The start of accepting applications for the All-Russian Literary Prize named after. P

The Pavel Vasiliev Prize has been revived... This has been talked about for several months in “literary circles”...

(“What do they do in literary circles?” one of the Omsk writers asked Sergei Ivanovich Kotkalo: “In literary circles they do literature,” answered the Secretary of the Board of the Union of Writers of Russia...)

This was reported by the media and the website “Russian Writer”, where the regulations on the prize were published, which for the first and, it seemed, last time was awarded back in 1997 to Sergei Kunyaev for the book “Russian Golden Eagle”, dedicated to the biography and work of Pavel Vasilyev...

Oh, the path to man is long, people,

But the country is all green - knee-deep grass.

There will be mercy for you, people, there will be,

Sing about me, the poor one...

Yes, the path of this literary prize to its final approval was long, but it took place thanks to the Governor of the Omsk Region L.K. Polezhaev, the Chairman of the Union of Writers of Russia V.N. Ganichev and the head of the Omsk branch of the Writers' Union of the Russian Federation V.Yu. Erofeeva-Tverskaya. Or, as officially reported, “the competition for the Pavel Vasiliev Literary Prize in 2012 was held by the Ministry of Culture of the Omsk Region in pursuance of Decree of the Governor of the Omsk Region dated December 7, 2011 No. 123 in order to stimulate creative activity and increase the prestige of Russian literature.”

Of course, incentives with bonus money often lead to a simulation of this very creative activity, and Nekrasov’s humorous lines come to mind here:

Chu! the cart creaks! Two oxen weave

The sheaves dive into the greenery before us.

Like a green table

On which piles of gold flash.

But, for a moment, again from official information:

“The prize will be awarded annually in three categories: “Prose”, “Poetry”, “Literary Debut”. The best in the “Poetry” and “Prose” nominations will receive 600 thousand rubles each, and 300 thousand rubles – in the “Literary Debut” nomination...”

As it turned out, there were no typos. But there was nothing else - scandals, behind-the-scenes intrigues, grievances... Although the latter, quite likely, took place. Or another grumbling of one local semi-literary clay-mixer, assessing the work of Omsk writers through a cloudy bottle glass...

Out of 24 applicants, the high jury selected four names. Or rather, their works. So, the first laureates of the revived Pavel Vasiliev Literary Prize were:

In the “Poetry” nomination – Irina Semyonova from Orel for the poetry collection “Russian Stone”;

In the “Prose” category – Omsk residents Evgeny Danilevsky (for the novel in the manuscript “The Sea of ​​Inevitability”) and Valery Khomyakov (for the book “The Miracle of Creation. Man and the World in the Poetry of Pavel Vasiliev”);

In the category “Literary Debut” - a first-year student at the Literary Institute. Gorky Elena Kolesnichenko for the book “Warm Days of Winter”

The award ceremony took place on the main stage of the regional Expocenter as part of the regional exhibition “Omsk Culture: A World Without Borders.” Especially for this event, the chairman of the Writers' Union of Russia, deputy head of the World Russian People's Council, member of the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation Valery Ganichev, co-chairman of the Writers' Union of Russia, editor-in-chief of the magazine "New Book of Russia" Sergei Kotkalo, Marina Ganicheva, editor-in-chief of the magazine with an inspired entitled “Oh, Russian Land!”, organizer of the All-Russian competition for children and youth “Grenadiers, forward!”

Among the large-scale events of the first day of the exhibition, there was a presentation of the project of the XXI International Film Forum “Golden Knight” with the participation of the forum president, People’s Artist of Russia Nikolai Burlyaev.

Valery Nikolaevich Ganichev noted: “It is symbolic that such a prestigious award is presented at the Omsk Culture exhibition.” This is a unique event. I travel a lot around Russia, I have been to various exhibitions - economic, industrial, but this is the first time I have seen such an exhibition entirely dedicated to culture. We agreed with Governor Leonid Polezhaev that next year a writers’ pavilion will definitely be set up in Omsk as part of this exhibition.”

The next day, when Sergei Kotkalo was asked a question about “literary circles,” a meeting between the Chairman of the Russian Federation and Omsk writers took place at the F. M. Dostoevsky Literary Museum. Valery Nikolaevich in his speech touched upon current issues and problems of creativity of Russian writers - this is the problem of protecting the rights of writers, the place of culture in the life of modern Russian society, the need to approve the law on the Russian language.

“When we created the World Russian People’s Council, we took upon ourselves at the Council a number of pressing issues of the Russian people, took many dissatisfied, offended, confused people to the creative field, to the field of Faith, the Russian Orthodox Church, service to the Fatherland, the highest spiritual and moral values , on the field of conciliarity, that is, the unification of peoples, people of all nationalities around the Russian people.

The first decisions of the Council were greeted in liberal and pro-Western circles with hooting and cries: nationalism, obscurantism, chauvinism. Then the Council became stronger, and its theses on national identity, national culture, national school, and the protection of the Russian language became the programmatic theses of all leading parties,” noted Valery Nikolaevich.

...In literary circles they study literature. And many remember other Nekrasov lines:

Who is at the bedside of his suffering brother

He shed no tears, in whom there is no compassion,

Who sells himself to the crowd for gold,

He's not a poet!

And those circles are life-saving ones. Or rather, life-saving ones. Literature should be like that – soul-saving. Like the living, unfading word of Pavel Vasiliev:

….We must forget about

that it’s hard for you and me,

You need to hear the birds

trembling wing,

We must wait for dawn

wait one night,

Phoebus hasn't woken up yet

mother did not wake up.

