relying on a sincere attitude towards your person.

The honesty and scrupulousness of this sign cannot be questioned. This trusting and fragile girl will take your words at face value, but if her trust is betrayed or you in any way hurt what is dear and close to her, her anger will be great and for anyone there will be a hole in which the offender will be safe for the woman - It will please the pigs.

Subsequently, if the culprit sincerely repented and realized his mistakes, he can easily restore the trust of such a woman, and she will good-naturedly agree to reconciliation.

The Pig woman in life is more intuitive and mystic than rational, subject to common sense. When making any decisions, she is guided first by her inner instinct.

The Pig woman is easy to teach, absorbs a lot of useful literature, but her knowledge is rather superficial. A distinctive feature of the life of such a girl is amazing luck and a fairly easy fate. Quite flexible and soft, the Pig woman will become the ideal feminine and wise wife for most men. The authority of the husband for such a woman is unshakable. At the beginning of a relationship, she is quite reserved and modest; her feelings will not be fully expressed until she is sure of love.
men in relation to themselves.

The Pig woman is pure and romantic, she needs courtship and a lot of attention from a man. At the same time, such a girl does not know how to get out and dissemble, but she knows how to talk with her partner very well, which is her big advantage over many representatives of the fairer sex. The Pig woman tends to idealize her feelings and tries not to see the flaws in her romantic relationships. Accordingly, when the castles in the air that she has built are destroyed, she may be subject to depression and despair.

From the relationship, the Pig Woman (Boar) expects constancy and ultimately a joint trip to the altar. She is an excellent housewife, values ​​comfort and family values, and at the same time does not tolerate conflicts and competition at all, so if a rival appears on the horizon, such a woman is more likely to step aside, which can negatively affect personal relationships with her chosen one.

Behind the external femininity and fragility lies an inner core, which has a positive effect on the professional activity of the Pig (Boar) woman. She becomes an excellent leader, but often falls short of the title of careerist, because she is not ready to go against her conscience. She probably knows how difficult it is to achieve financial well-being and comfort.

As a boss, such a woman chooses the line of behavior of a sage. The Pig woman listens to opinions, works on equal terms and knows much more about her subordinates than other managers. It is not typical for her to keep the team in fear and to belittle anyone’s dignity.

Summing up the characteristics of the Pig Woman (Boar), we can say that she was created largely not for a career, but for a family. All her inherent qualities accompany housekeeping, the joy of motherhood, and caring for her husband and children. And when she meets such a reliable man, she will be able to create a truly wonderful unit of society and inspire her husband to great achievements.