With an easy, cheerful step

it's raining in the garden,

Morning on the body

a shiver runs through

Morning cool

splashes at the eyelashes,

Here it is morning - whisper

hearts and moans of birds.

The Pavel Petrovich Bazhov Literary Prize was established in 1999 - to commemorate the 120th anniversary of the writer’s birth, as a sign of respect for his memory and in order to stimulate the development of Russian literature, which embodies both the preservation of traditions and innovative searches that do not destroy universal values , embodied in its best examples.

The founders of the Prize are the Limited Liability Company "Uraldragmet-Holding", the Yekaterinburg branch of the All-Russian public organization "Union of Writers of Russia".

Every year, based on the competition, up to four Pavel Petrovich Bazhov Prizes are awarded in the following categories: prose, poetry, children's literature, journalism (local history, journalism, other types of “applied prose”). The nomination system can be refined by the jury in accordance with the actual situation in the literature in a particular year. One additional prize may be awarded by decision of the founders. The size of the Pavel Petrovich Bazhov Prize is 30 thousand rubles. By mutual decision of the founders, this amount and the total number of bonuses can be changed.

In addition to the monetary amount, the Prize laureate is awarded a diploma and a commemorative medal.

The competition for the Pavel Petrovich Bazhov Prize can include literary works of any genre and compositional forms (novel, story, play, book or magazine selection of stories, book of poems, as well as significant works in the field of literary criticism, criticism, local history, journalism), published for the last year before the award (more precisely, from December 1 of the previous year to December 1 of the current year).

To sum up the results of the competition, a Jury is created, which includes authoritative writers, literary scholars, and critics. For a more in-depth assessment of the works submitted to the competition, the Jury or founders can resort to the help of independent experts.

The presentation of the Prize is organized as a solemn public act and is timed to coincide with the next anniversary of the birth of Pavel Petrovich Bazhov - January 27.

On January 24, the ceremony of awarding the All-Russian Literary Prize named after Pavel Petrovich Bazhov for 2018 took place at the Chamber Theater of Yekaterinburg. A total of 79 works and 17 educational projects were submitted for the prize.

"Master. Prose" - Alexey Salnikov with an affair "Indirectly".
"Master. Poetry" - Alexey Ostudin with a book of poems "Cherry Site".
"Master. Journalism" - Dmitry Shevarov for the educational section "Calendar of Poetry".
“The Benefits of the Case” - popular science publication “Pavel Petrovich Bazhov. Letters. 1911 - 1950"(working group - Georgy and Lyubov Grigoriev, Maria Litovskaya, Fedor Eremeev, Irina Evdokimova) and integrative Chelyabinsk project 1980 - 2018 “Anthology of modern Ural poetry”(producer - Marina Volkova, author of the project - Vitaly Kalpidi).

Alexey Salnikov born in 1978 in Tartu (Estonia). Since 1984 he has lived in the Urals, since 2005 - in Yekaterinburg. Graduated from 2 years of the Agricultural Academy.

Published in Literaturnaya Gazeta, magazines Uralskaya Nov, Vozdukh, Ural, the almanac Babylon, and issues of the anthology Modern Ural Poetry.

He gained all-Russian fame with the release of the novel “The Petrovs in the Flu and Around It.”

Alexey Ostudin born in Kazan in 1962. He graduated from the Faculty of Philology of Kazan State University and the Higher Literary Courses at the M. Gorky Literary Institute.
Published since 1978 in Soviet magazines and newspapers.

He published eight books of poems in publishing houses in Kharkov, Kyiv, St. Petersburg, Moscow and Kazan.

Repeatedly took part in the International Literary Festival named after Maximilian Voloshin (Koktebel) and the International Poetry Festival "Kyiv Lavra" (Kyiv). Held about 15 literary evenings in Kazan, which were attended by leading Russian poets and prominent writers from near and far abroad.

Dmitry Shevarov born in Barnaul in 1962. Graduated from the Faculty of Journalism of the Ural State University. Gorky (now Ural Federal University).
Since 1997, he has been a columnist for the first non-state pedagogical newspaper in Russia, First of September. Columnist for Rossiyskaya Gazeta, since 2010 - presenter of the Poetry Calendar column in the weekly Rossiyskaya Gazeta-Week.

Published prose books “Dwellers of the Grass” (2000), “Beyond Living Water” (2001), “Sunlit” (2004), “Kind Faces” (2010), anthologies “Good at Home” (2010), “A Year with Russian Poets "(2011), "Quiet Marina. Diary of Russian Poetry" (2013), "Golden Night" (2013), a collection of stories for children "Ogonyok in a Golden Cap" (2013), "Twelve Poets of 1812" (ZhZL, 2014), "Vologda Notebook" (2016).

Laureate of the Union of Journalists "Golden Pen of Russia" award. Winner of the Moscow Prize in Journalism. Finalist of the Yasnaya Polyana literary award.

The popular science publication won the Prize in the “Benefit of the Cause” nomination.

The publication, based on documentary sources from the funds of the United Museum of Writers of the Urals, contains letters from Pavel Petrovich Bazhov, written by him from 1911 to 1950. Unique materials allow us to take a fresh look at Bazhov’s multifaceted nature in the living context of time and place, significantly enriching textbook ideas about the author of “The Malachite Box.” A significant part of the texts is published for the first time.

The second laureate in the “Benefit of the Cause” nomination was the integrative project 1980 - 2018 “Anthology of Contemporary Ural Poetry” (Chelyabinsk), which is dedicated not only to modern Ural poetry...

On January 29, the solemn presentation of the All-Russian Literary Prize named after Pavel Petrovich Bazhov took place in Yekaterinburg. 72 authors applied for the prize in four categories: “Master. Prose", "Master. Poetry", "Master. Journalism" and "Benefit of the Cause", the short list included 12 applicants. Despite the wide geography of the competition, the shortlist included local authors as laureates of the Bazhov Prize this year.

Bazhov Prize laureates - 2017:
"Master. Prose" - Yaroslava Pulinovich with a collection of selected plays "I won".
"Master. Poetry" - Albert Zinatullin with an affair "The Third Side of Paper".
"Master. Journalism" - Vladislav Mayorov with difficulty about the Russian nuclear submarine fleet "With might for the Fatherland".
“Benefit of the cause” - festival “Fat Men in the Urals”.

A collection of eight of the author's most famous plays. They are staged in theaters throughout Russia and beyond. J. Pulinović has been awarded several prestigious theater and literary awards. J. Pulinović is a playwright, but the jury’s decision to award her the prose award was motivated by the fact that her book is equally good both for the stage and for reading.
Dramatic duology by Yaroslava Pulinovich “Natasha’s Dream. I won” - these are monologues. In both plays, the main characters are girls named Natasha. They are sixteen years old, but they have very different destinies. One of them has a very difficult life: an orphanage, unhappy love. The second, on the contrary, was extremely lucky - she was brought up in a prosperous environment. It would seem that the heroines are completely different, but they have something in common...

Albert Zinatullin- actor, director, playwright, theater teacher, poet. Born in 1966 in Yekaterinburg. In 1988 he graduated from the Yekaterinburg State Theater Institute (EGTI). From 1994 to 2000 - teacher of acting at EGTI, department of Puppet Theater. Since 1994 - author and presenter of the children's television show project "Telebom", "Kapashilki" (4-channel, Yekaterinburg, TNT, Moscow), from 2008-2012 - actor of the theatrical project "ZaZou". Since 2014, director of "Theater on Pillows". Lives in Yekaterinburg.

Epistolary poetic novel Alberta Zinatullina - "The Third Side of Paper".
There is no third party to paper. But there is a space between texts left by the author for the reader. You can flip through as you please: from the fifth to the tenth, from the last page to the first, a teaspoon per hour, topsy-turvy, at random... This makes the plot unpredictable and the reading entertaining.

Vladislav Nikolaevich Mayorov- military journalist, combat veteran, participated in the first and second Chechen campaigns. Born in 1960. Graduated from the Sverdlovsk Suvorov Military School and the Irkutsk Higher Military Aviation Engineering School. He served in combat units of the Air Force of the Trans-Baikal Military District in engineering positions. Member of the Union of Journalists of the USSR and Russia since 1989.
Book "With might for the Fatherland" tells about the history of the submarine forces of the Northern Fleet, the creation of naval strategic nuclear weapons and the combat service of submariners. It contains 62 interviews with famous politicians, naval commanders, submarine designers, and commanders of strategic missile carriers. The long-term experience of patronage cooperation between Ural residents and submariners is summarized. The author explores the reasons that prompted the people of the Urals to come to the aid of sailors in difficult times for the country. The book contains unique documents, photographs and historical information.

The expert council of the award did not ignore Festival "Fat Men in the Urals", conducted by Ural magazine since 2015. The festival was created to draw attention to thick magazines and their role in the modern literary process, to establish a multilateral dialogue between modern writers, critics, editors, publishers and readers.

On January 27, 2017, on the birthday of Pavel BAZHOV, a ceremony for presenting the “Bazhov” Prize for 2016 took place in Yekaterinburg, at the Writer’s House (Pushkin St., 12).
The winners were famous Ural authors - writer Anna MATVEEVA, poet Vladislav DROZHASHCHIKH, journalists Anatoly OMELCHUK and Dmitry KARASYUK.
For the 18th time, 11 candidates from Yekaterinburg, Perm, Tyumen, Polevsky, Karpinsk and Shaley competed for the right to be called a “master” in one genre or another. In total, about sixty books, magazine publications and projects from various regions of the country, from Moscow and St. Petersburg to the Altai Territory, were sent to the competition.

In nomination "Master. Prose" members of the jury chose the Ekaterinburg woman Anna Matveeva for the book of short stories “Citizens”, dedicated to famous Ural residents. Anna Matveeva, who was awarded a Russian literary prize of this scale for the first time, already has foreign awards to her name. “It is symbolic that they awarded me this prize in Yekaterinburg, my hometown,” says Anna Matveeva. - It is very important for me. Now the time has come when it is absolutely not necessary to live in Moscow or St. Petersburg to achieve such success.”

Book "TOWNERS"- these are nine short stories, eighteen heroes: about people, houses, stories of the city of E. Paired portraits of bright personalities connect distant centuries and rhyme with destinies. The world-famous playwright Nikolai Kolyada lives here, the great sculptor Ernst Neizvestny was born, the disgraced Marshal Zhukov and the famous Ural storyteller Bazhov once met and became friends... The Ipatiev House still stands indestructible - the place of execution of the imperial family, and the future owner of the city Boris Yeltsin - so far only student.

In nomination "Master. Poetry" the winner was from Perm for the book “The Far and High Tower”. The poet Vladislav Drozhashchikh is the author of six poetry collections; two films were even made based on his poems, and creativity is studied in classes at UrFU. The poet's new book contains works from different years, including previously unpublished ones. This is the most complete collection of poems and poems by the author to date. Hyper-metaphorical nature, a world swelling with multiplying mythological realities, complex imagery - all this can be found in the author’s works.

Winner in the nomination "Master. Journalism" became a Tyumen television and radio journalist and local historian Anatoly Omelchuk for the book of documentary essays “Siberia - God’s Dream”. Anatoly Omelchuk is a laureate of literary and journalistic awards, the “Golden Pen of Russia” and others. He was awarded the Order of Friendship, the medal of the Russian Orthodox Church of St. Daniel of Moscow, the medal “Honor and Benefit” of the Russian Charitable Foundation “Patrons of the Century”, the personal award of the Parliament of Malta “Earthmaker” - “A person who determines the face of the planet”. Recipient of the Golden Order for his contribution to the development of international business cooperation.

Sketches, stories, interviews, essays, short stories in the book "Siberia: God's Dream" accompanied by unique photographs. According to Omelchuk, Siberia is the cradle of humanity. As on the first day of creation, Siberia remains the land of happiness. It is in Siberia, on the land of Tyva, that the geographical center of Asia is located, where goldsmiths lived three thousand years ago. The writer talks about the gold of ancient Arzhaan - the largest archaeological find on the planet in the 21st century - in the chapter “The Golden Secret of Siberia”. “Roerich’s Well”, “Hamlet of the Soviet Union”, “Christ will come from the North”, “Tobolsk President”, “Taimyr Passions of Rome”, “To Paris, after the fall of leaves”, “The Gospel of Dostoevsky”, “Siberian Ascetic”, “Siberian Rurikovich", "Passion for Savva". The writer once admitted: “I write about my beloved land. Her stories. How these lands were opened up for us.”

In nomination "Benefit of the case" The prize was awarded to a journalist from Yekaterinburg, Dmitry Karasyuk, for his book “The History of Sverdlovsk Rock. 1961 – 1991. From "Elmash's Beatles" to "Semantic Hallucinations" and the creation Sverdlovsk rock encyclopedia “The rhythm that we…”

The names of the best Russian writers became known in Yekaterinburg.
On January 27, for the 17th time, on Pavel Bazhov’s birthday, the writers were presented with awards. The Bazhov Literary Prize is one of the oldest in Russia. More than 50 writers and poets from all over Russia took part in the competition this year.

The seventeenth Bazhov Prize turned out to be different from all previous ones. The jury made the conditions quite strict. The award is now awarded in only three categories: “Master. Prose", "Master. Poetry" and "Benefit of the Cause" - for implementing a project that popularizes literature.
The “Benefit of the Cause” nomination has also become an innovation: from now on, cultural stewardship will be appreciated.

Prize "Master. Poetry" awarded for the 400-page collection of poems “IZBRANNOE = Favorites” Chelyabinsk poet Vitaly KALPIDI. The book “IZBRANNOE = Favorites” includes poems written between 1975 and 2014.

"Master of Prose" recognized playwright, writer, director Nikolai KOLYADA, awarded an award for a book of short stories - the first volume of his collected works.

Nikolai Vladimirovich Kolyada - Soviet and Russian actor, writer, playwright, screenwriter, theater director, Honored Artist of the Russian Federation, laureate of the International Prize named after. K.S. Stanislavsky. He wrote more than 90 plays, many of which were staged in theaters in Russia, near and far abroad. His plays have been translated into German, English, French, Italian, Spanish, Swedish, Finnish, Bulgarian, Latvian, Greek, Slovenian, Serbian, Turkish, Ukrainian, Belarusian, Hungarian, Lithuanian and many other languages.

Prize winner "Benefit of the case" became International Science Fiction Convention "Aelita"(chairman of the organizing committee Boris DOLINGO).

Another innovation is that from now on the commemorative laureate medal has become more beautiful: it is covered with silver plating. The seventeenth prize winners were the first to receive such silver medals.

On January 27, 2015, the laureates of the XVI All-Russian Bazhov Literary Prize were named in Yekaterinburg.

The award ceremony took place in the Chamber Theater of the United Museum of Writers of the Urals. This time, 56 authors applied for the award. The Bazhov Prize is traditionally awarded in four categories: “Fiction”, “Poetry”, “Literature for Children and Youth”, “Local History and Journalism”. This time, the jury, chaired by Leonid Bykov, Doctor of Philology, Professor, Head of the Department of Russian Literature of the 20th and 21st Centuries at the Ural Federal University, recognized the participants as the best of all the creative competition nominees in only two categories - poetry and local history. The jury selected the best writers and poets in four categories. The winners were announced in the categories “Poetry” and “Local history and journalism”. In the categories “Fiction” and “Literature for Children and Youth” the winners were not determined.

Laureates of the Bazhov Prize 2014.

Nomination “Local history and journalism”:

Tatyana Kaluzhnikova (Ekaterinburg) for the ethnographic research “Ural Wedding”. The author of dozens of scientific works, a teacher at the Mussorgsky Ural Conservatory, won the jury with her ethnographic research about the “Ural Wedding.” “The Ural wedding is a derivative of the Northern one, which is why it is called a wedding-funeral. This wedding is very dramatic, the farewell of the bride, her transition is all lamentations, sad songs,” said Honored Artist of the Russian Federation, prize winner Tatyana Kaluzhnikova.

Nomination "Poetry":

Nina Alexandrova (Ekaterinburg) for the book of poems “Sky Burial”.
- I did not expect that I would be on a par with the most worthy authors who have ever received the Bazhov Prize. So this is definitely a pleasant surprise for me. It is very important for me to understand that what I do is needed not only by me, but also by other people. Therefore, such awards, of course, are supported.

Evgeniy Chigrin (Moscow) for the book of poems “Sleeping Bay”.
“In our country today quite a few good authors write poetry, this suggests that not everything in our genre has yet been trampled upon,” the original and modern poet Evgeniy Chigrin said in one interview. The poet's new book includes poems from different years.

Andrey Rastorguev (Ekaterinburg) for the book of poems and poems “Russian Stories”.
- The title of this book – “Russian Stories” – does not mean that it deals exclusively with Russian affairs and people. On the contrary: while composing the manuscript, I was surprised at how many foreigners there were in it: Armenians, Finno-Ugric peoples, Jews, Germans, even Persians - however, thousands of years ago...

The collection of poems and poems “Russian Stories” includes works reflecting the history of our region:

Special diplomas:

Alexandra BUDNIKOVA (Nevyansk) - for many years of educational activities in the field of literature
Nikolai KOROTKOV (Kirovgrad) - for a book of essays about the inhabitants of the village of Verkhnie Tavolgi “With difficulty about the past, about the past...”
Boris WEISBERG (Ekaterinburg) – for the book of essays about the first teacher “Heat and Light”
Sergey PARFYONOV (Ekaterinburg) - for the book of essays, articles and journalistic investigations “A Million Years Before a Clean Era.”

On the occasion of the 135th anniversary of the birth of the famous Ural storyteller Pavel Bazhov, the Yekaterinburg Chamber Theater presented a literary prize named after him for the 15th time.

The winners were:

- Poet and translator Nikolay Boldyrev from Chelyabinsk for the creation of a small collection of works in seven volumes of translations of one of the most influential modernist poets of the 20th century, Rainer Maria Rilke.

- Ekaterinburg poet, writer and translator Arkady Zastyrets for the cycle of lyrical short stories “Matters: a book about things and substances.”

“This book has been waiting in the wings for more than ten years and it’s very nice that it finally arrived. This is a very personal and valuable story for me,” A. Zastyrets told an ITAR-TASS correspondent.

Another prize was awarded Ekaterinburg storyteller Olga Kolpakova for the children's book "It's All for Beauty."

“Bazhov is one of the most relevant authors today, and most importantly, children know him very well. The fact that it is incomprehensible and outdated is a myth,” O. Kolpakova told an ITAR-TASS correspondent.

Olga Kolpakova “It’s all for beauty”

Children, after reading this book, begin to grow caramels, bake their own pies, and from time to time go sailing under a pirate flag. Parents, having read this book, begin to distract their children from the TV, trying to have a heart-to-heart talk, or even tell a fairy tale. This amazing story makes children and parents think whether they are happy together. And if not, what can you do to become happier?

Received the fourth prize a group of Ekaterinburg scientists for the first volume of the fundamental work “History of Literature of the Urals. The end of the XIV - XVIII centuries." A total of four volumes are planned for publication, which will present the reader with the history of the literary life of the region from the late Middle Ages to the present day.

Laureates of the P.P. Bazhov steel:

Eduard Verkin (Ivanovo) - for the novel “Cloud Regiment”.

"Cloud Regiment" is a novel about teenage partisans. The novel confidently and firmly continues the line of “patriotic” literature about the war, begun by such works as “Star” by E. Kazakevich, and from children’s literature - “Four from Russia” by V. Kleopov. The book is distinguished by its uncompromising contrast between “Germans” and “ours,” as well as its naturalism, including in its depiction of children in war. To the great-grandson’s question “What is war like? How does it feel?” the narrator answers: “Illness.” The words “sensation” and “illness” can perhaps be perceived as key words for the novel. The author painstakingly restores not only the events, but also precisely the sensations of wartime - the sensation of a shift in reality, the sensation of a sick world around, perceived by a sick, poisoned consciousness: war is a disease.

Tamara Mikheeva from Chelyabinsk with the story “Light Mountains”, published in No. 6 of the Ural magazine.

Tamara Mikheeva was born in Ust-Katav, Chelyabinsk region, graduated from the Chelyabinsk College of Culture and the Literary Institute named after. A.M. Gorky. Author of several stories for children and teenagers, laureate of the Cherished Dream prize, laureate of the S. Mikhalkov International Competition for the best work for teenagers. Member of the Russian Writers' Union. Lives in the village. Miass, Chelyabinsk region.

Tamara Mikheeva's story consists of several stories and touches on one of the most pressing topics - children in foster care. The main character of the story is an adopted girl Dinka from an orphanage. The action of the story takes place in the summer in a village called “Light Mountains”. And why they are “light” - none of the local residents can explain.

A new family, an unfamiliar city, a completely different world, so different from my old life. It seems to little Dinka that she will never stop being a stranger here. But where the air is filled with the aromas of herbs, and the wind blows through the tops of the pines, where every tree has a soul, where children play in the whole entrance, where large families gather on holidays, and in times of need the whole world comes to the rescue, a feeling of kinship arises on its own. and with it the main values ​​are acquired - your home, your homeland, your Light Mountains. In Tamara Mikheeva’s story one can feel incredible sincerity, sensitivity to the inner world of a child, love for the native land and the Russian word - the main thing that distinguishes the best examples of children’s literature and refers to the work of such recognized masters as V. Krapivin, Y. Koval, L. Kassil.

Famous Ekaterinburg artist Alexey Ryzhkov with a book in the genre of entertaining local history “The Painted City”.

A. Ryzhkov devoted many years to drawing old and modern buildings of Yekaterinburg, avenues and streets, monuments and decorative items. His new book has an interesting feature: it combines paintings with short stories dedicated to the city’s past and personal stories about the artist’s adventures and experiences in Yekaterinburg over 15 years.

The main character of the book, the boy Mitya, shows the city to one of the founders of Yekaterinburg, General De Genin. A. Ryzhkov, a native resident of Yekaterinburg, just like that general, is surprised by the changes. Every walk is like being in a time machine: some of the drawings were made 10 years ago, but now the depicted places of the Ural capital are unrecognizable.

Vladimir Vinichenko from Perm with a book of children's poems “Giving Day or Welcome”.

Vladimir Vinichenko is a member of the Union of Theater Workers of Russia, playwright, journalist, poet, and also the creator of a live children's theater.

All children love to play: with friends, with dolls, with cars and various toys. And Vladimir Vinnichenko teaches how to play with words. They can be disassembled, assembled, mixed and remade. And then new words and funny poems are obtained. This is how, by playing, you can learn to read, write correctly and speak clearly, develop a sense of humor and intelligence. And also to understand many complex things and difficult human relationships. This book is interesting and useful for both children and adults.

Slava Rabinovich from Yekaterinburg with the publishing project “12 poets of Yekaterinburg”.

Over the years, literary critic Valentin Kurbatov, children's writer Vladislav Krapivin, playwright Nikolai Kolyada, and prose writer Olga Slavnikova have become laureates.

Prize named after P.A. Bazhov will be awarded in Yekaterinburg for the fourteenth time. This event coincides with the next anniversary of the birth of Pavel Petrovich Bazhov - January 27.

about the All-Russian Literary Prize
named after Pavel Petrovich Bazhov

1. The significance of the personality and creativity of Pavel Petrovich Bazhov for the Ural culture and self-awareness of the Urals is unparalleled. The writer grew up on the basis of Ural history, Ural culture, Ural traditions, Ural folk life; he, more than any other master of words who ever lived in the Urals, embodied the soul and spirit of this land in his works; The Ural saw itself, as in a mirror, in Bazhov’s tales; Through Bazhov’s work, the image of the Urals is revealed to the life of any corner of Russia.

The Pavel Petrovich Bazhov Literary Prize was established in 1999 - to commemorate the 120th anniversary of the writer’s birth, as a sign of respect for his memory and in order to stimulate the development of Russian literature, which embodies both the preservation of traditions and innovative searches that do not destroy universal values , embodied in its best examples.

2. The founders of the Prize are the Limited Liability Company "Uraldragmet-Holding", the Yekaterinburg branch of the All-Russian public organization "Union of Writers of Russia".

3. The size of the Pavel Petrovich Bazhov Prize is 30 thousand rubles. By mutual decision of the founders, this amount and the total number of bonuses can be changed. Every year, based on the competition, up to four Pavel Petrovich Bazhov Prizes are awarded in the following categories: prose, poetry, children's literature, journalism (local history, journalism, other types of “applied prose”). The nomination system can be refined by the jury in accordance with the actual situation in the literature in a particular year. One additional prize may be awarded by decision of the founders.

In addition to the monetary amount, the Prize laureate is awarded a diploma and a commemorative medal.

4. Literary works of any genre and compositional forms (novel, story, play, book or magazine collection of stories, book of poems, as well as significant works in the field of literary criticism, criticism, local history, journalism) can participate in the competition for the Pavel Petrovich Bazhov Prize. , published in the last year before the award of the prize (more precisely, from December 1 of the previous year to December 1 of the current year). A number of books and publications that go beyond the calendar year, but have a continuation in the year preceding the award and have a sign of integrity - theme, position, pathos - may also be eligible for the Prize.

In all cases, the basis for participation in the competition must be significant creative achievements of the author.

5. To conduct the competition, the founders of the Prize create an Organizing Committee, which disseminates information about the competition, organizes the collection of proposals for applicants, prepares proposals for the composition of the Jury, conducts an award event and performs other work related to the organization of the competition. The composition of the Organizing Committee is approved by the founders of the Prize.

6. To sum up the results of the competition, a Jury is created, which includes authoritative writers, literary scholars, and critics. The composition of the Jury is proposed by the Organizing Committee and approved by the founders of the Prize. Prize applicants cannot participate in the work of the Jury.

For a more in-depth assessment of the works submitted to the competition, the Jury or founders can resort to the help of independent experts.

7. The procedure for nominating applicants for the Pavel Petrovich Bazhov Prize is not regulated. Regional writing organizations of the Union of Writers of Russia and the Union of Russian Writers, the United Museum of Writers of the Urals, libraries, editorial offices of literary and artistic magazines, book publishing houses, educational institutions and other organizations, fellow writers, as well as the Organizing Committee itself can make their proposals in this regard.

To officially include an applicant in the competition, the organization or person that nominated him must submit the following materials to the organizing committee:

a) brief biographical information about the applicant, photograph (photo portrait) of the author (co-authors), duplicated on electronic media.

b) three copies of the nominated work (research);

c) articles, reviews, and other responses in the press dedicated to the applicant.

Proposals for participation in the competition are accepted by the organizing committee from October 1 to December 1, after which the list of applicants is approved. All materials for the competition are submitted to the Jury.

8. The list of applicants is made available to the public through the press in order to organize a public discussion of the candidates. The results of the discussion are taken into account by the Jury, but do not determine its decision. The decision of the Jury on the award is approved by the founders.

9. The presentation of the Prize is organized as a solemn public act and is timed to coincide with the next anniversary of the birth of Pavel Petrovich Bazhov - January 27.

Dear representatives of the literary community, philologists, students, teachers, brothers and sisters!

Metropolitan Pavel, in the world Peter Konyuskevich, was born in 1705 in Galicia, in the city of Sambir. Peter's parents, seeing undoubted talents and abilities in their son, enrolled him in the Kyiv Academy in 1715, and soon the young man, with his rapid success in science and remarkable meekness of character, attracted the attention of the academic authorities. After completing the course of science, he, as the best of the students, was retained at the academy as a teacher of piitika (the science of poetry).

Here I would like to pause a little and draw your attention to one of the motives - why a literary prize was established in honor of St. Paul - as you just heard, Vladyka during his lifetime was a connoisseur of literature and possessed a poetic gift.

In 1733, i.e., in the 28th year of his life, Peter took monastic vows with the name Paul. The tonsure took place in the Kiev Pechersk Lavra.

I draw your attention to the fact that from this ancient monastery of Holy Rus' in 2013, a particle of the relics of St. Paul was transferred to the Kuzbass Metropolis.

On December 5, 1734, Paul was ordained a hierodeacon, and on January 1, 1740, a hieromonk. Then he served as the steward at the Kiev Pechersk Lavra.

In 1743, Hieromonk Pavel was elevated to the rank of archimandrite (clarification for the audience - that is, “distinguished priest”) and appointed rector of the Novgorod St. George’s Monastery, which he ruled for more than 13 years.

In 1758, Archimandrite Pavel was appointed Metropolitan of the Tobolsk diocese and consecrated in St. Petersburg in May 1758. Siberia at that time represented a vast field for Christian educational activities. In the 18th century, Siberia was “rich” in various kinds of heresies and pagan superstitious customs. But the schismatics (Old Believers of various persuasions) caused the saint especially a lot of trouble. Most of them were in the 1760s in Tyumen, Tara, Yekaterinburg, Yeniseisk and Tomsk.

During the administration of Metropolitan Paul of the Tobolsk diocese, there were 15 monasteries throughout the states.

In 1768, Saint Paul retired to the Kiev Pechersk Lavra. In the fall of 1770, the archpastor's strength began to leave him. On the morning of November 4, Vladyka received Holy Communion and rested in the evening of the same day.

Saint Paul of Tobolsk was canonized by the Council of 1917-1918. The saint is commemorated on November 4/17, the day of his repose, and June 10/23, on the day of the Council of Siberian Saints.

As for the attitude of the saint to our Kuznetsk land, I would like to note that during the years of his Equal-to-the-Apostles labors, he was the ruling bishop of “all Siberia.” Consequently, the metropolitan actively resolved issues of church life in the Kuznetsk parishes. So, for example, according to surviving archival information, it was St. Paul who blessed the construction of the first church in the city of Prokopyevsk in honor of Saint Procopius of Ustyug - that is why the city began to be called Prokopyevsk. Previously, this settlement was called the village of Monastyrskoye. It was Metropolitan Pavel who put a lot of work into developing monastic life in the very first Kuznetsk Nativity Monastery (the monastery was abolished in 1769). During the reign of St. Paul in the village. Bachati built the St. Nicholas Church, where later in 1851. The very first mines in Kuzbass, Petrovskaya and Nikolskaya, were opened.

All this historical information, which was presented to us at the Kemerovo Diocesan Administration by members of the public organization “Spiritual Traditions of the Kuznetsk Land,” gave food for thought on perpetuating the memory of this saint in a literary prize.

Now our speech is a discussion about the meaning and place of spiritual life in modern society, including in the Siberian region.

Domestic, and in many ways world history and culture are inextricably linked with Orthodoxy and other traditional religions. They cannot be fully understood and experienced without knowing the spiritual foundations of culture. The stages of historical development of both the country and Kuzbass acquire logic only when viewed from this point of view.

Orthodoxy has become a part of Russian culture. And Russian culture, thanks to Orthodoxy, began to have that uniqueness that cannot be confused with any other. Russian writers, cultural and artistic figures are recognized throughout the world. They were able to express through their creativity the feelings and aspirations of a Russian Orthodox person.

Awareness of involvement in the historical and cultural heritage of one’s people helps a person to find life-giving meanings - a system of moral coordinates and guidelines for movement, to become a true patriot of his Fatherland.

The fact that Russia has remained Russian and Orthodox in spirit for many centuries is the great spiritual heritage of St. Sergius of Radonezh, whose name we especially remember this year. The abbot of the Russian land resisted the destructive spirit of the times, he was and remains the example that inspires and strengthens us in daily labors in the name of saving our own souls and building the earthly Fatherland.

The Russian writer is characterized by the desire to share his insights, observations and doubts with the reader, to think about “eternal” questions, about the meaning of life, about the purpose of man, to pose moral conflicts to the readers and offer their solutions, and sometimes, without even offering a solution, to place this a collision in a context that helps the reader himself, without prompting, make the right ideological choice. It is precisely such works - works with deep inner content that represent genuine artistic value, gain recognition from contemporaries and descendants, and remain in grateful people's memory.

For our region, familiarization with the great Russian literature and culture in general is not just an educational task, but the most important factor of spiritual attraction, thanks to which different nations, people of different religions and even beliefs unite. Here, special attention should be paid to programs on Russian literature along with the study of local national culture.

In the 20th century, our country went through severe trials, through incomparable sorrows. We in the Church celebrate the day of All Saints who shone forth in the Russian land, as well as the New Martyrs and Confessors of the Russian Church. These are our relatives and fellow citizens, these are our brothers and sisters who showed the image of holiness, the Divine ideal of human life. These are heroes of the spirit, many of whom became heroes of our literature - the same one that originates in the hagiographic literature of Ancient Rus' and which nourished and nourishes the culture of our people with its powerful spiritual roots. The holy saints are not far from us - we can’t even imagine how close they are to us, how they stand next to us today. And those who go against the heavenly army, against the spiritual army of Rus', will never be able to win, because that army is with God and God is with it.

Studying the foundations of religious cultures is a matter of national security. A huge number of our fellow citizens who have not yet come to faith are in a religious search, and sometimes in spiritual danger. Nature abhors a vacuum. And if a person’s soul is not filled with love for traditional, time-honored culture, oriented towards peace and creation, it will be filled with a surrogate in the form of pseudo-spirituality or religious extremism.

Spiritual and moral education should become one of the fundamental principles of modern education. It is impossible to build a future without instilling in the younger generation the moral standards traditional for our people.

Today there are two ways in literary activity: either follow someone and earn money, or testify to ideals, to the truth, especially if it is connected with the religious dimension of life, and in a sense, go against the grain. The majority of people who form the general stream would rather read commercial literature than truly artistic literature - this stems from the general state of mind, from the moral state of society, which today cannot in any way be considered satisfactory. Therefore, the task is to maximally support that part of our Russian literature that does not give up attempts to defend and promote high spiritual and moral ideals, especially among young people.

Modern youth, for the most part, prefer computers to books, classic literature to fantasy and action films, and games and idleness to study, work and service. Thus, we have no choice but daily work on spiritual and moral education in schools and universities, development of educational projects in the media, support of youth movements and initiatives in cultural, military-patriotic, social and other areas in which young people people are ready to benefit their country.

Until we all together, as a whole people - the Church, the intelligentsia, the media - understand that we cannot ignore the inner life of a person, that caring for the soul is the main task of society, we will not cope with our problems. You cannot improve education without improving upbringing. It is impossible to introduce modern technology into human intellectual development - a technology that can really help people receive a higher level of education - without simultaneously preserving moral ideals. A person cannot live without a moral ideal.

What is the merit of classical Russian literature? The fact is that she picked up the moral ideal of Christianity, clothed this ideal in the image of a positive hero, and this image was offered at school, at home, in the cinema, in the theater. Today there is no ideal, no positive hero. For some, a person who strives with all his might to rake in money, stopping at nothing, becomes a positive hero. But this is a terrible hero. This is an unviable hero, because the society at the center of which is this rampant consumer philosophy is unviable.

And the point, of course, is not only about philosophy. The point is, first of all, what happens in our lives. Much depends on people's consciousness. Therefore, today all those who can influence human consciousness - the Church, writers, schools, intellectuals, and the media - should not quarrel or tug of war, but work together to change the worldview of modern man, so that ideals appear that can organize the life of the individual and society for the benefit.

The task of literature is to show people not only the world around them, but also certain ways and ways out of those difficult situations. Literature always has a moral component. At the same time, a literary work should not turn into a moral teaching.

The Russian Orthodox Church cannot remain indifferent to what is happening now in modern Russian literature. Unfortunately, today many works have appeared with a very dubious value orientation, often running counter to the moral ideals of the Russian literary tradition, and sometimes directly contradicting them. Therefore, the literary prize is intended to remind that today, not only in Russia, but in many countries of the world where they speak and write in Russian, there are authors who recognize themselves as successors and continuers of a spiritual tradition dating back to the Slavic enlighteners. It is these writers who became nominees for the literary award in honor of St. Paul of Tobolsk in 2014. I am sure that they all deserve this award. We want living literature, sincere, interesting, bright. But at the same time, I want books not only to reflect the dark reality of the world around me, but also to help a person find the path to the light.

I would like to wish all our writers to successfully develop their creative talent, realizing responsibility before God and people for every word written or spoken.

I hope that we will hold this event annually. May God grant that good work in the community of literary professionals and writers will contribute to the increase in wonderful publications, which we will be happy to consider in the sections: poetry, prose, local history and charity. The purpose of this initiative is our sincere desire to encourage writers who have made a significant contribution to the establishment of spiritual and moral values ​​in the life of modern man, who have created highly artistic works that have enriched Russian literature.

Thank you for your attention.

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The All-Russian Literary Prize named after Pavel Petrovich Bazhov has been announced. Deadline December 15, 2017.

Organizers: Limited Liability Company "Uraldragmet-Holding" and the Yekaterinburg branch of the All-Russian public organization "Union of Writers of Russia".

Authors of literary works of any genre and compositional forms in Russian are invited to participate (novels, stories, plays, books or magazine collections of stories, books of poetry, as well as their translations into Russian and significant works in the field of literary criticism, criticism, local history, journalism) , which were published in 2017.

“In the coming 2018, the Pavel Petrovich Bazhov Prize will be awarded for the eighteenth time. The goal of the Prize is to present to the all-Russian public a view from Yekaterinburg, which occupies a prominent place in the literary life of the country, on the state, development trends and prospects of modern Russian literature in the Greater Urals and in Russia.”

Chairman of the Prize Organizing Committee Vadim Dulepov

The purpose of the Prize is to support modern literary creativity, developing the traditions of Russian literature on the basis of national and universal values, which are embodied in its best examples.

Our official VKontakte group: , .

Competition nominations:

  • "Master. Prose"
  • "Master. Poetry"
  • "Master. Journalism"
  • "Benefit of the case"

To participate in the competition, the author must send a proposal from the regional organization of the Union of Writers of Russia and the Union of Russian Writers, a library, the editorial board of literary and artistic magazines, a book publishing house, an educational institution and other organizations, or from a fellow writer.

The proposal is sent to the address: 620075, Ekaterinburg, st. Pushkina, 12, and includes the following materials: brief biographical information about the applicant, photograph (photo portrait) of the author (co-authors), duplicated on electronic media; three copies of the nominated work; articles, reviews, and other responses in the press dedicated to the applicant’s work.

  • The winner of the Prize is awarded a cash prize, a diploma and a commemorative medal
  • All works included in the short list of the Prize will be awarded diplomas and receive information support